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Submitted as a Partial Requirement for the Degree of Undergraduate
in English Language Education





I would like to dedicate this thesis to:

My beloved mother Rustamini

My beloved grandparents Ngajiyem and Sri Widodo

Who have raised me to be who I am today


My uncle Eko Dwi Manunggal

who has given me invaluable educational opportunities and been my guardian

during my education.


“Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you

hate a thing and it is good for you and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for

you, and Allah knows, while you know not”

(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:216)

“Be a free thinker and don‟t accept everything you hear as truth. Be critical and

evaluate what you believe in”


“Anything you can imagine, you can create”

(Oprah Gail Winfrey)

“No matter who you are, where you are from, your skin color, your gender

identity, just speak yourself”

(Kim Namjoon)


Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah SWT the single power, the lord of the

universe, master of the day of judgment, God all mighty, for all blessing and

mercies so the researcher was able to finish this thesis entitled “Speech Rhetoric

of Oprah Winfrey‟s Commencement Addresses in the United States of

America 2016-2019.” Peace is upon Prophet Muhammad SAW the great

inspiring leader of world revolution.

This research would not complete without the helps, supports, and

suggestions from several concerned. Thus, the researcher would like to express

their deepest thanks to all of those who had helped, supported, and suggested

them during the process of writing the thesis, especially to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Mudofir, S. Ag., M. Pd., as the Rector of the State Islamic Institute

of Surakarta.

2. Prof.Dr.Toto Suharto,S.Ag., M.Ag., as the Dean of Cultures and Languages


3. Budiasih, S.Pd., M.Hum., as the Head of English Language Education

Department of Cultures and Languages Faculty of The State Islamic Institute

of Surakarta.

4. Dr. Imroatus Solikhah, M. Pd., as the advisor who has given her time to guide

the researcher until this work finished. Thank you for advice and suggestion.

5. All honorable lecturers and academic staff in the English Language Education



Tiara Febrina Kartika Sari. 2020. Speech Rhetoric of Oprah Winfrey‟s

Commencement Addresses in the United States of America 2016-2019.
Thesis, English Language Education, Cultures and Languages Faculty, The State
Islamic Institute of Surakarta.

Advisor : Dr. Imroatus Solikhah, M. Pd.

Keywords : Speech Rhetoric, Commencement, Oprah Winfrey.

The objectives of this research are (1) to find out the types of speech
rhetoric used by Oprah Winfrey, (2) to find out the rhetorical proofs used by
Oprah Winfrey‟s speeches in commencement. Therefore, the researcher
formulated the problem statements (1) What are the types of speech rhetoric and
(2) what are the rhetorical proofs used by Oprah Winfrey in the commencement in
United States of America 2016-2019.
This research took three videos Oprah Winfrey‟s commencement
addresses from 2016 to 2019. The method used in this research was Content
Analysis Design and analyzed by descriptive qualitative research. The data in this
research was speech rhetoric that delivered by Oprah Winfrey. The data sources
were taken from YouTube: 1 video from OWN channel, 1 video from Agnes Scott
College channel, 1 video from QuickTake by Bloomberg channel and the
transcripts were downloaded from The researcher used O‟Hair‟s
theory to find out the types of speech rhetoric and Aristotle‟s theory to find out
the rhetorical proofs of Oprah Winfrey‟s speeches. The researcher analyzed the
data by using iterative models of Miles and Huberman that included data
reduction, data display, conclusion, and verification. Then, the researcher
identified and classified the data by coding. The trustworthiness of the research,
the researcher used data triangulation, investigator triangulation, and methodology
The findings showed (1) Oprah Winfrey used a special occasion speech in
delivering her addresses in commencement. (2) Oprah Winfrey used rhetorical
proofs in her commencement addresses. The total logos 26x (20.47%), ethos 51x
(40.16%), and pathos 50x (39.37%). The dominant type she used was pathos
(39.37%). The benefits of this research are may help one who wants to practice a
speech rhetoric understands more about the types and the rhetorical proofs and
give more knowledge to the English as a Foreign Language students about speech


TITLE .............................................................................................................................. i

ADVISOR SHEET ........................................................................................................ ii

RATRIFICATION ....................................................................................................... iii

DEDICATION .............................................................................................................. iv

MOTTO ......................................................................................................................... v

PRONOUNCEMENT .................................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................. ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................. xi

LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................... xii

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................................ xiv

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................... xv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 1

A. Background of the Study .................................................................................. 1

B. Identification of the Problems ........................................................................... 4

C. Limitations of the Study..................................................................................... 5

D. Problem Statements .......................................................................................... 5

E. Objectives of the Study ..................................................................................... 5

F. Benefits of the Study.......................................................................................... 6

G. Definition of Key Terms ................................................................................... 7

CHAPTER II REVIEW ON RELATED LITERATURE ......................................... 9

A. Theoretical Description ...................................................................................... 9

1 Nature of Public Speaking ............................................................................ 9

2 Nature of Speech Rhetoric .......................................................................... 12

3 Definition of Rhetorical Proofs ................................................................... 19

B. Previous Related Study .................................................................................... 26

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................... 31

A. Research Design .............................................................................................. 31

B. Setting of the Research ................................................................................... 32

C. Data and Source Data ...................................................................................... 32

D. Technique of Collecting Data ......................................................................... 34

E. Data Coding ..................................................................................................... 35

F. Technique of Analyzing the Data ................................................................... 37

G. The Trustworthiness of Data ........................................................................... 40

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ............................... 42

A. Research Findings ........................................................................................... 42

B. Discussion ....................................................................................................... 95

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................................ 114

A. Conclusion .................................................................................................... 114

B. Suggestion ..................................................................................................... 115

BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................... 116

APPENDICES ........................................................................................................... 120


Figure 4.1 Types of Oprah Winfrey‟s Speech Rhetoric ............................. 97

Figure 4.2 Rhetorical proofs of Oprah Winfrey‟s Speech Rhetoric ........... 97


Table 2.1 Theory of Rhetorical Proofs by Aristotle ......................................... 26

Table 3.1 Schedule of the Research ................................................................. 32

Table 3.3 Speech Rhetoric of Oprah Winfrey by Aristotle and O‟Hair ........... 37

Table 4.1 Speech Rhetoric of Oprah Winfrey .................................................. 42

Table 4.2 Rhetorical Proofs of Oprah Winfrey‟s commencement

Address at Johnson C. Smith University ......................................... 45

Table 4.3 The result of logical proofs (logos) in video 1 .................................. 48

Table 4.4 The result of ethical proofs (Ethos) in video 1.................................. 50

Table 4.5 The result of emotional proof (Pathos) in video 1 ........................... 54

Table 4.6 Rhetorical Proof of Oprah Winfrey‟s Commencement Address

at Agnes Scott College ..................................................................... 61

Table 4.7 The Result of Logical Proofs (logos) in Video 2 .............................. 67

Table 4.8 The Result of Ethical Proofs (Ethos) in Video 2 ............................. 70

Table 4.9 The Result of Emotional Proofs (Pathos) in Video 2 ....................... 73

Table 4.10 Rhetorical Proof of Oprah Winfrey‟s Commencement Address

at Colorado College ....................................................................... 79

Table 4.11 The result of logical proofs (logos) in Video 3 ............................... 84

Table 4.12 The Result of Ethical proofs (Ethos) in Video 3 ............................ 86

Table 4.13 The Result of Emotional Proofs (Pathos) in Video 3 .................... 89


Appendix 1 Transcripts of Oprah Winfrey‟s Speech ............................... 121

Appendix 2 Tables of Rhetorical Proofs Analysis .................................... 165

Appendix 3 Validator Sheet of Rhetorical Proofs .................................... 179



A. Background of the Study

English as a foreign language is the term used to describe the study of

English by non-native speakers in countries where English is not used to

communicate one another in the daily life. Brown (2007:7) stated that there are

four English skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. Speaking is

usually used for communicating. Speaking is making use of language in

ordinary voice, uttering words, knowing and being able to use a language,

expressing oneself in words, making speech (Hornby in Jumardin, 2016:71).

In the speaking there are three types, namely interactive, partially

interactive and non-interactive (Maria, 2008). One of them is partially

interactive, like public speaking. Public speaking is the act or process of

performing and delivering a message to an audience. Effective public speaking

involves understanding the audience and speaking goals, choosing elements for

the speech that will engage the audience with your topic, and delivering a

message skillfully (Andy, 2012:10). Some categories of public speaking are

speech, debate, and master of ceremony. Speech is the one of public speaking

that often uses for communicate more people. In the some events, speech can

uses for deliver important information.


Mulgrave (1954:3-4) said that speech is a tool to communicate an idea

conceived and developed with the needs of listeners. Speech is one of the

communication methods of conveying information, has been gaining no less

importance whether in the past and now days (Fengjie at all, 2016:141). It is

the most natural and convenient way for human to exchange information.

Speech is special skills that the speaker can share their idea or intention well

without any misunderstanding. One kind of speech there is address. Address is

the one of public speaking that often used for delivering information to

audience in a formal way. Commencement calls for epideictic rhetoric, a

speech that requires a relatively high style, a focus on the present (past and

future figure as they inform the present) and goal of contemplation. Such

speeches invite audiences to consider communal life. Commencement

addresses offer a unique window into the nation‟s shared values (Hart,

2014:84). However, a successful speech needs not only the speaker‟s

eloquence but also rhetoric. Everyone has different rhetoric when they are

talking something.

Crosswhite (2013:15) said that rhetoric is the art of communicating oral

and written committed by someone to a number of people face directly.

Therefore, the term of rhetoric is often used to speech. The core of the rhetoric

is talking. Speech rhetoric is a matching combination between knowledge,

thoughts, art and the ability to speak (Aly, 1994:7). In the language of

conversation or the popular language, rhetoric means in the right place, the

right time, for the effective way, say the right words and impressive. Speech

rhetoric needs more experience and knowledge to influence the audiences.

Speech rhetoric is used to persuade the audience to follow the statement.

The result of the previous studies showed that the speaker was using

speech rhetoric in the speech. MSC was using informative speech rhetoric and

persuasive speech rhetoric (Munawar, 2018). The second research was done by

Danu Peramasandi (2019), he found that Donald J. Trump was using rhetoric to

make powerful speech in persuading.

In this research, researcher chose Oprah Winfrey as the object of

research. Oprah Winfrey is one of the 100 people who most influenced the 20 th

century and one of the most influential people from 2004 to 2011 by TIME.

The researcher executed a pre research on 25 th of August at 8 a.m. The

researcher searched about speech over YouTube and Google, in the way of the

observation, the researcher found Oprah Winfrey‟s speech on different

occasion such as Commencement addresses, festivals, awards, and YouTube

motivation channels. As the television host in United States of America, Oprah

Winfrey has special rhetoric in her speech. Her speech covers the field of

education, politic, culture, and social. In this research, the researcher will focus

on education event which is commencement address. Commencement address

is a speech that is given to graduating students, generally in United States of

America. Oprah Winfrey gave her speech at Colorado College in 2019, she

urged graduating students to use their life in service, telling to attending

Colorado College‟s 145th Commencement ceremony to transform the world

everyday by their actions. Small steps lead to big accomplishments. Oprah


Winfrey used rhetoric in her speech. She thanked to the audiences which

showed one of rhetorical proofs elements. “Thank you for that beautiful

introduction and thank you full circle moment, thank you president, chief and

how Tiefenthaler, thank you so much, good morning class of 2019” this

utterance tends a goodwill of rhetorical proofs, Oprah greeted or gave a

compliments or said thank you to the audience to show that she understood,

empathized, and responsive to the audience. The researcher chooses

commencement address because the researcher wants to know how the speaker

persuades graduating students with their power in facing the future after


B. Identification of the Problems

Based on background of study above, the researcher found four

problems in the commencement address of Oprah Winfrey at Johnson C. Smith

University, Agnes Scott College and Colorado College. The problems

identified as follow:

1. In the speech rhetoric, the speaker has the skill of speech rhetoric to get

attention of audiences. Such as speech rhetoric of Oprah Winfrey.

2. The unique communication used by Oprah Winfrey in the speech rhetoric.

3. Rhetorical proofs used by Oprah Winfrey on her commencement addresses.

4. The videos of Oprah Winfrey commencement addresses 2016-2019 were

taken from YouTube channel (OWN, Agnes S.C, QuickTake by Bloomberg)


C. Limitation of the Study

Based on identification of the problems, this research focused on speech

rhetoric in term of speaking skill, especially in the commencement address.

The researcher chose Oprah Winfrey‟s scripts of speech as the subject. The

limitation of this study was the researcher used three commencement address

videos of Oprah Winfrey at Johnson C. Smith University, Agnes Scott College

and Colorado College. The researcher took the three videos of Oprah

Winfrey‟s commencement address from May 2016 until May 2019.

D. Problem Statements

This research had two problems related to the background of the study

and limitation of the problem above, namely:

1. What are the types of speech rhetoric used by Oprah Winfrey in

commencement addresses in United States of America 2016-2019?

2. What are the rhetorical proofs used by Oprah Winfrey in commencement

addresses in United States of America 2016-2019?

E. Objectives of the Study

Considering the problems above, there were two objectives of this

research, as follow:

1. To find out the types of speech rhetoric used by Oprah Winfrey in

commencement addresses in United States of America 2016-2019.


2. To find out the rhetorical proofs used by Oprah Winfrey in commencement

addresses in United States of America 2016-2019.

F. Benefit of the Study

Researcher hopes this research would give some benefits to readers.

1. Theoretical benefits

The study focused on analyzing the types of speech rhetoric by O‟

Hair‟s theory and rhetorical proofs by Aristotle that revealed on the speech,

so the result of this study will give more information and knowledge about

types and rhetorical proofs of speech rhetoric. Then, the theory can be

referenced for readers who want to practice in speech rhetoric.

2. Practical benefits

a. Readers

The readers could understand the types and rhetorical proofs

revealed on speech, so they become more understand about the purpose

of what ideas that orators delivered in their speech. Besides that, from

this research the readers can know more about the examples of speech


b. Other Researcher

The result of this research can be used as further information for

other researchers that have related discussion about the analysis of types

and rhetorical proofs of speech rhetoric according to Aristotle‟s theory.


c. English Foreign Language Teacher

This research may give a way for English teachers to make deeper

the process of studying the English by analyzing the speech rhetoric in an


d. English Foreign Language Students

The knowledge that given in forms of analysis of types and

rhetorical proofs of speech rhetoric implicitly it gives the EFL students

more knowledge about speech rhetoric.

G. Definition of Key Terms

1. Speech Rhetoric

Speech rhetoric is a well composed and addressed the crowd (Bena,

2000:9). Speech rhetoric is still one of the cultural sections of humanity that

is quite dominant in conveying information, preaching a message,

explaining the ideas, disseminating science or explains the invention to

others to follow. Rhetoric as the energy inherent in emotion and thought,

transmitted through a system of signs, including language, to others to

influence their decision or actions (Kennedy in Herrick, 2005).

2. Commencement Address

Commencement is the ceremony or the day for conferring degrees

or diplomas. Commencement address is a speech that is given to

graduating students, generally in United States of America. Politicians,


important citizens, public figures, and influential people are commonly

invited by colleges or universities to give a speech to graduating class.

3. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Gail Winfrey is an African American television host, actress,

news anchor, company producer and philanthropist in United States of

America. The popularity of Winfrey skyrocketed after the success of her

television show “The Color Purple”. Winfrey received a special award from

the Chicago Academy for the Arts for unique contributions to the city's

artistic community and was named Woman of Achievement by the National

Organization of Women in 1986.



A. Theoretical Description

Theories are needed to explain some concepts or terms applied in

conducting a research. To Avoid misunderstanding and to make the same

perception of the research and the reader, the term needs a clarification.

1. Nature of Public Speaking

Public speaking is a skill that could be mastered through continuous

practice. A talkative person may not be able to give the best speech. To give

an effective speech, the speaker must be first understood the type of speech.

The speaker is expected to give and should prepare along those lines. A

good public speaker is one who understands the needs of the audiences and

flexible enough to adopt changes that may arise while delivering the speech.

Public speaking has become a serious career option, many people are

enrolling for classes where they are taught skills and techniques to speak

well and speak effectively before a gathering. However, to be a good

speaker, it is necessary to knowing the four types of public speaking and the

peculiarities of each one of them.


a. Purposes of Public Speaking

Lagos (2018) stated that public speaking has four purposes to the

audiences, namely:

1) Public speaking to inform

A person gives a speech before an audience to impart

information on a particular topic or issue it said to be an informative

speech. Business presentations, seminars in college, class

presentations in schools are some examples of informative speeches.

2) Public speaking to persuade

Persuasive speeches are those where you try to persuade or

convince you audience about an idea or product. Persuasive speeches

aim to influence and change the opinions of the audience.

3) Public speaking to actuate

Speaking to actuate is the higher level of persuasive speaking.

In this speech, the speaker goes a step beyond persuasion and

convincing. The aim is to motivate people to take a specific step-to


4) Public speaking to entertain

These speeches are another form of public speaking usually

given at weddings, funerals, graduation parties, and retirement parties.

The important factor to make these speeches effective is adding a

personal touch.

Based on expert above, the researcher concludes that to be a

speaker, must know about the purpose of public speaking. It is the

important part to avoid misunderstanding when the speaker delivers the

material or message of topic.

b. Roles of Public Speaking

There are four roles of public speaking for preparing the material,

(Stephen, 2012:77-92).

1) Choosing a Topic

Choosing a topic is the first step in speech making. The

occasion, the audience and the speaker‟s qualifications determine the

speech topic.

2) Determining the General Purpose

Along with choosing a topic, the speaker needs to determine

the general purpose of the speech. Usually this speech will fall into

one of two overlapping categories in informing or in persuading. If the

general purpose is to persuade, the speaker acts as an advocate or a

partisan. The speaker goes beyond giving information to espousing a

cause. The speaker can change or structure the attitudes or actions of

the audience.

3) Determining the Specific Purpose

The speaker has chosen a topic and general purpose. The

speaker must narrow the choices to determine the specific purpose of

their speech. The specific purpose should be focused on one aspect of


topic. The speaker should be able to state your specific purpose in a

single infinitive phrase that indicates precisely what they hope to

accomplish with the speech.

4) Phrasing the Central Idea

The specific purpose of speech is what the speaker hopes to

accomplish. The central idea is a concise statement of what speaker

expects to say. Sometimes, the central idea is called the subject

sentence, thesis statement or major thought. Whatever, the term,

central idea is usually expressed as a simple, declarative sentence that

refines and sharpens the specific purpose statement.

2. Nature of Speech Rhetoric

Speech is a tool to communicate an idea conceived and developed

with the needs of listeners. Speech is an instrument that reveals to evaluator

almost directly, whether the speaker understands or not, at the time of

communicating his ideas, makes enthusiastic to listener or audience


Helmes (2002:10) stated that Speech is the most natural and

convenient way for humans to exchange information. In contrast from

typing, speech communication requires no special skills.

Speech is verbal means of communicating consist of articulation,

voice, and fluency that are made by someone who is speaking in front of a

group of people. The speaker can transfer his opinion or thought to the

listener and makes them to do what speaker wants. It will be done if the

speaker gives an interesting speech.

Based on the experts above, it can be concluded that speech is one of

language skills which are expressive and productive oral. They said to be

productive because the person of speech required producing a verbal

exposure which is the mirror of ideas, feelings, and thoughts that are

presented to another person.

a. Rhetoric

Rhetoric is a form human transcendence, a way we open

ourselves to the influence of what is beyond us and become receptive, a

way we participate in a larger world and become open to the lives of

others, a way we learn and change (Crosswhite, 2013:17). Rhetoric as

known also public speaking is communication way to a lot of person who

take social problem or culture. Rhetoric is important to avoid

misunderstanding a person in communication.

Rhys (2008:4) stated that Rhetoric is the counterpart of Dialectic.

Both are concerned with such things as come, more or less, within the

general ken of all men and belong to no definite science. Aristotle

stressed that rhetoric closely related to dialectic. It is can be concluded

that rhetoric is knowledge of the person through practice and from

acquired the habit.

Rhetoric develops appropriate as like an era. Today, explanation

of rhetoric was including some case (Aly, 1994:5). It is the principal of


persuasive and effective composition and speech ability that having by

orator. Persuasive principal is prose composition, generally in spoken,

written and fictitious or scientific. Theoretical approach is verbal

composition (prose and poem). Richard Crable said that rhetoric is

bombastic, something like disbelief connotation that broader in text book

in using language and it is composition. Rhetoric is art or knowledge in

using language to influence the people. Hendrikus (2000:14) stated that:

1) Rhetoric is art for well speak that use in human communication

process. The art of well speak is not speak fluently and brief

speech, clearly, and imposing.

2) Modern rhetoric is good combination between knowledge,

thought, art, and capability of speaking. Modern rhetoric

includes strength of memories, creative, exactly expressing

technique, and appropriate scoring.

Rhetoric is not a debased kind of communication, it is the really

of all communication, and it leads us into experiencing the world in some

particular ways and not in all ways (Crosswhite, 2013:17). Rhetoric is not

only communication to another person, but experience is also important

way to art of rhetoric.

Rhetoric is art of speaking well and good combination between

knowledge, thought, art, and capability of speaking that can affected the

audience deeply. Knowledge and experience are very important in

rhetorical art. The function is to communicate to another people. Modes


of persuasion furnished by the spoken word there types, (Rhys, 2008:10).

There are three types of rhetorical according to Aristotle in Rajiyem


1) Forensic Rhetoric

A condition depends on personal character of the speaker.

Forensic rhetoric called also judicial rhetoric. It is found in law design

and oriented in the past era. In this persuasion, like the others, should

be achieved by what the speaker says, not by what people think of his

character before he begins to speak.

2) Epideictic Rhetoric

Persuasion comes through to the hearers, when the speech

arouses their emotions. This subject must be treated in detail when we

come to speak of the emotions. Epideictic rhetoric called as

ceremonial rhetoric or speech, it has destination for praise, respect,

embarrassing. This rhetoric focused on social issue in the present.

3) Deliberative Rhetoric

Persuasion is affected through the speech itself when we have

proved a truth or an apparent truth by means of the persuasive

arguments suitable to the case in question. Deliberative rhetoric called

also as politic rhetoric which is doing by general people. This rhetoric

has oriented future time.

Based on some types of the definition above, speech rhetoric can

be influenced by condition and situation. The speaker must control the


emotion and know character of audiences to deliver speech rhetoric. So,

the speech can avoid misunderstanding.

b. Speech Rhetoric

Speech rhetoric is a well composed and addressed the crowd

(Bena, 2000:9). Speech rhetoric or public speaking is still one of the

cultural sections of humanity that is quite dominant in conveying

information, preaching a message, explaining the ideas, disseminating

science or explaining the invasion to others to follow. Speech rhetoric

can be defined as an activity which aims to reveal the mind of the

opinion, the discourse by way of speaking in front of the public. Reveal a

speech lecturing or rhetoric way to convey greeting to influence people.

O‟Hair (2012:5) states that speech rhetoric is a speaker delivers a

message with a specific purpose to an audience of people who are present

during the delivery of the speech. Speech is a form of communication, a

speaker deliver the engagement occurred from the speaker, the listener,

the sound, effects, context, message and media presentation that conveys

a message designed packaging.

Good speech rhetoric will be able to give a positive impression

for people who heard the speech. The ability of good public speaking in

public or general situation can help to achieve a good career. Related in

speech are the speaker, listener, and situation.


1) Types of Speech Rhetoric

Stephen (2012:277) classification the types of speech rhetoric

in three types:

a) Informative speech

A classroom assignment probably will be to deliver an

informative speech in which the student will act as a lecturer or

teacher. The student may describe an object, show how something

works, explains a concept and report on an event. Students‟ aim

will be to convey knowledge and understanding not to advocate a


b) Persuasive speech

Persuasion is the process of creating, reinforcing, or

changing people‟s beliefs or action. The ability to speak (and write)

persuasively will benefit you in every part of your life, from

personal relations community activities to career aspirations.

c) Special Occasions speech

Special occasions are the punctuation mark of day-to-day

life, the high points that stand out above ordinary routine.

Christenings, inaugurals, retirement dinners-all these are occasions,

and they are very special to the people who take part in them.

O‟Hair (2012:175) classifies the types of speech rhetoric in

three types:

a) Informative Speaking

The informative speech provides new ways of thinking

about a topic, new insights or new information. Speaker might be

an explanation of a concept or practice; a description of a person,

place, or event; or physical demonstration of how something


b) Persuasive Speaking

The goal of a persuasive speech is to influence the attitudes,

beliefs, values and acts of others. Persuasive speeches commonly

attempts to modify audience attitudes and values so that they move

in the direction of the speaker‟s stance.

c) Speaking on Special Occasions

A special occasion speech is prepared for a specific

occasion and for a specific purpose dictated by that occasion.

Special occasion speeches can be either informative or persuasive

or a mix of both.

Based on some theory above, researcher chooses O‟Hair‟s

theory, because this theory is more appropriate and complete for this

research. Presenting speech rhetoric is needed by orator to deliver the

message to audience. To make the orator be best in presenting speech


rhetoric, the speaker should fulfill criteria of delivering speech. The

speaker also communicates the material clearly to listeners.

3. Definition of Rhetorical Proofs

Rhetorical proofs come from Aristotle means persuasion or artistic

proofs which are the methods or ways to persuade. According to Aristotle in

Griffin (2012) said that rhetorical proofs are the things that are created by

the speaker. There are three kinds of rhetorical proofs: logical (logos),

ethical (ethos), and emotional (pathos).

a. Logical Proof (Logos)

In the rhetoric, (Aristotle 1954) used logos to refer for creating

reasoning in an argument or speech using logic. It is also started that

"Logos was the study of interference making or reasoning which is

related to logic" (Herrick, 2005). According to Aristotle (in Griffin,

2012), Logical proof come from the line of argument in the speech. It

means that a reason or proof that comes from a human logic. It is also

used by speaker to prove his or her argument in order to persuade the

audience. Aristotle focused on two forms of logos; they are the

enthymeme and the example.

1) Enthymeme

The enthymeme was regarded as the strongest of the proof by

Aristotle. It is because enthymeme considered as rhetorical

demonstration are people are easily persuaded when they think that

something has been demonstrated (Christof, 2010). Enthymeme is

merely an incomplete version of a formal deductive syllogism.

Deductive logic is usually used in the process of creating an

enthymeme by moving from global principle to specific truth." In

modern time, the enthymeme has come to be regarded as an

abbreviated syllogism. Syllogism is an argumentative statement that

contains a conclusion and premises (Corbett, 1999). The essential

difference is that the syllogism leads to a necessary conclusion from

universally true premises but enthymeme leads to a tentative

conclusion from probable premises (Aristotle, 1954). The audience

can be satisfied with probable conclusion because it recognizes the

contingent nature of the things that rhetoric deals with (Corbett, 1999).

Since enthymeme is merely an incomplete version of a formal

deductive syllogism, one of the premises may be missing but the

missing premise is as readily supplied as the missing parts of an

elliptical grammar structure (Connor, 1999). To illustrate, the

following is the example of syllogism:

Major or general premise: All horse-race betting is gambling.

Minor or specific premise: Some gambling is illegal.

Conclusion: Some horse-riding betting is illegal.

Still, typical enthymeme leaves out a premise that is already

accepted by the audience. All horse-race betting is gambling. .

. . Some horse-race betting is illegal.


2) Example

According to Aristotle (1954), example has the nature of

induction, which is a foundation of reasoning. Example is one of the

effective method to define and idea and it is also a favorite device of

preachers, orators, and teachers to explain their thought so that the

audience could easily grasp the meaning (Griffin, 2012).

There are two varieties of example; the illustrative parallel of

the fable. In illustrative parallel, it needs the power of thinking out the

analogy which can be developed by intellectual training.

Fables are suitable for addresses to a popular connection and

comparatively easy to invent. However, it is easier to supply matching

by inventing fables. Since the future will be like what the pass has

been, it is essential for the political speaker to provide their speech by

quoting what has actually happen (Aristotle). It will help the audience

to visualize the idea the speaker is trying to convey to the audience.

An example of fable used in a speech is shown on Malala Yousaf Zai's

speech. Malala explained how the terrorists are afraid of women by

telling a story that has actually happened.

"They are afraid of women. The power of women‟s voice

frightens them. This is way the killed in innocent students in

the recent attack in Quetta. And that is why they kill female

teachers. That is why they are blasting schools every day,


because they are afraid of change the equality that we will

bring to our society,"

b. Ethical Proof (Ethos)

Aristotle held the three artistic proofs. Ethos was potentially the

most persuasive (Herrick, 2005). Herrick (2005) said that when people

are convinced that is speaker is knowledgeable, trustworthy, and has their

best interest at heart, they will be very likely to accept as true what that

speaker has to say. In rhetoric, Aristotle identified three qualities that can

establish high source of credibility, such as; intelligence, virtuous

character, and goodwill (Griffin, 2012).

1) Perceived Intelligence

Audience will judge intelligence by the overlap between their

beliefs and the speaker's ideas (Griffin, 2012). Audience is more likely

to be persuaded when they perceive a speaker to be competence and

credible (Verdeber et all 2012). A speaker conveys his or her

intelligence by explaining his or her competence. To indicate the

speaker's competence, the speaker can share his or her experiences

that prove the speaker's special knowledge in some fields or simply by

adding the current information in his speech. In addition, using

evidence from respected sources who are experts in the speech can

help the speaker sound more convincing. By doing so, the audience

can perceive the speaker's qualification and expertise and start

believing on what the speaker is saying (Verdeber et all, 2012).

2) Virtuous Character

Griffin (2012) stated that character has to do with the speaker's

image as a good and honest person. According to Verdebere et all

(2012), good character is the ability of the speaker to establish

trustworthiness to the listeners to what the speaker say. To produce the

truth worthiness, the speaker can begin with telling the speaker's

experiences and values. From the experiences and values that the

speaker share with the audience, it will help the audience start to

believe in what the speaker says. The speaker can also explain his

motive to demonstrate his character which make the listeners consider

the speaker as a trustworthy person so that it increases a good

character of the speaker (Verdeber et all, 2012).

3) Goodwill

A positive judgment of the speaker's intention toward the

audience is called goodwill (Griffin, 2012). Aristotle thought it is

possible for an orator to possess extraordinary intelligence and sterling

character yet still not have the listener's best interest heart (Griffin,

2012). According to Verdeber et all (2012), goodwill is a perception

the audience form of a speaker who they believe understands them,

empathizes with them, and is responsive to them. When audience


members believe in the speaker's goodwill, they are willing to believe

what the speaker says.

c. Emotional Proof (Pathos)

Emotion proof, which come from the feelings and the speech

draws out of those who heart it (Griffin, 2012). The term pathos is often

used to refer to the effective or emotional appeals that give persuasive

message and power to move audience to action, but Aristotle's interest in

emotion has to do specifically with emotion's ability to affect the

judgment of audience (Herrick, 2005). In the end, he cataloged a series of

opposite feelings, then explained the conditions under which each mood

is experienced, and finally described how the speaker can get audience to

feel that way (Griffin, 2012).

1) Anger versus Calmness

Aristotle (1954) said that growing calm is the opposite of

growing angry, and calmness is the opposite of anger, we must

ascertain in what frames of mind men are calm, toward whom they

feel calm, and by what mean they are made so. Growing calm perhaps

defined as settling down or quieting of anger (Aristotle, 1954).

People feel angry when they are dissatisfied in their attempt to

fulfill a need and it reminds them of interpersonal slight, and they will

become irate. Aristotle (1954) also said that someone becomes angry

when he or she is offended by others. To calm to the audience down


after showing anger, a speaker must show the audience that the

offender is sorry, deserves praise, or has great power (Griffin, 2012).

2) Love or Friendship versus Hatred

Aristotle (1954) described friendly feeling towards any one

like a wishing for what someone believes to be good things, not for

oneself sake but for others, and being inclined. Enmity and hatred may

be produced by anger or spite or calumny. Anger arises from offences

against oneself. Enmity may arise even without that. Anger is always

concerned with individuals whereas hatred is directed against classes.

Hater Wishes to pity a man whom he or she has hated (Aristotle,


3) Fear versus Confidence

Aristotle wrote that fear may be defined as a pain or

disturbance due to a mental picture of some destructive or painful evil

in the future (Herrick, 2005). Fear is felt by those who believe

something to be likely to happen to them, at the hand of particular

persons, in a particular form, and at particular time (Aristotle, 1954).

Aristotle (1954) also explained about confidence as the opposite of

fear. Therefore, the expectation associated with a mental picture of

nearness of what keep us safe and the absence or remoteness of what

is terrible. As said by Griffin (2012), fear comes from a mental image

of potential disaster. The speaker has to paint a vivid word picture of

tragedy, showing that its occurrence is probable.


In the other hand, confidence is felt when someone believe that

he or she has often succeeded and never suffered reverses, or has often

met danger and escaped it safely (Aristotle, 1954). It means

confidence can be built through successful experiences.

4) Admiration versus Envy

Aristotle (1954) said that envy is a pain at the sight of such

good fortune as consist of the good things already mentioned; a person

feels it towards his or her equal; not with the idea of getting something

for himself or herself. According to Griffin (2012), people admire

moral virtue, power, wealth and beauty. By demonstrating that an

individual has acquired life's goods through hard work rather than

mere luck, admiration will increase (Griffin, 2012).

Table 2.1 Theory of Rhetorical Proofs by Aristotle

Rhetorical Proofs of the video
Rhetorical Time Utterance

Tabulation of theory above is the theory that will use for this research .

B. Previous Related Studies

The first research had done by Li Fengjie, Ren Jia, and Zhang Yingying

in (2016) Analysis of the Rhetorical Devices in Obama‟s Public Speeches. This

research published in International Journal of Language and Linguistics. The

objectives of the research were to describe about four of Obama‟s speeches

from the perspective of lexical devices, phonological devices and syntactical


devices in order to explore the application of functions of these three rhetorical

devices categories. The main research methods adopted in this paper were

document research and textual analysis. With the purpose of exploring what

rhetorical devices were applied and their respective functions in the

corresponding context, the researcher in journal selected four of Obama‟s

addresses in hopes that Obama‟s speech techniques could be understood and

imitated by all the relevant readers, thus bettering speech making. In collecting

data, the researcher used qualitative technique. The qualitative data came from

video of Barak Obama, documentation.

The result of this research that from the theoretical basis of language

rhetoric, they found out the several most used rhetorical devices in speeches.

