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Basic Outline:

Names: Kamila Tuichieva, Islom Islomov, Sunatullo Saidov, Abdurakhmon Hoshimov

Topic: The true story behind Disney’s Pocahontas

General Purpose: To inform.

Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about the story of a real girl that stands behind Disney’s Pocahontas

Central Idea: The real Pocahontas was the daughter of an Indian leader, who had no romantic relationship with John
Smith, and suffered a tragic fate.

I. Introduction: Pocahontas in the Disney movie

 Attention getter: Ask the audience to describe Disney’s Pocahontas.
 Background information about the topic (can refer to external sources): Talk about Disney’s Pocahontas

II. Body:
1. Supporting idea 1:
The early life of Pocahontas
2. Supporting idea 2:
Pocahontas’s relationship with John Smith
3. Supporting idea 3:
The kidnapping and captivity of Pocahontas
4. Supporting idea 4:
Visit to England by the 'Noble Savage' woman

III. Conclusion:

 Review of main points

 Memorable statement

IV. References (at least 3-4 sources):

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