Revised Format For The Action Plan DRM 519 2

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ACTION PLAN FOR ___________________

Cluster 1. Monkeypox
Cluster 2. Norovirus
Cluster 3. Cholera
Cluster 4. Chikungunya

Title Page

Approval Sheet
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
Executive Summary
Definition of Terms
List of Acronyms


Background of the Plan

Scope and Limitation of the Plan

Significance of the Plan
Methodologies of the Plan

Assumption of the plan

Situaional Analysis: A. Situation in the Golbal Arena, B.
Situation in the Philippines related only to (Cluster)
PESTEL Analaysis
SWOC Analysis

Goals and Objectives


Action plan per goal per specific objective


General Guidelines

The following are some important general guidelines to follow

1. Margin: Left-1.5': Right, Top and Bottom- 1" each

2. Font type and size: Arial 12
3. Alignment: Justified (Except main titles which are centered)
4.Indention (firstlineof each paragraph):0.5
5. Spacing: Before- 0 pt; After -0 point Line spacing- double space (except for the titles of the chapters, sections, tables and
6. Pagination (for preliminary pages): Bottom center, in small Roman numeral;page number for the title page and approval
7. Pagination for the main body: Upper right, in Arabic numeral ; page number at the start of each chapter is hidden
8. Chapter Number and Chapter Title (Below the chapter number): bold letters, single space; ony C is capitalized in the wor
9: Table: Open table, no cutting of tables (except, when the table cannot be fitted on a signle page
10. Table number and table title (below the table nuber): Place above the table, single space, centered bold letters, capitalize
11. Figure number and figure title (below the figure number: place belwo the figure, single space, centered bold letters, cap
12. Citation and referencing : APA Style 7th edition

See the format that will be uploaded at the Stream portion of the google classroom: The order of the "proponent" name is no
upon their agreement. Surname shall be aligned approximately at the center. The MONTH is not the month of the oral defen
the semester when the course is enrolled
See the format that will be uploaded at the Stream portion of the google classroom: Title-suffixes of signatories are limited
signatories themselves
The proponent is free on whom, what and how to acknowledge but the acknowledgement is limited to two pages only
See the format that will be uploaded at the Stream portion of the google classroom
See the format that will be uploaded at the Stream portion of the google classroom
See the format that will be uploaded at the Stream portion of the google classroom
State here in summary the highlight of each chapter. A maximum of two pages is a requirement.
Present here all technical terms which the proponent think are significant to define.
Present here all the acronyms that were presented in the paper and provide the complete details as required

Briefly introduce here the problem in not more than three pages. This usually starts with global or general perspectives dow
introduction should not be a compilation of literature. This should be writen using your own owrds and too much citation of
paragraph of this introduction, clearly and briefly state your specific problem

This is about the existing or current issues, concerns, conditions, situations or scenario in your particular area, subject or loc
population.At the last paragraph of this section, clearly state the rationale or main reasons why there is need for the plan.
In this section, the author need to include the discussion on the following: 1). What is the plan all about, why there is a need
subject of the plan, when and where the plan is conducted, how the plan was conducted, and what are the perceived limitati
unavoidable cases)
Present here the organization and person who are going to benefit from the plan that will be formulated
State here the methodologies on how the plan was developed. Include the data gathering instrument/tool being utilized and

State here all the assumptions of the plan

State here about the global and local situation of __________

State here the analysis of cluster based on PESTEL requirement
describe here the capacity of the LGU/Municipality to combat the threats of ____________

1. Goals and objectives should present a quantifiable and numerical measure

2. It should also state time frame
3. Goals and objective should also be realistic and within the capacity of the organization/company/barangay/LGU as the fo
4. Organize the goals and objectives based on the set priority of the plan
Note: Goals and objectives will be an important framework of the PPAs and Monitoring and evaluation of the plan
Programs, Projects, Activities

➢ Set of actions/steps to achieve the desired goal, objectives and outcomes

➢ Key Considerations:

PPAs are extracted from the goal, objectives and outcomes. One objective and corresponding outcome should have at least

PPAs should be specific, realistic and measurable within the timeframe set. There should also have appropriate funding sou

➢ Parts of the PPA:

1. Targets are the recipients/ end-users/ beneficiaries of the PPA. They can be indicated in terms of population, a communi
population or sector, it is important for the targets to be gender inclusive.

2. Key Outputs are the immediate results of the implementation of the PPA. Outputs can be tangible (such as reports) or in

3. Responsible Person/ Agency/ Office is the entity in charge of implementing the PPA. There can be more than 1 entity re

4. Timeframe sets the duration required for the implementation and completion PPAs. 5. Budget- speciy here the budget th
implementation of the plan.

6. Source of Funds specifies the chargeability of funds for the PPA. It can be through the LDRRMF, QRF, Development F

Monitoring is the process of gathering information to determine the progress of the implementation of the Action plan; and
ensure that progress is maintained according to schedule. It is a continuous function of checking performance against the in
data and information on performance should be done to enable corrective measures to be taken.

The key elements of monitoring are as follows:

• Continuous examination of implementation progress
• Tracking compliance against planned objectives

Evaluation is the process of collecting and analyzing information that will enable the organization determine what happened
enhanced. It is a process of assessing the implementation of the plan based on agreed criteria.

