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org/OPRD Review

Potential Safety Hazards Associated with Using

N,N‑Dimethylformamide in Chemical Reactions
Qiang Yang,* Min Sheng, and Yongliang Huang

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ABSTRACT: N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) is frequently used as a solvent because of its unique physical properties that allow it
to solubilize both organic and inorganic substances. It has also found broad applications as a catalyst for a variety of chemical
transformations and as a donor for many functional groups in synthetic organic chemistry. However, DMF is incompatible with a
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wide variety of substances and has resulted in many incidents over the years. Analysis of literature information indicates that those
incompatible substances can be categorized as acids, bases, halogenated reagents, oxidants, and reductants. This comprehensive
review of the potential hazards of using DMF in chemical reactions will serve as an educational resource to promote awareness of
such safety hazards in the broader chemistry community and encourage scientists to develop appropriate control strategies to
mitigate the potential safety risks associated with the use of DMF in chemical reactions.
KEYWORDS: N,N-dimethylformamide, DMF, explosion hazards, thermal instability, autocatalytic decomposition, thermal runaway,
exothermic decomposition

1. INTRODUCTION Scheme 1. DMF as a Multipurpose Building Block in

Synthetic Organic Chemistry
N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) (CAS no. 68-12-2, boiling
point 153 °C), a clear, colorless liquid with a faint amine odor,
was first synthesized by Verley in 1893 by heating a mixture of
sodium formate and dimethylammonium chloride.1 Commer-
cially, DMF is produced by reacting methanol (MeOH) and
ammonia (NH3) to give a dimethylamine (Me2NH)/
trimethylamine (Me3N) mixture after isolation and treating
the Me2NH/Me3N mixture with carbon monoxide (CO).2
The DMF market is poised to grow from $637.8 million in
2017 to $792.1 million by 2022 at a compound annual growth
rate (CAGR) of 4.43%. The growth of the DMF market is
primarily driven by increased demand from various industries
such as chemical, electronics, pharmaceutical, agrochemical,
DMF is widely used as a polar aprotic solvent in synthetic
organic chemistry to effect a broad range of chemical reactions
because of its excellent dissolution property that allows it to
solubilize both organic and inorganic species. More impor-
tantly, over the years DMF has found broad applications in a database showed no detectable exothermic decomposition at
wide variety of chemical transformations as a catalyst4 and as a temperatures up to 400 °C when a sample of pure DMF was
multipurpose building block to deliver a variety of functional evaluated under an atmosphere of nitrogen (N2) in the
headspace (Table 1, entry 1). Similarly, accelerating rate
groups, including N,N-dimethylamido [−CON(CH3)2], N,N-
calorimetry (ARC) evaluation of 5.28 g of pure DMF using a
dimethylamino [−N(CH3)2], formate (HCO2−), formyl
Hastelloy ARC cell with a phi factor of 1.72 showed that pure
(−CHO), carbonyl (>CO), cyano (−CN), oxygen (O), and
hydrogen (H) moieties (Scheme 1).5
DMF is reported to be stable at ambient temperature. Received: July 10, 2020
However, it undergoes slow decarbonylation near its boiling Published: August 6, 2020
point of 153 °C to release Me2NH and CO, and therefore,
distillation of DMF is generally conducted under reduced
pressure at a lower temperature below its boiling point.6
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) data found in our

© 2020 American Chemical Society

1586 Org. Process Res. Dev. 2020, 24, 1586−1601
Organic Process Research & Development Review

Table 1. Historical Thermal Stability Data on DMF and Its min after the addition of KOMe, and then faded away
Mixtures from Corteva’s Database gradually until complete disappearance after 10−25 min
(Scheme 2, blue). It is worth noting that the formation of a
onset energy
evaluation temp. release variety of radicals and products was also observed by Kroh and
entry sample tool conditions (°C) (J/g)a,b Burzynska when DMF was irradiated with ionizing rays
1 DMF DSC N2 none up to 400 °C (Scheme 2, purple).11 These observations provided important
2 air 170 −109 evidence to support the hypothesis that the decomposition of
3 ARC N2 none up to 350 °C DMF occurs via an autocatalytic radical mechanism under
4 50% HCl (37%) + HOM 26 °C − −151 certain conditions.
5 50% DMF DSC N2 60 −188 A variety of substances can induce the decomposition of
6 40 mg of H3PO4 + HOM 20 °C − −10 DMF because of its unique reactivity, and this has resulted in
7 35 mg of DMF 32 17 many incidents over the years, with reports dating back to as
8 DSC N2 140 50 early as the 1960s. Further analysis of these incidents indicated
9 253 > −217 that these substances can be categorized as acids, bases,
10 SO3−DMF DSC air 32 28 halogenated reagents, oxidants, and reductants. This compre-
11 complex 114 −254 hensive review of potential safety hazards associated with DMF
12 228 −646 will serve as an educational resource to promote awareness of
13 12.5 mg of LiH + DSC air 188 −632 the potential hazards associated with the use of DMF in the
325 μL of DMF broader chemistry community and to encourage researchers to
14 40% NaOt-Bu + HOM 25 °C − −45 perform safety evaluations of reactions using DMF and develop
15 60% DMF DSC N2 165 84 appropriate control strategies to mitigate such safety risks.
16 275 −159
17 50% SOCl2 + 50% HOM 25 °C − −140
18 DSC N2 111 −488
19 12.6% NBS + ARC N2 61 −126 An exothermic reaction is generally maintained at the desired
87.4% DMFc process temperature (TP) with external cooling until reaction
20 11 mg of KMnO4 HOM 36 °C − −820 completion is reached. However, a higher reaction temperature
21 + 11.6 μL of DSC N2 60 −71
DMF results when the heat generation rate surpasses the heat
22 208 −193 removal rate in cases of insufficient cooling. If all of the
Negative values indicate exotherms, and positive values indicate reactants are accumulated and the reaction continues under
endotherms. bThe energy was normalized to the total mass of the final adiabatic conditions, the reaction temperature would reach the
mixture. cFinal pressure at 200 °C: 3.95 bar. maximum temperature of a synthesis reaction (MTSR), which
is equal to TP + ΔTad, where ΔTad is the adiabatic temperature
DMF is stable at temperatures up to 350 °C under an rise. When the MTSR exceeds the onset temperature of
atmosphere of N2 in the headspace (Table 1, entry 3). reaction mixture decomposition, a secondary reaction could be
Because of their similar physical properties, DMF has been triggered to potentially result in runaway scenarios or even
frequently used as a replacement for dimethyl sulfoxide explosions (Figure 1).12
(DMSO)7 in chemical reactions to mitigate the potential The reaction heat generation rate and the resulting ΔTad are
explosion hazards associated with the thermal decomposition generally evaluated using reaction calorimeters such as a micro
of DMSO.8 However, as a compound carrying formyl and reaction calorimeter (μRC),13 an EasyMax HF Cal heat flow
amide functional groups, DMF is prone to many decom- calorimeter,14 and/or an RC-1 reaction calorimeter.15 Potential
position pathways such as hydrolysis, oxidation, reduction, thermal decomposition reactions are characterized with
etc.9 Øpstad et al. observed the formation of DMF radicals by DSC,16 a thermal screening unit (Tsu),17 an advanced reactive
electromagnetic resonance (EMR) and NMR analyses when system screening tool (ARSST),18 rapid detection of
anhydrous DMF was treated with potassium methoxide exothermic reaction (RADEX),19 ARC,20 and/or a vent sizing
(KOMe).10 It was found that DMF radicals were formed package (VSP).18 It needs to be pointed out that, in general,
instantaneously, reached a maximum concentration within 2−4 decomposition can start at temperatures well below the

