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Estimation of the volume of Carbon Dioxide CO2 that is not

emitted to the atmosphere due to the use of Double Power

Level luminaires in the illumination system of the Canton
Cuenca - Ecuador
Santiago Pulla-Galindo Daniel Icaza
Research group GIRVyP Research group GIRVyP
University Catholic of Cuenca University Catholic of Cuenca
Cuenca, Ecuador Cuenca, Ecuador
E-mail: E-mail:

Carlos Flores-Vásquez Jorge Toledo-Toledo

Research group GIRVyP Research group GIRVyP
University Catholic of Cuenca University Catholic of Cuenca
Cuenca, Ecuador, Cuenca, Ecuador
E-mail: E-mail:

Abstract - This article presents an estimate of the volume of carbon This research refers to the lighting systems installed in the
dioxide CO2, which has not been emitted into the atmosphere due to Canton Cuenca of the Republic of Ecuador, where a public
the use of dual-power luminaires that have been installed in the road lighting system is installed.
public lighting system of the Canton Cuenca of the Republic of
Ecuador in 2018.
These systems consist of mostly 67,749 high-pressure
  To   achieve this purpose, while performing this study,  the sodium luminaires. From these, the 53,97% are luminaires
number of dual power level luminaires existing in 2018 was work in two power regimes; that is, the first five hours and
established,  the amount of energy saved  was also calculated,   the thirty minutes they work at a maximum power level, and then
equivalent emission factor in t CO 2 / MWh was determined, as well at a reduced level. These luminaries are called double power
as the volume of CO2 that has stopped emitting into the atmosphere. level (DPL) [1]. The purpose of the installation of these
Consequently, the study indicates that the use of  double-level power luminaries is: to reduce the level of energy consumption;
luminaires is  considered a valid technology  which  contributes to therefore, a reduction of the Carbon Dioxide CO2 emissions
the energy savings  leading to the reduction of  the air pollution that are emitted into the atmosphere.
without affecting  notably  the street lighting service delivery. In several countries, different policies aimed at reducing CO2
emissions have been implemented including transportation [2],
Keywords - Double Level, Lighting, Emission Factor, Energy [3]
Saving, Public Lighting.
The article states that the present research is carried out
I. INTRODUCTION under an Inter-institutional Agreement between The Catholic
To lead projects in terms of being sustainable and of University of Cuenca [4] and The Regional Electric Company,
sustainability becomes an ambitious purpose in any society or CENTROSUR [5] which general objective is to estimate the
institution, that is to take into account the premise of being volume of CO2 in tons that has not been emitted into the
responsible with the environment; even more, when it is atmosphere because of the use of the double power level
evident the integration of more efficient projects which luminaries in the existing lighting system in the roads in the
contain alternative equipment or of the projects that save Canton Cuenca. For this, some actions will be taken: there will
energy, these, in fact, are more expensive than the be determined the number of DPL luminaires which were
conventional ones; consequently, they require additional installed during 2018; there will be also calculated the amount
resources that, in many cases, are limited. of energy saving in MWh because of the operation of these
luminaires; there will be determined the “Emission Factor”
In this context, the present research refers to a project for equivalent tCO2/MWh that is necessary to establish the
the implementation of public lighting systems which use, as relationship between the energy that has been consumed in the
part of its equipment, technologies that allow energy saving year and the volume in tons of CO2 that has been ceased to
without impairing their performance, so that, the decrease in emit.
visual comfort is not significantly perceived.
On the other hand, working with luminaries that operate at
one regime only, using the maximum power, as usual with
these systems, would have required a higher amount of energy
 generation; therefore, greater CO2 emissions into the
atmosphere that could contribute negatively to climate change

The research initially starts describing the features of the

lighting system installed in the Canton Cuenca by
CENTROSUR Company. Then it describes the kind of
luminaires that make it up; after that, it describes the principle
of the double-level power luminaires operation and the energy
saving that this technology allows. After that, it explains the
model of the calculation of the CO2 Emission Factor. Next, it
determines the energy saved to estimate hereinafter the
volumes of CO2 that have been left to emit into the
atmosphere. Later, it presents an analysis of the results, and
Fig. 2 Night view of "Santa Ana de los cuatro Ríos de Cuenca".
finally, it draws the conclusions.
The Regional Electric Company, CENTROSUR CA,
II.STATE OF ART distributes and provides the Canton Cuenca of the electric
The Canton Cuenca is located in the Azuay Province, to the energy service.
South of the Republic of Ecuador. The city, also known as
“Santa Ana de los Cuatro Ríos de Cuenca,” Fig. 1. It is formed It includes the provision of public lighting. Moreover, the
by 22 rural parishes and 15 urban parishes. Cuenca is company designs, builds, maintains and administrates the road
considered the administrative capital of the province. The lighting systems observing parameters of efficiency in order to
Canton covers an area of 3,086 km2 with a population of keep quality parameters in the delivery of the service.
712.127 inhabitants. An estimate number of 505.585 citizen’s
lives in the urban area according to the 2010 population The Administration of this service is framed in the “Organic
census. [7]. Law of Public Electric Energy Service,” published in the
Official Registry of Ecuador, on Juanuary16, 2015 [8], and the
National Electricity Council (CONELEC), organism in charge
of the control and regulation of the energy matters in Ecuador,
signed a Concession Contract with the CENTROSUR
Company on July 30, 1999.

