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University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore

Ph.D. Research Proposal

Department: Department of Electrical Engineering

Faculty: Faculty of Electrical Engineering


Name of Student: Muhammad Faheem Akhtar
Registration No: 2019-R/2014-PhD-Elect-16
Date of Registration: 2019
Full Time/Part-Time: Full Time

Internal Supervisor: Dr. Haroon Farooq

1. Abstract
The electric power was responsible of immense economic growth for developed
countries, but it also presented third world countries with many problems that were
critical to their economic rise or downfall. Unfortunately, Pakistan like many third world
countries has been at the receiving end of this problem. It hasn’t been long, the memories
of that dark age are still fresh in mind, when “Loadshedding” tortured us Pakistanis as a
nation, destroyed our economy and depleted us physically and mentally. Although during
the previous governments regime, with CPEC in full swing we got rid of the problem of
generation we added another 13000 or so MW to the system. Pakistan’s energy crisis
whose core was used to be “Diminished Power Capacity” and was bound to be resolved
once its power generation capacity issues are resolved and although it resolved the issues
to some extent, but long lasted problems of distribution and transmission were now more
evident than ever as. the power distributing companies had no mechanism of delivering a
large portion of this increased capacity to the end-user because the transmission lines
didn’t have the capacity to handle and deliver this new additional power being produced.
On the other hand, this additional power being generated and accumulated into the
system triggered another problem the problem of “Circular Debt”.
Although “Circular Debt” has always been an issue for Pakistan due to many inherent
flaws and a very inefficient energy policy but now it started skyrocketing, many factors
accumulated together to give rise to “Circular Debt”, such as this excess generation,
which was no more needed, until the transmission system had the capacity, as the
capacity charges are being paid to power producers even if they don’t contribute in the
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Email: 042-99250213 ver. 2.0 (Aug 2020)
national grid in terms of power generation. Moreover, like transmission & distribution
losses, costly agreements with the IPPS and non-technical losses (NTLs) such as power
theft, irregularities in metering system and corruption, the problem of circular debt has
increased many folds.
We are going to propose a novel method in this proposal that will tackle one of the issues
i.e. Non-Technical Losses (NTLs), mainly power theft a major contributor to the circular
debt and a problem that can be curtailed with the right approach. Electricity theft is
indicated by fluctuations in energy use patterns. Due to the inadequate and time-
consuming mechanisms, conventional approaches for identifying non-technical losses,
such as onsite inspection, incentive and penalty policies, have forfeited their worth in the
current day. Improved and more efficient NTL identification techniques have been
presented by several researchers involved in this field of data analysis and Artificial
Intelligence. In view of precision, efficiency, accuracy, time consumption, and labor
required, AI-based NTL identification techniques outperform traditional methods. Using
unsupervised and supervised machine learning approaches, this study provides a new
method for detecting NTL.  This method uses data about consumer electricity
consumption to detect any abnormalities in usage that could be linked to NTL activity.
The algorithm used in this research produces a list of suspect users with inconsistent
usage statistics that can then be further investigated to check if the findings by the
algorithm are accurate, and some illicit activity (power theft) is being committed by the
user or there is some problem in the metering system. So, by the end of this project, we
will be able to identify any discrepancy be it power theft or another NTL present on
consumer side just by monitoring customers usage statistics. Our proposed system will
identify some key features that would be then monitored by power distribution
companies and if present in some unusual amount in a consumers usage data would
mean that some kind of NTL is present in the system at the consumers end. Please add
concrete objectives of this proposal briefly here.
Q.1: Is on-site inspection still required, even after developing such a mechanism to detect
Q.2: You didn’t mention the feature selection etc. in the abstract, which is later discussed
in this proposal? Is it what we are focusing on? Or the detection of theft?
2. Research Narrative