Scheme 2. Reported Radicals and Products during DMF Decomposition

Org. Process Res. Dev. 2020, 24, 1586−1601
Organic Process Research & Development Review

Although the exact root cause was not identified, it was

suspected that SO3 reacted with moisture to form sulfuric acid
(H2SO4), which subsequently decomposed DMF to release
CO and other porducts. DSC evaluation of a sample of SO3−
DMF complex indicated two significant exothermic events
starting at 114 and 228 °C when the experiment was
conducted under an atmosphere of air in the headspace. The
energy releases for these two exothermic events were −254 and
−646 J/g, respectively (Table 1, entries 11 and 12). It is worth
noting that the potential safety hazard associated with the
thermal instability of SO3−DMF complex is underappreciated,
as indicated by the fact that this potential explosion hazard has
not yet been clearly specified in the safety data sheets (SDSs)
from major suppliers.27
The formation of noncondensable and flammable gaseous
Figure 1. Potential reaction safety hazard scenarios. Reproduced from products during the decomposition of DMF in the presence of
ref 8d. Copyright 2020 American Chemical Society. acids, especially strong acids, drastically increases the severity
of the hazards because of the potential for reactor over-
detected onset temperature because of instrument sensitivity. pressurization or even fire if the reaction system is not properly
It is crucial for scientists to understand the reaction calorimetry vented and inerted. It is imperative for scientists to understand
and heat generation rate of the desired reaction as well as the the safety hazards associated with the decomposition of DMF
thermal instability hazards of reaction mixtures to ensure that in the presence of acids and design proper control strategies to
the reaction is performed at a safe temperature (e.g., 100 °C mitigate these inherent safety risks.
below the decomposition onset temperature detected by 2.2. Potential Safety Hazards of DMF in the Presence
DSC).21 of Bases. Pure DMF decomposes appreciably if it is allowed
2.1. Potential Safety Hazards of DMF in the Presence to stand at ambient temperature for a prolonged time in the
of Acids. DMF is hydrolyzed in the presence of acids to afford presence of a strong base such as potassium hydroxide (KOH),
Me2NH and formic acid (HCO2H), which has been employed sodium hydroxide (NaOH), or calcium hydride (CaH2).28 The
as an “in situ” source of Me2NH to effect a variety of chemical decomposition of DMF in the presence of strong bases to
transformations.22 However, the hydrolysis of DMF in the release Me2NH has been employed as an in situ source of
presence of acids, especially strong acids, can be hazardous Me2NH to effect a variety of chemical transformations. For
because the hydrolysis product, HCO2H, can further example, Garcia et al. employed hydroxide-assisted decom-
decompose to release noncondensable gases such as CO, position of DMF as an in situ source of Me2NH in the
carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen (H2), etc. The decomposition nucleophilic aromatic substitution of aryl fluorides and
of HCO2H can be fast and violent in the presence of a wide chlorides 11 with Me2NH (Scheme 3).29 Pertersen et al.
variety of catalysts that are frequently employed in chemical
transformations.23 Scheme 3. Hydroxide-Assisted Decomposition of DMF as
DMF reacts violently with aqueous HCl when they are an In Situ Source for Me2NH for Nucleophilic Aromatic
mixed at ambient temperature. A heat of mixing (HOM) of Substitution of Aryl Fluorides and Chlorides
−151 J/g was observed when 1 mL of 37 wt % aqueous HCl
was mixed with 1 mL of DMF at 26 °C in a μRC (Table 1,
entry 4). Mixtures of aqueous HCl and DMF further
decompose violently when heated at slightly elevated temper-
atures. For example, DSC evaluation of a 1:1 mixture of 37 wt
% aqueous HCl and DMF showed an exothermic event
starting at 60 °C with a total energy release of −188 J/g when
performed under an atmosphere of N2 in the headspace (Table
1, entry 5).
DMF also decomposes exothermically in the presence of developed a continuous flow nucleophilic aromatic substitu-
phosphoric acid (H3PO4) at elevated temperatures. DSC tion with Me2NH generated in situ by decomposition of DMF
evaluation of a mixture of 40 mg of H3PO4 and 35 mg of DMF with aqueous ammonia.30 Typically, a stream of a solution of
revealed two endothermic events starting at 32 and 140 °C, aqueous ammonia in DMF was mixed with a solution of the
respectively (Table 1, entries 7 and 8), and an exothermic aryl halide in DMF and passed through a high-temperature
event starting at 253 °C (Table 1, entry 9). The decomposition (240 °C) stainless steel reactor to form the desired product 14
onset temperature was significantly reduced compared with the (Scheme 4).
>400 °C onset temperature of pure DMF. The heat release for Sodium hydride (NaH) has been widely used as a base to
the exothermic event was determined to be greater than −217 facilitate a wide range of chemical transformations because it is
J/g because the experiment was terminated at 400 °C before easy to handle and store and often offers predictable reactivity
the exothermic event was complete. and high atom efficiency.31 One of the most commonly used
Sulfur trioxide (SO3)−DMF complex has found wide solvents with NaH is DMF because of its complementary
applications as a sulfonation reagent24 and been employed in physical properties that allow it to solubilize both organic and
large scale N-sulfations.25 However, it has been reported that a inorganic compounds. Studies have shown that the role of
bottle of SO3−DMF complex exploded during storage.26 NaH in the chemical transformations in DMF is to act not just
Org. Process Res. Dev. 2020, 24, 1586−1601
Organic Process Research & Development Review

