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Sentence structure

Exercise 3

The basic sentence

I. Underline the whole subject in each sentence. (The first one has been done for you.)

1. Diets can be dangerous. Most people on diets don't go to a doctor.

2. These three simple steps have helped me tremendously.

3. People in the United States spend a lot of time in front of the TV.

4. Your attitude and choice of food can affect your lifestyle.

5. The last kind of morning person is the worst.

6. Getting up early is hard for me.

7. Ninety-seven percent of all children live to become adults.

8. Why parents treat boys and girls differently is another question.

9. How you breathe makes all the difference.

10. Some people, such as vegetarians, never eat meat.

11. One of the best ways to fight stress is to breathe deeply.

12. The people that took part in the survey all lived in the United States.

13. Someone who loves to work and spends most of his life working is called a workaholic.

14. What the researchers want to find out is why people do this.

15. The value of having friendships is often underestimated.

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