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READEASE NEWSLETTER Jun / 2023 / First Week

| Protests have been held in recent weeks over the country’s electricity shortage

City dwellers swelter amid power cuts

Nasrul Hamid says plants closing is the reason

s the current heat- Due to frequent outages, resi-
wave gets worse, dents are suffering as the mer-
the country's power cury rose to 37 degrees Celsius
shortage shows no yesterday in Dhaka. Industries
signs of improvement. all over the country are facing
production losses.
Heatwave তাপপ্রবাহ
Power shortage বিদ্ যুত-ঘাটতি
Frequent outages বারবার ল�োডশেডিং
Production losses উৎপাদন ক্ষতি

  VocabPower | ReadEase 1
Power Cuts in Dhaka

Power cuts have increased yesterday, according to data pering his preparation."
alarmingly due to the shutdown from Power Grid Company of
of several power plants, said Bangladesh. "We had a foreign order for two
Nasrul Hamid, state minister thousand jerseys, which were
for power, energy and mineral The distributing companies said supposed to be delivered by
resources. last week that they are shedding today. But we are only halfway
load mainly in the daytime. But through due to frequent pow-
"The Payra power plant is going outages are occurring at night er cuts," said Fahim Sajjad, a
to shut down completely after as well. small garment factory owner in
June 5 due to the coal crisis. Savar's Fulbaria.
One of its units is already out From midnight to dawn on
of operation. We are struggling Saturday (12.00am to 6:00am), Md Hasibur Rahman, Civil
to import fuel for the power the situation was almost the Surgeon of Nilphamari, told
plants. We are also having to same—load of 2,000 MW to The Daily Star that hospitals in
channel gas from the power 2,400 MW was shed. the district are getting more pa-
sector into the industries," he tients suffering from diarrhoea.
said, speaking at a programme Rubel Mia, a resident of Kh- Besides, patients with asthma
in Savar. ilgaon, told The Daily Star are facing problems with nebu-
yesterday that his family faced lising.
Talking to The Daily Star, a res- cuts twice at night. "The first
ident of Mogbazar said people outage occurred at midnight A private clinic owner of Rang-
in his area faced outages at least and the next one at 5:00am. We pur said that electricity was
seven times for over five hours couldn't sleep the whole night. available for only eight to nine
on Thursday. My baby has skin rashes due to hours in the last 24 hours.
the cuts," he said.
The picture is more or less the "In the rural areas, people are
same in Dhaka city and its Taffannum, a resident of Shonir getting electricity only for five
adjacent areas. The rural areas Akhra, said there were at least to six hours a day," he added.
have been facing more cuts for three cuts in her area, and that
several days now. every time the cuts lasted over The country's power generation
an hour. capacity is 23,370 MW. The
The country experienced production was 11,753 MW by
around 2,247 MW of power "My younger brother's sec- day during getting electricity
shortage against the demand ond-year examination is going yesterday.
for 14,000 MW early afternoon on. But with the cuts are ham-

Power, energy and mineral resources বিদ্ যুৎ, জ্বালানি এবং খনিজ সম্পদ
Faced outages বিদ্ যুৎ চলে যায়
Experienced around 2,247 mw of power shortag প্রায় ২২৪৭ মেগাওয়াট বিদ্ যুতের ঘাটতি
Has skin rashes ঘামাচি হওয়া
The cuts lasted বিদ্ যুৎ থাকে না
Hampering his preparation পরিক্ষা প্রস্তুতি ব্যাঘাত ঘটায়
Halfway through অর্ধেক
The district are getting more patients জেলায় র�োগীর সংখ্যা বেরে গেছে
Getting electricity বিদ্ যুৎ পাওয়া
Peak hours যে সময়টাতে বিদ্যতের চাহিদা বেশী

2  VocabPower | ReadEase
Power Cuts in Dhaka

The news in plain English

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here is very hot talked to The Daily Star and that they had three cuts in their
weather right now, said that they had seven power area, and each time it lasted
and there is not cuts for more than five hours more than an hour.
enough electricity on Thursday. It is the same in
in the country. Many people Dhaka and the areas around it. Because of the power cuts,
are having trouble because the Even in the countryside, they some things are not going well.
power keeps going out. It was have been having power cuts For example, a small factory
very hot, about 37 degrees Cel- for many days. was supposed to deliver 2,000
sius, in Dhaka yesterday. Facto- jerseys, but they could only
ries all over the country are not Yesterday, the country did not make half of them because of
able to make things because of have enough electricity. They the power problem.
the power problem. needed 14,000 MW, but they
only had 2,247 MW. The com- Hospitals are getting more
The power cuts are happening panies that give out the elec- patients with diarrhea and
more and more because some tricity said that they are cutting asthma because of the power
power plants have stopped the power mainly during the cuts. In some places, there is
working. Nasrul Hamid, who daytime, but there are also cuts only electricity for about eight
helps with the electricity, said at night. to nine hours in a whole day. In
that the Payra power plant will the countryside, they only have
close completely on June 5 be- One person named Rubel Mia electricity for about five to six
cause there is not enough coal. said that they had two power hours a day.
One part of the power plant is cuts at night. The first one was
already not working. It is hard at midnight, and the second The country can make 23,370
for them to bring in fuel for the one was at 5:00 in the morn- MW of electricity, and yester-
power plants, so they have to ing. They couldn't sleep all day they made 11,753 MW
use gas from other places. night, and their baby got rashes during the busiest times of the
because of the cuts. Another day.
A person from Mogbazar person named Taffannum said

The Question-Answer Session

The country is having a problem

1. What is happening with the coun-
with electricity because it is very hot
try's power supply as the heatwave
outside, and this is making it hard for
them to have enough power.

The electricity keeps turning off and

on in people’s homes, and this is mak-
2. Why are residents suffering from
ing them feel unhappy and uncom-
frequent outages?v
fortable because they can’t use their
lights and appliances.

  VocabPower | ReadEase 3
Power Cuts in Dhaka

The places where they make things,

like factories, are not able to work
3. Why are industries all over the
properly because there is not enough
country facing production losses?
electricity. This means they cannot
make as many things as they want to.

The power cuts are happening more

often because some of the places that
4. What has caused the increase in make electricity had to close down.
power cuts? They are not able to work, and that’s
why the electricity is turning off more

After June 5, the Payra power plant

will completely stop working because
they don’t have enough coal, which is
5. What is happening to the Payra
the fuel they need to make electricity.
power plant after June 5?
One part of the power plant is already
not working, and it is difficult for
them to bring in more fuel.

People in Mogbazar had their electric-

ity turn off and on at least seven times
6. How long and how often did people on a day called Thursday. Each time it
in Mogbazar face power outages? turned off, they had to wait for more
than five hours before it came back

In Dhaka city and the nearby places,

the power is going off and on a lot,
just like in the rural areas. This means
7. What are the power cut situations
that both the city and the country-
in Dhaka city and rural areas?
side are having problems with their
electricity, and it’s not working all the

4  VocabPower | ReadEase

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