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RUBRIC: The Parent and Teacher will assess the output of the learner using this assessment



10 8 5 3
Following Student Student Student Student did not
Directions followed the followed most of followed some follow the
directions the directions. of the directions.
correctly. directions.
Creativity and Student output Student output Student output Student output
Workmanship is very creative is good and tidy is fair and has is dull with lots
and tidy. few errors. of errors.
Pattern Pattern of Pattern of Pattern of There is no
Southeast Asian Southeast Asian Southeast Asian visible pattern of
culture is well culture is visible culture is Southeast Asian
defined and but not clearly somewhat culture.
used from the defined. visible but not
beginning to continuous.
Equivalent Rating: Highest Possible Score: 30 points
• Very Good: 25 to 30 100 points
• Good: 21 to 25 90 points
• Average: 16 to 20 80 points
• Needs Improvement: 6 to 15 70 points
Name of the Scorer Grade Comments & Signature
Learner: Charles Miguel F. Rala 29

Parent: Cherilyn F. Rala 28

Teacher: Sir. Ryan Balingit

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