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During Leadership I went to go high five my friends because they just came in the classroom,

when I finished high fiving them my teacher Mr. Huynh had told us to go pick up trash around the whole
school. So, he gave Tim, Burt, and me gloves plus trash bags to go pick up trash he told us when your
done picking up trash come find me. So, we went around the whole school and filled a whole bag full of
trash all the trash was picked up anyway, so we went to go find Mr. Huynh. When we found him in the
cafeteria, he told us to go throw that trash out and during lunch come find me. So, we threw out the
trash and went in the classroom sat in our seats and started talking about Jordan’s for ten minutes.
When we were in the middle of talking about Jordan 5’s the bell rang so I packed my stuff up and went
to my next class.

In Social Studies I sat down in my seat, and then the bell rang Mr. Marcoe told us to get our
computers out and to open up Schoology once, you’re done tilt your screens. So, when everyone
finished, he started to talk about the Japanese American Internment. When their was 20 minutes left, he
put a video on that was 17 minutes long before he started it, he said click that link on Schoology and it
will bring you to these questions on word. While the video is playing, I need you to get the answers
because the video has the answers. I finished my questions when the video finished like I was supposed
to do then I put my stuff up because I checked the time and saw there was only 2 minutes left. When I
finished packing up, I pushed in my chair and waited by the door like everyone else. The bell rang and I
went threw the big crowd to go to my next class which was math.

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