Assessing and Analyzing My Personality With The Indigo

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Assessing and Analysing My Personality with the Indigo/TriMetrix DNA Self-


Ishaan Singh (2202387)

University Canada West


Shallu Singh

October 30, 2022


Before beginning my self-assessment assignment, I wondered, "What does the TriMetrix

DNA analysis do?" I learned what it means to be a useful tool for explaining and deciphering

all human behaviour after browsing and reading the internet. The instrument evaluates a

person's behaviour, motivators, talents, and acumen, making it simpler to identify

performance barriers that can prevent one from reaching their full potential. To function

effectively, people must be aware of their behaviours, motivating factors, and skills.

Additionally, the data gives management essential information they require to give them the

help they need. The TriMetrix DNA examination measures a person's dominance, influence,

steadiness, and obedience to reveal their strengths and limitations. The tool also indicates

what motivates a person's behaviour and how they find significance in their job and personal

lives. Managing and building a career requires organising a person's competencies in a

hierarchy. TriMetrix DNA assessment users had better hiring success rates. For hiring and

training purposes, firms also acquire a better grasp of the competencies of the staff. By

highlighting their strengths and limitations, the tool helps people better understand

themselves. As a result, one can build on their strengths and seek to eliminate any

weaknesses. My TriMetrix DNA examination will be evaluated and analysed in this essay.

Part one

My DISC style observation

The DISC assessment which is used by almost very organization to build productive and

robust working relationship among the employees and DISC model stand for Dominance,

Influence, Steadiness and Compliance. Now, let’s look at what each acronym means, the

dominance means it tend to having confidence and knowing what they want to achieve, this

trait mostly seen in the leaders. The influence stands for having an ability to persuade

someone and they are good orators and communicators. The steadiness means they are

cooperating and trustworthy in any situation. Compliance stands for having the ability to do

every task perfectly but in the premises of rules and regulations. So, my DISC assessment

scores are as following- 59 in the dominance trait, 45 in the influence trait, 74 in the

steadiness trait, 34 in the compliance traits. I receive a compliance characteristic score of 34,

which is below 50 and indicates that I have an open-minded and independent outlook on life

and work. Low C people desire to be independent and dislike working in too restricted

environments. They regularly initiate fights to acquire what they want because they have a

strong will and are tenacious. They are willing to take risks. Relying on oneself and

considering the big vision might be a double-edged sword, which is the disadvantage. The

influence trait has a score of 45, which indicates that the person is more inclined to be

reserved, thoughtful, and receptive. The benefit of low I, is that the person is reserved while

also being aware of their surroundings. They are selective and doubtful in conversation and at

work, which is a drawback. My stability attribute score is at its maximum (74), demonstrating

my loyalty, patience, and understanding. A high S person is someone who works well in a

team environment and makes an effort to have a cheerful attitude, even when things are

difficult. However, they will have a problem if they are given confusing orders in a chaotic

setting. Finally, the dominance score is 59, which indicates I am direct, bold attitude person,

additionally, tend to exhibit self-centeredness or selfishness. This may, however, have a

benefit in that it fosters a sense of personal accountability and motivation for


My Top Three Skills

My top three skills according to the Indigo assessment is conceptual thinking, continuous

learning and decision-making others. Firstly, according to new research the conceptual

thinking can be defined as the process of thinking about concepts or ideas, in an abstract way.

This type of thinking helps us to understand complex ideas in holistic way and to make

connection between different concepts. (Conceptual Thinking - Definition and Examples -

F4S, n.d.). So, having conceptual thinking as top skill is a valuable skill as it can help me to

understand complex ideas and will able to create new ideas. Secondly, the continuous

learning is a process of being up to date their skills by regularly learning new things. (What Is

Continuous Learning? Its Importance & Benefits, 2022). The continuous learning is the

important concept in today’s world because world is kept on changing, and those who are

able to adapt, learn will have a significant advantage. Third and the last skill is the decision

making which means I have sound sense to make good decision and in the given time.