Pakistan is a country which is developing, and the state's electricity system is antiquated
and in need of replacement. The current power source, in reality, necessitates constant
maintenance. The difficulties with the electric grid were not predicted timely and the
organizations were unable to devise an appropriate energy plan. When one institution's
cash streams are disrupted, it restrains payments to its lenders, resulting in circular debt.
As a result, issues with one institution's cash inflow can spread to other parts of payment
chain. For multiple decades, Pakistan's power sector has struggled with this problem.
Circular debt is a disturbing and continuous type of public worth degradation in
Pakistan's power sector. Circular debt has a compounding impact on significant sectors
of the state since it is a pipelined impact of delayed liabilities through a series of entities.
Takeover of thermal electric utilities and IPPs are just two of the many negative
repercussions of the country's revolving debt and financial issues in the electricity sector.
In addition, to meet electricity demand, thermally ineffective power production is
installed. The fuel from other industries is used to generate electricity. As a result, less
fuel is provided to companies, which has a negative impact on GDP. The high prices (per
unit) of electricity is caused by an inefficient power generation with higher thermal
constituents. High-potential bioenergy and several other green alternatives received less
attention. The electricity industry's economy has been crippled by a lackluster policy for
determining tariff rates and petrol price adjustments. As a result, Pakistan's damaged
electricity sector attracts only a small amount of international investment. When need of
electricity is higher, such as in the summers, power cut increases, which has a negative
impact on the country's commercial and industrial sectors. Thermal Power Plants are
erected at the local sector to reach demand in the event of a power outage, which
increases fuel imports and poses environmental consequences [1].
Circular Debt is also increased due to Non-technical losses (NTLs) and Technical losses
(TLs) in electricity grids at the transmission & distribution (T&D) levels [2]. The
measurement of TL is usually required for accurate NTL estimations [3]. TLs are
irreversible since they occur in hardware throughout the (T&D) process, while NTLs are
operational losses caused by non-billed power, machine breakdown, billing errors, poor
infrastructures, and unlawful power usage [4]. Fraudster consumers' illegitimate electric
power consumption is frequently linked to regularized corruption, fraud, and organized
crime and. As a result, this type of losses cannot be measured properly. One of the most
pressing challenges for Power Distribution Companies (PDCs) is the decrease of NTL. It

provides significant challenges for PDCs because, in some situations, 50% of power
supply result in NTLs, resulting in annual losses of hundreds of billions. PDCs globally
are expected to lose roughly $25 billion in power every year as a consequence of
fraudulent activity [4]. The cost of electricity has risen on the market, resulting in
significant delay of payments by major electrical users, and theft of energy. As per a
study by the Pakistan Senators Legislature's circular debt committee, circular debt began
to rise in 2008, from a worth of 161.2 billion, which swelled up to approximately Rs.
2400 billion until October 2021. In most cases, real clients cover the costs associated
with all these NTLs have a greater impact in developing and underdeveloped states,
although they can also have an impact on industrialized economies [5]. Scientists and
specialists in the power academic and industry have been experimenting with various
techniques to effectively handle the aforementioned challenge. Conventional means rely
on statistical data research to evaluate key signs of fraudulent activity, enabling for the
formulation of effective strategies to combat the problem. Smart meter installation
appears to be among the most effective and recent approaches to the NTL
identification problem [6]. But, their installation, running costs, and design necessitate
large sums of money, making them impractical in low-income countries [7]. Other
approaches include using machine learning algorithms to analyses data from meters and
evaluating usage trends that could indicate fraudulent activity. For effective
identification of NTLs, particular apparatus, grids and sensors topologies have also been
recommended. There are numerous research papers in the academia that have addressed
the NTL detection problem using a variety of methodologies, but a novel methodology
will be proposed in this study.
This para already copied above near [4]. Figure mentioned below is not upto date.
Therefore I deleted it, if u can get data and make a chart in excel about it, then add
please. Fraudster consumers' illegitimate electric power consumption is frequently
linked to regularized corruption, fraud, and organized crime. As a result, this type of
losses cannot be measured properly. One of the most pressing challenges for PDCs is the
decrease of NTL. It provides significant challenges for PDCs because, in some
situations, 50% of power supply result in NTLs, resulting in annual losses of hundreds of
billions. PDCs globally are expected to lose roughly $25 billion in power every year as a
consequence of fraudulent activity [4]. The cost of electricity has risen on the market.
That would be the reason why energy is out of reach for small businesses and the

