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Math 1271, Calculus I

Midterm 1, Version A, Fall 2021


50 minutes, 100 points

Name: ID:

1. You can use a basic scientific calculator without graphing feature. No other printed material,
scratch paper, or electronic device is allowed.

2. Scholastic honesty is the most important. Any suspected behavior of dishonesty will be
reported to the university.

3. You must show your ID to the proctor whenever asked.

4. DO NOT use any theorem not covered in the lectures up to this point. If a problem requires
you to use a particular method, then you CANNOT use any other method.

5. Unless otherwise specified, show all your works. Unsupported answer will be regarded as

6. The exam has 4 problems and 5 pages (including this page).

7. You can use the back of each page as scratch paper, but no answer should be written on the
back of any page.

Name: ID:

1. (30 points) The graph of the function f (x) is given in Figure 1. Answer the questions according
to the graph. Give a brief explanation (within ten words) for each of your answers.

(1) Find all number(s) a such that lim f (x) does NOT exist.

(2) Find all number(s) a such that f is NOT continuous at a.

(3) Find all number(s) a such that f is NOT differentiable at a.

Figure 1: The graph of y = f (x)

Name: ID:

2. (20 points) Compute the derivative of f (x) by using the definition, where

f (x) = 2x2 + x

Name: ID:

3. (25 points) Compute the derivatives of the following functions. Simplify your answer as much
as you can.
3x3 − 2x + 1
(1) f (x) =
x3 + 2

(2) g(x) = arctan e2x

Name: ID:

4. (25 points) Compute the following limits.

x2 + 2x
(1) lim
x→2 x + 2

(2) lim θ cos θ−1 + ln |θ|

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