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Culture- can be defined as all the ways Human evolution- is the lengthy
of life including arts, beliefs and process of change by which people
institutions of a population that are originated from apelike ancestors. 
passed down from generation to
Paleoanthropology- is the scientific
study of human evolution.
Culture- refers to that complex whole
Why do we need to study
which includes knowledge, laws, morals,
beliefs, customs and art. – Edward B.
Taylor. •to understand origin of mankind

Society-is not just the community that •to observe the common and
you live in, it is all the groups of people differences human being
that share the same laws, rights, and
resources and live under the same BRANCHES OF ANTHROPOLOGY
● Physical/Biological
Politics -the social institution through ● Archeology
which power is acquired and exercised ● Linguistic-deals with underlying
by certain individuals and groups. principles concerning the
formation and evolution of
3 DISCIPLINES language
● Cultural
1)Anthropology- study of human and
their behavior and human societies Anthropological perspectives- are
around the world. :Understand humans, culture, cultural relativism, fieldwork,
Include past and present, Why human human diversity, holism, bio-cultural
behave? focus.

:It is the scientific study of man: his Perspectives of Anthropology are:

works, his body, his behavior, his values,
time,space ● Cultural Relativism-ability to
understand a culture on its own
: Also includes the study of man's terms and not to make
physical social cultural development judgments using the standards of
that describes and explain the one's own culture (ALL
phenomenon of human life POSITIVE)
~Ethnocentrism-judging another
:Anthropology is the study, analysis, and
culture based upon the values
description of humanity’s past and
and standards set in one's own
present. Questions about the past
culture, superiority.(NEGATIVE)
include prehistoric origins and human

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~Xenocentrism- is the opposite stability, radical change in whole

of ethnocentrism, the belief that society.
culture is inferior compared to Auguste Comte-father of sociology
others. Perspective: support us with
Preference for another culture or understanding ourselves better.
another culture over one's own
culture Sociological imagination- individuals
● Comparison-compare ideas tend ro see the world through their
morals practices and systems restricted insight of a little circle of
within or between cultures. family, companions, colleague.The
● Fieldwork-referred to sociological imagination permits us to
ethnography which is both the stand separated intellectually from our
interaction and after effect of restricted insight and see the
social anthropological connection between private concerns
examination. (Composing) and social issues. It grants us to follow
the connection between the patterns
● Holistic emphasis/ and events of our own and the patterns
Holism-anthropologists are keen and events of our society.
in all mankind in how different
parts of life connect At the heart of sociology is the
contemplating a salutary part of sociological perspective the view that
our unbelievable histories our social background influence our
dialects bodies or social orders. attitudes behavior and life chances

2)Sociology-it is the scientific 3)Political Science- is a branch of

investigation of human culture and social science that deals with human
social behavior is a discipline in social and their interaction.
sciences concern about the human
: It is the study of the nature causes and
society and human social activities. It
consequences of the collective decisions
exist in particular places and times, and
and action taken by groups of people
they change over time.
unleaded cultures and institution that
The ultimate goal of sociology is to structure power and authority.
acquire knowledge and about society
: Is a social science discipline that deals
like all other social sciences discipline
with systems of governance and
subject matters: diverse ranging from analysis of political activities political
crime to religion, family to state, thoughts associated constitution and
divisions of race, social class, shared political behavior.
belief of common culture, social
:Investigation of the state in the past
present and future political organization

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cycles and functions of political Structural Society- society is the total

establishments and theories. social heritage of folkways. Still in use
today here in the Philippines.
Social Science is one of the branches of
science, devoted to the study of The following are reasons people live
societies and the relationships among together as a society (Ariola, 2012):
individuals within those societies.
a. For survival – No man is an island.
Aristotle-father of political science No man can live alone. From birth to
death, man always depends upon his
parents and from others. The care,
● Political hypothesis support, and protection given by them
● public policy are important factors for survival.
● public legislative issues
b. Feeling of gregariousness – This is
● Worlwide relations
the desire of people to be with other
● human rights
people, esecially of their own culture.
● natural governmental issues
People flock together for emotional
and near legislative issues
warmth and belongingness. the need for
Perspective: 1)psychology social approval, sympathy and understanding
research cognitive neuroscience to which the individual belongs is a
2)approaches include positivism psychosocial need.. The more the person
interpretivism rational choice theory is needy, the more he craves sympathy
behaviorism structuralism post and understanding from someone else.
structuralism realism institutionalism
c. Specialization – Teachers,
and pluralism 3) as one of the social
businessmen, students, physicians,
sciences uses methods and techniques
nurses, lawyers, pharmacists, and other
that relate to the kinds of increased
professionals organize themselves into
sought primary resources as such as
societies or associations to promote and
historical documents and official record
protect their own professions.
secondary sources such as scholarly
journal articles survey research Society comprises a group of people
statistical analysis case studies who share a common culture, live in a
experimental research and model particular area and feel themselves to
building. constitute a unified and distinct entity.