poorest. This resulted in significant industrial losses, delay of payments by major
electrical users, and theft of energy. As per a study by the Pakistan Senators Legislature's
circular debt committee, circular debt began to rise in 2008, from a worth of 161.2
billion. Its cost fell in between because to low market prices of oil, but eventually rose as
shown below Figure 1.

Figure 1: Pakistan past years’ circular debt values

Q.1 Shouldn’t we add in this section the problems we are going to address in this
3. Research Novelty
One of the most significant approaches available for NTL detection through machine
learning algorithms is the feature-based NTL detection approach [8]. In such methods,
generally, time-series energy usage data are utilized to extract a few of the most relevant
features of each consumer and based on the analysis of the outcomes, the consumers are
categorized as honest or fraudulent [9]. Different research studies use different types and
numbers of features; therefore, it is a challenging task to explain all the features used for
NTL detection precisely. The features rely heavily on the location and timeframe during
which the data is collected. Many researchers have focused on the data for just summer
season but by using data for both seasons have shown very unique trends in feature
calculation mostly as the Energy consumption changes drastically during the seasons.
Please modify it in a simpler sentence or explain what are we going to way here. Two of
the major advantages of the feature-based classification are enhanced classification
accuracy and reduction in data size as only the most relevant feature is selected by using
a feature selection method that provides an accurate picture of NTL activity. This
research proposed a novel combination of selection of feature vector with supervised and

unsupervised machine learning to obtain the accurate model for the identification of
circular debt.

4. Research Objectives and Scope

Theft of power is a big problem for companies, with billions of dollars destroyed each
year. To identify NTL, a variety of machine learning algorithms have been developed.
Therefore, more research is required to address certain significant issues. This study will
focus on following objectives.
 The results of this research focus on analysis and solutions of financial problems
such as circular debt which are associated to the power sector of Pakistan.
 The data collected will be balanced in nature and will be collected from large
number of consumers rather than focusing on just short range of users.
 There will be a unique classification model which have less computation time
and is less complex and would be able to generate statistical features for a large
data set. Shouldn’t we add a heading of Scope and mention these points under
that heading? The heading is research objective and scope for separate heading I
don’t think there is enough material
 It would be made sure that an efficient model is designed that will be able to
tackle the problem of data overfitting and underfitting and other such problems.
For this special care would be given and data would be preprocessed to get rid of
any of this problems that can occur.
Q. What do u mean by designing an efficient system? What sort of system are we
 It will focus on the analysis of supervised and unsupervised learning comparison
in term of their performance for classification.
 It will be made sure that the model designed doesn’t consume to much of
system’s memory and also that the inherent problems of a ML such as False
Positive is kept to the minimum. Please explain this objective in some easily
understandable language.

5. Literature Survey
Many researchers have previously proposed various solutions to these problems, which
can be categorized into three: Machine Learning and Artificial intelligence based

