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Norma considered the tone and attitude of } peristeward offensive because she why ‘Arthur disagree with his wife?/Was Norma able to convince her Patna Norma was.unable to convince her husband, Ha.tabaldered Ian imoral act Norma tried to persuade her husband because she wanted to get a secure future and money. iT Wines werd the reasons forma gave to | her husband to accept offer? How did try to convince her husband? might be some research: She further saipi that it might be e played by some milli . (Why did mir. Steward continue { persuading Norm: iat,w was vas the message anes pehomierecalred ton? era of an acc as which her 1 was killed. Shelwas sho ke hearing the news of her husband's death. She was shocked Why d did not the old man follow the advice of the doctors? What had the doctors told the old man? ‘The doctors had told the old man Had the son ever been there before? ‘Yes, the son had ever been there many times with the exception of lastthree years. F What were the names of vegetal les the | ‘old man grew or his farm? The old man grew vams, bean and corn’ Why did the old man take the ese ea path? | he son at the age of six cried because ad lost his small wooden|plough. ‘What were the feelings of the old manpt | the ege of seventy? He felt sad. He knew that he had completed the days of his I had lost his hoi ] Why did the old man plant hil garden? . The old man planted his secret garden to check his physical strength, And he also ‘I iD HABIT Ses tNtise Govt M.L.W.HS Makerwal (Mianwatt vanted fo go back to Earth because he was afraid. He didn’t like the climate of Mars. Why did he want to stay? _gther option, All rockets wei patna was the climate they es «4 : ¥ cia “What was the condition of the Bittering j family on hearing the news of war on the boy to wash | Why did the woman ask his face? ¥ The woman asked the boyt to wash | his face | $0 that he may look presi entable and’ decent. The condition of the Bittering family on higaring the news of war on earth was very Why did not the Boy run from the house of the woman? The boy didn’t run from the house of the 7 woman_because he didn’t’ want to to _| lose his trust Q9 | Why did not the woman wate os What was to condition of their house? sivst | The conlion on of i r house wa acer bad. tee was the _ Harry gave to the people? fans He gave tothe people an advice to bullda | watch the boy while preparing a dish because she knew that the bo) had le. lear [0 | What was the nature of the wornan’s job? Woman worked in a hotel beauty shop. She used to cut the hair of ifferent kinds of women. A Martian virus can be very dangerous, It canchange their appearances, It can | destroy them. Why did Manane accuse Hubert of the lost pocket book? _ Manana accused Hubert pocket book. It was because he had seen him picking something up. He considered it’pocket book. What did the people think of Hubert when they heard the return of the pocket-book by some other person? _ ‘When people hard the rel pocket book by'some other person, they didn’t believe him. They considered him ai a Why did George give the pocket-book 10 hat was the time when the boy tried to sha'ch the purse of the woman? } | © | fhwas about 11’0 clock when the boy tvied {0 snatch the purse of the woman. What did happen to the boy when he tried ls to snatch the purse? He Jost his balance and fell down when tthe boy tried to snatch the purse. Wl 91 was the feaction of the woman? |e | fhe reaction of the woman was great, return of the What was the conduct of the people who i } ' = The conduct of the people who saw the —j | incidehe Ls ne rio employer gave the poc! George & ow to read because he didn't know. he it, make Hi ae Ta ‘ashamed of being. called a thief anda liar. He was Vengo — Why did the people make fun of innocence? | Ans: ameful? ve boy looked physically w |. [Inova strong boy. "HQ: "| What was condition of the | boy when the i woman gave him few jerks? i Ans: | The condition of the boy was very bad when the woman gave him few jerks. They didn't believe hi hima liar, Ai6 | Why did he kéep claiming his innocence before his death? i] What Were the Arrangaments mace for the function of inauguration? death beca' 1s Oc people didn't believe him. They e the scene of Inauguration, Wrte) five Sentences? What did People say we feet told them about his misadventure? People didn’t believe him. They considered hima liat. They'said, “You old r: I Get out of here.” was made ‘er corglons Great curtains of | red and gold were hung along the walls