For example, with regard to phonological rhetoric, Obama tended to apply

alliteration in order to create rhythmical effect which could better attract the

audience‟s attention and at the same time made the speaker‟s words more

powerful and persuading. As for lexical rhetoric, Obama was more likely to

utilize simile, metaphor, metonymy and synecdoche to replace something

abstract for those common and understandable in order to express his ideas in a

more vivid and visual way. When it came to the syntactical devices, parallelism

was more than anything but Obama‟s favorite and frequently used weapon to

emphasize his theme or create a thought-provoking atmosphere. Generally,

compared with phonological and lexical rhetoric, syntactical, devices were the

most frequently employed devices for Obama to appeal to the audience and

exerted influence on them, which would finally help to achieve the speaker‟s


The second was done by Mohammad Ali Munawar in (2017) Students‟

Speech Rhetoric at Muslim Smart Club of English Education and Islamic

Education and Teacher Training Faculty. This research published in IAIN

Surakarta. The subject in this research was students of Moslem Smart Club in

IAIN Surakarta. Students in Moslem Smart Club were member who followed

the program of developing speaking skill. Speaking skill here focus on speech

or public speaking. In collecting the data, researcher was using qualitative

research consist of observation and interview. In observation, the researcher

observed the students speech rhetoric at MSC institution, to get real description

that speech rhetoric learning in speaking class. For interview, researcher was

giving question and the informant answer the question to get the data.

The researcher found out that students speech rhetoric at Muslim Smart

Club in English Education Teacher and Training Faculty of IAIN Surakarta,

there were many type of speech rhetoric that showed by the students. The types

of speech rhetoric were informative speech rhetoric and persuasive speech

rhetoric. The dominant speech that used by students of Muslim Smart Club was

formative speech. The difficulties faced by Students of Moslem Smart club in

presented speech rhetoric were spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary, confidence

and mother tongue. Most of the difficulties that student faced is in vocabulary

cases. It caused English as second language in Indonesia, if the students wanted

speaking language. The students thought in Indonesia first, and translated or


interpreted in English language. Then, the students presented the speech

rhetoric as they do.

The third was done by Danu Peramasandi in (2019) The Analysis of types

of speech rhetoric of Donald Trump in Presidential event in United State of

America Period 2017-2018. The subject in this research was Donald Trump as

the president of America. For collecting the data, researcher was using

qualitative research consist of observation and document. In observation,

researcher observed the speech of Donald Trump. In document, researcher was

using script of speech by Donald Trump.

The finding of the study showed that Donald Trump using speech

rhetoric in the presidential event. Second, there were eleven elements that used

by Donald Trump in the speech rhetoric. The elements were classified: a)

Speaker, b) Encoding, c) Receiver, d) Decoding, e) Feedback, f) Message, g)

Channel, h) Shared Meaning, i) Context, j) Rhetorical Situation and k)

Audience Centered. The conclusion of the research was speech rhetoric

delivered by Donald Trump in the presidential event was different following

place and situation to influence the audiences. The benefit found in the

research might help speaker doing preparation and the important thing to make

the audiences understood about the topic.

There is a similarity between three previous studies above. The similarity

is about the key term of the research. Three of the previous studies used

rhetorical speech as the important point and the methodology of research was

using qualitative research. In qualitative research, three of researches above


tried to analyze the data gotten. Besides, there are differences between three of

researches above. The difference is about objective of the data. The objective

of the first research was Barack Obama as the president in United States of

America before. In other side, the second research was Moslem Smart Club as

the objective and the third research was Donald Trump. For the first research, it

focused on devices of rhetorical speech. Second research focused on technique

rhetorical speech in the student of MSC and the third research focused on

Donald Trump‟s speech.



A. Research Design

This research applied a content analysis design in a qualitative study.

Bodgan and Taylor in Moleong (2006:9) define qualitative research as a

research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral

words of people and behavior, which can be observed. Furthermore, a

descriptive method is kind of method in which the researcher not only

collecting the data, but also analyzing and interpreting them. By using the

descriptive research, the researcher tried to describe and analyze the facts

concerning the object of the research, namely speech rhetoric who practiced by

Oprah Winfrey. Therefore, the researcher collected the data, analyzed, and

interpreted the videos of Oprah Winfrey‟s commencement addresses and drew

conclusion about type of the Oprah Winfrey‟s speech rhetoric using O‟ Hair‟s

theory and rhetorical proofs by Aristotle.

Related to the objective of this study, the researcher used content

analysis design. Krippendorff (2003:18) defines content analysis generally as a

research technique for making replicable and valid inferences from texts (or

other meaningful matter) to the contexts of their use. The researcher

transcribed Oprah Winfrey‟s commencement address videos into written texts


or transcript. The researcher used data analysis to draw conclusions about the

transcripts of Oprah Winfrey‟s speech.

B. Setting of the Research

In this research, the researcher took the research when Oprah Winfrey

gave a commencement address in United States of America (USA). The data

was conducted by date, time, and place the speech was doing. Researcher

followed the information from the observation and the document. In this case,

researcher searched the videos of Oprah Winfrey‟s commencement address in

Johnson C. Smith University, Agnes Scott College, and Colorado College.

Table 3.1 Schedule of the Research

No Schedule of Research Month

1. Pre research December 2019

2. Writing Thesis Proposal December 2019-February 2020

3. Thesis Proposal Examination March 2020

4. Research June-July 2020

5. Munaqosah September 2020

C. Data and Source Data

1. Data

Data in this study is needed to answer research questions. Data

which collected in this study was qualitative data. The qualitative research

deals with data that are in the form of words or picture, rather than numbers

and statistic (Ary et al, 2010:454). In this research, the researcher used 3

videos and scripts of Oprah Winfrey at Commencement address from each

year. The first video was the speech of Oprah Winfrey at Johnson C. Smith

University, taken from OWN YouTube channel (

GSy4xU0), the second video was at Agness Scott Collage, taken from

Agnes S.C YouTube channel (, the third

video was at Corolado College, taken from QuickTake by Bloomberg

YouTube channel (, and the scripts were taken

from Downsub in the internet. The videos used in this research were the

addressing speeches of Oprah Winfrey in commencement.

2. Source Data

Data source is a source where the data are taken from. The

researcher found 9 videos from 2016 until 2019 by searching over YouTube,

Oprah Winfrey Magazine, Colorado College‟s website, and Essence

website. There were 3 videos in 2016 (Speech at ESSENCE festival,

Johnson C. Smith commencement address, and conversation with Michelle

Obama about Generation of Women), 2 videos in 2017(Agnes Scott College

commencement address and Smith College commencement address), 2

videos in 2018 (Oprah Winfrey accepting speech at Golden Globes and

University of Southern California commencement address) and 2 videos in

2019 (Colorado College commencement address and Oprah Winfrey‟s

motivation at The Hollywood Reporter‟s empowerment in entertainments).


In this research, the data was the utterances in speech rhetoric that was done

by Oprah Winfrey.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

Data collecting technique in qualitative research consists of

observation and documentation.

1. Observation

Creswell (2009:181) stated that qualitative observations are those in

which the researcher takes field notes on the behavior and activities of

individuals at the research site. In these field notes, the researcher record, in

an unstructured or semi structured way, activities at the research site. The

researcher observed the subject of speech rhetoric on YouTube, especially in

commencement. The technique of collecting data:

a. The researcher watched Oprah Winfrey‟s speech rhetoric in

commencement. The video will take from YouTube channel (OWN,

Agness Scott Collage and QuickTake by Bloomberg).

b. Taking note. It means that researcher make a note about speech rhetoric.

In this way, the researcher wrote the point of Oprah Winfrey utterances.

2. Documentation

During the process of the research, the investigator may collect

qualitative document. These may be public documents (e.g., newspapers,

minutes of meeting, official reports) or private documents (e.g., personal

journal, letter, e-mail, or script) (Creswell, 2009:181). In this research, the


document was the scripts of Oprah Winfrey‟s commencement address. As

the data was speech rhetoric and source data was videos of Oprah Winfrey‟s

commencement address. The script of each speech analyzed. The researcher

took the scripts from in the internet. This script was used to

analyze material in the chapter fourth.

E. Data Coding

Coding is tag or label for assigning units of meaning to the descriptive

or inferential information compiled during a study (Huberman, 1994:56). In

this research, the researcher gave some codes in each data in order to make it

easy in analyzing the data. The some codes explained as follow:

1. The code of Vid1, Vid2, Vid3.... (Video 1) were used to show the order of

part of Video one as the first source of data.

2. The codes JCSU, ASC, CC were used to show the place where the speech

was given.

3. The numeral 16, 17, 18,… were used to show the year of the video was


4. The code of DT….. (Data Time) example DT:00:15:30 was used to show

the data of time speech rhetoric in event.

5. The alphabetic capital letters were used to classify the three types of speech

rhetoric. These are written below:

IS: Informative Speaking

PS: Persuade Speaking


SO: Special Occasions

6. The alphabetic capital letters were used to classify the Rhetorical proofs of

speech rhetoric. These are written below:

L: Logos

E: Ethos

P: Pathos

7. The combination of alphabetic capital letters and lowercase letter were used

to classify the subs of Rhetorical proofs. These are written below:

En: Enthymeme

Ex: Example

Pi: Perceived Intelligence

Vc: Virtuous Character

Gw: Goodwill

An: Anger

Cm: Calmness

Fr: Friendship

Ht: Hatred

Fe: Fear

Cf: Confidence

Ad: Admiration

Ev: Envy

Those were put together into sentences in the example below:

(Vid1/JCSU/16/DT:00:15:30/IS/L:En) means the first video in speech rhetoric


of Oprah Winfrey at Johnson C. Smith University in 2016, minutes 15, 30

seconds used Informative Speaking type as speaker and identified as the proof

of Logos in the sub of Enthymeme.

Table 3.3 Speech Rhetoric of Oprah Winfrey

Speech Rhetoric of Oprah Winfrey

Types of Rhetorical Proofs
Data Source

Rhetoric L E P













Vid 1
Vid 2
Vid 3

F. Technique of Analyzing the Data

According to Arikunto (2006:236) classifies the data of a descriptive

study into two kinds of data. They are qualitative data which are in the form of

words or sentences and quantitative data which are not in the form of numbers.

Analyzing data refers to method analyze of the data have been collected

by researcher. It can be ease the reader to understand the essential meaning and

important parts of the data. Miles and Huberman (1984) in Sugiyono

(2015:337) stated that analyze the data, researcher needs through some steps

are data reduction, data display, conclusion, and verification.


1. Data Reduction

The researcher concludes that the data reduction element of the data

analysis which emphasized, makes the data shorter, make the theme

focused, and arranges the data, so final conclusion can be drawn and

verified well. The data reduction will be done during the research activities.

In this case, the researcher reduced information during the research

activities of the unimportant data or they did not support the data.

Researcher took the data of the presented speech rhetoric by Oprah Winfrey.

2. Data Display

Miles and Hubermen (1984) in Sugiyono (2015:341) stated that “the

most frequent from of display data for qualitative research data in the past

has been narrative text”. In this step, the researcher will analyze the speech

rhetoric by Oprah Winfrey and display the data based on the theory.

The data display was conducted in some step, including sample data

(Vid1/JCSU/16/DT:00:00:21/IS/L:En) or video one, data of place, years,

data of time, type, main sub of rhetorical proof and the sub of rhetorical


For example (Vid1/JCSU/16/DT:00:00:21/IS/L:En) means:

Vid1 = Video 1

JCSU = Johnson C. Smith University

16 = the year of the video

DT = Data Times

IS = Informative Speech

L = Logos

E = Enthymeme

After displaying the code of data, the researcher tried to analyze

appropriateness of the data and the theory.

3. Conclusion and Verification

The researcher calculated the percentage of the most dominant type

of rhetorical proofs. According to Sudijono (2011) the formula to calculate

the percentage as below:

P= x 100%

P: The Percentage of the type of rhetorical proofs

F: Frequency of the type of rhetorical proofs

N: Total of the whole rhetorical proofs

The researcher drew the conclusion of the data after describing and

interpreting the data continuously and throughout in the course of study as

the outcome of interpretation. The researcher interpreted the data and then

made a conclusion. The outcome of the study was the analysis about Speech

rhetoric of Oprah Winfrey for implication teaching.

The researcher defined a display as an organized and action taking

looking at displays helps the researcher to understand what is happening and

going to do based on understanding. The last stages of analysis activities are

going to be conclusions drawing and verification. It means that the

researcher draws the conclusion of the data.


G. The Trustworthiness of Data

To avoid the invalid data the researcher used triangulation.

Triangulation is qualitative cross-validation. It assesses the sufficiency of the

data according to the convergence of multiple data sources or multiple data

collecting procedures, Wiersma in Sugiyono (2015: 372).

Patton in Sutopo (2002:7) stated that there are 4 triangulations:

1. Data triangulation.

In collecting the data the researcher uses sources of data that are

available. It means that the same data would be more valid if they are taken

from different sources of the data. Data triangulation can also use one

source of the data.

2. Investigator triangulation

In investigator triangulation, the validity of research finding can be

checked by other researchers. Based on findings, the researcher will find the

final conclusion which is able to use to make the result of the research valid.

3. Methodology triangulation.

In this triangulation, the researcher collects the same data by using

different technique of method of collecting the data.

4. Theory triangulation.

In this triangulation, the researcher involves more than one

theoretical scheme in the interpretation of phenomenon.

Furthermore, in this case the researcher used data triangulation,

investigator triangulation, and methodology triangulation to analyze speech


rhetoric of Oprah Winfrey‟s commencement address. The researcher took

the data from speech rhetoric to answer the problem statements. In this

triangulation, researcher compared between the result of observation and

document. After that, researcher checked the data by theories. Through that,

variety of perspectives was expected to obtain valid results.



This chapter consists of research finding and discussion based on theory

presented in chapter II. In order to answer the question, the data was gathered

from the video transcripts of speech rhetoric of Oprah Winfrey. The research

findings were processed with the data that has been obtained in the field research

focusing on two actions; (1) the observation of Oprah Winfrey‟s videos, and (2)

the documentation of the Oprah Winfrey‟s addresses in form of script.

A. Research Findings

The findings of the research were provided by descripting the tables of

analysis supported by coding of the data in the Chapter III. The data was

analyzed based on the O‟Hair‟s theory of the types of speech rhetoric and

rhetorical proofs will be analyzed using Aristotle‟s theory. The researcher

took three videos of Oprah Winfrey‟s speeches in commencement as the

object of the research. The table of analysis as follows:

Table 4.1 Speech Rhetoric of Oprah Winfrey

Speech Rhetoric of Oprah Winfrey

Types of Rhetorical Proofs
Data Source

Rhetoric L E P













Vid 1 - - √ 3 3 2 4 2 1 1 4 1 - 2 4 1
Vid 2 - - √ 8 3 4 14 10 2 2 4 1 2 2 3 1
Vid 3 - - √ 3 6 3 7 5 3 1 2 4 2 4 3 -


According to the table 4.2 the types of all the videos of Oprah Winfrey

were special occasion speech. Oprah prepared speeches in a special occasion,

commencement. The frequencies of rhetorical proofs in the first video

consisted of 3 times of enthymeme, 3 times of example, 2 times of perceived

intelligence, 4 times of virtuous character, 2 times of goodwill, 1 time of

anger, 1 time of calmness, 4 times of friendship, 1 time of hatred, 0 of fear, 2

times of confidence, 4 times of admiration, and 1 time of envy.

The second video consisted of 8 times of enthymeme, 3 times of

example, 4 times of perceived intelligence, 14 times of virtuous character, 10

times of goodwill, 2 times of anger, 2 times of calmness, 4 times of

friendship, 1 time of hatred, 2 times of fear, 2 times of confidence, 3 times of

admiration, and 1 time of envy.

The third video consisted of 3 times of enthymeme, 6 times of

example, 3 times of perceived intelligence, 7 times of virtuous character, 5

times of goodwill, 3 times of anger, 1 time of calmness, 2 times of friendship,

4 times of hatred, 2 times of fear, 4 times of confidence, 3 times of

admiration, and 0 of envy.

The first video was doing in the 144th Graduation Ceremony Class

2016 at Johnson C. Smith University, the second video was in the 128th

Graduation Ceremony Class 2017 at Johnson C. Smith University, and the

third video was doing in 145th Graduation Ceremony Class 2019 at Colorado


1. 144th Graduation Ceremony Class 2016 at Johnson C. Smith


For the first video, the researcher codes the video with Vid1 as the

video 1. In this event, Oprah Winfrey was giving a speech at Johnson C.

Smith University to celebrate class graduation. She told to graduation of

class of 2016 to listen to their voice, because their own voices will make

the right decision and allow them to do the right thing. Oprah Winfrey was

doing her speech rhetoric on Sunday, may 15th 2016 in 22 minutes 56

seconds. The type for this speech is special occasion speech. It can be seen

in the speech that Oprah Winfrey gave her speech in the special occasion

which is commencement. The speech was persuasive. It was indicated by

Oprah Winfrey was trying to influence to he graduates by giving them

motivation. She tried to modify graduates attitudes and values so that they

can move in the direction of her stance.

In her speech, it could be identified as speech rhetoric by analyzing

the rhetorical proofs. It is the method or way used by a speaker by creating

proofs (logical, ethical, and emotional proofs) in order to persuade the

audience. This part would answer the research question and discuss the

result of the analysis. The researcher answered the question by analyzing

the three kinds of proofs, which are logical (logos), ethical (ethos), and

emotional (ethos), used by Oprah Winfrey in her commencement address

at Johnson C. Smith University. Type and rhetorical proofs of Oprah

Winfrey‟s commencement address were shown on the table 4.2 below:


Table 4.2 Rhetorical Proof of Oprah Winfrey‟s Commencement Address at

Johnson C. Smith University

Type: Special Occasion Speech

Rhetorical Proof of video1
Rhetorical Time Utterance
Vid1/E:Gw 00:00:04 “JC! JC! Alright, now you‟re looking good today. I
have never experienced an introduction like that, juror
I meant to you class of 2017”
Vid1/P:Ht 00:01:39 “I don‟t believe in anybody who knows me, knows, I
don‟t believe in or support any law discriminating
against anybody ever”
Vid1/P:Fr 00:01:55 “I‟ll be at JC, because it‟s been a long time coming.
This is how long has been coming in 2002”
Vid1/P:Ad 00:02:08 “I had the great honor and privilege of a juror
mention spending time is Nelson Mandela, one of the
greatest men”
Vid1/P:Ad 00:02:30 “You know, you want to leave something with
someone who‟s been hosting you, and it‟s hard to
leave a candle for Nelson Mandela”
Vid1/P:Ad 00:02:41 “You can‟t leave a diary or some cookies baked so
good, so Madiba and I were at one point discussing
what would make a difference in the world and
particularly in the country of South Africa”
Vid1/P:Cf 00:03:15 “I said that the only thing that I know is education, and
what I would like to do is to build a school”
Vid1/L:Ex 00:03:43 “We started talking about a building, a school for
young girls. Young girls giving young women the hope
that someone had given me because I have always
known that to whom much is given much is also
Vid1/E:Pi 00:04:05 “I had been from the very first time. I could afford to
pay for my own rent. Looking outside myself to see
how I could use what I had been given to help
somebody else and I learned through the process of
trying to help other people”
Vid1/L:En 00:04:25 “You can‟t change people by giving them money,
but you can change them when you offer them the
opportunity to change themselves through
Vid1/E:Vc 00:04:36 “so I started a search with a team looking for girls
in South Africa who had it. I called it, the, it, factor,
and I went to nine provinces interviewed personally
over 500 girls who had the it factor, what is that? It‟s
almost indescribable. It‟s that thing that says no matter
what I will, no matter what happens, I still believe, I
can do it. It‟s even when you don‟t have the means to.

You have the will and desire and the passion for
Vid1/E:Pi 00:05:27 “I specifically went looking in the eye interviewing
personally girls who had it, so that I could create the
Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for girls that
would be a groundbreaking institution for leadership
for South Africa”
Vid1/E:Vc 00:06:15 “Nothing would keep me from being here to
celebrate the promise that made to Nelson Mandela
over ten years ago. That promise gets fulfilled when
they walk across the JC stage today”
Vid1/P:Fr 00:06:35 “so I‟m delighted. I am happy. I feel rewarded by
being able to celebrate with you the class of 2016 and
my daughters, the class of 2016”
Vid1/E:Gw 00:07:50 “I realized is, is that you need support, you need
people who want you to win, you need people who are
in your corner, you need people who care about you,
who want your success, who are not jealous of your
success, who have no envy about you moving ahead or
moving forward and that‟s what they have been into
my girls”
Vid1/P:Fr 00:08:15 “Thank you so much, I thank this school, I thank you
Dr. Carter, I thank the faculty. I feel like, you know, I
FaceTime with the girls all the time. I feel like I have
lived in mosaic village. I feel like I‟ve been to the
union and on block. I love this campus. I love
everything that you represent and wanting our
young men and women to win”
Vid1/P:Ad 00:09:38 “fifteens are hard to find at any time, especially at
midnight. At the risk all, so Steadman seven who
won‟t, you won‟t go in a bar in all of our time together.
he‟s never had one drink unlike me”
Vid1/P:Ev 00:12:24 “I was born there, weren‟t any great proclamations
or even anyone who wanted me. My mother hid the
pregnancy until the day her water broke and I was
considered that illegitimate child and all that, that
meant in 1954 in Mississippi for a long time. I felt the
shame of that. The lack of a steam around that”
Vid1/P:An 00:14:11 “I am NOT going to be hanging no clothes on the
Vid1/P:Cm 00:14:14 “It‟s just a little feeling that came over me that said
your life will be bigger than this. There‟s something
greater than this ahead. For you now, I could feel
that inside myself”
Vid1/L:En 00:14:26 “I was smart enough not to tell my grandmother
that the little voice said. Mm-hmm but don‟t tell her. I
have been led by that little voice my entire life and if
I had any real wisdom to share with you. It is let that
voice lead you”
Vid1/P:Cf 00:15:05 “I have led and continue to lead a magnificent life

and all the things that are ever said about me and
the accomplishments and the things that I‟ve been
able to do in the Oprah show number one for 25
straight years. All that stuff, good stuff, all the awards”
Vid1/E:Vc 0015:50 “I have listened and been guided by that voice is
your energy plus it is. Your intuition is your voice
of God, your higher power, your higher self that
everybody has that allows you to make the right
decision even when other people are wrong. That
allows you to do the right thing even when nobody
especially when nobody else is watching”
Vid1/L:Ex 00:16:32 “Today, you can never go wrong because the truth is,
we live in a great time in spite of what we seen on
the television and violence against young black men
that they have no power and control over in spite of the
Vid1/L:Ex 00:17:32 “Stedman wrote a book about a long time ago called
„You Can Make It Happen‟ and the first chapter in the
book talks about checking your ID or knowing your
Vid1/L:En 00:17:50 “You can‟t pay the crown forward unless you know
who you are, where you come from, and the
sacrifice, the true sacrifice and hope and tears and
Vid1/E:Vc 00:20:58 “The great lesson for me in that moment was I could
feel the moment. I say, I am going to make peace with
this thing”
Vid1/P:Fr 00:21:53 “I feel looking in your faces today. I look in your face
and I see my face. You make me proud and your
future‟s so bright”
For more detail, table 4.2 can be seen in appendix 2 page 165

a. Logos

“Logos is the study of interference making or reasoning which is

related to logic” (Herrick, 2005).

Logos refers when a speaker delivers their argument and proves

their argument using logical reasoning or proof. So when the speaker

uses his or her logical proof in their argumentative speaking, the

speaker uses logos to establish their speech to persuade the audience.

Based on Aristotle‟s rhetorical theory, there are two ways to create

logical reasoning, it is by using enthymemes or and examples. In the


commencement address, Oprah Winfrey used logos for 21.45% in her

speech. The percentages of enthymeme and example were equal for

10.71%. She proved her argument using logical reasoning by using both

enthymeme and example, the percentage of logical proofs used by

Oprah Winfrey is showed in table 4.3.

Table 4.3 The result of logical proofs (logos) in video 1

Logical Proof (logos)

6x (21.43%)
Enthymeme Example

3x (10.71 %) 3x (10.71%)
1) Enthymeme

The percentage of the usage of enthymeme is 10.71%. It is

less than the percentage of examples she uses logical reasoning in

her speech. Enthymeme consists of probable premises that lead to

tentative conclusion (Aristotle, 1954). Some enthymemes used by

Oprah Winfrey in her speech are below:

e.g: “You can‟t change people by giving them money, but you

can change them when you offer them the opportunity to

change themselves through education”

“You can‟t pay the crown forward unless you know who

you are, where you come from and the sacrifice, the true

sacrifice and hope and tears and struggle”

The first utterance shows a premise and a conclusion. The

premise is „you can‟t change people by giving them money‟ and the

conclusion is „but you can change them when you offer them the

opportunity to change themselves through education‟. This utterance

means that Oprah told to the graduates that they could not change

people lives just by giving them money but they could change

everyone life by giving them an opportunity through education.

The second utterance of enthymeme shows a premise “you

can‟t pay the crown forward” and one conclusion “unless you know

who you are, where you come from and the sacrifice, the true

sacrifice and hope and tears and struggle”. This means Oprah gave

a premise that no one can get their reward using their money for the

instant but they need to understand their selves at the first stage then

put efforts to get the reward.

2) Example

Oprah Winfrey used example to define her idea for 10.71%.

Example is a method to define an idea so that the audience can

effortlessly understand the meaning (Griffin, 2012). In Oprah

Winfrey‟s commencement address, at Johnson C. Smith University

showed she used examples to create logical reasoning.

e.g: “We started talking about building a school for young girls,

giving young women the hope that someone had given me,

because I have always known that to whom much is given

much is also required”


“Stedman wrote a book about a long time ago called „You

Can Make It Happen‟ and the first chapter in the book talks

about checking your ID or knowing your identity”

As can be seen in the first example, Oprah Winfrey used the

example based on what happened in her life. She built a school for

girls to give them hope like what she has gotten.

She also gave an example to the audience her Stedman‟s

book titled „You Can Make It Happen‟ in its first chapter was written

about how we have to put knowing self-identity at the first place to

make everything we want be granted. She told to the audience that

we should care about ourselves before others.

b. Ethos

The researcher found that Oprah Winfrey used ethos in her

speech at Johnson C. Smith University commencement address for

28.57%. Aristotle, in Griffin (2012), stated that there are three features

that can build up the ethos proofs, they are perceived intelligence,

virtuous character, and goodwill. Each of the features appears in

different result as presented in table 4.4.

Table 4.4 The result of ethical proofs (Ethos) in Video 1

Ethical Proof (Ethos)

8x (28.57%)
Virtuous Character Goodwill
2x (7.14%) 4x (14.28%) 2x (7.14%)

1) Perceived Intelligent

Showing off the intelligence of the speaker in their speech is

one of the techniques to persuade the audience. As explained by

Verdeber, Sellnow, and Verdeber (2012), audience is more likely to

be persuaded when they perceive a speaker to be competence and

credible. Therefore, Oprah Winfrey used this proof to convince the

audience that she is the competence one. The researcher found that

Oprah Winfrey used ethos proof in perceived intelligence for 7.14%.

e.g: “I had been from the very first time. I could afford to pay for

my own rent. Looking outside myself to see how I could use

what I had been given to help somebody else and I learned

through the process of trying to help other people”

“I specifically went looking in the eye interviewing

personally girls who had it, so that I could create the Oprah

Winfrey Leadership Academy for girls that would be a

groundbreaking institution for leadership for South Africa”

In the first example, Oprah Winfrey shared her experience of

her competencies as TV host. She used her privilege as the trusted

source in delivering her experience to convince the audience. Oprah

told her stories how she gained her success by learning the process.

The second example shows how she could create Oprah

Winfrey Leadership Academy for girls that already be a

groundbreaking insti tution for leadership for South Africa.


2) Virtuous Character

In order, to obtain successful persuasive speech, the speaker

must create trustworthiness of the audience by showing the speaker‟s

virtuous character (Verderber, Sellnow, and Verderber, 2012).

Speaker‟s experiences, values, and motives can be the tools to arouse

trust among the audience. Oprah Winfrey employed her experiences,

values, and motives to show her virtuous character to establish her

trustworthiness. She conveys her virtuous character in her speech for


e.g: “so I started a search with a team looking for girls in South

Africa who had it. I called it, the it factor, and I went to nine

provinces interviewed personally over 500 girls who had

the it factor, what is that? It‟s almost indescribable. It‟s that

thing that says no matter what I will, no matter what

happens, I still believe, I can do it. It‟s even when you don‟t

have the means to. You have the will and desire and the

passion for greatness”

In example, Oprah Winfrey showed her virtuous character by

telling the audience about her experience in helping girls to have a

better education in South Africa. She interviewed more than 500

young women who have the factor that she wanted and that was an

indescribable experience. She shared her value that she could do it

even she does not have the means to. She gave a motivation to the

graduates as long as they have the will, desire, and the passion for

greatness then they can do what they want.

3) Goodwill

Goodwill is a perception the audience forms of a speaker who

they believe understand them, empathizes with them, and is

responsive to them (Verderber, Sellnow, Verderber, 2012). When the

audience believes in the speaker‟s goodwill, they are willing to

believe what the speaker says. In Oprah Winfrey‟s address, the

researcher found out that she is very responsive to the audience. She

stopped her speech and thanked to the audience who exclaim in

delight upon Oprah Winfrey‟s statement. In this commencement

address, she used goodwill to gain positive judgments toward her for


e.g: “JC! JC! Alright, now you‟re looking good today. I have

never experienced an introduction like that, juror I meant to

you class of 2017”

“I realized is, is that you need support, you need people who

want you to win, you need people who are in your corner,

you need people who care about you, who want your

success, who are not jealous of your success, who have no

envy about you moving ahead or moving forward and that‟s

what they have been into my girls”


The first utterance, Oprah Winfrey greeted the audiences who

attended Johnson C. Smith University‟s commencement. It shows

Oprah was being responsive to the audiences.

The second utterance, Oprah gave an encouragement and

showed her empathy toward the graduates of class 2016. She

understood the graduates need.

c. Pathos

Griffin (2012) stated that emotional proof (pathos) comes from

the feeling of the speaker and it expresses through a speech. Therefore,

it affects the audience‟s feeling. Pathos also gives persuasive message

and power to move the audience to do certain actions (Herrick, 2005).

Oprah Winfrey used pathos in her commencement address to persuade

the audience. The percentage of emotional proof usage during the

speech is 50% and this is the highest percentage among other proofs.

There were analyzed seven of eight emotions in Oprah Winfrey‟s

address. The portion of emotions evoke by Oprah Winfrey is showed in

table 4.5.

Table 4.5 The result of emotional proof (Pathos) in Video 1

Emotional Proof
14x (50%)




1x 1x 4x 1x 0 2x 4x 1x
3.58% 3.58% 14.28% 3.58% 0% 7.14% 14.28% 3.58%

1) Anger

As explained by Griffin (2012), anger comes when people are

dissatisfied in their attempt to fulfill a need and they will become

irate. Anger always arises from offences against oneself and it is

always concerned with individuals. In Oprah Winfrey‟s

commencement address, she aroused anger toward the audience for


e.g: - “I am NOT going to be hanging no clothes on the line”

The utterance above shows that Oprah Winfrey was upset to

her grandmother after telling her that Oprah must see how she hung

the clothes. Oprah was angry because she did not want to be like her

grandmother, hanging less of clothes, she wanted to hang many

clothes in the future.

2) Calmness

Aristotle (1956) stated that growing calm is the opposite of

growing angry, and calmness is the opposite of anger. Growing calm

is the process of settling down of quieting anger (Aristotle, 1954). In

Oprah Winfrey‟s commencement address, there was 3.58% of

calmness used by her for expressing anger. Despite of growing

angry, she grew calm to settle down the anger.

e.g: - “It‟s just a little feeling that came over me that said your

life will be bigger than this. There‟s something greater than

this ahead. For you now, I could feel that inside myself”

Oprah Winfrey showed her calmness by saying that what she

told was a little feeling. She did not speak what she thought to her

grandma because she was smart enough to filter words. She believed

that there would be something greater than what she was in when she

was child.

3) Friendship

According to Aristotle (1954), love or friendship is a feeling

toward any one as wishing for what someone believes to be good

things for sake of others. In example, it shows what Oprah Winfrey

believes to make a relationship with all the graduates. She used

friendship emotion for 14.28% in her speech.

e.g: - “I feel looking in your faces today. I look in your face and

I see my face. You make me proud and your future‟s so


This utterance expresses that Oprah Winfrey was humbly

telling to the graduates. She was friendly in delivering her speech

and making the graduates like her friend.

4) Hatred

According to Aristotle (1954), hatred may arise without

offences against oneself. A hater wishes to pity a man whom they

hate (Aristotle, 1954). In commencement address, Oprah Winfrey

aroused hatred toward the audience for 3.58%.. Oprah Winfrey


showed her hatred to the audience, so that the audience can feel the

same feeling to the people she hated.

e.g: - “I don‟t believe in anybody who knows me, knows, I don‟t

believe in or support any law discriminating against

anybody ever”

Oprah Winfrey was telling her hatred and disbelief toward

anybody who knew her. She also added in her speech that she did

not support any law discriminating against everybody forever.

5) Fear

According to Herrick (2005), fear is a feeling of annoyance

caused by a mental picture of some terrible things to be happened in

the future. Fear also comes from mental illness of potential disaster

at the hand of particular persons, in a particular form, and at

particular time, and it is felt by those who believe something to be

likely to happen to them (Aristotle, 2005).

In Oprah Winfrey‟s commencement address at Johnson C.

Smith University, the researcher found no fear. Oprah did not show

the feeling of annoyance caused by a mental picture of some terrible

things to be happened in the future.

6) Confidence

According to Aristotle (1954), confidence comes when

someone believes that the speaker is superior to others and often


experiences success. In commencement address, Oprah Winfrey

showed her confidence for 7.14%.

e.g: - “I said that the only thing that I know is education, and

what I would like to do is to build a school”

-“I have led and continue to lead a magnificent life and all

the things that are ever said about me and the

accomplishments and the things that I‟ve been able to do

in the Oprah show number one for 25 straight years. All

that stuff, good stuff, all the awards”

The first example shows Oprah Winfrey was confident in

saying she wanted to build a school when she was asked by Nelson

Mandela. She showed her confidence toward the graduates that she

was pretty sure she could build a school years ago.

