A.8. Kinds of Qualitative Research

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Spelling Bee

1 Phenomenological 4 Discourse

2 Ethnographic 5 Intensive

3 Narrative
Yes or No?

Carlos conducts a study that focuses on real-life situations of

1 working students.

To solicit the opinion of the participants in relation to the

2 challenges and difficulties faced by struggling readers, Justine
has utilized an objective type of questionnaire.

In order to understand the life of indigenous people, Claire

3 immerses herself in their community for certain months.
Yes or No?
In the data analysis of the study, Michael modifies some ideas
4 that came from the responses of the participants because he
believes that these might affect the result of the study.

Nathan conducted his study through a linear and cause-and-

5 effect relational approach.

To ensure the reliability of the result of the study, Marco

6 considered both interviews and observation as his primary
research instruments.
Yes or No?

To study the cases of COVID-19 survivors in the province of

7 Bataan, Leandro utilized 200 samples.

Daniel uses a statistical formula to analyze the data gathered

8 from the participants.
Yes or No?
Catherine carefully observes the emerging themes from the
9 responses she gathered from her conducted an interview to
answer her research questions.

Leah employed a discourse analysis approach in order to

10 extract meaningful context from the gathered documents.
Yes or No?

Carlos conducts a study that focuses on real-life situations of

1 working students.

To solicit the opinion of the participants in relation to the

2 challenges and difficulties faced by struggling readers, Justine
has utilized an objective type of questionnaire.

In order to understand the life of indigenous people, Claire

3 immerses herself in their community for certain months.
Yes or No?
In the data analysis of the study, Michael modifies some ideas
4 that came from the responses of the participants because he
believes that these might affect the result of the study.

Nathan conducted his study through a linear and cause-and-

5 effect relational approach.

To ensure the reliability of the result of the study, Marco

6 considered both interviews and observation as his primary
research instruments.
Yes or No?

To study the cases of COVID-19 survivors in the province of

7 Bataan, Leandro utilized 200 samples.

Daniel uses a statistical formula to analyze the data gathered

8 from the participants.
Yes or No?
Catherine carefully observes the emerging themes from the
9 responses she gathered from her conducted an interview to
answer her research questions.

Leah employed a discourse analysis approach in order to

10 extract meaningful context from the gathered documents.
a. Identify and differentiate the different kinds
of qualitative research;
b. Develop an appreciation for the value of
qualitative research in exploring complex
phenomena; and
c. Analyzing qualitative data using
appropriate kinds of qualitative research.
PR 1

Kinds of Qualitative

o A researcher aims to determine the

challenges and coping mechanisms of
senior high school working students in the
second district of Bataan.

o A researcher aims to explain the lived

experiences of the COVID-19 survivors in the
province of Bataan.
This kind of qualitative research focuses on
subjective lived experiences of the
participants in order to understand
phenomenon. Here, the researcher is
concerned with the feelings of the
participants regarding a particular event or
activity, hence, the uniqueness of their lived
situations can be described. Interview is the
common instrument used for its data
collection with the suggested sample size
ranging from 5 to 25.

o A researcher seeks to
determine the cultural practices
and healthcare beliefs of the
ethnic group living in Bataan

o A researcher seeks to
characterize the survival
strategies of families in an urban
poor community.
It is a kind of qualitative research
which concentrates on the study
of a group of people in a
particular environment. To
characterize behaviors, cultures,
challenges, and possible
occurring themes, the researcher
is required to engage
himself/herself with the
participants through immersion
in an extended period of time.
Observation, along with the use
of interview and survey, is an
essential instrument for this type
of study.
Grounded Theory

o A researcher attempts to conceptualize

the breast cancer survivorship process
among Bataeños.