High swings were also there. occasion? The feelings of Gorgios on the occasion ELA eie happy. ‘Did Gorgios use any short cut to achieve 4 4 his ambition? They were discussing about the need a of “opportunity” and “determinat! lon” What gid Terbut think of Jorkens’s argument?, Terbut was not agree with Jorkens’s argument. He was in the favour of | opportunity. How did Jorkens convince that a man can become a skating champion of the What was the condition of the parents on his all time and strony q : - the arrival of doctor? Sgtermination Jorkens convinced that a The condition of the parents on the arrival man can become a skating champion of of the doctor was not good. They were the Sahara. : ‘How did Gorgios convince the people a th about the importance of Court acrobat? wn was the behavior of the child wit How could the glory of the country be | doctor? de increased In Gorgios’ vidw? The behavior of tive child with the doc furious Orgios jaded the people that tf a fever for three days, had not fh tiny court acrobat thelt country would become strong, It a ‘ [’Ansi_| Yes, she had fever for three days. Dia the girl change her expression when the doctor sald, “Does your throat hut the Viewngist Of the parents of Gorgios a! was in thr’ -uvou ecbobartuni | No, the girl didn’t change ner exP" father than determination. then. She was furlous. firstname? ‘The doctor called the sick girl by her first name because of his professional manne! Did the sick girl promptly respond to the [instruction of the doctor? No, the sick girl didn’t promptly respond to the instructions of the doctor. She was not showing her throat? -The'doctor threatened her that he would examine her throat using force. : Why did she break the wooden blade? She broke the wooden blade because She was furious. She didn’t want the |____[ the king wept and ashamed, How did the king recover? When he found himself doing justice, the king wept and ashamed. He let the boy Bo with wealth. Allha gave him sound health. And the king recovere Lesson No# 9 THE FOOLISH QUACK} Q:1_| What is clump of trees? Ans: | The word “clump” means group of growing things, Therefore clump of trees means group of growing trees. Q:2_[ What was stuck in the camel's throat? Ans:_| A melon was stuck in the camel's throat. a Q:3 | What did the Quack do with the old woman? doctor to examine her throat. ‘What was the condition of the tonsils of the sick girl? Ans; | The Quack tied the throat of woman ». and struck the swollen part with the mallet. The condition of the tonsils of the sick girl was very bad. She had diphthe "What was the advice given by Nushrivan { Why did the boy look to the sky and | smile? [’Ans: | The boy looked to the sky and smiled because he prayed to God. What should be the role of a Qazi? The role of Qazi should be to provide justice to people. He should fear:nly Qi4_| What did the quack pretend to cure? ‘Ans:_| The Quack pretended to cure goiter. Q:5_| What was the result of the cure? Ans: | The old woman died on the spot. 36 | What was the punishment infected upon the quack by the villagers? “Ans:_| The punishment inflicted upon the quack by the villagers was great. They compelled him to dig the grave. G7 | For whom did the quack dig the grave? ‘ans: | The quack dug the grave of the old woman. Q:8_| What did he jack doin the next? “Aner | He again announced himself as 2 8 jiot. doctor, He was anid Q:9 | Why did not the villagers Jet the old man ers didn’t let ‘Ans. | The villagers : due to his foolish. demand and behavior. i Gio | Why did the quack come back to the pack to the camel-men £2 rin The cause of Negroes discontentment was! ‘that they had no freedom in. thelr own eho 7 hey destroy crops, ‘Why did the farmers throw . ngs ae wy wet leaves on | ey had quest for freedo ‘The farmers threw the wet leaves on fire o.make it acrid and black : 3] What was the esira of every farmer? | | tle Every farmer we tt 2 a at /anted that the locusts J 0:4 | What should be the faith of Negroes? ‘should overlook his farm and go on to the / "The faith of Negroes should be tat ee of the veterans of creative Did Margaret k | ones ie now the way to keep the What was the necessity of pleading the se case of Negroes freedom? Abi Werte mat know the way to keep ‘twas necessary to plead the case of 1 lusts away: ___ Negroes freedom because they were ‘What vas the condition of trees? slavish lif aie conditfon of the trees was bad. Allthe jj ‘What should be the criterion of judgment | for a person? “A person should be judged of his character not by the Sibut ots _ pa oped ‘Did Negroes enjoy liberty in all the parts locusts? of their country?, \ Yes, the hoppers are “Gre different from the No, Negroes, didn’t enjoy liberty in all parts locusts. eT of their country. , grown UD: From which part of the country had the Negroes gathered there? "The Negroes had gathered there parts of the count ae ecisthe effec ofthe repetition of Why are the locusts —npare with the ead bad weather? The repetition of words creates healthy iocustgere compared with bad i and soothing effect on human ming, eather because they are unpredictabl lie bad weather pper with fiesson NO. ‘at thelr supper . ater . ray enuch ci Della save fr Christmas? ‘The men ate thelr supper with £008 | p “ollar and elehtv sever rites hecause they had accepted It as cents ai Why did she her hair? pride in the Beauty of her halt s they were long and denss: Are thi Q:6 How much was distributed among the needy and the poor? He used to distribute 40 to 50 rupees among the needy and the poor, { ie Q:7 What was the name of his eldest daughter? Mehrun was the name of his eldest daughter. Q:8 what was the name of the District Board © | Where the Maulvi lived? | His name was Chaudhry Fatehdad. Q:9 What was the name of Maulvi’s wife? Zaibunnisa was the name of Maulv's wife, Q:10 write the names of the other two daughters who are mentioned in the story? Their name was Zabda and Shamsun. anted to buy a gift for her, Why did they want to present the gifts to | each other? ‘They wanted to present the gifts to each other because it was Christmas and they loved each other. Why did Della feel sad on losing her hair? ‘She felt sad on losing her hair because Chapter Ne i they were long and dense. | i a a | @: What was the colour of the overcoat : Why didn’t Jim welcortie Della when he | man? te stepped in? | The colour of the overcoat of young man was brown. Tim didn’t welcome Della when he stepped in because he was shocked to see her without Jong hait. 1 bring out from his coat? Q: What was his appearance? His hair was sleek and shining. He wore side burns. His moustache was thin. He was wearing a brown overcoat. ; {Q: Why did the peopid come out on the Mall? It was cold outside and they wanted to enjoy the pleasure of good weather. Tha’s why they came out on Della’s hairs. How beautiful was the gold watch chain? T The gold watch chain was very beautiful | the mall | Q: what were the people wearing who came on the Mall? sof every kind @:i0 | What was the wisdom in selling the most valuable things? nar | Love demands sacrifice and sacrifice increases love. This was the wisdom in | Most of them were wearing overcoats to save them from cold. Q: Why was the cat shivering? ‘man behave with it? The Cat was shivering bec How did the young .ause of Cold. It rubbed | selling the most valuable t pains his legs. He straked it and leapt uP ont0 the chaptq bench, c ir No. ! : rant ib t was his full name? peri dd the ver ofthe trucespeed away afer a Who ata the accident? | i ized that something serious had ers Because he had reali etter to leave the Pl ‘man to the hospital after Ans ¢ Abul was the Maulvi of a villag’ name was Maulvi Abui Barkat. lace. What was his turban known as and where It originally came from? His turban was known as Mashadi lung! came from Mashad in tran. happened. And it is | @: Who took the young | the accident? i. It originally | The Traffic inspect took the young an cor with the help of other PeOPle to the hospital after the 13 Wha him? | accident 3 a:3 whe ¢ did he always carry with him ac a wat playing lone of the restaural ‘rigs # ie always carried a walking stick, a sort of | a; What was in of pe restauras eapner with decorative bands of brass and git an orchestr winger No aesrsescribe Maulw's appearance? | arnt pi ote arom te ans # He was a traditional Maulvi with good | a: at wnat the sing sound W187? vnce, He wore a ight brown turban. He writer near the Mr the throbbing SO. ° 2 Poorer rings. He used fragrant ol | ns: The weer ary and ping re notin wre uc the Mau cllet on evry ew‘ where it was aboutia fortnight after Christma Has What ld good thing about Ci + dogs thewrite like about.Christmps? “At Christmas everybody becomes generous. This "thing attracted writer a lot. That’s why he liked a. Christmas ue Hg + Qs Write down the good deeds the author has y.admittedare.a great joy on Christmas? ‘At Chtistrnas everybody becomes generous. People + do good deeds. This thing attracted writer a lot. Q: Wiy noble deeds were alwaysia great joy for the jewriter. Of Whabis the value of et deeds for thei’ writer?. j ) Noble