Functional Society- achieve the goal of CHARACTERISTICS

its members. (It meets the needs of the
people) 1)It is a social system: it holds its
members through a common culture.
:has reciprocal relationship- means
exchanging of needs. 2)It is relatively large:The people must
be socially integrated to be considered

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relatively larger than if the people are system of norms and formal
individually scattered. organizations.

3)It socializes its members and from 4)It provides the means of social
those from without:Since most of participation:Through social
society’s members are born to it, they participation, the individuals in a
are taught the basic norms and society learn to interact with each other,
expectations. present and discuss their concerns and
solve their own problems or renew their
4)It endures, produces and sustains
commitment and values
its members for generations:For
society to survive, it must have the 5)It provides mutual support to the
ability to produce, endure and sustain members:Mutual support is provided to
its new members for at least several the members of society in the form of
generations. relief in any form and solution to
problems met by them. This form of
5)It holds its members through a
assistance may come from the family,
common culture:The individuals in a
neighbors, clans, government and
society are held together because that
non-government agencies, civic and
society has symbols, norms, values,
religious organizations.
patterns of interaction, vision and
mission that are commonly shared by Societies exist in particular places and
the members of such society times, and they change over time.
Societies are organized in particular
6)It has clearly-defined geographical
patterns, patterns that are shaped by a
territory: The members in a society
range of factors, including the way
must live in a certain specific habitat or
people procure food, the availability of
place and have a common
resources, contact with other societies,
belongingness and sense of purpose.
and cultural belief.
1)It provides a system of
socialization: People's Subsistence

1) Hunting-Gathering Societies
2)It provides the basic needs of its
Societies in which people rely on
members:it must be provided by society
hunting, fishing and gathering wild
to satisfy the basic needds of its plants for their subsystems. They use
members tools and weapons made from natural
materials such as stone wood bone in
3)It regulates and controls people’s animal hide. They may also use fire
behavior:Conformity to the prevailing for cooking and warmth. The earliest
norms of conduct ensures social control. form of human society. Often nomadic
Peace and order are created through a

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moving from place to place to find Are characterized by the widespread

food use of information technology and the
internet which have transformed
2) Horticultural Societies many aspects of daily life including
Societies that rely on cultivation of communication work and
plants and subsistence. Settlement is entertainment. Tend to have a
small and neighborhood is solid. knowledge-based economy with an
People learn to use human muscle emphasis on the production and
power and hand held tools for exchange of information services and
cultivate fields. Live in villages or semi expertise rather than goods.
permanent settlements

3) Pastoral Societies
Societies that rely on the raising and
herding of animals for subsistence.
There are several ways by which a
Rely on herding cattle or goats or for
subsistence they may use animals for society is dissolved: (1) when the people
transportation clothing and other kill each other through civil revolution;
goods as well. Nomadic or semi (2) when an outside force exterminates
nomadic moving from place to place the members of the society; (3) when
to find grazing land for their animals the members become apathetic among
they make trouble in search of water themselves or have no more sense of
and other resources as well.
belongingness; (4) when a small society
4) Agricultural Societies is absorbed by a stronger and larger
Rely on intensive cultivation of crops society by means of conquest or
for subsistence. Often have social territory; (5) when an existing society is
stratification with hierarchical submerged in water killing all the
systems of power and authority.
people and other living things in it; or
Wealth and status are often based on
(60 when the people living in such a
land ownership and control over
resources. Often have specialized society voluntarily attach themselves to
occupations with such people another existing society.
specializing in certain trades such as
farming metalworking or weaving KEYWORDS! Civil War, Foreign War,
5) Industrial Societies
Rely on mass production methods to Example of Dissolved Country:
create goods and services. Philippines:
Individuals tend to specialize in
specific roles or professional such as ● Japanese Occupation-World
factory workers engineers or War II, became a puppet
managers specialization of labor government under Japanese
allows for greater efficiency and

