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Skill A Q1 Astronomy

Practice 3
Step I
Read the following passage. Then, look at the note diagram and fill in the missing

The Big Bang theory is the most dominant scientific

explanation for how our universe came into existence. This dominant (adi): having the
theory states that the universe was created between ten most influence or control
and twenty billion years ago in a cataclysmic explosion that cataclysmic (adj): causing great
flung matter in all directions. damage
This theory was first postulated as long ago as 1927
postulate (v): to suggest as
by a Belgian priest named Georges Lemattre. He argued true; to hypothesize
that the entire universe had been created via the
explosion of a single atom. All matter, light, and energy proportional (adj): having the
came from this. In 1929, the influential astronomer, Edwin same ratio
Hubble, discovered experimental evidence that primeval (adj): having existed
supported Lemaitre's theory. Hubble's studies indicated from the beginning; referring
that galaxies and positive space matter are travelling away to the earliest times
from one another at speeds proportional to their distance
from us. This theory, called "Hubble's Law," also implies that
our universe is still expanding.
One tenet of the Big Bang theory is that the universe contains a
kind of radiation called "cosmic background radiation" caused by the
original explosion of the primeval atom. In 1964, scientists Robert Wilson and
Arno Penzias discovered the presence of such radiation. They were awarded
a Nobel Prize for their work.

Subject: How______the universe________ was created.

Most _____dominant_______theory: _ The big bang theory______________


— Primeval ________atom______exploded, flung ____matter____ in all
— All matter, ____light_________ , and energy came from this

— _______Edwin Hubble_________found evidence to show universe is


— "Cosmic background _____radiation was_______ " discovered —in 1964

Step 2
Now listen to a lecture related to the topic in Step 1. Fill in the alternative (adj): a different
blanks of the note diagram below with the keywords or key
choice or possibility
phrases shown. Not all of the words or phrases will be used.
verify(v): to check and confirm
the truth of
Topic: 1. ________Theoretical holes in the Big Bang Theory
prestigious(adj): well respected
2. ____Alternative____theories for how the universe originated
entity(n): a thing; something that
Argument: — Big Bang evidence is too general and exists
empirical(adj): provable by
— Evidence also supports other observation, or using the senses
membrane(n): a thin layer
— Big Bang never proven beyond ____the reasonable _____
precision(n): the state of
doubt ________
— Theory, therefore, remains __popular and

__Ekpyrotic_________ scenario argues two parallel____membranes___ of matter collided_______

Supported by same _empirical_______ data as Big Bang

Conclusion: Await new ______information_____________ via technological advances

Keywords/key phrases

hypothesis information vague alternative ekpyrotic collided

membranes dominant models empirical theoretical reasonable

Step 3
Review your notes from both the reading and the lecture. Pay attention to the
main ideas and supporting details. Rewrite the ideas as complete sentences.
Main idea: ____________________________________________________________________________

Supporting idea:_______________________________________________________________________
Supporting idea: _______________________________________________________________________
Lecture: ______________________________________________________________________________
Main idea: ____________________________________________________________________________
Supporting idea: _______________________________________________________________________
Supporting idea: _______________________________________________________________________

Step 4
Use the main ideas and details from Steps 1, 2, and 3 above to complete the
passage. Include information from both the reading and the lecture.

The reading explains that there is a _____________ and dominant theory about how the __________

came into existence. It is called the Big _____________ theory. This theory argues that the explosion

of a primeval __________________________ of years ago, caused all light, matter, and

____________ to form. The reading informs us that the Big Bang theory is _______________ by

Hubble's evidence indicating that the universe is _____________ . The theory is also supported by

the discovery made by two scientists in 1964 of cosmic _____________ existing in space.

The lecturer believes that there are many theoretical _____________ in the Big Bang theory. Actually,
The theory has never been proven true beyond a ______________ doubt, and the evidence
supporting it also supports other theories of how the universe may have been created. As an
example, the lecturer mentions the _____________scenario. This theory argues that the universe
was created when two parallel ____________of space matter _____________ . This theory shares

many elements of the Big Bang theory but also has some _________________.

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