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Manar Language Schools First Term

First Term

Prepared by

English Staff

Primary Four 0 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term

Speaking Topics
( How To Introduce Yourself? )
A: Hello! What's your name?
B: Hello! My name is Nour.
A: It's nice to see you.
B: Thanks.
A: How old are you?
B: I'm 10 years old.
A: Which school do you go?
B: I go to El Manar language school.
A: What's your favorite subject?
B: My favorite subjects are English and science.
A: What hobbies are you interested in?
B: I'm interested in reading.
A: Who is your favorite writer?
B: I'm fond of Naguib Mahfouz.
A: What are your favorite Novels?
B: I like reading many novels such as kasr El shouk.
A: Do you like sport?
B: Yes, I do.
A: Which sports do you prefer?
B: I prefer basketball and volleyball.
A: What would you like to be in the future?
B: I'd like to be a doctor to treat and help the sick people for
A: I hope you will achieve your dreams.
B: Thanks.

Primary Four 1 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
(At The Restaurant 1)

Mum: Good afternoon my lovely kids … What would you like to eat
Ahmed: Mum, let’s try something new. We don’t like to eat at home
Sara: What about having our lunch at the restaurant? I’m bored
Mum: Okay. Why not ?Which restaurant would you like to go to?
Ahmed: Let’s go to …………… Restaurant.
Mum & Sam: That’s a nice idea.
(At The Restaurant 2)

Waiter: Welcome to ……………………. Restaurant.

Children and Mum: Thank you.
Waiter: Have a seat. Here is the menu. I’ll come back to take your
Mum: Okay, thank you. . . . What would you like to eat, kids?
Sara: I can’t decide. Can you suggest?
Mum: Do you like to eat pizza?
Sara: Ummmm No, I prefer a sandwich.
Mum: What about crispy chicken?
Sara: Yum! My favorite!
Mum: What about you Ahmed?
Ahmed: I like pasta with white sauce and chicken on top and
French fries, please.
Mum: Okay. I like to order pizza. Do you like to have green salad as
a starter?
Children: Great choice. It’s very healthy.

Primary Four 2 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Mum: What do you like to drink?
Ahmed: I like to drink soda.
Mum: Choose something healthy Ahmed. Don’t you like juice?
Ahmed: Yes, so I want orange juice, please.
Sara: Me too and some water, please.
Waiter: Are you ready to order, madam?
Mum: Yes, we want a crispy chicken sandwich, pasta with white
sauce and chicken on top, French fries, cheese pizza and green
Waiter: Anything to drink?
Mum: A bottle of water, two cups of orange juice and after lunch I
want coffee.
Waiter: Do you like to order any kind of dessert?
Mum: What do you think kids?
Ahmed: I like to have ice cream.
Sara: I want chocolate cake, please.
Waiter: Anything else?
Mum: Ummmm maybe fruit salad.
Waiter: 20 minutes and your order will be ready.
Mum: Okay. Thank you.
Waiter: In your service.

New culture:
_ Healthy and unhealthy food and drinks.
_ Forbidden food in Islam are like Ham and dead animals.
_ Types of Food (Starter- Main course_ Dessert).

Primary Four 3 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
( At The Clothes Shop )
Mona : Can I help you?
Noha : Yes, I'm looking for a skirt.
Mona : What size are you?
Noha : I'm an extra-large.
Mona : How about this one?
Noha : Yes, this is nice. Can I try it on?
Mona : Certainly. There's the changing room over there.
Noha : Thank you.
Mona : How does it fit?
Noha : It's too large. Do you have a large one?
Mona : Here you are.
Noha : Thank you. I'll have it, please.
Mona : Ok. How would you like to pay?
Noha : Do you accept credit cards ?
Mona : Yes, we do visa and master card.

New Culture :
How to order a suitable Piece of clothes

( The Natural Disasters )

Tom : Hi, Hello.
Sam : I'm very glad to see you, I wasn’t ensure if you were alive.
Tom : I'm very glad too.
Sam : That was a terrible hurricane. We're lucky to have survived.
Tom : That's true.
Sam : Where were you when the hurricane began?
Tom : I was at the school, where were you?
Sam: I was at my home. My home was destroyed by a flood.

Primary Four 4 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Tom : I'm sorry to hear that.
Sam : That's okay. All my family survived.
Tom : That's good. I don't know if all my family survived.
Sam : Oh, who is missing?
Tom : My sister.
Sam : I hope she's okay.
Tom : I hope too, the hurricane did a lot of damage but we will be
able to rebuild our city.

New Culture :
There is a hurricane in the United States it destroyed a lot of
( Future Job )
A: What is your father’s job?
B: ………….. .……………. .
A: What does your mum do?
B: ……………………………….. .
A: What about you , what would you like to be in the future?
B: ………………………………..
A: Why ?
B: …………………………………….. .
A: Do you think it is an important job? Why?
B: ……………………………………… .
A: Is this job familiar in your country?
B: ………………………………………
A: Is it suitable for men and women?
B: …………………………………………

New Culture:
1-Chase your dream and achieve it.
2-Respect all jobs.

Primary Four 5 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term

Parts of Speech
Nouns A name of a person or a place or a thing.
Types of nouns:
*proper noun: a specific place or a person or thing. ex:
Mary , Cairo , Disney land
*common noun: a general place or a person or a thing.
ex. girl, park, table.
*compound noun: two or more words that create one
noun. ex. toothpaste ,post office
*collective nouns: group of things. ex. Family , herd ,
*abstract nouns: can't be seen, felt, heard or tasted. Ex.
happiness, love , freedom
* Concrete noun: can be seen, felt, heard or tasted. Ex.
cat , Tom , sugar

Pronouns It replaces the noun.

Types of pronouns :
Subject : I , you, he , she , it , they , we
Object: me , him , her, it , you , them , us
Possessive (adjective) : my, his , her, its, your, their, our
Possessive: mine , his , hers ,its , yours , theirs , ours
Reflexive: myself, himself, herself…etc.
Indefinite : ex. Anyone , some one
Verbs Show an action or being ex. Play, watch, is.

