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Human and Doll’s Hair in a Gastric Trichobezoar,

Endoscopic Retrieval Hazards

Andreia F. Niţă, yChris J. Hill, zRichard M. Lindley, zSean S. Marven, and Mike A. Thomson

See ‘‘MacGyver and Rapunzel in the Pediatric Endoscopy What Is Known

Suite’’ by Lightdale on page 147.
 Rapunzel syndrome is a trichobezoar that extends
into the small bowel, having surgery as the treatment
ABSTRACT of choice.
 A previous extensive review published by Gorter in
Trichobezoars are masses of ingested hair, usually the individual’s own hair, 2010 reported 5% successful rate of trichobezoar
that accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract, most commonly in the stomach. endoscopic retrieval.
When extending into the small intestine, this is termed ‘‘Rapunzel syn-
drome.’’ Removal has traditionally been by laparotomy; however, success- What Is New
ful endoscopic removal has also been described. We report the case of a 9-
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year-old-girl with undiagnosed coeliac disease and Rapunzel syndrome who  A trichobezoar is made of a patient‘s own hair and
underwent endoscopic removal of a large trichobezoar, which was followed doll’s hair. The ninth reported case of a trichobezoar
by unexpected multiple perforations of the small bowel and stomach. Argon in a coeliac patient.
plasma coagulation (APC) and snare electrocautery were employed during  Review of literature found 16 successful endoscopic
endoscopy to remove the trichobezoar piecemeal, and approximately 70% removals versus 36 unsuccessful attempts; a rate of
was removed without any clear signs of damage to the mucosa. It was success of 30.7%.
discovered subsequently that about 20 of her dolls were found without hair.  Out of the total endoscopic removals of trichobe-
On investigating the composition of a specific doll hair from the manufac- zoars, more than 70% have been performed during
turer, it was discovered that it could be hazardous if burned. It was, therefore, the last 10 years.
hypothesized that a constellation of factors had conspired to lead to
perforation, that is, the potentially hazardous gas produced from the
electrical energy applied to the synthetic hair and possible mucosal damage
by the physical abrasion of this hair. A review of the literature on endoscopic
attempts to remove trichobezoars irrespective of the result reveals a success Rapunzel. She was locked into a tower and made a rope of her
rate of 30.7%. hair to allow the Prince to climb the tower to her room to
rescue her.
Key Words: celiac, doll, endoscopy, perforations, trichobezoar The gold standard for diagnosis is endoscopy, whereas the
treatment is either endoscopic removal or surgical intervention.
(JPGN 2020;71: 163–170) Endoscopic removal may be less invasive and more cost effective
than surgical removal, but its feasibility may depend upon the shape

T richobezoars are collections of swallowed hair that together

with undigested foods form a mass. Typically, a patient pulls
out their own hair (also known as trichotillomania) and eats it
and dimensions of the trichobezoar.
Sometimes, endoscopic treatment is, however, not success-
ful because of the extension of trichobezoar tail into the small
bowel, the size of the entire bezoar or its embedding into gastric
(trichophagia). It has been estimated that only 5% to 10% of patients
with trichotillomania engage in trichophagia (1) and of these only mucosa. Procedural success is defined as uncomplicated endo-
1% develop a trichobezoar. scopic removal without the need for surgical laparoscopy or
Whenever the trichobezoar extends into the small bowel, the laparotomy. In this review of endoscopic approaches to Rapunzel
condition is termed Rapunzel syndrome from the fairy tale princess syndrome, the authors describe an attempted endoscopic removal
of a gastric trichobezoar that subsequently required multiple
surgical interventions because of unforeseen and unpredictable
Received March 8, 2019; accepted March 1, 2020. complications.
From the Centre for Paediatric Gastroenterology, International Academy
for Paediatric Endoscopy Sheffield Children‘s NHS Trust, Western
Bank, the yElectron Microscopy Service, Department of Biomedical CASE REPORT
Science, Sheffield University, and the zDepartment of Paediatric Sur- We report the case of a 9-year-old girl with a 5 months’
gery, Sheffield Children’s NHS Trust, Western Bank, Sheffield, UK. history of intermittent central abdominal pain, occasional vomiting
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Mike A. Thomson, Center and halitosis, and significant worsening over a 10-day period. At the
for Paediatric Gastroenterology, International Academy for Paediatric age of 5 years she started pulling out her hair and she was known to
Endoscopy, Sheffield Children’s NHS Trust, Western Bank, Sheffield
S10 2TH, UK (e-mail:
suffer from anxiety. No other remarkable medical history was noted
The authors report no conflicts of interest. and specifically no gastrointestinal illness. Physical examination
Copyright # 2020 by European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, revealed upper abdominal tenderness and a mass was palpable in the
Hepatology, and Nutrition and North American Society for Pediatric left upper quadrant and epigastrium. No evidence of peritonism was
Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition noted. Alopaecia with the impression of telogen effluvium was
DOI: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000002779 noted. Her vital signs were stable. Her weight was <0.4th percentile

