The Maharashtra Right To Public Services Actn, 2015

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a ‘GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA LAW AND JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT. MAHARASHTRA ACT No. XXXI OF 2015. ‘THE MAHARASHTRA RIGHT TO PUBLIC SERVICES ACT, 2015. (As modified upto 20th March 2018) Pane Ino By THE MAR, GOVERNMENT Press, WA Axo Pun By ‘tut Duecton, GOVERNMENT PRINTING STATIONERY avo PUBLICATIONS, ‘Moiazasirea Stare, MUM@al-00 oo ms [PriceRa19.00] 2015: Ma XXXII 0 ‘THE MAHARASHTRA RIGHT TO PUBLIC SERVICES ACT, 2015. ‘CONTENTS: Prensa Pages 1. Shor til, even, commencement an apeliton 1 2 Defnion - . 1 5. Pull serves, Designed Ofc, Appel Autores an spuled Tine int be oti 4. Right bain public seve within sulted dine Hit 3 5. Providing publi servos win apt tine it 3 6 Monterng status of apie, 4 1. Use of tnfomaton Tecnology foe delivery of pubic services. 8. Appolnment of Appelne Auris — . - 4 10. Penal : . s 1. Procedure for recovery of pen. = : 5 12 Procedure fo xing responsbty on Designated Office for repented les. 6 15, Conttion of Makara tte Right o Service Commision, 6 14 Tem of office and condos of servi, 7 1S, Removal of Chef Coniston r Commision. ® 16. Powers and factions of Commision ° 17. Aton by Government on recnemendaions of Commision, = 1D 18. Appeal to Commision e a) 19, Anal report. - » 20. Developing care te dtr public series within stated tne Lint, 10 scnons. 21 2m, 2s 2, 2». [pois Mah xxx Allocation of ns . Provision o be supplement deipinary ules ‘Acton agin eligible person forgiving fle or vols infomation, Por of Goverment ue dictions. Protein f acon taken in good ik Bar of jaro Z - Power fo make uk. Powertorenove dius. Repel of Mah Ord. Vof 2015 and saving. MAHARASHTRA ACT No. XXXI OF 2015'. [TH NAHLARASITRA RIGHT TO PUBLIC SERVICES ACT, 205) (Cis Act received the eset of the Gover on te 19th Avast 2015; as fs [ibid inthe Maharastra Goverment Gest, Pat WV, 00 fe 21st Aut 205) ‘Am Act provide for delivery of transparent ecient an imeypuble ‘ernest the eligible persons inthe State of Maharastra ad for ‘alters consered therewith or nsenta hereto WHEREAS both Houses ofthe Sate Leper were notin seins AND WHEREAS the Goveror of Maharasiea was stil that cramsanes ext ich rendered nese fc hit ke imein eton fo ke a cone. Iesive Ifo provide for ele of waapaent, fin and inl pub saves {0 th lige persons n the Sate of Matarasha and to cing anpareny and coun inthe Deparment and agencies of the Goren and ether ble ‘Authorities which prove pubic services to the eligi perons and for nates ‘uc ¥ comecied herea lcdetl theron, href, pomulse the Mahashe (a15. Right Pasi Serviess Ordinance, 2013 onthe 28th Ap 2015+ AND WHEREAS i expedient replace the si Ordnance by an Act 3 he Sate Lage heey ected Ine Sih Yer fe Repti of in 1. (1) This Actmay bce the Matar Rigo Pale Serves Ac 2015, (2) texted the whole of te Ste of Marais (2) Ista be deemed to have came it fe oa te 28 Ap 215 (4) I shall aply to such Pale Astor which provide pble servis to the eile person at perth provisions of my lay res, iene, {Goverment Resohons oF any eter suunens 2. I hs Act, unless the conten otherwise rire — (o) “Chiet Commision” or“Conmisoner” mem the Sate Chief Commision for Right 0 Sec rte Sate Commissioner or Right Servis, eth ae my be polated ur sa section (2) of ston 13. (©) “Commission” means the Maturastra Sate Commision fr Right Sarvie ‘eonstted ude subsection (/) of ston TS: (©) “Competent Auoriy” means the Dicipory Autti o he Cont ‘ores ashe Se ay os “= (@) “Deparment” meas » Deprent ofthe State Goverment or of «fable ‘Author, the ease may es a Fe Sei iw Res ai) ae aon Gn Gs Pa nae, Maharashtra Right to Public Services Act, 2015 (2018: Mah.XXXt (6) “Designated Ofer” mean an officer whois required Yo provide public serves tthe ele pesan, (“Divisional Commissioner” means the Commision appointed by the Sie’ Goverimet under seston © ofthe Mabarass Land Revenue Coe, 1966 (2) ‘lle pena mens pn who i ible for bing ule “service and also includes 2 legal person; nnn (“Fin Appelt Autor” means an officer appointed by the concerned able Auoriy under sb-eton() of ston 8 (©. “Goveramet” or tate Goverment mean he Goverment of Mabashs ©, “tocat antorey” means any auocy, Municip! Corporation, Murieipa Couns, Nagar Panchayat, Ital Tews Plnring Astor, Zio Parish Panchat Sami and Vilage Pancho and ete oe! sl Governed ty law and alo leclads Development Autores or ahr stay or nosey Neate: (@) “presided” means preset bythe ules made under this Act © “bic Autor” means — (| amy Deparment or