Adjectives Describe nouns ex. hot, cold , angry

Adverbs Describe verbs , adjectives or other adverbs

Types of adverbs:
*Manner: ex. Slowly, loudly, easily ……..etc.
* Place: ex. Here, there, outside, somewhere, upstairs,
ahead ……..etc.
*Time: ex. Now, then, soon, tomorrow,
* Frequency: ex. Daily, sometimes, often, ever, usually
Articles Comes before the noun to show if the noun is general or
specific person or thing or a place.
*General: ( a, an ) ex. a dog , a cat
*Specific: (the) ex. The dog , the cat
Prepositions Shows a relationship between words in a sentence ex.
In , on ,of , to ,at …………….etc.
Conjunction Connects words or sentences ex. and , or , but unless ,
after , before

Primary Four 6 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
How to write a paragraph
*To write a good paragraph, you should:
1. Understand the idea of the paragraph.
2. Use the guiding words correctly.
Study these rules before you finish your paragraph
*Leave a space at the beginning of the paragraph
*Begin with a capital letter
* End every sentence with a full stop.
* (Tense) Don't make grammar mistakes.
* Spelling.
*Write the sentences next to one another.
*If you are writing about a place, this is a good example to follow:
I went to …(Alexandria)… . I went with …(my family)… .
We went …(last week)… . We went …(by car)… . We …(played,
………, ……… .). I like …(Alexandria)… .
1- Write a paragraph about (A day at Giza)
Guiding words: (Last Friday – Pyramids – Sphinx – tourists – rode – camel – pictures).
2- Write a paragraph about (My school)
Guiding words: (building – learn – subjects – play – read – library – music – sing).
Primary Four 7 Language Section
Manar Language Schools First Term
Date:……………………….. Subject:…………………….

Primary Four 8 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Unit 1
valley (noun):a low land
dry (adj.) x wet blow (verb): move the air
between two mountains
heavy (adj.): with a lot of argue (verb) : disagree wind (noun): the movement
weight of the air
strong (adj.): powerful burn (verb): set on fire coat (noun)

Present Past Present Past Present Past Present Past

am / is was have / has Had make made hold held
Are were write wrote drink drank buy bought
Go went shine shone catch caught take took
See saw blow Blew find found send sent
Give gave burn burnt fall fell bring brought

{ Past simple }
Key words: (yesterday – last – ago)
-Sentence Subject + verb + ed (or verb in the past).
-Negative Subject + didn't + clean verb.
-Question Did + subject + clean verb ?
-Answer -Yes, + subject + did. -No, + subject + did + not.
- They went to the club yesterday.
- They didn't go to the club yesterday.
Primary Four 9 Language Section
Manar Language Schools First Term
- Did they go to the club yesterday?
- Yes, they did. - No, they didn't.
Exercises on unit one
1- Underline the correct answers:
1- The sun (moved – burnt – made) the dry grass.
2- Yesterday, mother (bought – buy – buys) a nice present for me.
3- You mustn't (play – argue – agree) with your parents.
4- You can see grass and a river in a (school – valley – museum).
5- Last week my uncle (send – sending – sent) me a new recorder.
6- Did you (take – took – taking) the bus to school yesterday?
7- Ali didn't (go – goes – went) to the club last week.
8- A week ago, we (are – was – were) not in Ismailia.
9- We mustn't wear (strong – heavy – light) clothes in summer.
10- The (wind – sun – coat) blew the trees and made them fall.
2- Find out the parts of speech :
1- It rained heavily.
2- The children are playing tennis at the club.
3- English is an easy subject.
4- He is good at playing football.
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Article

Primary Four 10 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
3-Find the mistake and correct it:
1- The wind blows hard yesterday.
2- The children was at the zoo.
3- The shirt is covered with water. It's dry.
4- Re – write the following sentences:
1. Dad takes us shopping every day. (yesterday)
2. The sun burnt the grass. (not)
3. Seif bought a new bike. (What…?)
4. Yes, the children saw the film. (Did…?)
5. I go to the garden every week. (a week ago)
6- Adel was my best friend . ( Who…..? )
7- He played the guitar . ( not )
8- No , I did not go to the zoo . ( Did ……? )

Primary Four 11 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
5- Complete the following dialogue:
Adam : Where do you come from?
Tim : …………………………………………
Adam : …………………………………………?
Tim : No, I didn't visit Egypt before.
Adam : ………………………………………… ?
Tim : I visited the Egyptian Museum and the Citadel.
6- Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Nour always goes to the library. He likes to read books about medicine. He wants to be
a doctor when he grows up. He likes to help sick people get well. His sister Mona never reads
books because she doesn't like reading. She enjoys cooking food. Her mother teaches her
how to make some nice dishes. She wants to be a teacher. Nour and Mona are good pupils
and always get high marks.
*Answer the following questions:
1. Why does Noor want to be a doctor?
2. What does Mona want to be?
*Underline the correct answers:
3. Noor and Mona are (teachers – doctors – pupils).
4. Noor reads books about (cooking – medicine – dishes).

Primary Four 12 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
7- Write a paragraph of six sentences about:
(A day on the beach)
Guiding words:
(Last week – beach – swim – sea – play – eat – friends – boats – sand castle).

8- Write a paragraph of six sentences about :-

( A day at the zoo )
Guiding words :-
(yesterday – zoo – family – car – animals- cages – liked – returned – happy enjoyed)

Primary Four 13 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
9- Re-arrange the following sentences :
1- blew - The - wind – yesterday.
2- he – to – Did – go – by – school – bike?

10 - Punctuate the following sentence:

1- where s your book seif

11- Copy the following sentence:

I'm from Egypt. I'm Egyptian.

Primary Four 14 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Date:……………………………………….. Subject:………………………………….

Primary Four 15 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Unit 2

volcano (n.):an opening in the deep (adj.):a long way

block (v.):stop something
mountain where hot liquid is down from the top of
getting by
pushed out something

hard (adj.):not easy to

mountain (n.):high hill erupt (v.):explode

vent (n.) :a hole in the top of

explode (v.): burst with a
a volcano where liquids and dormant (adj.) :asleep
loud noise
ashes come out.

lava (n.):hot, liquid rock magma (adj.) :hot ,

flowing out of a volcano liquid rock inside a volcano


{ Past continuous }

(I – He – She – It) + was

+ verb + ing
(You – We – They) + were

Primary Four 16 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term

- Ali was sleeping.

