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Title : Lymphadenophaty

Name : Aisyah Fadiyah Akasha Widya

Student Number : 20210340096

Lymphadenophaty is a swelling of lymph nodes, which is a small glands that are

responsible for filtering fluid from the lymphatic system. The common size of a normal
lymph node in adults population are less than 1 cm but however, it depends on the
person itself so there are exception to this rule. Here are some etiologies that potentially
cause lymphadenopathy who are ranging from infection, malignant, lymphoproliferative
and autoimmune. For infection there are many etiologies of infection, which are viral,
protozoal organism, fungal, bacterial and mycobacterial, besides that an autoimmune
disorder may contribute too like amyloidosis, eosinophilic granulomatosis with
polyangitis and rheumatoid arthritis. A malignant disease such as leukemia, metastatic
cancer, and lymphoma are also a common causes of lymphadenopathy. All this
etiologies can be determined based on lyphm
node groups. Such as posterior cervical lymphadenopathy can arise from localized
viral and bacterial, axillary lymphadenopathy can be related to breast malignancy and
being involved by infections of a cat scratch disease, and inguinal lymphanodepathy can
be impacted by a local sexually transmitted infections and pelvic malignancies.

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