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Faculty of Industrial Engineering

M.Eng. Automotive Production Engineering (M_APE)

Design and Modelling with CATIA

Documentation (GAL1_Rockers)

Author Matriculation Number

Jay Makani 00130032

Submitted on: 08.06.2022

Examiner: Prof. Georg Basta
Course: Design and Modelling with CATIA
Semester: Summer 2022

Jay Makani (00130032)

Table of Figures

Figure 1: Start Bar .................................................................................................................................... 3

Figure 2: Plane Selection ......................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 3: Sketch for Rocker...................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 4: Pad Feature .............................................................................................................................. 4
Figure 5: Top Sketch ................................................................................................................................ 5
Figure 6: Pocket Feature ......................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 7: Hole Feature ............................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 8: More Options ........................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 9: Edge Fillet Feature .................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 10: Outer Body Remove with Help of Circle ................................................................................. 8
Figure 11: Edge Fillet on Top Body .......................................................................................................... 8
Figure 12: Lower Body Fillet .................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 13: Side Holes ............................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 14: Finishing of Side Holes .......................................................................................................... 10
Figure 15: Applying Material ................................................................................................................. 10

Jay Makani (00130032)

• After opening Catia, Go to File→ New→ Part. Then Give the Part the designated Name as per
your requirement.

Figure 1: Start Bar

• Select the Sketch tool and start making sketch on YZ plane.

Figure 2: Plane Selection

Jay Makani (00130032)

• Make the sketch, as shown in figure 3.

Figure 3: Sketch for Rocker

• Use Pad Feature for 40mm length both side of the plane

Figure 4: Pad Feature

Jay Makani (00130032)

• Take plane offset to the XY plane on the top of the last part. And draw the sketch as shown in
figure 5.

Figure 5: Top Sketch

Jay Makani (00130032)

• And use pocket feature to remove outer body.

Figure 6: Pocket Feature

• Use hole feature on the top surface with the help of dot on the middle.

Figure 7: Hole Feature

Jay Makani (00130032)

• Also use type of the hole as shown in figure 8 with the help of ‘More’

Figure 8: More Options

• Using Edge fillet of 10mm we can shape the two high-lighted rough surfaces.

Figure 9: Edge Fillet Feature

Jay Makani (00130032)

• Draw circle of 30 mm diameter and use pocket tool for removal of extra material.

Figure 10: Outer Body Remove with Help of Circle

• Use edge fillet of 2 mm as shown in figure 11.

Figure 11: Edge Fillet on Top Body

Jay Makani (00130032)

• Use Fillet of 1mm for selected edges.

Figure 12: Lower Body Fillet

• Same for the top face but fillet of 2mm.

• Make 2 holes of 10mm Diameter on the surface with distance of 87 between their origin.

Figure 13: Side Holes

Jay Makani (00130032)

• Use fillet of 0,5 mm and 45° for 2 holes which was made recently.

Figure 14: Finishing of Side Holes

• And at the end apply material of aluminum.

Figure 15: Applying Material

• Note: We can also apply colors to our parts from the property options.

Jay Makani (00130032)

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