- We were studying.

- Noha wasn't eating.

- Were they running?

- Yes, they were.

- No, they weren't.

Exercises on unit two

1- Underline the correct answers:

1- Dad was (work – works – working) on the farm.

2- The liquid rocks inside the volcano is called (magma – lava – vent).

3- Donia (is watching – was watching – watches) TV all day yesterday.

4- The hard lava (stops – blocks – erupts) the vent for a few days.

5- The deep hole on top of the volcano is called (magma – lava – vent).

6- My parents (are – was – were) having a party last Friday.

7- (Is – Was – Were) Nora doing her homework yesterday?

8- Yes, I (was – were – weren't) studying my lessons.

Primary Four 17 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
2-Find out the Parts of speech:

1- Ahmad plays the piano well.

2- The ball is under the red table.

3- Children go to school by bus.

4- Ali was sad yesterday.

Nu. Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Article





3-Find the mistake in each sentence and correct it:

1. Ali were eating dinner yesterday at six o'clock.


2. They were play at the club.

..................................................... ....................................................

3- I was watching TV today at seven thirty.


Primary Four 18 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
4- Re – write the following sentences:

1. The girls were wearing beautiful dresses. (What…?)


2. The players were active in the match. (not)


3. No, they weren't cycling slowly. (Were…?)


4. Ahmad was riding a horse. (Ahmad and Ali)


5. Was Basma cleaning her room? (No,)


6- Yes , the dog was chasing a cat . ( Was…? )


7- I was sitting in the library. ( Where ….? )


8-The girls were eating dinner . ( The girl )


Primary Four 19 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
5- Complete the following dialogue:
Meg : What were you doing yesterday evening ?
Jack : …………………………………………

Meg : …………………………………………?

Jack : The film was about volcanoes.

Meg : Did you like the film?

Jack : …………………………………………


6- Read the following passage and then answer the questions:

The ancient Egyptians lived about 5000 years ago near the River Nile. They lived there
because they needed water from the Nile for their farms. They also caught fish from the
river. The king of the ancient Egyptians was called the pharaoh. The Pyramids were tombs for
dead pharaohs. Inside the Pyramids, the Egyptians put food, clothes, beds, tables and chairs
for the dead king. Also inside the Pyramids, there were pictures of the pharaohs. We can
learn more about lives of the pharaohs from those pictures.
*Answer the following questions:

1. Why did the ancient Egyptians live near the River Nile?


2. What was the king of ancient Egyptians called?


3. What was inside the Pyramids?

Primary Four 20 Language Section
Manar Language Schools First Term
*Underline the correct answers:

4. The ancient Egyptians caught (birds – fish – animals) from the River Nile.

5. We learn about the ancient Egyptians' lives from their (beds – pictures – books).

7- Write a paragraph of six sentences about:

(Last Friday's picnic)

Guiding words:

(last Friday – park – family – play – eat – saw – nice time)


8- Write a paragraph of six sentences about :

( The school library )

Guiding words:

(school library – school – always – go – read – a lot of books – many – chairs – tables -
librarian – help – find – information – like )

Primary Four 21 Language Section
Manar Language Schools First Term

9-Rearrange the following sentences:

1. was – drawing – I – nice – a – picture .


2. yesterday night – were – They -video – games –playing.


3. uncle –Ali –visiting –week –his –Was –last?


10-Punctuate the following sentences:

i m helping Mr ahmed


11- Copy the following sentence:

Good pupils obey their parents.

Primary Four 22 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Unit 3
slice (n.):a piece of food has Slink (v.): to walk
delicious (adj.):having
been cut from a larger piece slowly so that no one can
a good taste
e.g I cut a slice of bread. see you.
marvelous (adj.):very
stove (n.):a cooker escape (v.):get free
snarl (v.): make an
saucepan (n.):a container tiny (adj.):very
angry sound showing his
used for cooking small

{ While }
While past continuous , past simple .

- While Ahmad was cleaning the window, Ali arrived.
- While they were eating, their father came.

past simple while past continuous .

- The door bell rang while Mona was sleeping.
- The light went out while we were watching the film.
Primary Four 23 Language Section
Manar Language Schools First Term
Exercises on unit three
1- Underline the correct answers:
1. Give me a (slice – bottle – jar) of cake, please.
2. This food is (terrible – delicious – dirty) .It has a good taste.
3. While I (swims – swimming – was swimming), my sister built a sand castle.
4. If I see a lion, I will (skip – escape – snarl).
5. The telephone (rings – rang – ringing) while Anna was carrying the baby.
6. Amira drew a picture (for – where – while) her friend was watching TV.
7. We can cook food on the (fridge – computer – stove).
8. Mr. Islam was (explain – explaining – explains) the lesson to us.
2- Find out the parts of speech:
1- The cat plays noisily.
2-I have a nice dress.
3- Sara is eating delicious pizza.
4-Ahmed is cleaning the garden.

Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs Articles


3- Find the mistake and correct it:

1- While the children was playing, the doorbell rang.
Primary Four 24 Language Section
Manar Language Schools First Term
2- Ali was read a book all the evening.
3-The light went out while I were watching a film.
4- Re – write the following sentences:
1. He was working in his office. He felt hungry. (While)
2. This food is tasty. (delicious)
3. This box isn't big. (tiny)
4. He was eating because he was hungry. (Why…?)
5. When the firemen arrived, the fire was spreading. (…while….)
6- While they were swimming , they saw a dolphin . ( she )
7. He was studying English . ( not )

5- Complete the following dialogue:

Ahmed : I want to try this pie, please.
Waiter : …………………………………………?
Ahmed : Two slices, please.
Waiter : …………………………………………?
Primary Four 25 Language Section
Manar Language Schools First Term
Ahmed : No, I don't like chocolate pies. How much?
Waiter : Five pounds.
6- Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
One day, there was a farmer and his wife. They had a hen that laid a gold egg evey
day. They were very happy with their hen. They became rich but they wanted to get rich
faster. The farmer got a knife and killed the hen to get all the eggs inside it. When the farmer
opened it he found nothing. The farmer stayed crying and saying "I have to think well before
doing anything."
*Answer the following questions:
1 – Where did the farmer get the golden eggs?
2 – Why did the farmer kill the hen?
*Underline the correct answers:
3 – The farmer killed the hen with a (knife – sword – gun).
4 – The hen laid (silver – wooden – gold) eggs for the farmer.

