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6. What kind of this text above? a. AReport b. An Information ©. An Information Report 4. A Short Story ©. ABiography 7. “She is an Artist,” What is the name of the artist above? a Sue b. b.Johnsue ©. ¢.Johnsy 4. d. Sue Johnsy ee Johnsy Sue 8. Howis the Sue’s Caracterism? a. She is a Honest woman. b. She isa Brave woman, ©. She isa Friendly woman 4. She is stupid Woman, €. Shes Care woman Ki Hajar Dewantara was born in the royal family of Yogyakarta on 2 nd May 1889. His given name was Raden Mas Surwardi Suryaningrat which he later changed to renounce his connection with the royal family. He transformed himself into an activist, columnist, politician and pioneer of education forlndonesians. He fought for rights of Indonesia during Ducth and Japanese colonial eras ( 9. What kind of the text above? a. AReport b. An Information €. An Information Report 4. AShort Story e. ABiography 10. What do you think ifat that time Ki Hajar Dewantara had not taken an education in our country? a. Indonesian’s people would have clever b. Indonesian’s people would have diligent €. Indonesian’s people would have riches 4. Indonesian’s people would have glamour €. Indonesian’s people would have stupid and poor to less my toothache 11. If Lwere you, L Will goto dentish 'b. Would go to dentish Will went to dentish ‘Would went to dentis e. Would have gone 12, Rudi :* I will buy @ new HP if My Father this month Reni :“ Wow Fantasti a. Give b. Gives ©. Gave 4. Given e. Gaves 13, Mr Burhan : If | had lived in a village, a farm, MrRusli :SodoI a. Will buy b. Will bought ©. Would buy 4. Would bought fe. Would have bought 14. Alex: Your business partners didn’t like you offer very much John: But They ....... accept it a, Was made to b. Will made to Has made to 4d. Had made to fe. Were made to 15, Ratih —: Ourboat ....... by storm. Mother : and how did you get back? a. Had damage a b. Was damage . Damages 4. Will damage Damaged What do you have for everyday meal? Yes, we have rice for ‘our meal. Do you know how do the farmers plant the rice? You can learn the following steps to plant rice. The first step is selecting the seeds. Choose the seeds there are completely dry. These seeds must have been storage at least 40 to 50 days in the storage. The second step is seedling the seeds. Prepare the seedbed ‘by hoeing and loosening the soil in the watering sufficiently in the surface of seedling. Finally spread the seeds. The {following steps is cultivating the soil. White you are doing rice seeding, you can hoe soil thoroughly to make the soil fertile. Give the water for about 3 em above the surface of the soil to make the fertilizer settled in the soil. The last step is moving the seeds from the seedling to the planting area, pull out the seed carefully from the seedling and the root of the seed stick some soil. "PENILATAN SUMATIF SEMESTER GEWAP / BAHASA INGGRIS XI 2023

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