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Rhetorical Patterns
also known as methods of development

help a writer to organize and develop ideas and content in the essay

In this method of development, the major concern is to explain a concept, idea, or

Moves beyond a dictionary definition to deeply examine a word or concept as we

use and understand it.

Comparison and Contrast

A rhetorical technique-method that examines similarities and differences

Cause and Effect

Rhetorical Patterns 1
Discusses either the reasons for an occurrence or the observed or predicted
consequences of an occurrence

Analyzes why something happens

The writer shows their ability to make connections between concepts and makes
use of analogical reasoning

Analogical Reasoning - make inferences about new experiences, transfer learning

across domains, and identify relevant information in a comparison

Other Types of Rhetorical Patterns

In an essay, you may combine some of the rhetorical patterns.

The technique is to tell a story

Usually in a chronological order with some use of flashback and foreshadowing if



Rhetorical Patterns 2
fully describe a subject. The dominant impression should be obvious to the
audience and should be closely ties to the purpose of writing.

Make the description either subjective (emphasizing emotions) or objective

(unbiased and unemotional)

Examples and Illustrations

Exemplification provides readers with examples that illustrate a larger point

Readers will also expect that the examples will not distract them from your main
point, so make certain that there is a clear relationship between your main point and
your examples.

Put main things, people, places, into categories based on their similarities or
analyze one thing, person, place and divide it into components

Enumeration or Catalouging
Used for listing details, or a process of mentioning words or phrases step by step.

Writers use enumeration to elucidate a topic, to make it understandable for the


It also helps avoid ambiguity in the minds of the readers.

Rhetorical Patterns 3

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