According to this, the Company is the authorized delegated

and granted to execute the public service distribution and the
commercialization of the electric energy within the
geographical area of concession, which includes the provinces
of Azuay, Cañar and Morona Santiago.

Furthermore, the CENTROSUR provides the area of the

public lighting service by observing the ARCONEL
regulations 005/14 “Provision of the General Public Lighting
Service.” Through this [9], ARCONEL regulates the delivery
Fig. 1 Area of the Canton Cuenca with its rural parishes. of this service in Ecuador.

The general public lighting system of the Canton is mainly In addition, the CENTROSUR Company has procedures to
installed in the city of Cuenca since it is considered the most consider international regulations with regard to the provision
consolidated area. This service covers a demand of 95,28% of of public lighting service and with regard to the environmental
the road length total in the city, from a general total of 1.124 issues that allow the service to be managed in terms of being
km. sustainable and of sustainability, minimizing the emission of
greenhouse gases caused by the generation of electricity [10],
A. Existing Lighting system in the urban area of Cuenca City
in 2018

The existing road lighting system in the urban area of the

Cuenca City is made up of high-pressure sodium luminaires in
powers of 70 W, 100 W, 150 W and 250 W These luminaires
are single and double power level. The system is also made up
of LED type luminaries (Light Emitting Diodes,) in smaller B. Operation Principle of the Double Power level luminaires
The double-level power luminaries are a kind of equipment
The distribution of the points of light or its topology is in that unlike single-level luminaires have a switch and a rele
three roll, unilateral, bilateral and centered. This provides a This system allows that after a period (5 hours and 30 minutes
covera of 1.070,9 km road length from a total of 1.124 km. of working, in this case study) to change the impedance of the
That is, the 95,28% of the total length of the existing roads. transform to permit its functioning at a lower power rating.

Consequently, this fact allows the luminaire to save energy

in a period of time with respect to initial luminaires

Fig.4 Diagram of connection of luminaire of double power level.

From the Figure 4, it is noticed that when the luminaires

receive the line voltage tension, it stimulates the timer coil.
This, that is initially in the idle state (according to the
diagram) changes its position and switches on the reactance to
Fig. 3 Paseo 12 de Abril in the city of Cuenca. the maximum level (Lower impedance.) Then, the timer starts
counting a period of 5,5 hours. At the same time, the starter
The research focuses specifically on the general public begins to produce the high voltage pulses by means of starting
lighting system in the Canton Cuenca. This study is also based the lamp. After that, the starter itself deactivates and stops
on one hand, the cadaster of luminaries available in the giving pulses. When the luminaire reaches its stable regime,
Regional Electrical Company, CENTROSUR, since this entity (4-6 minutes,) the maximum flow and power will be obtained.
provides the city of this service, and on the other hand, on the
cartographic register system made with a GIS system. Thus, it After the 5,5 programmed hours passed by, the timer cuts
is determined that there are 67.749 luminaries until december off the power supply to the relay, by which it is de-energized
2018, from which 36.563 luminaires are double power level of and the contacts return to the rest position, (increasing the
150 W and 250 W. impedance in series to the lamp.) In this state: the current, the
power and the flow of the luminaire decrease and, it will
The study determines the number of luminaires that have remain in that state, either until the power supply voltage is
been increased monthly until december 2018 in order to cut off, or when the luminaire is switched off. This cycle will
estimate the energy saved in this period. be repeated the next day.[13].
TABLE I. LUMINAIRES INCREASE IN 2017 [3] If for any reason the power supply voltage is cut off, the
internal timer resets itself and starts from the zero position,
then the luminaire starts back to its maximum power level;
however, it does not permit to obtain the desired energy
There are different techniques to achieve lower energy
consumption in luminaires similar to that indicated [14], or
electrical methods, but they will increase starting currents,
which is not as recommendable.[15], [16]