JPGN  Volume 71, Number 2, August 2020 163

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Nit2ă et al JPGN  Volume 71, Number 2, August 2020

and her height <2nd percentile. Abdominal ultrasound showed an significant in the pathogenesis of the subsequent gastric and small
echogenic mass in the stomach. On MRI, there was a large signal bowel perforations because of the mechanical and chemical com-
void within the stomach extending into the duodenum to the level of position of the doll hair, as will be discussed further.
the junction of D2 and D3 and fluid filled dilated loops of small
bowel (Fig. 1A1 and A2). Laboratory investigations showed an Hb DISCUSSION
of 94 g/L and an MCV of 59 fL, serum iron 1 micromol/L (range 9– The first endoscopic removal of a trichobezoar was attempted
30), ferritin 3 ng/mL (range 22–322), normal transferrin and low 20 years ago (2) and the last review addressing the treatment options
transferrin saturation of 2% (range 15–50). IgA level was within for trichobezoars was published over 10 years ago (3).
normal range and IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase level was 128 U/
mL (normal range 0–7).
Upper endoscopy was performed under general anaesthesia Methods
with an XQ260 gastroscope (Olympus Optical Co., Ltd., Tokyo,
Japan) and found a large trichobezoar occupying two-thirds of We performed an extensive literature review, which was
stomach, extending into the duodenum and a large ulcer in D1, restricted to case reports of trichobezoars in humans (children and
without active bleeding (Fig. 1B1). The approximate size of the adults) in which endoscopic removal was attempted. Publications
trichobezoar was 25 cm x 30 cm. About 70% of the trichobezoar was on other types of bezoars were excluded as were those where
fragmented and removed piecemeal using APC and electrocautery, surgery was the method of removal without an endoscopic attempt.
30 and 50 mm polyp snares and hexagonal and oblique 30 mm Another review on reported cases of trichobezoars in coeliac
snares. The entire procedure took 3 hours. An amount of gas/smoke disease patients was also carried out.
was generated during the electrical dissolution of the trichobezoar Databases PubMed, Scopus, and Semantic scholar were
and was immediately removed by suction. No thermal damage to searched from their beginning until December 31, 2018. The search
the gastric mucosa was identified at any point. A decision to remove terms included ‘‘trichobezoar’’ AND ‘‘endoscopy’’ OR ‘‘endo-
the remaining 20% of the mass 48 hours later was made. scopic,’’ ‘‘trichobezoar’’ AND ‘‘coeliac.’’ Titles and abstracts
Postprocedure she remained well but approximately 24 hours were evaluated and after exclusion, the publications which qualified
later, her clinical status deteriorated and there was imaging evi- were read in full.
dence of perforation, therefore, laparotomy was performed reveal- Informed consent from the caregivers of the child was
ing 18 small bowel perforations. The most proximal was situated at obtained.
5 cm from duodeno-jejunal flexure. A 1 cm posterior gastric perfo-
ration into the lesser sac was also noted. Gastrotomy was performed Results of Literature Review
with removal of the residual trichobezoar and closure of the gastric
perforation. One hundred and seven centimetres of small bowel The 3 databases searched for ‘‘trichobezoar’’ and ‘‘endos-
were resected with perforation sites along the mesenteric border, copy’’ have returned different numbers of articles. All the articles
measuring up to 1 cm, with thin blonde and also dark hair emerging have been evaluated by title/abstract; this resulted in the inclusion
from some of the perforation sites. After 5 days, because of bile leak of 31 articles on unsuccessful endoscopic removal of trichobezoars
