Lesson 2

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Lesson 2

 Assess oneself by receiving evaluation through other people such as peers

 Evaluate the characteristics, habits and experiences of an individual particularly in the age of
 Express through relating oneself from the summary of the characteristics, habits and
Time Frame: 3 hours


As we continue, because of our strengths and limitations, we as human radiate characters and
habits in order to build ourselves in our own way. In this lesson, we will be doing a short recollection, we
will be discussing a summary of characteristics, habits and experiences particularly in the stage of
adolescents. Let’s proceed!
Activity: Mind map
Directions: Are you still unsatisfied of what you only know about your character/attitude? Then, allow others
to help you such. Create a mind map and let others (family, friends) fill with their name on it. After filling the
mind map, explain the congruence and incongruences between what you know and what others know
about yourself.


Shirley ME Crazy


This really funny because I don’t see myself as friendly person because all the time when I see stranger I
never tried to communicate first what I want is the stranger talk to me first and I don’t know why my friend
say I’m helpful because it is only count by finger when I use to help other people but in people I know I
used to help always I didn’t realize that even I only help people who are really close to me They called me
as helpful person because all my life I believe that you can only call the person helpful when He/She helps

Directions: Read each question carefully. Keep your answers concise.

1. How will we recognize that we are entering in the age of adolescence? What are the things that
triggers us to realize such growth?
For me there are many genetic changes take place during the adolescent years. It is
obvious are the physical changes, the height, acquisition of muscle mass, the distribution of
body fat and the development of secondary fleshly characteristics, and the voice change and
other perceptions in life will slowly change and getting matured day-by-day.

Direction: To know oneself is also a call to know the significance of other selves. Read the
following cases and answer the questions below the stories.

Tall and with a lifeguard’s build, 16-years-old Angelico excels at sports and in the
classroom. He likes to exercise his brain and especially enjoys memorizing and dealing with facts.
Absolutes make the most sense to him, as Angelico prefers the neatness of black-and-white

What makes Angelico a little uncomfortable is hypothetical situations and “what ifs”, if you
can’t see it or prove it, in Angelico’s mind, then it doesn’t exist. This kind of thinking serves him well
in sports and doing what the coach says, but he has more trouble when asked to anticipate what
the other team members are going to do. Sometimes, with his friends, it is the same way; he thinks
things out to a rational conclusion but has difficulty when things stray from what should logically be
happening. He also has trouble putting himself in other people’s shoes and empathizing with their


1. What are the development that has already evident in Angelico being a middle adolescent?
He is already start matured.

2. What could be the probable reasons for Angelico not being able to satisfy his development in
middle adolescents?
Because He already matured and when a person grows day-by-day and getting matured everyday
our satisfaction come and needs more expectations that is why when we cannot meet that
expectation especially in personal development we didn’t get satisfy, but still His confidence on his
self is so little that is why He feels doubt in everything He does.
3. Do you think the problem on empathy will obstruct him to grow up as late adult? Why?
No, because this kind of attitude the empathy will strongly triggered at age 40s many some
people it is starts when they are teenager but some of people they late for that kind of

4. Will his difficulty in taking other people’s thoughts and feelings into consideration create a problem
in becoming a responsible adult later in life? Why? Why not?
For me yes because you need to adjust and understand the feeling of one person for you to get
connected to them and support their needs and wants, you can’t even communicate them right
when you don’t know how to considerate their thoughts and feelings.

Adolescence is a challenging period for teenagers. There are three stages of adolescence namely
early, middle and late adolescent stages. However, the age at which each stage is reached differs
significantly from one child to another. These different rates of maturation are related to physical
development and hormone balance, neither of which that child can control. For this reason, adolescents
should be treated as individuals and any guidelines should be adapted to the particular child.
The table below (see table 1) only shows the characteristics of teenagers who are in the middle
adolescence and late adolescence stages because here is where you are most likely to belong.
Table 1: Summary of the Characteristics, Habits and Experiences of Middle and Late Adolescents
Middle Adolescence Late Adolescence
14 – 16 years 17 – 23 years
1. The majority of changes associated with 1. Physiological development is generally complete.
puberty have taken place. 2. Greater emotional stability.
3. Height may continue to develop for a short time in

