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JULY 11. 2020 


1. People who sleep badly need to first look at ________ 


2. Don is a terrible worker. In __________ , he's the worst

employee here!

3. If __________  has convinced me of his honest, it was

his willingness to speak about what happened.

4. Every time I bring _____  this subject, she talks about

something else.

5. By this time tomorrow, we'll ______ sitting on a plane to


6. It's a very luxurious hotel, not really what I'm used

_____ .

7.  _________sexes are guilty of using blackmail when


8. Doctors confirm the importance __________   posture in

maintaining a healthy back.

1. As _________  as seventy workers will be made redundant

in a company merger.

2. The cake collapsed because the heat in the oven wasn't

consistent. In _________ words, someone opened the door!

3.  _______ order to find you on our customer database, you'll

have to tell me your full name and date of birth.

4. I'm always on ______  lookout for bargain antiques to add

to my collection.

5. Why are you eating in here on your _________? Is

everyone else working?

6. There are some things I don't like about the new logo, but

on the __________ , it's fine.

7. The security system was shown to be ___________  from

foolproof when the boss's nine-year-old son guessed the


8. He hasn't answered one of our questions truthfully so

_______ bother?
The Wondrous World of Coffee
A cup of coffee, like any (1) ... experience, can be enriched by

selection and consciousness. "No beans about it," the best coffee

decisions (2) ... the ones most pleasant to one's own palate - the

selection of one's coffee is a matter of personal preference.

Choosing coffee beans can also be a perplexing experience, (3) ...

there is a huge range of coffee types and beans blends from all

around the world. The final flavour and quality involves many

complex factors, beginning with the coffee seed, the beans'

botanics, a wide variety of soil and climate conditions, cultivation

altitudes, and the care (4) ... in harvesting the beans. Raw green

coffee beans are then subjected (5) ... many influencing factors,

including various processing, production, roasting, blending and

brewing methods. On a global note, (6) ... many species and

varieties of coffee trees from different areas of the world also offer

their own distinctive flavours. There are more than forty-five

coffee-exporting countries - all of (7) ... use different classification

systems - that supply the world with coffee beans, in sizes

ranging over sixty known species of coffee plants. No wonder

coffee can involve a puzzling java jargon! Fortunately, the world's

coffee nomenclature, from mountain to market, can be classified

(8) ... simple categories. This briefly outlines the basics of bean

botanics, coffee cultivation and processing, and global

classifications used by the coffee trade and coffee-producing


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