from perforation, a jejunostomy was created. (selection criteria: the endoscopic removal was attempted and
Due to significant blood loss via the surgical drains requiring proved unsuccessful), together with 16 articles describing success-
blood transfusion, a second endoscopy was performed and identi- ful endoscopic retrieval of trichobezoars. Therefore, because of the
fied 2 nonbleeding ulcers, the largest one situated in D1-D2 and a fact that some articles were case series reports, a total number of 52
1 cm perforation of the lesser curvature, which was clipped with cases were identified of which 16 were successfully removed by
Boston Scientific Resolution Clips but not completely closed. A endoscopy alone, that is, a success rate of 30.7% (16/52). Details are
subsequent closure was achieved with the Over-The-Scope-Clip provided in Table 1.
(OTSC) endoscopic clipping system. The 12 mm Over-The-Scope In the unsuccessful cases, there were 26 (72.2%) children and
Clip could not traverse the upper oesophageal sphincter and after 10 adults, whereas in the successful cases, there were 14 (87.5%)
oesophageal dilatation, a 11 mm Over-The-Scope Clip was passed children and 2 adults.
with the XQ260 scope, the perforation was centralized and the clip The majority of the endoscopic removal attempts occurred in
deployed while suction was applied (Fig. 1B2). As no leak into the the last 10 years—72.2% of the unsuccessful ones and 75% of the
stoma bag was seen during endoscopic gastric inflation after successful ones.
clipping, unlike previously, it was presumed that the perforation Among the successful cases, there were 3 patients with
was successfully closed. After 3 more days, because of bleeding per oesophageal localization of the trichobezoar and 5 with extension
rectum a re-look laparotomy was performed and a large hole in the in to the duodenum. In 2 cases, the endotracheal tube was dislodged
posterior wall of the stomach was identified, together with the during removal of the trichobezoar resulting in respiratory compro-
opening of the old ulcer site and a gastro-colic fistula at the splenic mise and necessitating its extraction from the airway.
flexure. Both perforations and fistula were closed and a corrugated Regarding trichobezoars in coeliac disease patients, 6 cases
drain was placed at the splenic flexure. The patient recovered were identified. This is a disproportionate amount compared with
slowly and she was discharged 3 months later on home parenteral the general population—iron-deficiency associated pica may be
nutrition. Bowel reconnection and stoma closure were carried out postulated as a reason. It could be proposed that the presence of
after 2 months. Psychiatric input was helpful. On follow-up she was celiac disease may have led to a weakened gastrointestinal wall.
well, tolerating a normal but gluten-free diet. Whether it contributed to predisposition to perforation in our case
It is interesting to speculate on the clinical lead up to this is, however, open to debate. Perforation is not reported as a
situation. The duodenal biopsies taken confirmed coeliac disease, complication in other cases of attempted endoscopic removal.
and this is likely to have been responsible for low iron indices and
resultant anaemia. It is well known that iron deficiency leads to Endoscopic Removal of Trichobezoars
pica, and trichophagia is one of the manifestations of this. Unusu-
ally, the patient was swallowing not only her own hair but, it Although surgery was the treatment of choice for bezoars in
transpired subsequently, that of her dolls. This may have been the past, endoscopy is now the preferred treatment in 66% to 77% of