6)Post-Industrial Societies

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Culture is a concept in sociology. It norms are morals customs traditions

shapes social relationships, maintains feelings and other capabilities of
challenges, social order and influence woman which are acquired learn and
how we understand the world and our socially transmitted by a man from one
place in it. Stability that allows us to generation to another through language
cooperate and function as a society. and living together as members of the
: It is the way of living of a society
that passes generations to In the book of (David and Macaraeg,
generations. 2010), the following functions of culture
were given emphasis: (1) it serves as the
:Promoting social harmony and be able
“trademark” of the people in the
to build a more inclusive and equitable
society; (2) it gives meaning and
society for all.
direction to one’s existence; (3) it
: It is the way we understand promotes meaning to individual's
ourselves both as individuals and as a existence; (4) it predicts social behavior;
members of society and includes (5) it unifies diverse behavior; (6) it
stories religion media it wasn't even provides social solidarity; (7) it
language itself. A way of life and establishes social personality; (8) it
morality is a part of culture. provides systematic behavioral pattern;
(9) it provides social structure category;
all cultures comprise (a) material (10) it maintains the biologic
objects, (b)ideas, values, and attitudes, functioning of the group; (11) it offers
and (c) patterned ways of behaving. ready-made solutions to man’s material
● Culture is a product of human and immaterial problems; and (12) it
interaction develops man’s attitude and values and
● Social things that is complex and gives him a conscience.
● Provide socially acceptable
pattern for meeting biological 1)Language
social needs
2)Social Norms-unwritten rules of
● Meaningful to human beings,
behavior that are considered to be
established pattern of behavior,
acceptable. what is being practice in a
● Serves as a "trademark" of a
society's people 3)Traditions

Edward Burnett Tylor-according to him 4)Art

culture is a complex whole which
consists of knowledge beliefs ideas 5)Music
habits attitudes skills abilities values

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7)Cuisine religion, science or a combination

of all of these
8)Symbols- symbolic representation
● Values are culturally defined
that carry meanings
standards for what is good or
Cultural Characteristics can evolve over desirable. Values determine how
time/influenced. Historical events, individuals will probably respond
social changes and interactions with in any given circumstances.
other cultures. Members of the culture use the
shared system of values to
ELEMENTS OF CULTURE decide what is good and what is
● Symbol anything that is used to
● Norms are specific
stand for something else. It is
rules/standards to guide for
anything that gives meaning to
appropriate behavior
the culture. (Object gestures
sound image) Types of Norms
● Language storehouse of the
culture it system of words and a. Proscriptive norm defines and tells
symbols used to communicate us things not to do
with other people (philippines is a
b. Prescriptive norm defines and tells
multilingual country with over
us things to do
170 languages and dialects
spoken) Forms of Norms
● Technology refers to the
● Folkways are also known as
application of knowledge and
customs (customary/repetitive
equipment to ease the task of
ways of doing things); they are
living and maintaining the
forms of norms for everyday
environment; it includes artifacts,
behavior that people follow for
methods and devices created
the sake of tradition or
and used by people
● Belief refers to the faith of an
● Mores are strict norms that
individual. They are conceptions
control moral and ethical
or ideas of people have about
behavior; they are based on
what is true in the environment
definitions of right and wrong.
around them like what is life, how
● Laws are controlled ethics and
to value it and how one’s belief
they are morally agreed, written
on the value of life relate with his
down and enforced by an official
or her interaction with others and
law enforcement agency. They
the world. These maybe based on
are institutionalized norms and
common sense, folk wisdom,
mores that were enacted by the

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state to ensure stricter this diversity can be influenced by

punishment in order for the historical events social changes and
people to adhere to the interaction with other culture
standards set by society (formal
The Philippines is the diverse country
with a wide range of ethnic linguistic
Two Components of Culture and cultural groups