The second example shows Oprah Winfrey was confident in

saying about the good sides of her, what all she has gained toward

the graduates.

7) Admiration

Admiration comes when someone obtain life‟s goods through

hard work rather than mere luck (Griffin, 2012). Griffin (2012) also

said that admiration grows when people see other‟s moral virtue,

power, wealth, and beauty. In commencement address, Oprah

Winfrey showed her admiration for 14.28%.


e.g: - “I had the great honor and privilege of a juror mention

spending time is Nelson Mandela, one of the greatest men”

- “You can‟t leave a diary or some cookies baked so good,

so Madiba and I were at one point discussing what would

make a difference in the world and particularly in the

country of South Africa”

The first utterance shows an admiration on Nelson Mandela

of Oprah Winfrey. In mentioning his name, Oprah put sentence that

indicated she was really admiring him by complimenting Nelson.

She admired him that he was one of the greatest men, thus when she

had a chance to meet him, that chance was the great honor and

privilege moment to her.

The second utterance shows Oprah‟s gratitude toward Nelson

Mandela. It can be seen when Oprah mentioned his name by saying

“Madiba”. Madiba is the clan or family name represents a person‟s

ancestry. It is the sign of respect and affection in South Africa.

8) Envy

A speaker shows their envy when they mention other‟s good

things which the speaker does not have. In this commencement

agenda, Oprah Winfrey expressed her envy by comparing her

misfortune indirectly. The researcher found that Oprah Winfrey

showed her envy in her inauguration speech for 3.58%.


e.g: - “I was born there, weren‟t any great proclamations or

even anyone who wanted me. My mother hid the

pregnancy until the day her water broke and I was

considered that illegitimate child and all that, that meant

in 1954 in Mississippi for a long time. I felt the shame of

that. The lack of a steam around that”

In example, Oprah Winfrey told about her misfortune being

born kid with no good proclamations or even no one wanted her like


2. 128th Graduation Ceremony Class of 2017 at Agnes Scott College

The researcher codes the second video with Vid2 as the video 2 of

the data. In this event, Oprah Winfrey was giving a speech at Agnes Scott

College to celebrate class graduation. She told to graduation of class of

2017 to feel everything with love, no matter what they love, no matter

what they have. They have to feel everything with love because every

moment they are building is their legacy. Oprah Winfrey was doing her

speech rhetoric on Wednesday, may 13th 2017 in 28 minutes 16 seconds.

The type for this speech is Persuasive Speech. It can be seen in the speech

that Oprah Winfrey tried to influence to the graduates by giving them

motivation. She tried to modify graduates attitudes and values so that they

can move in the direction of her stance.


In her speech, it can be identified as speech rhetoric by analyzing

the rhetorical proofs. It is the method or way used by a speaker by creating

proofs (logical, ethical, and emotional proofs) in order to persuade the

audience. This part will answer the research question and discuss the result

of the analysis. The researcher answer the question by analyzing the three

kinds of proofs, which are logical (logos), ethical (ethos), and emotional

(ethos), used by Oprah Winfrey in her commencement address at Agnes

Scott College. Type and rhetorical proofs of Oprah Winfrey‟s

commencement address will be shown on the table 4.6:

Table 4.6 Rhetorical Proof of Oprah Winfrey‟s Commencement Address at

Agnes Scott College

Type: Special Occasion Speech

Rhetorical Proof of Video 2
Rhetorical Time Utterance
Vid2/E:Gw 00:00:06 “Thank you, thank you, thanks president Kiss.
Morning, Agnes Scott. I gotta give it to you all.
Y‟all do it right. I gotta say this, you get up, you get
out, you get it on, you get it over and out into the
world by noon today. You‟ll be launched into the
world. Congratulations class 2017”
Vid2/E:Gw 00:01:22 “I wanna say a special thank you to the Board of
Trustees. Every one of you who I met today and
said “thank you” to me well “thank you to you.
Thank you Board of Trustees and especially to
you, Beth Daniel Holder”
Vid2/E:Gw 00:01:33 “Thank you so much as a chairman”
Vid2/E:Gw 00:01:35 “Thank you faculty. I love what you do. All my
life before I became interested in television”
Vid2/E:Gw 00:01:57 “All of you gorgeous women of Agnes Scott.
Thank you for having me, but the truth is I was
coming anyway, whether you had invited me here
to speak or not, I was coming. This was my year to
Vid2/P:Fr 00:02:54 “My daughter girl has had the great privilege of
growing and blossoming here at Agnes Scott”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:03:03 “I want you to know that at my school the Oprah

Winfrey Leadership Academy for girl, every

girls, every year we‟re graduating another class of
Vid2/E:Vc 00:03:11 “I now have a hundred and seventy nine girls in
college. Twenty of them came to me to United
States, ten are graduating this year”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:03:33 “I have five graduations next week in four
different states so Agnes Scott, You got me fresh.
This is the fresh version see how I‟m holding up
around June 18th after the 9th”
Vid2/E:Gw 00:04:19 “let me say, when I say, I‟m happy to be here, I
really am. I‟m thrilled to be here not like, you
know most people they get amazed. I‟m so very
happy to be here”
Vid2/E:Gw 00:05:05 “I would like to say that goes for every parent in
this room, every guardian, every, every trusted
loves one here today. This is for you those of you
who are here and those who are passed even.
Thank you for encouraging and supporting and
being there for our daughters, for being often a
balm in Gilead. For these daughters who‟ve grown
into these incredible young women”
Vid2/E:Gw 00:06:49 “it turns out Satoca is Satoca Mele who used to be
Pretty when she came to the school, so that‟s what
happens when you come to Agnes Scott. Heretofor,
a girl who just happy be called Pretty, Pretty, she
gets educated here and thinks more deeply about
what really matters to herself”
Vid2/E:Gw 00:07:11 “She learns to live more honorably engage in the
intellectual and social challenges of our time. She
comes through this process and wants to own
herself in, in the fullness of her name. she wants to
lay claim to her name spoken out loud even you
can‟t pronounce it, Satoca Mele”
Vid2/E:Gw 00:07:42 “That what happens when you come here to
Agnes Scott. You leave a more deepened human
with higher standards striving to realize your
social and your academic responsibilities to the
community in our world and what does the world
need you right now”
Vid2/L:En 00:07:58 “The struggle is real out there. It‟s real the
struggle to remain compassionate and the
struggle to remain committed and the struggle to
be constructively engage. That‟s the challenge
that you‟re in for class of 2017”
Vid2/P:Fr 00:08:20 “I‟m betting you Agnes Scott women. I‟m betting
on you particularly this class of 2017. I‟m betting
that you will break new ground to move us all
forward and we need your passion. We do need
our passion to served”

Vid2/P:An 00:08:40 “I was so thrilled to hear that so many of you have

signed up for the Peace Corps and many of you
have signed up for Teach for America. All of these
service-oriented opportunities”
Vid2/P:Cf 00:08:53 “I‟m here to tell you that you don‟t have to
necessary join the Peace Corps or Teach for
America or go work for an NGO in a third world
country to live a life. That‟s full of service you
don‟t have to”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:09:11 “I was not your age but about 30 years old. I
started to realize that it was my whole life not
just parts of my life, just not parts of what I was
doing but my whole life was a prayer. My whole
life is an offering in service first to yourself to
become a fully actualized human being”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:09:48 “when I started to realize it‟s not just what I do
but it‟s how I do it. It‟s how I‟m not just praying
on my knees but I live in a state of humanity on my
knees in service to the higher calling of my life .
that things started to change”
Vid2/L:Ex 00:10:08 “so many people are worried about building a
brand. I hear kids on social media talking about
their brand”
Vid2/P:Ht 00:10:17 “I used to really resent the word when people would
say to me „oh you have this brand‟ because I never
never even thought about a brand”
Vid2/P:Cm 00:10:24 “I just thought about day in and day out. Making
the best right choice for me but now I embrace
Vid2/E:Pi 00:10:34 “I recognize people see me as a brand but for me
it‟s not a business. It is a question of what do you
stand for and I will say this, you‟re nothing if
you‟re not the truth”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:10:47 “I have made, I‟ve made a living, I‟ve made a
living, I‟ve made a life, made a fortune really it‟s
fantastic. All good from being true to myself”
Vid2/P:Ev 00:11:18 “It‟s really good. You can get a lot of great shoes.
Nothing wrong with great shoes but those of you
who have a lot of shoes”
Vid2/P:Fe 00:11:26 “know that having great shoes and closet full of
shoes or cars or houses or square footage doesn‟t
fill up your life, it doesn‟t”
Vid2/L:En 00:11:35 “Living a life of substance can substance
through your service. Your offering of your whole
self and the baseline for how do you live. a life of
substance is whatever is the truth for you what
do you stand for”
Vid2/E:Pi 00:12:13 “I usually go to my school in South Africa once a
year and I teach a class called „life 101‟ where for
a week I just talk about what I think you need to

know to go out in the world”

Vid2/E:Vc 00:12:31 “I would say that having compassion for other
people is at the top of that list and also a spirit of
constructive engagement”
Vid2/E:Pi 00:12:53 “You know, during the years of the Oprah show I
interviewed over 37,000 people one on one, so
whenever I‟m telling my girls anything and they
say „ah‟ and they start rolling their eyes. I say „I‟m
the only person you gonna talk to that‟s talked to
37,000 people”
Vid2/P:Fr 00:13:39 “I feel with you, it‟s one of the greatest qualities in
the world to have”
Vid2/P:Cf 00:13:47 “You‟re going to be majoring and what it takes
to be a great human being”
Vid2/P:Fr 00:13:59 “I feel with you means I‟m not only I‟m willing to
walk in your shoes, it means my heart beats with
yours. It means I see myself in you, it means I may
not have shared that circumstance but I know what
heartbreak feels like I know what pain feels, like an
old pain is the same. It means I can feel you will to
want to do better and be better and I feel and I am
with you in spite of everything that‟s happened to
you. I feel your need to rise. I want to help you
rise. I want to rise with you”
Vid2/P:Ad 00:14:41 “My favorite quotes id Dr. King who says „not
everybody could be famous but everybody can be
great because greatness is determined by service”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:14:51 “I am committed to service, service through my
work, service through my life s purpose and if you
make a commitment a conscious intention to be
committed to the work that you do to the
relationship that you have. Your life will unfold
with such beauty and great through that
Vid2/E:Pi 00:15:29 “I figured out around the second year of doing
that show, that it wasn‟t just about being on
television and performing that here was this
opportunity, this offering, I could give to people
through the service of a television show to better
see themselves through the stories that we‟re
telling and through those stories help themselves
to improve their lives. So I started using
television as a tool of service”
Vid2/L:En 00:16:06 “You don‟t know what to do. My girls have heard
this over a hundred times when you don‟t know
what to do, you do nothing. You get still until
you do now, because when you have to ask
everybody else, should i? should i? should I do
this? should i? should I and that‟s whether it‟s
buying a pair of shoes or going with a guy buying a

house, taking a job should i? should I show the

show when you have to ask everybody else. It
means you don‟t really know the answer fully
Vid2/E:Vc 00:17:04 “two weeks after the election last year, I went to
a diner in Queens for Oprah magazine with a
group of women. Half of them were Trump
supporters, half of them were Hillary supporters.
Nobody wanted to come to breakfast, I was like
„it‟s gonna be so great, great, great”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:18:17 “I want you to work in your own way to change
the world in respectful conversations with others
at a rate and a rhythm. That‟s in tune with the
source from which you have come your truth”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:18:34 “I want you to enter every situation. Aware of its
context, open to hear the world change you that
is the spirit of constructive engagement so that‟s the
goal to be a compassionate woman of substance to
be committed to have constructive engagement to
live this life of substance. Substance what I know
for sure”
Vid2/L:En 00:19:09 “if you focus on the substance, the success will
come and most importantly let failure be your
Vid2/P:Cf 00:19:19 “there are going to be times of course where
you‟re going to win a lot, a lot of things are going
to go your way and it‟s wonderful to bask in that
adulation and to feel proud of your successes”
Vid2/P:Cf 00:19:36 “They‟re also going to be times the satisfaction
that those moments bring nothing can compare to
that those victories will feed you for years to come
and help you stake a minute when your tank is
sometimes empty”
Vid2/L:En 00:19:49 “Winning is great. It‟s fantastic. I love it. I love
being number one. I love winning, but it‟s the
times when things go wrong when you fall of fail
that you‟re actually gone going to learn the most
about yourself”
Vid2/L:En 00:21:40 “You move forward by taking the next right
stepped. You don‟t have to know everything to
do. You don‟t have to know all the steps to make
just what is the nest right move and then there‟s
Vid2/L:En 00:22:41 “You‟ve got to find a way to continually give
back to yourself, so that you are a full woman.
You want to be a woman who‟s full of herself”
Vid2/P:An 00:22:52 “I used to fear that you know when I first started
out, people say „oh she thinks she‟s just so full of
herself, she‟s so full of herself‟”
Vid2/P:Cm 00:23:01 “I now say „Yes, Hi, oh I am so full my cup is

running over”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:23:20 “That‟s what you want, you want your cup to be so
full. It‟s running over, so you have enough to offer
others. If you do not, if you do not have something
spiritual practice maybe it‟s music or dancing or
times. Just time for yourself to feed nurture your
own spirit”
Vid2/P:Fe 00:23:45 “You‟ll run out. Your tank will become empty.
You will burnt out and not have anything left to
Vid2/P:Ad 00:24:13 “I leave you with the words of my mentor teacher,
Maya Angelou, I‟m thinking of her a lot because
it‟s Mother‟s Day. Tomorrow I‟m going to have her
own SuperSoul Sunday. Those of you who watch,
but I learned so much from her”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:25:17 “I leave this with everybody in the room graduates
friends of graduates family. She said your legacy is
every life you touched. Your legacy is every life
you touched”
Vid2/L:En 00:25:44 “It‟s not just the big school with your name on it.
It‟s not the awards that you received. It‟s not the
acclaim. It‟s every single human being. You‟ve
ever come in contact with. You have left your
heart sprint and your legacy”
Vid2/L:Ex 00:26:06 “I remember the story of a man who was a police
officer who had this heart and stopped and they
weren‟t even able to get into the emergency room
and just cut him open on the floor of the hospital as
he was entering the hospital and messaged his heart.
He said for nine minutes trying to bring him back
sounds incredible and unbelievable, but the story he
told of having a near-death experience whether you
believe it or not. The impression it left with me was
something happened there”
Vid2/P:Ad 00:26:47 “I don‟t remember his name, but the story has
lingered in my spirit and abides with me”
Vid2/L:Ex 00:27:10 “he says it felt like real time but I know it couldn‟t
have been because I wasn‟t gone for that long, but I
was able to feel in what felt like to me real time
every single thing I ever did, and I was able to feel
the feelings that I created in other people. I was a
wife-beater. He said I used to beat my wife and I
could not only feel the physical pain I caused her. I
felt what I did to her spirit. I broke her heart, so
when I came back and realized I wasn‟t dead, I
decided, I‟m gonna feel things differently. I‟m
going to try to feel everything with love. I‟m going
to feel everything with love, so that I can live
everything with love”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:28:08 “My wish for you, feel everything with love,

because every moment you are building your

For more detail, table 4.3 can be seen in appendix 2 page 168

a. Logos

“Logos is the study of interference making or reasoning which is

related to logic” (Herrick, 2005).

Logos refers when a speaker delivers their argument. They

prove their argument using logical reasoning or proof. So when the

speaker uses their logical proof in their argumentative speaking, the

speaker uses logos to establish their speech to persuade the audience.

Based on Aristotle‟s rhetorical theory, there are two ways to create

logical reasoning, it is by using enthymemes or/and examples. In the

commencement address, Oprah Winfrey used logos for 19.64% in her

speech. The percentage of enthymeme was 14.28% and 5.36% for

example. She proved her argument using logical reasoning by using

both enthymemes and example. The percentage of logical proofs used

by Oprah Winfrey is showed in table 4.7.

Table 4.7 The Result of Logical Proofs (logos) in Video 2

Logical Proof (logos)

11x (19.64%)

Enthymeme Example

8x (14.28 %) 3x (5.36%)

1) Enthymeme

The percentage of the usage of enthymeme is 14.28%. She

used logical reasoning in her speech. Enthymeme consists of

probable premises that lead to tentative conclusion (Aristotle, 1954).

Some enthymemes used by Oprah Winfrey in her speech is below:

e.g: -“The struggle is real out there. It‟s real the struggle to

remain compassionate and the struggle to remain

committed and the struggle to be constructively engage.

That‟s the challenge that you‟re in for class of 2017”

In example, Oprah Winfrey used two probable premises and

one tentative conclusion. The first probable premise was „the

struggle is real out there‟. The second premise came from the first

premises which was „It‟s real the struggle to remain compassionate

and the struggle to remain committed and the struggle to be

constructively engage‟. Those two premises led to one conclusion

which was „that‟s the challenge that you‟re in for class of 2017‟.

2) Example

Example is another way to create logical reasoning. Example

is a method to define an idea so that the audience can effortlessly

understand the meaning (Griffin, 2012). In Oprah Winfrey‟s speech,

she used example to define her idea for 5.36%. It is less than the


e.g: - “so many people are worried about building a brand. I

hear kids on social media talking about their brand”

- “I remember the story of a man who was a police officer

who had this heart and stopped and they weren‟t even able

to get into the emergency room and just cut him open on

the floor of the hospital as he was entering the hospital

and messaged his heart. He said for nine minutes trying to

bring him back sounds incredible and unbelievable, but

the story he told of having a near-death experience

whether you believe it or not. The impression it left with

me was something happened there”

In the first utterance above, Oprah Winfrey was giving an

example of many young people are still worried about building a

brand. They talk about how to build a name on their social media.

The second utterance shows Oprah was telling the audiences

a story of a police officer who had saved from his death. She said the

cop gave her values that could we learn from it. The story about how

the cop suffered from heart attack. He told to Oprah that he was a

bad person before he experienced the incident, however he became a

good person and he left a message for her and everyone to feel

everything with love.


b. Ethos

The researcher found that Oprah Winfrey used ethos in

commencement address is 50%. It is the most dominant proof that is

showed in her speech. Aristotle, in Griffin (2012), stated that there are

three features. These can build up the ethos proofs. They are perceived

intelligence, virtuous character, and goodwill. Those features are shown in

Oprah Winfrey‟s commencement address. Each of the features appears in

different result as presented in table 4.8.

Table 4.8 The Result of Ethical Proofs (Ethos) in Video 2

Ethical Proof (Ethos)

28x (50%)

Perceived Intelligence Virtuous Character Goodwill

4x (7.14%) 14x (25%) 10x (17.86%)

1) Perceived Intelligence

Oprah Winfrey used this proof to convince the audience that she

is a competence one. The researcher found that Oprah Winfrey used

ethos proof in perceived intelligent for 7.14%.

e.g: - “You know, during the years of the Oprah show I

interviewed over 37,000 people one on one, so whenever

I‟m telling my girls anything and they say „ah‟ and they

start rolling their eyes. I say „I‟m the only person you

gonna talk to that‟s talked to 37,000 people”

- “I figured out around the second year of doing that show,

that it wasn‟t just about being on television and


performing that here was this opportunity, this offering, I

could give to people through the service of a television

show to better see themselves through the stories that

we‟re telling and through those stories help themselves to

improve their lives. So I started using television as a tool

of service”

In the first example above, it shows Oprah Winfrey shared her

experience in interviewing 37,000 people one on one as a host of her

own show.

The second example shows Oprah told the audience her

experience when she was at the second year of doing her show. She

shared her feeling and her thoughts when she was doing the show that

could give people through the service. She proved the audience with

what she had gained as a successful television host.

2) Virtuous Character

Oprah Winfrey employed her experience, values, and motives to

show her virtuous character to establish her trustworthiness. She

conveyed her virtuous character in her speech for 25%.

e.g: - “I am committed to service, service through my work,

service through my life s purpose and if you make a

commitment a conscious intention to be committed to the

work that you do to the relationship that you have. Your


life will unfold with such beauty and great through that


- “I want you to work in your own way to change the

world in respectful conversations with others at a rate and

a rhythm. That‟s in tune with the source from which you

had come your truth”

In example, Oprah Winfrey convinced the audience her image

as a good and honest person through telling them her experience and

giving them a value to believe.

In example, Oprah Winfrey left the graduates a wonderful

message. She told to them to work in their own way to change the

world in respectful conversations with others.

3) Goodwill

Goodwill is indicated when the audience believes in the

speaker‟s good intentions, they are willing to believe what the speaker

says. In her speech, the researcher found out that Oprah Winfrey was

very responsive to the audience. She thanked the audiences and gave

them compliments. In this commencement address, she used goodwill

to gain positive judgments toward her for 17.86%.

e.g: - “Thank you, thank you, thanks president Kiss. Morning,

Agnes Scott. I gotta give it to you all. Y‟all do it right. I

gotta say this, you get up, you get out, you get it on, you

get it over and out into the world by noon today. You‟ll be

launched into the world. Congratulations class 2017”

“let me say, when I say I‟m happy to be here, I really am.

I‟m thrilled to be here not like, you know most people they

get amazed. I‟m so very happy to be here ”

In commencement address, as we see in example one, Oprah

Winfrey showed her goodwill by thanking the audiences. In example

two, Oprah showed her goodwill by showing her response due to an

invitation she got as a speaker at Agnes Scott College‟s graduation. She

was glad to be invited.

c. Pathos

Oprah Winfrey used pathos in her commencement address to

persuade the audience for many times. The percentage of emotional proof

usage during the speech is 30.36%. There are eight emotions analyzed in

Oprah Winfrey‟s speech. The portion of emotions evoke by Oprah

Winfrey are showed in table 4.9.

Table 4.9 The Result of Emotional Proofs (Pathos) in Video 2

Emotional Proof
17x (30.36%)




2x 2x 4x 1x 2x 2x 3x 1x
3.57% 3.57% 7.14% 1.79% 3.57% 3.57% 5.36% 1.79%

1) Anger

In Oprah Winfrey‟s commencement address at Agnes Scott

College, the researcher identified her anger for 3.57%.

e.g: - “I was so thrilled to hear that so many of you have signed

up for the Peace Corps and many of you have signed up

for Teach for America. All of these service-oriented


- “I used to fear that you know when I first started out,

people say „oh she thinks she‟s just so full of herself, she‟s

so full of herself‟”

From the example above, first, Oprah showed her anger toward

the graduates because she the situation she know about the graduates

need to sign up for many service-oriented opportunities programs to

live a life.

The second, Oprah Winfrey showed her anger toward people

who assumed her full of herself. This means people judged Oprah as a

very self-satisfied with an exaggerated sense of self-worth.

2) Calmness

In commencement address, Oprah Winfrey attempted to grow

calm for 3.57%. The percentage was same with anger. She arose the

calm to settle down the anger she made. Oprah was saying “I now say

„Yes, Hi, oh I am so full my cup is running over”. She tried to calm the

emotions of the audiences down by telling her response to the people judged

her calmly.

3) Friendship

Oprah Winfrey used friendship five times or 7.14% in her

commencement address at Agnes Scott College. She showed her

friendship to the graduates about something she believed to be a good


e.g: - “I feel with you means I‟m not only I‟m willing to walk in

your shoes, it means my heart beats with yours. It means I

see myself in you, it means I may not have shared that

circumstance but I know what heartbreak feels like I know

what pain feels, like an old pain is the same. It means I

can feel you will to want to do better and be better and I

feel and I am with you in spite of everything that‟s

happened to you. I feel your need to rise. I want to help

you rise. I want to rise with you”

4) Hatred

In commencement address, Oprah Winfrey aroused hatred

toward the audience for 1.79% of her speech. Oprah Winfrey showed

her hatred to the audience, so that the audience can feel the same feeling

to some people. In this speech, she addressed her hatred to the people

whom gave her hatred speech.

e.g: - “I used to really resent the word when people would say to

me „oh you have this brand‟ because I never never even

thought about a brand”


From the example, the researcher analyzed Oprah showing her

hatred to the people whom hated her for saying that Oprah had a brand

thus it made her becoming a success person.

5) Fear

According to Herrick (2005), fear is a feeling of annoyance

caused by a mental picture of some terrible things to be happened in the

future. Fear also comes from mental illness of potential disaster at the

hand of particular persons, in a particular form, and at particular time,

and it is felt by those who believe something to be likely to happen to

them (Aristotle, 2005). In Oprah Winfrey‟s commencement address, the

researcher found fear for 3.57%.

e.g: - “know that having great shoes and closet full of shoes or

cars or houses or square footage doesn‟t fill up your life,

it doesn‟t”

The example of the utterance above showed Oprah‟s fear that

being a rich did not fill up one‟s life.

6) Confidence

Oprah Winfrey used confidence for 3.57% in her

commencement address at Agnes Scott College. She showed the

confidence to the audience by telling good things that might happen in

the future.

e.g: - “I‟m here to tell you that you don‟t have to necessary join

the Peace Corps or Teach for America or go work for an


NGO in a third world country to live a life. That‟s full of

service you don‟t have to”

Oprah told to the graduates there was no need for them joining

service-oriented organizations to live a life. They could still live a life

without joining one of the organizations.

7) Admiration

In commencement address, Oprah Winfrey showed her

admiration for 5.36%. Admiration comes when someone obtain life‟s

goods through hard work rather than mere luck (Griffin, 2012).

e.g: - “My favorite quotes id Dr. King who says „not everybody

could be famous but everybody can be great because

greatness is determined by service”

It was obvious Oprah admired Dr. Kang. She told to the

audience that one of his quotes was her favorite. She borrowed the line

from him „not everybody could be famous but everybody can be great

because greatness is determined by service‟.

8) Envy

A speaker shows their envy when they mentions other‟s good

things which the speaker does not have. In the graduation day, Oprah

Winfrey expressed her envy toward rich people. The researcher found

that Oprah Winfrey showed her envy in her inauguration speech for


e.g: - “It‟s really good. You can get a lot of great shoes. Nothing

wrong with great shoes but those of you who have a lot of


3. 145th Graduation Ceremony Class of 2018 at Colorado College

For the third video, the researcher codes the video with Vid3 as the

video number 3. In this event, Oprah Winfrey was giving a speech at

Colorado College to celebrate class graduation. She told to graduation of

class of 2019 to be themselves and believe everything was working out .

Oprah Winfrey was doing her speech rhetoric on Sunday, May 19 th 2019

in 21 minutes 30 seconds. The type for this speech is Persuasive Speech. It

can be seen in the speech that Oprah Winfrey tried to influence to the

graduates by giving them motivation. She tried to modify graduates

attitudes gave them values so that they can move in the direction of her


In her speech, it can be identified as speech rhetoric by analyzing

the rhetorical proofs. It is the method or way used by a speaker by creating

proofs (logical, ethical, and emotional proofs) in order to persuade the

audience. This part will answer the research question and discuss the result

of the analysis. The researcher answer the question by analyzing the three

kinds of proofs, which are logical (logos), ethical (ethos), and emotional

(ethos), used by Oprah Winfrey in her commencement address at Colorado


College. Type and rhetorical proofs of Oprah Winfrey‟s commencement

address will be shown on the table 4.10 below:

Table 4.10 Rhetorical Proof of Oprah Winfrey‟s Commencement Address

at Colorado College

Type: Special Occasion Speech

Rhetorical Proof of Video 3
Time Utterance
Vid3/E:Gw 00:00:18 “I‟d just like to take a moment to thank Jesus and the
ancestors and do a little happy dance”
Vid3/E:Gw 00:01:17 “it gives me such pride and fills me with such joy to
see you becoming the woman that you are, so thank
you for that beautiful introduction and thank you full
circle moment. Thank you president, Chief and ah
Tiefenthaler, thank you so much. Good morning
class of 2019”
Vid3/P:Fr 00:01:49 “I‟m here for you, this is my second time”
Vid3/P:Ad 00:02:18 “Thank you gentleman in the elevator. I especially
appreciate and resonate with your class motto, the
quote from Angela Davis”
Vid3/E:Gw 00:02:32 “Which says you have to act as if it‟s possible to
radically transform the world and you have to do
that all the time, I‟m here to tell you that you
actually do get to transform the world everyday by
your actions, small steps lead to big
Vid3/E:Vc 00:02:57 “I‟m here to tell you that your life isn‟t some big
break like everybody thinks it is. They‟re waiting
on the big break. It‟s actually about taking one
significant life-transforming step at a time so you
can pick a problem”
Vid3/P:An 00:03:13 “literally any problems the list is long because there
is gun violence and economic inequality and there‟s
media bias and life homeless need opportunity and
the addicted need treatment and the dreamers need
protection, the prison system needs be reformed, the
social safety needs saving, misogyny needs to stop”
Vid3/P:Cf 00:03:38 “the truth is you cannot fix everything but what you
can do here and now is make a decision because
life is about decision and the decision is that you will
use your life in service. You will be in service to life
and you will speak up, you will show up, you will
stand up, you will sit in, you will volunteer, you will
shout out, you will help, you will Linda Han, you
will offer, you will talent and your kindness however

you can and you will radically transform whatever

moment. You‟re in which leads to bigger moments,
because the truth is success is it‟s”
Vid 3/L:Ex 00:04:49 “The years of truth ask Danny or anybody who‟s
successful. You go to any one of his restaurants
Shake Shack, love it. Union Square Gramercy
Tavern and you will be impressed by not only the
food which you have to do that if your restaurant but
by the radical hospitality and service”
Vid 3/E:Vc 00:05:12 “Service is not just about when you‟re getting
served. It‟s truly everything”
Vid3/P:Ht 00:05:21 “You know? I started my talk show. I was just so
happy to be on television and I was one day
interviewing members of the Ku Klux Klan. I thought
I was interviewing them so that I could expose their
vitriol to the world”
Vid3/P:Ht 00:05:36 “I saw them giving signals to each other in the
audience and I thought „hmm something‟s going on
here‟ and I realized they were using me. They were
using the platform for themselves”
Vid3/P:An 00:05:49 “So I said to my producers afterwards I‟m not gonna
do that anymore”
Vid3/E:Vc 00:05:53 “we did a show where someone was embarrassed
and it was my fault. i was responsible for the
embarrassment for some crazy reason. We talked a
man who was cheating on his wife to come to the
show with the woman he was cheating on and his
wife, and he said yes and while they‟re on live
television he says to his wife that his girlfriend is
pregnant that happened on my watch”
Vid3/P:Ht 00:06:23 “When that happened shortly after I had interviewed
the Klan and experienced that, I said I‟m not
gonna do that again, so I started to ask. The question
„How can I use this show to not just be a show but to
allow it to be a service to the viewer?‟
Vid3/E:Vc 00:06:45 “That question of how did we serve, the viewer
transform the show and because we asked that
question every single day from 1989 forward with
the intention of only doing what was in service to the
people who were watching. It is why no matter where
I go in the world on any given day, somebody comes
up to me and says „I watched your show, it
changed my life”
Vid3/P:Cf 00:07:16 “I‟ve been watching since I was 5 years old until I,
until I went from DVR to two VCRs to now
streaming people watch and were raised by that show.
I did a good job of raising a lot of people. I must
say that I and that happened because of an intention to
be of service so I live in this space of radical love and
gratitude. Truly”

Vid3/E:Vc 00:07:51 “Truly, I have, I,I,I, I feel the most beautiful life
that you can imagine. I sit around trying to think
of who could have a better life and I will tell you
whatever you imagine my life to be like. I wonder
what Oprah‟s doing right now. It‟s always ten times
better that whatever you think. It‟s true and it‟s
because not because I have wealth which it‟s great
that‟s what money‟s fabulous. I love it and I get a lot
of attention and that‟s also good sometimes but it‟s
because I had appreciation for the small steps”
Vid3/E:Pi 00:08:35 “the seeds that we were planted, the map and flow of
my life that unfolded because I was paying
attention. You have to pay attention to your life
because it is speaking to you all the time and the
bumps in the road and the failures that pointed me in
a deuteron new direction and led me to a path”
Vid3/L:En 00:08:56 “made clear that is what I‟m wishing for you today,
your own path, made clear and I know that there is a
lot of anxiety, a lot about what the future holds and
how much money you‟re gonna make, but your
anxiety does not contribute one iota to your
Vid3/P;Cf 00:09:27 “and here you are today, you made it and I‟m here to
tell you that you‟re going to be more than okay so
take a deep breath with me right now and repeat this
„everything is always working out for me‟ I want to
hear it „everything is working out for me‟, because it
is and It has and it will continue to be as you forge
and discover your own path”
Vid3/L:En 00:10:14 “First you do need a job, yep. You need your job and
may I say it does not have to be your life‟s mission,
not your greatest passion, not your most fulfilled
self, but a job that pays your rent. Yes, and lets you
move out of your parent‟s house. Look who‟s
applauding, because yes they are tired of taking care
of you”
Vid3/P:Cf 00:10:43 “they are hoping that the CC fine education you‟ve
received is going to pay off and it will, I promise
you in ways that today you cannot even imagine”
Vid3/L:Ex 00:11:15 “one of my daughter girls who graduated two years
ago came out of school with a job that she previously
intern. She bought her own used car, has an
apartment, she shares with Ron. Only one roommate
all with no help from me and she‟d only been
working about six months calls me and says „Mom,
oh they want to give me a promotion but I don‟t think
I want the promotion because I don‟t think it fulfills
my purpose‟”
Vid3/E:Pi 00:11:45 “and I said „your purpose right now is to keep that
job. Your purpose is to do what you have to do

until you can do what you want to do‟. I borrowed

that line from Great Debaters”
Vid3/P:Ht 00:12:03 “here‟s the truth, for years I had a job and through
that job doing a lot of things that I actually didn‟t
want to do”
Vid3/P:An 00:12:46 “I was too emotional. I‟d go to cover stories and
cry because people lost their houses or lost their
Vid3/P:Cm 00:13:07 “I would like to say that many times, many times
there are things that look like failure in your life
and I want to clear up because four years at every
graduation. I‟ve said there‟s no such thing as
failure. Well it is I‟ve said it‟s no such things as
failure. It‟s just like pointing you into a different
direction. It does indeed does”
Vid3/L:En 00:13:30 “the moment when you fail, it really feels bad and
it‟s embarrassing and it‟s bad and it‟s going to
happen to you if you keep living but I guarantee you,
it also will pass and you will be fine. Why? Because
everything is always working out for you”
Vid3/E:Vc 00:13:59 “I was in the struggle of my life. I tried to build a
network at the same time. I was still trying to do a
show and I did not have the right leadership.
Everything is about having people in the right
positions to support you”
Vid3/P:Fe 00:14:17 “I had to take a good long look at myself when
everything in the media cuz all of my mistakes are
on the evening news or CNN crawl. I can‟t do
anything privately”
Vid3/L:Ex 00:14:42 “Jeff Weiner one of my friends and founder of
LinkedIn says that “Failure is what‟s going to
humble you. It helps you realize how fleeting success
can be at least traditional measures of success”
Vid3/P:Fe 00:14:57 “You realize that to some extent how it is just beyond
your control and you invest less in it in terms of the
way you define yourself success, in terms achieving
objectives, in terms of manifesting a vision. That‟s all
good especially if what you do can create good in the
world but to the extent that you start to define
yourself trough traditional measures of success to
the extent that, that‟s your source of self-esteem.
You‟re destined to be unhappy because you cannot
control it”
Vid3/P:Ad 00:15:33 “Jack Canfield chicken soup. Soup for the Soul
another one of my thought leaders that I admire
says „the greatest wound we‟ve all experienced is
somehow being rejected for being our authentic self
and as result of that. We then try to be what we‟re not
to get approval love, protection, safety, money,
whatever what it is and the real need for all of us

really is to reconnect with the essence who really are,

reown all the disowned parts of ourselves whether it‟s
our emotions our spirituality whatever we all go
around hiding parts of ourselves‟”
Vid3/P:Fr 00:16:53 “I‟m here to tell you, gets revealed to you daily. It is
not just one thing. It is the thread that is connecting
the dots of everything that you do”
Vid3/E:Pi 00:17:05 “so when I first started television at 19 as i said, I
was just happy to have a job, but later through
experience trial error some failures recognized that
my true purpose was to be an inspiration and a force
for good to allow people to see the best of themselves
through the work and the stories that we were able
to tell and so all becomes my legacy”
Vid/L:Ex 00:18:09 “She puts down the dough „you have no idea what
your legacy will be‟ and I said „yes ma‟am‟ she
said „because your legacy is every life that you
touch‟ and that I repeat everywhere because it‟s true.
It‟s not one thing, it‟s everything and the most
important thing is how you touch other people‟s lives
every day”
Vid3/L:Ex 00:18:45 “You‟re carving out the path even when it looks
like you‟re not. All your actions are creating equal
and opposite reactions which is the third law of
motion in physics. What you put out is coming back.
How you think and what you do is already being done
unto you”
Vid3/L:Ex 00:19:29 “You do need to look people in the eye when you
speak to them. You need to keep your commitments.
If you say you‟re gonna do something. You need to
make your bed every day because when you do
that, it makes the whole house look better”
Vid3/P:Ad 00:20:05 “I wrote the path made clear. It‟s my stories of
figuring it out with gems of wisdom from some of my
favorite thought leaders like Jeff and Jack and
Pema Chodron”
Vid3/E:Gw 00:20:41 “because you all. All of you and all of you
showered and shaved and came all this way to
support. I have made the e-book and the digital audio
book version free today, for the rest of the day until
midnight. Wherever books and digital audio books
are sold in United States, in Canada. You can just go
online and you can get your own digital version”
Vid3/E:Gw 00:21:15 “That means that you get a book. Congratulations
class of 2019”
For more detail, table 4.4 can be seen in appendix 2 page 174.

a. Logos

“Logos is the study of interference making or reasoning which is

related to logic” (Herrick, 2005).

