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Greenfield National S.

Indeed, realize, focus , change
Nagarjun-4, Bafal
1st unit test-2080 B. Answer the following questions (1x3=3)
Class: 8 Time: 1hr F.M: 25
a. Why do you think the poet wants o change himself?
Sub: Eng-II P.M: 12
b. Why does the poem feel sorry in the poem?
Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words.
c. Give a suitable title to the given poem.
Q.N.1 Rewrite the following sentences selecting the correct options: [3]
Q.N.2 Read the following text and do the activities that follow.
a. Brass is ….. useful metal. (a,an,the)
Many people have wrong ideas about snakes. Not all the snakes are
b. This is the man ….. sells meat which is always fresh. (who,which,when)
dangerous. Many snakes are not poisonous, all snakes are afraid of
c. Dinesh never watches T.V…………..? (doesn’t he, does he, did he)
men and will escape of men if they can. Many snakes are more useful
Q.N.2 Read the following poem and do the activities that follow. (5)
than harmful. The rat snake is one of the most useful. It kills rats.
When I was young man,
There are few poisonous snakes. The cobra is one of the most
I wanted to change the world.
poisonous snakes. Cobras are more common in the south of Nepal
I found it was difficult to change the world,
than in the hills. Another kind of dangerous snake is krait. The krait is
So I tried to change my nation.
smaller than the cobra but it is not less dangerous. People in the
terai are more afraid of the krait than the cobra because one cannot
When I found that I couldn’t change the nation,
easily see a krait.
I began to focus on my town.
A. Tick the best answer: [2]
I couldn’t change the town
a. …………. Snakes are poisonous.
And as an older man, I tried to change my family.
i. Many ii. Few ii. All
b. The rat snake is ……
Now, as an old man, I realized the only thing
i. Harmful ii.dangerous iii. Useful
I can change is myself
c. Cobras are more common in the …..
And suddenly I realized,
i. Hills ii. Terai iii. Mountains
That if long ago I had changed myself.
d. ….. are as dangerous and cobras.
i. Rat snakes ii.Kraits iii. All snakes
I could have made an impact on my family.
B. Answer the following question: [3]
My family and I could have made an impact on our town.
a. Why are people in terai are more afraid of the krait than the
Their impact could have changed the nation,
And I could, indeed, have changed the world.
b. Name two poisonous snakes.
A. Complete the sentences with the help of the given poem.(2)
c. What wrong ideas do people have about snakes?
a. Great people always__ their mistake.
Q.N.4 Write an announcement on the behalf of the vice- principal of your
b. The meal was very delicious___.
school to celebrate “ Teacher ‘s Day ” at your school futsal.Include what,
c. Thank you for your offer but I cannot __ my mind.
where, when, who, and how the event is going to be conducted. Also
d. Our exam is approaching but I cannot___ on my studies.
request all the teachers to join the event. [5]
5. Choose the best answer from the given options.(1x7=7)
1. Choose the past participle form of ‘fly’.
a) flew b) flown c) flewn

2. They are playing with cubis.

a) aren’t they? b) isn’t they? c) weren’t they?

3. I felt refreshed and warm.

a) simple past b) simple present c) none of the given options

4. The mirror fell off and broke____.

a) Herself b) itself c) myself

5. Have you ever seen__ one eyed girl?

a) a b) an c) the

6. Basudev said to me,’’ Don’t you come to Chitwan?’’

a) Basudev inquired me if l didn’t come to Chitwan.

b) Basudev asked me if l come to Chitwan.
c) Baudev wanted to know that if l come to Chitwan.

7. ___ Bible is a holy book of Christans.

a) the b) a c) an

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