methods, Region based frameworks, and game concept mechanisms. State-based
techniques look at the structure of how data is gathered from various sources.
Furthermore, the model's implementation necessitates the purchase of extra hardware
components. Costa et al.[10] investigated NTL identification employing artificial neural
networks. The data from the users was utilized to create a dataset, which was then
utilized to categorize the consumers as fraudsters or genuine using the ANN approach.
Unfortunately, due to the irregular data, the proposed technique proved ineffective,
resulting in low precision and a large number of false positives. Muniz et al. [11] also
trained the NTLs identification model using an ANN-based technique. The fuzzy
categorization was used to boost the effectiveness of the ANN structure, but it also has a
lesser accuracy. For identifying the consumption patterns of various users, Angelos et al.
[12] used a fuzzy categorization and clustering-based technique. To establish a pattern
for each user, the proposed technique needed average usage data, standard error,
maximal usage, the total of inspecting notes, and neighborhood average usage.
Collecting such vast amounts of data for each client was a difficult process, and the
proposed model finally resulted in a significant detecting delay. For detecting scams
perpetrated by dishonest users, Spiric' et al. [13] used a fuzzy grouping and coarse set
hypothesis technique. Based on the quantity of electricity used, a selection of suspicious
users was compiled. However, essential performance indicators for datasets including
as specificity, sensitivity, and AUC were overlooked in this study.
In [14], the researcher utilized a modern metering systems intrusion detection system,
which employs a variety of sensors that detect abnormal user demand patterns. The main
issue with this technique is that it necessitates a very high sample rate, which discloses
all types of equipment used by user as well as the period of usage, therefore jeopardizing
the consumer's confidentiality. For preventing fraudulent actions, in [15] taken into
account the installation of intelligent prepaid power meters. The main disadvantage of
the suggested method is that the detector will convey a zero value all through
unauthorized tapings, likely to result in no electricity being evaluated by a metering
This research [16] presented a Support Vector Machine anomaly detection method in
conjunction with a usage trend energy theft detection to reduce uncertainty error. The
main disadvantage of the proposed concept was that enterprises would have to pay for
the installation of a transformer meter in terms of smart meters. Nagi et al. [5] created an

SVM-based model detecting fraud that uses 25-month data information as well as other
criteria such as the creditworthiness rating to recognize fraudulent users. Later in [17],
the fuzzy inference system was used with SVM to increase mode's efficiency even
further. Furthermore, as a consequence of this improvement, the recognition rate
improved from 60% to 72%, that is still relatively low in comparison to Ensemble
Bagged Tree.
Feature selection techniques have been employed in the research to improve the
performance of various methods used for NTL identification.  The researchers of [18]
used a fairly modest number of attributes to test all the probable fraud indicators. For
finding an ideal collection of characteristics, Ramos et al.[19] used a variety of meta-
heuristic techniques, including the Genetic Algorithm (GA), binary black hole
computation, Differential Evolution (DE), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and
Harmony Search (HS).The researchers [20] of examined the HS algorithm against PSO
under similar circumstances for the best feature set. In [21] the same researchers
expanded on their previous work by using the Binary Gravitational Search Algorithm for
the similar goal and comparing its efficiency to the HS and PSO. Pereira et al. [22]
employed Social Spider Optimization to tune the classifiers and feature extraction
processing parameters in some other paper. The filtering and wrapper-based strategy for
picking the best characteristics was proposed by Martino et al. [23]. 
In published studies, numerous NTL detection techniques have been developed and
presented. The majority of these identification techniques for energy theft are focused on
game theory and categorization. A game between potential thieves and PDCs is proposed
in the game-theory approach [24]. The most significant downside of this strategy is the
time-consuming effort of forming individual functions for each player. The classic
categorization method, but at other hand, uses unhealthy and healthy data samples to
load profile customers over an amount of time [25]. The fundamental issue with these
classic categorization methods is that they have a poor detection accuracy and a high
false-positive rate, which leads to higher inspection and audit costs. Furthermore, one of
the primary challenges with conventional classification techniques is data mismatch,
because data collected for honest users is readily available, whereas material for
fraudulent consumers is scarce. As a result, getting data for fraudulent consumers is a
complex and time-consuming operation. Finally, seasonal fluctuations, changes in

residence, changes in device use, and other parameters are recognized to pose a danger to
conventional classification-based techniques [16].
6. Research Methodology