Logos refers when a speaker delivers their argument and proves

their argument using logical reasoning or proof. So when the speaker

uses his or her logical proof in their argumentative speaking, the

speaker uses logos to establish their speech to persuade the audience.

Based on Aristotle‟s rhetorical theory, there are two ways to create

logical reasoning, it is by using enthymemes or and examples. In the

commencement address, Oprah Winfrey used logos for 20.93% in her

speech at Colorado College. She proved her argument using logical

reasoning by using both enthymeme and example, the percentage of

logical proofs used by Oprah Winfrey is showed in table 4.11.

Table 4.11 The result of logical proofs (logos) in Video 3

Logical Proof (logos)
9x (20.93%)
Enthymeme Example

3x (6.98%) 6x (13.95%)

1) Enthymeme

The percentage of the usage of enthymeme is 6.98%. It is less

than the percentage of examples the speaker used to create logical

reasoning in her speech. Enthymeme consists of probable premises

that lead to tentative conclusion (Aristotle, 1954). One of the

enthymemes used by Oprah Winfrey in her speech is below.


e.g: - “made clear that is what I‟m wishing for you today, your

own path, made clear and I know that there is a lot of

anxiety, a lot about what the future holds and how much

money you‟re gonna make, but your anxiety does not

contribute one iota to your progress”

In the example, Oprah Winfrey used three premises and one

conclusion. First premise was there was a lot of anxiety the

graduates will face, second premise was about a lot of what the

future holds and the third premise was how much money you would

make. The premises used to form a conclusion that their anxiety did

not contribute one iota to their progress.

2) Example

Example is another way to create logical reasoning. Example

is a method to define an idea so that the audience can effortlessly

understand the meaning (Griffin, 2012). In commencement address,

Oprah Winfrey used example to define his idea for 13.95%.

e.g: “The years of truth, ask Danny or anybody who‟s

successful. You go to any one of his restaurants Shake

Shack, love it. Union Square Gramercy Tavern and you

will be impressed by not only the food which you have to

do that if your restaurant but by the radical hospitality

and service”

From the utterance above, the researcher identified it as an

example, because Oprah Winfrey gave an example of success people

to support her idea.

b. Ethos

Herrick (2012) mentioned that ethos is the most persuasive

proof from two other rhetorical proofs. The researcher found that Oprah

Winfrey used ethos in her address for 34.88%. Aristotle, in Griffin

(2012), stated that there are three features that can build up the ethos

proofs. They are perceived intelligence, virtuous character, and

goodwill. Those features are showed in Oprah Winfrey‟s

commencement address. Each of the features appears in different result

as presented in table 4.12.

Table 4.12 The Result of Ethical proofs (Ethos) in Video 3

Ethical Proof (ethos)

15x (34.88%)

Perceived Intelligent Virtuous Character Goodwill

3x (6.98%) 7x (16.28%) 5x (11.63%)

1) Perceived Intelligent

Showing off the intelligence of the speaker their speech is

one of the techniques to persuade the audience. As explained by

Verdeber, Sellnow, and Verdeber (2012), audience is more likely to

be persuaded when they perceive a speaker to be competence and

credible. Therefore, Oprah Winfrey used this proof to convince the


audience that she is a competence one. The researcher found that

Oprah Winfrey used ethos proof in perceived intelligence for 6.98%.

e.g: - “the seeds that we were planted, the map and flow of my

life that unfolded because I was paying attention. You

have to pay attention to your life because it is speaking to

you all the time and the bumps in the road and the failures

that pointed me in a deuteron new direction and led me to

a path”

This example shows Oprah Winfrey explained her

competence and used her experience as the evidence. She told to the

audience to pay attention to their lives so they could be led by

themselves to the new direction.

2) Virtuous Character

In order, to obtain successful persuasive speech, the speaker

must create trustworthiness of the audience by showing the speaker‟s

virtuous character (Verderber, Sellnow, and Verderber, 2012).

Speaker‟s experiences, value and motives can be the tools to arouse

trust among the audience. Oprah Winfrey employed her experience,

values, and motives to show her virtuous character to establish her

trustworthiness. She conveyed her virtuous character in her speech

for 16.28%.

e.g: - “Truly, I have, I,I,I, I feel the most beautiful life that you

can imagine. I sit around trying to think of who could have


a better life and I will tell you whatever you imagine my

life to be like. I wonder what Oprah‟s doing right now. It‟s

always ten times better that whatever you think. It‟s true

and it‟s because not because I have wealth which it‟s

great that‟s what money‟s fabulous. I love it and I get a lot

of attention and that‟s also good sometimes but it‟s

because I had appreciation for the small steps”

In example, Oprah Winfrey told the graduates her experience

as a popular television host woman in the United States of America.

She shared her value to the audiences to put their attention on their

goals and appreciate for the small steps. She proved all her speech by

her popularity and wealth she has gotten.

3) Goodwill

Goodwill is a perception the audience forms of a speaker who

they believe understand them, empathizes with them, and is

responsive to them (Verderber, Sellnow, Verderber, 2012). When the

audience believes in the speaker‟s goodwill, they are willing to

believe what the speaker says. In her speech, the researcher found

out that Oprah Winfrey was very responsive to the audience. She

thanked to the moderator for giving her a beautiful introduction. It

shows Oprah been responsive to the moderator. In this

commencement speech, she used goodwill to gain positive

judgments toward her for 11.63%.


e.g: - “it gives me such pride and fills me with such joy to see

you becoming the woman that you are, so thank you for

that beautiful introduction and thank you full circle

moment. Thank you president, Chief and, ah Tiefenthaler,

thank you so much. Good morning class of 2019”

In the utterance above, it shows Oprah Winfrey thanked to

the president of Agnes Scott College, a chief and Tiefenthaler for

inviting Oprah as the speaker at Agnes Scott College‟s

commencement day. From the utterance, it also shows Oprah greeted

the class of 2019. It means Oprah showed her goodwill and been

responsive with the audience.

c. Pathos

Oprah Winfrey used pathos in her commencement address to

persuade the audience for many times. The percentage of emotional

proof usage during the speech is 44.19%. There are eight emotions

analyzed in Oprah Winfrey‟s speech. The portion of emotions evoke by

Oprah Winfrey are showed in table 4.13.

Table 4.13 The Result of Emotional Proofs (Pathos) in Video 3

Emotional Proof
19x (44.19%)




3x 1x 2x 4x 2x 4x 3x 0x
6.98% 2.32% 4.65% 9.30% 4.65% 9.30% 6.98% 0%

1) Anger

As explained by Griffin (2012), anger comes when people are

dissatisfied in their attempt to fulfill a need and they will become

irate. Anger always arises from offences against oneself and it is

always concerned with individuals. In commencement address,

Oprah Winfrey aroused anger toward the audience for 6.98%.

e.g: - “So I said to my producers afterwards I‟m not gonna do

that anymore”

The example shows an anger of Oprah Winfrey. She was mad

to her television show producers and she wanted to quit the job as

Oprah Winfrey Show‟s host. She decided to stop the program

because she thought that the show did not have a value in helping


2) Calmness

Aristotle (1956) stated that growing calm is the opposite of

growing angry, and calmness is the opposite of anger. Growing calm

is the process of settling down of quieting anger (Aristotle, 1954). In

commencement address, 6.98% of the speech was used for

expressing her anger. Despite of growing angry, she grew calm to

settle down the anger. The researcher found that Oprah Winfrey

attempted to grow calm for 2.32%.

e.g: - “I would like to say that many times, many times there are

things that look like failure in your life and I want to clear

up because four years at every graduation. I‟ve said

there‟s no such thing as failure. Well it is I‟ve said it‟s no

such things as failure. It‟s just like pointing you into a

different direction. It does indeed does”

The utterance above shows Oprah Winfrey‟s calmness in

settling down her anger. She was calm in giving a response to all her

failures in the past. She believed no such things as failure. It was

only a different direction.

3) Friendship

According to Aristotle (1954), love or friendship is a feeling

toward one as wishing for what someone believes to be good things

for sake of others. In example, it shows that Oprah Winfrey was

there in Agnes Scott College only for telling the class of 2019 to

reveal themselves daily. Oprah showed her friendship in

commencement address for 4.65%.

e.g: - “I‟m here to tell you, gets revealed to you daily. It is not

just one thing. It is the thread that is connecting the dots of

everything that you do”

4) Hatred

According to Aristotle (1954), hatred may arise without

offences against oneself. A hater wishes to pity a man whom they

hate (Aristotle, 1954). In commencement address, Oprah Winfrey

aroused hatred for 9.30% of her speech. Oprah Winfrey showed her

hatred to the audience, so that the audience could feel the same

feeling to some people. One of her hatred speech was pointed out

toward Ku Klux Klan. She hated Ku Klux Klan and wanted to reveal

their vitriol to the world.

e.g: - “You know? I started my talk show. I was just so happy to

be on television and I was one day interviewing members

of the Ku Klux Klan. I thought I was interviewing them so

that I could expose their vitriol to the world”

5) Fear

According to Herrick (2005), fear is a feeling of annoyance

caused by a mental picture of some terrible things to be happened in

the future. Fear also comes from mental illness of potential disaster

at the hand of particular persons, in a particular form, and at

particular time, and it is felt by those who believe something to be

likely to happen to them (Aristotle, 2005). During her speech, Oprah

showed her fear for 4.65%.

e.g: - “I had to take a good long look at myself when everything

in the media cuz all of my mistakes are on the evening

news or CNN crawl. I can‟t do anything privately”

One of the utterance in the commencement address, Oprah

Winfrey showed her fear of media when she failed to be a television

host in the past. She was afraid of media faming her image as a bad

and failure person and she was not able to cover her privacy because

she was in the entertainments industry.

6) Confidence

According to Aristotle (1954), confidence comes when one

believes that they are superior than others and often experiences

success. In commencement address, Oprah Winfrey showed her

confidence for 9.30%.

e.g: - “I‟ve been watching since I was 5 years old until I, until I

went from DVR to two VCRs to now streaming people

watch and were raised by that show. I did a good job of

raising a lot of people. I must say that I and that happened

because of an intention to be of service so I live in this

space of radical love and gratitude. Truly”

The researcher found Oprah Winfrey‟s confidence in that

utterance. From the utterance, Oprah seemed really confidence

telling her story as a legend television host. She had been a host of

her show from an era to era. She was also confident in saying she

raised up many people.

7) Admiration

Admiration comes when someone obtain life‟s goods through

hard work rather than mere luck (Griffin, 2012). Griffin (2012) also

said that admiration grows when people see others‟ moral virtue,

power, wealth, and beauty. In her speech, Oprah Winfrey shows her

admiration for 6.98%.

e.g: - “Jack Canfield chicken soup. Soup for the Soul another

one of my thought leaders that I admire says „the greatest

wound we‟ve all experienced is somehow being rejected

for being our authentic self and as result of that. We then

try to be what we‟re not to get approval love, protection,

safety, money, whatever what it is and the real need for all

of us really is to reconnect with the essence who really

are, reown all the disowned parts of ourselves whether it‟s

our emotions our spirituality whatever we all go around

hiding parts of ourselves‟”

In the example, it was obvious that Oprah Winfrey was

showing her admiration towards one success restaurant owner, Jack

Canfield. She said by herself that she admired him and borrowed his


8) Envy

A speaker shows their envy when they mention others‟ good

things that the speaker does not have. In this graduation day at Agnes

Scott College, Oprah Winfrey did not express her envy.

Based on finding of three videos above, showed that type and

rhetorical proofs in the speech rhetoric of Oprah Winfrey in the

commencement day at campus still exist. In other side, each types and

rhetorical proofs have different way when Oprah Winfrey delivered the

speech rhetoric in front of audiences. Researcher also found that some

rhetorical proofs did not exist in the speech rhetoric, but that is no matter to

deliver topic in the speech.

B. Discussion

After the researcher collected the data and found the findings. The

researcher answered the problem statement using the result of the discussion.

In the research findings, the researcher explained about the description of

research findings concerning with the Oprah Winfrey‟s speech rhetoric. In the

previous chapter, that has mentioned based on O‟Hair (2012:175). There are

three types of speech rhetoric.

There are: (a) Informative Speech, (b) Persuasive Speech, and (c)

Special Occasion. The researcher also analyzed the elements of Oprah

Winfrey‟s rhetorical proofs by using Aristotle‟s theory as a guideline.

Rhetorical proofs are Logos, Ethos, and Pathos. Every proofs has some

elements, such as: (a) Enthymeme, (b) Example (c) Perceived Intelligence, (d)

Virtuous Character, (e) Goodwill, (f) Anger, (g) Calmness, (h) Friendship, (i)

Hatred, (j) Fear, (k) Confidence, (l) Admiration, and (m) Envy. Based on it, the

researcher also noted the process of Oprah Winfrey‟s speech rhetoric that are

important to be analyzed types of speech rhetoric that used by Oprah Winfrey.


1. The Analysis of Types of Oprah Winfrey‟s Speech Rhetoric in

Commencement Addresses

Based on research finding, the researcher found that there was a type

in speech rhetoric of Oprah Winfrey. The data indicated that Oprah Winfrey

used special occasion speech for the type in the speech rhetoric. O‟Hair

(2012:175) stated that a special occasion speech is prepared for a specific

occasion and for a specific purpose dictated by that occasion. Special

occasion speeches can be either informative and persuasive. In this research,

the speech tended using persuasive speech. The goal of a persuasive speech

is to influence the attitudes, beliefs, values, and act of others. In the V1, V2,

and V3 show that Oprah Winfrey used persuasive special occasion speech.

She tried to influence the graduates to believe all the values she has


Oprah Winfrey delivered her speech in each campus from V1, V2,

and V3, was in the same way. She used informal language to speak to the

graduates. She intended to place herself as a millennial so that the graduates

felt close and friendly to Oprah. Related to the data and the theory found,

the researcher concluded that speech rhetoric used by Oprah Winfrey in

commencement was special occasion speech.



Special Occasion
Informative Speech Persuasive Speech
Video 3 0 0 1
Video 2 0 0 1
Video 1 0 0 1

Figure 4.1 Types of Oprah Winfrey‟s Speech Rhetoric

2. Analysis of Rhetorical Proofs of Oprah Winfrey‟s Speech Rhetoric in


The rhetorical proofs of Oprah Winfrey‟s speech rhetoric will be

discussed by using the result of the finding below;


8 7
6 5
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 33 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 22 22 2 2
2 11 1 1 1 1 1
0 0
Video 1 Video 2 Video 3

En Ex Pi Vc Gw An Cm Fr Ht Fe Cf Ad Ev

Figure 4.2 Rhetorical Proofs of Oprah Winfrey‟s Speech Rhetoric

a. L = Logos

In the rhetoric, (Aristotle:1954) used logos to refer for creating

reason in an argument or speech using logic. Aristotle focused on two


forms of Logos; they are enthymeme and example. In the three videos of

Oprah Winfrey‟s speech rhetoric, the researcher found logos for 26 times

or 20.47% with details 14 times using enthymeme and 12 times using


1) En = Enthymeme

From the figure 4.2, the researcher construed Oprah Winfrey

often used enthymeme in the video number two. It was taken at Agnes

Scott College in 2017. Enthymeme is merely an incomplete version

of a formal deductive syllogism. Syllogism is an argumentative

statement that contains a conclusion and premises (Corbett,1999).

Based on the data and theory, the researcher concluded Oprah

Winfrey used „En‟ in the three videos. Example in (Vid2/

ASC/17/DT:00:07:58/SO/L:En) that Oprah Winfrey said “The

struggle is real out there. It‟s real the struggle to remain

compassionate and the struggle to remain committed and the struggle

to be constructively engage. That‟s the challenge that you‟re in for

class of 2017”. The utterance shows Oprah Winfrey used two

premises to make a conclusion about the challenge that will be faced

by the graduates. Another example was (Vid3/CC/19/DT:00:08:56

/SO/L:En). Oprah Winfrey said “made clear that is what I‟m wishing

for you today, your own path, made clear and I know that there is a lot

of anxiety, a lot about what the future holds and how much money

you‟re gonna make, but your anxiety does not contribute one iota to

your progress”. Oprah tried to convince the graduates that their

anxiety would not contribute one iota to their progress.

Christof (2010) said that enthymeme is considered as rhetorical

demonstration which people are easily persuaded when they think

something has been demonstrated. Enthymeme is merely an

incomplete version of a formal deductive syllogism. Deductive logic

is usually used in the process of creating an enthymeme by moving

from global principle to specific truth. As an experienced television

host Oprah Winfrey tried to build premises that would be happened in

the future to create a conclusion in persuading the graduates.

2) Ex = Example

Based on the figure 4.2, Oprah Winfrey used examples

frequently in the video number three. It was a video of Oprah

Winfrey‟s commencement address at Colorado College in 2019.

According to Aristotle (1954), example has the nature of induction,

which is a foundation of reasoning. There are two varieties of

example; the illustrative parallel and fable. In illustrative parallel, its

needed the power of thinking the analogy which can be developed by

intellectual training. Meanwhile, fables are a popular connection and

comparatively easy to invent. It will help the audience to visualize the

idea of the speaker.

The Example (En) is shown in (Vid1/JCSU/16/DT:00:16:32

/SO/L:Ex). In the video number one, it was taken at Johnson C. Smith


University in 2016, in the minute of sixteen and the second of thirty

two, Oprah Winfrey said “Today, you can never go wrong because the

truth is, we live in a great time in spite of what we seen on the

television and violence against young black men that they have no

power and control over in spite of the times”. Oprah gave an example

to the graduates about the today‟s truth that they lived in a great time

in spite of what they seen on the television about the violence against

young black men that they have no power. Another example also seen

in (Vid3/CC/19/DT:00:19:29/SO/L:Ex), in the video number three,

Oprah Winfrey was attending a commencement agenda at Colorado

College in 2019. In the minutes of nineteen and twenty ninth seconds,

Oprah Winfrey said “You do need to look people in the eye when you

speak to them. You need to keep your commitments. If you say you‟re

gonna do something. You need to make your bed every day because

when you do that, it makes the whole house look better”. Oprah

Winfrey was giving a illustrative parallel to the audience about

keeping their commitments. She connected between that matter with

the chore they usually did at home to make a visualization of her idea.

She connected keeping a commitments to make a relationship gets

better with the illustrative parallel like they were making their bed to

make their house looks better.


b. E = Ethos

Herrick (2005) said that when people are convinced that is

speaker is knowledgeable, trustworthy, and has their best interest at heart.

They will be very likely accepting what the speaker said as the truth.

Aristotle in Griffin (2012) identified three qualities that can establish

high source of credibility, such as; perceived intelligence, virtuous

character, and goodwill. In the three videos of Oprah Winfrey‟s speech

rhetoric, the researcher found ethos for 51 times or 40.16% with details 9

times using perceived intelligence, 25 times using virtuous character, and

17 times using goodwill.

1) Pi = Perceived Intelligent

Audience is more likely to be persuaded when they perceive a

speaker to be competence and credible (Verdeber et all 2012). Oprah

Winfrey conveyed her intelligence by explaining her competence. She

shared her experiences as a proof of her special knowledge as a

television host.

According to the figure 4.2, Oprah Winfrey mostly used

perceived intelligence in the video number two. The video was taken

at Agnes Scott College in 2017. One of the example is in

(Vid2/ASC/17/DT:00:12:53/SO/E:Pi), in the video, Oprah said “You

know, during the years of the Oprah show I interviewed over 37,000

people one on one, so whenever I‟m telling my girls anything and they

say „ah‟ and they start rolling their eyes. I say „I‟m the only person

you gonna talk to that‟s talked to 37,000 people”. The researcher

identified that utterance as a perceived intelligent, since she talked

about her experience in interviewing over thirty seven thousand

people one on one. She told the graduates about her competence so

that the graduates believed all she has spoken. The audiences assumed

Oprah Winfrey as the trusted speaker.

Another perceived intelligence was also shown in (vid3/CC/19

/DT:00:08:35/SO/E:Pi), in the third video, at Colorado College in

2019, Oprah Winfrey said “so when I first started television at 19 as i

said, I was just happy to have a job, but later through experience trial

error some failures recognized that my true purpose was to be an

inspiration and a force for good to allow people to see the best of

themselves through the work and the stories that we were able to tell

and so all becomes my legacy”. Oprah also told the audiences her

experience being a television host. She went through all the barriers

when she took the job, the trial errors and the failures until she met her

success. She also supported her speech by adding a proof. The proof

was her legacy she had been gotten.

2) Vc = Virtuous Character

Virtuous character is an ability of the speaker to produce

trustworthiness to the audiences by telling their experiences and

sharing values to create a speaker‟s good image and honest person.

The speaker can also explain their motive to demonstrate their


character which make the listeners consider the speaker as a

trustworthy person so that it increases a good character of the speaker

(Verdeber et all, 2012).

According to figure 4.2, Oprah Winfrey mostly used virtuous

character proof in the video number two that was taken at Agnes Scott

College in 2017 for 13 times or 10.16%. One of the examples of

virtuous characters can be shown in (Vid2/ASC/17/DT:00:09:48/SO/E

:Vc), Oprah said “when I started to realize it‟s not just what I do but

it‟s how I do it. It‟s how I‟m not just praying on my knees but I live in

a state of humanity on my knees in service to the higher calling of my

life. That things started to change”. From the example, the researcher

analyzed the utterance as a virtuous character. It is because Oprah

Winfrey was telling her experience how she suffered and prayed from

her past life, and that was working out to her recent life as a success

person. She indirectly shared her value to the audiences to pray hard

as one of the efforts in gaining success. The another example is shown

in (Vid2/ASC/17/DT:10:47/SO/E:Vc), it said “I have made, I‟ve made

a living, I‟ve made a living, I‟ve made a life, made a fortune really it‟s

fantastic. All good from being true to myself”. From the utterance, it

can be seen Oprah was trying to convince the graduates about her

amazing experience as a success person that she had made a living by

being true of herself. Oprah Winfrey seemed building a trustworthy

experience to create a good image of her.


3) Gw = Goodwill

Goodwill is a perception of the audiences toward a speaker

who they believe the speaker understands, empathizes, and is

responsive to the audiences. A positive judgment of the speaker‟s

intention towards the audience is called goodwill (Griffin, 2012).

Based on the figure 4.2, Oprah Winfrey often used goodwill in

the video number two. The video was taken at Agnes Scott College in

2017. Oprah Winfrey used goodwill in video number one for twice or

1.56%, 12 times or 9.37% in the video number two, and 5 times or

3.91% in the video number three. One of the examples can be seen in

(vid1/JCSU/16/DT:00:00:04/SO/Gw), Oprah said “JC! JC! Alright,

now you‟re looking good today. I have never experienced an

introduction like that, juror I meant to you class of 2017”. Oprah

greeted the graduates of Johnson C. Smith University, and praised

them that they were looking good that day. She also thanked to the

moderator who gave her a nice introduction.

The second example was in (Vid2/ASC/17/DT:00:06:49/SO/E:

Gw), in the video number two at Agnes Scott College, Oprah was

saying “it turns out Satoca is Satoca Mele who used to be Pretty when

she came to the school, so that‟s what happens when you come to

Agnes Scott. Heretofor, a girl who just happy be called Pretty, Pretty,

she gets educated here and thinks more deeply about what really

matters to herself”. Oprah was complimenting Agnes Scott graduates

as pretty girls.

c. P = Pathos

Emotional Proof or Pathos is an emotion proof comes from the

feeling. The term pathos is often used to refer to the effective or

emotional appeals that give persuasive message and power to move

audience to action. Griffin (2012) cataloged pathos into a series of

opposite feelings; Anger, Calmness, Friendship, Hatred, Fear,

Confidence, Admiration, and Envy. In the three videos of Oprah

Winfrey‟s speech rhetoric, the researcher found pathos for 50 times or

39.37% with details 6 times of Anger, 4 times of calmness, 10 times of

friendship, 6 times of hatred, 4 times of fear, 8 times of confidence, 10

times of admiration, and 2 times of envy.

1) An = Anger

Aristotle (1954) said that someone becomes angry when they

are offended by others. People get angry when they are dissatisfied in

their attempt to fulfill a need and it reminds them of interpersonal

slight and they will become irate.

According to figure 4.2, Anger was mostly used by Oprah

Winfrey in the video number three. The video was taken at Colorado

College in 2019. The findings shows in (Vid3/CC/19/DT:00:03:13/SO

/P:An), Oprah Winfrey said “literally any problems the list is long

because there is gun violence and economic inequality and there‟s


media bias and life homeless need opportunity and the addicted need

treatment and the dreamers need protection, the prison system needs

be reformed, the social safety needs saving, misogyny needs to stop”.

Oprah seemed angry about the fact in the United States that there were

still gun violence, media bias, and many social problems that have not

been resolved. Oprah spoke out her anger and transmitted to the

graduates to feel angry toward the facts. Oprah indirectly asked the

graduates to take action in decreasing the number of case of the social


2) Cm = Calmness

Calmness is the opposite of anger. Growing calm perhaps

define as settling down or quieting the anger (Griffin, 2012). In the

three videos of Oprah Winfrey‟s commencement addresses in the

United States of America, Oprah Winfrey often used calmness in the

video number two (figure 4.2). The second video was taken at Agnes

Scott College in 2017. The code (Vid2/ASC/17/DT:00:23:01/SO/P:

Cm) said “I now say „Yes, Hi, oh I am so full my cup is running

over”. Oprah set her calm in responding what people have said that

she was full of herself. She calmed herself down by jokingly bragging.

Another example was in (vid3/CC/19/DT:00:13:07/SO/P:Cm).

Oprah Winfrey said “I would like to say that many times, many times

there are things that look like failure in your life and I want to clear up

because four years at every graduation. I‟ve said there‟s no such thing

as failure. Well it is I‟ve said it‟s no such things as failure. It‟s just

like pointing you into a different direction. It does indeed does”.

Oprah was calming herself after she felt angry about her failure in the

past. She calmed the graduates‟ emotions caused by her by

confronting them that there was nothing as failures. That was just like

a different direction shown.

3) Fr = Frienship

Aristotle (1954) described friendship as a friendly feeling

towards anyone like a wishing for what somebody believes to be good

things for everybody‟s sake. In the three videos of Oprah Winfrey‟s

commencement addresses, Oprah mostly used friendship proof in the

second video for five times (figure 4.2).

One of the examples can be seen in (Vid2/ASC/17/DT:00:02:

54/SO/P:Fr), in the second video taken at Agnes Scott College in

2017, Oprah Winfrey said “My daughter girl has had the great

privilege of growing and blossoming here at Agnes Scott”. Oprah

called a graduate of Agnes Scott College as her daughter. She also

gave compliments to her having the great privilege of growing and

studying at Agnes Scott College.

Another example of friendship (Fr) used by Oprah Winfrey

was in (Vid3/CC/19/DT:00:01:49/SO/P:Fr), in the third video, Oprah

gave an address in Colorado College‟s graduation day. She said “I‟m

here for you, this is my second time”, it shows Oprah was being

friendly to the graduates. She said as if her attendance was only for the


4) Ht = Hatred

Hatred is directed against classes. Hatred may be produced by

anger or spite or calumny. Hater wishes to pity a person whom the

speaker hates (Aristotle, 1954). Based on the figure 4.2, anger was

less used in video one, Vid1/JCSU/16/DT:00:01:39/SO/P:Ht. In the

video one taken at Johnson C. Smith University in 2016, Oprah said “I

don‟t believe in anybody who knows me, knows, I don‟t believe in or

support any law discriminating against anybody ever”. Oprah showed

her hatred to the audiences toward people she did not believe in.

People whom said they knew her, people whom said they supported

her. Oprah was supposed to believe people whom support her, but her

past made her the opposite. They turned to her enemies.

The other example of hatred can be seen in the video number

three (Vid3/CC/19/DT: 00:05:21/SO/P:Ht), in that video Oprah said

“You know? I started my talk show. I was just so happy to be on

television and I was one day interviewing members of the Ku Klux

Klan. I thought I was interviewing them so that I could expose their

vitriol to the world”. It was obvious to feel her hatred toward the

members of Ku Klux Klan, an American white supremacist hate group

whose primary targets are African-Americans, Jews, immigrants, and


homosexuals. Oprah hated to interview them and wanted to expose

their vitriol to the world on her show in the past.

5) Fe = Fear

Aristotle wrote that fear defined as a pain or disturbance due to

a mental picture of some destructive or painful evil in the future

(Herrick, 2005). Fear is felt by those who believe something bad to be

likely happen to them. Fear comes from a mental image of potential

disaster. The speaker paints a vivid word to picture of tragedy,

showing its occurrence is probable.

In the video number two and three, we can see Oprah

Winfrey‟s fear, meanwhile in the video one, Oprah Winfrey did not

show her fear in her speech. Two of the examples were in the video

number two (Vid2/ASC/17/DT:00:11:26/SO/P:Fe), Oprah said “know

that having great shoes and closet full of shoes or cars or houses or

square footage doesn‟t fill up your life, it doesn‟t”. This utterance was

categorized as fear, because Oprah Winfrey was saying being rich was

good, then she said wealth did not fill up their happiness. Oprah

believed that kind of bad thing might be happen in the future, and the

second example can be seen in the third video (Vid3/CC/19/DT:00:14:

17/SO/P:Fe), the video was taken at Colorado College in 2019, in the

minutes of fourteen and seventeen seconds, Oprah said “I had to take

a good long look at myself when everything in the media cuz all of my

mistakes are on the evening news or CNN crawl. I can‟t do anything


privately”. She was afraid after she said to the media she was quit her

job as television host on her own show. She was fear to face if the

media would show her bad sides because of her mistakes.

6) Cf = Confidence

Confidence is the opposite of fear. Confidence is an

expectation associated with a mental picture of nearness of what keep

us safe and the absence or remoteness of what is terrible. Confidence

is felt when someone believes that they often succeeded and never

suffered or has often met danger and escaped from it safely (Aristotle,

1954). Confidence can be built through successful experiences.

According to figure 4.2, Oprah Winfrey often used confidence

in the third video. The video was taken at Colorado College in 2019.

(Vid3/CC/19/DT:00:03:38/SO/P:Cf), Oprah said “the truth is you

cannot fix everything but what you can do here and now is make a

decision because life is about decision and the decision is that you will

use your life in service. You will be in service to life and you will

speak up, you will show up, you will stand up, you will sit in, you will

volunteer, you will shout out, you will help, you will Linda Han, you

will offer, you will talent and your kindness however you can and you

will radically transform whatever moment. You‟re in which leads to

bigger moments, because the truth is success is it‟s.” Oprah was really

confidence in telling something goods would be happen to the


graduates in the future. She said the graduates would face challenges

which brought them to the bigger moment, a success.