déeds wete always a great joy for the because they gave him always satisfaction. This fithing attracted'a lot.) HAHID HAR §.S.S. ENGI. Govt. MLL. Nakerwai ( » SHAHID HABIB Si AE aes SSR MLW.SS org Makerwal (Mianwall) Play: NO,1 HEAT LIGHTNING She san out of gasithereforeshehadto leave her car. ‘Thesgirl asks for help from the first man in the bus station because he is the only n, How did the second man accuse First Man ‘of lying ? |[Ans: | The second man accused first Man of lying first man instead of accompanying the + second man? The girl prefers to stay with the first man instead of accompanying the second man befaus iders the second mai How did the girl recognize the first man be killer? as Whe fgg me" Heat Lightning”? Tt was raining with thundering. Two: benches were lying in it back to back. It has three doors and two windows “What was the condition of the Gir! whe she met the First Man in the bus ssn “The condition of the girl was very bad horrible when she met the First Man in the bus station.” ['a:10_[ Why was the girl so frightened ? The girl was 50 frightened because the killer was chasing her. police because he wanted to know what she knew and remembered about the iller ‘Where does the play takes place? * i I jesert hi in. flashlight and the girl ran to The xi had dro started runni In this escape from the men. What are the factors that played a role in saving the girl? ‘Ansi “The civilization of Kreton is much advanced than that of earth. The people of earth can’t not compete with the people of Kreton. Can the people of Earth compete with __{{ those of Kreton? ‘No, the people of Earth can’t compete with those of Kreton. The civilization of Kreton is much advanced than that of earth. What type of life do you foresee in the ear 5000? "A wonderful life is waiting for human beings. There will be rute of science everywhere. {QAS | Whar isthe opinion of General Powers | about Kreton? me } The opinion of General Powers about Kreton is not solid. He is considering him aspy. & 36 [Describe Kreton’s appearance the visitor? Ans: [ithe visitor was very pleasant looking. He ‘was about forty years old with side- whiskers. He was dressed in the fas in of How damaging is violence in life? Ans. | Violence is very damaging in life. } tt can create terrorism: | fe can create anarchyz it can create violence. |__| can create disturbance. (3a | What is the role of Mr. Spelding in the a ‘Ans: | Mr. Spelding is the father of Ellen. He is a | middle aged TV newscaster, He knows no passions a ta Q:19 | Write a brief note on General Powers? ‘ans: | General Powers Is a typical military officer | He is a patriot, He cares for his country. j fee Pe - : T Write a short note on Krets ‘Ans. | _Kreton was very pleasant looking, He was about forty years old with side-whiskers. He was dressed in the fashion of 1860 es out his flying He says that these cars are very common In this world. He must have known their operational system once but he has forgotten it. Meee (eerepEee “| of thunder can be heard outside. Q:16, | Who saved the life of the girl in the play? ‘Ans: || The dog Saved the life ofthe girl in the play: ‘The gitl proved very lucky, Nature |. |elsofavouredher: | | ao Plays.2 [raat [why did the girl let out mutfied cn? TOA SMALL PLANET ‘Ans: | There was a flash of lightning, The light In | the room dithmed slowly and went out. : ‘The gitl got frightened and let out a | }:_ [ What is the purpose of the visit of Kreton? | - muffled cry. | ft | The purpose of the visit-of Kreton Is to" * Q:18 | Why did the girl not want to go to the pa Its neaple, solide ? Qi2__[ How does Kreton impress General ne EN? ile ‘Ans: |The girl didn’t want to go to the police | a Powers? idn’t kn ai | fans: | wit of a a 6f theskiller, | rs Kreton impresses General Powers. iGs19" What is the appearancd of the Second Q3_| Write a note on Ellen? : Man? ‘Ans: | Ellen is the daughter of Mr. Spelding, She ‘Ans: | He is nondescript sort of person. He is tall [s.2 very good girl she likes Joho. Igug-looking gud about triry years of aah Qi | How does Kreton prove his extraordinary | 20 | What is the impression of the girl about | bowers?