autores ofthe Goverment (©) ny organisation or atorty or body oc coporiton oF astute or 1 lel auth, eaabed or conse. — (© by or under the Contato of nda, inthe Stes 0 by any ter aw made by be Sete Lagi (i) by vatican sued Wythe Government © nd inca — (1 instiation, » coopersve sci, a Government Company ar an suthrty owned onl! or foaend bythe Sate Govenmens or ip. ny son-Govemmestleraniztionresving Gran sscance fan the State Goverment (=) “public sevisee” means sich serves a8 may be notified by the Public ‘uti ander secon (0) “gh wo service” men right of an eligible exon to obtain the ube services wikis the atplated tie Tita noted y the Pubic Autor, fom 3 2015: Mah. XXXI]_—_Maharashira Right to Public Services Act, 2015 (o) “Second Apple Autoriy” meens an oer appine by the cone ble Authority under susan (2) of section 8, (0) “spud ine lini” meas the tne tit as noted under scion 3 within which the public serie is tobe provided by the Desigted Ofer 0 aay lie pee, 3. (0) The Public Aubocy sal, within prod of tre monte fom he ate of commencement ofthis Act nd theres fom tne to tine, ney the ple services rendered by it along wih Desiguted Offers, Fst and Sesond Apple Authorities an tle ime lit. 2) The Pblc Autry sal display or use w be dpayed on the soe boar of te office and aso on is webster por i ary the Tit ofthe pblc services reodeed by Italo he dels ofthe splat ie Hn on o,f ‘ay, Desigated Oars, Fat Appie Autores and Seed Apple Auris 4. (1) Subj obo oa tect and racial every lib yon shal have ight wo obiin public sven he State in accrdane with tht Act th te pled tie et 2) abject to the legal, technical and nancial feasibility, every Desig ‘omcer of he Pubic Author shall provide the publ servis te lle person, that pled tie eit Provided th, he tte tne int may be etd bythe Sate Governet uring the period of elton at well arin nul clas Yo such extent my be preseie, 5 ()_An application for otiing ple svies may be made by ay ible psn tthe Dsigtted Ot. The receipt of an application sal be dul a0 edged and te applic sal be inmate in wring or dough eladronie mene, specifying dite and place of eee of aplication, nig application nanber lng with Slulated tine Lint forthe spol of sch applicator. The spl ne sh be ‘oured from the date when the requisite applestion, comple i ll respec for ‘ining the plc serie is recived by the Designed Ofer or erate he i ‘uly thre to receive the splicaton, (2) The Designated Office ssl on cep ofan appition under abt (0, site dey provide or saetion te ble service within the stpulse tine lei for rejet the application afer recor the raza i writing for sock rejesion, ‘he Designated Office shall ao communicate fn wring tothe splat shout the period win which an app may be made saat he oder andthe ame, ‘exigntion and ofl adress ofthe Fst Appelt Auto spin ‘nate Maharashtra Right to Public Services Act, 2015 (2018: Mah.XXX1 6 (0, every cligle peson having applied for any public services all be proved ih nis aplationnunber by the concemed Pubic Aor 0 that Rocan montor sat of hs application elie here sich stem in operation. 2),_Every Public Authority shall be day Bound to update the sats of ll oplcaton roping ple services ani, whee uch System In epeaion 7. ‘The Goveenment shall encourage and aspire all the Public Athorites to use Infomation Tecoology to dever tee respective pubic services within ‘hesitated time i (i) The Pubic Authority shall appoint an offer nat below the nak of ‘croup “B" ois equvalen rank, win ie sopero in rnk othe Desiged ie to a as Fist pele Authority to hear and desde the ape led y an eigbe son spn rejecton of his application or delay providing public servis afer Tolowing ds proce may Be peso (2). The Pablic Auris appoint noir who i sper ia ak ots Fs ‘Appel Autor car Second pple Aor obs and oid the pel ‘ld by eligible pean a wel by fe Designed Ofc ast the eer fhe Fat Apple Asbo 9. ()_ Any egible person, whose appiton rjc under subst (2) ‘ot stan or who mot provided the ple sre with he spade i ‘may fl an appeal before the Fst Appelt Autocky wis the pared of thi dt te he of rece of er ton fe apne xy fe puted tine in Provided dt the Fist Appelt Auto may, a excepts eae, adit te pea even ates the exp ofthe pod of ty a, ubjet to th maxima prod rine day, 1 i aiid tat the Appin Nar prevented by slice ease ‘om ling the apes in ine (2) The Fit Apple Autos may det the Designated Ofer povide the srtce fo the elle peson wit such prods he may spe in ore ‘at which shal not oraiy encod the spate tne Hin oF Be ay Tes he ‘Spal within he prod of hit day fom he ate filing oth sper aie ean {he ressns In