7) Ad = Admiration

According to Griffin (2012), Admiration is feeling that

admiring people‟s moral virtue, power, wealth, and beauty by

demonstrating that an individual has acquired life‟s goods through

hard work rather than mere luck. As the figure 4.2 shown, Oprah

Winfrey used admiration proof in the first and second video equally

for four times in each and three times in the third video. One of the

examples is in the video one “You can‟t leave a diary or some cookies

baked so good, so Madiba and I were at one point discussing what

would make a difference in the world and particularly in the country

of South Africa” (Vid1/JCSU/16/DT:00:02:41/SO/P:Ad). In the first

video which was taken from Johnson C. Smith University in 2016,

Oprah Winfrey showed her admiration toward Nelson Mandela. She

mentioned Madiba to address Nelson Mandela. Madiba is considered

very polite to use someone‟s clan name.

8) Ev = Envy

Aristotle (1954) said envy is a pain at the sight of such good

fortune as consist of the good things already mentioned. Envy appears

when a speaker compares their misfortune to other‟s good fortune.

According to figure 4.2, Oprah Winfrey rarely used envy in her


speech. She only showed once in the first and second video. She did

not show her envy in the third video.

The example of envy in the first video was “I was born there,

weren‟t any great proclamations or even anyone who wanted me. My

mother hid the pregnancy until the day her water broke and I was

considered that illegitimate child and all that, that meant in 1954 in

Mississippi for a long time. I felt the shame of that. The lack of a

steam around that” (Vid1/JCSU/16/DT:00:12:24/SO/P:Ev). Oprah

compared her misfortune as a born baby without any great

proclamations and seemed nobody wanted her existence to the people

who were born with good proclamations. The video was taken at

Johnson C. Smith University in 2016.

The second example was showed in the second video. The

second video was taken at Agnes Scott College in 2017. In the

minutes of eleven and eighteen seconds, Oprah said “It‟s really good.

You can get a lot of great shoes. Nothing wrong with great shoes but

those of you who have a lot of shoes”. From the utterance, it can be

seen Oprah was envy toward rich people who could buy fancy things

easily. Oprah pictured a pair of great shoes as one of the fancy things.

She compared her destiny that made her exerted a lot of effort to gain

success with ones‟ fortune that did not need any efforts to be

successful person.

Based on described rhetorical proofs above, the researcher found

that the frequencies of the rhetorical proofs used by Oprah Winfrey in the

three videos were different. Many factors made the way different in

delivering speech rhetoric. In this case, Oprah Winfrey used the same

way in delivering her speech rhetoric. It was because she gave her speech

in the commencement agenda. She used persuasive speech to influence

the graduates‟ attitude, beliefs, values, and acts into better perspectives.

Oprah Winfrey also used informal dictions in her speeches. It was

intended so that the graduates felt intimate toward Oprah. If the graduates

felt close to her, it would be easy for Oprah to change their values and

made them to follow her beliefs.



This chapter discusses the result of the research conducted in speech

rhetoric of Oprah Winfrey‟s commencement addresses in United States of

America. This chapter provides some conclusion, and suggestion about the speech

rhetoric. This chapter consists of conclusion and suggestion.

A. Conclusion

Based on finding and discussion in chapter fourth, the result of the

research in speech rhetoric of Oprah Winfrey‟s commencement addresses in

the United States of America. The Researcher concluded follows:

First, the types of speech rhetoric of Oprah Winfrey‟s commencement

addressees were special occasion speech. Oprah prepared a speech for a

specific occasion, which was commencement. The speeches were mix of

informative and persuasive speech . Oprah Winfrey used special occasion

speech to persuade the audiences especially the graduates.

Second, based on research finding and discussion the speech rhetoric of

Oprah Winfrey in commencement, there are thirteen proofs used by Oprah

Winfrey. The used proofs were appropriate with the theory of Aristotle. The

proofs consist of (a) Enthymeme, (b) Example, (c) Perceived Intelligence, (d)

Virtuous Character, (e) Goodwill, (f) Anger, (g) Calmness, (h) Friendship, (i)

Hatred, (j) Fear, (k) Confidence, (l) Admiration, and (m) Envy. From the


thirteen proofs only two proofs that were not used in all the three videos, those

were Fear and Envy.

Third, related to descriptions of types and rhetorical proofs of speech

rhetoric in the Chapter IV, the researcher concluded that there was no different

in delivering speeches. All the speeches were delivered in an informal way. It

was intended to make the audiences felt close to the speaker so that the speaker

could influence the audiences easily.

B. Suggestion

In relations to the conclusion, the suggestions were stated as the


1. The future researchers who use the same subject can analyze the similar

topic such as rhetorical devices in future research, the researcher does not

analyze the rhetorical devices because he limits his research on the

rhetorical proofs.

2. The future researchers who used the same topic about rhetorical proofs are

allowed to use the same or different source and theory.

3. The researcher recommends that speaking teachers or lectures use rhetorical

proofs as the guidance in teaching speaking classes.



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Ethos: Goodwill
00:00:04,480 --> 00:00:12,920 JC JC alright now you're looking good
00:00:12,920 --> 00:00:19,250 today I have never experienced an
00:00:19,250 --> 00:00:23,480 introduction like that I a juror I meant
00:00:23,480 --> 00:00:25,360 to you sister
00:00:25,360 --> 00:00:28,310 class of 2017 I feel like I need to go
00:00:28,310 --> 00:00:31,939 home after that I'm impressed with
00:00:31,939 --> 00:00:41,260 myself after hearing who will go with her
00:00:45,250 --> 00:00:48,170 Jesus been walking with me a mighty long
00:00:48,170 --> 00:00:54,829 time I gotta say I am I really you know
00:00:54,829 --> 00:00:56,149 how people always get up and they say
00:00:56,149 --> 00:01:01,159 I'm so thrilled to be half I'm just to
00:01:01,159 --> 00:01:07,009 get Lum nigh to the board to the faculty
00:01:07,009 --> 00:01:12,020 to dr. Carter I'm just so thrilled to be
00:01:12,020 --> 00:01:17,560 here I am more than through I am happy I
00:01:17,560 --> 00:01:21,619 am happy and a couple weeks ago I goT
00:01:21,619 --> 00:01:23,780 some calls from members of the press
00:01:23,780 --> 00:01:29,060 asking me was I going to boycott being
00:01:29,060 --> 00:01:33,380 here today cuz in North Carolina and
00:01:33,380 --> 00:01:39,860 Y'all's issues you know and I said
00:01:39,860 --> 00:01:42,920 listen I don't believe in anybody who
00:01:42,920 --> 00:01:45,649 knows me knows I don't believe in or Pathos: Hatred
00:01:45,649 --> 00:01:48,649 support any law discriminating
00:01:48,649 --> 00:01:55,430 discriminating against anybody ever but
00:01:55,430 --> 00:02:03,229 I will be at JC because it's been a long Pathos:
00:02:03,229 --> 00:02:04,420 time coming Friendship

00:02:04,420 --> 00:02:08,690 this is how long has been coming in 2002
00:02:08,690 --> 00:02:11,240 I had the great honor and privilege of
00:02:11,240 --> 00:02:15,500 as a juror mention spending time Pathos: Admiration

00:02:15,500 --> 00:02:18,380 is Nelson Mandela one of the greatest

00:02:18,380 --> 00:02:21,560 men I believe was ever lived on the
00:02:21,560 --> 00:02:25,970 planet and Stedman and I were in Nelson
00:02:25,970 --> 00:02:30,080 Mandela's home for about ten days and at
00:02:30,080 --> 00:02:32,209 the end of our visit you know you want
00:02:32,209 --> 00:02:36,200 to leave something with someone who's Pathos:
00:02:36,200 --> 00:02:38,750 been hosting you and it's hard to leave
00:02:38,750 --> 00:02:41,110 a candle for Nelson Mandela
00:02:41,110 --> 00:02:45,440 you can't leave a diary or some cookies
00:02:45,440 --> 00:02:51,410 or baked goods so Madiba and I were at
00:02:51,410 --> 00:02:54,350 one point discussing what would make a
00:02:54,350 --> 00:02:57,950 difference in the world and particularly
00:02:57,950 --> 00:03:04,370 in the country of South Africa and what
00:03:04,370 --> 00:03:08,989 would bring an end to poverty what would
00:03:08,989 --> 00:03:15,110 change the face of what was possible for
00:03:15,110 --> 00:03:18,590 the country and I said the only thing
00:03:18,590 --> 00:03:22,040 that I know is education and what I Confidence
00:03:22,040 --> 00:03:24,380 would like to do is to build a school
00:03:24,380 --> 00:03:26,570 now I was thinking out built school at
00:03:26,570 --> 00:03:28,430 some point and he said want to go to
00:03:28,430 --> 00:03:30,680 school he got up and called the Minister
00:03:30,680 --> 00:03:33,560 of Education who was over that afternoon
00:03:33,560 --> 00:03:36,200 so we started talking about building as
00:03:36,200 --> 00:03:38,510 God's thinking on a few years down the
00:03:38,510 --> 00:03:41,090 line I'd build a school so he called the
00:03:41,090 --> 00:03:43,850 Minister of Education and came over and
00:03:43,850 --> 00:03:45,799 we started talking about building a
00:03:45,799 --> 00:03:51,730 school for young girls young girls Example

00:03:51,730 --> 00:03:56,360 giving young women the hope that someone
00:03:56,360 --> 00:03:59,360 had given me because I have always known
00:03:59,360 --> 00:04:04,489 that to whom much is given much is also
00:04:04,489 --> 00:04:08,420 required and I had been from the very
00:04:08,420 --> 00:04:12,620 first time I could afford to pay for my
00:04:12,620 --> 00:04:16,488 own rent looking outside myself to see Ethos:
00:04:16,488 --> 00:04:19,130 how I could use what I had been given to Perceived
00:04:19,130 --> 00:04:23,390 help somebody else and I learned through
00:04:23,390 --> 00:04:24,890 the process of trying to help other
00:04:24,890 --> 00:04:27,169 people that you can't change people by
00:04:27,169 --> 00:04:28,370 giving them money
00:04:28,370 --> 00:04:31,160 but you can change them when you offer Enthymeme
00:04:31,160 --> 00:04:34,000 them the opportunity to change
00:04:34,000 --> 00:04:37,669 themselves through education so I
00:04:37,669 --> 00:04:42,740 started a search with a team looking for
00:04:42,740 --> 00:04:47,199 girls in South Africa who had it I
00:04:47,199 --> 00:04:51,080 called it the it factor and I went to
00:04:51,080 --> 00:04:55,310 nine provinces interviewed personally
00:04:55,310 --> 00:05:01,010 over 500 girls who had the it factor
00:05:01,010 --> 00:05:03,560 what is that it it's almost Virtuous
00:05:03,560 --> 00:05:06,250 indescribable it's that thing that says character

00:05:06,250 --> 00:05:11,930 no matter what I will no matter what

00:05:11,930 --> 00:05:17,150 happens I still believe I can do it's it
00:05:17,150 --> 00:05:20,210 even when you don't have the means to
00:05:20,210 --> 00:05:24,260 you have the will and the desire and the
00:05:24,260 --> 00:05:27,590 passion for greatness
00:05:27,590 --> 00:05:31,039 so I specifically went looking in the
00:05:31,039 --> 00:05:35,240 eye interviewing personally girls who
00:05:35,240 --> 00:05:37,970 had it so that I could create the Oprah
00:05:37,970 --> 00:05:41,240 Winfrey Leadership Academy for girls intelligence

00:05:41,240 --> 00:05:44,680 that would be a groundbreaking

00:05:44,680 --> 00:05:47,660 institution for leadership for South
00:05:47,660 --> 00:05:52,639 Africa and the world three of those
00:05:52,639 --> 00:06:00,099 girls attend Johnson C smith University
00:06:01,419 --> 00:06:05,919 and two of those girls I called them my
00:06:05,919 --> 00:06:11,310 daughter girls are graduating here today
00:06:11,580 --> 00:06:15,430 who me and Ando are graduating here
00:06:15,430 --> 00:06:19,060 today and nothing would keep me from
00:06:19,060 --> 00:06:22,449 being here to celebrate the promise that Ethos:
00:06:22,449 --> 00:06:26,229 I made to Nelson Mandela over ten years Virtuous
00:06:26,229 --> 00:06:29,830 ago that promise gets fulfilled when
00:06:29,830 --> 00:06:36,490 they walk across the JC stage today so I
00:06:36,490 --> 00:06:43,740 am delighted I am happy I feel rewarded
00:06:43,740 --> 00:06:48,490 by being able to celebrate with you the Friendship
00:06:48,490 --> 00:06:52,47 class of 2016 and my daughter's the
00:06:52,479 --> 00:06:56,650 class of 2016 I have to say I noticed
00:06:56,650 --> 00:07:00,610 that when dr. Carter asked the parents
00:07:00,610 --> 00:07:04,599 to stand Laverne and Bob Brown you did
00:07:04,599 --> 00:07:09,610 not stand up stand up and Tina Henry and
00:07:09,610 --> 00:07:12,669 Kevin Henry you did not stand up Tina
00:07:12,669 --> 00:07:15,550 Henry and Kevin Henry here in Charlotte
00:07:15,550 --> 00:07:18,250 opened their home to my daughter girl
00:07:18,250 --> 00:07:21,009 Tondo and have been host parents to her
00:07:21,009 --> 00:07:24,819 Laverne and Bob in High Point opened
00:07:24,819 --> 00:07:26,979 their home to pull me they've been host
00:07:26,979 --> 00:07:33,960 parents to pull me and everyone knows
00:07:33,960 --> 00:07:38,469 thank you you don't make it alone nobody
00:07:38,469 --> 00:07:41,529 makes it alone and one of the things I
00:07:41,529 --> 00:07:43,779 understood when I was bringing I got 20
00:07:43,779 --> 00:07:45,909 girls in college I got three graduations
00:07:45,909 --> 00:07:47,379 this weekend so I'm going to leave and
00:07:47,379 --> 00:07:50,289 get to Spelman after this but what I

00:07:50,289 --> 00:07:54,370 realized is is that you need support you
00:07:54,370 --> 00:07:58,719 need people who want you to win you need
00:07:58,719 --> 00:08:01,599 people who are in your corner you need
00:08:01,599 --> 00:08:04,539 people who care about you who want your
00:08:04,539 --> 00:08:07,449 success who are not jealous of your Goodwill
00:08:07,449 --> 00:08:10,539 success who have no Envy about you
00:08:10,539 --> 00:08:12,490 moving ahead or moving forward and
00:08:12,490 --> 00:08:14,470 that's what they have been into
00:08:14,470 --> 00:08:17,410 my girls thank you so much I thank this
00:08:17,410 --> 00:08:19,930 school I thank you dr. Carter I thank
00:08:19,930 --> 00:08:22,030 the faculty I feel like you know I
00:08:22,030 --> 00:08:23,560 FaceTime with the girls all the time I
00:08:23,560 --> 00:08:26,260 feel like I have lived in mosaic village Pathos:
00:08:26,260 --> 00:08:30,670 I feel like I've been to the Union and Friendship

00:08:30,670 --> 00:08:35,049 on the Block I love this campus I love

00:08:35,049 --> 00:08:37,020 everything that you represent and
00:08:37,020 --> 00:08:41,740 wanting our young men and women to win I
00:08:41,740 --> 00:08:44,220 want to give a special shout out to my
00:08:44,220 --> 00:08:47,950 my beloved Steadman who is just always
00:08:47,950 --> 00:08:51,570 in my corner and always there for me I
00:08:51,570 --> 00:08:53,890 just want to share this story with you
00:08:53,890 --> 00:08:56,410 if you see Steadman later on walking and
00:08:56,410 --> 00:08:58,330 he's all bent over it's cause his feet
00:08:58,330 --> 00:09:04,560 hurt so we got here last night late and
00:09:04,560 --> 00:09:07,090 because I was at Mount Holyoke for
00:09:07,090 --> 00:09:10,440 Tabitha who's graduating today and
00:09:10,440 --> 00:09:16,200 Stedman in the rush only packed one shoe
00:09:16,200 --> 00:09:23,160 and he is a size 15 yes
00:09:32,939 --> 00:09:36,209 yes he is
00:09:38,670 --> 00:09:41,619 sighs fifteens are hard to find at any
00:09:41,619 --> 00:09:45,009 time especially at midnight at the risk

00:09:45,009 --> 00:09:50,889 all so Steadman seven who won't you
00:09:50,889 --> 00:09:54,999 won't go in a bar in all of our time Admiration
00:09:54,999 --> 00:09:58,179 together he's never had one drink unlike
00:09:58,179 --> 00:10:00,009 me who will be sitting at the bar with
00:10:00,009 --> 00:10:04,209 tequila shots uh Stedman won't even go
00:10:04,209 --> 00:10:07,779 in a bar won't walk through a bar was a
00:10:07,779 --> 00:10:10,360 the bar last night at the Ritz Carlton
00:10:10,360 --> 00:10:15,209 asking every man what size shoe are you
00:10:16,410 --> 00:10:19,509 they're not going to be no size 15 men
00:10:19,509 --> 00:10:24,249 at the bar in Charlotte at midnight so
00:10:24,249 --> 00:10:25,389 he called his friend
00:10:25,389 --> 00:10:31,869 Osiris who's a size 13 and he sent that
00:10:31,869 --> 00:10:34,869 shoe over he looked like that you know
00:10:34,869 --> 00:10:36,489 the stepsister that couldn't fit in the
00:10:36,489 --> 00:10:39,189 shoe he's trying trying to get his heel
00:10:39,189 --> 00:10:43,029 issue then about 12:30 he called Cam
00:10:43,029 --> 00:10:51,399 Newton Cam's a size 14 and he managed to
00:10:51,399 --> 00:10:54,929 get his heel in Cam's shoe so he is
00:10:54,929 --> 00:11:01,449 standing in Cam Newton shoes today size
00:11:01,449 --> 00:11:09,089 14 a little bent over but he's here and
00:11:09,089 --> 00:11:12,399 for just a few minutes I I want to share
00:11:12,399 --> 00:11:18,579 with you something that has been
00:11:18,579 --> 00:11:20,889 instrumental in my life because when
00:11:20,889 --> 00:11:22,899 you're trying to think about what to say
00:11:22,899 --> 00:11:27,239 as you're stepping out into your destiny
00:11:27,239 --> 00:11:30,249 it's kind of overwhelming and I was
00:11:30,249 --> 00:11:34,600 listening to a juror talk about how I
00:11:34,600 --> 00:11:40,689 was called to the planet and who would
00:11:40,689 --> 00:11:42,010 go with me
00:11:42,010 --> 00:11:44,680 I always think I wish I had known that
00:11:44,680 --> 00:11:48,660 at the time that I arrived because

00:11:48,660 --> 00:11:51,190 actually hajur it was a lot simpler than
00:11:51,190 --> 00:11:51,580 that
00:11:51,580 --> 00:11:55,000 as my father explains it you know my
00:11:55,000 --> 00:11:58,450 father my mother never married and they
00:11:58,450 --> 00:12:02,460 were only together one time one time and
00:12:02,460 --> 00:12:05,680 it for him wasn't about a calling it was
00:12:05,680 --> 00:12:07,990 about my mother was wearing a poodle
00:12:07,990 --> 00:12:11,560 skirt and he said he wanted to know what
00:12:11,560 --> 00:12:18,550 was up under there and he found out one
00:12:18,550 --> 00:12:23,370 time and that was me up under there and
00:12:23,370 --> 00:12:26,050 at the time that I was born there
00:12:26,050 --> 00:12:30,660 weren't any great proclamations or even
00:12:30,660 --> 00:12:35,170 anyone who wanted me my mother hid the
00:12:35,170 --> 00:12:38,500 pregnancy until the day her water broke Pathos:
00:12:38,500 --> 00:12:43,870 and I was considered that illegitimate
00:12:43,870 --> 00:12:49,650 child and all that that meant in 1954 in
00:12:49,650 --> 00:12:54,580 Mississippi for a long time I felt the
00:12:54,580 --> 00:12:57,850 shame of that the lack of a steam around
00:12:57,850 --> 00:13:01,660 that but around four or five I started
00:13:01,660 --> 00:13:06,160 to understand that there was a calling I
00:13:06,160 --> 00:13:10,510 was watching my grandmother hanging
00:13:10,510 --> 00:13:13,630 clothes on a line and we grew up in
00:13:13,630 --> 00:13:15,550 rural Mississippi no running water no
00:13:15,550 --> 00:13:18,520 electricity no television of course you
00:13:18,520 --> 00:13:19,450 didn't have television and no
00:13:19,450 --> 00:13:22,540 electricity so so watching my
00:13:22,540 --> 00:13:24,670 grandmother hang clothes out on a line
00:13:24,670 --> 00:13:27,940 and it was a cool day because I could
00:13:27,940 --> 00:13:31,360 see the moisture from her breath and I
00:13:31,360 --> 00:13:33,610 was supposed to be on the back porch
00:13:33,610 --> 00:13:35,770 churning butter and so I would only turn

00:13:35,770 --> 00:13:37,960 when she'd look at me I look at me then
00:13:37,960 --> 00:13:40,690 I turn and then she look at me I turned
00:13:40,690 --> 00:13:43,060 some more and she was hanging close on
00:13:43,060 --> 00:13:46,630 the line and she said Oprah Gayle you
00:13:46,630 --> 00:13:48,700 better watch me now because one day you
00:13:48,700 --> 00:13:51,400 will have to learn how to do this for
00:13:51,400 --> 00:13:56,050 yourself and I tell you I
00:13:56,050 --> 00:13:59,860 I was between four and five I remember
00:13:59,860 --> 00:14:03,430 having this feeling inside myself while
00:14:03,430 --> 00:14:11,320 watching her that oh I am NOT going to
Pathos: Anger
00:14:11,320 --> 00:14:14,950 be hanging no clothes on the line it's
00:14:14,950 --> 00:14:16,750 just a little feeling that came over me
00:14:16,750 --> 00:14:19,690 that said your life will be bigger than
00:14:19,690 --> 00:14:23,380 this there's something greater than this Calmness

00:14:23,380 --> 00:14:25,720 ahead for you now I could feel that
00:14:25,720 --> 00:14:29,290 inside myself but I was smart enough not
00:14:29,290 --> 00:14:32,290 to tell my grandmother that the little
00:14:32,290 --> 00:14:36,660 voice said mm-hmm but don't tell her I
00:14:36,660 --> 00:14:40,899 have been led by that little voice my Enthymeme
00:14:40,899 --> 00:14:47,410 entire life and if I had any real wisdom
00:14:47,410 --> 00:14:52,750 to share with you it is let that voice
00:14:52,750 --> 00:15:01,089 lead you let that voice that's the
00:15:01,089 --> 00:15:05,980 common ground that we all share I have
00:15:05,980 --> 00:15:11,050 led and continue to lead a magnificent
00:15:11,050 --> 00:15:14,740 life and all the things that are ever
00:15:14,740 --> 00:15:16,810 said about me and the accomplishments
00:15:16,810 --> 00:15:18,310 and the things that I've been able to do
00:15:18,310 --> 00:15:22,420 in the Oprah show number one for 25
00:15:22,420 --> 00:15:25,899 straight years all of that stuff good
00:15:25,899 --> 00:15:28,270 stuff all the awards all the stuff a
00:15:28,270 --> 00:15:31,600 juror was talking about but what nobody

00:15:31,600 --> 00:15:37,110 really knows is the sense of contentment
00:15:37,110 --> 00:15:43,480 fulfillment reward rejoicing happiness
00:15:43,480 --> 00:15:50,470 and peace I feel because my entire life
00:15:50,470 --> 00:15:54,130 I have listened and been guided by that
00:15:54,130 --> 00:15:58,690 voice that voice is your energy PS it is
00:15:58,690 --> 00:16:00,430 your intuition
00:16:00,430 --> 00:16:04,540 is your voice of God your higher power
00:16:04,540 --> 00:16:10,060 your higher self that everybody has that Ethos:
00:16:10,060 --> 00:16:13,380 allows you to make the right decision
00:16:13,380 --> 00:16:16,920 even when other people are wrong that
00:16:16,920 --> 00:16:20,730 allows you to do the right thing even
00:16:20,730 --> 00:16:24,550 when nobody and especially when nobody
00:16:24,550 --> 00:16:28,330 else is watching I have been guided by
00:16:28,330 --> 00:16:32,560 that voice that has led me to this place
00:16:32,560 --> 00:16:36,959 at JCSU today you can never go wrong
00:16:36,959 --> 00:16:41,770 because the truth is we live in a great
00:16:41,770 --> 00:16:45,399 time in spite of what we see on the
00:16:45,399 --> 00:16:48,220 television and violence against young Example
00:16:48,220 --> 00:16:50,770 black men that they have no power and
00:16:50,770 --> 00:16:56,350 control over in spite of the times we
00:16:56,350 --> 00:16:59,350 have each bin as Maya Angelou used to
00:16:59,350 --> 00:17:05,949 say to me paid for your crown has been
00:17:05,949 --> 00:17:09,730 paid for and your number one job is to
00:17:09,730 --> 00:17:13,209 put it on your head and wear it your
00:17:13,209 --> 00:17:16,209 number one job is to know that the crown
00:17:16,209 --> 00:17:20,619 has been paid for and you've got to know
00:17:20,619 --> 00:17:26,260 it and how do you continue to know and
00:17:26,260 --> 00:17:29,230 pay that crown forward well you can't do
00:17:29,230 --> 00:17:32,740 it unless you know yourself Stedman
00:17:32,740 --> 00:17:36,580 wrote a book about a long time ago Example

00:17:36,580 --> 00:17:40,240 called you can make it happen and the

00:17:40,240 --> 00:17:41,770 first chapter in that book talks about
00:17:41,770 --> 00:17:44,920 checking your ID or knowing your
00:17:44,920 --> 00:17:50,620 identity you can't pay the crown forward
00:17:50,620 --> 00:17:54,940 unless you know who you are where you
00:17:54,940 --> 00:17:58,990 come from and the sacrifice the true
00:17:58,990 --> 00:18:03,160 sacrifice and hope and tears and
00:18:03,160 --> 00:18:06,640 struggle that went into making you who
00:18:06,640 --> 00:18:09,780 you are because you didn't do it alone
00:18:09,780 --> 00:18:14,290 at no point in my rise in Mike
00:18:14,290 --> 00:18:17,620 here did I ever think that anything that
00:18:17,620 --> 00:18:20,050 was happening was happening just because
00:18:20,050 --> 00:18:21,040 of me
00:18:21,040 --> 00:18:25,000 why because from the time I was third
00:18:25,000 --> 00:18:27,640 grade fifth grade seventh grade high
00:18:27,640 --> 00:18:33,360 school I was reciting Sojourner Truth I
00:18:33,420 --> 00:18:39,190 surrender all I pray and I cry lord help
00:18:39,190 --> 00:18:42,220 me surrender this thing let me let it go
00:18:42,220 --> 00:18:44,500 you know how you pray and then you get
00:18:44,500 --> 00:18:46,330 up and you still carry the burden and
00:18:46,330 --> 00:18:49,060 you can feel Oh Lord ain't answered it
00:18:49,060 --> 00:18:54,160 yet I prayed and I cried and I say Lord
00:18:54,160 --> 00:18:57,250 I want to release it so that I cannot
00:18:57,250 --> 00:19:00,220 just be okay going to see the color
00:19:00,220 --> 00:19:02,920 purple but I can bless alfre Woodard
00:19:02,920 --> 00:19:07,030 when I see her in the role I wanted lord
00:19:07,030 --> 00:19:12,280 help me bless alfre woodard I surrender
00:19:12,280 --> 00:19:16,210 all I surrender all
00:19:16,210 --> 00:19:19,300 I prayed some more until you ever prayed
00:19:19,300 --> 00:19:23,560 and you can feel the hand of God come
00:19:23,560 --> 00:19:27,820 down and release it you released it you
00:19:27,820 --> 00:19:32,080 gave it over you don't have to carry

00:19:32,080 --> 00:19:37,030 that burden anymore and I tell you the
00:19:37,030 --> 00:19:40,000 life-changing moment for me was the
00:19:40,000 --> 00:19:43,510 second I felt the release a woman comes
00:19:43,510 --> 00:19:46,990 running out of the door and she says is
00:19:46,990 --> 00:19:51,700 your name over is your name off or River
00:19:51,700 --> 00:19:54,850 there's a man on the phone he says his
00:19:54,850 --> 00:20:00,480 name is Steven Spielberg I go running I
00:20:00,480 --> 00:20:04,390 get to the phones he says I hear you at
00:20:04,390 --> 00:20:12,040 a fat farm I said no this here is izi is
00:20:12,040 --> 00:20:16,630 a health farm to health retreat and he
00:20:16,630 --> 00:20:20,310 says I'd like to see you in my office in
00:20:20,310 --> 00:20:24,580 California tomorrow and if you lose a
00:20:24,580 --> 00:20:27,610 pound you may lose this
00:20:27,610 --> 00:20:36,550 part and I say no problem because I know
00:20:36,550 --> 00:20:39,460 I don't have a problem not losing a
00:20:39,460 --> 00:20:47,160 pound so I stopped at that Dairy Queen
00:20:47,280 --> 00:20:52,960 get myself three scoops just in case and
00:20:52,960 --> 00:20:56,350 the next day I'm in Spielberg's office
00:20:56,350 --> 00:20:58,060 and he says you're hired
00:20:58,060 --> 00:21:01,300 now the great lesson for me in that
00:21:01,300 --> 00:21:05,590 moment was I could feel that the moment Virtuous
00:21:05,590 --> 00:21:08,230 I say I am going to make peace with this
00:21:08,230 --> 00:21:10,570 thing because I've done everything that
00:21:10,570 --> 00:21:13,510 I can do and I'm going to hand it over
00:21:13,510 --> 00:21:17,110 to the higher power to the Most High
00:21:17,110 --> 00:21:20,560 to the Almighty who can lead you to the
00:21:20,560 --> 00:21:26,260 rock that is higher than thy Psalm 61 –
00:21:26,260 --> 00:21:29,050 my favorite bible verse write it down
00:21:29,050 --> 00:21:31,470 you're gonna need it when trouble comes
00:21:31,470 --> 00:21:35,860 when trouble comes lead me to the rock
00:21:35,860 --> 00:21:40,890 that is higher than I and you will be

00:21:40,890 --> 00:21:45,490 delivered surrender all I have to say
00:21:45,490 --> 00:21:47,650 that when I finish the color purple
00:21:47,650 --> 00:21:50,200 Quincy Jones who became a really dear
00:21:50,200 --> 00:21:53,610 friend of mine said to me what I feel
00:21:53,610 --> 00:21:57,250 looking in your faces today I look in
00:21:57,250 --> 00:22:05,320 your face and I see my face you make me Friendship
00:22:05,320 --> 00:22:10,630 proud and your future's so bright
00:22:10,630 --> 00:22:18,540 JCSU it burns my eyes go with God
00:22:19,120 --> 00:22:21,180 you
00:22:34,690 --> 00:22:38,390 hi youtubers I'm excited to give you an
00:22:38,390 --> 00:22:41,270 update about our own YouTube channel now
00:22:41,270 --> 00:22:43,220 you can find new videos every day
00:22:43,220 --> 00:22:44,720 they're the kind of videos it will make
00:22:44,720 --> 00:22:46,610 you look at life differently they may
00:22:46,610 --> 00:22:48,890 even make you laugh a little bit who
00:22:48,890 --> 00:22:51,020 doesn't need a daily those of that so
00:22:51,020 --> 00:22:53,660 here's just a taste of some of what you
00:22:53,660 --> 00:22:56,900 see subscribe to the old channel today
00:22:56,900 --> 00:00:00,000 and we'll see you on YouTube


1. 00:00:06,049 --> 00:00:13,349 thank you thank you thanks president

2. 00:00:13,349 --> 00:00:19,279 each morning Agnes Scott
3. 00:00:21,560 --> 00:00:24,470 I gotta give it to you all y'all do it
4. 00:00:24,470 --> 00:00:28,310 y'all do it right I gotta say this you get Ethos:
5. 00:00:28,310 --> 00:00:32,240 up you get out you get it on you get it Goodwill

6. 00:00:32,240 --> 00:00:37,190 over and out into the world by noon
7. 00:00:37,190 --> 00:00:40,510 today you'll be launched into the world
8. 00:00:40,510 --> 00:00:53,180 congratulations class of 2017 I'm really
9. 00:00:53,180 --> 00:00:55,730 happy to be here as president Kiss
10. 00:00:55,730 --> 00:00:57,800 said this this isn't my first visit I
11. 00:00:57,800 --> 00:00:59,120 was here in the summer
12. 00:00:59,120 --> 00:01:02,000 filming for „The Immortal Life of
13. 00:01:02,000 --> 00:01:04,159 Henrietta Lacks‟ over I think it was a
14. 00:01:04,159 --> 00:01:11,060 Rebekah Hall and it was 104 degrees we
15. 00:01:11,060 --> 00:01:14,510 were pretending it was winter so when I
16. 00:01:14,510 --> 00:01:16,370 woke up and saw the clouds this morning
17. 00:01:16,370 --> 00:01:22,550 I was like thank you lord I wanna say
18. 00:01:22,550 --> 00:01:24,950 a special thank you to the Board of
19. 00:01:24,950 --> 00:01:26,810 Trustees every one of you who I met
20. 00:01:26,810 --> 00:01:29,030 today and said thank you to me well Goodwill
21. 00:01:29,030 --> 00:01:29,899 thank you to you
22. 00:01:29,899 --> 00:01:31,430 thank you Board of Trustees and
23. 00:01:31,430 --> 00:01:33,380 especially to you Beth Daniel Holder
24. 00:01:33,380 --> 00:01:35,659 thank you so much as a chairman Thank
25. 00:01:35,659 --> 00:01:39,799 You faculty I love what you do all my
26. 00:01:39,799 --> 00:01:43,700 life before I became interested in Goodwill
27. 00:01:43,700 --> 00:01:45,909 television I thought I was going to be a
28. 00:01:45,909 --> 00:01:49,159 teacher or a professor I think it is the
29. 00:01:49,159 --> 00:01:51,229 most noble profession there is I think
30. 00:01:51,229 --> 00:01:56,990 to do what we do changes the world on a

31. 00:01:56,990 --> 00:02:00,380 daily basis so I thank you and all of
32. 00:02:00,380 --> 00:02:06,020 you gorgeous women of Agnes Scott thank
33. 00:02:06,020 --> 00:02:08,210 you for having me but the truth is I was Ethos:
34. 00:02:08,210 --> 00:02:11,140 coming anyway Goodwill

