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First Spanish edition of Tchalaï’s booklet for Grimaud.


How to Work with the Tarot


Tchalaï Unger

The Tarot is to be looked at, contemplated, lived, and experienced. First of all, on the ocular level. Perceive it as it is, not
as you think it to be, not as you are told it is, or should like it to be. To that end, observe and make a note of all its details
in a large notebook as you progress. Fifteen years hence, you will still be making new discoveries. The Tarot must be
integrated by complete memorisation. Never say: “Oh! That is an error in the drawing.” This is but the excuse of the vain
and lazy. See each thing in its own place, and if that bothers your preconceived ideas, change your ideas, because the
Tarot is right.
Physically, each card depicts the attitude of one or more figures. Adopt this attitude as closely as possible. Observe what
sort of inner images come to you during that time, if a cenesthetic [1] sensation or a physiological reaction occurs, from a
shiver to nausea.
When a movement is depicted, assess it in your muscles and your bones. Copy it, mime it, feel where the energies of the
body are to be found and how they circulate. (For instance, the arms of Temperance, the head of the Mate, the right hand
of Justice.) Feel where the centre of the body is located. Sit down like the Empress, or like the Emperor, like the Popess
and Justice, and assess the difference.
们是如何循环的。(例如,Temperance 的手臂,大副的头,正义的右手。)感觉身体中心的位置。像皇后一样坐
Take a close interest in the manner in which the characters are sexed, that is, their exterior, manifest polarity.
(Improperly, like the Devil, or approximately, like the two individuals smiling smugly beneath him; or imprecisely, like
Temperance, or bizarrely, like Force.)
意地微笑的两个人; 或不恰当地,像节制,或怪异地,像原力。)
Do not neglect a single detail. Dedicate a part of your work to comparing the characteristics of the figures: eyes (size,
direction of gaze, expression); feet (colours, position relative to the body, position relative to the ground, shape, shoes…);
hands (the right hand of the Mate, the right hand of the Hermit, which is missing a finger – which one?, the right hand of
the Empress…); the objects (the sceptres of the Emperor and the Empress respectively, the trumpet (?) of Judgment, the
rope hanging (?) the Hanging Man, the endless table of the Juggler, the scythe with the square handle of Arcanum XIII,
the crowns of the Kings and Queens of the Honours[2] of the minor arcana).
不要忽略任何一个细节。把你作品的一部分用于比较人物的特征: 眼睛(大小,凝视的方向,表情) ; 脚(颜色,相
对于身体的位置,相对于地面的位置,形状,鞋子...) ; 手(大副的右手,隐士的右手,缺少一个手指-哪一个?,
皇后的右手...) ; 物品(皇帝和皇后的权杖分别,喇叭(?)审判,绳子悬挂(?)吊死人,无尽的杂耍者桌子,阿凯纳姆
Find which of the major arcana, when placed side by side, form a continuous panoramic view, and the meaning of this
panorama. What details are common to the God-House and to the Sun? And so forth.
Above all, do not neglect the minor arcana, which fools claim are a spurious and useless addition: the Queen of Coins
may perhaps help you to grasp the true meaning of Arcanum VI (take the opportunity to observe the bow without a
bowstring of the character at the top of the card…); the horses, whether armoured or not, of the Horsemen; the insignia of
the Kings; the dresses or hair of the Queens, their thrones; the physiognomy of the Valets – and how all these details have
a reason to be the way they are.
最重要的是,不要忽视小奥术,傻瓜们认为它是一个虚假的、无用的附加物: 金币女王可能会帮助你理解奥术六
的真正含义(利用这个机会观察一下弓箭,而不是卡片上方的弓弦... ...) ; 骑士们的马匹,无论是否穿着盔甲; 国王
的徽章; 女王的衣服或头发,他们的王座; 侍从的相貌——以及所有这些细节如何有理由成为现在的样子。
It is up to you to find out, and one finds out by committing every detail to memory. Why do the evenly-numbered cards
of the suit of Sword not bear swords but flowers? Observe the colour of the stems, and whether they are cut or not. Where
do they come from? Follow the transformation of these plants: what element is growing, what element is declining? What
colours are represented? Where are the leaves (respiration) and the flowers (production)? The symbolism of the Tarot has
all the simplicity of nature: red, like blood; yellow, like the sun or alchemical gold; blue, like the depths of the sea; green,
like spring growth; white, like purity or the absence of colour; black, like loam (fertile), or the obscurity of those places
where one’s gaze does not reach; clear, like the external tissue covering the human body.
观察茎的颜色,以及它们是否被切断。它们是从哪里来的?跟随这些植物的变化: 什么元素在生长,什么元素在
衰退?代表什么颜色?叶子(呼吸)和花(生产)在哪里?塔罗牌的象征意义具有大自然所有的简单性: 红色,像血;
黄色,像太阳或炼金术中的黄金; 蓝色,像大海深处; 绿色,像春天的生长; 白色,像纯净或没有色彩; 黑色,像
壤土(肥沃) ,或那些地方的模糊不清的地方,人们的目光无法达到; 清晰,像覆盖人体的外部组织。
 [1] Cenesthopathy is a rare medical term used to refer to the feeling of being ill, a feeling not localised to
one region of the body. The term 新生儿麻痹症是一个罕见的医学术语,用来指生病的感觉,一种
感觉不局限于身体的一个部位。术语 cœnesthesis  假体 was used during the era of classic psychiatry
to denote the “common sensation” arising from the sum of all bodily sense impressions. – 在古典精神
病学时代被用来表示由所有身体感觉印象的总和而产生的“普通感觉”。-Ed.  艾德
 [2] Also known as the Court cards, or face cards. – 也被称为法庭卡,或面对卡。-Ed.  艾德
– Excerpt from Le tarot: comment s’en servir? (The Tarot: How to Use it) published in Question De, no. 30, May-June 1979.

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