1. Adolescents at this age are very concerned 1. Less concerned about their body as puberty ends.
with their physical appearance and believe 2. Develops clear sexual identity.
that others are also concerned. 3. Concerned about serious relationships and develops
2. Greater time is invested in grooming, the capacity for tender and sensual love.
exercising and experimenting with new
images such as makeup and clothing styles.
3. Begins to have increased concerns about
their own sexual.
4. Develops clear sexual identity.
5. Concerned about serious relationships and
develops the capacity for tender and
sensual love, attractiveness with a
movement towards heterosexuality and
some have concerns about attraction to
same sex.
6. Tenderness is shown toward the opposite
sex with frequently changing relationships.
7. Sexuality is a major preoccupation for the
middle adolescent.
1. Experiences of middle adolescents are 1. Adolescents in this age group often turn back to the
broadened by their relationships with adults family and realize that their parents can be their best
outside the family. This exposes them to friends. This is especially true if both the adolescent
new and unfamiliar situations and lifestyles. and parent show mutual respect for each other.
These may be frightening to the middle 2. The peer group fades in importance and is replaced
adolescent causing them to begin to worry by a few good friends.
about the separation process.
2. They often write down their inner thoughts
and feelings in a diary.
1. Complains that parents interfere with their 1. Young adult will start to listen to parents’ advice again.
independence. 2. They may even seek out their parents’ opinion as
2. Teens during this stage experience the parents accept adolescent as a young adult.
most conflict with their parents. There is a
lowered opinion of parents and withdrawal
from them.
3. Achieving independence from their parents
is particularly important to a middle
4. Annoying habits, such as refusal to wash,
poor manners, vegetarianism, messy
rooms, and untidy dress are normal ways in
which the middle adolescent tries to
become independent.
5. While they still need love and acceptance
by their parents, most middle adolescents
will hide such needs in an effort to be
source: http://www.kidsgrowth.com/resources/articledetail.cfm?id=1140

Application: Grow and Go

Direction: Choose 10 or more among the characteristics shown in the table. Make an essay and include all
the characteristics you have chosen. Essay must be composed of at least 200 words.

When my puberty ends (“less concerned about their body as puberty ends”) In this stage I see my I
don’t care about my look, and I always says that what ever I look to them that is me a real me no
filter, no need to hide my real appearance because this is me not yours, I know that someone will
say you look so tired and mature even you look older because of your appearance you didn’t get
ashamed, and also “Develops clear sexual identity” I am pretty sure if my identity now. And will I
am very “concerned about serious relationships and develops the capacity for tender and sensual
love” and I observe that in my self, Adolescents in my age group often turn back to the family and
realize that my parents can be my best friends. And especially true if both the adolescent and
parent show mutual respect for each other. The peer group fades in importance and is replaced by
a few good friends because I use to hang out with my two real friend than hanging with my plastic
friends. Lastly as a young adult I will start to listen to parents’ advices. And I even seek out their
parents’ opinion as parents accept adolescent as a young adult.
Direction: Write a reflection about this chapter.


What did I remember? I What did I feel?I feel happy How can I apply this in the
remembered that how important because of this lesson I future? I will apply this learning
to know our self-characteristic and understand what chararteristic I to myself for me to grow will
to know our limitations, feelings have and I also know what my and become a good person and
and even our attitude. friend see and observe my still I will stay remain who I am
What did I Understand? attitude and real me. now and still in the future.
I understand that in the age What did I Internalize? I What steps will I do to change
development and stages we have internalized that when it comes my past actions? I will accept
some new things, feelings, our age grow day-by-day the our and apply some advices from
characteristics and attitude to perspective in life also grow my friends and parents and
discover. bigger and bigger day-by-day stop being independent I will
and even we grows at age 20 change some of my perception
plus we are still seeking for the and insight in life. And I will
comfort and advices from our accept advices and palce also
parents. my self yo their situation for me
to understand them.