7- Write a paragraph of six sentences about:

Guiding words:
(important – study – games – internet – chat – information – like)
Primary Four 26 Language Section
Manar Language Schools First Term
8- Write a paragraph of six sentences about :
(Your best friend )
Guiding words :
( helpful – love – help – study – go – eat – sleep – school – together – bus – play – like )
............................................................... .................……………………
9-Rearrange the following sentences:
1- were – football – playing – They .
2- did – When – yesterday – travel – you?
3- pizza – like – We – eating
10- Punctuate the following sentence:
did you see ahmed s book

11- Copy the following sentence:

Manar School is the best.

Primary Four 27 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Revision on units 1 – 2 – 3
1- Underline the correct answers:
1. (Valleys – Deserts – Cinemas) have rivers running on them.
2. While Becky was answering the test, her mum (comes – coming – came).
3. You mustn't (talk – argue – speak) with people older than you.
4. They (catch – catching – caught) the train yesterday.
5. The wind didn't (blow – blew – blown) the house.
6. The woman (hold – held – holding) on her scarf because it was windy.
7. Wear your (shorts – coat – suitcase) because it's cold outside.
8. While Polly (cooking – cooked – was cooking), the door bell rang.
9. The sun burned the grass and made the water in the lake (heavy – strong – dry).
10. When the volcano (poured – erupted – flew) yesterday, hot lava and smoke came
11. The boys (were – are – was) playing all day yesterday.
12. Were the monkeys (eat – ate – eating) bananas?
13. (Was – Did – Does) Mum buy any shoes yesterday?
14. (When –While – Why) Marwa was watching a film ,the telephone rang.
15. (Was – Were – Is) Reem washing the dishes yesterday evening?
16. Mohamed and Omar (aren't – weren't- didn't ) study English yesterday.
17. The baby ( cry – cried – cries)while his mum was making the bed.
18. Did Sam ( buy – bought – buys) a new car last summer?
19. Hala didn't ( find – found – finding ) her purse last night .
20. ( Tomorrow- Yesterday – Everyday) Marwa ate burger .

Primary Four 28 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
2) Find out the Parts of speech :
1) The turtle walks slowly .
2) Ben ate the chocolate cake joyfully.
3) The man was wearing a heavy coat.
4) I was walking in the valley .
Nu. Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Article





3) Find the mistake and correct it :

1) Yesterday Marwa goes to school early .
2) Ali didn't bought a car .
3) What do you study yesterday ?
4) The girl weren't feeding the cow .
5)The monkey was eat the banana .
6) Was you watching a film at 7:00 yesterday ?
Primary Four 29 Language Section
Manar Language Schools First Term
4) Re – write the following sentences:
1. The children played football in the pitch yesterday. (Where…?)
2. This volcano erupted two weeks ago. (exploded)
3. The boys were watching cartoons. The light went out. (…while…)
4. The sun burns the grass and makes it dry. (Last week…)
5. Mum made a cake yesterday. (…was…)
6. I was walking. It rained. (While…)
7. The rain fell heavily last week. (…not…)
8.Ali goes to club every day. (…..a month ago)
9.Ahmed wasn't drawing any pictures . (….didn't……)
10 . They were studying English . (What ……?)
5) Rearrange the following sentences :
1) swept – the floor –I –yesterday .

Primary Four 30 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
2) like – you – Do – sweets ?
3) Was _ Mona – When – eating ?
4) go – school – Did – you – to ?
6) Complete the following dialogue:
Rami : Where did you go yesterday?
Ayman : …………………………………………
Rami : …………………………………………?
Ayman : Yes, I liked the film very much.
Rami : …………………………………………?
Ayman : With my father.
7) Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Sam has got a shop near our house. It's next to the post office. He sells bread and
fresh cakes. He gets up early in the morning and works until eight o'clock in the evening. His
shop always smells nice. All children like Sam because he gives them some cakes and
biscuits. He always makes delicious cakes for their birthdays.
*Answer the following questions:
1. Where is Sam's shop?
2. Why do children like Sam?

Primary Four 31 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
*Underline the correct answers:
3. Sam finishes work in the (morning – afternoon – evening).
4. Sam gives the children cakes and (sweets – biscuits – candies).
8) Write a paragraph of six sentences about:
(My best friend)
Guiding words:
(helpful – polite – kind – school – study – play – love)
9) Copy the following sentence:
Birds of feather fly together.

Primary Four 32 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Unit 4
restaurant (n) A place drain (v.):letting liquid
fresh (adj.): new
where we eat and drink flow out
shape (v.): to make
recipe (n.): instructions delicious (adj.):having a
something the way you
for making something to eat good taste
vegetable (n.):a plant used sprinkle (v.):to scatter oiled (adj.):covered
as food something on something with oil



to + clean verb

* Why do you go to school?
- I go to school to learn.
* Why did you buy a pencil?
- I bought a pencil to draw a picture.

Primary Four 33 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Exercises on unit four
1- Underline the correct answers:
1. Do you know the (recipe – reception – receive) for that pizza?
2. We can eat nice meals at that (restaurant – supermarket – shop).
3. The boy went to the sports club to (play – playing – played) basketball.
4. We all go to school (to – with – about) learn.
5. Carrots are (fruits – vegetables – liquids).
6. This cake is (bad – delicious – nasty); I really like it.
7. I have to (drain – sprinkle – stir) the potatoes after I cook them in boiling water.
8. We can (sprinkle – drain – plant) some cheese on top of the pizza.
2-Find out the parts of speech:
1- They need a sharp knife to cut the bread easily.
2- The cat is next to the building.
3- Egypt is famous for its ancient places.
4- Salma was watching TV yesterday night.