Evaluation explains how and why desired results were (or were not) achieved. Specifically, it focuses on determining wheth
and why it did or did not happen.

The common criteria for evaluating the Action Plan are the following:
• Relevance (applicable )
• Appropriateness (correctness)
• Effectiveness (can address pertinent issues)
• Efficiency ( worth the investment)
• Impact (can address the overall situation)
• Gender-responsiveness (fair to all parties concerned)
Parts of Monitoring and Evaluation Matrix
Baseline is the universe or totality of population, sector or area where the recipients/end-users/ beneficiaries will be deriv
individuals or a location (usually barangays) within the LGU.

Assumptions/ Risks are factors about the recipients/end-users/ beneficiaries that can promote/prohibit the attainment of the
factors whereas risks are the prohibiting factors.

Objectively Verifiable Indicators are indicators for quantifying the recipients/end- users/ beneficiaries of the PPA. Note th
also include quality and timeliness, depending on the nature of the PPA.

Targets define the recipients/end-users/ beneficiaries of PPA as derived from the baseline. In this portion, you will already
achieve. As mentioned, setting the target does not only include quantity but also quality and timeliness, as needed, based on

Data Sources can be an area, location, office, entity or document where information about the progress of the PPA can be d

Collection Methods are activities used to gather information about the progress of the PPA. Examples of usual collection m
consultations, site visits and others.

Frequency and Audience to Report to describes the number of times the status of the PPA has to be reported and to whom
regarding this as it always depends on the nature of the PPAs.

OPR/PPR specifies the office or person in charge of monitoring the progress of the

Resources can be funds, items, supplies, materials and equipment needed to monitor the progress of the PPA.

elines to follow

h are centered)

acing- double space (except for the titles of the chapters, sections, tables and figures and contents of tables, which is single space) and av
enter, in small Roman numeral;page number for the title page and approval sheet is hidden
Arabic numeral ; page number at the start of each chapter is hidden
e chapter number): bold letters, single space; ony C is capitalized in the word "Chapter" big Roman Numeral for the chapter number: C
pt, when the table cannot be fitted on a signle page
e nuber): Place above the table, single space, centered bold letters, capitalize the first letter of major words in the title
gure number: place belwo the figure, single space, centered bold letters, captitalize the first letter of major words in the title
oid huge spaces at the bottom of each page except if it is the last page of the chapter
Duration Activity Meeting
Consolidating ideas through research about
the concern cluster that will be used to
develop introduction and background of the
February 5-11, 2023 plan Consultation
Providing details to scope and limitation,
significance of the plan and methodologies
February 12-18, 2023 of the plan Consultation
Revision of Introduction, Background of the
Plan, Scope and Limitation, Significance of
February 19-28, 2023 the Study and Methodologies of the plan Consultation
March 1-11, 2023 Gathering data for Chapter II Consultation (March 4 and 11, 2023)
Revision of Chapter II Consultation
March 12-18, 2023 Formulating details for Chapter III Consultation
March 19- 25, 2023 Revising Chapter III None
Formulating details for Chapter IV Consultation
March 26- April 5, 2023 Formulating details for Chapter V Consultation
April 11- May 5, 2023 Revising Chapter IV and V
Refining Chapter I-V
Preliminaries and Appendices Consultation
Preparation for oral defense
Printed Manuscript
Powerpoint Presentation
Grading sheet
Plan for the food, token and venue
Documetation Committee and Minutes of the
May 7, 2023 1st set of oral defense Face to face defense
Revising the manuscript Consultation
10 page summary
Endrosement to Dean
May 13, 2023 2nd set of oral defense Face to face defense
Revising the manuscript Consultation
10 page summary
Endrosement to Dean
May 21, 2023 3rd set of oral defense Face to face defense
Revising the manuscript Consultation
10 page summary
Endrosement to Dean
May 31-June 6, 2023 Harbounding of the Action Plan (3 Copies)
Submission of 1 copy to CABEIHM

Submission of 1 copy to Library

Submission of 1 copy to ACTION Center
Preparation of docs for copy right

Application for the International Publication

May 31-June 8, 2023 of the ACTION Plan
Deliverables Deadline

Introduction and Background of the Plan February 11, 2023

Scope and limitation, significance of the plan,

Methodologies of the plan February 18, 2023

Chapter I February 28, 2023

Chapter II March 11, 2023
Revised Chapter II March 18, 2023
Chapter III March 25, 2023
Revised Chapter III April 5, 2023
Chapter IV April22, 2023
Chapter V May 6, 203

Whole Manuscript April 29, 2023

Power pont Presenation
Printed Manuscript with grading sheet May 5, 2023

Minutes of the defense and Grading sheet May 13, 2023

Revised Manuscript
10 page summary May 13, 2023
Revised Manuscript and 10 page summary May 15, 2023
Minutes of the defense and Grading sheet
Revised Manuscript
10 page summary May 21, 203
Revised Manuscript and 10 page summary May 23,2023
Minutes of the defense and Grading sheet
Revised Manuscript
10 page summary May 27, 2023
Revised Manuscript and 10 page summary May 29, 2023
3 copies of Harbound Action Pan June6, 2023

Certification to copy furnish the University

Accomplish copy right form for submission to
Research Office of Pabo Borbon

Published Paper to International Journal with

E-Certificate June 8, 2023

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