Nice one buddy! You just had finished this one! Are you still up for the next challenge, how about writing
something? Let’s go!
Lesson 3

 Express oneself through creative medium such as poems or essays

 Integrate the two recent lessons by creating a personal Journal
 Use personal journal as a medium for knowing oneself more
Time Frame: 2 hours


As we encounter knowing oneself through the different strengths and limitations that build our
characters, we are now ought to express it thoroughly. There are different mediums that can help us to
reflect, recollect and exhaust, and one of it is journal. In this lesson, we will be learning how to make a
personal journal, and together with that, we will also learn how to maintain it. Be excited!
Activity: Mirror, mirror on the poem
Direction: Write a poem about yourself. (Minimum of 3 stanzas)

     My life is fairly lonely,


but it belongs to me.

I’m not popular,
but my friends are more than enough.
I tend to be impulsive
saying and doing what I want when I want.
I can hide my emotions,
better than anyone I know.
I fight, dace and destroy
standing up for what I believe in.
I have no tolerance for the rude,
or the racist and homophobic.
I admit my faults even,
I don’t  make mistakes.
I am the sunrise after a sleepless night, blinding your eyes.
If my life was a playlist,
It's filled with acoustic songs.

I have to live with myself, and so,

I want to be fit for myself to know,
I want to be able as the days go by,
Always to look myself straight in the eye,
I don’t want to stand with the setting sun
And hate myself for the things I’ve done.
I don’t want to keep on a closet shelf
A lot of secrets about myself,
And fool myself as I come and go
Into thinking that nobody else will know
The kind of man I really am,
I don’t want to dress myself up in shame.
I want to go out with my head erect,
I want to deserve all men’s respect.
I want to be able to like myself.
I don’t want to think as I come and go
That I'm a bluster and bluff and empty show.
I never can hide myself from me,
I see what others may never see,
I know what others may never know,
I never can fool myself- and so,
Whatever happens, I want to be
Self-respecting and conscience free.
Directions: Answer the following and read each question carefully.

1. What would be the connection between knowing oneself into making personal journal? Would it
tackle the person’s characteristics, habits and experiences? Why?
The connection of knowing yourself and making own journal helps us to know
ourselves better because we can't write a journal about ourselves if we don't
know our true identity, if you write a journal about ourselves it  means you know
yourself and yes it deals with a person’s personal character, habits, attitudes and
experiences by making journal you are enhancing your self-understanding to
yourself and it will allow to show what really are you.

2. In making a journal, what are the things will a person should involve in creating such? How will the
person find contents to make the journal more personal to him/her?
Making a personal journal requires commitment, practice, knowing yourself is a
plus, emptying your heart and a meditation and honesty.  discipline is important,
listing your day-to-day life. I thought there was nothing more important than filling
a blank page with sentences but it  could mean to me and now my life was more
productive because a day without things to is like an empty piece of blank paper
but by writing a journal I really appreciate my daily habits, routine and works
because I know at the end of the day I have a lot of new experiences to write in
my journal and not only just writing but it could be called as content and for me
that is how i find a content for my journal more personal to me.


Placing thoughts and experiences into writing has some wonderful benefits despite of what you do.
You need a notebook to begin keeping a journal or you can write in your own laptop. Often people mistook
a journal from a diary.
What is the difference?
A diary reports events and typically makes sense if another were going to read it. On the other hand, a
journal is about your emotional reactions to people and events, insights you have in understanding yourself,
list of such things as your needs, wants, values and goal
Journals are not for others to read and examine, this it will not make sense to anyone else. In fact,
they are personal and need to be kept out of reach from curious family members in household. Spend a
minimum of 20 or 30 minutes a day in writing your journal. In journal writing, it is important to express
oneself. This may sound like a big commitment to those of you who have never experienced the benefits of
journal writing.
Journal writing is a process. One day of writing does not tell you as much as the richness of a
series of writings over a period of time. This helps you to notice larger patterns, deeper themes and more
Benefits of a Personal Journal
Keeping a journal has many positive benefits. It can be used for problem-solving and stress
reduction. It’s been established to get better mental and physical health. It can lead to improved self-

The following are the benefits of keeping a journal:

1. Capture ideas
2. Know yourself better
3. Problem-solving
4. Get smarter
5. Emotional well-being
6. Lose weight
7. Reduce stress
8. Better health
9. Self-improvement
10. Self-esteem
11. Optimism
How to write a Personal Journal
Journals are great means to tack your
past and imagine our future. Here are
the steps that you may follow in writing
your journal:
1. Select a medium
2. Choose a subject
a. Empty your heart out
b. Random meditations
3. Try different writing styles source: https://images.app.goo.gl/UFevRWALpRpQXj5J6

4. Review your journal

Topics to write in a Personal Journal
The topic you write about is entirely up
to you. You should be centring on
what you feels true to you personally when writing a journal. Here are some examples of what you could
write about in your journal:
1. Progress/failures
2. Awesomeness
3. Hassles and horrors
4. Count your blessings
5. Whatever is on your mind

Application: Journal Writing

Directions: Recall your strengths and your limitations. Like an investigator gather all the facts and write
them down. Now, think of your strength and your limitation. Write down one of your experiences on how
you were able to make use of this particular strength in your daily life. Then, set a goal on how you will
improve this particular limitation in order to overcome it and make you grow as an adolescent. In the space
provided, write a short journal about these issues. Minimum of 200 words.

One day in my life

September 15 2021

I woke up at 5.00am this morning after a decent rest. I felt energetic because I
slept early yesterday at around 9pm. I jumped out of bed and tidied my room
saving time for my morning jog. Later I went down stairs and found mom
already up and cooking breakfast. I greeted her and asked for my father: he
was still asleep; he is not as hardworking as I am. I took the dog and told mom
I was going jogging. Once out of the gate I started jogging slowly into the
nearby park where my friends and I go jogging every morning and on

Jogging, I happened to meet one of my neighbors and friend Kim. We have

related extremely well as friends since childhood, and this interaction is what
brought us together. Relating to people around us is what makes us human;
we can be termed as social beings. Organization is what describes the role of
doing things. I followed my daily routine of waking up, tidying up, jogging and
getting ready for work in an orderly way so that things done in the house and
by other family members would not be affected. After jogging, I dressed up to
look neat and maintain my image in the community. Mom had made breakfast
for us before we went to school. That was her duty to the family, and she
expected all of us at the table for breakfast. We took breakfast as an institution;
institutions involved the arrangements done by human beings in interaction
with each other and regularly just like we did every morning for breakfast, and
that was another step-in life that I had to complete in order to find my place in
the community.
Direction: Write a reflection about this chapter.
My reflection of this lesson it teaches me how to write correctly a journal and it
helps me how to create a journal in a correct way. It also provides the most important
aspect of writing a journal it could also pushes some ideas how we develop our self-
realization and self-esteem by this lesson I discovered that by creating a journal you are
also knowing yourself and boosting your self-improvement and reducing stress and
have a positive effect, as creating self-Journal one day of writing does not tell you as
much as the richness of a series of writings over a period of time. This helps you to
notice larger patterns, deeper themes and more details, values, discipline and self-

What did I remember? What did I feel? How can I apply this in
I remembered that when I feel that I’m so blessed the future?
you write a journal you are because before I read and I can apply my learnings
also knowing yourself understand this lesson, I on this module in the
better. am already making a future by making my
What did I Understand? journal since high school journal more exciting and
I understand that making a and I’m happy that some of I want someday I can
journal is also developing my own strategy on writing share my journal to my
your ability to know a journal is explain here future students.
yourself. better and I have new idea What steps will I do to
and strategy learned in this change my past actions?
lesson. The step that I will do to
What did I Internalize? change my past action is
I internalize that when you making my learning as a
love writing a journal you foundation of new idea,
are also loving your daily knowledge to share to
life events because day by everyone around me and
day you are getting excited also, I want my self to
for new things to do and a make more productive
new experience to write. day by day.