Scheme 4. Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution with Me2NH increase to 80 °C, at which point the cooling capacity of the
Generated In Situ by Decomposition of DMF with Aqueous pilot-plant reactor was overwhelmed. The onset temperature of
Ammonia decomposition was between 40 and 50 °C when a mixture of
NaH and carefully dried DMF was tested by ARC. An
analogous large-scale incident was reported by DeWall at
Burdick and Jackson Laboratories in the same year, in which
uncontrolled self-heating of a NaH/DMF reaction mixture
began at 40 °C and rapidly increased the batch temperature to
>100 °C in less than 10 min.36 The batch temperature could
not be controlled even when full cooling was applied to the
reaction vessel, resulting in evaporation of the majority of
as a base but also as a source of hydride that reacts with DMF DMF before the reaction subsided. The author noted that this
exothermically or participates in many chemical reactions.32 reaction had been conducted many times smoothly prior to
The potential safety hazards associated with the thermal this incident, highlighting the unpredictable nature of this
instability of DMF in the presence of NaH were first reported decomposition.
in the 1960s. In a communication to Tetrahedron Letters in In order to understand the impact of NaH on the
1965, Powers et al. reported an energetic decomposition of decomposition of DMF, Yang et al. at Corteva Agriscience
DMF during NaH-mediated cleavage of the formyl group in performed a detailed evaluation of the thermal decomposition
DMF (Scheme 5).33 Shortly after that, Brimacombe et al. of NaH/DMF mixtures (Figure 2).37 ARC analysis of a
reported similar exothermic decomposition of DMF during the mixture consisting of 15.8% NaH in mineral oil (60 wt %) and
alkylation of carbohydrate 16 in DMF using NaH as the base 84.2% DMF revealed a significant exothermic event starting at
(Scheme 6).34 76.1 °C, which produced a total energy of −528.4 J/g with a
maximum self-heating rate of 7.23 °C/min. The onset
Scheme 5. Cleavage of the Formyl Group of DMF by NaH temperature of decomposition was lowered to 39.8 °C when
the mass ratio of 60 wt % NaH in mineral oil was increased to
41%, affording a peak self-heating rate of 634.7 °C/min and a
total energy release of more than −601.8 J/g.
Noncondensable gases were formed during the decom-
position of DMF in both cases, as evidenced by the presence of
substantial cool-down pressures after testing. Evolved gas
Scheme 6. Alkylation of 16 in the Presence of NaH in DMF analysis (EGA) micro-GC analysis of the gaseous phase of
decomposition indicated that H2, CO, methane (CH4),
ethylene (CH2CH2) or acetylene (HCCH), and CO2
were among the gaseous products, suggesting that the
decomposition potentially proceeds via a more complicated
radical mechanism. The formation of noncondensable gaseous
The hazards associated with the thermal instability of NaH/ products drastically increases the severity of the hazards
DMF present greater risks on scale because the rate of heat because of the potential for reactor overpressurization and
removal decreases drastically with increasing reaction volume. flammability of these gaseous byproducts. It is worth noting
In 1982, Buckley et al. at SmithKline Beckman reported an that the authors also observed similar thermal instability
uncontrolled self-heating in a 2500 L-scale condensation hazards with NaH/DMAc and NaH/DMSO mixtures.
reaction employing NaH in DMF, which triggered the reactor’s Despite the numerous reports, including two Organic Process
rupture disk.35 Subsequent ARC studies by the researchers Research & Development editorials38 intended to caution
indicated that mixtures of NaH with either DMF or N,N- scientists, the hazards associated with NaH/DMF reactive
dimethylacetamide (DMAc) started to self-heat at temper- mixtures remain underappreciated, and such mixtures continue
atures as low as 26 °C, resulting in a rapid temperature to be used on both laboratory and large scales in the chemistry

Figure 2. ARC heat rate and pressure vs temperature profiles of NaH/DMF mixtures. Reproduced from ref 37. Copyright 2019 American
Chemical Society.

Org. Process Res. Dev. 2020, 24, 1586−1601
Organic Process Research & Development Review

community, as indicated by the continued appearance of large exothermic event starting at 188 °C with an energy release of
numbers of articles with NaH/DMF in peer-reviewed journals −632 J/g when the experiment was performed in an
each year (Figure 3). For example, Nasipuri et al. employed atmosphere of air in the headspace (Table 1, entry 13). It is
worth noting that CaH2 has frequently been used as a drying
agent for the preparation of anhydrous DMF, during which
DMF is distilled over CaH2 at atmospheric or reduced
pressure.43 It is imperative for researchers to understand the
potential hazards associated with mixtures of DMF and metal
hydrides, including CaH2, and to avoid such operations. Other
drying agents suitable for the preparation of anhydrous DMF
include calcium sulfate (CaSO4), magnesium sulfate (MgSO4),
silica gel, and 4 Å molecular sieves.
DMF also decomposes exothermically in the presence of
sodium tert-butoxide (NaOt-Bu) at elevated temperatures.
DSC evaluation of a mixture of 40% NaOt-Bu and 60% DMF
detected an exothermic event starting at 275 °C with a total
energy release of −159 J/g (Table 1, entry 16). In addition,
there was an energy release of −45 J/g when this mixture was
prepared by combining NaOt-Bu with DMF at 25 °C in a μRC
Figure 3. Number of publications using NaH/DMF in selected
journals in 2014−2019.
(Table 1, entry 14). Incompatibility of DMF with other bases
such as ammonia was also reported.44
NaH in DMF for the aromatization of various cyclohexenones. 2.3. Potential Safety Hazards of DMF in the Presence
The authors acknowledged the exothermic decomposition of of Halogenated Reagents. The interactions of DMF with
DMF in the presence of NaH but still carried out their chlorination reagents such as thionyl chloride (SOCl2), oxalyl
reactions at 100 °C.39 A large-scale alkylation of 18 with chloride, cyanuric chloride, pivaloyl chloride, phosphorus
propargyl bromide (19)40 using 880 moles of NaH (35.2 kg of oxychloride (POCl3), etc. have found broad applications in
60 wt % NaH in mineral oil) and 680 kg of DMF was reported synthetic organic chemistry. The key intermediate, namely, the
in 2007 (Scheme 7).41 In this case, the authors recognized the Vilsmeier−Haack reagent, is formed when DMF is treated with
these chlorination reagents and then further reacts with
alcohols, carboxylic acids, electron-rich aromatics, etc. to
Scheme 7. Scale-Up of Hazardous NaH/DMF Conditions
deliver alkyl chloride,45 acid chloride,46 formyl,47 and nitrile48
for the Synthesis of 20
products (Scheme 8). Among these transformations, only a

Scheme 8. Formation and Application of the Vilsmeier−

Haack Reagent

safety hazards associated with NaH/DMF but stated that

alternative reaction conditions were not available and that all of
the reactions were conducted within safe operating ranges in a
reactor of compatible materials of construction. It needs to be
pointed out that calorimetry studies have proven that these
hazards are independent of the reactor material of
construction. Furthermore, critical reaction parameters such
as residual water, reaction temperature, and relative concen-
tration of NaH do not completely eliminate the thermal
instability hazards associated with NaH/DMF. In the early
2010s, an incident at an undisclosed organization involving the
scale-up of an alkylation reaction using NaH in the presence of
DMF in a 100 L glass reactor resulted in a runaway reaction
and a fire and caused two fatalities.42 These examples highlight
the need for continued education about these safety hazards to
promote awareness in the broader chemistry community and catalytic amount of DMF is required to effect chlorination of
encourage researchers to identify a safer replacement for NaH/ alcohols and carboxylic acids to afford the corresponding alkyl
DMF. chlorides and acid chlorides.
It needs to be pointed out that mixtures of DMF with other The reactions of DMF with these chlorination reagents are
metal hydrides potentially possess similar instability hazards. significantly exothermic. An exotherm of −140 J/g was
For example, DSC evaluation of a mixture of 12.5 mg of observed when a mixture was prepared by combining SOCl2
lithium hydride (LiH) and 325 μL of DMF detected an with DMF at 25 °C in a μRC (Table 1, entry 17). DSC
Org. Process Res. Dev. 2020, 24, 1586−1601
Organic Process Research & Development Review