Material culture consists of tangible ● Indigenous cultures philippines

things . It refers to the physical objects, is santa number of indigenous
resources, and spaces that people use people such as aeta igorot and
to define their culture. These include lumad have their own investing
homes, neighborhoods, cities, schools, cultural traditions languages and
churches, synagogues, temples, practices. It reflects the country's
mosques, offices, factories and plants, pre-colonial history
tools, means of production, goods and ● Regional differences the
products, stores, and so forth. All of philippines is composed of more
these physical aspects of a culture help than 7,000 islands each with its
to define its members' behaviors and own unique regional cultural
perceptions. Everything that is created, traditions and practices cuisine
produced, changed and utilized by men music and festivals
is included in the material culture. ● Colonial influences philippines
was colonized by spain for over
[Clothing, Tools, Technology]
300 years and by united states
Non-material culture consists of for nearly 50 years resulting that
intangible things. Non‐material culture adoption of spanish and
refers to the non physical ideas that american culture elements this
people have about their culture, influences can be seen in the
including beliefs, values, rules, norms, countries architectural language
morals, language, organizations, and religion and customs
institutions. (God, worship, morals, and ● Religious diversity the
ethics) :Symbols, language, values, and philippines is predominantly
norms. Non-material culture can be catholic but also has significant
categorized into cognitive and muslim and protestant
normative culture. population this religious groups
have their own distinct beliefs
[Language, Beliefs, Values, Norms ] practices and traditions that
contribute to the country's
Cultural Diversity
cultural diversity
are diverse and can vary significantly ● Multilingualism the Philippines is
across different societies and regions a multilingual country with over

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170 languages and dialects 2. Counter Culture is a culture practice

spoken throughout the country is by groups whose values and norms
linguistic diversity reflects the place it at odds with mainstream
different ethnic and cultural society or a group that actively rejects
groups found in the philippines. the dominant cultural values and norms.

Cultural Variation refers to the rich : antagonist opposing (NPA, terrorist)

diversity in social patterns that different
3. High Culture is a culture practiced
human group exhibit around the world.
and patronized by the upper classes of
Music, dance, languages, cuisine, and
the society.
art are different from one culture to
another. Example: watching opera, classical
music and live theater
The variation in human conditions
promotes diversity in cultural traditions. 4. Popular Culture is a culture
What may be considered good practice practiced or patronized by the middle
in one culture may be considered bad and working classes of the society
practice in one another. (middle culture)
Cultural Universals are patterns or Example: Watching soap opera over the
traits that are globally common to all televisions, movies and rock concerts
Cultural Relativism means
Dominant Society- who hold the most understanding and judging cultural
power, privilege and influence to control beliefs, values, and practices based on
other society. the culture they belong to, rather than
judging them from one's own cultural
Example: United States: Political,
Economical, Social and Cultural powers
:This approach emphasizes respecting
Variation between Cultures within a
and understanding cultural diversity,
human group, certain segments of the
rather than viewing one culture as
society develop cultural patterns that
superior or inferior to another.
differs from the patterns of the
dominant society. Many cultures around the world believe
that their beliefs, practices are in fact
1. Subculture is a culture that is shared
superior to that of others. This mentality
with a distinctive pattern of mores,
sometime leads to discrimination and
folkways, and values which differ from a
larger society. The group of society who
exhibit subculture have a specific and ostracism- vanishment or exclusion
unique set of beliefs and values that set
them apart from the dominant culture.

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Ethnocentrism is the regard that one’s willingness to consider, and even adapt
own culture and society is the center of to, new values and norms.
everything and seen as the most
Advantages of Cultural Relativism:
efficient and superior among the
cultures in the world. A person who 1. It promotes cooperation. Embracing
exhibits ethnocentrism feels that his or the differences of the different society
her culture is correct and appropriate as can create cooperation because it
compared to other cultures thus an
allows a stronger bond with one another
ethnocentric attitude can be a problem
in the society.
in understanding each other culture and
foster tensions, misunderstanding and 2. Respect and Equality is encouraged.
conflicts between societies. People from different culture with
different ideas that share their own
Xenocentrism- A cultural belief or
perspectives and experiences in the
attitude that views foreign or exotic
society can promote respect and
cultural products practices or values as
superior to those of one's own culture.
Opposite of ethnocentrism, the belief 3. It preserves human cultures.
that one's culture is inferior compared Respect with the diverse set of
to others. traditions, ideas and practices would
help preserve the culture.
Culture Shock is the feeling of
disoriented, uncertain, out of place or 4. Cultural relativism creates a society
even fearful when immersed in an without judgement. Worrying and
unfamiliar culture. practicing your own culture prevent
disagreement & judgement in the
Culture shocks may appear because
people aren’t always expecting cultural
differences. People evaluates the Culture is evolving. New things are
particular culture based on their own added to material cultures every day
culture which often give problems and can cause cultural change.
bias due to his or her own perspective
that his or her culture is the efficient Cultural Change is observed when new
and appropriate for the environment. opens up new ways of living and when
new ideas enter a culture as a result of
Cultural Relativism is the practice by globalization.
assessing a culture by its own standards
rather that viewing it through the lens of Human Capacity for Culture
one’s own culture. It is the practice that
Culture is defined as “that complex
one must understood in the context of
whole which encompasses beliefs,
their locality. Practicing cultural
practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms,
relativism requires an open mind and a
artifacts, symbols, knowledge, and