o A researcher attempts to generate a

theory of defense mechanisms of students
who experience school bullying.
Grounded Theory
This kind of qualitative research intends to
explain a phenomenon through developing
a theory. In comparison with
phenomenological study that primarily
describes lived experiences, grounded
theory aims to provide explanation and
theory behind those lived experiences.
Interview and supporting documents are the
commonly used data collection instrument
for its participants approximately ranging
from 20 to 30 or until data achieve
Case Study

o A researcher aims to explain the

causes of the reading difficulty of
a grade 5 struggling reader.

o A researcher aims to describe

the language challenges of
hearing-impaired students in a
SPED class.
Case Study
It is a qualitative research kind
which allows the researcher to
have an intensive analysis of the
phenomenon. The aim of this
study is to accurately describe the
case through an in-depth
examination of a single person or
single institution. With this,
thorough interview, observation,
and documentation are all utilized
as multiple data collection

o A researcher attempts to explore

the nature and context of the
political leadership of Bataan

o A researcher seeks to explore the

development in the courtship letter
writing style among Bataeños.
This qualitative research kind is
concerned with the identification,
evaluation, and synthesis of past
event data. Further, it aims to
understand present patterns and to
anticipate future choices through
clearly relating the past event data
which are obtained from sources
such as documents, relics and
artifacts, and oral reports.

o A researcher seeks to characterize the struggles faced by student-


o A researcher seeks to describe the daily teaching experiences of

millennial teachers in the Schools Division of Bataan.
Life accounts of individuals based on their personal experiences are
typically obtained and analyzed in the conduct of this kind of qualitative
research. The primary objective of the study is to extract meaningful
context based on the documented experiences. Discourse analysis is one
of the commonly and widely employed approaches of narrative research.
Item No. 1
Which of the following qualitative
research methods aims to provide
an explanation and theory behind
the lived experiences of

a) Phenomenological research
b) Ethnographic research
c) Grounded theory research
d) Case study research
Item No. 2
What is the suggested sample size
range for participants in
phenomenological research?

a) 1-5
b) 10-15
c) 5-25
d) 30-50
Item No. 3
Which qualitative research
method concentrates on the study
of a group of people in a particular
environment to characterize
behaviors, cultures, challenges,
and possible occurring themes?

a) Phenomenological research
b) Ethnographic research
c) Grounded theory research
d) Case study research
Item No. 4
What is an essential instrument for
conducting ethnographic

a) Interview
b) Survey
c) Observation
d) All of the above
Item No. 5
Which qualitative research
method allows the researcher to
have an intensive analysis of a
phenomenon through in-depth
examination of a single person or
single institution?

a) Phenomenological research
b) Ethnographic research
c) Grounded theory research
d) Case study research
Item No. 6
What is the primary objective of
narrative research?

a) To extract meaningful context

based on the documented
b) To explain a phenomenon
through developing a theory
c) To conduct an intensive
analysis of a single person or
single institution
d) To understand present patterns
and anticipate future choices
Item No. 7
Which qualitative research
method is concerned with the
identification, evaluation, and
synthesis of past event data?

a) Phenomenological research
b) Ethnographic research
c) Grounded theory research
d) Historical research
Item No. 8
Which instrument is commonly
used for data collection in
grounded theory research?

a) Observation
b) Survey
c) Interview
d) All of the above
Item No. 9
What is the commonly and widely
employed approach to narrative

a) Interview
b) Observation
c) Survey
d) Discourse analysis
Item No. 10
How does narrative research differ
from phenomenological research?

a) Narrative research focuses on the

feelings of the participants
regarding a particular event or
activity, while phenomenological
research focuses merely on the
nature of the story told by the
b) Phenomenological research
focuses on the study of a group of
people in a particular environment,
while narrative research
concentrates on the lived
experiences of the participants.
Item No. 10
c) Narrative research focuses on
describing and explaining a
phenomenon through the lived
experiences of the participants, while
phenomenological research focuses
merely on the nature of the story told
by the participants.
d) Phenomenological research aims
to provide an explanation and theory
behind the lived experiences of
participants, while narrative
research primarily focuses on
extracting meaningful context based
on the documented experiences.
PR 1

Words of Wisdom

Nelson Mandela

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