Nu. Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Article


3- Find the mistake in each sentence and correct it:

1. She wants to reading a book.
Primary Four 34 Language Section
Manar Language Schools First Term
2. Mom went to the supermarket to buying sweets.
3. Islam don’t do homework yesterday.
4- Re – write the following sentences:
1. Jenny went to the club. She played tennis. (to)
2. He stayed at home. He cleaned it. (to)
3. Mother went to the supermarket and bought some fruit. (to)
4. I bought a sandwich because I was hungry. (Why…?)
5. I went to the cinema to watch a film. (Why…?)
6 – She wants eggs to make a cake. (Why)
5- Complete the following dialogue:
Ahmed : …………………………………………?
Karim : Yes, I like football very much.
Ahmed : What's your favourite team?
Karim : …………………………………………
Ahmed : Which player do you like best?
Karim : …………………………………………

Primary Four 35 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
6- Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Although we think of home as a safe place, you could have more accidents at home
than anywhere else. Here is some advice for making your home safer. Don't use electrical
things near water. Dangerous things such as matches and medicines should be put in high
cupboards where kids can't reach them. Put poisonous things in boxes and write their names
on the boxes.
*Answer the following questions:
1. Why should we put dangerous things in high cupboards?
2. What should we do with the poisonous things?
*Complete the following sentences:
3. Don't use …………… things near water.
4. Write the ………… of the poisonous things on the boxes.

7- Write a paragraph of six sentences about:

(My birthday)
Guiding words:
(party – balloons – cake – candles – present – happy – sang – danced)

Primary Four 36 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
8- Write a paragraph of six sentences about :
( A visit to the park )
Guiding words :
( fresh air – park – play – sunny – trees – grass – nice day – enjoy – happy )
9-Rearrange the following sentences:
1. were – and – Sam- eating – pizza – Ali.
2. will – go – next - Where – you- week ?
3. yesterday night – were – we - movies –cartoon–watching.
4. does – she- Why- to- go- the- everyday – supermarket ?
10-Punctuate the following sentences:
we re in a hurry to catch the bus
11- Copy the following sentence:

A friend in need, is a friend indeed.

Primary Four 37 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Unit 5
sighed (v.): breathed
grassland (n.):a large land with along sound to dusty (adj.):covered in
where grass grows express tiredness or dust
suggest (v):To offer an
tune (n.): a song scratchy (adj.):itchy
gazed (v.) :looked at friendly (adj.): kind and
bodies (n.): the main part of a
something for a long helpful to his friends and
time others
Johannesburg (n.):the largest
city of SouthAfrica

{should – shouldn't}

+ clean verb

Primary Four 38 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
- You should study hard.
- Ahmad should sleep early.
- Nada shouldn't eat many sweets.
- I shouldn't play in the mud.
- Should we take umbrellas with us?
Exercises on unit five
1- Underline the correct answers:
1. Grandma is sleeping. You (should – must – shouldn't) make a noise.
2. Egyptians are kind and (scratchy – friendly – dusty).
3. Cheetahs live in the (sea – grassland – river).
4. You (should – shouldn't – can't) make your bed every morning.
5. The girl sang her favourite (tune – tube – road).
6. I was frightened when my father (sighed – gazed – suggested) at me.
7. You (mustn't – shouldn't – should) go to bed early.
8. The air was (scratchy – dusty – fine); I couldn't open my eyes.
2-Find out the parts of speech:
1-Ahmed should do his homework at night.
2- The road is scratchy so I walked hardly.
3- The girl lives with her grandmother.
4-The doctor gave the sick baby some medicine.
Nu. Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Article
Primary Four 39 Language Section
Manar Language Schools First Term
3-Find the mistake in each sentence and correct it:
1-You should listening to your teachers.
2-You should run in the class.
3. Sally should sleep late.
4- Re – write the following sentences:
1. You have to do your homework. (should)
2. Don’t forget your books. (shouldn't)
3. You must study now. (should)
4. He should sleep early. (not)
5. Nadine should go to the doctor. (Where…?)
6- He should call his friend . ( not )
7- Ali should drink milk . (They )

Primary Four 40 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
5- Complete the following dialogue:
Nahla : Hi! Sara. Your dress is very nice.
Sara : …………………………………………
Nahla : …………………………………………?
Sara : It's 120 L.E. I want to buy another one. It's wonderful.
Nahla : …………………………………………?
Sara : Of course. I'll wait for you to go together.
6- Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
The supermarket is a large food store. Here you can buy all kinds of food. In one big
store, there are departments for meat, vegetables, fruit, bread and all kinds of food in cans.
We can also buy a lot of frozen food. In a super market, the customer gets what he wants and
takes it to the check-out counter. The customer then pays for the things he has picked out.
*Answer the following questions:
1. What is a supermarket?
2. What can we buy in a supermarket?

*Put a () or a ( ):

3. In the supermarket, we can buy kinds of food in cans. ( )
4. The customer pays for the things he has picked out. ( )

Primary Four 41 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
7- Write a paragraph of six sentences about:
(How to spend your free time)
Guiding words:
(reading books – watching TV – taking exercises – visiting friends – computer games)
8- Write a paragraph of six sentences about :
(The summer holiday )
Guiding words :
(Every summer – high marks – go – Alexandria – spend – cinema – beach – like – enjoy –
visit - museums – happy – return )

Primary Four 42 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
9-Rearrange the following sentences:
1- Should - hard- You – study.

2- eat – sweets - shouldn't – Alaa - many.


3- wear – heavy – We – clothes – winter- in.

10-Punctuate the following sentences:
-what should mona and hoda do
-Wow your dress is so nice mona
11- Copy the following sentence:
Keep your school clean.