_ tha'becond mat? | |[Ansi | kreton proves his extra ordinary powers |) ; ~ | by speaking all languages, by reading the ‘Ans: | The impression of the gir! about the ite ofc stots, od vabogioa second man was not good. She ‘ , al wisible wall around his spaceship. onsidere iim _a killer, "1 v7 = eo G5 _| What is optical lusion? ied fay e girl Sr aay eis? “Ans. | Optical illusion is a visual deception. It is a irst Man as the play progress - state of mind when things appear to us Tans: [ No, the girl doesn’t become suspicious of shia coltraréto their real nature? the First Man as the play progresses. G6 | How large is the object in Spelding’s G22 | How did the girl realize the truth? estimation? With the help of flash light the gir! ‘Ans: | According to Spelding’s estimation the i realized the truth. i bie not er thal ‘ar, G23" [why did the girl not accompany the G7. | Describe the scene of the arrival of ving H -.. » |e b-second man ? | saucer?, The girl didn’t accompany the second man |_| W’Ans: | Mr. Spelding takes it a meteor passing ecause she was considering hima killer, through the earth’s orbit. It lands in the ‘0:24 | What happens to the light in the room | rose garden of the house. ‘with each flash of lightning? | Fae [Write a note on John? With each flash of lightning, the light. in | Wns [ John is iked by Ellen, He is a very hard: m. fT to it | working and good man, He is incapable of joing out. | making his mark in the world. @as_| Why does the Man ask her to go to the | [eo [what is the theme of Kreton’s study? ' woman's oor? - | JfAnst [The theme of kreton’s study is sonata t ‘The man asked her to 60 to the woman’s | ist room so. fas G:10_| What is the role of General Powers? et fresh, | |[Ans: [The role of General Powers Is very Gi25 [What did the girl do when the second man left the bus station? When the second man left the bus station. ait important. He is the Chief of army staff about the happenings. How much advanced is cilization of The Frincipal, Govt. College, Sahiwal. Sir, Most respectfully, | submit that |am a student of class xi in your well reputed institution. | have great interest in studies. | am in the good books of all the teachers, 1am a bright student t : . | do hope hat you will pay timely attention to my request. Your good self will not disappoint me. | shall be very thankful to you for this act of kindness. Yours obedient ly, ene an Das jay-44;-2017 wied Meg ¥ poy 2 XY.2. My father’s income is very small. He can’t afford my expenses of my education because he has to support a large family. In these circumstances | request you to grant me full fee concession. Remission of fine. | was absent from the last week. | assure you it was because of my illness. | was unable to send yd application and there was nobody to carry my application. Due to my absence | have been fined Rs.100. Sir | am a poor student and can’t pay fine. ir, please remit fine. Remission of fine. Iwas abgent from the last week. | assure you it was}becalise of my illness. | was unable to send you application and there was nobody to carry my application. Today | headed straight for the library to return the books but the librarian told me that | was late in returning books. Due to my absenge | have been fined Rs.160. Sir | am a poor student and can’t pay fine. Sir, please remit fine. One Week's leave. | Was the captain of hockey team who won the first ‘have been suffering from fever for the last two | days. In spite of the treatment, { have rot yet "ecovered. Doctors! have advised’ me complete bed rest. The medical certificate fs attached; So | Fequest you to grant me one week's leave. Ssuance of Character Certificate, | wanted to get admission in the medical college. For this purpose | need a character-certificate, rl Prize in Division level. | got Second position in English Debate competition. 1 also used to Participate in social activities. It is humble request to mention all these things in my character certificate. Z Change of Subjects. My uncle forced me to choose science subjects. But after studying these subjects | have came to know that these subjects are not according to my taste. | wanted to change my science subjects with the arts subjects. Sir please allow me to || change my science subjects. | Re- admit / Re-admission in College, Sir my name has been struck off for being absent from the college. It was all due to my negligence. | | accept my mistake. | remained absent from class for one month. Sir this kind of attitude will not be happened in future. | will now attend my classes regularly. | request you to allow my re-admission to the college. Refund of Library Security Fee. ‘This year | appeared for the F.Sc examination \pefore getting Roll No. slip from the college, | submitted the clearance slip issued by the college librarian showing that no book is due from me. Now when | left the college | need my security fee back. | i V isconduct. Apologizing for pour misc c jy mother was Il, | had