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Congestive Heart Failure

By: Kelbie Rittenhouse
What is Congestive Heart Failure?
Also known as “heart failure,” a chronic condition where the heart is unable to
pump blood throughout the body as it should. SInce the body does not pump
blood like it should it compensates by raising blood pressure, heart beats faster,
and retains sodium and water.

Two Types of Heart Failure
Right-SIded HF:

Impairs the ability to move deoxygenated blood coming from body circulation into
lung circulation

Left-Sided HF:

Impairs the ability to move oxygenated blood from the lungs (pulmonary system)
into the heart and arteries for circulation in the body
Signs and Symptoms
● Shortness of breath
● Fatigue
● Weight gain
● Swelling in the legs and ankles
● Loss of appetite
● Hacking cough
● Bulging jugular vein
● Bluish lips/fingertips
● Mental confusion
Prognosis of Congestive Heart Failure
Failure is a condition that gets worse over time and does not have a cure but in
certain cases can be reversed with treatment. Congestive Heart Failure does not
have to cause death if treated properly and depending on the stage it is in.
Average one year mortality of 33%-35%.
Who does it affect?
It can affect anyone but the community I chose to talk about is people that are 65
and older.

History of Congestive Heart Failure
William Harvey in the 17th century was the first person to accurately describe the role of the
heart in circulation, which gave insight into congestive heart failure. He found that a dilated
ventricle was common with heart failure. The importance of cardiac muscle dilation did not
have a breakthrough until EL Starling in the 1910s. In the 1980s treatment for heart failure was
bed rest, digitalis, and diuretics, but these treatments did not help with the long-term survival of
the disease. The is still no cure for congestive heart failure but improvements in treatment and
medicine have been made. The most common cause of congestive heart failure is coronary
artery disease, which is a buildup of fatty plaque in the arteries. There are two main types of
heart failure and those are right-sided HF and left-sided HF. Today the main course of
treatment is medicine, and some people require heart valve surgery or coronary bypass. A new
drug has been approved by the FDA, Jardiance to hopefully help reduce the risk of
hospitalization and death in adults.
Impact on the 65 and older community
Congestive heart failure is one of the leading causes of morbidity, hospitalization, and
mortality in the older community. There is no current cure for congestive heart failure, but it
can be managed with treatment and lifestyle changes. As you get older the more likely you
are to develop health problems and that is why the older community is more vulnerable to
certain diseases and health conditions. A younger person’s heart can beat properly during
physical exercise and times of stress, but an older person’s heart does not have the ability to
do that. People in the older community are not able to do many physical activities and that
can be a contributing factor to heart failure. As you get older your heart and blood vessels
change and the arteries become thicker, stiffer, and less flexible. When this happens, it
causes blood pressure to be higher and makes the heart work harder to pump blood.
Why did you decide to choose this disease/illness (congestive heart failure)?

How do you plan to bring more awareness for this disease/illness (congestive
heart failure)?

What are ways to prevent this disease/illness from developing (congestive heart
The reason I chose this disease:
I chose this community/population because I think it connects the best with
congestive heart failure. I also chose this community/population because I have
had family members that have been diagnosed with coronary heart disease.
Bring awareness
● Educate myself and others on all forms of heart disease
● Share ways to manage symptoms and to reduce the chances of it developing
Things to Manage
Increase Activity

● Exercise (light exercise is better than no exercise)

Nutritional Recommendations

● Sodium restriction
● Fluid restriction
● Frequent meals in small portions

Medication Treatments

● Diuretics
● ACE Inhibitors
● Beta Blockers
● Vasodilators

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