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Objective: To illustrate an experiment, outcome, sample space, and event under the DepEd Philippines K

to 12 Curriculum Guide.

Code: M8GE-IVf-1

Grade Level: Grade 8

Subject: Mathematics

(1) Review: Review the concept of probability and its basic terms such as experiment, outcome, sample
space, and event.

(2) Motivation: Show a video clip of a game show that involves probability and ask the students to
identify the different terms used in the game.

(3) Activity:

Activity 1: Coin Toss Experiment

- Provide each student with a coin and ask them to toss it ten times.

- Let them record the result of each toss (heads or tails).

- Ask them to determine the sample space, the number of possible outcomes, and the probability of
getting heads or tails.

Activity 2: Spin the Wheel Experiment

- Prepare a spin the wheel game with different colors and ask the students to spin it five times.

- Let them record the result of each spin.

- Ask them to determine the sample space, the number of possible outcomes, and the probability of
getting a certain color.

Activity 3: Dice Roll Experiment

- Provide each student with a dice and ask them to roll it ten times.

- Let them record the result of each roll (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6).

- Ask them to determine the sample space, the number of possible outcomes, and the probability of
getting a certain number.

(4) Analysis: Discuss the results of the experiments and ask the students to compare their results with
their classmates.

(5) Abstraction: Introduce the concept of dependent and independent events and ask the students to
identify examples of each.

(6) Application: Give the students a real-life problem that involves probability, such as the probability of
winning the lottery or the probability of getting a certain disease.

(7) Assessment:

1. What is the sample space of rolling a dice?

Answer: The sample space is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}.

2. What is the probability of getting tails when tossing a coin?

Answer: The probability of getting tails is 1/2 or 0.5.

3. What is the difference between independent and dependent events?

Answer: Independent events are events that do not affect each other, while dependent events are
events that do affect each other.

4. What is. What is the sample space of spinning a wheel with four different colors?

Answer: The sample space is {red, blue, green, yellow}.

5. What is the probability of rolling a number greater than 4 on a dice?

Answer: The probability of rolling a number greater than 4 is 2/6 or 1/3.

(8) Assignment: Ask the students to conduct another experiment using a different object, record the
results, and determine the sample space and probability of getting a certain outcome.


Interactive Activities:

1. Probability Bingo - create a bingo game with different probability terms and ask the students to
identify the terms called out.

2. Probability Jeopardy - create a jeopardy game with different probability questions and ask the
students to answer them.

3. Probability Scavenger Hunt - create a scavenger hunt game where the students have to find objects
that represent certain probabilities, such as finding a coin for a 50-50 probability.

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