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Goal Brainstorming Template

Choose top 3-5 from this list by highlighting the rows.

Answering if the goal is aligned with mission is only for new lines of

Brainstorm Goals Effort to Risks Value to

execute Organization
Brainstorm goals and list here L, M, or H L, M, or H L, M, or H

Strategic Planning
Strategies and Goals Template

Strategic Profile

Our desired business level strategy is:

Selected Strategic Goals (from goal brainstorming worksheet)

1.0 Goal 1
1.1 Strategic Objective for Goal 1 if required
1.2 Strategic Objective for Goal 1 if required

2.0 Goal 2
2.1 Strategic Objective for Goal 2 if required
2.2 Strategic Objective for Goal 2 if required

3.0 Goal 3


Strategic Planning
Performance Metrics

The metrics that we will use to measure our success are:

Time Period
Metric Targeted Level Note – This a
future date
List indicators here
Examples are below

Return on Equity (ROE) 15% 20XX

Employee 4.2 20XX


Organizational Culture

The organizational culture required to achieve our mission is:

Strategic Planning

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