Decision making is the vital and crucial part in any field because it the last step between

success and the failure, so, I am happy to have this trait. Hence, I will help a leader and a

cause. My thought to adjustments that will increase return on investment methodically, and

one of my biggest qualities is my desire for lifelong learning, which will help me to use

expertise to bolster my claims. I will keep confidential information secured and make best the

choices based on maximising efficiency, minimising waste, and conserving resources.

My Primary Driving Forces, with the example of academic.

The top three driving forces are resourceful, intentional, and objective. The resourcefulness

relates to using time, skill, energy, and resources, with focus on optimizing efficiency and

returns, they avoid where there is no value or waste of time. Utilizing most of the resource

given by the university for your advantage is resourcefulness. The intentional driving force

means to gain benefit after assisting or helping other, for example, tutoring my classmate

sharpen my concepts and building network too. The last one, the objective force which means

public who have an objective driver are motivated by their environment practically and

objectively. According to assessment I have the capacity to see everything in fragment and

concentrate on one fragment at a time. I am unaffected by situation that are chaotic. Yes, it is

true while doing assignment I look into every possible information, sometime which delays

my assignment.

Part Two

Impact of my skill on my aspirational Career

I am still not certain about my career goal or option; I am confused in business analytic,

finance, and marketing, at the end I want to run a business or be the CEO of the top firms. So,

for my Trimetrix assessment lets take a base line career as manager. Every person has a

unique skill that can be used to choose a career of their choice. By putting my skills to use,

I’ll select a career that fits my personality. The show that I have 25 skills that are critical for

me in the workplace. These skills are extremely beneficial for minimising my shortcomings

and maximising my strengths- conceptual thinking, continuous learning, decision making,

leaderships, negotiation, project management, futuristic thinking, planning and organizing,

creativity and innovation, mentoring, people advocacy, flexibility, problem solving,

diplomacy, goal orientation, teamwork, understanding other, time and priority management,

appreciating others, self-starting, conflict management, influencing others, resiliency,

personal responsibility, and interpersonal skills. Although, for managerial position top skill is

interpersonal skills, which is at the bottom of my skill sets, furthermore, I have to check

which job or position is matching with my top skill reported by the assessment. Additionally,

I have to ask myself, what is my two strongest and weakest traits. From the plethora of traits

produce by the report, conceptual thinking, continuous learning and decision making is my

key traits which will lead me to attain my goals in my career as well as in personal life. By

utilizing my top skill properly, I will able to understand complex idea, which will my

decision making at easy plus adding that I am enthusiastic to learn more, so, will be along

with the market. Then comes my weakest areas of skill, which I have to upgrade, they are

interpersonal skills, personal responsibility, and resiliency. This means I have to improve my

communication, build bond with people, be responsible of your own action, bounce back

don’t let setback hold you.

Part three

Action Plan

Currently, I feel that I need to concentrate on networking, commination, and team or

relationship-building skills, since I think that these abilities will benefit me both personally

and professionally in the long run.

Areas need to improvements Step to take

Take criticism of my work as a personal Build strong emotion to portray my

thing. viewpoints without hurting someone’s


Do yoga and meditation.

Respect others’ opinions

Have difficulty in establishing priorities Note it down, build time table for more


Use 80/20 methods

Resilience, self-control, and interpersonal Interacting with people in jolly way

abilities Do meditation

Take test of self-evaluation.



In the nutshell, every employee should know their potential in workplace and first they

should know themselves thoroughly out and out, after that they can perform according to

their ability. The Trimetix/Indigo assessment for personality is world famous tools for

organization or for individual to know their merits and demerits. The trimetix tools reveals a

person’s behaviours, driving forces, which make the management an easy process to hire

someone. Furthermore, the employees can understand their weakness and strengths which

enable them to capitalize their weakness and strengths. I recommend to everyone to take the

Trimetix/Indigo assessment test.


1) What is the DiSC assessment? (n.d.). Retrieved October 29, 2022,


2) Conceptual thinking - definition and examples - F4S. (n.d.). Retrieved October 30,

2022, from

3) What is Continuous Learning? Its Importance & Benefits. (2022, February 17).


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