Sentence Structure 2

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Sentence structure

Exercise 2
The basic sentence

I. Underline the whole verb in each sentence. (The first one has been done for you.)

1. He is late every morning. He hates the morning. He doesn't like getting up.

2. What kind of morning person are you?

3. The same thing happens every day.

4. Vegetarians do not eat animals.

5. Your breathing is affected by your mood.

6. Where do tears come from?

7. There are many reasons for doing this.

8. It can help prevent illnesses.

9. It should be done every day.

10. Many people worry about the effect of television on family life.

11. How much attention do people pay to the programs?

12. Americans have become fatter and fatter in the last few decades.

13. More than 60 percent of Americans don't get enough exercise on a daily basis.

14. Thirty minutes of daily activity can be divided into three 10-minute segments.

15. This inability to rest may cause health problems.

16. The emphasis on differences between the sexes usually begins at birth.

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