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Vocabulary Practice: Phrasal Verbs

Instructions: Complete the following exercises to practice using the given phrasal verbs.

1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verb from the list above.

a. Before leaving the office, Susan remembered to ________ her computer.

b. To prevent losing his work, John decided to ________ his important documents.
c. Jane had to ________ her phone charger to charge her phone.
d. The IT specialist was able to ________ the hacker's unauthorized access.
e. Sam had to ________ new ink cartridges when his printer ________ ink.

2. Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions. (Write the letter)

a. Back up ___ To exhaust or deplete a supply of something.

b. Hack into ___ To produce a physical copy of a document or file from a printer.

c. Hook up ___ To connect electronic devices or systems together.

d. Key in ___ To access a computer system by providing valid credentials.

e. Log in/on ___ To make a copy of important data for safekeeping in case of loss or damage.

f. Log out ____ To move the view of content on a computer screen either up or down

g. Plug in ___ To enter data or information using a keyboard.

h. Print out ____ To connect an electronic device or system to a power source or another device.

i. Run out of ____ To gain unauthorized computer system or network access.

j. Scroll up/down ____ To end a computer session and disconnect from a system or network.

k. Sign in/out ____ To power off an electronic device or system in an orderly manner.

l. Turn off/shut down ___ To enter or exit a computer system by providing valid credentials.
3. Write sentences using the following phrasal verbs.

a. Create a sentence using "back up."


b. Create a sentence using "hack into."


c. Create a sentence using "hook up."


d. Create a sentence using "run out of."


e. Create a sentence using "sign out.


f. Create a sentence using "print out."


g. Create a sentence using "turn off”


h. Create a sentence using "scroll up or scroll down."


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