Figure 4. DSC profile of a SOCl2/DMF mixture under N2.

evaluation of a 1:1 mixture SOCl2 and DMF under an that is heavily regulated in many countries with strict site
atmosphere of N2 in the headspace detected an exothermic volume limits, were also identified among the decomposition
event starting at 111 °C with a total energy release of −488 J/g products. Thermal stability studies using an adiabatic
(Figure 4 and Table 1, entry 18). Furthermore, non- calorimeter indicated that a runaway reaction occurred after
condensable gases are formed during the reactions of DMF 8 h at 60 °C, but after only 20 min when the mixture was
with chlorination reagents. More specifically, sulfur dioxide maintained at 85 °C. The mixture decomposed much faster
(SO2) and hydrogen chloride (HCl) are released during the after SO2 was removed. A later communication to Chemical &
reaction of DMF with SOCl2, while CO, CO2, and HCl are the Engineering News by Zemlicka indicated that the inherent safety
byproducts from the reaction of DMF with oxalyl chloride.49 hazards associated with the SOCl2/DMF mixture could be
The formation of these noncondensable gases can cause a circumvented by using phosgene (COCl2) instead of SOCl2.53
dramatic pressure rise without proper venting as well as a The author stated that heating was completely unnecessary and
possible need for scrubbing due to environmental emission that the exotherm could be controlled by external cooling.
limits, increasing the severity of the hazards. Under certain However, it needs to be pointed out that this approach does
conditions, i.e., an “all-in” scenario in which all of the reactants not address the inherent thermal instability hazards associated
are accumulated and the reaction is heated at elevated with the resulting Vilsmeier−Haack reagent. In addition,
temperatures, the heat release rate could overwhelm the ability phosgene is highly toxic,54 and thus, it is imperative that a
of the reactors to remove heat from the reaction system and proper control strategy and adequate protection should be in
result in runaway scenarios or even explosions. place when handling phosgene. Violent decomposition during
A runaway incident involving a DMF/SOCl2 mixture was distillation to remove SO2 from a SOCl2/DMF mixture was
reported in 1977 by Spitulnik at Eastman Kodak in a
also reported by Cardillo in 1992.55 In addition, exothermic
communication to Chemical & Engineering News.50 It was
decomposition of a SOCl2/DMF mixture was observed during
found that SOCl2 in DMF provided acceptable results as a
the chlorination of hexadiyndiol.56
dehydrating agent to convert amides to nitriles. This condition
The Vilsmeier−Haack reaction has found wide applications
was successfully developed for the dehydration of a
in chemical industry, including the preparation of pharma-
phthalamide to the corresponding nitrile. During this specific
run that caused the runaway reaction, a total of 82.5 kg of ceutical ingredients57 and crop protection products. 58
SOCl2 was slowly added to 135 kg of DMF in a 200 gal Commercially available Vilsmeier−Haack reagent 21 has
reactor. The temperature during the addition was maintained been used in the large-scale preparation of pharmaceutical
below 30 °C, and the material was stored at ambient ingredients59 However, the potential safety hazards associated
temperature overnight for use on the second day. During with the Vilsmeier−Haack reaction are well-documented in the
storage, the mixture decomposed exothermically and released literature. For example, Dyer et al. applied reaction calorimetry
gases, causing the pressure disk on the reactor to rupture. and process modeling to understand the potential safety
Root-cause investigation indicated that the specific lot of hazards associated with the Vilsmeier−Haack formylation of
SOCl2 used in this reaction contained ca. 90 ppm iron and 90 3,5-dimethoxyphenol (30) in order to ensure rapid and safe
ppm zinc. Small-scale experiments revealed that a SOCl2/DMF scale-up of this reaction and successfully scaled up this reaction
mixture containing 200 ppm iron powder decomposed after 22 in a 50 L reactor (Scheme 9).60 However, the potential thermal
h of stirring at ambient temperature, while a control instability hazards associated with the Vilsmeier−Haack
experiment using freshly distilled SOCl2 in DMF showed reagent were not discussed in that article.
that the mixture was stable for at least 48 h at ambient
temperature. These results indicated that the presence of trace Scheme 9. Vilsmeier−Haack Formylation of 3,5-
levels of iron potentially catalyzed the decomposition of the Dimethoxyphenol (30)
SOCl2/DMF mixture.
An analogous incident involving SOCl2/DMF was reported
by Joshi in 1986, in which a sudden exotherm and pressure rise
caused by spontaneous decomposition occurred in a 400 L
reactor during vacuum distillation of a SOCl2/DMF mixture to
remove SO2.51 In addition to SO2, sulfur (S), HCl, and N,N-
dimethylcarbamoyl chloride (DMCC), a potent carcinogen52
Org. Process Res. Dev. 2020, 24, 1586−1601
Organic Process Research & Development Review

