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Name: ______________________________________________________ Date: _____________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________




Field Study Student:______________________ Subject:________________________________

Resource Teacher:_______________________ Teacher’s Signature:_____________________

School:_________________________________ Date of Observation:_____________________

Grade/Year Level:________________________ Section:________________________________

INSTRUCTIONS: In the classroom you are tasked to observe,take note of how the teacher uses the
deductive and inductive methods of teaching. Write down your observations as well as your opinions
on the teacher’s use of such methods.

Teaching Method Observation Opinions

Deductive Method I've observed that this method of In my opinion when using a
teaching language begins with deductive approach, a rule is
offering students rules, followed first presented, then instances of
by examples and practice. It is a how the rule is used are given.
method of teaching new material It's also known as rule-driven
that is focused on the teacher. knowing. This approach has
Comparatively speaking, an both benefits and
inductive approach is more disadvantages. On the other
learner-centered because it side, starting the class with a
starts with examples and invites discussion of grammar may turn
students to identify rules. off some pupils, especially
younger ones since they may
not have sufficient
metalanguage like grammar
terms or be able to comprehend
the concepts involved.

Inductive Method It is important, in my opinion, to Inductive reasoning, in my

emphasize that using an perspective, starts with careful
inductive method does not entail observations of the outside
ignoring theories when world and progresses to more
developing research questions abstract generalizations and
and objectives. Using an existing

Name: ______________________________________________________ Date: _____________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________

theory to frame the research ideas. When using an inductive

question is not prohibited by the methodology and starting with
inductive technique, which seeks a topic, a researcher often finds
to produce interpretations from that as he moves through his
the data set gathered in order to research, empirical
uncover patterns and links and generalizations and tentative
develop a theory. Learning links emerge. Early on in the
through experience is the study process, no hypotheses
foundation of inductive thinking. could be identified, and the
researcher was unsure of the
type and character of the
research findings.ntil the study
is completed.

Which of the two methods was mostly used by the teacher? What can you say about this?

Inductive and deductive reasoning are two extremely different and conflicting educational
strategies. Both strategies may have some benefits, but the teacher's position is the key
distinction. In a deductive classroom, the instructor introduces and explains concepts to the
students before expecting them to carry out tasks to put the concepts into reality; this method is
particularly teacher-centered. On the other hand, inductive instruction uses the "noticing" style and
is considerably more focused on the needs of the individual students. Let's examine the
distinctions between inductive and deductive instruction in more detail and discover how noticing
might be applied in the language classroom to enhance student learning.


1. Which of the two methods do you think is the most useful for students in the
classroom you observed? Explain.
2. The best approach is inductive. My goal is for my pupils to take charge of their
education. I used to quiz the whole class when we finished reading a book or short
story. The same five or six pupils would invariably respond to the questions, and I'd
presume that everyone had the answers. Now, I break the class up into smaller groups
of three or four students, and they respond to the questions in those smaller groups first,
allowing all students to participate. I've noticed an improvement in test results, speaking
and listening abilities, and comprehension. Implementing dialogues focused on students
is quite simple.

3. Which of the two methods enabled the teacher to draw out active participation
among the students? Explain why this is so.

Deductive methods enabled the teacher to draw out active participation among
the students because Lack of students involvement and struggle for understanding.

Name: ______________________________________________________ Date: _____________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________

Younger learners may not able to understand the concepts.The explanation is seldom
as memorable as other forms of presentation (for example, demonstration).

4. As a future teacher, how will you use deductive and inductive teaching to foster a
healthy learning environment for learners?

In order to create a positive learning environment for students, how would you, as a future teacher,
combine deductive and inductive teaching methods, A deductive approach to instruction is more
teacher-centered. In other words, the teacher introduces a brand-new topic to the class, explains it,
and then offers the pupils experience applying the notion. As an illustration, while teaching a new
grammatical idea, the teacher will first introduce the concept, then go over the rules for applying it,
and finally the students will practice utilizing the concept in various contexts.As contrast to the
deductive method, inductive training makes advantage of the students' "noticing." The teacher gives
pupils several examples of how a concept is used rather than discussing it first and then giving
examples to support it. By using the examples, it is hoped that students will "notice" how the notion
operates. Using the aforementioned grammar scenario, the teacher would provide the pupils a range
of examples for a certain idea without providing any explanation of how the concept is employed. It is
believed that as students observe the notion in use, they would recognize how it should be utilized
and identify the grammar rule. After the activity, the instructor can request that the students
describe .


What insights and reflection can you derive from this specific field study experience?

What I've Learned Inductive reasoning is a method of logical reasoning that includes drawing
general conclusions from specific facts.1 It's a critical thinking talent that many employers value in
One illustration of an analytical soft skill is inductive reasoning. Soft skills are those that have
to do with how you engage with people, in social situations, and with ideas. Hard skills, on the other
hand, are job-specific and typically need technical training.
You gather evidence via inductive reasoning by making observations. Making forecasts and forming
generalizations benefit from this talent. Although it might not always be accurate, your judgment
should nonetheless be founded on the evidence.

Name: ______________________________________________________ Date: _____________

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________

State five (5) key learning points that you were able to capture in this field study experience.

My Key Learning Points

1. Deductive reasoning gathers observations, grows
more particular, and occasionally still makes
mistakes. Inductive reasoning starts with a single
example before attempting to generalize, which will
frequently fail.

2. Inductive reasoning relies on paying attention since it

draws conclusions from facts without first observing
those facts. Start by paying closer attention to the
objects in your immediate environment if you want to
improve your inductive reasoning.

3. Deductive reasoning is defined as moving from the

specific to the general. It involves creating a
hypothesis or hypotheses based on existing theory,
and then designing a research method to test the

4. Being able to forecast what the future will hold based

on the data you know is closely tied to seeing
patterns. Usually, leaders can foresee which actions
will increase teamwork and boost performance.
Making forecasts can take many forms, including
financial ones.

5. The following benefits are provided by the deductive

approach: the ability to explain causal links between
ideas and variables. Possibility of quantitatively
evaluating notions. generalizability of study results to
some degree.

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