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University of Missouri-Columbia
College of Veterinary Medicine and
Cooperative Extension Service
Sc p te mb c r Octo bc r 198 1, .S. , Vo l. 2, 0.5

In thi s iss li c . . .Covcr s to ry, p . 5; End o m ctriti s in th c mClrC, p . 6; Di ag nosing o rgan o phos-
pha tc p o i ~o n i n g, p . 2; a n clc phant nccro p_y, p. 8; a nd m o rc.
Organophosphorus poisoning
The diagnostic value of blood cholinesterase inhibition
FOllnd K. Mohnlllllwd, B. V.M .5 . lowi n g or po iso nin g is depl'ndent upon phos toxicity, a nd to thl' potentia ti on ef-
Vi ll cCllt V.E. St . Oilier, D. V.M. , Ph.D. its ea rl y a dmini s tratio n (Stage I) following fect of triflupro m az in e (a phenothia zin e
Vctcrilln ry A li ntOIllY- Ph ysi%SY toxicosis. tra nquili zer) co mbina tio n , th a n th ose o n il
Organophosphorus (Or) pesticid es a re The inhibition of blood ch olines terases n o rm a l pro tei n di e t. In contrast, combina-
w id ely used in ve te rinary me di cin e as activities in animals exposed to or pesti- ti o n of phe no thiazine a nthelmintic with
ex te rn al in secticid es and as anth elmintics cides m ayo r may no t accompany th e sig ns or p esticid es did not pote ntia te or tox ic-
in diffe re nt a nimal species (Table I) . They of or p oisonin g. H.".'" Anim il ls ex p osed to ity in ca ttle 2H a nd sh ee p. 2".27
also are use d as plant insecti ci d es a nd for or, es p eciall y durin g gra du al but lon g- Dctcl"llIillntioli of cho/ill cstcrnse nctil'i ty
insect co ntrol in in a nimate a rl'as (Table term ex posure, h ave been known to tole r- Measurement of EChE or rChE ac ti vity
1) .!.2.:! Ex te nsive usage (thera p euti ca ll y or ate low bl oo d ch olines terase levels w ith- is th e m os t impo rtant a nd sen sitive di ag-
accidentall y) of diffe rent ty pes o f or pes- out adverse effec ts. H.K When various single nos ti c index for d etecting th e ex posure o f
ticides ca n lea d to ia troge nic illness in the oral d oses (1"1 -"149 mgikg) of dichl orvos an an im a l to or pesti cides. !.2K.2".:III.:11 This
ex p osed a nima ls. were ad minis tered to do gs, EC h E activi-
ties we re d e pressed 60 p ercent to 90 per- is es pecia ll y ve ry va lu ab lt' in confirming
cent of norma l va lu es, w hil e rChE activi- th e diagnosis of or poiso nin g. Measure-
ties were d e pressed 37 pe rce nt to 85 per- m en t of ery th rocy te cholinesterase activi-
/lI hii>itioli of /1/ood c/IO/illesternses
ty rat her tha n pla sma cholinesterase ap-
Eryth rocy te (EChE) a nd pl as ma (rC h E) ce nt of norma l va lu es !!.! 2. !:! w ithout sig ns
pea rs to be th e best g uide in d etecti n g th e
cholin esterases are inhibited by or pesti- of or toxicity in some cases. II Following
ex posure o f an animal to or p est i c id es . I .~.
cides . Th e ex tent of enzy matic inhibition skin contact with dichlorvos-impregnated
1".tO Thi s is es peciall y tru e in ruminants
depends on th e type and am o unt of th e collars, some dogs" a nd ca ts"-' m ay ex hibit
because of th e associated low pl as ma ch o-
or compou nd , th e route of adminis tra - d e pressed (up to 87 perce nt) blood ch olin-
lin esterase ac tivity (Table II) . In ge neral
ti on, durati o n a nd frequency of ex posure es te rases activi ties. Similarly, signifi ca nt
cats, d ogs, h orses a nd food a nima ls have
o f th e animal to th e or pesticides . !.'>.7.K d e pression of th e cholinesterases activi-
mu ch lower rChE activitv than m a n (Table
The inhibition of th e cholin esterase (ChE) ties in th e blood was seen in cows trea ted II). ~
en zyme by or pesti cides occurs in two orally with di az ino n ("I-n mg/kg 'day for
Several assay techniqu es a re avai labk to
stages (I a nd II) and rt's uits in the ph os- tw o weeks).1 Cro toxy ph os s prays
meas ure EChE an d rCh E ac ti vities.:w ,:!!.:""
phorylation of th e e nzym e at the estera ti c (0.5-2.0% e mul sion) also depressed bl ood
40 Modifications of th e electro m etri c ml'th-
site, producing a more s table e n zyme: cholinesterases (69 pe rce nt to 100 perce nt)
in calves. IIi No sig nificant changes, h ow- od originally described by Michel"2.:I:!x..:!li.
Stage I ever, were seen in th e bl ood ch olinester- :l7.:lK are u sed m ost commonly in veterinar y
RO RO ases activities of ca lves s prayed wi th cro- m edi ci ne . Michel 's me th od is based prin-
, , cipa ll y on th e e nzy matic hyd rolys is of th e
toxy phos (0.15-0.6 e mul sion)' 7 In sh ee p,
RO-r-X + EO H ~ RO -r- OE· HX oral admini stratio n of cou m aph os (4 mgl choline ester substrate (acetylcholine) by
kg/da y for 6 days, o r 8 and 15 m g/kg) the Ch E of th e bl ood sa mple.:' " The res ult
o 0 significantl y decreased EC h E (55 perce nt of this e nzy mat ic reactio n is th e p rod uc-
to 85 p ercent) a nd r ChE (90 p ercent to 95 ti o n of ace ti c acid w hich decreases the pH
or pes ti cide" C h E A lkylphosphafl> es!t'r
of th e reaction medium:
(reve rsible) pe rce nt) ac tiviti es. IK."1 Similarly, spraying
of sh ee p with Ciova p e mul sio n (0.25%)
significa ntl y reduced EC h E ac ti vity (50 (CH,), N-CH2-CH20-CO-CH, + H20
Stage II (Acetylcholine)
RO RO perce nt) .2"