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everything that a person learns and :It helps us identify and analyze man’s
shares as a member of a society” physiological development and
(Taylor, 2010). eventually the emergence of different
society. Moreover, man’s progression
It is by-product of the attempt of
and characteristics are essential in
humans to survive their environment
understanding the capability for
and to compensate for their biological
adaptation. Most scientists currently
characteristics and limitations. Our
recognize some 15 to 20 different
evolution toward humanity as we know
species of early humans that evolved
it has been a long journey of survival
over million of years.
against the elements of the
environment and against competing Human Biocultural Evolution is the
species. As our ancestors evolved idea that humans have evolved both
biologically in response to their biologically and culturally throughout
environment, they have also developed their history, and that these two
cultural technologies that aided them to processes are interconnected and have
efficiently obtain food and deter influenced each other. Biocultural
predators. evolution recognizes that human
biological evolution and cultural
Culture is a complex combination of
evolution are intertwined, and that both
beliefs, practices, values, attitudes,
have contributed to the survival and
laws, norms, artifacts, symbols, and
success of the human species.
knowledge that people learn and share
as members of society. It is a product of Human biocultural evolution has
human attempts to survive in their allowed humans to adapt to changing
environment and compensate for their environments and to develop a wide
biological limitations. As humans range of cultural practices, beliefs, and
evolved biologically, they also technologies that have allowed us to
developed cultural technologies to thrive in different parts of the world.
efficiently obtain food and deter This interconnectedness of biology and
predators, resulting in the evolution of culture is what makes us uniquely
both biology and culture. human and has led to the diversity of
human cultures and biological
Cultural Technologies- tools that was
adaptations that we see today.
used before and during the human
Biocultural Evolution.

Evolution is a natural process of

Human Biocultural Evolution
biological changes occurring in a
population across successive Species Characteristics
generations (Banaag, 2012 p.31).
Hominids The development of

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“Manlike the different species of Pekinensis “Peking

Primates” primates which were Man” –Discovered at
able to evolve in 40 Choukoutien village,
million years ago. Beijing, China in 1929
There have been
various relics of Homo It was believed that
hominids which could Sapiens this was the direct
be described as “The descendant of modern
manlike primates. They Thinking man who lived about
are Ramapithecus, Man” 250,000 years ago.
Lucy and They had similar
Australopithecus. physical descriptions
with modern man.
Homo The apelike men who They originated as the
Habilis first to used stone primitive men whose
“Handy tools as weapons and activities were largely
Man” protection of their dependent on hunting,
enemies. They are fishing and agriculture.
recognized as the first They buried their dead,
true human. Lived used had tools and
about 2.4 to 1.4 million had religion. The
years ago. following are Homo
Sapiens subspecies:
Homo It was believed to be a. Neanderthal Man
Erectus the first man like –Discovered in
“The Upright creature that lived Neanderthal valley
Man” about 500,000 years near Dusseldorf,
ago in Asia, Africa and Germany in 1856 who
Europe. This manlike lived in cave
specie could walk and dependent in
straight with almost hunting and fishing.
the same brain with b. Cro-Magnon Man –
modern man. He made Discovered by a
refined stone stools for French
hunting and weapons archaeologist Louis
for protection of the Lartet in the Cro
enemies. The following Magnon Cave in
are the major Southern France. It
discovered fossils: was believed to live in
a. Pithecanthropus Europe, Asia and
Erectus “Java Man” Africa. As a prehistoric
–Discovered by man, they were the
Eugene Dubois at first to produce art in
Trinil, Java, Indonesia cave paintings and
in 1891. crafting decorated
b. Sinanthropus tools and accessories.