Miyake et al. performed reaction calorimetry and thermal titanium cell detected an exothermic event with an onset
stability evaluations of the Vilsmeier−Haack complex.61 RC1 temperature of 35 °C, which resulted in a temperature rise to
analysis of the formation of the Vilsmeier−Haack complex 180 °C. The test was terminated to avoid potential damage to
from POCl3/DMF indicated a reaction enthalpy (ΔH) of −57 the instrument. The cool-down pressure of 77 bar indicated
kJ/mol at temperatures between 15 and 50 °C, while ARC the formation of noncondensable gases during the decom-
evaluation of a 1:6 POCl3/DMF mixture revealed two position. The maximum temperature and pressure rise rates for
exothermic decomposition events at ca. 120 and ca. 180 °C. this decomposition were 8 °C/min and 18 bar/min,
In addition, the researchers also studied the influence of respectively.
solvent and temperature on the thermal stability of the It is worth noting that the researchers noticed incon-
Vilsmeier−Haack complex. On the basis of the RC1 and ARC sistencies between the ARC data and their practical
results, the authors concluded that the thermal instability of observations and investigated the compatibility between the
the Vilsmeier−Haack complex was the major safety hazard of reaction mixtures and the material of construction of the ARC
their specific process, which could potentially lead to runaway cells. The thermal decomposition behaviors were found to be
scenarios. The reaction in N-methylformamide (MFA) as the consistent when the reaction was tested in Hastelloy and glass
solvent was deemed to be safer on the basis that the heat cells. In both cases, the onset temperature of the exotherm (85
release during generation of the Vilsmeier−Haack complex in or 93 °C, respectively) was significantly higher than that when
MFA was about half of that in DMF, while the thermal stability the titanium cell was used (35 °C). The maximum temperature
profile of the formed Vilsmeier−Haack complex in MFA was and pressure rise rates were much lower than those in titanium
similar to that in DMF. cell, indicating potential reactions between the reaction
Bollyn at Agfa-Gevaert reported a thorough risk assessment mixtures and titanium ARC cells (Table 2). These results
of two potential processes for the Vilsmeier−Haack
formylation of N,N-dimethylaniline (Scheme 10).62 For the Table 2. ARC Evaluation of Postreaction Mixtures of the
Vilsmeier−Haack Reagent with N,N-Dimethylaniline by
Scheme 10. Vilsmeier−Haack Formylation of N,N- Bollyn
Dimethylaniline (32)
process one-pot process
titanium Hastelloy glass
parameter titanium cell cell cell cell
onset temp. (°C) 48 35 85 93
T @ max rate (°C) 238 150 121 94
max T rate 4.6 8 0.1 0.08
max P rate 4.2 18 0.2 0.29
two-stage DMF process, in which the Vilsmeier−Haack (bar/min)
reagent was formed and then allowed to react with N,N- TD24 (°C)a 30 31 90 77
dimethylaniline (32), a reaction calorimetry study by RC1 TD24 is the temperature with a time to maximum rate of 24 h.
revealed ΔH values of −46 kJ/mol (including ca. −10 kJ/mol
from the interaction with residual water) for the formation of highlight the importance of using compatible test cells (i.e.,
the Vilsmeier−Haack reagent from POCl3/DMF and −107 kJ/ DSC crucibles and ARC cells) to avoid undesired reactions
mol for the reaction of the Vilsmeier−Haack reagent with 32. between the test samples and the test cells during thermal
A thermal stability evaluation of the formed Vilsmeier−Haack hazard evaluations.
reagent mixture by ARC detected an exothermic decom- Exothermic behavior of a mixture of chlorine (Cl2) and
position with an onset temperature of 67 °C (corrected for the DMF was first reported in 1952 by Adams and Braun, who
phi factor), which resulted in drastic temperature and pressure were attempting to chlorinate a benzenesulfonyl derivative of
increases starting at ca. 140 °C. This exotherm, with a aromatic amine 34 (Scheme 11) with Cl2 in DMF.63 The
maximum temperature rise rate of 28 °C/min and a maximum
pressure rise rate of 48 bar/min, was determined to be Scheme 11. Chlorination of a Benzenesulfonyl Derivative of
comparable to an explosion scenario. ARC analysis of the final Aromatic Amine 34 with Cl2 in DMF
reaction mixture after the reaction of the Vilsmeier−Haack
reagent with 32 detected an exotherm with an onset
temperature of 48 °C and maximum temperature and pressure
rise rates of 4.6 °C/min and 4.2 bar/min, respectively. The test
was terminated because the cutoff temperature of 300 °C was
reached, at which point the pressure was 77 bar. The material
of construction of the ARC cells used in these experiments was
not specified in the article but was presumably titanium on the
basis of the discussion. For the one-pot DMF process, in which researchers noticed that DMF underwent chlorination in the
POCl3 was added to a solution of 32 in DMF at the desired presence of Cl2, resulting in an exothermic reaction. The
process temperature, RC1 analysis indicated a ΔH of −142 kJ/ reaction temperature was maintained under 60 °C through
mol, comparable to that of the two-stage process. RC1 regulation of the Cl2 flow.
evaluation of the reaction heat profile at different temperatures After a runaway reaction occurred (details of that incident
showed that the ΔH values were comparable at 15, 25, and 40 were not disclosed), Woltornist realized that the potential
°C. ARC evaluation of the postreaction mixture using a safety hazards associated with chlorination using Cl2 in DMF
Org. Process Res. Dev. 2020, 24, 1586−1601
Organic Process Research & Development Review