C. Technical Evaluation of the dual power level luminaires

To determine and evaluate the technical features of the

double power level luminaires, measurement tests were
performed on the 250 W and 150 W luminaires. Thus, the
A3Q energy quality analyzer determined that both type The specification points out that these luminaries work at
luminaries including their auxiliary elements reach 285,95 W their maximum power level since its ignition during first 5.5
(average,) and 157,9 W (average) respectively. Moreover, in hours at night, then to move into a reduced level for the next
their reduced power level, they reached 197,19 W and 100,74 6.5 hours. Additionally, a daily operating time of 12 hours is
W, Fig. 5, with a saving of 31,04% and 36,2%, respectively, in considered with regard to what is specified in the 005/14
power Table II. Regulation. [9].

The tests were carried out in the Lighting Laboratory of the In addition, in terms of calculation, it is considered a saving
Catholic University of Cuenca – Ecuador in power of 31,04% in the reduced level for the 250 W
luminaries and of 36,2% in the 150 W luminaires.

Fig. 5 Power reduction in DPL luminaires.

Fig. 6 Level of illumination to nominal power.

Fig. 5 Laboratory of the Catholic University of Cuenca – Ecuador

Fig. 7 Lighting level at a reduced power.


E. Methodology to Calculate the Emission Factor

The CO2 Emission Factor is defined as:

"It is the estimated mass of tons of CO 2 emitted into the

atmosphere for each unit of MWh of electric power generated,
based on the combustion of fossil fuel." (UNFCCC, 2016)
D. Methodology to estimate the Energy Saved. [17].

There are different methods of predicting Co2 emissions in

In order to determine the amount of energy consumed by
cities¨ [18]
the dual-power levels luminaires in a month, firstly, the
number of a double-power level luminaires (150 W and
250W) is determined; then, the operating time in their two
With the purpose to state the Greenhouse Gas Emission
periods is also determined, the same that are specified within
Factor, the Ecuadorian State formed a Commission in 2010.
the characteristics of the luminaires installed in Ecuador that
“The Technical Commission to determine the Greenhouse Gas
are homologated by the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable
Emission Factor” CTFE.[19] was integrated by The Ministry
of Environment (MAE) the Ministry of Electricity and
Renewable Energy, the National Electricity Council and the + 𝜆yxΣkEGk,yxEFEL,k,y (2)
National Center of Energy Control. ΣkEGk,y

This Commission has carried out the corresponding studies Where,

and has determined the Gas Emission Factor throughout the
different years since its conformation. EF gird.OM-adj, y: CO2 emission factor of the simple
operating margin, adjusted for the year
To estimate the equivalent Emission Factor in the electrical “y” (tCO2 / MWh).
networks in 2018 [19] the Commission utilized the
Methodology called “Tool for the demonstration and λy: Factor that expresses the percentage
assessment.” Methodological tool, UNFCCC, 2016 (May of time that marginalized the generation
2016,) [17] indicates that the parameters stated in Table III of low cost in the year “y”.
must be considered in order to make the calculation.
EG m,y: Net energy delivered to the grid by
the “m” generation units in the year "y"

EGk,y: Net energy delivered by the “k”

generation units in the year and (MWh).

EF EL,m,y: Emission factor of generation units

"m" in the year y (tCO2 / MW).
Since the Combined Margin Emission Factor is the most
outstanding, this will be used to estimate the emissions in this
study. EFEL,k,y: Emission factor of generation units
"k" in the year y (tCO2 / MW).
For the Combined Margin (CM) under the adjusted simple
method, it is calculated with the following expression [19]: m: All the generation units connected to
the network in the year, except the low
EFgrid,CM,2018= EFgrid,OM,2017 x wOM + EF grid,BM,2018 x wBM (1) cost units.