Copyright © ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. All rights reserved.

JPGN  Volume 71, Number 2, August 2020 Human and Doll’s Hair in a Gastric Trichobezoar

FIGURE 1. Trichobezoar on MRI—coronal (A1) and transeverse views (A2). Arrows pointing to the trichobezoar taking the shape of stomach.
Trichobezoar—endoscopic view (B1) and over-the-scope clip closing the gastric perforation (B2). Scanning electron microscopy of doll hair (C1)
performed in Sheffield Childrens versus human hair (C2) (58). 165

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Nit2ă et al JPGN  Volume 71, Number 2, August 2020

TABLE 1. Results of literature review using databases

Articles on Articles on
trichobezoars endoscopic successful Trichobezoar
removal attempted endoscopic removal and Coeliac
and unsuccessful of trichobezoars disease papers
‘‘Trichobezoar’’ and articles included Common Total unique Common Total unique Common
‘‘endoscopy’’ search (evaluation by articles, articles, articles, articles, articles, Total unique
Database results, n title/abstract), n n ¼ 13 n ¼ 31 n¼8 n ¼ 16 n¼2 articles, n ¼ 6

PubMed 404 101 18 12 2

SCOPUS 136 126 18 11 6
Semantic scholar 350 165 21 9 2

bezoar cases (4). Trichobezoars are, however, the most difficult A combined method using laparoscopy-assisted fragmenta-
type of bezoar, as fragmentation before endoscopy by dissolution tion (laparoscopic scissors used through a 1 cm gastric incision) and
with cola or proteolytic enzymes, which is effective in phytobe- endoscopic retrieval of fragments was used recently in some cases
zoars, lactobezoars, pharmacobezoars, and trychophytobezoars, with favourable outcomes.
does not work for trichobezoars (4). Reports of unsuccessful attempts of trichobezoars endo-
Over a decade ago, Gorter et al (3) reviewed approaches to scopic removal are listed in Table 3. There are no case reports
trichobezoar removal and reported 5% success rate for endoscopic of associated complications, such as perforation—in all likelihood
retrieval. Since then, there has been an acceleration in success rate, because of the inert noncombustible properties of human hair versus
which might be attributable to the increase in skill mix of the artificial hair.
operators and the sophistication of endoscopic techniques at the
disposal of the endoscopist in these cases. More recently, however, Coeliac Disease and Trichobezoars
there have been increasing reports of endoscopic success, most of
them being during the last 10 years. Pica is defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
The increased success rate of over 30% that we describe may be Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (50), as an appetite
attributed to the combination of an increased willingness of endosco- for nonfood substances that are nonnutritious, lasting more than 1
pists to try this approach alongside the development of a wider range of month, in children over 5 years of age. Pica itself is associated with
therapeutic endoscopic accessories now available to the operator. iron deficiency anaemia and is reported in coeliac disease.
Patient demographics, location, and size of the trichobezoars Unlike other bezoars, trichobezoars are not associated with
and details of the endoscopic tools used for removal and details gastrointestinal motility disorders but with psychiatric disorders.
about the duration of the procedures are outlined in Table 2. The The underlying mechanisms for trichotillomania and trichophagia
majority were fragmented using either Nd : YAG laser, hot biopsy are not yet understood, but the actions of pulling the hair out,
forceps, polypectomy snare or APC. playing and swallowing it are associated with a sense of gratifica-
The first attempt was by Van Gossum in 1989 using tion and relief resulting in anxiety reduction.
Nd : YAG laser and extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy in mul- The comprehensive literature research focusing on tricho-
tiple endoscopic sessions, which failed (2). In the same year, bezoar in coeliac disease, which we have performed revealed only 8
Soehendra (5) successfully removed a 15 cm  7 cm trichobezoar cases (35,51–57). All were young girls, age range 5 to 16 years, and
using Nd : YAG laser in 3 sessions of 2 to 3 hours. Saeed grasped the 5 had Rapunzel syndrome for which laparotomy was performed,
bezoar with ‘‘pelican-type’’ forceps and partly engaged it into an failed endoscopic removal being attempted in 1 case. Four of the
overtube, removing a 12 cm trichobezoar together with the overtube cases had associated iron deficiency anaemia.
as a single unit, without fragmenting it (6).
Wang et al used a bezotome—modified needle knife and Complications of Trichobezoars
monopolar current—in order to fragment and remove a 10 cm
trichobezoar (7). Aybar and Safta (9) fragmented an 8 cm  7 cm The first few hair meals get trapped within the gastric folds
trichobezoar into 13 pieces by using hot biopsy forceps and an escaping peristalsis because of the hair’s lack of friction and as the
electrocautery snare (ERBE APC230; settings: effect 2–4; 30– ingestion continues, the mass assumes the shape of the stomach.
40 W) and managed to remove it after 25 passes over 3 hours. The patient may remain asymptomatic for years. As the size of the
Konuma et al (10) successfully retrieved a gastric trichobezoar trichobezoar increases, so does the risk of mucosal ulceration.
without fragmentation using only a grasper and a net due to the Among the trichobezoar complications not because of
favourable shape (longitudinal) and diameter of the trichobezoar attempted endoscopic removal are: perforation of the stomach or
1.8 cm  3.2 cm  34 cm in length. intestine (10.1%); intussusception (1.85%); acute pancreatitis
Electrocautery/APC as a method of trichobezoar fragmenta- (0.92%); cholangitis (0.92%); biliary perforation; obstructive jaun-
tion have been employed 4 times. Iwamuro used APC and electro- dice; and death (37).
surgical endo-knives in order to cut the hairball into pieces and
remove it (14). Benatta (17) used a polypectomy snare and APC Complications Specific to This Case
(ERBE, VIO, 200 D; settings: effect 2; 40 W) to fragment an
8 cm  4 cm trichobezoar and successfully removed it in 15 passes Mechanical considerations
over 50 minutes. Zhao et al. (18) applied APC to a 10.5  3.5 cm The trichobezoar’s weight may exert pressure on the mucosa,
trichophytobezoar and divided it using endoscopic scissors remov- exerting a mechanical effect, which may lead to ischemia. The
ing it in 2 sessions. lesser curvature of the stomach is more vulnerable to perforation as


Copyright © ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. All rights reserved.