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of a society. Non-material culture is

"Wise Men"
considered as the carriers of culture.

2.1. Language. Perhaps, the most

defining characteristics of human being
The beginning of early man is a proper is the ability to develop and use highly
reference in treating the interesting complex systems of symbols like
subject of culture. Man’s adaptation to language. A symbol, as sociologists say,
his society, his conformity with the is the very foundation of culture. The
culture of his time and his education essence of culture is the sharing of
have worked alongside each other in meanings among members of a society.
putting him in his present status as the Unless one shares the language of a
strongest and the most intelligent culture, one cannot participate in it.
creature in the world. As perceived by (Fishman, 1985; p.128)
sociologists and anthropologists, culture
:Language influences our ways of
is rather a complex concept. To
perceiving, behaving, and feeling, and
understand culture, one must examine
thus, tends to define and shape the
its major elements:
world around us. It is through language
1. Material Culture –It is the physical that idea values, beliefs, and knowledge
objects a society produces, things are transmitted, expressed, and shared.
Without language, there will be no
people create and use. These are tools,
furniture, clothing, automobiles, and
computer systems, to name a few. Thus, 2.2. Beliefs. These are ideas that people
the awareness of the kind of objects hold about the universe or any part of
created and how people use them the total reality surrounding them.
brings about greater understanding of These are the things how people
the culture and of a society. perceive reality. The subject of human
beliefs may be infinite and may include
1.1. Technology: A Society’s culture
ideas concerning the individual, other
consists of not only physical objects but
people and any all aspects of the
also rules for using those objects.
biological, physical, social, and
Sociologists sometimes refer to this
supernatural world be it primitive or
combination of objects and rules as
technology. Using items of material
culture, particularly tools, requires 2.3. Values. They are shared ideas
various skills, which are part of the about desirable goals. They are the
nonmaterial culture. person’s ideas about worth and
desirability or an abstract of what is
2. Non-material Culture –It consists of
important and worthwhile. Values make
elements termed norms, values, beliefs,
up our judgements of moral and
and language shared by the members

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immoral, good and bad, right and One of the essential features of
wrong, beautiful and ugly, etc. folkways is that there is no strong
feeling of right or wrong attached to
2.4. Norms. These are shared rules of
them. If one violates folkways, there is
conduct that specify how people ought
NO punishment attached to it.
to think and act. A norm is ideas in the
minds of the members of a group put 2.4.3. Laws. These are often referred to
into a statement specifying what as formal norms. They are rules that are
members of the group should do, ought enforced and sanctioned by the
to do or are expected to do under authority of the government.
certain circumstances. (Homans, 1950;
p. 123).

Norms are usually in the form of rules, Four Biological Capacity of Human
standards, or prescriptions and social to Develop Culture
shared expectations. Norms has three
1. Our The primary biological
Thinking component of humans
capacity that allowed for culture
2.4.1. Mores. These are norms
is the developed brain. It
associated with strong ideas of right
has the necessary parts
and wrong. Mores are standard of for facilitating pertinent
conduct that are highly respected and skills such as speaking,
valued by the group and their fulfilment touching, feeling, seeing,
is felt to be necessary and vital to group and smelling.
welfare. Compared with other
primates, humans have
They are considered essential to the a larger brain, weighing
group’s existence and accordingly, the 1.4 kg. Due to the size of
brain and the complexity
group demands that they be followed
of its parts, humans
without questions. They represent were able to create
obligatory behavior because their survival skills that
infraction results to punishment –formal helped them adapt to
or informal. their environment and
outlive their less
2.4.2. Folkways. These are norms that adaptive biological
are simply the customary, normal, relatives.
habitual ways a group does things.
2. Our Look at your hands.
These customary ways are accumulated gripping Notice how your thumb
and become repetitive patterns of capacity relates with your other
expected behavior which tends to fingers. This capacity to
become permanent traditions. directly oppose your
thumb with your other