Primary Four 43 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Revision on units 4 – 5
1- Underline the correct answers:
1. I want to know how to make a cake; I should read its (menu – recipe – book).
2. You (should – shouldn't – mustn't) obey your parents.
3. I can't enter the office; the door is (opened – locked – broken).
4. I (was – will – were) have an exam tomorrow.
5. This man likes all people, he is so (scratchy – friendly – dusty).
6. The most delicious (fruit – vegetable – plate) is carrot.
7. Yesterday I (suggested – gazed – took) visiting our grandmother.
8. Our last (play – journey – clay) was adventurous. It was in the mountains.
9. You are in a hospital, you (should – shouldn't – mustn't) be quiet.
10. The plane (arrived – watched – sighed) at 10:00 p.m.
2) Get out the figures of speech :
1)We are in the library .
2) You should drink some water .
3) He shouldn't make noise in the library .
Nu. Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Article

3) Find the mistake and correct it:

1) Harry went to the sports club to plays basketball.
2) They went to restaurant to had a meal.
Primary Four 44 Language Section
Manar Language Schools First Term
3) Mohammad should washes his face.
4) The boys should play football in the house.
4- Re – write the following sentences:
1. You are in the class. Be quiet. (should)
2. She was playing yesterday. (not)
3. These cakes have a good taste and smell. (delicious)
4. We should study our lessons. (What?)
5. Mum bought some vegetables to make soup. (Why…?)
6. You should sleep early . (not)

5- Complete the following dialogue:

Angel: Hello, Lisa. How are you?
Lisa : …………………………………………
Angel: …………………………………on holiday?
Lisa : I went to an island.
Angel: …………………………………………?
Lisa : Yes, we went to the beach every day.

Primary Four 45 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
6) Rearrange the following sentences:
1) Where – play – he – did – last night?
2) is – eating –Maher – hungrily .
3) Fine – am – I- really.
4) not – she – did – a dress – buy .
7- Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Last Monday, I went with my friend to a restaurant. We went there by taxi. When we
reached there, the waiter came and asked us what we wanted to eat and drink. We stayed for
an hour till it became three o'clock. It was a very nice Monday.
*Answer the following questions:
1. Where did they go last Monday?
2. How long did they stay at the restaurant?

*Underline the correct answers:

3. The restaurant was (very near – near – far from) the friends' house.
4. They (ate only – drank only – ate and drank) at the restaurant.

Primary Four 46 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
8- Write a paragraph of six sentences about:
A day on the farm
Guiding words:-
(Cows – feed –horse– help –played –animals –watch–Last week– like)
9- Copy the following sentence:
You must respect your friends and your teachers.

Primary Four 47 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term

Primary Four 48 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Chapter 1
peace quiet Need wash up
tidy up polish Use vacuum cleaner
a cold big hotel

1- Answer the following questions:
1. Why didn't Mum take Dan to Granddad?
2. Which things can Dan do in the hotel?
3- Which useful things can Dan do on his holiday?
4- How can Dan be helpful at the hotel?

2- Complete the following sentences:

1. Aunt Rose can't look after Dan because ……………………………………
2. Dan's dad was the manager of……………………………………………

Primary Four 49 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Chapter 2

waiter clean clothes Storeroom Open

uniform Fridge Corner wearing

1- Answer the following questions:

1. How can Jane help Dan?


2. Why did Mr. Grey think that Dan was a waiter?

3-Do you think Jane is a helpful character? And why ?
2- Complete the following sentences:

1. There was a fridge in ……………………………………………………

2. Cleaning the storeroom made Dan hungry, so he ………………………………

Primary Four 50 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Revision on story chapter (1&2)
1- Answer the following questions:
1. Why didn't mum take Dan to Granddad?
2. Which things can Dan do in the hotel?
3. How can Jane help Dan?
4. Why did Mr. Grey think that Dan was a waiter?
2- Complete the following sentences:
1. Aunt Rose can't look after Dan because ……………………………………
2. Dan's dad was the manager of……………………………………………

Primary Four 51 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Chapter 3
once a year made a mess Polished glasses
napkin aero plane

1- Answer the following questions:
1. How often did the pilots meet at the hotel?
2. Was Mr. Grey happy with Dan? Why?
3-Do you think the first pilot was a nice man or not? Why?
4-Why do you think all the retired pilots met once a year for a meal together?

2- Complete the following sentences:

1. Dan took the furniture spray to the restaurant and ……………………………
2. The pilots made …………………… with their napkins.

Primary Four 52 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term

Chapter 4
tasted of polish complain Broken dishwasher
spoke at once glasses

1- Answer the following questions:
1. Why didn't Dan write all what the pilots wanted?
2. Why were the people in the restaurant complaining?
3-Do you think Dan is a careless boy? Why?
2- Complete the following sentences:
1. Dan will do the washing up because …………………………………………
2. Dan didn't write all what the pilots wanted because …………………

Primary Four 53 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Chapter 5
beef burger chips Office high

1- Answer the following questions:
1. What did Dad bring to Dan for lunch?
2. Where did Dad take Dan?
3-Do you think Dan was a good boy in this chapter? Why or why not?

2- Complete the following sentences:

1. The piles of dishes didn't look very safe because ……………………………
2. The plates, saucers and bowls crashed to the floor because ……………………

Primary Four 54 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Revision story chapter (3,4&5)

1- Answer the following questions:

1. How often did the pilots meet at the hotel?
2. Was Mr. Grey happy with Dan? Why?
3. Why didn't Dan write all what the pilots wanted?
4. Why were the people in the restaurant complaining?
5. What did Dad bring to Dan for lunch?
6. Where did Dad take Dan?
2- Complete the following sentences:
1. Dan took the furniture spray to the restaurant and ……………………………
2. The pilots made …………………… with their napkins.
3. Dan will do the washing up because …………………………………………
4. Dan didn't write all what the pilots wanted because ……………………………

Primary Four 55 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term

Time for English

First term

first term

Primary Four 56 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term

- Capital letters:
1- Names (Ali – Yasser – Heba)
2- Countries and cities (Cairo – Egypt – Ismailia)
3- Languages (Arabic – English – French)
4- Days of the week (Saturday – Monday – Friday)
5- Months (February – April – December)
6- Famous places (Giza Zoo – River Nile – Cairo Stadium)
7- (I) pronoun (I go to ………..)
- Full stop (.) :
At the end of a sentence (We went to the beach.)
- Question mark (?) :
At the end of a question (What is your name?)
- Apostrophe (') :
1- Before the possessives (This is Ali's book)
2- In abbreviations (isn't – he's – they're)
- Comma (,) :
After Yes, and No, (Yes, he is – No, he isn't)
*Punctuate the following sentences:
1- ahmad went to cairo last may …………………………………
2- i like english and arabic ………………………………….
3- we see animals in giza zoo ………………………………….
4- yes he is from france ………………………………….
5- no they don t ………………………………….
6- what s nada doing ………………………………….
7- is it heba s book ………………………………….
8- my name s ibrahim ………………………………….
Primary Four 57 Language Section
Manar Language Schools First Term
Unit 1









Primary Four 58 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
New structure
The present simple tense with “want”:
We want
You don’t want

She wants
It doesn’t want

-I want a canary.
-They don’t want a kitten.

