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Shannon Ludwig

RPTM 210

March 15, 2022

Current Trends #3

An up-and-coming trend among young people popularized through social media is van

life. This new way of a travel allows individuals to save money while enjoying complete

freedom from society. Many travelers also experience the personal growth through independence

and the exposure to a change in scenery each day.

Hilltop Views defines van life as “a lifestyle of full-time living out of a vehicle”. While

van life has become trendier in recent times, the hashtag was first created in 2011 by Foster

Hunting who posted to Instagram photos of his DIY camper and captioned it #VanLife. Since

then, there are over 12 million posts tagged under #VanLife on Instagram. The trend eventually

made its way to Tik Tok reaching almost 8 billion views.

Although social media makes it seems as though van life is only for influencers, but that

is not the case. Van life targets those who aspire to travel freely and want adventure. It allows

individuals to focus on recreational hobbies and outdoor interests. This nomadic way of life is

also lifts financial burdens such as mortgages and is made possible through the ability to work

remotely. In a study conducted by Outbound Living in 2018, 51% of the people surveyed

reported that they lived part-time out of their vehicle, while 49% lived full-time. In 2019, the

Census Bureau estimated that there were over 140,000 people living in vans or other vehicles.

Though social media does a good job of romanticizing the lives of ordinary people, there

are challenges. There are the typical vehicle challenges including car breakdowns and accidents,
but lack of space can be difficult especially when sharing. Many travelers participating in van

life will seek out campsites for running water, showers and even food. A big concern from van

life that’s arose from current events is safety. In August 2021, van life influencer, Gabby Petito

was reported missing while traveling across the United State with her fiancé. The case sparked

heavy attention from the public and theories started circulating the internet. In September,

Petito’s remains were found in a creek causing many to believe she was murdered by her fiancé.

Though the case was never confirmed due to his own death, it raised a controversy regarding the

safety of van life. Due to issues like this, precautions such as alarm systems, cameras and

traveling with dogs are recommended.

Van life has impacted tourism in a few ways. It encourages a relaxing experience through

traveling at your own pace, instead of creating an urgency to do and see everything. This targets

travelers who are looking for a cheaper and unique experience in the great outdoors. Though it

may take away from big cities and typical touristy attractions, van life often takes place in

national parks which allows travelers to completely immerse themselves in nature. Additionally,

this type of travel promotes local purchasing from small businesses. It has also given travelers a

more eco-friendly option for tourism. Induvial who participate in van life typically stay in one

place longer, therefore reducing the amount of fossil fuels needed on a trip.

Overall, van life presents a unique opportunity for those stuck in a big city with no way

out. It allows individuals to go “off the grid” and fully immerse themselves in nature, which can

be very therapeutic. It provides a getaway from everyday life which can be extremely beneficial

to one’s mental health. However, I think the dangers of traveling in remote places, encounters

with other travelers, and vehicle problems are things to seriously consider when participating in

van life.
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