Annotation Guide

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Annotation Guide


Title: Notice and note what you think the story will be about, based on reading the title.

Headings: Notice and note the headings and subheadings. Summarize the overall
topic in the margins. What is the author’s purpose?

Introduction: Label what the author is introducing: characters/setting/conflict.

Every Paragraph: Summarize and note new ideas as they are presented in the
text. Mark a line when the story shifts in mood, setting, purpose, etc.

Vocabulary/Visuals: Circle and label vocabulary that shows the author’s

tone/attitude. What are the graphs, charts, or tables explaining about the topic?

End of Text/Conclusion, Questions: Summarize how the author closes

the story. What questions are presented? What is the author’s message?

SYNTHESIS: Analyze the literary elements as related to the selection. What

position can be supported by the elements in this story? What connections can you make
between literary elements?

PAT: Author’s Craft: “Pay Attention To” the Author’s Craft.

Text Structure

Author’s Purpose (INDEEP)

Author’s Message

Tone (Attitude)

Theme (Moral/Lesson)

Literary Devices: (Metaphor, Simile, Irony, Imagery Hyperbole, Personification,

Alliteration, Parallelism, Symbolism)

Connections: text-to-text, text-to-self, text-to-world

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