AT2 - Essay TOTS

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TASK TWO DUE 21/03/23


Section 1: Planning and Research (1 week) SCORE %

This assessment requires you to research and plan for ONE of
the questions below using Shakespeare’s The Taming of the
Shrew. You will have 4 lessons for this plus homework time. You TASK
must submit your planning to verify the authenticity of your writing WEIGHTING

and make sure you include a Bibliography citing all the sources
used, both physical and digital.

Section 2: In-class essay response (50 minutes)

You will be given the same questions and will be required to write
an essay response to one question. Your essay response will be
conducted under timed conditions and without notes.


1. How do drama conventions shape meaning in the play?

Readings – humanist. Psychoanalytical, feminist
Ideas – how the director wanted us to view it.

2. How might a play challenge or reinforce a viewer’s

Which viewers - Elizabethan or modern?
Attitudes/opinions of the time
Discuss one or the other NOT both.
Can be negative or positive expectations.
Parallel of expectation – reinforce one, challenge the other

3. Characters influence the way we view themes in the play.

Audience response
How do characters influence/display themes?
Talk about more than one theme (3?)
Proxemics/costume/body language/facial expressions

4. Literary meanings are not timeless or universal, but vary

across times, places and other contexts. Discuss.
Compare Elizabethan to today.
How do play’s change?
How have the messages changed?
How have values changed – what was valued before but not now
vice versa?
Always bring up how it is not timeless.

Essay response Marks

Engagement with the question /24

demonstrates a sophisticated, critical and comprehensive, thoughtful and purposeful engagement with
the question 21-24

demonstrates a comprehensive and purposeful engagement with the question 17-20

demonstrates a mostly comprehensive engagement with the question 13-16
demonstrates a general engagement with most of the question 9-12
demonstrates a limited or simplistic engagement with the question 5-8
demonstrates little engagement with the question 1-4
Text knowledge
Go even further /20
Think about it deeper, don’t be bland/vague
demonstrates a detailed, comprehensive and critical understanding of the selected text 17-20
demonstrates a detailed, mostly comprehensive understanding of the selected text 13-16
demonstrates a general understanding of the selected text 9-12
demonstrates some understanding of the selected text 5-8
demonstrates limited understanding of the selected text 1-4
Expression of ideas /20
expresses ideas in a coherent, sophisticated and lucid and sustained style 17-20
expresses ideas in a coherent, sophisticated and sustained manner 13-16
expresses ideas in a coherent and sustained style 9-12
expresses ideas in a competent style 5-8
expresses ideas clearly, but not always coherently 1-4
Use of evidence /20
Use quotes, visuals – talk about the play more

uses strategic and critical quotation, and/or pertinent examples from text and/or pertinent reference to 17-20
cultural context/s
uses strategic, appropriate quotation, and/or appropriate examples from text and/or appropriate 13-16
reference to cultural context/s
uses appropriate quotation, and/or mostly appropriate examples from text and/or cultural context/s 9-12
uses some quotation, and/or some relevant examples from text and/or cultural context/s 5-8
uses few relevant quotes, and/or few relevant examples from text and/or cultural context/s 1-4
Literary discourse /16
demonstrates informed understanding of literary concepts and sophisticated use of literary terminology
related to the reading 14-16

demonstrates sound understanding of literary concepts and competent use of literary terminology
related to the reading 10-13

demonstrates general understanding of literary concepts and use of appropriate literary terminology
related to the reading 5-9

demonstrates some understanding of literary concepts and some use of appropriate literary
terminology related to the reading 1-4

Total /100

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