wing for such rection Provided ht, bei sii the spe, he Fist Appelt Authority sal give an operant of being herd tothe Appeln a wel arf the Designated Cit for any of Rs sora dy subi for this pps (A second appeal api he order ofthe Fist Appelt Astor sl is tothe Sona Apple Authriy witin the perad of hy days om the dae Ob ich the oder af the Fest Appelt Autor ieee or er fie ye Hom she date of fling of the est appeal i case where the Appelt eh ot receive any ondr fom te Fit Appetite Ahr 5 2018: Mah. XXXI]__Moharashira Right to Public Services Act, 2015 Provided ta, the Second Appell Autry may, in exceptional eases, adit the appeal even ale he exe of the period of ity days or for five dye a the ‘nse miy be, subject Io the manimum ped of nic day, i is stil tha the Appel war prevented by sft case fa fling te ppl ne (4) The Second Appellate Authority may diet the Designated Offer 10 provide the service tothe Appin within sich pesiod st he may spe ie ‘rer oe he may eet the appeal bin the prod of forfve day om tr date oF ing ofthe appl ai esr rensons i wring Forsch jean Provided that, before isting any onde, the Second Appllt Author shall ‘uve an opportunity of being heart the Appelt ss wel sto the Desgmted| Otter ot any of his subordinate dy authorise Tor this purpose. (9) The Fist Appeline Author and Second Appelt Autry wile desing ‘ppl ener thi section, sal have the sine powers ts ae eed il curt ‘wile aying uit under the Code of Cl Procedure, 1908 in respect ofthe falling mae, mane — (2) requbing he production snd inpeton of documents orcad, (©) ting summons fr bering nt (anyother mate which may be prescribed 10.()(0)_ I te Fist Appellae Autry is of he opinion thatthe Desgated ‘ter bar fied to provide public service witht auficent and resonable se ‘ton he stall inpose'a penal which stall nat be les than ropes five hae, but which may ened to rupes Nye thousand or f sath smaunt a my be red Uy the Sie Government, am tine To ne, by notation inthe Ofital Gaca (tthe Second Appetite Asbaciy is ns of he opinion tat the Desi Cnr has made dealt providing the pblic service within th spl ine lit witht sufeient and reasonable case, he mayen vary the penly Imposed by the Fst Appa Author, afer recording reasane in weing Provided dat, the Designated Offa stall be given a reasonable opportinty of being ear before any penal Is imposed on him bythe Fit Apple Aton Second Apel Autor (2) If te Chit Commissioner or the Commissions is of the pion tn tbe Fist Apel Auta had epee Et deci the appeal within he speed time without any suficent and reasonable ease, unduly red to pote the fring Designed Officer, then he shall impore + penalty on the Fist Appellate ‘Authority which shall note estan rapes ve handed, bat which may exe 0 ‘apse ive thousand, or of sch amount a may be revised bythe State Governe, ‘om tine to tine, by tation in be Of! Geto ‘ ‘Maarashura Right to Public Servies Act, 2015 (2018: Mah XXX Provided tht, the Fist Apple Authority shal given a reasonable appranity of being herd before any penal Is imposed on i, ‘The Apple Autor concemed or the Consmsion sal communist to ‘he Designated Occ or the int Appelte Auhoriy, at wel to te Plc “Autboriy about te amount of peny pared in wring. The Delgaed Ofc ‘orth Fst Appel Autry, the case may be, shal pay th amon of ply hin apd of iy days om he dae of recipe of sack commit, aling sthich the Comper Authority sll cover the amount of penalty rom the sly ‘ofthe cncered Designed Of or the Fis Appelt Auth, athe eae maybe 12 (1) The Competent Auton, fer eeiving an tno om the esond Appel Auoiy abou the epee res commited by the caocemed Desgated Oe to provide able series or roped ely in providing ple serves at wel as repeated Tu o comply wit th direction ofthe Appel Astor, shal ise show case moe fo the Designated Ox win » period of on 3), why asin action soul ot be nated apis in. The Competent Aor shall tte appropiate disciplinary proceedings agains the Designated Ocer Unde the Cone and Discipline Roles ar aplieable (2)_ The Designtd Officer agit whos such mois ised may resent to the Competent Autority concerned, within » period of fees days fam the due of recngt of such notice. In ene no sich roresentaton received by the Competent Autry wihin the specified period oe explnaton received at ound susie, the Compatat Authority stall proceed with he departmental Ingy se lad dv inthe Conds and Discipiuy Rules ofthe Public Atari Provided tht if the Competent Auto fins resonable ad jt pounds ln fvour ofthe Designated ce and comes 10 the canclson Gat the ay in

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