35. 00:02:11,459 --> 00:02:14,409 whether you had invited me here to speak
36. 00:02:14,409 --> 00:02:17,139 or not I was I was coming this was my
37. 00:02:17,139 --> 00:02:20,530 year to come because as president Kiss
38. 00:02:20,530 --> 00:02:22,719 said one of my daughter girls I called
39. 00:02:22,719 --> 00:02:24,400 them all daughter girls because when I
40. 00:02:24,400 --> 00:02:27,310 was calling them my daughter's on social
41. 00:02:27,310 --> 00:02:28,689 media people like „Oprah, you didn't raise
42. 00:02:28,689 --> 00:02:30,639 daughters you didn't have no daughters
43. 00:02:30,639 --> 00:02:33,879 they're not your daughters they are my
44. 00:02:33,879 --> 00:02:36,849 daughter girls they're my daughter girls
45. 00:02:36,849 --> 00:02:39,609 and I didn't raise them from birth God
46. 00:02:39,609 --> 00:02:42,810 knew that that wouldn't work out for me
47. 00:02:42,810 --> 00:02:45,400 but I got them at the perfect age when
48. 00:02:45,400 --> 00:02:46,629 they were like 12
49. 00:02:46,629 --> 00:02:54,849 so I've all potty-trained and stuff so
50. 00:02:54,849 --> 00:02:56,680 my daughter girl has had the great
51. 00:02:56,680 --> 00:03:00,180 privilege of growing and blossoming Pathos:
52. 00:03:00,180 --> 00:03:03,549 here at Agnes Scott and I want you to
53. 00:03:03,549 --> 00:03:06,699 know that at my school the Oprah Winfrey
54. 00:03:06,699 --> 00:03:08,739 Leadership Academy for girl every girls Ethos:
55. 00:03:08,739 --> 00:03:10,959 every year we're graduating another
56. 00:03:10,959 --> 00:03:13,750 class of girls I now have a hundred and
57. 00:03:13,750 --> 00:03:25,239 seventy-nine girls in college 20 of them Ethos:
58. 00:03:25,239 --> 00:03:27,790 came to the United States ten are
59. 00:03:27,790 --> 00:03:33,699 graduating this year five I have five
60. 00:03:33,699 --> 00:03:36,189 graduations next week in four different
61. 00:03:36,189 --> 00:03:42,150 states so Agnes Scott you got me fresh character

62. 00:03:42,150 --> 00:03:44,290 this is
63. 00:03:44,290 --> 00:03:49,060 this is the fresh version see how I'm
64. 00:03:49,060 --> 00:03:52,329 holding up around June 18th after the
65. 00:03:52,329 --> 00:03:55,239 9th one one of the ten called me
66. 00:03:55,239 --> 00:03:58,450 recently all tentative like oh mama I'm
67. 00:03:58,450 --> 00:04:01,150 so sorry I'm so stressed I wasn't able
68. 00:04:01,150 --> 00:04:02,890 to complete one of my courses so I'm not
69. 00:04:02,890 --> 00:04:06,420 going to graduate I would yass
70. 00:04:06,420 --> 00:04:10,409 you are stressed and you can't graduate
71. 00:04:10,409 --> 00:04:15,479 in June and I only have nine graduations
72. 00:04:15,479 --> 00:04:18,160 fantastic i centered three dancing
73. 00:04:18,160 --> 00:04:23,050 emojis so let me say when I say I'm
74. 00:04:23,050 --> 00:04:25,229 happy to be here I really am I'm Ethos:
75. 00:04:25,229 --> 00:04:28,510 thrilled to be here not like you know
76. 00:04:28,510 --> 00:04:30,250 most people they get amazed I'm so very
77. 00:04:30,250 --> 00:04:33,570 happy to be here
78. 00:04:33,570 --> 00:04:36,520 distinguished guests I'm so happy to be
79. 00:04:36,520 --> 00:04:44,590 huh I'm really thrilled because um one
80. 00:04:44,590 --> 00:04:46,840 of my girls who's graduating next week
81. 00:04:46,840 --> 00:04:50,340 sent me this message saying mom Oprah
82. 00:04:50,340 --> 00:04:52,570 we've been through a lot
83. 00:04:52,570 --> 00:04:55,840 thank you for believing in me and seeing
84. 00:04:55,840 --> 00:04:57,639 what others couldn't and when I walk
85. 00:04:57,639 --> 00:05:02,530 across that stage this is for us we did
86. 00:05:02,530 --> 00:05:05,110 this and I would like to say that goes
87. 00:05:05,110 --> 00:05:08,020 for every parent in this room every
88. 00:05:08,020 --> 00:05:10,680 guardian
89. 00:05:12,300 --> 00:05:17,440 every every trusted loved one here today
90. 00:05:17,440 --> 00:05:21,910 this is for you those of you who are
91. 00:05:21,910 --> 00:05:25,720 here and those who are passed even thank
92. 00:05:25,720 --> 00:05:28,150 you for encouraging and supporting and

93. 00:05:28,150 --> 00:05:31,650 being there for our daughters for being
94. 00:05:31,650 --> 00:05:35,050 often a balm in Gilead for them for
95. 00:05:35,050 --> 00:05:37,990 these daughters who've grown into these
96. 00:05:37,990 --> 00:05:40,360 incredible young women that you barely I
97. 00:05:40,360 --> 00:05:42,640 know recognize when they come home right
98. 00:05:42,640 --> 00:05:44,650 before our eyes because let me just tell
99. 00:05:44,650 --> 00:05:47,530 you this my daughter girl I came here
100. 00:05:47,530 --> 00:05:50,230 and when she came her name was a Pretty
101. 00:05:50,230 --> 00:05:53,560 and I knew her as Pretty I found her in
102. 00:05:53,560 --> 00:05:55,840 a township in South Africa and she was
103. 00:05:55,840 --> 00:05:58,120 known as Pretty and so when I was
104. 00:05:58,120 --> 00:06:03,310 meeting here in in in the president's
105. 00:06:03,310 --> 00:06:05,050 office this is after they had sent me
106. 00:06:05,050 --> 00:06:07,150 every possible Scottie piece of
107. 00:06:07,150 --> 00:06:13,210 merchandise you could I had Scottie hats
108. 00:06:13,210 --> 00:06:16,000 and scarves and gloves and Scottie
109. 00:06:16,000 --> 00:06:18,550 towels and Scottie I had a Scottie
110. 00:06:18,550 --> 00:06:23,050 microwave I mean there's just lots of
111. 00:06:23,050 --> 00:06:25,600 Scottie merchandise so I was stopping in
112. 00:06:25,600 --> 00:06:29,890 to say thank you you can stop now so I
113. 00:06:29,890 --> 00:06:31,840 was sitting in president Kiss‟ office
114. 00:06:31,840 --> 00:06:34,300 and she was telling me about Satoca
115. 00:06:34,300 --> 00:06:36,400 Satoca who's such an inspiring student
116. 00:06:36,400 --> 00:06:38,410 and Satoca has gone overseas and I'm
117. 00:06:38,410 --> 00:06:39,940 thinking who the hell is she talking
118. 00:06:39,940 --> 00:06:45,310 about she must have me confused with
119. 00:06:45,310 --> 00:06:49,840 someone else it turns out Satoca is
120. 00:06:49,840 --> 00:06:53,260 Satoca Mele who used to be Pretty when
121. 00:06:53,260 --> 00:06:56,410 she came to the school so that's what
122. 00:06:56,410 --> 00:07:00,120 happens when you come to Agnes Scott Goodwill
123. 00:07:00,450 --> 00:07:03,610 Heretofor, a girl who was just happy

124. 00:07:03,610 --> 00:07:05,470 to be called Pretty Pretty she gets
125. 00:07:05,470 --> 00:07:08,800 educated here and thinks more deeply
126. 00:07:08,800 --> 00:07:11,920 about what really matters to herself she
127. 00:07:11,920 --> 00:07:14,470 learns to live more honorably engage in
128. 00:07:14,470 --> 00:07:17,050 the intellectual and social challenges
129. 00:07:17,050 --> 00:07:19,570 of our times she comes through this
130. 00:07:19,570 --> 00:07:23,080 process and wants to own herself in in
131. 00:07:23,080 --> 00:07:24,950 the fullness of her Ethos:
132. 00:07:24,950 --> 00:07:27,590 name she wants to lay claim to her
133. 00:07:27,590 --> 00:07:30,440 calling and have the fullness of her
134. 00:07:30,440 --> 00:07:32,840 name spoken out loud even if you can't
135. 00:07:32,840 --> 00:07:42,860 pronounce it Satoca Mele that that's
136. 00:07:42,860 --> 00:07:44,870 what happens when you come here to Agnes
137. 00:07:44,870 --> 00:07:47,030 Scott you leave a more deepened human
138. 00:07:47,030 --> 00:07:49,940 with higher standards striving to
139. 00:07:49,940 --> 00:07:53,320 realize your social and your academic Ethos:
140. 00:07:53,320 --> 00:07:55,430 responsibilities to the community in our
141. 00:07:55,430 --> 00:07:57,380 world and whoa does the world need you
142. 00:07:57,380 --> 00:07:58,810 right now
143. 00:07:58,810 --> 00:08:01,520 really the struggle is real out there
144. 00:08:01,520 --> 00:08:07,630 it's real the struggle to remain
145. 00:08:07,630 --> 00:08:10,190 compassionate and the struggle to remain
146. 00:08:10,190 --> 00:08:12,640 committed and the struggle to be Logos:
147. 00:08:12,640 --> 00:08:16,910 constructively engage that's the Enthymeme

148. 00:08:16,910 --> 00:08:19,240 challenge that you're in for class of

149. 00:08:19,240 --> 00:08:20,500 2017
150. 00:08:20,500 --> 00:08:24,080 but I'm betting on you Agnes Scott women
151. 00:08:24,080 --> 00:08:28,670 I'm betting on you particularly this Pathos:
152. 00:08:28,670 --> 00:08:31,970 class of 2017 I'm betting that you will Friendship

153. 00:08:31,970 --> 00:08:35,270 break new ground to move us all forward
154. 00:08:35,270 --> 00:08:38,840 and we need your passion we do we need

155. 00:08:38,840 --> 00:08:40,520 your passion to served and I was so
156. 00:08:40,520 --> 00:08:42,740 thrilled to hear that so many of you Pathos:
157. 00:08:42,740 --> 00:08:45,050 have signed up for the Peace Corps and
158. 00:08:45,050 --> 00:08:47,300 many of you have signed up for Teach for
159. 00:08:47,300 --> 00:08:50,150 America all of these service-oriented
160. 00:08:50,150 --> 00:08:53,980 opportunities but I say this to you also
161. 00:08:53,980 --> 00:08:57,650 I'm here to tell you that you don't have
162. 00:08:57,650 --> 00:09:01,070 to necessarily join the Peace Corps or Pathos:
163. 00:09:01,070 --> 00:09:04,100 Teach for America or go work for an NGO
164. 00:09:04,100 --> 00:09:07,640 in a third world country to live a life
165. 00:09:07,640 --> 00:09:11,390 that's full of service you don't have to
166. 00:09:11,390 --> 00:09:17,060 do that I was not your age but about 30
167. 00:09:17,060 --> 00:09:20,900 years old I started to realize that it
168. 00:09:20,900 --> 00:09:25,190 was my whole life not just parts of my
169. 00:09:25,190 --> 00:09:27,320 life just not parts of what I was doing Virtuous
170. 00:09:27,320 --> 00:09:31,999 but my whole life was a prayer character

171. 00:09:31,999 --> 00:09:37,139 my whole life is an offering in service

172. 00:09:37,139 --> 00:09:41,220 first to yourself to become a fully
173. 00:09:41,220 --> 00:09:44,220 actualized human being and you do that
174. 00:09:44,220 --> 00:09:45,540 through your actions and your
175. 00:09:45,540 --> 00:09:48,540 interactions with others but when I
176. 00:09:48,540 --> 00:09:51,119 started to realize it's not just what I
177. 00:09:51,119 --> 00:09:54,029 do but it's how I do it it's how I'm not Virtuous
178. 00:09:54,029 --> 00:09:57,449 just praying on my knees but I live in a character

179. 00:09:57,449 --> 00:10:01,799 state of humility on my knees in service

180. 00:10:01,799 --> 00:10:05,399 to the higher calling of my life that
181. 00:10:05,399 --> 00:10:08,579 things started to change you know
182. 00:10:08,579 --> 00:10:13,410 I so many people are worried about
183. 00:10:13,410 --> 00:10:15,839 building a brand I hear kids on social Example

184. 00:10:15,839 --> 00:10:17,879 media talking about their brand and I
185. 00:10:17,879 --> 00:10:19,980 used to really resent the word when

186. 00:10:19,980 --> 00:10:21,359 people would say to me oh you have this
187. 00:10:21,359 --> 00:10:23,850 brand because I never never even thought Pathos:
188. 00:10:23,850 --> 00:10:27,299 about a brand I just thought about day
189. 00:10:27,299 --> 00:10:30,179 in and day out making the best right Pathos:
190. 00:10:30,179 --> 00:10:33,059 choice for me but now I embrace it Calmness

191. 00:10:33,059 --> 00:10:35,249 because I recognize people see me as a

192. 00:10:35,249 --> 00:10:38,369 brand but for me it's not a business it
193. 00:10:38,369 --> 00:10:41,100 is a question of what do you stand for Ethos:
194. 00:10:41,100 --> 00:10:44,279 and I will say this you're nothing if
195. 00:10:44,279 --> 00:10:48,239 you're not the truth so I have made I've
196. 00:10:48,239 --> 00:10:52,019 made a living I've made a living I've
197. 00:10:52,019 --> 00:10:53,879 made a life made a fortune really it's
198. 00:10:53,879 --> 00:10:56,500 fantastic Virtuous
199. 00:10:56,500 --> 00:11:00,929 [Applause] character

200. 00:11:02,730 --> 00:11:09,120 all good from being true to myself and
201. 00:11:09,120 --> 00:11:11,770 that's the if I could leave you with any
202. 00:11:11,770 --> 00:11:14,650 message today that is it the biggest
203. 00:11:14,650 --> 00:11:18,010 reward is not financial benefits though
204. 00:11:18,010 --> 00:11:19,450 it's really good you can get a lot of
205. 00:11:19,450 --> 00:11:23,170 great shoes nothing wrong with great
206. 00:11:23,170 --> 00:11:26,680 shoes but those of you who have a lot of Envy
207. 00:11:26,680 --> 00:11:29,200 shoes know that having great shoes and a
208. 00:11:29,200 --> 00:11:31,510 closet full of shoes or cars or houses Pathos:
209. 00:11:31,510 --> 00:11:34,480 or square footage doesn't fill up your Fear

210. 00:11:34,480 --> 00:11:38,830 life it doesn't but living a life of

211. 00:11:38,830 --> 00:11:44,590 substance can substance through your
212. 00:11:44,590 --> 00:11:48,640 service your offering of your whole self Logos:
213. 00:11:48,640 --> 00:11:52,030 and the baseline for how do you live a Enthymeme

214. 00:11:52,030 --> 00:11:54,730 life of substance is whatever is the

215. 00:11:54,730 --> 00:11:57,310 truth for you what do you stand for so
216. 00:11:57,310 --> 00:11:58,900 when I was saying to my girls last night

217. 00:11:58,900 --> 00:12:00,550 some of them to come in to support
218. 00:12:00,550 --> 00:12:05,620 Satoca Mele what should I talk to you
219. 00:12:05,620 --> 00:12:06,640 about they were like why don't you just
220. 00:12:06,640 --> 00:12:08,410 any one of the things you've told us
221. 00:12:08,410 --> 00:12:13,050 over a hundred times will work so I
222. 00:12:13,050 --> 00:12:15,910 usually go to my school in South Africa
223. 00:12:15,910 --> 00:12:18,610 once a year and I teach a class called Perceived
224. 00:12:18,610 --> 00:12:22,720 Life 101 where for a week I just talk intelligence

225. 00:12:22,720 --> 00:12:24,550 about what I think you need to know to
226. 00:12:24,550 --> 00:12:26,620 go out in the world so I'm trying to
227. 00:12:26,620 --> 00:12:31,210 distill it for you today and I would say
228. 00:12:31,210 --> 00:12:34,150 that having compassion for other people
229. 00:12:34,150 --> 00:12:36,940 is at the top of that list I would say Virtuous
230. 00:12:36,940 --> 00:12:38,500 commitment is at the top of that list
231. 00:12:38,500 --> 00:12:42,040 and also a spirit of constructive
232. 00:12:42,040 --> 00:12:44,650 engagement and by compassion I don't
233. 00:12:44,650 --> 00:12:46,570 just mean sympathy it certainly isn't
234. 00:12:46,570 --> 00:12:49,890 pity it's being present and it's also
235. 00:12:49,890 --> 00:12:53,020 feeling with other beings you know
236. 00:12:53,020 --> 00:12:54,940 during the years of the Oprah show I
237. 00:12:54,940 --> 00:12:58,060 interviewed over 37,000 people one on Ethos:
238. 00:12:58,060 --> 00:13:01,000 one so whenever I'm telling my girls Perceived
239. 00:13:01,000 --> 00:13:02,710 anything and they say „Ah‟ and they
240. 00:13:02,710 --> 00:13:04,720 rolling their eyes. I say „I'm the only
241. 00:13:04,720 --> 00:13:06,760 person you gonna talk to. That‟s talked
242. 00:13:06,760 --> 00:13:08,389 to 37,000 people
243. 00:13:08,389 --> 00:13:12,019 so if I were you I would pay attention
244. 00:13:12,019 --> 00:13:14,879 but during all those years of talking to
245. 00:13:14,879 --> 00:13:19,319 over 37,000 people one-on-one I could
246. 00:13:19,319 --> 00:13:22,410 feel what they were feeling so strongly
247. 00:13:22,410 --> 00:13:25,889 sometimes it made me sick literally so I

248. 00:13:25,889 --> 00:13:29,609 had to learn how to feel how others were
249. 00:13:29,609 --> 00:13:32,609 feeling feel with others which is which
250. 00:13:32,609 --> 00:13:34,439 is what it means to be compassionate to
251. 00:13:34,439 --> 00:13:37,470 feel with others without taking in all
252. 00:13:37,470 --> 00:13:39,779 of their stuff being compassionate means
253. 00:13:39,779 --> 00:13:45,119 I feel with you it is one of the Pathos:
254. 00:13:45,119 --> 00:13:47,489 greatest qualities in the world to have
255. 00:13:47,489 --> 00:13:51,629 if you're going to be majoring and what Pathos:
256. 00:13:51,629 --> 00:13:53,910 it takes to be a great human being I
257. 00:13:53,910 --> 00:13:55,470 feel with you
258. 00:13:55,470 --> 00:13:58,049 means I'm not only I'm willing to walk
259. 00:13:58,049 --> 00:14:01,619 in your shoes it means my heart beats
260. 00:14:01,619 --> 00:14:05,819 with yours it means I see myself in you
261. 00:14:05,819 --> 00:14:09,059 it means I may not have shared that
262. 00:14:09,059 --> 00:14:11,459 circumstance but I know what heartbreak
263. 00:14:11,459 --> 00:14:13,829 feels like I know what pain feels like Friendship
264. 00:14:13,829 --> 00:14:18,239 an old pain is the same it means I can
265. 00:14:18,239 --> 00:14:21,899 feel your will to want to do better and
266. 00:14:21,899 --> 00:14:25,529 be better and I feel and I am with you
267. 00:14:25,529 --> 00:14:27,600 in spite of everything that's happened
268. 00:14:27,600 --> 00:14:32,549 to you I feel your need to rise I want
269. 00:14:32,549 --> 00:14:35,189 to help you rise I want to rise with you
270. 00:14:35,189 --> 00:14:37,980 so compassion is one of them commitment
271. 00:14:37,980 --> 00:14:41,549 is another you know one of my favorite
272. 00:14:41,549 --> 00:14:43,079 quotes is Dr. King who says not
273. 00:14:43,079 --> 00:14:45,749 everybody could be famous but everybody Pathos:
274. 00:14:45,749 --> 00:14:47,249 can be great because greatness is
275. 00:14:47,249 --> 00:14:51,360 determined by service I am committed to
276. 00:14:51,360 --> 00:14:56,399 service service through my work service Ethos:
277. 00:14:56,399 --> 00:14:58,980 through my life's purpose and if you Virtuous
278. 00:14:58,980 --> 00:15:02,160 make a commitment a conscious intention

279. 00:15:02,160 --> 00:15:04,859 to be committed to the work that you do
280. 00:15:04,859 --> 00:15:07,799 to the relationships that you have your
281. 00:15:07,799 --> 00:15:11,069 life will unfold with such beauty and
282. 00:15:11,069 --> 00:15:14,069 grace through that commitment you know
283. 00:15:14,069 --> 00:15:19,289 every day for until the very final shows
284. 00:15:19,289 --> 00:15:20,950 of The Oprah Winfrey Show I
285. 00:15:20,950 --> 00:15:23,950 have the producers come in and tell me
286. 00:15:23,950 --> 00:15:26,770 ahead of time what their intention for
287. 00:15:26,770 --> 00:15:29,080 every show was because I figured out
288. 00:15:29,080 --> 00:15:31,540 around the second year of doing that
289. 00:15:31,540 --> 00:15:34,360 show that it wasn't just about being on
290. 00:15:34,360 --> 00:15:37,210 television and performing that here was
291. 00:15:37,210 --> 00:15:41,200 this opportunity this offering I could Perceived
292. 00:15:41,200 --> 00:15:45,490 give to people through the service of a intelligence

293. 00:15:45,490 --> 00:15:48,820 television show to better see themselves

294. 00:15:48,820 --> 00:15:50,650 through the stories that we're telling
295. 00:15:50,650 --> 00:15:53,280 and through those stories help
296. 00:15:53,280 --> 00:15:55,390 themselves to improve their lives so I
297. 00:15:55,390 --> 00:15:58,510 started using television as a tool of
298. 00:15:58,510 --> 00:16:01,420 service so as you're trying to figure
299. 00:16:01,420 --> 00:16:03,580 out what do i do how should I do it
300. 00:16:03,580 --> 00:16:06,460 first of all I will say this that when
301. 00:16:06,460 --> 00:16:08,230 you don't know what to do my girls have
302. 00:16:08,230 --> 00:16:10,090 heard this over a hundred times
303. 00:16:10,090 --> 00:16:11,830 when you don't know what to do you do Logos:
304. 00:16:11,830 --> 00:16:15,180 nothing you get still until you do now Enthymeme

305. 00:16:15,180 --> 00:16:17,530 because when you have to ask everybody
306. 00:16:17,530 --> 00:16:19,270 else should I should I should I do this
307. 00:16:19,270 --> 00:16:20,950 should I should and that's whether it's
308. 00:16:20,950 --> 00:16:23,380 buying a pair of shoes or going with a
309. 00:16:23,380 --> 00:16:26,170 guy buying a house taking a job should I

310. 00:16:26,170 --> 00:16:27,790 should I show the show when you have to
311. 00:16:27,790 --> 00:16:29,470 ask everybody else it means you don't
312. 00:16:29,470 --> 00:16:32,020 really know the answer fully yourself so
313. 00:16:32,020 --> 00:16:36,190 you get still be still and know the
314. 00:16:36,190 --> 00:16:39,100 answer will come and more than ever I
315. 00:16:39,100 --> 00:16:41,290 would have to say I miss the Oprah
316. 00:16:41,290 --> 00:16:44,560 Winfrey Show I chose to let it go
317. 00:16:44,560 --> 00:16:46,390 I felt that I said everything I needed
318. 00:16:46,390 --> 00:16:48,460 to say after 25 years and I wanted it to
319. 00:16:48,460 --> 00:16:51,700 be my decision when I let it go but I
320. 00:16:51,700 --> 00:16:54,190 will say this past year and now more
321. 00:16:54,190 --> 00:16:56,380 than ever I miss it because I miss the
322. 00:16:56,380 --> 00:16:58,180 opportunity for the spirit of
323. 00:16:58,180 --> 00:17:00,580 constructive engagement that that
324. 00:17:00,580 --> 00:17:04,240 platform offered so two weeks after the
325. 00:17:04,240 --> 00:17:08,709 election last year I went to a diner in
326. 00:17:08,709 --> 00:17:12,310 Queens for Oprah magazine with a group
327. 00:17:12,310 --> 00:17:14,410 of women half of them were Trump
328. 00:17:14,410 --> 00:17:16,240 supporters half of them were Hillary
329. 00:17:16,240 --> 00:17:18,459 supporters nobody wanted to come to
330. 00:17:18,459 --> 00:17:20,140 breakfast I was like it's gonna be so
331. 00:17:20,140 --> 00:17:20,440 great
332. 00:17:20,440 --> 00:17:22,799 great great Croissants
333. 00:17:22,799 --> 00:17:26,888 we're gonna have some nice jams
334. 00:17:26,888 --> 00:17:28,590 ladies
335. 00:17:28,590 --> 00:17:31,179 nobody wanted to sit down and have the
336. 00:17:31,179 --> 00:17:35,350 croissants so everybody came in the room
337. 00:17:35,350 --> 00:17:38,980 all tight and hardened and so we were
338. 00:17:38,980 --> 00:17:40,480 able to I was able to. They were like
339. 00:17:40,480 --> 00:17:42,309 „why I've never been this close to these
340. 00:17:42,309 --> 00:17:44,289 Hilary elitists I've never been that

341. 00:17:44,289 --> 00:17:46,029 close as close‟ and there are other people
342. 00:17:46,029 --> 00:17:47,470 are saying well I never said this close
343. 00:17:47,470 --> 00:17:49,120 to Trump supporter before but we're
344. 00:17:49,120 --> 00:17:51,399 going to do it I will tell you after two
345. 00:17:51,399 --> 00:17:53,590 and a half hours I had those women not
346. 00:17:53,590 --> 00:17:58,450 only eating croissants sitting around
347. 00:17:58,450 --> 00:18:01,570 the table listening to each other's
348. 00:18:01,570 --> 00:18:02,850 stories
349. 00:18:02,850 --> 00:18:07,120 hearing both sides and by the end they
350. 00:18:07,120 --> 00:18:09,429 were holding hands exchanging emails and
351. 00:18:09,429 --> 00:18:11,830 phone numbers and singing Reach Out in
352. 00:18:11,830 --> 00:18:12,399 Touch
353. 00:18:12,399 --> 00:18:14,830 we're all pretending to be Diana Ross which
354. 00:18:14,830 --> 00:18:17,590 means it's possible it can happen so I
355. 00:18:17,590 --> 00:18:20,769 want you to work in your own way to
356. 00:18:20,769 --> 00:18:23,820 change the world in respectful Virtuous
357. 00:18:23,820 --> 00:18:27,789 conversations with others at a rate and
358. 00:18:27,789 --> 00:18:30,460 a rhythm that's in tune with the source
359. 00:18:30,460 --> 00:18:34,929 from which you have come your truth and
360. 00:18:34,929 --> 00:18:37,389 I want you to enter every situation
361. 00:18:37,389 --> 00:18:41,409 aware of its context open to hear the
362. 00:18:41,409 --> 00:18:44,200 truths of others and most important open
363. 00:18:44,200 --> 00:18:46,960 to letting the process of changing the
364. 00:18:46,960 --> 00:18:50,620 world change you that is the spirit of Virtuous
365. 00:18:50,620 --> 00:18:52,899 constructive engagement so that's the character

366. 00:18:52,899 --> 00:18:57,039 goal to be a compassionate woman of

367. 00:18:57,039 --> 00:18:59,679 substance to be committed to have
368. 00:18:59,679 --> 00:19:02,620 constructive engagement to live this
369. 00:19:02,620 --> 00:19:08,169 life of substance. Substance what I know
370. 00:19:08,169 --> 00:19:10,630 for sure is if you focus on the Enthymeme
371. 00:19:10,630 --> 00:19:14,860 substance the success will come and most

372. 00:19:14,860 --> 00:19:19,260 importantly let failure be your friend
373. 00:19:19,260 --> 00:19:22,809 there are going to be times of course
374. 00:19:22,809 --> 00:19:26,409 where you're going to win a lot a lot of
375. 00:19:26,409 --> 00:19:29,059 things are going to go your way Confidence
376. 00:19:29,059 --> 00:19:32,480 and it's wonderful to bask in that
377. 00:19:32,480 --> 00:19:35,450 adulation and to feel proud of your
378. 00:19:35,450 --> 00:19:38,059 successes but they're also going to be
379. 00:19:38,059 --> 00:19:40,610 times the satisfaction that those Pathos:
380. 00:19:40,610 --> 00:19:42,499 moments bring nothing can compare to
381. 00:19:42,499 --> 00:19:44,960 that those victories will feed you for
382. 00:19:44,960 --> 00:19:46,399 years to come and help you stake a
383. 00:19:46,399 --> 00:19:49,429 minute when your tank is sometimes empty
384. 00:19:49,429 --> 00:19:52,669 winning is great it's fantastic I love
385. 00:19:52,669 --> 00:19:52,970 it
386. 00:19:52,970 --> 00:19:56,139 I love being number one I love winning
387. 00:19:56,139 --> 00:19:59,440 but it's the times when things go wrong
388. 00:19:59,440 --> 00:20:03,110 when you fall or fail that you're
389. 00:20:03,110 --> 00:20:05,629 actually gone going to learn the most
390. 00:20:05,629 --> 00:20:09,379 about yourself you know all those years
391. 00:20:09,379 --> 00:20:12,139 on The Oprah Show 25 years we were the
392. 00:20:12,139 --> 00:20:14,119 number one show for 25 years and that's
393. 00:20:14,119 --> 00:20:16,850 because I lived with the intention to
394. 00:20:16,850 --> 00:20:19,580 serve the audience the audience came
395. 00:20:19,580 --> 00:20:22,070 first every show I would sit with the
396. 00:20:22,070 --> 00:20:24,230 producers and say well I can't do that
397. 00:20:24,230 --> 00:20:26,570 because I can't find the truth of myself
398. 00:20:26,570 --> 00:20:28,759 in that show I have to have a thread of
399. 00:20:28,759 --> 00:20:31,460 truth to be able to hold on to so I knew
400. 00:20:31,460 --> 00:20:34,879 so well the audience I felt like I was
401. 00:20:34,879 --> 00:20:39,860 the audience the audience was me and I
402. 00:20:39,860 --> 00:20:43,249 felt so connected and then I ended that

403. 00:20:43,249 --> 00:20:47,090 and started a new network and I flailed
404. 00:20:47,090 --> 00:20:50,059 for a while and I was really upset with
405. 00:20:50,059 --> 00:20:53,659 myself but I will tell you that when I
406. 00:20:53,659 --> 00:20:56,389 was able to shift the paradigm to start
407. 00:20:56,389 --> 00:20:58,039 to looking at Wow
408. 00:20:58,039 --> 00:21:00,110 what I have instead of what I don't have
409. 00:21:00,110 --> 00:21:02,269 what I have instead of what I thought
410. 00:21:02,269 --> 00:21:04,999 I'd lost I was able to begin to turn
411. 00:21:04,999 --> 00:21:07,610 things around but it's those moments of
412. 00:21:07,610 --> 00:21:10,369 being of uncertainty it's the moments
413. 00:21:10,369 --> 00:21:12,950 where you know all of my mistakes show
414. 00:21:12,950 --> 00:21:14,570 up on the evening news you can make a
415. 00:21:14,570 --> 00:21:16,639 mistake I can tell if I've done
416. 00:21:16,639 --> 00:21:18,559 something wrong it's on the CNN crawl I
417. 00:21:18,559 --> 00:21:23,899 can read about it but learning from the
418. 00:21:23,899 --> 00:21:26,299 moments where things weren't going so
419. 00:21:26,299 --> 00:21:30,889 great being able to get still to connect
420. 00:21:30,889 --> 00:21:33,049 with that which I know is God the force
421. 00:21:33,049 --> 00:21:35,779 the power greater than myself and to
422. 00:21:35,779 --> 00:21:39,110 come back and realize that in order to
423. 00:21:39,110 --> 00:21:41,629 move forward you move forward by taking
424. 00:21:41,629 --> 00:21:42,410 the next Logos:
425. 00:21:42,410 --> 00:21:44,420 right stepped you don't have to know Enthymeme

426. 00:21:44,420 --> 00:21:46,430 everything to do you don't have to know

427. 00:21:46,430 --> 00:21:48,770 all the steps to make just what is the
428. 00:21:48,770 --> 00:21:52,780 next right move and then there's this I
429. 00:21:52,780 --> 00:21:57,560 leave you with this nobody makes it
430. 00:21:57,560 --> 00:22:02,390 alone nobody I don't care what they look
431. 00:22:02,390 --> 00:22:03,080 like
432. 00:22:03,080 --> 00:22:07,690 I'll gear what they're insta posts a
433. 00:22:08,560 --> 00:22:14,150 nobody makes it alone and so you will

434. 00:22:14,150 --> 00:22:17,830 get nowhere without a spiritual practice
435. 00:22:17,830 --> 00:22:22,220 you need a spiritual practice and by
436. 00:22:22,220 --> 00:22:26,180 that I mean not necessarily religion for
437. 00:22:26,180 --> 00:22:28,430 some people it is church for some people
438. 00:22:28,430 --> 00:22:30,140 it is meditating for some people it's
439. 00:22:30,140 --> 00:22:32,600 dancing some people is singing but you
440. 00:22:32,600 --> 00:22:36,110 have got to find a way to nurture that
441. 00:22:36,110 --> 00:22:41,090 which is the essence of you you've got
442. 00:22:41,090 --> 00:22:44,360 to find a way to continually give back Logos:
443. 00:22:44,360 --> 00:22:49,930 to yourself so that you are a full woman
444. 00:22:49,930 --> 00:22:52,340 you want to be a woman who's full of
445. 00:22:52,340 --> 00:22:52,820 herself
446. 00:22:52,820 --> 00:22:55,700 I used to fear that you know when I
Pathos: Anger
447. 00:22:55,700 --> 00:22:57,200 first started out people used to say „oh
448. 00:22:57,200 --> 00:22:59,290 she thinks she's just so full of herself
449. 00:22:59,290 --> 00:23:01,970 she's so full of herself‟ and I now say
450. 00:23:01,970 --> 00:23:07,240 „yes I am, calmness
451. 00:23:10,020 --> 00:23:20,540 I am so full, my cup is running over
452. 00:23:20,870 --> 00:23:23,490 that's what you want you want your cup
453. 00:23:23,490 --> 00:23:25,710 to be so full it's running over so you
454. 00:23:25,710 --> 00:23:30,480 have enough to offer others if you do Virtuous
455. 00:23:30,480 --> 00:23:33,960 not if you do not have something a character