Figure 2: Proposed method for the detection of circular debt

Kindly add somewhere here that the data of fraudulent consumers is being added for
machine learning.
Pakistan has a diverse range of non-conventional and conventional energy resources [9].
As previously said, Pakistan has had energy challenges, and as a result of inefficiencies
in the power industry and political interference, the country has chosen to use traditional
resources for power generation due to its short-term benefits. Pakistan had a more
prosperous period in terms of energy, with plenty of electricity. The discrepancy between
power use and supply is the source of current energy constraint. Since then, the chasm
has widened and widened to the point where it is now considered the worse power crises
in history of Pakistan. In Pakistan, T&D loss in electricity network were 17.5 % and 17%
in periods of 2016–2017 and 2017–2018, whereas actually, the losses are much more
than that, but being hidden / manipulated due to false reporting. When contrasted to other
Asian countries, these rates are far higher. For instance, T&D loss in power system is
8% in China, while they in Korea are around 3.6 % and European nations has 3.6 % rate.

NTL accounts for a significant amount of the T&D loss in Pakistan's power system,
accounting for 33 percent of the national annual T&D losses [26]. Despite the enormous
economic losses generated by NTLs in past years.
To solve the aforementioned problems, this research designed a framework which is a
combination of supervised machine learning and unsupervised machine learning. The
proposed system model for the detection of circular debt in Pakistan is shown in Figure
2, which is based on five steps: data collection from different companies , data
preprocessing employing filtering, feature extraction using different features and
selecting best features, classification using supervised machine learning (which includes
support vector machines (SVM) , artificial neural network (ANN) , decision tress (DT) ,
k- nearest neighbor (KNN) and optimum path forest (OPF) and unsupervised machine
learning (which includes statistical controls, clustering algorithms and regression
models) , and performance metrics.
a) Dataset
The samples for this study will be acquired from well-known Pakistani power
distribution firms. The information gathered will be divided into two categories: honest
users and fraudulent users. The data for the fraudulent consumers would also be
collected and it would be made sure that only those consumer data is collected in this
category whose deception had been confirmed by the meter and testing (M&T) lab. The
M&T lab must completely check the meter status and provide the analysis in order to
validate the position of the users. For the previous two years, all theft instances will
be investigated. In addition, the company will provide monthly kWh usage statistics for
the previous 36 months for this study. The information collected will include the meter
status, connected load, kind of fraud ( in case of fraudulent consumer data), sanctioned
load, meter reading, period of meter reading, connected load, inconsistencies, and period
of examination. The data for fraudulent consumer would be collected separately while on
the other hand the second data category honest users would contain just general users
data it might or might not have NTL
b) Preprocessing
Since the success of a model is dependent not just on techniques, but also data quality on
that's why a data processing stage is essential. Real-time dataset is usually noisy,
irregular, and partial (missing values), making it more difficult to extract relevant
information. To ensure that the model is properly trained, the gathered data will be
processed to remove users with incomplete data. First before system is trained, the

customers will be screened and deleted. Those whose whole 36-month usage data was
unavailable, as well as those who aren't really consuming power owing to a change of
location or other cause. It would be made sure that by using necessary techniques as that
of Data Augmentation that the data is refined and is made as diverse as possible.
Following the removal of all outliers and the use of the filtration, the data will be further
processed. Regardless of the fact that several customers will be excluded throughout the
filtering process, the other user’s data will be adequate for training and validating the
model under consideration.
c) Feature selection
Feature selection is the method of extracting the most important features from the source
dataset. Many approaches for extracting features have been suggested in past papers. The
feature extraction is key part of feature-based NTL identification systems. As previously
stated, the features extraction algorithm is used to choice most relevant and best features
in order to achieve the highest level of accuracy [27]. Our approach would be that once
statistical features are extracted from the users data these features are then tweaked to
check how they affect the accuracy of model and its classification capabilities statistical
features that would cause most transient in model’s classification abilities would be
identified that would then be used to identify specific key points or features present in
user dataset that can be monitored.
d) Classification
 Data-based methodologies are comprised of two main components Data analysis
(Preprocessing and Feature extraction) and Machine learning (Training and
Classification). The Machine Learning techniques are further separated into two
unsupervised and supervised techniques, which are explored separately in the following
1. Supervised Methods
Approaches that use data from both groups (positive class or negative class) for training
of classifier are known as supervised methods. For forecasting, these algorithms learn
trends in energy usage data. These classifiers used labelled data for training of classifier,
which was then evaluated on a new data. The fundamental disadvantage of supervised
algorithms is that they are difficult to utilize in the absence of labelled data of dishonest
(positive class) users, or when the frequency of fraud samples is substantially lower as
compare to legitimate users [28]. Here our two separate classes Fraudulent and Honest
consumer class both would be utilized. Data would be labelled and present as two