You have done it again! Nice writing! Be ready for more lessons, and be excited because we will be talking
about relationship in the next chapter

Module Assessment:
Direction: Read each item carefully and use your notebook to write your answers. Write only the letter of
the correct answer.
1.A 6.C
2.B 7.C
3.B 8.B
4.A 9.C
5.B 10.A

1. Your _____ is what you do best and where your genuine talents are.
a. strengths c. power
b. limitations d. talents
2. _____ are the beliefs that form how you think about yourself, others and the world around you.
a. personality c. self- concept
b. self-esteem d. core values

3. _____ are those attributes that you will have difficulty in doing. It is better you let other people do
this than doing it yourself.
a. strengths c. power
b. limitations d. talents

4. _____ is recognizing the reality of what is.

a. acceptance c. worth
b. self-confidence d. self-reliance

5. A _____ reports events and typically makes sense if another were going to read it.
a. news c. journal
b. diary d. tabloid

6. A _____ is about your emotional reactions to people and events, insights you have in
understanding yourself, lists of such things as your needs, wants, values and goals.
a. news c. journal
b. diary d. tabloid

7. These are the three stages of adolescence, except?

a. late adolescence c. adolescence
b. early adolescence d. middle adolescence

8. If you are approximately 14 to 16 years old, you are in the period of _____.
a. early adolescence c. adolescence
b. middle adolescence d. late adolescence

9. If you are more or less 17 to 23 years of age, you are in the period of _____.
a. early adolescence c. late adolescence
b. middle adolescence d. adolescence

10. Knowing yourself must be your _____ priority in life.

a. first c. only
b. last d. high
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement/s is correct but if it’s false, change the word/s or group of words
that set the given sentence/s incorrect to make it true.
2. creating self-Journal

1. Keeping a journal has many positive benefits. It can be used for problem-solving and stress
reduction. It’s been established to get better mental and physical health. It can lead to
improved self-esteem.

2. Journal writing is a process. One day of writing does not tell you as much as the richness of a
series of writings over a period of time. This helps you to notice smaller patterns, deeper
themes and more details.
3. A diary reports events and typically makes sense if another were going to read it. On the other
hand, a journal is about your emotional reactions to people and events, insights you have in
understanding yourself, list of such things as your needs, wants, values and goal.

4. There are three stages of adolescence namely early, middle and late adolescent stages.
However, the age at which each stage is reached differs significantly from one child to another.

5. Moving on is a lifelong process that you need to revisit every now and then.

6. Self- worth is a great tool knowing where you come in tough and where you need assistance
can help you even out your personal life and nurture your personal interactions.
7. Knowing your personal strengths and limitations can help you a lot in choosing and making
right decisions in any aspect of life.

8. Knowing yourself means knowing your purpose in life because it leads to worsen decision
making, setting and attaining goals and eventually living a more fruitful life

9. Knowing yourself means being unconscious of your peculiarities and inclinations, your likes
and dislikes, and your tolerances and limitations.

10. Not getting familiar with yourself will lead you to confusion and wasting much time in hit and
miss situations.


Acceptance – the quality or state of being accepted or acceptable. The act of accepting something
or someone, the fact of being accepted.

Adolescence – is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood. It includes some big
changes—to the body, and to the way a young person relates to the world.

Characteristics – a particular feature or quality of a person, animal, or other unit of interest,
especially any of the enduring qualities or traits that define an individual’s nature or personality in relation to

Habits – A habit (or wont as a humorous and formal term) is a routine of behavior that is repeated
regularly and tends to occur subconsciously.

Journal – it refers to a daily record of activities, but the term has evolved to mean any record of
activities, regardless of time elapsed between entries.

Self-knowledge – Self-knowledge is knowledge and understanding of internal concepts (such as
one's own motivations, strengths, and weaknesses) that have been gleaned through reflection and
honesty. This is a humanistic concept in that it includes assessment and understanding of human nature,
both its positive and negative aspects.
Acceptance. (n.d.). Retrieved from Merriam-Webster:
Allen, B. (2019, March 28). Stages of Adolescence. Retrieved from healthychildren.org:
American Psychological Association . (n.d.). Retrieved from APA Dictionary of Psychology:
Camilar-Serrano, A. O. (2016). Personal Development. Intramuros, Manila: Unilimited Books, Library
Services & Publishing Inc.
Habit. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habit
Journal. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journal
Self-Knowledge. (n.d.). Retrieved from Alley Dog: https://www.alleydog.com/glossary/definition.php?

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