456. 00:23:33,960 --> 00:23:37,800 spiritual practice maybe it's music or

457. 00:23:37,800 --> 00:23:41,910 dancing or times just time for yourself
458. 00:23:41,910 --> 00:23:45,870 to feed nurture your own spirit your
459. 00:23:45,870 --> 00:23:48,420 you'll run out your tank will become
Pathos: Fear
460. 00:23:48,420 --> 00:23:51,840 empty you will burn out and not have
461. 00:23:51,840 --> 00:23:55,080 anything left to give so set aside space
462. 00:23:55,080 --> 00:23:59,850 every day to make space for that aspect
463. 00:23:59,850 --> 00:24:01,860 of your being which no other single
464. 00:24:01,860 --> 00:24:05,760 activity you engage in can fully express

465. 00:24:05,760 --> 00:24:09,270 that's all I mean by spiritual practice
466. 00:24:09,270 --> 00:24:12,510 nurture that thing that is the essence
467. 00:24:12,510 --> 00:24:16,730 of you and I leave you with the words of
468. 00:24:16,730 --> 00:24:22,679 my mentor teacher Maya Angelou I'm
469. 00:24:22,679 --> 00:24:24,120 thinking of her a lot because it's Admiration
470. 00:24:24,120 --> 00:24:26,730 Mother's Day tomorrow I'm going to have
471. 00:24:26,730 --> 00:24:28,080 her own Super Soul Sunday those of you
472. 00:24:28,080 --> 00:24:30,750 who watch but I learned so much from her
473. 00:24:30,750 --> 00:24:34,260 and when I had finished my school and I
474. 00:24:34,260 --> 00:24:37,500 was so proud of myself for building this
475. 00:24:37,500 --> 00:24:39,750 school in South Africa and I went to my
476. 00:24:39,750 --> 00:24:43,230 aunt I said „Maya that's going to be my
477. 00:24:43,230 --> 00:24:47,030 greatest legacy the school‟ and Maya said
478. 00:24:47,030 --> 00:24:50,750 you have no idea
479. 00:24:52,030 --> 00:24:57,200 „what your legacy will be‟ I go „I know I
480. 00:24:57,200 --> 00:25:01,460 know I know that but I really I really
481. 00:25:01,460 --> 00:25:03,080 do think that the schools gonna you know
482. 00:25:03,080 --> 00:25:06,580 be my like greatest legacy and Joe‟ you have
483. 00:25:06,580 --> 00:25:17,030 NO idea so I go „yes ma'am‟ she said this
484. 00:25:17,030 --> 00:25:18,890 and I leave this with everybody in the
485. 00:25:18,890 --> 00:25:21,470 room graduates friends of graduates Ethos:
486. 00:25:21,470 --> 00:25:25,460 family she said your legacy is every Virtuous
487. 00:25:25,460 --> 00:25:33,230 life you touched your legacy is every
488. 00:25:33,230 --> 00:25:35,690 life you touched.
489. 00:25:35,690 --> 00:25:44,029 [Applause]
490. 00:25:44,029 --> 00:25:48,450 it's not just the big school with your
491. 00:25:48,450 --> 00:25:51,750 name on it it's not the awards that you
492. 00:25:51,750 --> 00:25:55,259 received it's not the acclaim it's every Logos:
493. 00:25:55,259 --> 00:25:59,009 single human being you've ever come in Enthymeme

494. 00:25:59,009 --> 00:26:02,220 contact with you have left your heart
495. 00:26:02,220 --> 00:26:06,299 sprint and your legacy I remember the

496. 00:26:06,299 --> 00:26:11,850 story of a man who was a police officer
497. 00:26:11,850 --> 00:26:18,299 who had his heart had stopped and they
498. 00:26:18,299 --> 00:26:19,500 weren't even able to get into the
499. 00:26:19,500 --> 00:26:23,970 emergency room and just cut him open on
500. 00:26:23,970 --> 00:26:26,370 the floor of the hospital as he was Logos:
501. 00:26:26,370 --> 00:26:28,320 entering the hospital and massaged his Example

502. 00:26:28,320 --> 00:26:31,440 heart he said for nine minutes trying to
503. 00:26:31,440 --> 00:26:34,620 bring him back sounds incredible and
504. 00:26:34,620 --> 00:26:36,830 unbelievable but the story he told of
505. 00:26:36,830 --> 00:26:40,769 having a near-death experience whether
506. 00:26:40,769 --> 00:26:42,899 you believe it or not the impression it
507. 00:26:42,899 --> 00:26:45,240 left with me was something happened
508. 00:26:45,240 --> 00:26:47,940 there I don't remember his name but the
509. 00:26:47,940 --> 00:26:50,220 story has lingered in my spirit and Admiration
510. 00:26:50,220 --> 00:26:53,580 abides with me he said I didn't see
511. 00:26:53,580 --> 00:26:59,399 Jesus but I did have what I thought was
512. 00:26:59,399 --> 00:27:05,759 my own life review I was able to feel in
513. 00:27:05,759 --> 00:27:10,200 a way I cannot explain he says it felt
514. 00:27:10,200 --> 00:27:12,240 like real time but I know it couldn't
515. 00:27:12,240 --> 00:27:14,070 have been because I wasn't gone for that
516. 00:27:14,070 --> 00:27:17,490 long but I was able to feel in what felt
517. 00:27:17,490 --> 00:27:21,360 like to me real time every single thing
518. 00:27:21,360 --> 00:27:23,039 I ever did Logos:
519. 00:27:23,039 --> 00:27:26,639 and I was able to feel the feelings that Example

520. 00:27:26,639 --> 00:27:29,370 I created in other people

521. 00:27:29,370 --> 00:27:34,350 I was a wife-beater he said I used to
522. 00:27:34,350 --> 00:27:37,919 beat my wife and I could not only feel
523. 00:27:37,919 --> 00:27:41,129 the physical pain I caused her I felt
524. 00:27:41,129 --> 00:27:44,690 what I did to her spirit
525. 00:27:44,690 --> 00:27:48,200 I broke her heart so when I came back
526. 00:27:48,200 --> 00:27:53,000 and realized I wasn't dead I decided I'm

527. 00:27:53,000 --> 00:27:56,480 gonna feel things differently I'm going
528. 00:27:56,480 --> 00:28:00,230 to try to feel everything with love I'm
529. 00:28:00,230 --> 00:28:04,250 going to feel everything with love so
530. 00:28:04,250 --> 00:28:07,760 that I can live everything with love so
531. 00:28:07,760 --> 00:28:11,510 that's my wish for you feel everything Ethos:
532. 00:28:11,510 --> 00:28:15,290 with love because every moment you are Virtuous
533. 00:28:15,290 --> 00:28:16,980 building your legacy
534. 00:28:16,980 --> 00:00:00,000 [Applause]


1. 00:00:00,370 --> 00:00:06,559 [Applause]

2. 00:00:06,630 --> 00:00:18,990 I got to say that's a full-circle moment
3. 00:00:18,990 --> 00:00:23,580 for me and I just like to take a moment Ethos:
4. 00:00:23,580 --> 00:00:28,260 to thank Jesus and the ancestors and do Goodwill

5. 00:00:28,260 --> 00:00:32,989 a little happy dance hello because I

6. 00:00:32,989 --> 00:00:36,350 brought 20 girls to the United States
7. 00:00:36,350 --> 00:00:43,249 I've been to this is my 19th and final
8. 00:00:43,249 --> 00:00:52,079 graduation today 19 graduations in the
9. 00:00:52,079 --> 00:00:52,949 past 3 years
10. 00:00:52,949 --> 00:00:55,319 and what's interesting is I know 17
11. 00:00:55,319 --> 00:00:56,909 graduations and two Becca laureates
12. 00:00:56,909 --> 00:00:59,850 because I had three twice in one day in
13. 00:00:59,850 --> 00:01:02,190 3 different cities and couldn't get to
14. 00:01:02,190 --> 00:01:07,740 all three cities in one day so to be
15. 00:01:07,740 --> 00:01:10,740 here and have you beautiful Palesa' I
16. 00:01:10,740 --> 00:01:14,189 know where you've come from I know what
17. 00:01:14,189 --> 00:01:17,210 the blossoming has been here at CC it
18. 00:01:17,210 --> 00:01:21,090 gives me such pride and fills me with
19. 00:01:21,090 --> 00:01:25,140 such joy to see you becoming the woman Ethos:
20. 00:01:25,140 --> 00:01:27,149 that you are so thank you for that Goodwill

21. 00:01:27,149 --> 00:01:31,460 beautiful introduction and thank you

22. 00:01:31,820 --> 00:01:35,520 full circle moment Thank You president
23. 00:01:35,520 --> 00:01:38,130 chief and ah Tiefenthaler thank you so
24. 00:01:38,130 --> 00:01:43,759 much good morning class of 2019
25. 00:01:44,960 --> 00:01:49,040 I'm here for police' and I'm here for Friendship
26. 00:01:49,040 --> 00:01:54,170 you this is my second time two years ago
27. 00:01:54,170 --> 00:01:56,090 I was here one of my other daughters a
28. 00:01:56,090 --> 00:01:58,940 Vakeel a graduated two years ago from
29. 00:01:58,940 --> 00:02:01,880 CeCe and I was back there freezing like
30. 00:02:01,880 --> 00:02:05,270 everybody else is right now including a

31. 00:02:05,270 --> 00:02:07,010 gentleman I saw in the elevator who said
32. 00:02:07,010 --> 00:02:07,940 don't mention my name
33. 00:02:07,940 --> 00:02:11,840 I will not who'd gone back in to change
34. 00:02:11,840 --> 00:02:13,640 clothes and I thought I'm gonna hide I'm
35. 00:02:13,640 --> 00:02:15,590 a cute little white dress and then I
36. 00:02:15,590 --> 00:02:18,040 thought I'm gonna freeze my buns off so
37. 00:02:18,040 --> 00:02:23,170 thank you gentlemen in the elevator I
38. 00:02:23,320 --> 00:02:28,340 especially appreciate and resonate with
39. 00:02:28,340 --> 00:02:32,090 your class motto the quote from Angela
40. 00:02:32,090 --> 00:02:35,270 Davis which says you have to act as if
41. 00:02:35,270 --> 00:02:38,510 it's possible to radically transform the
42. 00:02:38,510 --> 00:02:42,020 world and you have to do that all the
43. 00:02:42,020 --> 00:02:45,470 time I'm here to tell you that you
44. 00:02:45,470 --> 00:02:48,310 actually do get to transform the world
45. 00:02:48,310 --> 00:02:53,799 every day by your actions small steps
46. 00:02:53,799 --> 00:02:57,860 lead to big accomplishments and I'm here
47. 00:02:57,860 --> 00:02:59,600 to tell you that your life isn't some
48. 00:02:59,600 --> 00:03:01,790 big break like everybody thinks it is
49. 00:03:01,790 --> 00:03:03,110 they're waiting on the big break character
50. 00:03:03,110 --> 00:03:06,080 it's actually about taking one
51. 00:03:06,080 --> 00:03:10,519 significant life-transforming step at a
52. 00:03:10,519 --> 00:03:13,910 time so you can pick a problem literally
53. 00:03:13,910 --> 00:03:16,580 any problem the list is long because
54. 00:03:16,580 --> 00:03:19,450 there's gun violence and economic
55. 00:03:19,450 --> 00:03:22,220 inequality and there's media bias and Anger
56. 00:03:22,220 --> 00:03:24,320 the homeless need opportunity and the
57. 00:03:24,320 --> 00:03:26,540 addicted need treatment and the dreamers
58. 00:03:26,540 --> 00:03:29,959 need protection the prison system needs
59. 00:03:29,959 --> 00:03:33,019 to be reformed the social safety net
60. 00:03:33,019 --> 00:03:38,500 needs saving misogyny needs to stop
61. 00:03:38,500 --> 00:03:42,280 and the truth is you cannot fix

62. 00:03:42,280 --> 00:03:46,690 everything but what you can do here and
63. 00:03:46,690 --> 00:03:50,710 now is make a decision because life is
64. 00:03:50,710 --> 00:03:54,730 about decisions and the decision is that
65. 00:03:54,730 --> 00:03:59,350 you will use your life in service you
66. 00:03:59,350 --> 00:04:02,080 will be in service to life and you will
67. 00:04:02,080 --> 00:04:05,050 speak up you will show up you will stand
68. 00:04:05,050 --> 00:04:07,840 up you will sit in you will volunteer Confidence
69. 00:04:07,840 --> 00:04:10,450 you will vote you will shout out you
70. 00:04:10,450 --> 00:04:12,790 will help you will Linda Han you will
71. 00:04:12,790 --> 00:04:14,950 offer your talent and your kindness
72. 00:04:14,950 --> 00:04:18,238 however you can and you will radically
73. 00:04:18,238 --> 00:04:20,940 transform whatever moment you're in
74. 00:04:20,940 --> 00:04:26,080 which leads to bigger moments because
75. 00:04:26,080 --> 00:04:29,260 the truth is success is it's it's a
76. 00:04:29,260 --> 00:04:32,020 process you can ask anybody who's been
77. 00:04:32,020 --> 00:04:34,900 successful I just passed and and saw
78. 00:04:34,900 --> 00:04:38,140 walking up the lane here successful
79. 00:04:38,140 --> 00:04:39,760 entrepreneur and restaurateur Danny
80. 00:04:39,760 --> 00:04:42,220 Meyer who's sitting back there with his
81. 00:04:42,220 --> 00:04:43,180 family there
82. 00:04:43,180 --> 00:04:46,710 Charles is graduating today
83. 00:04:49,949 --> 00:04:52,689 but the years of truth ask Danny or
84. 00:04:52,689 --> 00:04:54,610 anybody who's successful you go to any
85. 00:04:54,610 --> 00:04:56,830 one of his restaurants Shake Shack love
86. 00:04:56,830 --> 00:04:58,259 it Example
87. 00:04:58,259 --> 00:05:01,629 Union Square Gramercy Tavern and you
88. 00:05:01,629 --> 00:05:04,989 will be impressed by not only the food
89. 00:05:04,989 --> 00:05:07,149 which you have to do that if your
90. 00:05:07,149 --> 00:05:09,580 restaurant but by the radical
91. 00:05:09,580 --> 00:05:12,999 hospitality and service and so service Ethos:
92. 00:05:12,999 --> 00:05:15,369 is not just about when you're getting character

93. 00:05:15,369 --> 00:05:16,419 served
94. 00:05:16,419 --> 00:05:21,159 it's truly everything you know I started
95. 00:05:21,159 --> 00:05:24,429 my talk show I was just so happy to be
96. 00:05:24,429 --> 00:05:27,490 on television and I was one day
97. 00:05:27,490 --> 00:05:29,860 interviewing members of the Ku Klux Klan
98. 00:05:29,860 --> 00:05:33,429 I thought I was interviewing them so
99. 00:05:33,429 --> 00:05:35,649 that I could expose their vitriol to the
100. 00:05:35,649 --> 00:05:36,219 world
101. 00:05:36,219 --> 00:05:38,529 I saw them giving signals to each other
102. 00:05:38,529 --> 00:05:40,539 in the audience and I thought hmm Hatred
103. 00:05:40,539 --> 00:05:42,929 something's going on here and I realize
104. 00:05:42,929 --> 00:05:46,360 they were using me they were using the
105. 00:05:46,360 --> 00:05:49,119 platform for themselves so I said to my
106. 00:05:49,119 --> 00:05:51,129 producers afterwards I'm not gonna do
107. 00:05:51,129 --> 00:05:53,979 that anymore then we did a show where
108. 00:05:53,979 --> 00:05:57,909 someone was embarrassed and it was my
109. 00:05:57,909 --> 00:06:00,249 fault I was responsible for the
110. 00:06:00,249 --> 00:06:02,679 embarrassment for some crazy reason we
111. 00:06:02,679 --> 00:06:04,599 talked a man who was cheating on his Virtuous
112. 00:06:04,599 --> 00:06:07,059 wife to come to the show with the woman
113. 00:06:07,059 --> 00:06:10,569 he was cheating on and his wife and he
114. 00:06:10,569 --> 00:06:14,740 said yes and while they're on live
115. 00:06:14,740 --> 00:06:18,939 television he says to his wife that his
116. 00:06:18,939 --> 00:06:22,300 girlfriend is pregnant that happened on
117. 00:06:22,300 --> 00:06:23,139 my watch
118. 00:06:23,139 --> 00:06:26,439 and when that happened shortly after I
119. 00:06:26,439 --> 00:06:28,419 had interviewed the Klan and experienced
120. 00:06:28,419 --> 00:06:31,829 that I said I'm not gonna do that again Hatred
121. 00:06:31,829 --> 00:06:36,249 so I started to ask the question how can
122. 00:06:36,249 --> 00:06:40,509 I use this show to not just be a show
123. 00:06:40,509 --> 00:06:45,099 but to allow it to be a service to the

124. 00:06:45,099 --> 00:06:48,669 viewer and that question of how did we
125. 00:06:48,669 --> 00:06:52,379 serve the viewer transform the show and
126. 00:06:52,379 --> 00:06:55,659 because we asked that question every
127. 00:06:55,659 --> 00:07:00,729 single day from 1989 forward with the
128. 00:07:00,729 --> 00:07:01,720 intention Virtuous
129. 00:07:01,720 --> 00:07:05,260 of only doing what was in service to the
130. 00:07:05,260 --> 00:07:07,810 people who were watching it is why no
131. 00:07:07,810 --> 00:07:11,050 matter where I go in the world on any
132. 00:07:11,050 --> 00:07:13,060 given day somebody comes up to me and
133. 00:07:13,060 --> 00:07:16,060 says I watched your show it changed my
134. 00:07:16,060 --> 00:07:16,660 life
135. 00:07:16,660 --> 00:07:18,520 I've been watching since I was 5 years
136. 00:07:18,520 --> 00:07:25,480 old until I until I went from DVR to two
137. 00:07:25,480 --> 00:07:30,510 VCRs to now streaming people watch and
138. 00:07:30,510 --> 00:07:34,720 were raised by that show I did a good Pathos:
139. 00:07:34,720 --> 00:07:37,000 job of raising a lot of people I must
140. 00:07:37,000 --> 00:07:42,880 say and that happened because of an
141. 00:07:42,880 --> 00:07:47,890 intention to be of service so I live in
142. 00:07:47,890 --> 00:07:51,300 this space of radical love and gratitude
143. 00:07:51,300 --> 00:07:55,060 truly I have I I I I feel the most
144. 00:07:55,060 --> 00:07:56,860 beautiful life that you can imagine I
145. 00:07:56,860 --> 00:07:58,180 sit around trying to think of who could
146. 00:07:58,180 --> 00:08:00,900 have a better life and I will tell you
147. 00:08:00,900 --> 00:08:03,910 whatever you imagine my life to be like Ethos:
148. 00:08:03,910 --> 00:08:05,820 I wonder what Oprah's doing right now character
149. 00:08:05,820 --> 00:08:08,650 it's always ten times better than
150. 00:08:08,650 --> 00:08:17,560 whatever you think it's true and it's
151. 00:08:17,560 --> 00:08:21,010 because not because I have wealth which
152. 00:08:21,010 --> 00:08:23,140 it's great that's what money's fabulous
153. 00:08:23,140 --> 00:08:26,470 I love it and I get a lot of attention
154. 00:08:26,470 --> 00:08:31,630 and that's also good sometimes but it's

155. 00:08:31,630 --> 00:08:35,260 because I had appreciation for the small
156. 00:08:35,260 --> 00:08:38,080 steps the seeds that were planted the
157. 00:08:38,080 --> 00:08:40,599 map and flow of my life that unfolded
158. 00:08:40,599 --> 00:08:44,080 because I was paying attention you have Perceived
159. 00:08:44,080 --> 00:08:46,930 to pay attention to your life because it intelligence

160. 00:08:46,930 --> 00:08:49,450 is speaking to you all the time and the
161. 00:08:49,450 --> 00:08:51,610 bumps in the road and the failures that
162. 00:08:51,610 --> 00:08:53,620 pointed me in a deuteron new direction
163. 00:08:53,620 --> 00:08:56,440 and led me to a path made clear that is
164. 00:08:56,440 --> 00:08:59,050 what I'm wishing for you today your own Logos:
165. 00:08:59,050 --> 00:09:01,900 path made clear and I know that there is Enthymeme

166. 00:09:01,900 --> 00:09:06,970 a lot of anxiety a lot about what the
167. 00:09:06,970 --> 00:09:08,950 future holds and how much money you're
168. 00:09:08,950 --> 00:09:12,830 gonna make but your anxiety does not
169. 00:09:12,830 --> 00:09:15,709 contribute one iota to your progress I'm
170. 00:09:15,709 --> 00:09:17,959 here to tell you it does the opposite
171. 00:09:17,959 --> 00:09:20,570 look at how many times you worried and
172. 00:09:20,570 --> 00:09:23,180 you were upset and you didn't think you
173. 00:09:23,180 --> 00:09:24,680 were gonna make it through the block I
174. 00:09:24,680 --> 00:09:27,220 got that text a couple months ago
175. 00:09:27,220 --> 00:09:30,649 and here you are today
176. 00:09:30,649 --> 00:09:33,890 you made it and I'm here to tell you
177. 00:09:33,890 --> 00:09:37,459 that you're going to be more than okay
178. 00:09:37,459 --> 00:09:41,060 so take a deep breath with me right now Pathos:
179. 00:09:41,060 --> 00:09:46,880 and repeat this everything is always
180. 00:09:46,880 --> 00:09:50,420 working out for me I want to hear it
181. 00:09:50,420 --> 00:09:55,190 everything is always working out for me
182. 00:09:55,190 --> 00:09:58,209 that's my mantra make it yours
183. 00:09:58,209 --> 00:10:03,640 everything is always working out for me
184. 00:10:03,640 --> 00:10:07,910 because it is and it has and it will
185. 00:10:07,910 --> 00:10:11,570 continue to be as you forge and discover

186. 00:10:11,570 --> 00:10:14,959 your own path but first you do need a
187. 00:10:14,959 --> 00:10:18,500 job yep
188. 00:10:18,500 --> 00:10:22,520 you need your job and may I say it does
189. 00:10:22,520 --> 00:10:25,190 not have to be your life's mission not
190. 00:10:25,190 --> 00:10:27,770 your greatest passion not your most Enthymeme

191. 00:10:27,770 --> 00:10:31,610 fulfilled self but a job that pays your
192. 00:10:31,610 --> 00:10:35,149 rent yes and lets you move out of your
193. 00:10:35,149 --> 00:10:37,779 parents house look who's applauding
194. 00:10:37,779 --> 00:10:40,310 because yes they are tired of taking
195. 00:10:40,310 --> 00:10:43,010 care of you and they are hoping that the CC
196. 00:10:43,010 --> 00:10:45,230 fine education you've received is going
197. 00:10:45,230 --> 00:10:48,380 to pay off and it will it will I promise
198. 00:10:48,380 --> 00:10:51,440 you in ways that today you cannot even
199. 00:10:51,440 --> 00:10:53,180 imagine you know for years I've been
200. 00:10:53,180 --> 00:10:54,680 talking about and I've done a lot of
201. 00:10:54,680 --> 00:10:58,130 graduations that I do a lot of lecturing
202. 00:10:58,130 --> 00:11:00,829 talking at the table exchanges with the
203. 00:11:00,829 --> 00:11:03,290 girls and we talk about passion and
204. 00:11:03,290 --> 00:11:07,310 purpose and realizing your dream and I
205. 00:11:07,310 --> 00:11:11,810 realized that I was confusing them and
206. 00:11:11,810 --> 00:11:15,290 their expectations were out of whack one
207. 00:11:15,290 --> 00:11:16,910 of my daughter girls who graduated two
208. 00:11:16,910 --> 00:11:19,820 years ago came out of school with a job
209. 00:11:19,820 --> 00:11:22,640 that she previously intern she bought
210. 00:11:22,640 --> 00:11:25,139 her own used car
211. 00:11:25,139 --> 00:11:27,809 has an apartment she shares with Ron
212. 00:11:27,809 --> 00:11:31,170 only one roommate all with no help from
213. 00:11:31,170 --> 00:11:34,529 me and she'd only been working about six
214. 00:11:34,529 --> 00:11:37,499 months calls me and says mom oh they
215. 00:11:37,499 --> 00:11:40,109 want to give me a promotion but I don't
216. 00:11:40,109 --> 00:11:41,669 think I want the promotion because I

217. 00:11:41,669 --> 00:11:45,359 don't think it fulfills my purpose and I
218. 00:11:45,359 --> 00:11:50,160 said your purpose right now is to keep
219. 00:11:50,160 --> 00:11:55,649 that job your purpose is to do what you Perceived
220. 00:11:55,649 --> 00:11:57,419 have to do until you can do what you
221. 00:11:57,419 --> 00:12:00,149 want to do I borrowed that line from the
222. 00:12:00,149 --> 00:12:03,689 Great Debaters so here's the truth for
223. 00:12:03,689 --> 00:12:08,429 years I had a job and through that job
224. 00:12:08,429 --> 00:12:10,829 doing a lot of things that I actually Hatred

225. 00:12:10,829 --> 00:12:15,919 didn't want to do I got demoted and

226. 00:12:15,919 --> 00:12:19,139 discovered my life's calling so I was on
227. 00:12:19,139 --> 00:12:22,949 the air as a reporter my job ended when
228. 00:12:22,949 --> 00:12:24,419 I was 28 years old
229. 00:12:24,419 --> 00:12:26,669 but I've been working in radio got my
230. 00:12:26,669 --> 00:12:29,249 first job in radio at 16 was hired in
231. 00:12:29,249 --> 00:12:33,209 television at 19 and it was a job
232. 00:12:33,209 --> 00:12:36,269 because every day I felt like I don't
233. 00:12:36,269 --> 00:12:37,889 know if this is really what I'm supposed
234. 00:12:37,889 --> 00:12:39,869 to be doing but my father was like you
235. 00:12:39,869 --> 00:12:44,160 better keep their job so when I was 28
236. 00:12:44,160 --> 00:12:46,739 it wasn't working out for me on the news
237. 00:12:46,739 --> 00:12:49,619 because I was too emotional I'd go to
238. 00:12:49,619 --> 00:12:51,389 cover stories and cry because people Anger
239. 00:12:51,389 --> 00:12:53,029 lost their houses or lost their children
240. 00:12:53,029 --> 00:12:58,049 I was told that I was going to be taken
241. 00:12:58,049 --> 00:13:00,660 off the evening news and put on a talk
242. 00:13:00,660 --> 00:13:03,779 show that was a demotion for me at the
243. 00:13:03,779 --> 00:13:07,919 time that actually worked out for me so
244. 00:13:07,919 --> 00:13:12,360 I would like to say that many times many
245. 00:13:12,360 --> 00:13:13,919 times there are things that look like
246. 00:13:13,919 --> 00:13:17,279 failure in your life and I want to clear Calmness
247. 00:13:17,279 --> 00:13:19,319 up because four years at every

248. 00:13:19,319 --> 00:13:21,179 graduation I've said there's no such
249. 00:13:21,179 --> 00:13:24,480 thing as failure well it is I've said
250. 00:13:24,480 --> 00:13:26,100 it's no such thing as failure it's just
251. 00:13:26,100 --> 00:13:27,419 like pointing you into a different
252. 00:13:27,419 --> 00:13:30,899 direction it does it indeed does but in
253. 00:13:30,899 --> 00:13:34,259 the moment when you fail it really feels
254. 00:13:34,259 --> 00:13:37,010 bad and it's embarrassing
255. 00:13:37,010 --> 00:13:42,920 and it's bad and it's going to happen to
256. 00:13:42,920 --> 00:13:45,320 you if you keep living but I guarantee
257. 00:13:45,320 --> 00:13:49,790 you it also will pass and you will be
258. 00:13:49,790 --> 00:13:54,430 fine why because everything is always
259. 00:13:54,430 --> 00:13:56,690 working out for you
260. 00:13:56,690 --> 00:13:59,600 so I realize this when I was in the
261. 00:13:59,600 --> 00:14:02,240 struggle of my life I tried to build a Ethos:
262. 00:14:02,240 --> 00:14:03,740 network at the same time I was still Virtuous
263. 00:14:03,740 --> 00:14:07,850 trying to do a show and I did not have
264. 00:14:07,850 --> 00:14:09,770 the right leadership everything is about
265. 00:14:09,770 --> 00:14:13,010 having people in the right positions to
266. 00:14:13,010 --> 00:14:17,390 support you and so I had to take a good
267. 00:14:17,390 --> 00:14:20,090 long look at myself when everything in Pathos:
268. 00:14:20,090 --> 00:14:21,860 the media cuz all of my mistakes are on
269. 00:14:21,860 --> 00:14:24,110 the evening news or the CNN crawl I
270. 00:14:24,110 --> 00:14:26,960 can't do anything privately so in every
271. 00:14:26,960 --> 00:14:28,640 news story when every story is about
272. 00:14:28,640 --> 00:14:30,260 struggle struggle struggle struggle I
273. 00:14:30,260 --> 00:14:33,350 had to have a talk with myself and say
274. 00:14:33,350 --> 00:14:36,290 what is this really about what is this
275. 00:14:36,290 --> 00:14:38,930 here to show you my favorite question
276. 00:14:38,930 --> 00:14:41,960 when in crisis what is this here to
277. 00:14:41,960 --> 00:14:44,780 teach or show me Jeff Weiner one of my Logos:
278. 00:14:44,780 --> 00:14:46,880 friends and founder of LinkedIn says Example

279. 00:14:46,880 --> 00:14:48,860 that failure is what's going to Humble
280. 00:14:48,860 --> 00:14:51,530 you it helps you realize how fleeting
281. 00:14:51,530 --> 00:14:54,560 success can be at least traditional
282. 00:14:54,560 --> 00:14:57,920 measures of success because you realize
283. 00:14:57,920 --> 00:15:01,730 that to some extent how it is just
284. 00:15:01,730 --> 00:15:04,910 beyond your control and you invest less
285. 00:15:04,910 --> 00:15:07,400 in it in terms of the way you define
286. 00:15:07,400 --> 00:15:10,370 yourself success in terms of achieving
287. 00:15:10,370 --> 00:15:12,890 objectives in terms of manifesting a Fear
288. 00:15:12,890 --> 00:15:15,140 mission in terms of manifesting a vision
289. 00:15:15,140 --> 00:15:18,860 that's all good especially if what you
290. 00:15:18,860 --> 00:15:21,650 do can create good in the world but to
291. 00:15:21,650 --> 00:15:23,540 the extent that you start to define
292. 00:15:23,540 --> 00:15:25,970 yourself through traditional measures of
293. 00:15:25,970 --> 00:15:28,190 success to the extent that that's your
294. 00:15:28,190 --> 00:15:30,830 source of self-esteem you're destined to
295. 00:15:30,830 --> 00:15:33,970 be unhappy because you cannot control it
296. 00:15:33,970 --> 00:15:35,860 Jack Canfield
297. 00:15:35,860 --> 00:15:38,630 chicken soup Soup for the Soul another
298. 00:15:38,630 --> 00:15:41,780 one of my thought leaders that I admire
299. 00:15:41,780 --> 00:15:44,570 says the greatest wound we've all
300. 00:15:44,570 --> 00:15:47,330 experienced is somehow being rejected
301. 00:15:47,330 --> 00:15:50,030 for being our authentic self and as
302. 00:15:50,030 --> 00:15:53,900 result of that we then try to be what Admiration
303. 00:15:53,900 --> 00:15:56,800 we're not to get approval love
304. 00:15:56,800 --> 00:16:00,830 protection safety money whatever that is
305. 00:16:00,830 --> 00:16:03,470 and the real need for all of us really
306. 00:16:03,470 --> 00:16:05,990 is to reconnect with the essence of who
307. 00:16:05,990 --> 00:16:06,880 we really are
308. 00:16:06,880 --> 00:16:09,620 reown all the disowned parts of
309. 00:16:09,620 --> 00:16:11,870 ourselves whether it's our emotions our

310. 00:16:11,870 --> 00:16:14,360 spirituality whatever we all go around
311. 00:16:14,360 --> 00:16:17,090 hiding parts of ourselves he says he was
312. 00:16:17,090 --> 00:16:18,440 with a Buddhist teacher a number of
313. 00:16:18,440 --> 00:16:21,950 years ago and that teacher said here's
314. 00:16:21,950 --> 00:16:24,500 the secret if you were to meditate for
315. 00:16:24,500 --> 00:16:27,950 20 years this is where you'd finally get
316. 00:16:27,950 --> 00:16:34,760 to just be your self but be all of you
317. 00:16:34,760 --> 00:16:40,070 so I've made a living not a living but a
318. 00:16:40,070 --> 00:16:43,450 real life from being true to myself
319. 00:16:43,450 --> 00:16:47,390 using the energy of my personality to
320. 00:16:47,390 --> 00:16:50,900 actually serve the purpose of my soul
321. 00:16:50,900 --> 00:16:53,330 and that purpose I'm here to tell you
322. 00:16:53,330 --> 00:16:56,780 gets revealed to you daily it is not Pathos:
323. 00:16:56,780 --> 00:16:58,640 just one thing
324. 00:16:58,640 --> 00:17:01,760 it is the thread that is connecting the
325. 00:17:01,760 --> 00:17:05,150 dots of everything that you do so when I
326. 00:17:05,150 --> 00:17:07,430 first started television at 19 as I said
327. 00:17:07,430 --> 00:17:10,869 I was just happy to have a job but later
328. 00:17:10,869 --> 00:17:15,650 through experience trial error some
329. 00:17:15,650 --> 00:17:18,619 failures recognized that my true purpose Perceived
330. 00:17:18,619 --> 00:17:22,849 was to be an inspiration and a force for
331. 00:17:22,849 --> 00:17:25,849 good to allow people to see the best of
332. 00:17:25,849 --> 00:17:28,339 themselves through the work and the
333. 00:17:28,339 --> 00:17:31,510 stories that we were able to tell and so
334. 00:17:31,510 --> 00:17:35,000 that becomes my legacy I remember when I
335. 00:17:35,000 --> 00:17:38,030 finished the school and I had gone to my
336. 00:17:38,030 --> 00:17:40,220 mentor friend Maya Angela's house my I
337. 00:17:40,220 --> 00:17:44,510 was making biscuits and she was teaching
338. 00:17:44,510 --> 00:17:49,520 me how to make the biscuits and I said
339. 00:17:49,520 --> 00:17:51,020 my I'm so sorry you weren't there for
340. 00:17:51,020 --> 00:17:52,580 the opening of the school she said oh

