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Y7 Chapter 16 REVIEW

48 marks from 48 questions

Question 1

  Rain No rain

Term 1 15 32

Term 2 23 27

Term 3 8 41

Term 4 17 31

The table shows the number of days it rained or did not rain in each school term of last year.

On how many days did it rain in Term 3?

Question 2

What was the total number of females at the concert?

Question 3

How many males were under 30 years old?

Question 4

Some people were asked two different questions and their answers recorded in a two-way table.

  Yes No

Yes 8  6

No 12  5

How many people answered Yes to one of the questions and No to the other question?

Question 5

Complete the two-way table for these 12 shaplers.

    Hat  No hat


No shoes  
Question 6

  Apple Orange

Cheese 23 34

Salad 29 18

On an excursion, learners were given the choice of either a cheese or a salad roll and either apple or
orange juice.

Which was the most popular juice?

a. Apple
b. Orange
c. They were equally popular.

Question 7

  Right-handed Left-handed Totals

Boy 13 3 16

Girl 22 4 26

Totals 35 7 42

If you choose a person from the survey at random, what is the probability that you will select a right-
handed boy?

Question 8

Complete the table.

  Owns a phone Does not own a phone Totals

Boy 14 30

Girl 11

Totals 80
Question 9

This compound bar chart compares the sales of ice creams in two different locations.

On how many days were more ice creams sold in town than at the beach?

Question 10

The bar chart shows the number of males and females studying at university.

How many subjects are studied by more males than females?

Question 11

The bar charts show the number of learners at a school and some of the subjects that they study.

How many more girls study languages than geography?

Question 12

This compound bar chart compares the frequency of each score on two dice.

Which score had the highest total frequency?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

e. 5

f. 6
Question 13

A group of 104 learners chose their electives for the next term.

Some did not hand in their forms so were not included on the bar graph chart.

How many learners did not hand in their forms?

Question 14

This compound bar chart compares the number of goals scored in each match by two hockey teams.

Which team is more likely to score three goals in a match?

a. Eagles

b. Harriers
Question 15

This is called a composite bar chart .

Learners from Stages 7 and 8 were asked to select their preferred type of movie: drama or comedy.

What percentage of all the learners who chose drama were from the Stage 7 class?

Question 16

Learners were asked which internet browser they preferred to use and the results were graphed.

What is the ratio of boys to girls for learners not using Firefox?

Give your answer in its simplified form.

Boys: girls = :
Question 17

If there are 200 animals in total, how many sheep are there?


Question 18

If there are 30 learners, a good estimate for the number of learners with brown eyes is:

a. 7
b. 15
c. 19
Question 19

 These two charts show:

a. the same information

b. different information

Question 20

If 100 ice-creams were sold, how many items were sold altogether?
Question 21

Jens surveyed the preferred ice cream flavours of stage 7 learners at his school.

Flavour Number of people

Chocolate 40

Raspberry 25

Mango 15

Which pie chart represents the results shown in the table?

a)    b)


c)   d)

Question 22

What percentage of the total fruit shown in the graph were bananas?

Question 23

Learners were asked to select one of three assignment topics: Arithmetic in Ancient Rome, Fractals or
The Golden Ratio.

A fifth of the learners chose ‘Fractals’ and 15% chose ‘The Golden Ratio’.

What percentage chose ‘Arithmetic in Ancient Rome’?

Question 24

An equal number of learners preferred birds and fish.

What percentage of the learners chose birds?

Question 25

This infographic shows the results of a survey of Stage 7 learners.

What percentage of Stage 7 learners play computer games for less than one hour each day?

Question 26

This infographic compares information about three different films.

How many million tickets were sold in total?

Question 27

This infographic shows information about the Nordic countries.

Which country has a population of 10 million people?

a. Denmark

b. Finland

c. Iceland

d. Norway

e. Sweden
Question 28

This infographic compares the speed of a range of animals.

How many times faster can a bald eagle travel than a squirrel?
Question 29

This infographic shows the results of a survey of Stage 7 learners.

How many more learners prefer adventure games to puzzles and problem-solving games?

Question 30
This infographic shows information about the Nordic countries.

Which country has the smallest land area?

a. Denmark

b. Finland

c. Iceland.

d. Norway
e. Sweden

Question 31
This infographic shows information about the Nordic countries.

Which country has the greatest number of people for each unit of land area?

a. Denmark

b. Finland

c. Iceland.

d. Norway
e. Sweden

Question 32

This infographic shows the results of a survey of Stage 7 learners.

Only learners who play computer games chose a favourite type of game.

How many learners completed the survey?

a. 1000

b. 2000

c. 3000

d. 4000
Question 33

Choose the pie chart below that matches the data in this bar chart.

a. b.

Question 34

Bageshri rode her bicycle every day for one month. She recorded how far she cycled and the time it
took her.

Which type of diagram would be the most appropriate to display her data?

a. A line graph
b. A scatter graph
c. A pie chart

Question 35

Lyndall surveyed her class about their favourite animals. Which of these types of graphs is the better
one to display her data?

a. A line graph
b. A pie chart
Question 36

Which of these sets of data could you represent using a pie chart?

a. The number of pets your friends have

b. Changes in your weight
c. Favourite holiday destinations
d. Growth of a tree

Be sure to select all the correct answers.

Question 37

These charts both show clearly that fish are the most common pond animal. To work out the number
of fish in the pond quickly, the best chart to use would be:​

a. the bar chart

b. the infographic

Question 38

You want to display this data on a pie chart.

How many degrees would the sector for the fish category be?

a. 62°
b. 175°
c. 228°
Question 39

Why is a line graph different from the other main types of chart and diagram that are used to
display data?

a. The axes are labelled differently

b. The graph shows changes over time
c. The data it displays is discrete

Question 40

For which of these sets of data would you NOT use a line graph?

a. The number of children in families

b. Changes in temperature over a day
c. Mass of a puppy over its first month
d. Canteen profits over a year

Question 41

Shadi counted and recorded the number of passengers in six train carriages:

29, 34, 27, 30, 26 and 25

The mean number of passengers per carriage was:

 (answer as a decimal)

Question 42

Choose the correct statement about the following scores.

21    23    24    26    27    29

 a. The median is 26.  b. The range is 10.  c. There is no mode.

Question 43

19   21   23   24   25   28   30   32   32

The median of this set of scores is 

Question 44

Score  Frequency  Score × frequency

85 8 680

90 12 1080

95 ? 1425

100 7 700

The missing frequency is  .

Question 45

The mean of three numbers is 16.

If two of the numbers are 11 and 20, what is the third number?

Question 46

Imad counts the number of videos he watches each week for five weeks. The mode of his data is
3 videos.

This means that:

 a. he is more likely to watch 3 videos in a week than any other number

 b. half the time he watched less than 3 and half the time he watched more

 c. he watched from 1 to 4 videos each week

Question 47

A set of six whole numbers is arranged in ascending order.

If the mean of this data is 16, and the data has no mode, what are the two missing numbers?

Enter them in ascending order.

7   12          19   23
Question 48

On three Science exams, Jonah had a mean mark of 60%. After doing one more examination, Jonah's
mean mark rose to 65%.

For this last examination, Jonah must have scored:

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