JPGN  Volume 71, Number 2, August 2020 Human and Doll’s Hair in a Gastric Trichobezoar

TABLE 2. Successful endoscopic retrieval of trichobezoars in the literature

Year of Patient’s age Trichobezoar No of No of Duration of

No Authors publication and sex Extension dimensions Endoscopic instruments passages sessions session Comments

1 Soehendra 1989 17/F Stomach 15 cm  7 cm Nd: YAG laser, Dormia >100 3 2 to 3 hours
(5) 120 g basket, Celestin tube,
3-arm polyp retrieval
2 Saeed 1993 53/M Stomach 12 cm Two-channel endoscope, 1 1 30 minutes
et al (6) 55 g overtube, pelican-type
3 Wang et al (7) 1998 15/F Stomach 10 cm  8 cm Bezotome, modified N/A 2 2 to 3 hours
 8 cm needle-knife monopolar
8 cm  6 cm coagulation current
 4 cm
4 Michail 2007 7/M Lower N/A Roth net 1.8 mm N/A 1 N/A Trichobezoar was
et al (8) oesophagus attached to the
suture from
performed during
neonatal period
5 Aybar and 2011 5/F Stomach, 8 cm  7 cm Hot bipsy forceps, 25 1 3 hours
Safta (9) duodenal bulb electrocautery snare
6 Konuma 2011 9/F Stomach 1.8 cm  3.2 Gasper with 2 1 15 minutes
et al (10) cm  34 cm 100 g 5 prolongs, net
7 Esmaili 2011 17/F stomach N/A endoscopic forceps N/A 1 N/A The patient suffered
et al (11) Emergency rigid respiratory arrest
esophagoscopy during removal of
therefore, the
hairball was
removed by the
using a rigid
8 Renji et al (12) 2013 12/F Lower 6 cm  2 cm?? N/A N/A 1 N/A
oesophagus Retained G tube
9 Malhotra 2013 16/F Stomach N/A N/A Multiple 1 N/A
et al (13)
10 Iwamuro 2014 10/F Stomach N/A Argon plasma coagulation, N/A N/A N/A
et al (14) polypectomy snare
electrosurgical knives for
submucosal dissection:
diathermic knife (Olympus
Optical Co., Tokyo,
Japan), ClutchCutter
(Fujifilm Medical Co.,
Tokyo, Japan) and
Mucosectom (Pentax
Medical Co., Tokyo,
11 Boussaadni 2014 3/F Oesophagus N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
et al (15)
12 Kao 2015 5/F Stomach 4 cm N/A N/A 1 N/A The patient was
et al (16) detubated during
the retrieval of the
trichobezoar; the
removed the
hairball using
Magill forceps
13 Benatta (17) 2016 6/F Stomach, 8 cm  4 cm Polypectomy snare 15 1 50 minutes
duodenal bulb APC
14 Zhao 2017 12/F Stomach, 10.5 cm  3.5 cm Endoscopic scissors, N/A 2 1 hour The mass was a
et al (18) duodenal bulb polypectomy snare, argon trichophytobezoar
plasma coagulation,
grasping forceps
15 Gremida 2017 21/F Stomach, N/A Raptor forceps, endoscopic N/A N/A N/A
et al (19) duodenum overtube, Roth net
16 Iwama 2018 13/F Stomach, 13 cm  3 cm 5-prong grasper, basket 2 1 2 hours
et al (20) duodenum 9 cm  3.5 cm forceps
30 g

Data from (5–20). 167

Copyright © ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. All rights reserved.