341. 00:17:52,580 --> 00:17:55,250 babe I know it must have been beautiful
342. 00:17:55,250 --> 00:17:57,440 I said yes that school is going to be my
343. 00:17:57,440 --> 00:18:00,980 greatest legacy and she said you have no
344. 00:18:00,980 --> 00:18:02,540 idea what your legacy will be
345. 00:18:02,540 --> 00:18:04,760 I said oh no no my other school that did
346. 00:18:04,760 --> 00:18:07,250 the school those girls that's gonna be
347. 00:18:07,250 --> 00:18:09,890 my legacy and she said as she put down
348. 00:18:09,890 --> 00:18:14,480 the dough you have no idea what your
349. 00:18:14,480 --> 00:18:20,170 legacy will be and I said yes ma'am she
350. 00:18:20,170 --> 00:18:25,040 said because your legacy is every life Example
351. 00:18:25,040 --> 00:18:30,890 that you touch and that I repeat
352. 00:18:30,890 --> 00:18:33,980 everywhere because it's true it's not
353. 00:18:33,980 --> 00:18:37,610 one thing it's everything and the most
354. 00:18:37,610 --> 00:18:41,870 important thing is how you touch other
355. 00:18:41,870 --> 00:18:45,680 people's lives every day you're carving
356. 00:18:45,680 --> 00:18:47,330 out the path even when it looks like
357. 00:18:47,330 --> 00:18:50,450 you're not all your actions are creating
358. 00:18:50,450 --> 00:18:53,210 equal and opposite reactions which is
359. 00:18:53,210 --> 00:18:56,120 the third law of motion in physics what character

360. 00:18:56,120 --> 00:18:58,460 you put out is coming back how you think
361. 00:18:58,460 --> 00:19:01,130 and what you do is already being done
362. 00:19:01,130 --> 00:19:04,460 unto you that is my religion I live by
363. 00:19:04,460 --> 00:19:08,000 that and so that is created a very
364. 00:19:08,000 --> 00:19:10,340 blessed and spectacular life for me and
365. 00:19:10,340 --> 00:19:12,620 I want the same for you if I could
366. 00:19:12,620 --> 00:19:14,300 actually teach a class on how to live
367. 00:19:14,300 --> 00:19:16,970 your best life it would contain all the
368. 00:19:16,970 --> 00:19:18,950 gems I've learned from all the world's
369. 00:19:18,950 --> 00:19:21,880 leading thought leaders it would also
370. 00:19:21,880 --> 00:19:25,100 contain some gems I have not like yes it
371. 00:19:25,100 --> 00:19:29,120 does pay to floss yes you do need to

372. 00:19:29,120 --> 00:19:31,370 look people in the eye when you speak to
373. 00:19:31,370 --> 00:19:33,320 them you need to keep your commitments
374. 00:19:33,320 --> 00:19:34,730 if you say you're gonna do something you
375. 00:19:34,730 --> 00:19:36,890 need to do it you need to make your bed
376. 00:19:36,890 --> 00:19:39,980 every day because when you do that it
377. 00:19:39,980 --> 00:19:43,700 makes the whole house look better but I
378. 00:19:43,700 --> 00:19:45,740 put and you need to not to bring your
379. 00:19:45,740 --> 00:19:49,190 cell phones to the dinner table I put
380. 00:19:49,190 --> 00:19:53,620 many of those little gems real gems from
381. 00:19:53,620 --> 00:19:56,450 thought leaders and a little book I did
382. 00:19:56,450 --> 00:19:59,030 with you graduates in mind because so
383. 00:19:59,030 --> 00:20:01,820 many of my girls were finishing school
384. 00:20:01,820 --> 00:20:05,180 with the anxiety of what do I do now mom
385. 00:20:05,180 --> 00:20:08,720 oh so I wrote the path made clear it's
386. 00:20:08,720 --> 00:20:12,200 my stories of figuring it out with gems Pathos:
387. 00:20:12,200 --> 00:20:13,580 of wisdom from some of my favorite Admiration

388. 00:20:13,580 --> 00:20:15,440 thought leaders like Jeff and Jack and
389. 00:20:15,440 --> 00:20:16,340 Pema Chodron
390. 00:20:16,340 --> 00:20:19,010 they are totally and many others and so
391. 00:20:19,010 --> 00:20:20,630 since I know you just want to get that
392. 00:20:20,630 --> 00:20:22,850 diploma I'm going to save all my wisdom
393. 00:20:22,850 --> 00:20:25,279 for the book and make sure you get one
394. 00:20:25,279 --> 00:20:28,539 as you walk across the stage
395. 00:20:33,660 --> 00:20:36,600 and here's the deal I'm gonna hang you
396. 00:20:36,600 --> 00:20:40,590 the book I'm not gonna take a selfie but
397. 00:20:40,590 --> 00:20:41,940 somebody will be there to take the
398. 00:20:41,940 --> 00:20:45,450 picture and because you all all of you
399. 00:20:45,450 --> 00:20:48,600 and all of you showered and shaved and
400. 00:20:48,600 --> 00:20:51,179 came all this way to support I have made
401. 00:20:51,179 --> 00:20:53,970 the e-book and the digital audio book
402. 00:20:53,970 --> 00:20:58,049 version free today for the rest of the

403. 00:20:58,049 --> 00:21:00,299 day until midnight wherever books and
404. 00:21:00,299 --> 00:21:01,770 digital audio books are sold in the
405. 00:21:01,770 --> 00:21:03,870 United States in Canada you can just go
406. 00:21:03,870 --> 00:21:05,850 online and you can get your own digital
407. 00:21:05,850 --> 00:21:08,970 version of the path made clear that's
408. 00:21:08,970 --> 00:21:11,010 Apple or Amazon or Nilka Google Play or
409. 00:21:11,010 --> 00:21:15,000 Kobo so what does that mean that means
410. 00:21:15,000 --> 00:21:28,679 that you get a book congratulations Goodwill

411. 00:21:28,679 --> 00:21:30,760 class of 2019

412. 00:21:30,760 --> 00:00:00,000 [Music]


1. 144th Graduation Ceremony Class 2016 at Johnson C. Smith University

Color information:
Logos Ethos Pathos

Type: Special Occasion Speech

Rhetorical Proof of video1
Rhetorical Time Utterance
Vid1/E:Gw 00:00:04 “JC! JC! Alright, now you‟re looking good today. I
have never experienced an introduction like that, juror
I meant to you class of 2017”
Vid1/P:Ht 00:01:39 “I don‟t believe in anybody who knows me, knows, I
don‟t believe in or support any law discriminating
against anybody ever”
Vid1/P:Fr 00:01:55 “I‟ll be at JC, because it‟s been a long time coming.
This is how long has been coming in 2002”
Vid1/P:Ad 00:02:08 “I had the great honor and privilege of a juror
mention spending time is Nelson Mandela, one of the
greatest men”
Vid1/P:Ad 00:02:30 “You know, you want to leave something with
someone who‟s been hosting you, and it‟s hard to
leave a candle for Nelson Mandela”
Vid1/P:Ad 00:02:41 “You can‟t leave a diary or some cookies baked so
good, so Madiba and I were at one point discussing
what would make a difference in the world and
particularly in the country of South Africa”
Vid1/P:Cf 00:03:15 “I said that the only thing that I know is education, and
what I would like to do is to build a school”
Vid1/L:Ex 00:03:43 “We started talking about a building, a school for
young girls. Young girls giving young women the hope
that someone had given me because I have always
known that to whom much is given much is also
Vid1/E:Pi 00:04:05 “I had been from the very first time. I could afford to
pay for my own rent. Looking outside myself to see
how I could use what I had been given to help
somebody else and I learned through the process of
trying to help other people”
Vid1/L:En 00:04:25 “You can‟t change people by giving them money,
but you can change them when you offer them the
opportunity to change themselves through

Vid1/E:Vc 00:04:36 “so I started a search with a team looking for girls
in South Africa who had it. I called it, the, it, factor,
and I went to nine provinces interviewed personally
over 500 girls who had the it factor, what is that? It‟s
almost indescribable. It‟s that thing that says no matter
what I will, no matter what happens, I still believe, I
can do it. It‟s even when you don‟t have the means to.
You have the will and desire and the passion for
Vid1/E:Pi 00:05:27 “I specifically went looking in the eye interviewing
personally girls who had it, so that I could create the
Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for girls that
would be a groundbreaking institution for leadership
for South Africa”
Vid1/E:Vc 00:06:15 “Nothing would keep me from being here to
celebrate the promise that made to Nelson Mandela
over ten years ago. That promise gets fulfilled when
they walk across the JC stage today”
Vid1/P:Fr 00:06:35 “so I‟m delighted. I am happy. I feel rewarded by
being able to celebrate with you the class of 2016 and
my daughters, the class of 2016”
Vid1/E:Gw 00:07:50 “I realized is, is that you need support, you need
people who want you to win, you need people who are
in your corner, you need people who care about you,
who want your success, who are not jealous of your
success, who have no envy about you moving ahead or
moving forward and that‟s what they have been into
my girls”
Vid1/P:Fr 00:08:15 “Thank you so much, I thank this school, I thank you
Dr. Carter, I thank the faculty. I feel like, you know, I
FaceTime with the girls all the time. I feel like I have
lived in mosaic village. I feel like I‟ve been to the
union and on block. I love this campus. I love
everything that you represent and wanting our
young men and women to win”
Vid1/P:Ad 00:09:38 “fifteens are hard to find at any time, especially at
midnight. At the risk all, so Steadman seven who
won‟t, you won‟t go in a bar in all of our time together.
he‟s never had one drink unlike me”
Vid1/P:Ev 00:12:24 “I was born there, weren‟t any great proclamations
or even anyone who wanted me. My mother hid the
pregnancy until the day her water broke and I was
considered that illegitimate child and all that, that
meant in 1954 in Mississippi for a long time. I felt the
shame of that. The lack of a steam around that”
Vid1/P:An 00:14:11 “I am NOT going to be hanging no clothes on the
Vid1/P:Cm 00:14:14 “It‟s just a little feeling that came over me that said
your life will be bigger than this. There‟s something

greater than this ahead. For you now, I could feel
that inside myself”
Vid1/L:En 00:14:26 “I was smart enough not to tell my grandmother
that the little voice said. Mm-hmm but don‟t tell her. I
have been led by that little voice my entire life and if
I had any real wisdom to share with you. It is let that
voice lead you”
Vid1/P:Cf 00:15:05 “I have led and continue to lead a magnificent life
and all the things that are ever said about me and
the accomplishments and the things that I‟ve been
able to do in the Oprah show number one for 25
straight years. All that stuff, good stuff, all the awards”
Vid1/E:Vc 0015:50 “I have listened and been guided by that voice is
your energy plus it is. Your intuition is your voice
of God, your higher power, your higher self that
everybody has that allows you to make the right
decision even when other people are wrong. That
allows you to do the right thing even when nobody
especially when nobody else is watching”
Vid1/L:Ex 00:16:32 “Today, you can never go wrong because the truth is,
we live in a great time in spite of what we seen on
the television and violence against young black men
that they have no power and control over in spite of the
Vid1/L:Ex 00:17:32 “Stedman wrote a book about a long time ago called
„You Can Make It Happen‟ and the first chapter in the
book talks about checking your ID or knowing your
Vid1/L:En 00:17:50 “You can‟t pay the crown forward unless you know
who you are, where you come from, and the
sacrifice, the true sacrifice and hope and tears and
Vid1/E:Vc 00:20:58 “The great lesson for me in that moment was I could
feel the moment. I say, I am going to make peace with
this thing”
Vid1/P:Fr 00:21:53 “I feel looking in your faces today. I look in your face
and I see my face. You make me proud and your
future‟s so bright”

2. 128th Graduation Ceremony Class of 2017 at Agnes Scott College

Color information:
Logos Ethos Pathos

Type: Special Occasion Speech

Rhetorical Proof of Video 2
Rhetorical Proof Time Utterance
Vid2/E:Gw 00:00:06 “Thank you, thank you, thanks president Kiss.
Morning, Agnes Scott. I gotta give it to you all.
Y‟all do it right. I gotta say this, you get up, you
get out, you get it on, you get it over and out into
the world by noon today. You‟ll be launched into
the world. Congratulations class 2017”
Vid2/E:Gw 00:01:22 “I wanna say a special thank you to the Board of
Trustees. Every one of you who I met today and
said “thank you” to me well “thank you to you.
Thank you Board of Trustees and especially to
you, Beth Daniel Holder”
Vid2/E:Gw 00:01:33 “Thank you so much as a chairman”
Vid2/E:Gw 00:01:35 “Thank you faculty. I love what you do. All my
life before I became interested in television”
Vid2/E:Gw 00:01:57 “All of you gorgeous women of Agnes Scott.
Thank you for having me, but the truth is I was
coming anyway, whether you had invited me here
to speak or not, I was coming. This was my year to
Vid2/P:Fr 00:02:54 “My daughter girl has had the great privilege of
growing and blossoming here at Agnes Scott”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:03:03 “I want you to know that at my school the
Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for girl,
every girls, every year we‟re graduating another
class of girls”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:03:11 “I now have a hundred and seventy nine girls in
college. Twenty of them came to me to United
States, ten are graduating this year”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:03:33 “I have five graduations next week in four
different states so Agnes Scott, You got me fresh.
This is the fresh version see how I‟m holding up
around June 18th after the 9th”
Vid2/E:Gw 00:04:19 “let me say, when I say, I‟m happy to be here, I
really am. I‟m thrilled to be here not like, you
know most people they get amazed. I‟m so very
happy to be here”
Vid2/E:Gw 00:05:05 “I would like to say that goes for every parent in
this room, every guardian, every, every trusted
loves one here today. This is for you those of you
who are here and those who are passed even.
Thank you for encouraging and supporting and

being there for our daughters, for being often a
balm in Gilead. For these daughters who‟ve grown
into these incredible young women”
Vid2/E:Gw 00:06:49 “it turns out Satoca is Satoca Mele who used to be
Pretty when she came to the school, so that‟s
what happens when you come to Agnes Scott.
Heretofor, a girl who just happy be called Pretty,
Pretty, she gets educated here and thinks more
deeply about what really matters to herself”
Vid2/E:Gw 00:07:11 “She learns to live more honorably engage in
the intellectual and social challenges of our
time. She comes through this process and wants to
own herself in, in the fullness of her name. she
wants to lay claim to her name spoken out loud
even you can‟t pronounce it, Satoca Mele”
Vid2/E:Gw 00:07:42 “That what happens when you come here to
Agnes Scott. You leave a more deepened
human with higher standards striving to realize
your social and your academic responsibilities to
the community in our world and what does the
world need you right now”
Vid2/L:En 00:07:58 “The struggle is real out there. It‟s real the
struggle to remain compassionate and the
struggle to remain committed and the struggle
to be constructively engage. That‟s the
challenge that you‟re in for class of 2017”
Vid2/P:Fr 00:08:20 “I‟m betting you Agnes Scott women. I‟m betting
on you particularly this class of 2017. I‟m betting
that you will break new ground to move us all
forward and we need your passion. We do need
our passion to served”
Vid2/P:An 00:08:40 “I was so thrilled to hear that so many of you
have signed up for the Peace Corps and many of
you have signed up for Teach for America. All of
these service-oriented opportunities”
Vid2/P:Cf 00:08:53 “I‟m here to tell you that you don‟t have to
necessary join the Peace Corps or Teach for
America or go work for an NGO in a third world
country to live a life. That‟s full of service you
don‟t have to”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:09:11 “I was not your age but about 30 years old. I
started to realize that it was my whole life not
just parts of my life, just not parts of what I was
doing but my whole life was a prayer. My whole
life is an offering in service first to yourself to
become a fully actualized human being”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:09:48 “when I started to realize it‟s not just what I do
but it‟s how I do it. It‟s how I‟m not just praying
on my knees but I live in a state of humanity on
my knees in service to the higher calling of my life

. that things started to change”
Vid2/L:Ex 00:10:08 “so many people are worried about building a
brand. I hear kids on social media talking
about their brand”
Vid2/P:Ht 00:10:17 “I used to really resent the word when people
would say to me „oh you have this brand‟ because
I never never even thought about a brand”
Vid2/P:Cm 00:10:24 “I just thought about day in and day out. Making
the best right choice for me but now I embrace
Vid2/E:Pi 00:10:34 “I recognize people see me as a brand but for
me it‟s not a business. It is a question of what do
you stand for and I will say this, you‟re nothing if
you‟re not the truth”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:10:47 “I have made, I‟ve made a living, I‟ve made a
living, I‟ve made a life, made a fortune really it‟s
fantastic. All good from being true to myself”
Vid2/P:Ev 00:11:18 “It‟s really good. You can get a lot of great shoes.
Nothing wrong with great shoes but those of
you who have a lot of shoes”
Vid2/P:Fe 00:11:26 “know that having great shoes and closet full of
shoes or cars or houses or square footage
doesn‟t fill up your life, it doesn‟t”
Vid2/L:En 00:11:35 “Living a life of substance can substance
through your service. Your offering of your
whole self and the baseline for how do you live. a
life of substance is whatever is the truth for you
what do you stand for”
Vid2/E:Pi 00:12:13 “I usually go to my school in South Africa once
a year and I teach a class called „life 101‟ where
for a week I just talk about what I think you need
to know to go out in the world”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:12:31 “I would say that having compassion for other
people is at the top of that list and also a spirit
of constructive engagement”
Vid2/E:Pi 00:12:53 “You know, during the years of the Oprah show I
interviewed over 37,000 people one on one, so
whenever I‟m telling my girls anything and they
say „ah‟ and they start rolling their eyes. I say „I‟m
the only person you gonna talk to that‟s talked to
37,000 people”
Vid2/P:Fr 00:13:39 “I feel with you, it‟s one of the greatest qualities
in the world to have”
Vid2/P:Cf 00:13:47 “You‟re going to be majoring and what it takes
to be a great human being”
Vid2/P:Fr 00:13:59 “I feel with you means I‟m not only I‟m willing to
walk in your shoes, it means my heart beats with
yours. It means I see myself in you, it means I
may not have shared that circumstance but I know
what heartbreak feels like I know what pain feels,

like an old pain is the same. It means I can feel
you will to want to do better and be better and I
feel and I am with you in spite of everything that‟s
happened to you. I feel your need to rise. I want
to help you rise. I want to rise with you”
Vid2/P:Ad 00:14:41 “My favorite quotes id Dr. King who says „not
everybody could be famous but everybody can be
great because greatness is determined by service”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:14:51 “I am committed to service, service through my
work, service through my life s purpose and if you
make a commitment a conscious intention to be
committed to the work that you do to the
relationship that you have. Your life will unfold
with such beauty and great through that
Vid2/E:Pi 00:15:29 “I figured out around the second year of doing
that show, that it wasn‟t just about being on
television and performing that here was this
opportunity, this offering, I could give to people
through the service of a television show to
better see themselves through the stories that
we‟re telling and through those stories help
themselves to improve their lives. So I started
using television as a tool of service”
Vid2/L:En 00:16:06 “You don‟t know what to do. My girls have
heard this over a hundred times when you don‟t
know what to do, you do nothing. You get still
until you do now, because when you have to ask
everybody else, should i? should i? should I do
this? should i? should I and that‟s whether it‟s
buying a pair of shoes or going with a guy buying
a house, taking a job should i? should I show the
show when you have to ask everybody else. It
means you don‟t really know the answer fully
Vid2/E:Vc 00:17:04 “two weeks after the election last year, I went to
a diner in Queens for Oprah magazine with a
group of women. Half of them were Trump
supporters, half of them were Hillary supporters.
Nobody wanted to come to breakfast, I was like
„it‟s gonna be so great, great, great”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:18:17 “I want you to work in your own way to change
the world in respectful conversations with
others at a rate and a rhythm. That‟s in tune
with the source from which you have come
your truth”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:18:34 “I want you to enter every situation. Aware of
its context, open to hear the world change you
that is the spirit of constructive engagement so
that‟s the goal to be a compassionate woman of

substance to be committed to have constructive
engagement to live this life of substance.
Substance what I know for sure”
Vid2/L:En 00:19:09 “if you focus on the substance, the success will
come and most importantly let failure be your
Vid2/P:Cf 00:19:19 “there are going to be times of course where
you‟re going to win a lot, a lot of things are going
to go your way and it‟s wonderful to bask in that
adulation and to feel proud of your successes”
Vid2/P:Cf 00:19:36 “They‟re also going to be times the satisfaction
that those moments bring nothing can compare to
that those victories will feed you for years to come
and help you stake a minute when your tank is
sometimes empty”
Vid2/L:En 00:19:49 “Winning is great. It‟s fantastic. I love it. I love
being number one. I love winning, but it‟s the
times when things go wrong when you fall of
fail that you‟re actually gone going to learn the
most about yourself”
Vid2/L:En 00:21:40 “You move forward by taking the next right
stepped. You don‟t have to know everything to
do. You don‟t have to know all the steps to
make just what is the nest right move and then
there‟s this”
Vid2/L:En 00:22:41 “You‟ve got to find a way to continually give
back to yourself, so that you are a full woman.
You want to be a woman who‟s full of herself”
Vid2/P:An 00:22:52 “I used to fear that you know when I first started
out, people say „oh she thinks she‟s just so full of
herself, she‟s so full of herself‟”
Vid2/P:Cm 00:23:01 “I now say „Yes, Hi, oh I am so full my cup is
running over”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:23:20 “That‟s what you want, you want your cup to be
so full. It‟s running over, so you have enough to
offer others. If you do not, if you do not have
something spiritual practice maybe it‟s music
or dancing or times. Just time for yourself to
feed nurture your own spirit”
Vid2/P:Fe 00:23:45 “You‟ll run out. Your tank will become empty.
You will burnt out and not have anything left to
Vid2/P:Ad 00:24:13 “I leave you with the words of my mentor
teacher, Maya Angelou, I‟m thinking of her a
lot because it‟s Mother‟s Day. Tomorrow I‟m
going to have her own SuperSoul Sunday. Those
of you who watch, but I learned so much from
Vid2/E:Vc 00:25:17 “I leave this with everybody in the room graduates
friends of graduates family. She said your legacy

is every life you touched. Your legacy is every
life you touched”
Vid2/L:En 00:25:44 “It‟s not just the big school with your name on
it. It‟s not the awards that you received. It‟s not
the acclaim. It‟s every single human being.
You‟ve ever come in contact with. You have left
your heart sprint and your legacy”
Vid2/L:Ex 00:26:06 “I remember the story of a man who was a
police officer who had this heart and stopped and
they weren‟t even able to get into the emergency
room and just cut him open on the floor of the
hospital as he was entering the hospital and
messaged his heart. He said for nine minutes
trying to bring him back sounds incredible and
unbelievable, but the story he told of having a
near-death experience whether you believe it or
not. The impression it left with me was something
happened there”
Vid2/P:Ad 00:26:47 “I don‟t remember his name, but the story has
lingered in my spirit and abides with me”
Vid2/L:Ex 00:27:10 “he says it felt like real time but I know it couldn‟t
have been because I wasn‟t gone for that long, but
I was able to feel in what felt like to me real time
every single thing I ever did, and I was able to feel
the feelings that I created in other people. I was a
wife-beater. He said I used to beat my wife and I
could not only feel the physical pain I caused her.
I felt what I did to her spirit. I broke her heart, so
when I came back and realized I wasn‟t dead, I
decided, I‟m gonna feel things differently. I‟m
going to try to feel everything with love. I‟m
going to feel everything with love, so that I can
live everything with love”
Vid2/E:Vc 00:28:08 “My wish for you, feel everything with love,
because every moment you are building
your legacy”

3. 145th Graduation Ceremony Class of 2018 at Colorado College

Color information:
Logos Ethos Pathos

Type: Special Occasion Speech

Rhetorical Proof of Video 3
Time Utterance
Vid3/E:Gw 00:00:18 “I‟d just like to take a moment to thank Jesus and the
ancestors and do a little happy dance”
Vid3/E:Gw 00:01:17 “it gives me such pride and fills me with such joy to
see you becoming the woman that you are, so thank
you for that beautiful introduction and thank you full
circle moment. Thank you president, Chief and ah
Tiefenthaler, thank you so much. Good morning
class of 2019”
Vid3/P:Fr 00:01:49 “I‟m here for you, this is my second time”
Vid3/P:Ad 00:02:18 “Thank you gentleman in the elevator. I especially
appreciate and resonate with your class motto, the
quote from Angela Davis”
Vid3/E:Gw 00:02:32 “Which says you have to act as if it‟s possible to
radically transform the world and you have to do
that all the time, I‟m here to tell you that you
actually do get to transform the world everyday by
your actions, small steps lead to big
Vid3/E:Vc 00:02:57 “I‟m here to tell you that your life isn‟t some big
break like everybody thinks it is. They‟re waiting
on the big break. It‟s actually about taking one
significant life-transforming step at a time so you
can pick a problem”
Vid3/P:An 00:03:13 “literally any problems the list is long because there
is gun violence and economic inequality and there‟s
media bias and life homeless need opportunity and
the addicted need treatment and the dreamers need
protection, the prison system needs be reformed, the
social safety needs saving, misogyny needs to stop”
Vid3/P:Cf 00:03:38 “the truth is you cannot fix everything but what you
can do here and now is make a decision because
life is about decision and the decision is that you will
use your life in service. You will be in service to life
and you will speak up, you will show up, you will
stand up, you will sit in, you will volunteer, you will
shout out, you will help, you will Linda Han, you
will offer, you will talent and your kindness however
you can and you will radically transform whatever
moment. You‟re in which leads to bigger moments,
because the truth is success is it‟s”

Vid 3/L:Ex 00:04:49 “The years of truth ask Danny or anybody who‟s
successful. You go to any one of his restaurants
Shake Shack, love it. Union Square Gramercy
Tavern and you will be impressed by not only the
food which you have to do that if your restaurant but
by the radical hospitality and service”
Vid 3/E:Vc 00:05:12 “Service is not just about when you‟re getting
served. It‟s truly everything”
Vid3/P:Ht 00:05:21 “You know? I started my talk show. I was just so
happy to be on television and I was one day
interviewing members of the Ku Klux Klan. I thought
I was interviewing them so that I could expose their
vitriol to the world”
Vid3/P:Ht 00:05:36 “I saw them giving signals to each other in the
audience and I thought „hmm something‟s going on
here‟ and I realized they were using me. They were
using the platform for themselves”
Vid3/P:An 00:05:49 “So I said to my producers afterwards I‟m not gonna
do that anymore”
Vid3/E:Vc 00:05:53 “we did a show where someone was embarrassed
and it was my fault. i was responsible for the
embarrassment for some crazy reason. We talked a
man who was cheating on his wife to come to the
show with the woman he was cheating on and his
wife, and he said yes and while they‟re on live
television he says to his wife that his girlfriend is
pregnant that happened on my watch”
Vid3/P:Ht 00:06:23 “When that happened shortly after I had interviewed
the Klan and experienced that, I said I‟m not
gonna do that again, so I started to ask. The question
„How can I use this show to not just be a show but to
allow it to be a service to the viewer?‟
Vid3/E:Vc 00:06:45 “That question of how did we serve, the viewer
transform the show and because we asked that
question every single day from 1989 forward with
the intention of only doing what was in service to the
people who were watching. It is why no matter where
I go in the world on any given day, somebody comes
up to me and says „I watched your show, it
changed my life”
Vid3/P:Cf 00:07:16 “I‟ve been watching since I was 5 years old until I,
until I went from DVR to two VCRs to now
streaming people watch and were raised by that show.
I did a good job of raising a lot of people. I must
say that I and that happened because of an intention to
be of service so I live in this space of radical love and
gratitude. Truly”
Vid3/E:Vc 00:07:51 “Truly, I have, I,I,I, I feel the most beautiful life
that you can imagine. I sit around trying to think
of who could have a better life and I will tell you

whatever you imagine my life to be like. I wonder
what Oprah‟s doing right now. It‟s always ten times
better that whatever you think. It‟s true and it‟s
because not because I have wealth which it‟s great
that‟s what money‟s fabulous. I love it and I get a lot
of attention and that‟s also good sometimes but it‟s
because I had appreciation for the small steps”
Vid3/E:Pi 00:08:35 “the seeds that we were planted, the map and flow of
my life that unfolded because I was paying
attention. You have to pay attention to your life
because it is speaking to you all the time and the
bumps in the road and the failures that pointed me in
a deuteron new direction and led me to a path”
Vid3/L:En 00:08:56 “made clear that is what I‟m wishing for you today,
your own path, made clear and I know that there is a
lot of anxiety, a lot about what the future holds and
how much money you‟re gonna make, but your
anxiety does not contribute one iota to your
Vid3/P;Cf 00:09:27 “and here you are today, you made it and I‟m here to
tell you that you‟re going to be more than okay so
take a deep breath with me right now and repeat this
„everything is always working out for me‟ I want to
hear it „everything is working out for me‟, because it
is and It has and it will continue to be as you forge
and discover your own path”
Vid3/L:En 00:10:14 “First you do need a job, yep. You need your job and
may I say it does not have to be your life‟s mission,
not your greatest passion, not your most fulfilled
self, but a job that pays your rent. Yes, and lets you
move out of your parent‟s house. Look who‟s
applauding, because yes they are tired of taking care
of you”
Vid3/P:Cf 00:10:43 “they are hoping that the CC fine education you‟ve
received is going to pay off and it will, I promise
you in ways that today you cannot even imagine”
Vid3/L:Ex 00:11:15 “one of my daughter girls who graduated two years
ago came out of school with a job that she previously
intern. She bought her own used car, has an
apartment, she shares with Ron. Only one roommate
all with no help from me and she‟d only been
working about six months calls me and says „Mom,
oh they want to give me a promotion but I don‟t think
I want the promotion because I don‟t think it fulfills
my purpose‟”
Vid3/E:Pi 00:11:45 “and I said „your purpose right now is to keep that
job. Your purpose is to do what you have to do
until you can do what you want to do‟. I borrowed
that line from Great Debaters”
Vid3/P:Ht 00:12:03 “here‟s the truth, for years I had a job and through

that job doing a lot of things that I actually didn‟t
want to do”
Vid3/P:An 00:12:46 “I was too emotional. I‟d go to cover stories and
cry because people lost their houses or lost their
Vid3/P:Cm 00:13:07 “I would like to say that many times, many times
there are things that look like failure in your life
and I want to clear up because four years at every
graduation. I‟ve said there‟s no such thing as
failure. Well it is I‟ve said it‟s no such things as
failure. It‟s just like pointing you into a different
direction. It does indeed does”
Vid3/L:En 00:13:30 “the moment when you fail, it really feels bad and
it‟s embarrassing and it‟s bad and it‟s going to
happen to you if you keep living but I guarantee you,
it also will pass and you will be fine. Why? Because
everything is always working out for you”
Vid3/E:Vc 00:13:59 “I was in the struggle of my life. I tried to build a
network at the same time. I was still trying to do a
show and I did not have the right leadership.
Everything is about having people in the right
positions to support you”
Vid3/P:Fe 00:14:17 “I had to take a good long look at myself when
everything in the media cuz all of my mistakes are
on the evening news or CNN crawl. I can‟t do
anything privately”
Vid3/L:Ex 00:14:42 “Jeff Weiner one of my friends and founder of
LinkedIn says that “Failure is what‟s going to
humble you. It helps you realize how fleeting success
can be at least traditional measures of success”
Vid3/P:Fe 00:14:57 “You realize that to some extent how it is just beyond
your control and you invest less in it in terms of the
way you define yourself success, in terms achieving
objectives, in terms of manifesting a vision. That‟s all
good especially if what you do can create good in the
world but to the extent that you start to define
yourself trough traditional measures of success to
the extent that, that‟s your source of self-esteem.
You‟re destined to be unhappy because you cannot
control it”
Vid3/P:Ad 00:15:33 “Jack Canfield chicken soup. Soup for the Soul
another one of my thought leaders that I admire
says „the greatest wound we‟ve all experienced is
somehow being rejected for being our authentic self
and as result of that. We then try to be what we‟re not
to get approval love, protection, safety, money,
whatever what it is and the real need for all of us
really is to reconnect with the essence who really are,
reown all the disowned parts of ourselves whether it‟s
our emotions our spirituality whatever we all go

around hiding parts of ourselves‟”
Vid3/P:Fr 00:16:53 “I‟m here to tell you, gets revealed to you daily. It is
not just one thing. It is the thread that is connecting
the dots of everything that you do”
Vid3/E:Pi 00:17:05 “so when I first started television at 19 as i said, I
was just happy to have a job, but later through
experience trial error some failures recognized that
my true purpose was to be an inspiration and a force
for good to allow people to see the best of themselves
through the work and the stories that we were able
to tell and so all becomes my legacy”
Vid/L:Ex 00:18:09 “She puts down the dough „you have no idea what
your legacy will be‟ and I said „yes ma‟am‟ she
said „because your legacy is every life that you
touch‟ and that I repeat everywhere because it‟s true.
It‟s not one thing, it‟s everything and the most
important thing is how you touch other people‟s lives
every day”
Vid3/L:Ex 00:18:45 “You‟re carving out the path even when it looks
like you‟re not. All your actions are creating equal
and opposite reactions which is the third law of
motion in physics. What you put out is coming back.
How you think and what you do is already being done
unto you”
Vid3/L:Ex 00:19:29 “You do need to look people in the eye when you
speak to them. You need to keep your commitments.
If you say you‟re gonna do something. You need to
make your bed every day because when you do
that, it makes the whole house look better”
Vid3/P:Ad 00:20:05 “I wrote the path made clear. It‟s my stories of
figuring it out with gems of wisdom from some of my
favorite thought leaders like Jeff and Jack and
Pema Chodron”
Vid3/E:Gw 00:20:41 “because you all. All of you and all of you
showered and shaved and came all this way to
support. I have made the e-book and the digital audio
book version free today, for the rest of the day until
midnight. Wherever books and digital audio books
are sold in United States, in Canada. You can just go
online and you can get your own digital version”
Vid3/E:Gw 00:21:15 “That means that you get a book. Congratulations
class of 2019”



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