were not fully recognized and performed a series of studies to with NBS/DMAc and DBDMH/DMAc mixtures. The authors
understand the hazards.64 When dry Cl2 was sparged at a fixed concluded that these results showed the behavior of
feed rate into dry DMF in a 250 mL unjacketed three-neck autocatalytic heat generation, and strict temperature control
round-bottom flask, an initial exotherm caused by dissolution was necessary to avoid potential incidents associated with the
of Cl2 was observed, followed by a significant exothermic mixtures of NBS and DBDMH with amides. ARC evaluation of
reaction leading to eruption after the solution reached a 2.15 g sample of a mixture consisting of 12.6% NBS and
saturation. In a separate experiment, a violent reaction and 87.4% DMF (phi = 3.16) also showed an exothermic event
rapid gas evolution were observed several minutes after a starting at 61 °C with a total energy release of −126 J/g (Table
saturated solution of Cl2 in DMF was placed in an adiabatic 1, entry 19).
Dewar at 15 °C. N,N,N′,N′-Tetramethylformamidinium Other halogenated reagents, such as acyl halides (e.g.,
chloride, dimethylamine hydrochloride (Me2NH·HCl), CO2, cyanuric chloride70 and trichloroisocyanuric acid71), alkyl
and CO were identified among the decomposition products. halides (i.e., carbon tetrachloride72 and 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlor-
It needs to be pointed out that mixtures of other halogen ocyclohexane73), cesium fluoroxysulfate (CsSO4F),74 etc. have
elements and DMF also possess similar hazards. For example, a also been reported to undergo very exothermic reactions with
mixture of Br2 and DMF decomposed explosively in an DMF, which may be violent enough under certain conditions
autoclave when the mixture temperature and pressure to cause potential runaway scenarios or even explosions.
exceeded 100 °C and 135 bar, respectively, triggering the 2.4. Potential Safety Hazards of DMF in the Presence
rupture disc.65 Many products, including N-bromodimethyl- of Oxidants. Studies have shown that DMF is not an inert
amine, CO, and hydrogen bromide (HBr), were suspected to solvent in the presence of oxidants75 and could result in violent
be formed during the decomposition. Similarly, fluorine (F2) reactions or even explosions with strong oxidants. DSC
can also react with DMF to cause violent decomposition of evaluation of DMF under an atmosphere of air in the
DMF and result in potential runaway reactions or even headspace detected an exothermic event with an onset
explosions.66 The incompatibility of halogen elements with temperature of 170 °C and a total energy release of −109 J/
DMF could also be potentially caused by their oxidizing ability g (Table 1, entry 2), whereas DMF was found to be stable at
(see section 2.4). temperatures of >400 °C when evaluated under an atmosphere
N-Halosuccinimides in DMF have been used for halogen- of N2. This exothermic event is suspected to be caused by the
ation reactions67 as well as for oxidation of alcohols. For oxidation of DMF by oxygen (O2) in the air headspace. DMF
example, recently Kulkarni et al. developed mild oxidation has frequently been used in a variety of oxidation reactions
conditions for the conversion of benzylic alcohols 36 to the because of its desirable physical properties that allow it to
corresponding aldehydes and ketones 37 using N-chlorosucci- solubilize both organic and inorganic compounds.76 For
nimide (NCS)/DMF (Scheme 12).68 This method was example, DMF was employed as a solvent in the Corey−
demonstrated to give easy access to a wide variety of carbonyl Schmidt oxidation of primary alcohols using pyridinium
compounds in good yields under metal-free conditions without dichromate (PDC).77 Interestingly, DMF was found to
the use of corrosive reagents. enhance the oxidation to the corresponding carboxylic acids,
while aldehydes and ketones were formed as the major
Scheme 12. Oxidation of Benzylic Alcohols to Aldehydes products when dichloromethane (DCM) was used as the
and Ketones Using NCS/DMF solvent.
Over the years, many incidents associated with the
incompatibility of DMF with oxidants have been reported.
For example, an incident associated with the interaction of
DMF with chromium trioxide (CrO3) was reported in 1970 by
Neumann in a note to Chemical & Engineering News.78 The
researcher was attempting to repeat a procedure reported by
Snatzke for the oxidation of a secondary alcohol to the
corresponding ketone.79 A flame suddenly flashed from the
The potential safety hazards associated with mixtures of N- surface of the DMF solution and sprayed the solution all over
halosuccinimides and DMF have been a concern in the the inside of the hood when CrO3 was added to the reaction
chemistry community. In a recent study, Shimizu et al. mixture. A similar observation was reported in 1981 by
evaluated the incompatibilities between N-bromosuccinimide Heathcock at the University of California, Berkeley,80 who
(NBS) and a variety of solvents.69 RC1e evaluation of 10 wt % noted “an almost instantaneous inflammation, followed by an
NBS in DMF at 80 °C indicated a heat generation of −129 kJ/ eruption which forcibly ejected the contents from the flask
mol, resulting in a ΔTad of ca. 33 °C. ARSST analysis of 10 wt onto the inner walls of the fume hood” during the preparation
% NBS in DMF revealed an exothermic decomposition with an of a 10 wt % solution of CrO3 in DMF by addition of 2 g of
onset temperature of 108 °C and a maximum temperature rise CrO3 to 18 mL of DMF.
rate of 105 °C/min. The onset temperature remained the same Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) also reacts violently
when 30 wt % NBS in DMF was evaluated, but with a ΔTad of with DMF. A significant instantaneous energy release of −820
ca. 100 °C. Similarly, RC1e evaluation of a 10 wt % solution of J/g was observed when KMnO4 was combined with DMF at
1,3-dibromo-5,5-dimethylhydantoin (DBDMH) in DMF at 60 36 °C in a μRC (Table 1, entry 20). In addition, DSC
°C indicated a heat release of −265 kJ/mol with a ΔTad of ca. evaluation of a mixture of 11 mg of KMnO4 and 11.6 μL of
49 °C and a maximum temperature rise rate of 78 °C/min, and DMF showed two exothermic events starting at 60 and 208 °C.
ARSST analysis revealed an exothermic decomposition event The energy outputs for these two events were −71 and −193
with an onset temperature of 99 °C and a ΔTad of ca. 26 °C. It J/g, respectively (Table 1, entries 21 and 22). The potential
is worth noting that similar thermal behaviors were observed hazards associated with the incompatibility of DMF with
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Organic Process Research & Development Review

Scheme 13. Synthesis of the Insecticidal Candidate Tyclopyrazoflor

KMnO4 were first reported by Brain et al. in 1976 in a paper smoke. Further root-cause investigation revealed that m-
describing the synthesis of antibacterial compounds based on chlorobenzoyl peroxide (m-CBPO) was formed over time
1,2-secopenicillins, in which the authors cautioned that solid during storage of the m-CPBA solution in DMF, which also
KMnO4 should not be added to neat DMF because a violent showed explosive decomposition starting at low temperatures
exothermic reaction would occur.81 A laboratory explosion during thermal stability evaluation. The authors thus
involving KMnO4 and DMF was reported in 1980 in a concluded that the explosion was caused by the explosive
communication to Chemical & Engineering News by Finlay at E. decomposition of m-CBPO that was formed in the
I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.82 This incident occurred when concentrated m-CPBA/DMF mixture at elevated temperature.
20 g of KMnO4 was mixed with 100 g of DMF, which However, the data presented in that contribution did not
shattered the reaction bottle and nearby bottles and sprayed completely rule out the possibility that m-CPBA at least
the contents and broken glass pieces throughout the partially contributed to the explosion.
laboratory. Small-scale trials with 1 g of KMnO4 and 5 g of It needs to be pointed out that the inherent instability of m-
DMF resulted in a rapid temperature rise after stirring for 3−4 CPBA and the incompatibility of m-CPBA with DMF should
min, with popping noises and fume evolution. The author be recognized and treated with caution regardless of the
noted that KMnO4 appeared to be reduced to MnO2. presence of m-CBPO. Although the authors noted that an
Shortly after the incident report by Finlay, Thomas improved process using DCM as an alternative solvent was
reiterated the potential explosion hazards associated with successfully scaled up, no details of their safety evaluation of
DMF and strong oxidizing agents such as KMnO4 and CrO3 the m-CPBA/DCM solution was provided in that paper. As
and warned that the use of these mixtures should be treated discussed below, DCM should not be viewed as an inherently
with caution.83 Many communications appeared in Chemical & safer solvent for oxidations involving m-CPBA.
Engineering News in 1981 discussing the importance of mixing Zhang et al. performed a thorough evaluation of the thermal
order and time to mitigate the potential explosion hazards stability of m-CPBA in a variety of solvents.89 Their studies
associated with the mixtures of DMF and strong oxidants.84 indicated that a solution of m-CPBA in DCM is not inherently
However, it is important for scientists to recognize that safer, with an onset temperature of 56 °C and a heat release of
although a judicious choice of the mixing order and time may −417 J/g of mixture (normalized to −919 J/g of m-CPBA)
when a mixture of 1.1 g of m-CPBA and 1 mL of DCM was
provide a way to control the exotherm of mixing from the
evaluated by RADEX. Not surprisingly, their study showed that
reaction of DMF and strong oxidants, it does not completely
a solution of 1.1 g of m-CPBA in 1 mL of DMF was detected
eliminate the inherent explosion hazards associated with the
to degrade at 46 °C with an energy release of −562 J/g of
incompatibility of DMF with oxidants. It is also worth noting
mixture (normalized to −1045 J/g of m-CPBA). It is worth
that because the oxidative power of the oxidants is reduced by
noting that similar exothermic behavior was observed by
DMF, the oxidants may lose the desired oxidizing ability in RADEX for a solution of 1.1 g of m-CPBA in 1 mL of DMAc,
DMF solutions. with a decomposition onset temperature of 42 °C and a total
m-Chloroperoxybenzoic acid (m-CPBA) has been widely energy release of −545 J/g of mixture (normalized to −1009 J/
used to effect a variety of oxidation transformations on scale.85 g of m-CPBA). These results indicate that DMAc is not a safer
The potential safety hazards associated with its inherent shock replacement for DMF. The researchers further evaluated the
sensitivity, explosive thermal decomposition, and incompati- impact of concentration, addition sequence, and operating
bility with a variety of substances are well-known.86 Kubota temperature on the thermal profile of m-CPBA/DMF mixtures
and Takeuchi at Fujisawa Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. reported and identified the following measures to ensure safer
an explosion involving a mixture of DMF with m-CPBA.87 The operations of their specific process:
authors noted that different research groups had conducted
oxidative transformations using m-CPBA in DMF without an • controlling the concentration of m-CPBA in DMF below
incident previously.88 In this particular case, the researchers 0.13 g/mL;
were oxidizing a certain sulfide to the corresponding sulfoxide • ensuring the correct addition order, namely, precooling
on the pilot scale using 11.0 kg of m-CPBA and 6.3 kg of DMF. DMF and then adding m-CPBA to DMF;
They observed a small amount of insoluble solids after m- • maintaining the internal temperature below 10 °C
CPBA and DMF were mixed, which was filtered off, and the during the addition of m-CPBA to DMF;
filtrate was slowly added to the reaction mixture. The • using the m-CPBA/DMF solution immediately after
temperature of the m-CPBA/DMF mixture suddenly rose, preparation.
causing gas evolution and an explosion shortly after. ARC The authors warned that these safety measures “are intended
evaluation of a mixture of m-CPBA and DMF showed that the to raise awareness of the topic in the community only and
contents slowly decomposed exothermically from ca. 26 to ca. cannot guarantee safe operating conditions under all possible
70 °C over 185 min, which was immediately followed by an circumstances”. Researchers should conduct thorough safety
explosive decomposition to ca. 200 °C and evolution of white hazard evaluations when DMF is involved with strong oxidants
Org. Process Res. Dev. 2020, 24, 1586−1601
Organic Process Research & Development Review

