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3 VOCABULARY 22 embarrassed feghtened exciting bborng annoying Seprersng clissppointed tired frosted frightened tien Ssappainting excites boring depressed fruttated amazing Students! own anwers 5A 1 VOCABULARY 8 2 fons 3 teleree umpire players Sodium captain sports hall coach spectators pitch Slope track trained ote rem lost ‘threw beat scored 10 gotirjured 11 went 12 Weked d 2off, Sout, 4 up 2 PRONUNCIATION 18 2spon, 3 slope, 4 court 3 GRAMMAR 2 2b,3c,4b,52,66,79,8b,9C,10b b 2 were devin, remembered hdr’ locked 3 didnt recognize, had changed 4 was waiting, called, couldnt, had broken down | '5 beat ore winning, scored 6 ran, had already it, were wating % 2 was looking foward to 3 won had won 4 seemed 5 began 6 nee winning 7 came back 8 won 9 was getting 10 coulan 11 weached 12 beat/ had beaten 5B ) GRAMMAR 22 usodto play don't usually go orally wears Did youuse to have stayed never used to watch went ¢gling “ ‘doesn't usally wear ¢ Usually walk ¢ Do you usualy / normally ba usualy give usualy call teed to 90 Used to at aut don't usually work sed tobe didn’ se to lee 2 PRONUNCIATION 2 Zespecially 3 please, 4 music 3 VOCABULARY 2. 2iancé, 3 close friend, 42x, Sclassmates, 6 colaague, 7 atmate, B couple bb 2iancied, 3in, 4 out, 5 common, up, Tach, 8 to, 9 got, 10 became, 11 tegather, 12 proposed, 13 maried © 2 fancied him got to know Became frends hed lot in comman went aut together ere together broke up lost touch 10 gotin touch 11 goton 12 propored to 13 gotmaried 4 2iiondship, 3 membershio, leadership, parmerch ANSWER KEY Practical English 1 PERMISSION AND REQUESTS 22 Ist OKif lopen avwindow 3 Would you mind repeating that 4 Could you take photo of me 5 Doyou mind fist here 6 Bo you think you could cary my bog 2. No problem. 3 Notatall 4 No problem. 5 Ofcourse not 6 Sue € 2visit, J mecting, join, S pass, 6 take 6 b5,c8,d1,03,12 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH 2 2ealk, 3 come, 4 days, Sind, 6 nay 1b 2 How come you'r zo late? 3 Noway mart 4 you dont mind, 5 Justi the old days 6 We've got so much t6 tak about Can you remember...? 1-5 1 GRAMMAR for six years Shall cary. hss sen studying rmustr’ cant play be able to used 30 ry 2 VOCABULARY 1 tinned, 2 reliable, 3 voicemal, ferry, S propose, 6 stadum 3 PRONUNCIATION 1 food, 2 cask, 3 morgage, 4 world, S sport 4 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY 1 couple, 2 since, 3in, 4 had, 5 from, & fr, 7 mote, 8 out, 9 a7, 10 ase 6A 1 GRAMMAR will be used have been imited areshowing 'S.01ng 10 be dubbed wore fiming| canbe bought has.‘ bacn nominated is boing med had been transformed were directed was being bul willbe /'s going to be released be shot € 2¢,3b,49,56,6b,7b, 86,9, 10a 2 PRONUNCIATION 2 2used, 3 waited, 4 writen, 5 shot, # worn, 7 said, 8 wen, 9 taken, 10 tole

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