-She wants a fish.

-He doesn’t want a parrot.

Test on unit1
1-listen and circle the word with the short vowel:
1-run -blue
2-bug -tune
3-up -glue
4-flute -sun

2-listen and complete:

1-She ……….a kitten.
2-He wants……………
3-I ……….want a rabbit.
4-……….doesn't want a lizard.
Primary Four 59 Language Section
Manar Language Schools First Term

3- Look at the picture and put (T) or (F):

1- I want a fish. ( )
2- I don't want a puppy. ( )
3- I like the kitten. ( )
4- It is a pet animal. ( )
4-look and circle the correct words:

1-Does he want a puppy?

a-Yes, he does.
b-Yes, they do.

2-What do you want?

a-I want a parrot.
b-I want a kitten.

3-Is it a kitten?
a-Yes, it is.
b-No, it isn't.
5-Read and answer the questions?

1-What can you see?

2-what is he doing?
3-Do you like football?
4-When do you play it?

Primary Four 60 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
6-look and write:




7-Look and write:




8-punctuate the following:

does amira and yasmin want a kitten


Primary Four 61 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term

Unit 2
New vocabulary:-

meat fish butter vegetables

pasta ketchup cereal eggs

New structure
*present simple tense :-

- I want some pasta.

- They don't want any eggs.
- She wants some cereal .
- He doesn't want any ketchup.
-Do you want fish ? - yes, I do.
-Do they want eggs ? – No, I don't. I want some cereal.
-Does she want vegetables? – yes ,she does.
-Does he want butter? - No he doesn't. He wants pasta.

Primary Four 62 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term

Test on unit 2
1)Listen and circle:-
1-ant -cat 2-bag - hat
3-bed- pen 4- net pet

2)listen and complete:-

1-She doesn't………. fish.
2-He wants………vegetables.
3-They want some ………...
4- He ……… want fish.
3)Listen and rearrange the dialogue:-
□ Where is the rice ?
□ Excuse me . Can you help me?
□It's in aisle 3.It's next to the bread.

4) look and circle the correct answer:-

1-Do you want pasta?

a)- yes, I do .
b)-yes, he does.

2-What do you want?

a)- I want some eggs.
b)- I want some fish.
Primary Four 63 Language Section
Manar Language Schools First Term
3-Is it a ketchup?
a)-Yes, it is.
b)-No, it isn't.

5) Read and answer the questions:-

1-What is this?
2-Do you like it?

3-where can you buy it?

4-Is it expensive or cheap?

. 6) look and write:-



7) look and write:-

_________ _______ _______ ______ _______ _______ ______ _

8) punctuate the following:-

Ali and hany went to aswan last week.

Primary Four 64 Language Section
Manar Language Schools First Term
Unit 3
New-words : 
clean up have a snack

listen to music use a computer

wash the car exercise

watch video

Grammar:- 

Primary Four 65 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Test on unit3
1-listen and circle the word with the short vowel:
1-bug 2-cat 3-goat 4-pin
glue coat box bike

2-listen and complete:

1- Let's ……….. the room.
2- I like playing ……………games.
3- When do you ……………?
4- I exercise at………………………….

3-Choose the correct answer from a;b or c:

1- Mona ………… her computer every day.
a. plays b. does c. uses
2- ………………… does he do his homework? - at night.
a. What b. When c. Where
3- I ……………… my car in the evening.
a. wash b. washes c. watch
4- We have a …………………… in the afternoon.
a. homework b. snack c. music

4-Read and tick “True” or “False”:

True False
1- The girl is watching a video. ( ) ( )
2- She is wearing a hat. ( ) ( )
3- She is sleeping in the morning. ( ) ( )
4- She is in the kitchen. ( ) ( )

Primary Four 66 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term

5-Read and circle the odd one:

1- four – meat – ten- five.
2- car- clean – play- watch.
3- turtle – fruit – rabbit –puppy.
4- night –morning –red –afternoon.
6-Read and answer the questions

1-Does he like eggs? 2- What is she doing?

……………………………………… ……………………………………….

3- What is he doing? 4- Is he having a snack?

……………………………………… ………………………………………….

7-Look and write three sentences:


8-Punctuate the following:

do yaseen and ahmed like milk

Primary Four 67 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term

Unit four


Aero plane





Primary Four 68 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term

What time is it? - It's 5 o'clock.

What time does it leave? - At five thirty. (5.30)

The present simple tense

How do + ( I / we / you /they) + clean verb?

does + (he / she / i)?


**How does Magda go to school?

She goes to school by bus.

**How do you go to the park?

I go to the park on foot .

Primary Four 69 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Test on unit four
1-listen and circle the word with the short vowel:
1-run nut
2-keys bees
3-hat -mat
4-flute -sun
2-listen and complete:
1-I ……… find my watch.
2-what……………is it?
4-I will ………….you look for it
3-Choose the correct answer:
1- Excuse me. Can you ………… me?
( play - think - help )
2-They go to school ……….. bus .
( by - with - on )
3-How ……. She go to work?
( do - does - is )
4- ……… do you go to school ?
( Where - How - When )
4-Read and tick true or false:

True False
1-They go to school by car. …… ……
2-The bus is small. ……. ……
3-They go to school by bus. ……. ……
4-I can see children. ……. ……

Primary Four 70 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
5-Read and circle the odd one:
1-train bus school car
2-make ride go ferry
3-work how when where
4- good bus sad happy

6-Read and write:

What is this? Do you go to schoolby train?

