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Year 0 year 1 year 2

Development Costs—Personnel
• 2 Systems Analysts $30/day 22320
• 2 Programmer Analysts 235/day 174840
• 1 Development server $21,200 21200
• 1 Server software $2,750 2750
Sub total 221110

• Annual Operating Costs

• 2 Programmer Analysts $35/day 26040 26040
• 1 System Librarian $19/day 7068 7068
Sub total 33108 33108

Total cost 221110 33108 33108

PV cost 221110 30098.18 27361.983471

Sales are expected to increase by $45,000 45000 49500
Savings from lower inventory levels are expected to be $15,000 15000 15000
total Benefit 60000 64500
PV benefit 54545.45 53305.785124
Net benefit -221110 26892 31392

cummulative -221110 -194218 -162826

ROI 4.155835
BEP 5.679123
NPV -54520.52

Kesimpulan : Project secara economic tidak feasible karena NPV $2929 $-54520,5
year 3 year 4 year 5 year 6

26040 26040 26040 26040

7068 7068 7068 7068
33108 33108 33108 33108

33108 33108 33108 33108 419758

24874.53 22613.21 20557.46 18688.6 365304

54450 59895 65884.5 72472.95

15000 15000 15000 15000
69450 74895 80884.5 87472.95 437202.5
52178.81 51154.29 50222.91 49376.2 310783.5
36342 41787 47776.5 54364.95

-126484 -84697 -36920.5 17444.45

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