to spend all the night In a hospital, In the classroom | si eager ill, | misbehaved wil anded me. | took it feta aed my mvstake, Pea 2ceD" i humble apology. istiance/ Scholarshi ‘Financial assistance/ Scholarship SHAHID HABIB S.S.S. ENGLISH Govt. M.L.W. H. Makerwal (Mianwali) SHORT QUESTIONS / ANSWERS QHOL: Write a shor note on the stopping of rain? OR What happens when the rain stops? sht fills everything with brightness. The sight ‘Ans: The sun comes out and the rain stops. The sun afier the rain is vers lovely. Q#H02: How can a rainy day be enjoyed? An fl We ean enjoy a rainy day in different ways. We can bathe (4) in the cool rain drops. We can ‘ange a picnic pé - Q#03: What is meant by rich leaves? Ans: Rain falls directly on the top leaves of the trees. In this way, these leaves receive a rich amount of water : What happens when the sun shines bright? : The sun shines when the rain stops. The shining rays of sun brighten every dark corner of the world. The whole atmospiere becomes healthy, pleasant and bright. People come out of their homes to enjoy the pleasant scene. #05: How does cherry look? OR — Which fruit is mentioned in the poem? Ans: The fruit cherry is mentioned in the poem. ‘The poet has great love for cherry tree. It is in full inating (J 2). It looks charming. Q#06; What time of the year is mentioned in the first stanza? ‘aster has been mentioned in the first stanza. Easter is a holiday of the Christians. The day bloom. Its beauty is Ans? brated to mark the death of Christ (i-—_-4s* = —) and his return to life. It is celebrated on the fiest Sunday April or after 21 March. The people wear white clothes at Taster and rhe cherry is also clothed in white flower Q4#07: How cherry has been personified? ‘Ans: The poet depicts cherry as a character, He compares it with in March or in April. Spring also comes once a year. The cherry is toaded with white flowers Vhe people wear white clothes at Easter. They are most happy during this festival and so is the poet rost happy to look at the cherry (#08: What did the poot refleet when he saw the woman? OR What did the poet learn from the character of Sindhi Woman? Ans: ‘Fhe poet saw that the woman had a jar on her head. Her gait was straight and regular. He got a iesson from that scene, “Those who lift the burden of life on their shoulders are successful. They remain ster. Easter comes once in a year strong and straight fike that woman: QH09: What kind of picture of the Karachi slums do we get after reading the poem? ‘Ans: ‘The poem gives us a graphic picture of shuns of Kerachl In the Karachi slums, the streets and bazars are dirty. There are stones, garbage and the places of broken gla Q#10: Write a note on Sindhi Woman? OR How does the Sindhi woman walk? ‘Ans: The Sindhi woman is very dignified (0832), ipright and morally sound, She becomes the syne! of a person who does his duty patiently in the face of heavy odds. She is steady in her gait. She 15 2 picture of patience and sacrifice, sn the streets. —————| Qé#IL: What kind of feelings does the poet create in the reader’s mind? i awit is the moral or theme of the poem? ce ae ns: The poem suggests that death is a great levele a pride. All feelings of superiority in man are only an iis sr i a ve of bee Pe Rene eek aeureot Gl | Man should live in a humble manner. He Q#12: What did the traveler see in the desert? OR In what condition was the statue of Ozymandias standing i . ‘Ans: The traveler saw the statue of king Ozymandias. T ne fae fad wa Fos stone. Those legs were standing in a desert, The other parts of the statue dere ee heen face was broken and shattered. It reflected powver'and pride ee Q#I3: Who was Ozymandias? Ans: O7 mandias was a great King, He ruled the masses with full pover and glory. He was very proud and arrogant. His facial expressions expressed order and command, i Q#14: What was written on the pedestal of Ozymandias statue? ‘Ans: These words were inscribed on the pedestal of the statue. “My name is Ozymandias, king of kit look on my works. ye Mighty and despair.” ; Q#IS: Who have been called hollow man? Ans: Moder man are follow man ‘They lack true knowledge and wisdom. They follow each other blindly. They are not original and independent, They do not have proper purposes and plans Q#16: Explain what the noet means when he writes our dried voices and when we whisper? | OR Why does the poet éompare our voices with the voice of wind in dry glass? H "Ans: The poet tells us that the people of his age have lost the strength and vitality of their voices. They have become