Scheme 14. Decomposition of DMF in the Presence of NaBH4

in chemical reactions and design proper control strategies to 90 °C to 45 h at 62 °C. It was noticed that the thermometer
mitigate inherent explosion hazards. placed in the solid residue indicated a sudden temperature
An uncontrollable exotherm in a small-scale oxidation using spike to 310 °C from 190 °C right after the runaway reaction.
sodium persulfate (Na2S2O8) in DMF was observed by Yang et Me3N was determined to be the major component of the
al. at Corteva Agriscience during the development of an flammable gas released from the reaction, along with trace
insecticidal candidate, tyclopyrazoflor (40) (Scheme 13).90 amounts of H2 and Me2NH. Ganem and Osby100 also
Although the desired product 39 was observed when cautioned the chemistry community that “Concentrated
dihydropyrazole 38 was treated with Na2S2O8 in DMF at 80 solutions of NaBH4 in DMF in the absence of reducible
°C, it was isolated in low yields of < 30% with many impurities. substrate are unsafe at elevated temperatures. Violent
The reaction was incomplete even with an excess amount of exothermic reactions can occur, generating flammable gases.
Na2S2O8, presumably caused by the decomposition of Na2S2O8 Dissolving NaBH4 in DMF on a large scale with inefficient
in DMF. After optimization, the researchers were able to cooling is hazardous.”
identify safer and greener alternative conditions to effect this Liu and Schwartz studied the interaction of NaBH4 with
oxidation reaction, namely, the use of potassium ferricyanide DMF and observed that the presence of certain metal
(K3FeCN6) in the presence of aqueous KOH at 70−90 °C, complexes such as bis(cyclopentadienyl)titanium(IV) dichlor-
which afforded a cleaner reaction profile and a higher isolated ide (Cp2TiCl2) or lithium chloride (LiCl) could significantly
yield.91 shorten the induction period for the reduction of DMF,
Other oxidants such as perchlorates {i.e., sodium perchlorate releasing Me3N as the major product.101 It was noticed that the
(NaClO4),92 titanium tetraperchlorate [Ti(ClO4)4],93 etc.}, addition of 20 mol % LiCl (relative to the amount of NaBH4)
nitrates94 {i.e., magnesium nitrate [Mg(NO3)2],95 alkyl to a mixture of 30 mmol of NaBH4 in 30 mL of DMF
nitrates,96 etc.}, and SO3 have also been reported to cause significantly shortened the reduction induction time from >2 h
potential safety hazards when in contact with DMF. It has been to 1 h at 95 °C. Similarly, adding 2 mol % Cp2TiCl2 to a
reported that a bottle of the SO3−DMF complex exploded mixture of 30 mmol of NaBH4 in 30 mL of DMF reduced the
during storage.26 Although it was suspected that SO3 reacted induction time to 30 min, while an induction period of 50 min
with moisture to form sulfuric acid (H2SO4) that subsequently was observed when the amount of Cp2TiCl2 was further
hydrolyzed DMF to release CO and other decomposition reduced to 1 mol %. The reaction occurred spontaneously
products (see section 2.1), this explosion could also have been when 1 equiv of LiCl was added to a mixture of 30 mmol of
caused by the oxidizing ability of SO3 and/or H2SO4. NaBH4 and 1 mol % Cp2TiCl2 in 30 mL of DMF. In addition
2.5. Potential Safety Hazards of DMF in the Presence to Me3N, bis(dimethylamino)methane was also observed
of Reductants. DMF has also been frequently used as a during this reaction. The authors proposed that the
solvent in reduction transformations [i.e., using sodium intermediate Na+BH3(OCH2NMe2)− was formed in the initial
borohydride (NaBH4)]97 because of its desirable physical step and then further reacted to afford Me3N and bis-
properties that allow it to solubilize both organic and inorganic (dimethylamino)methane (Scheme 14).102
compounds. However, similar to other amides, DMF can be Shimizu et al. at Shionogi & Co., Ltd. performed a thorough
readily reduced to trimethylamine (Me3N) by certain reducing thermal stability evaluation of solutions of NaBH4 in DMF and
agents, which could be violent and potentially lead to runway DMAc.103 DSC analysis indicated that the presence of certain
reactions or even explosions when strong reductants are additives such as water, MeOH, HCO2H, and iron rust affected
employed. For example, Corey and Block reported that the onset temperature of DMF decomposition as well as the
Paquette communicated a serious explosion during the large- total released energy (Table 3). ARC analysis of a NaBH4/
scale borohydride reduction of 2,5-bis(endo-dichloro)-7- DMF mixture (15.7 wt % solution) detected an exothermic
thiabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane in DMF.98 An explosion involving decomposition event with an onset temperature of 95 °C. The
the use of NaBH4 in DMF was reported in a communication to maximum temperature rise rate was 547 °C/min at 137 °C. In
Chemical & Engineering News by Yeowell et al. in 1979,99 in contrast, ARC evaluation of a NaBH4/DMAc mixture (11.7 wt
which a violent explosion of a saturated solution of 13 kg of % solution) detected an exothermic decomposition event with
NaBH4 in 70 kg of DMF at 17 °C occurred at a plant and an onset temperature of 125 °C. The maximum temperature
caused a spontaneous ignition of flammable gases released rise rate was 79 °C/min at 183 °C. The authors concluded that
from the explosion. The researchers performed a root-cause the decomposition onset temperature of NaBH4 in DMF was
investigation on a small scale using 3 g of NaBH4 in 17 mL of ca. 30 °C lower than that in DMAc. The presence of HCO2H
DMF and discovered that a runaway reaction would occur after contamination affected the decomposition onset temperature
a certain temperature-dependent induction period. In this more severely in DMF than in DMAc, and the rate of adiabatic
small-scale case, the induction period ranged from 45 min at decomposition of NaBH4 in DMF was faster than that in
Org. Process Res. Dev. 2020, 24, 1586−1601
Organic Process Research & Development Review