different classes. Based on the difference in different values of these classes our model
will learn certain labels ( some metrics) that if present or absent would help it classify
whether a consumer is honest or fraudulent.
2. Unsupervised Methods
Unsupervised approaches would be any techniques which do not need any labeling
(positive/negative) again for classifiers model training. Such techniques do not require
supervision; thus the model learns the content buried in the dataset by itself.
Unsupervised techniques can accomplish more sophisticated data processing than
supervised machine classifiers [29]. Here our general dataset both honest and fraudulent
consumer data would be used but no labelling would be done model would itself identify
some metrics or labels if present means a consumer is fraudulent or honest
7. Research Outcomes & Deliverables
Circular debt must be resolved in order to alleviate supply limitations. The task is
difficult since it needs clearing the existing circular debt inventory before plugging any
more circular debt liabilities. There will be following outcomes of this research.
 A thorough evaluation of the financial challenges in power sector and the
inevitable shortcomings in policies with growing circular debt.
 A comparative model of the supervised and unsupervised machine learning based
detection of NTL that contribute to circular debt.
 An efficient and novel framework for the detection of non-technical losses in the

8. Socio-Economic Benefits of Research

Electronic devices are becoming more popular, and as a result, the need for electricity is
rising. During the production, distribution, and transmission of energy, energy is lost.
Many researches have been offered in the academia to handle with non-technical losses.
To attain better consequences, although, FPR and an improved balancing method are still
needed. The state's power industry's financial problems are wreaking havoc on the grid.
Pakistan's electricity sector is grappling with a big problem: circular debt. Financial
concerns have had a negative impact on the electricity sector in both non-technical and
technical dimensions, making it a loss-making department. Consumers and industries
have been impacted by this issue, which has forced them to look for alternatives to
government-supplied electricity to meet their energy requirements. In order to address

this issue, this study presents both low-cost and green alternatives that have been
quantitatively validated. In this research we have proposed a machine learning based
system for the identification of circular debt which can play vital role to minimize the
loss in industrial commercial and economical level [30].
9. Funding Plan
Please explain briefly the funding sources available and/or planned for this research. This
section may include the funding available from funded project/grants, industrial partners
or any other internal or external sources.
In case of funds planned and required from UET, please attach a budget sheet as per
available template on ORIC website.

10. Research Dissemination Plan

Explain the activities that will be carried out to disseminate the results of this research.
The target journals for publication may be stated as well. Please learn about the
compulsory publication requirements for Ph.D. degrees.

11. Research Timetable

Showing the period for the start of work and expected time for each stage like, literature
review, time for experimental set up, experimentation, analysis of results and submission
of thesis etc.

12. Names and Details of the Proposed Co-Supervisor(s), if any.

13. Details of the Proposed Supervisory Committee

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Turkey. Utilities Policy, 2015. 37: p. 70-78.

Signature of Supervisor Signature of the Applicant

Endst. No. Univ:______________ Dated: _____________

The above proposal duly recommended by the Departmental Board of

Studies/Committee of Post-Graduate Studies in its meeting held on _____________ is
forwarded to the Director ORIC for obtaining the approval of the Vice-Chancellor.

___________________________ ______________________________
Dean of the Faculty
Chairman/Director of the Department


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