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fingers is an exclusive longer vocal tract

trait of humans. It compared with
allowed us to have a chimpanzee. A longer
finger grip. The hand of vocal tract means that
human has digits there is a longer
(fingers) that are vibration surface,
straights, allowing human to
as compared with the produce a
curved ones of the other wider array of sounds
primates. Notice that the than chimpanzees. The
thumb of the human is tongue of human is also
proportionately more flexible than of a
longer than those of chimpanzee, allowing for
other primates. These more control in making
characteristics of the sounds
human hand allowed for
two types of grip” power 4. Our Primates have two forms
and walking/ of locomotion:
precision. standing bipedalism and
a) Power grip enabled capacity quadropedalism.
humans to wrap the Bipedalism is the
thumb and fingers on an capacity to walk and
object; it became the stand on two feet,
cornerstone of our whereas
capacity to hold tool quadropedalism uses
firmly for hunting and all four limbs. Although
other apes are semi-bipedal,
activities. humans are the only
b) Precision grip fully bipedal primates.
enabled humans to hold Being bipedal, humans
and pick objects steadily gained more capacity to
using fingers. This move while
capacity was crucial for carrying objects with
tool-making activities their free hands. It gave
3. Our As the brain is the more capacity or
speaking capacity source of productivity with their
capacity humans’ capacity to hands like hunting and
comprehend sound and foraging.
provide meaning to it, Cultural and Sociopolitical
the vocal tract acts as
Development refers to changes in a
the mechanism by which
sounds are produced society's cultural practices, beliefs,
and reproduced to values, and political systems over time.
transmit ideas and Cultural development includes changes
values. Humans have in language, religion, art, music, and

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technology, while sociopolitical

Neolithic -Stone tools were
development includes changes in how Age shaped by polishing
society is governed, including the (New Stone or grinding.
adoption of new laws and political Age) -Settlement in
systems. These changes can occur Occurred permanent villages.
gradually or rapidly due to factors such sometime -Dependence on
about domesticated plants
as social movements, political
10,000 BCE or animals.
upheavals, economic developments, -Appearance of such
and technological advancements. crafts as pottery and
The physical as well as the mental -“Food-producing
development of early human beings cultures”
helped them understand and adapt to
their existing environment. Thus, their Age of -The used of metal
Metals such as bronze,
adjustment served as the onset of their
4,000 B.C. – copper, and iron
culture. Culture enables the members of
1,500 produced a new
society to develop ways of coping with B.C historical
exigencies of nature as well as ways of development form
harnessing their environment (Panopio, cradles civilization of
et.al 1994). Egypt, Mesopotamia,
Persia, including India
and China which later
on spread throughout
Cultural and Cultural and Asia.
Socio-politic Socio-political -The civilization which
al Development defines to a more
Developmen developed social,
t cultural, political and
economic system.
Paleolithic -Use of simple pebble -It had already direct
Period tools. contacts through
(Old Stone -Learned to live in tribes,
Age) caves. kingdoms, empire and
3 million &Discovered the use later on state which
years of fires. the
to 8,000 B.C. -Developed small constant political
sculptures; and activities were
monumental painting, through conquest,
incised designs, and wars and trade.
reliefs on the wall of
- “Food-collecting The changes made by man through his
cultures” interaction with the environment
establish the different cultural evolution

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which determines man’s socio-cultural •Immovable tangible heritage pieces

development. are often left to the elements of nature
(i.e., rain, wind, sand, sun), which makes
Components of culture: Material/Non
them vulnerable to decay and corrosion.
•Language This does not mean that conservation
efforts are not being made. [buildings,
•Belief structures, lasndscapes etc.]

•Values (2) intangible in the form of literature,

oral, traditions, concepts, and values.
•Norms: Mores, Laws, Folkways

The United Nations Educational,

Scientific and Cultural Organization Socialization is a process that
(UNESCO) is the primary transnational introduces people to social norms and
entity that manages and negotiates customs. This process helps individuals
matters relating to human heritage. It function well in society, and, in turn,
defined cultural heritage as follows: helpssociety run smoothly. Family
members, teachers, religious leaders,
Cultural heritage is not limited to
and peers all play roles in a person's
material manifestations, such as
monuments and objects that have been
preserved over time. This notion also Socialization concerns both SOCIAL
encompasses living expressions and the STRUCTURE and INTERPERSONAL
traditions that countless groups and RELATIONS . It contains three key
communities worldwide have inherited parts: context, content and process,
from their ancestors and transmit to and results.
their descendants, in most cases, orally
(UNESCO, 2010). Social Structure refers to how a society
is organized and how people interact
TWO-PART MEANING OF CULTURAL with one another based on their social
HERITAGE: positions, roles, and relationships.

