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Course: English - Level 2 Semester: 2021.2

Date: Class Time T7 - 8h20min às 10h:35min
T10 - 15h40min às 17h55min
Teacher: Advisor:
Book Unit: Looking back
Length: 135 minutes (synchronous) Link:
75 minutes (asynchronous)

October 30th

● Processual evaluation
● Closing (BLUE SKIES 2) - Amazing Stories

Main Goal: By the end of this class, students will have produced a text for their duo, continuing
the processual evaluation. They should also have erased their doubts about module 5.

Specific goals:
● Write about their interest as part of the processual evaluation
● Review module 5, by using the book’s activities and Zoom’s

Materials and resources: Zoom, Google meet, breakout classes, BLUE SKIES 2, Slides.

Procedures Time
● 5 minutes for students to arrive. ● 5min
● Students should be with their duos. They are going to be separated in ● 90min
breakout rooms to talk about their interests. They will write about it and
send it to their classmates by email, adding T’s email, so she can observe
it. ● 40min
● T will ask them to open the book, BLUE SKIES 2, on pages 80 and 81.
They are going to answer one by one while T corrects it with them and
asks if they have questions or doubts about the subjects we have seen in
module 5.
Asynchronous class 70min

● Vocabulary game. Ss should

answer this game and share a print of their higher score on our Google
Evaluation: qualitative evaluation based on student’s engagement on activities. The professor
evaluation is based on students’ answers to the activities and explanations and is open to students’
direct feedback while in class.

MITCHELL, H.Q. e MALKOGIANNI, Marileni. BLUE SKIES 2. UK, China, Cypruss, Greece, Korea,
Poland, Turkey, USA Associated Companies and representatives throughout the world:MM Publications,

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