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Female human cleric 18

Init +3; Senses Listen +9, Spot +9 Languages Common, Abyssal

AC 21 (+11 armor), touch 10, flat-footed 21 hp 110 (18 HD); +36 hp with bear’s
endurance; +18 temporary hp with divine power
Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +20; Fort +15 with bear’s endurance
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee blackstaff (+3 unholy quarterstaff) +19/+14/+9 (1d6+7); +27/+22/+17 (1d6+12)
with divine power
Base Atk +13 (+18 with divine power); Grp +16 (+24 with divine power)
Special Actions rebuke undead 17/day
Combat Gear 4 potions of cure serious wounds, potion of protection from acid, potion of
protection from cold, potion of protection from electricity, potion of protection from fire,
ring of freedom of movement, major ring of spell storing (harm, inflict critical wounds),
bonerod, blackstaff (50        charges), 2 candles of invocation (CE), major cloak of
displacement, ebon skull, figurine of wondrous power (goat-headed nalfeshnee)

Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 18 ):

9th -- energy drain (+16 ranged touch, DC 28), implosion (DC 28), time stop D
8th -- create greater undead, discern location, fire storm (DC 27), mass inflict critical
wounds (DC 27), unholy aura D
7th -- blasphemy (DC 26) D, destruction (DC 26), greater restoration, repulsion (DC 26),
6th -- banishment (DC 25), create undead D, greater dispel magic, harm (+16 melee
touch, DC 25), heal, word of recall
5th -- break enchantment, false vision D, flame strike (DC 24), greater command (DC 24),
insect plague, plane shift x2
4th -- air walk, confusion (DC 23) D, cure critical wounds x2, discern lies, divine power,
sending,    tongues
3rd -- bestow curse (+16 melee touch, DC 22) x2, contagion (+16 melee touch, DC 22),
dispel magic x2, invisibility purge, nondetection D, speak with dead
2nd -- align weapon, bear’s endurance, death knell (DC 21), desecrate, hold person (DC
21), invisibility D, spiritual weapon (greatsword +22/+17/+12, 1d8+5/19-20;
+27/+22/+17 with divine power), undetectable alignment
1st -- bane (DC 20), bless, cause fear (DC 20), deathwatch, disguise self D, doom (DC
20), entropic shield, hide from undead (DC 20), obscuring mist
0 -- create water, cure minor wounds, detect magic, detect poison, light, read magic

                D: Domain spell.  Deity: Iuz.  Domains: Evil, Trickery

Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 28, Cha 14; Str 22, Con 19 with bear’s
endurance and     divine power

Feats Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Divine Metamagic (Maximize) (CD), Divine
Metamagic (Quicken) (CD), Extra Turning x3, Scribe Scroll

Skills Bluff +12, Concentration +20 (+24 casting defensively, +22 with bear’s
endurance, +26 casting defensively with bear’s endurance), Diplomacy +8, Disguise +12
(+14 acting, +22 with disguise self, +24 acting with disguise self), Knowledge (religion)
+11, Knowledge (the planes) +11, Spellcraft +21

Possessions combat gear plus +4 half-plate, boots of striding and springing, periapt of
wisdom +6, phylactery of faithfulness, silver skull medallion with ruby eyes worth 2,100
gp (divine focus)

Blackstaff: This ghastly blackwood staff is shod with silver banding and tipped with a
skull likewise banded and decorated with runes of Iuz's cult. A blackstaff functions as a
+3 unholy quarterstaff. Anyone wielding a blackstaff gains the benefits of  protection
from good. By gripping the staff firmly and touching one creature, the cleric may cast
command or cause fear 3/day. These functions do not drain charges.

                The following uses require the expenditure of charges:

                * fireball (1 charge); useable as though it were on the cleric spell list      

                * inflict serious wounds (1 charge)

                * slay living (2 charges); requires successful melee touch attack

                * harm (2 charges); requires successful melee touch attack

                * summon monster VIII (2 charges)

Bonerod: Up to 3/day, the wielder of this thin black rod can loose a volley of sharp bone
shards that fill a 60-ft. cone, inflicting 9d6 points of piercing damage to all targets within
the area.  A successful DC 17 Reflex save reduces the damage by half.  In addition, the
wielder can cast animate dead 3/day.               

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