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SET -1 SET-2

1.To follow Suit 16.At sixes and sevens

2. To take the floor 17.A dark horse

3.To die in harness 18.Pros and cons

4.To die by inches 19.A snake in the grass

5.To end in smoke 20.To break the ice

6.A bone of contention 21.To egg on

7.Crocodile tears 22.To flog a dead horse

8.To call in question 23.Spick and span

9.A swan song 24. A burning question

10.To bring to book 25.Off and on

11.Bury the hatchet 26.Now and then

12.To carry the day 27.Maiden speech

13.Fair and square 28.A red –letter day

14.To come to light 29.Apple of discord

15.Under a cloud 30.To beggar description

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