Where: k: All low cost generation units

connected to the network in the year "y".
EFgrid,CM,2018 =
Emission factor margin combined to the year 2018 (𝑡 𝐶𝑂2 / y: Year corresponding to the data used in
𝑀𝑊ℎ) this analysis.
EF gird,OM-adj,ex post 2017= 0.4867 [tCO2/MWh] eq
Emission factor margin operation in the year 2017 (𝑡 𝐶𝑂2 / And:
EF gird,BM,2018 = 0.00 [tCO2/MWh] eq (3)
EF grid,BM,2018= EF gird,CM,2018 = 0.2434 tCO2/MWh eq (4)
Emission factor construction margin in the year 2018 (𝑡 𝐶𝑂2 /

WOM= A. Calculation of the number of luminaires installed in the

Weighting of the emission factor of the operating margin Urban area of the City of Cuenca
The CENTROSUR Company updates its records in a
WBM = monthly base, that is, with regard to its geographical
Weighting of the emission factor of the operating margin information system. This includes information data about the
(50%) new luminaires that have been installed by recording their of
power values, brands, installation date, type of luminaire, and
And: so on. After that, a code is provided. Consequently, each point
of light is fully identified. Finally, the data is recorded in the
EF gird, OM-adj,y = luminaire cadastrem, in terms of power, and of type of
luminaire. Table I shows the number of installed luminaires
(1−𝜆y)xΣmEGmyxEFEL,m,y per month.
Σ m EGm,y
The study points out december 2016 as the base year on been consumed because of the energy saved is not generated
which the increase in the number of new luminaries is by means of fossil fuels. It is showed schematically that an
recorded monthly until december 2108. estimate of 139.766,68 gallons of diesel were not burnt in
It is drawn from the records that in 2018, 3.078 double
power level luminaires (DPL) have been installed in the IV. ANALYSIS OF RESULTS
Canton Cuenca. Until December 2018, the total of luminaires
is of 36.563. Thus, 16.932 corresponds to 150 W of DPL, and It is determined that in the Canton Cuenca there are 36.563
19.631 to 250 W of DPL. double-power level luminaires installed, 150 W and 250 W of
high pressure sodium equivalent to 53,97%, from the total
B. Energy saved estimate in 2018 due to the use of double- luminaires installed in the Canton Cuenca.
level power luminaires
Because of the use of these luminaires and considering the
Once the number of installed luminaires is determined in Emission factor of 0,2434 tCO2/MWh, it was possible to
2018, the monthly energy consumed is calculated as if the estimate that 1.380,80 tons of CO2 were no longer emitted into
double-level luminaires were of simple power level. Then, the the atmosphere in 2018.
effective energy consumed by the double-level luminaires is
also calculated. Next, the two results must be subtracted to In addition, taking into account that 2.619 Kg CO2 / 1, of
obtain the energy saved monthly during 2018. diesel is emitted by the burning of 1 liter of fuel showing that
139.766,68 gallons of diesel are avoided to be burnt.
Finally, the annual energy saved is also calculated, the According to this, it determines that the use of the double-
same that has reached 5.673,30 [MWh] Table III. level technology is a successful policy to protect the

The policy that allows the use of the double-level power

luminaires or other technology to reduce the power of the light
sources will permit to have an energetic saving; therefore, the
CO2 emissions will be reduced.

It is also shown that in 2018 there was an increase of 3.078

double-power level luminaires. This means a 9,19% increase
with respect to 2017. Consequently, the energy saving police
is updated.

In the lighting system, LED-type luminaires are used in a

less proportion. Their future increase must be based on a cost-
C. Determination of the emission factor benefit study and on a previous analysis of the level of light
pollution that would be produced [21].
The Emission Factor that is used in this study is calculated
by The Technical Commission incharge of Determining the V. CONCLUSIONS
Emission Factors of Greenhouse Gases. It takes as reference
the Emission Factor of the Combination Margin ex post, that Ecuador has an adequate legal and regulatory framework
was estimated in 0,2434 tCO2/MWh for 2018. In this way, we that allows the implementation of efficient public lighting
obtain: systems that provoke energy saving.

Not emitted CO2 emissions= Energy saved in the year 2018 The CENTROSUR Company, in charge of providing the
[MWh] * EF gird.CM, 2018 [t CO2 / MWh]. (2) Canton Cuenca of the general public lighting, has cadastres
and geographical records of the installed luminaires. Since the
Energy saved in 2018 = 5.673,30 [MWh.]. records are updated every month, it makes it easier to carry
out the energy evaluations.
EF gird.CM, 2018 = 0.2434 tCO2 / MWh. The CENTROSUR company promotes the use of a dual-
level power luminaires as a policy of efficiency and energy
CO2 emissions not emitted = 5.673,30 [MWh.] * 0,2434 savings in public lighting systems.
[t CO2 / MWh].
In the Canton Cuenca, 53,97% of the installed luminaires
CO2 emissions not emitted = 1.380,88 t CO2. are double-level power luminaire.

Additionally, taking into account the 1.380,88 tCO2, and the The total energy saving obtained by the use of the double-
emission factor of 2,61 Kg per liter of diesel [20], that has not level power luminaires is of 5.673,30 MWh in 2018.
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