slavish. They cannot impress anyone with their ideas. Their ve‘Ses have lost freshness. } They have become dry. They do not speak distinctly but whisper with people due to innate fear. Q#I7: What has made the efforts of Muslims fruitless? | ‘Ans: Iqbal says the Muslims of the modem age lack the fighting spirit of Islam. They have been captivated by the other civilizations of the World, Their efforts have become fruitiess and even their prayers are mere rituals and soulless and they lack unity of purpose Q#I8: What is worse than slavery? | | Ans: TTo have no faith is worse than slavery. Itis faith in God which lends dignity to human character It gives him independence of mind. Ifa man worships more than one God, he stands confused. A slave always obeys his master and a man should also worship his creator: Q#19: What does Iqbal call those who have no faith? OR ‘What according to Iqbal is worse than slavery? fl ‘Anst Iqbal firmly believes that a faithless life is worse than slavery. The people are no better than slaves. That is why, they are easily attracted and captured PY t #20: How many attributes are mentioned in the POe™! “God's ee Ans: In this poem three attributes of God have been mentioned. They id our character, who have no faith at all he ways of medert ge. xd js The Sec Hearing and The Knowing, These attributes help us buil || Qv2t: What makes one seared of sinning? : aca very positive and purgative effect | gras: The poet says when we believe that God is All Seeing it has a ven ny sin in our dealings with ‘on us. If we sincerely believe that God is Al! Seeing, we cannot commit 28 ourselves and others. | : Q#22: What are the effects of the attributes of Go efrects on te lives and | ‘Ans: The poet believes that God’s attributes have far-reachit ‘our characte building. _. i] | an Jersonalities of men. The % in fat, play a very imporian ee ara Qi23: What is the dream of poet? An The poet wants to have good relation wil i good relation with everything which is beautiful and fruitful. He wishes to be at harmony with everything of na i jave good relat h his surroundings x of nature. He inte : ig nds to have good rela y id “Joined with all the creations, he wants to live a natural life ei - Q#24: What are the things that keep a person alive? ‘Ans: A-person should be in complete harmony with Go y xd and every object of nature. He scenes of beauty. He must be at hai i r es perdu bpp 'Y: IS mony with a 5 use’ e things wi ke Sail ony with all tha is useful. These things will make a person happy #25: What is the effect of love? An The poet says that love is a mighty and powerful thing. It exercises a great influence of al objects of nature, Its changes the unpleasant things into pleasant, It makes misfortune into good fortune. Q#26: Why does poct put emphases on love? OR Islife worth living without love? OR What is the essence of all religions? 5 Ans: Life is not worth living without love. Love is tl and happiness in the world. Love is the essence of in life #27: What is the moral lesson of poem? “As: The poet tea us that every problem can Be = sived through ecames a success. Love is the souree of all charm in life, Q#28: What happens when life is spent with the help of words and not of deeds? “ns: Ifa person talks and talks and does nothing practically, he is doomed to perish very soon, Actions peak louder than the words, A talk active person ides leaving behind no tale of valuable deeds and achievement. | (#29: What is the moral of poem? “Ans: Actions speak louder than words. One must not be a talk active but a pr actical pe he source of all charm in life. it promotes pleasure all religions. That is why, the poet want its promotion h the magic of love. Through love life on. Life without ‘pork is no more than death and is full of numberless dangers and humiliations. Pr person from lethargy anc boredom and makes life attractive and worth living: {QH30: Who is in a new confusion of his understanding? ae "Ans: The person who formulates his views ‘without true understanding offen SuTTers £0 confusion He trusts his elear images. He is confused Shen he finds that is ideas are opposed 19 the [BS of life | He lacks the true spirit of inquiry. He is deprived of reaching the correct truth about life. ctical work saves & 4 b, Ki 9b L be SBS: ° PA NGEPPA RI LNT ee 29M SéptnDic BSc Sur BIL Pr aip bool Gris tit Ds BOAL Cathe ee f OCS,LCS, TCS Few Fax. Emaibe eye! Ge Lumen Jet Littl Pring SC pis E36 Liv 6 =~ 0303-7405001u6/2/! 2! 0301-6368104 Lut ui*t Flee,

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