1)tangible in the form of structures, Interpersonal Relationship is a

monuments, historical sites, and other connection, association, or interaction
artifacts. between two or more people.

•Movable tangible heritage pieces are •involves a mutual exchange of

often removed from the sites where emotions, thoughts, and behaviors
they were found and transferred to
museums for safekeeping and •can be romantic, platonic, familial, or
maintenance. professional, and can range from brief
encounters to lifelong partnerships

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•characterized by trust, mutual respect, toys such as dolls or dollhouses that

communication, and support stresses physical appearance and
domesticity while boys receive
Context refers to the culture, language,
playthings such as legos, toy soldiers, or
social structures and one’s position
race cars that involve thinking skills or
within that particular society. It also
manly type of sports. Additionally,
includes history and the roles people
research has shown that girls with
and institutions around them performed
brothers are associated to understand
in the past. One's life context will
that household labor is expected of
significantly affect the socialization
them but not of their male siblings. Girls
process. For example, a family's
tend to be engaged in doing chores
economic class may have a huge impact
without receiving a pay while their
on how parents associate or deal with
brothers do.
their children.
Race also plays a factor in socialization.
Content and process are two important
Since white people bear a
aspects of socialization, which refers to
disproportionate experience of police
the process through which individuals
violence, they can encourage their
learn and internalize the values, beliefs,
children to defend and know their rights
customs, and social norms of their
when the authorities try to violate them.
society. Comprise the work of this
In contrast, parents of color must
instruct their children to remain calm,
Content refers to the specific ideas, compliant and secure in the presence of
attitudes, and behaviors that are taught law enforcement.
during the socialization process.
MOJOL SIKS Kk—----------—
Process refers to the ways in which
A society is mostly characterized as an
socialization occurs.
organized interrelated group of people
Result / Consequence are the outcome who act together for collective living, as
of socialization and refer to the way a they share the same language, territory,
person conceives and conducts after and culture
undergoing this process.
(Lagipen yo man latta ta pogi,flor, cl tlc
and flor ken burger ni sir'en, amen
damagen u latta ken kyronen:)))
Gender stereotypes also bear strong
influence on socialization processes. Social groups are fundamental parts of
human life. They are a multitude of
:Cultural expectations for gender roles people who see each other often and
and gendered behavior are conveyed to think of themselves as part of a group.
children through color-coded clothes
and sorts of game. Girls usually receive

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Structural Functionalism (Macro or

Mid): The way each part of society

Conflict Theory (Macro):The way

inequalities contribute to social
differences and perpetuate differences
in power.

Symbolic Interactionism (Macro):

One-to-one interaction and

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PREAMBLE anarchy," but the humanization of laws

and the equalization of social and
We, the sovereign Filipino people,
economic forces by the State so that
imploring the aid of Almighty God, in
justice in its rational and objectively
order to build a just and humane
secular conception may at least be
society, and establish a Government
approximated. Social justice means the
that shall embody our ideals and
promotion of the welfare of all the
aspirations, promote the common good,
people, the adoption by the
conserve and develop our patrimony,
Government of measures calculated to
and secure to ourselves and our
insure economic stability of all the
posterity, the blessings of independence
competent elements of society, through
and democracy under the rule of law
the maintenance of a proper economic
and a regime of truth, justice, freedom,
and social equilibrium in the
love, equality, and peace, do ordain and
interrelations of the members of the
promulgate this Constitution.
community, constitutionally, through the
adoption of measures legally justifiable,
or extra-constitutionally, through the
ARTICLE I: NATIONAL TERRITORY exercise of powers underlying the
existence of all governments on the
The national territory comprises the
time-honored principle of salus populi
Philippine archipelago, with all the
est suprema lex.
islands and waters embraced therein,
and all other territories over which the
Philippines has sovereignty or
jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial,
fluvial and aerial domains, including its 🩷 MWAMWA)
territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil,
the insular shelves, and other submarine
areas. The waters around, between, and
connecting the islands of the
archipelago, regardless of their breadth
and dimensions, form part of the
internal waters of the Philippines.

(G.R. No. 47800 December 2, 1940 -


Social justice is "neither communism,

nor despotism, nor atomism, nor

do not over share :) padayon!


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