Table 3. DSC Evaluation of the Thermal Stability of For safe scale-up, understanding the thermal profile is
NaBH4/DMF and NaBH4/DMAc Mixtures by Shimizu et al. important, especially when reactive mixtures could overwhelm
the ability of the cooling system to remove heat from the
solvent additive (wt %) onset temp. (°C) energy release (J/g)
reaction system under batch operations. If indeed this type of
DMF − 189 −757
reaction has to be carried out, appropriate emergency vent
H2O (0.51) 186 −827
MeOH (0.46) 182 −634
sizing should be assessed to ensure that the safety valve or
HCO2H (0.45) 175 −662
rupture disk is properly designed to protect the vessel from
HCO2H (3.64) 152 −604 potential thermal runaway. It is important to avoid large
iron rust (0.83) 189 −751 excesses of DMF when it is used as a reagent or a catalyst. It is
DMAc − 216 −573 imperative for researchers to conduct thorough process safety
H2O (0.38) 218 −559 evaluations when DMF is involved in a chemical reaction and
MeOH (0.60) 215 −603 to design proper control strategies to mitigate these inherent
HCO2H (0.39) 201 −515 safety risks during research and scale-up.

HCO2H (3.43) 196 −506
iron rust (0.40) 218 −533 EXPERIMENTAL SECTION
General. All of the reagents were commercially available
DMAc. On the basis of these results, the researchers decided to and used as purchased without further purification. Unless
carry out the reduction reaction in DMAc and were able to
otherwise noted, all of the experiments were conducted under
safely handle a solution of 11.7 kg of NaBH4 in 88 kg of DMAc
an atmosphere of N2 in the headspace for DSC and ARC
to reduce an ester in the plant.
Precautions should also be taken when DMF is mixed with evaluations.
other reductants such as alkaline metals (i.e., sodium,104 HOM Analysis. A μRC manufactured by Thermal Hazard
potassium) and borane and its complexes that typically effect Technology was used for HOM experiments in this study. One
reduction of amides. NaH has also been used as a reductant,105 reaction component was sealed in a 2 mL glass vial with a
and the potential explosion hazards associated with its mixtures magnetic stir bar, and the system was adjusted to the desired
with DMF are discussed in section 2.2. temperature. A second reaction component was loaded via a
2.6. Potential Safety Hazards of DMF in the Presence syringe, and the heat flow to/from the mixture and the
of Other Substances. As discussed throughout this review, pressure generated were measured.
DMF is not an inert solvent, and any substances that react with DSC Analysis. A Q2500 DSC from TA Instruments was
typical amide and/or formyl functional groups could used for the constant-heating-rate tests in this study. A sample
potentially trigger exothermic decomposition of DMF and was sealed within a gold-plated high-pressure crucible or a glass
result in potential runaway scenarios and even explosions. For capillary. The sealed crucible had a total internal volume of ca.
example, methylene diisocyanate,106 triethylaluminum,107 20 μL and was able to withstand pressures of up to 3000 psi at
potassium methylselenide,108 and phosphorus pentoxide 400 °C, preventing the release of any reaction materials,
(P4O10)109 have also been reported to react exothermically products, or byproducts.110 Unless otherwise noted, all of the
with DMF. The reactions of these reagents with DMF may be
evaluations were performed with a temperature ramp rate of 10
violent under certain conditions and lead to potential runaway
scenarios or even explosions. It is thus imperative for scientists °C/min.
to perform thorough thermal hazard evaluations whenever ARC Analysis. An ARC manufactured by Thermal Hazard
DMF is used in a chemical reaction to understand the potential Technology was used in this study. A specified amount of
safety hazards and design proper control strategies to mitigate sample was loaded into a standard Hastelloy C ARC cell with
these inherent safety risks. nitrogen in the headspace. The ARC experiment was
performed in heat−wait−search mode with a detection
3. CONCLUSIONS threshold of 0.02 °C/min.111 Data collected in our laboratory
DMF is one of the preferred polar aprotic solvents for a variety were not corrected for the phi factor.

of chemical reactions because of its desirable physical
properties that allow it to solubilize both organic and inorganic AUTHOR INFORMATION
compounds. In addition, DMF has found broad application in
a wide variety of chemical transformations over the years. Corresponding Author
However, DMF is not an inert solvent toward certain Qiang Yang − Product & Process Technology R&D, Corteva
substances, and numerous incidents have occurred over the Agriscience, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268, United States;
years. As summarized throughout this review, the substances; Email: qiang.yang@
causing detrimental effects on the potential safety hazards
associated with DMF can be categorized as acids, bases,
halogenated reagents, oxidants, and reductants. It should be
noted that in some cases exothermic events have occurred even Min Sheng − Reactive Chemicals, Product & Process Technology
after extended additions to control the reaction temperature; R&D, Corteva Agriscience, Midland, Michigan 48667, United
thus, while a judicious choice of the mixing order and time may States
allow for initial temperature control, these considerations may Yongliang Huang − Product & Process Technology R&D,
not eliminate any inherent hazard. Other substances not Corteva Agriscience, Shanghai 201203, China
discussed in this review may also induce the decomposition of Complete contact information is available at:
DMF to magnify the associated hazards.
Org. Process Res. Dev. 2020, 24, 1586−1601
Organic Process Research & Development Review

Author Contributions Mohammadkhani, L. Beyond a solvent: triple roles of dimethylforma-

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