TABLE 3. Unsuccessful attempts of trichobezoars endoscopic retrieval in the literature

Number of cases for which
Nit2ă et al

Publication endoscopic removal Patient‘s age

No. Authors year Type of article was attempted and sex Title of the article

1 Van Gossum et al (2) 1989 Case report 1 14/F Failure of nonsurgical procedures to treat gastric trichobezoar
2 De Baker et al (21) 1999 Case report 1 10/F Huge gastric trichobezoar in a 10-year-old girl: case report with emphasis on
endoscopy in diagnosis and therapy
3 Zamir et al (22) 2004 Retrospective review 1 14/F Phytobezoars and trichobezoars. A 10-year experience
of cases
4 Quraishi and 2005 Case report 1 5/F Rapunzel syndrome
Kamath (23)
5 Ruiz et al (24) 2005 Case series 4 22 to 73 years/ Tricobezoares gastroduodenales: una causa poco frecuente de obstrucción del
3F and 1M tracto de salida
6 Silva et al (25) 2007 Case report 1 10/F Giant gastric and duodenal trichobezoar
7 Al Wadan et al (26) 2008 Case report 1 7/F ’Rapunzel syndrome’ trichobezoar in a 7-year-old girl: a case report
8 Bounaim et al (27) 2009 Case report 1 13/F Trichobézoard gastrique géant
9 Kansagra et al (28) 2010 Case report 1 37/F Rapunzel’s Syndrome
10 Gorter et al (3) 2010 Case report and 2 9/F Management of trichobezoar: case report and literature review
literature review 15/F
11 Hassani et al (29) 2010 Case report 2 9/F Trichobezoar gastrique—à propos de deux cas
12 Bege et al (30) 2011 Case report 1 27F The Rapunzel syndrome: a hard-to-swallow tale
13 Nieto et al (31) 2011 Case report and 1 20/F Rapunzel syndrome. A case report and literature review
literature review
14 Phavicitr and 2012 Case report 1 10/F Rapunzel syndrome in a Thai girl with an asymptomatic abdominal mass: a case
Vathanasanti (32) report
15 Veloso et al (33) 2013 Case report 1 7/F Trichotillomania and trichophagia: the causes of Rapunzel syndrome
16 El-Mazary et al (34) 2014 Case report and 1 7/F Rapunzel syndrome in a 7-year-old Egyptian girl with primary biliary cirrhosis: a
literature review case report and literature review
17 Irastroza et al (35) 2014 Case report 1 8/F A trichobezoar in a child with undiagnosed celiac disease: a case report
18 Mariotto et al (36) 2014 Case report 1 10/F Trichobezoars in children: therapeutic complications
19 Altonbary and 2015 Case report 1 15/F Rapunzel syndrome
Bahgat (37)
20 Castle et al (38) 2015 Retrospective review In 2 out of 6 cases 12/F Management of complicated gastric bezoars in children and adolescents
of cases endoscopic retrieval 4/F
was attempted
21 Yik et al (39) 2015 Case report 1 13/F Stomach trichobezoar (Rapunzel syndrome) with iatrogenic intussusception

22 Kim et al (40) 2016 Case report 1 8/F Large trichobezoar causing Rapunzel syndrome
23 Hamidi et al (41) 2016 Case report 1 18/F A rare clinic entity: huge trichobezoar
24 Paparoupa and 2016 Case report 1 21/F Trichobezoar
Schippert (42)
25 Yik and How (43) 2016 Case report 1 16/F A ‘‘hairy’’ problem: trichotillomania, trichophagia and trichobezoars

26 Wang et al (44) 2016 Case report 1 13/F The diagnosis and treatment of Rapunzel syndrome

Copyright © ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. All rights reserved.

27 Nour et al (45) 2017 Case report and 1 4/F Rapunzel syndrome (gastric trichobezoar), a rare presentation with generalized
literature review oedema: case report and review of the literature
28 Sailer et al (46) 2017 Case report 1 8/F Trichobezoar (Rapunzel syndrome) causing severe anaemia and cardiac failure
29 Sun et al (47) 2017 Case report 1 12/F Trichobezoar and Rapunzel syndrome
30 Al-Osail et al (48) 2018 Case report 1 17/F Best management modality of trichobezoar: a case report
31 Akbar et al (49) 2018 Case report 1 18/F Trichobezoar-induced heartburn in a teenage girl: a case report