……………………………… …………………………………………

Can you ride a bike? How do you go to school?

……………………………… …………………………………….

7-Look and write three sentences:



8-Punctuate the following:

i love Egypt

Primary Four 71 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Unit 5
New words:

eye ear

finger knee

leg arm

hand foot


My your
Your foot hurts . Their feet hurt.
His feet hurt . Our
Our eyes hurt. My eye hurts.
Their foot hurts Their feet hurt.
Whose car is this? It's Ahmed's car.
Whose bags are these? They are mine.

Primary Four 72 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Test on unit 5
1- Listen and circle:

1- mother - bath 2- that - thirsty

3- three - father 4- mouth - this

2- Listen and complete :

1- ………………. Is your address?

2- 31Tahrir…………………… .
3- How do you go to ………………….. ?
4- I go to work by ……………………. .

3- Choose the correct answer:

1-A: What's your ………? B: 31 Tahrir Street.
(dress - address - house )
2-………….. car is this? It's mine.
( Whose - What - Where )
3-I can't walk. My feet………….
( hurting - hurt - hurts )
4-My birthday is ………….. Thursday.
( in - on - at )

4-Read and tick true or false:

True False
1- I can see a boy and a girl. ……… ………
2- The boy's leg hurts. ……… ……….
3-The girl's finger hurts. ………. ………
4-They are at the hospital. ……… ……..

Primary Four 73 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
5- Read and circle the odd one out.
1- eye ear finger father
2- feet boy girl man
3- three bus four one
4- nurse teacher doctor blue

What is this? How many fingers are these?

………………………….. ……………………………………….

Does his knee hurts? Is he a teacher?

………………………………… ……………………………….

7- Look and write three sentences:


7- Punctuate the following sentence:

ahmed travels to egypt on Friday

Primary Four 74 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Unit six









Primary Four 75 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term

Subject pronouns Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns

(followed by noun) (not followed by noun)
I My book mine
He His book his
She Her book hers
It Its color -
You Your books yours
We Our books ours
They Their books theirs

*Whose camera is ( this / that )? - It's his.

*Whose keys are ( these / those ) ? -They are mine.
*Whose books are those? -They are her books.
- They are hers .
Test on unit six
1-listen and circle the word with the short vowel:
1-bun nut
2-keys bees
3-hat cat
4-door moon
2-listen and complete:
1-May I……….you?
2-Yes,……………one ticket to Alex.
3-……………or return.
4-……..time does it leave?

Primary Four 76 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term

3-Choose the correct answer:

1- Whose keys are………….?
( this - those - that )
2- That is a bird,and those………….keys.
(is - are - am )
3- I use a ………….to brush my hair.
(wallet - glasses - hairbrush )
4-…………glasses are those?
(When - Where - Whose )
5-Whose her brush is this? It's ………..
( his - her - your )

4- Read and tick true or false:

True False
1-The girl is in the kitchen. ……… …………
2-The girl is wearing glasses. ……… ……….
3-The girl sweeps the floor. ……….. ……….
4-The girl makes the bed. ……….. ………

5-Read and circle the odd one out:

1- black - green - blue - lazy
2-this - that - our - these
3- key - hurt - look - help
4- father - nurse - mother - brother

Primary Four 77 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term

5-Read and write:

Whose wallet is this? What is this?

……………………………… ………………………………

Is it a lunchbox ? Do you like candy ?

……………………………………. ………………………………..

7-Look and write three sentences:

1-…………………………….. ……

8-Punctuate the following sentence:

ghada and doaa are travelling to aswan


Primary Four 78 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
Revision on Time for English
*Punctuate the following sentences:
1- ahmad went to cairo last may …………………………………
2- i like english and arabic ………………………………….
3- we see animals in giza zoo ………………………………….
4- yes he is from france ………………………………….
5- no they don t ………………………………….
6- what s nada doing ………………………………….
7- is it heba s book ………………………………….
8- my name s ibrahim ………………………………….
-look and circle the correct words:
1-Does he want a puppy?
a-Yes, he does.
b-Yes, they do.
2-What do you want?
a-I want a parrot.
b-I want a kitten.
3-Is it a kitten?
a-Yes, it is.
b-No, it isn't.
-Read and answer the question

1-What can you see?

2-what is he doing?
3-Do you like football?
4-when do you play it?
Primary Four 79 Language Section
Manar Language Schools First Term
look and circle the correct answer:-

1-Do you want pasta?

a)- yes, I do .
b)-yes, he does.

2-What do you want?

a)- I want some eggs.
b)- I want some fish.
3-Is it a ketchup
a)-Yes, it is.
b)-No, it isn't.

Read and answer the questions:-

1-What is this?
2-Do you like it?
3-Where can you buy it?
4-Is it expensive or cheap?

look and write:-




Primary Four 80 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
look and write:-

_________ _______ _______ ______ _______ _______ ______ _

punctuate the following:-

Ali and hany went to aswan last week.

-Choose the correct answer from a;b or c:
5- Mona ………… her computer every day.
b. plays b. does c. uses
6- ………………… does he do his homework? - at night.
b. What b. When c. Where
7- I ……………… my car in the evening.
b. wash b. washes c. watch
8- We have a …………………… in the afternoon.
b. homework b. snack c. music
-Read and tick “True” or “False”:

True False
1-The girl is watching a video. ( ) ( )
2-She is wearing a hat. ( ) ( )
3-She is sleeping in the morning. ( ) ( )
4-She is in the kitchen. ( ) ( )

Primary Four 81 Language Section

Manar Language Schools First Term
-Read and circle the odd one:
5- four – meat – ten- five.
6- car- clean – play- watch.
7- turtle – fruit – rabbit –puppy.
8- night –morning –red –afternoon.
-Read and answer the questions?

1-Does he like eggs? 2- What is she doing?

……………………………………… ……………………………………….

3- What is he doing? 4- Is he having a snack?

……………………………………… ………………………………………….

-Look and write three sentences:


-Punctuate the following:

do yaseen and ahmed like milk

Primary Four 82 Language Section

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