Data from (2,3,21–49).
Volume 71, Number 2, August 2020
JPGN  Volume 71, Number 2, August 2020 Human and Doll’s Hair in a Gastric Trichobezoar

its vascularization comes from an arterial watershed formed by of human hair endoscopic retrieval previously and has not seen gas/
anastomoses of the right and left gastric artery branches—this may smoke production in those cases—presumably, as this trichobezoar
make some of the gastric wall susceptible to vascular compromise was predominantly artificial hair.
with resultant ischaemic necrosis and perforation. The normal hair shaft is covered by a cuticle made of
In our case, several clumps of hair had detached from the overlapping layers of elongated cells that slant outward. A sample
main trichobezoar, either spontaneously or in the process of frag- of doll hair has been analysed using scanning electron microscopy
mentation travelling to multiple areas of the small intestine. Lumi- (SEM) (Department of Biomedical Sciences, Sheffield University)
nal occlusion leading to distention and stretching of the intestinal and revealed that its structure is perfectly round and straight without
wall with resultant vascular compromise is 1 possible contributory any slanting layers, as seen in human hair. Therefore, compared
cause of the perforations. In addition, we postulate, that repetitive with human hair, we postulate that it could have produced a more
mucosal microtrauma, because of the contact of multiple individual powerful ‘‘cheese-wire’’ effect on the thin wall of the small
hair wires, combined with a ‘‘cheese-wire effect’’ between 2 intestine (Fig. 1C1 and C2) (58).
adjacent areas of small bowel when peristalsis occurred (the doll
hair is strong and does not stretch easily) and that these factors CONCLUSIONS AND LEARNING POINTS
created ‘‘a perfect storm’’ for the evolution of perforation when
added to the noxious gas presence. Another putative mechanism
may have been that the weight of the trichobezoar pieces caused a This case offers some important learning points for collea-
pressure effect on the very thin small bowel wall and led to gues who may consider attempting endoscopic retrieval of tricho-
mechanical perforation. bezoars in children. In fact, despite the unforeseen complications
described in our case, we believe it remains reasonable to attempt
endoscopic retrieval of both oesophageal and gastric trichobezoars
Proprietary composition of doll hair as a contributing factor assuming they appear to occupy less than two-thirds of the stomach
Electrocautery may have harmful consequences when used and have limited and no extension into the small bowel. In addition,
in circumstances that favour combustible gas production in a we would recommend pre-procedural coordination of care with a
closed space. Four factors are important: gastrointestinal gases; surgical team, particularly if a trichobezoar appears large on
an oxygen-rich environment; electrocautery; and an enclosed radiological imaging, or if it extends into the small bowel. Pre-
space. Obstruction as a complication of trichobezoar is the first operative planning with the anaesthetist is also critical, as endo-
step of a possible inflammable scenario. Following the obstruction, scopic removal of a trichobezoar may pose airway management
bacterial proliferation may lead to an increase in intestinal com- risks. Our team also believes that the skill mix of the endoscopist
bustible gas production, involving a combination of methane, and the potential complexity of the case should be carefully
oxygen, and hydrogen. Face mask ventilation using 100% oxygen assessed to ensure that they are matched, and that the endoscopist
may lead to air trapping in the stomach, and therefore, to a high- should have familiarity and access to a full complement of endo-
oxygen environment, although all children in this scenario under- scopic accessories and tools.
going therapeutic endoscopy for prolonged periods should Upon reflection of this case, our endoscopy team would also
be intubated. propose a number of standard steps that may be taken in order to
Unusually in this case, part of the trichobezoar was formed avoid complications. First, an endoscopist should always seek to
by doll’s hair ingested by the patient. Her mother reported later that determine what substance(s) might be involved in a trichobezoar
an entire collection of almost 20 dolls were found without hair. before attempting removal. Second, an endoscopist should take
The authors have contacted the manufacturer of the doll with measures to ensure a well-prepared multi-disciplinary team that
enquiries on the composition of the doll hair. The material used to includes surgical colleagues. In regards to the patient and family, an
make the artificial hair was resin, specifically a vinyl polymer called endoscopist attempting an endoscopic approach to Rapunzel syn-
vinylidene chloride. At temperatures above 180 8C the melting drome should consider patient-specific vulnerabilities and engage
point is reached and gases containing carbon monoxide, volatile in a thoughtful informed consent process that covers multiple
resin gas, and hydrogen chloride gas are generated because of possible complications, even if not previously reported in the
incomplete combustion of thermal decomposition. Among the literature. Finally, the authors would note that a lesson learned
material safety measures, the firefighting instructions state that in this case is that neither reports of success in the literature of
those who may be exposed to vapours or products of decomposition endoscopic trichobezoar removal, nor prior successful experiences
because of fire should wear full bunker gear including a positive by any specific endoscopist with this procedure, should currently be
pressure self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective interpreted as highly suggestive of repeated success.
clothes in any closed space.
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