RO - r - OE . H ~ HO-r - OE + ROH Oms illterndioll

Under field condition s, econo mv a nd
ChE ~
II H2 0 II (CH,), N -CH2-C H20H
o 0 con ve nie nce m ay dictate a combination of
dru gs to treat animal diseases. Dru g po-
Dl'alkylatt'd l'n zyn1l'-phospha1l' tentiation or ad verse reaction ma y res ult
complex (irrl.'Vl'rsibh.') from th e interact io n .H.I".2 1.22 Co mbination (Acetic acid)
of more th il n one or pesticid e ma y pro- The ch ange in th e pH p rod u ced over a
The enzymatic inhibition may be revers- duce in creased toxicity in the a nima l. 21 definite period o f time at a s pecific tem-
ible or irrl' vt' rsibl e de pendin g on th e stagt' rh e n o thi a z inl' tranquilizers are we ll- pera tu re re prese nts the enzy me activity
a nd leve l of ex pos ure, a nd ty pe of com- kn own pok ntia tors of or pesticide toxic- (e.g., ~pH / hr at 25°C). The pH is us uall y
pound (c hemica l stru cture) .!.7.K." Irreve rs- ity in man 2:! and severa l a nimal s pecies measured w ith a glass electrode u sin g a
ible inhibition of th e ch olin esterilse (S tagl' such as rat 22 a nd sheep. I" pH meter. The electro metri c m ethod of
II ) is due to th e cova lent bonding be tween Th e ro le of stressors is very importa nt in Michel and the vario us mod ifica ti o ns are
th e e nzy me a nd th e ph os ph ate group . iatrogenic diseases and in eva lua ti o n o f simple, acc urate, a nd very u seful assay
This ph enome no n is ca ll ed " ag in g. " 7·"The dru g interilcti o n . Facto rs s uch as species, techniqu es for routin e diagnosis of or
" aged" phos phoryla ted e nzym e is not age, sex, di sease, an d nutritional sta te of poisoning. The recent m odifica ti o ns of
reversible (de ph os ph o rylated) by oximes the animal may modify or enhance or Michel's electrome tric method d escribed
such as pralid oxi nw (2-rAM), and th e poi sonin g'i.7."1.22.2-U', Go pill ct nt. "I fo und by Silvestri"" to m eas ure erythrocyte a nd
therapl'utic effective ness of 2-rAM in re- that sheep maintai n ed o n a low di etary plas ma cholinesterase activities in d om es-
verSing th e cholinesterase inhibition fol- pro tein were more su sceptible to couma- ti c a nim als are sensiti ve, rapid, a nd valu-

LO"u and no toxic effect levels of some commonly used organophosphorus pesticides in different animal species*

Common Name Species Route LDso :-.10 Effect Leve l Common Name Species Route LDso No Effect Leve l
mglkg mglkglda y mglkg mglkglday

Azinphos- mcthyl rat oral 11-25 rat - 0.12 5 Fenchlo rphos rat oral 906-2630 rat - 0.5
chicken oral 277 dog - 0. 125 rat de rmal 2000 dog -1.0
s h eep oral 6-10 dog oral SOO
Brumophos ra t ora l 1600-8000 rat - 0.65 rabbit ora l 640
chicken oral 9700 dog - 1.5 Fenitrothion ra t oral 250-940 rat - 0.25
rabbit derma l 720 chi cken o ral 280 dog - 0.125
d og ora l 625 cat o ral 142
C hlorfenvi nphos rat oral 10-39 rat - 0.05 Formo thion rat o ral 21S-540 rat - 1.0
dog oral 12000 dog - 0.05 chicken Lv. 20 dog -1. 0
dog Lv. 50.5 ca t o ral 310
chicken oral 29 Malathion rat ora l rat - 5.0
rabbit dermal 400 chicke n o ral S50 man - 0.2
shet>p abomasa l 71.3 calf o ral 80
cal ves abomasa l 20 cow o ral 560
Coroxon rat oral 9.S- 12 Methidathio n rat o ral 20-S1 rat - 0.2
chicken ora l 2.2 ch icken o ral 80 dog - 0.1
Coumaphos rat o ral 16-230 rabbit dermal 375 monkey - 0.25
ch icke n oral 14 d og o ral 200
rabbit ora l SO Mevinph os rat ora l 1.4-4 rat - 0.02
Crotoxyphos rat ora l 21 -125 chicken o ral 7.52 dog - 0.025
chicken ora l 111 - 147 rabbit dermal 4.7
ca t ora l 802 Na1ed rat o ral 250-430
Demeton rat oral 35-S5 rat - 0.1 rat de rmal 800
ca t oral 5-10 dog - 0.05 Pa rathion rat o ral 2-30 'rat - 0.05
cat derma l 10-20 rabbit dermal 40 pig - 1.0
dog oral 50 duck ora l 2.34
Dia zinon rat oral 76-300 rat - 0. 1 dog ora l 3-5
rat de rm al 455-900 dog - 0.02 Phosa lone rat ora l 120-207 rat - 1.25
monkey - 0.05 guinea pig oral 150 dog - 0.625
man - 0.02
TEPP (py rophospho ric acid. rat o ral 0.5-2
Dichlorvos rat ora l 56-80 rat - 0.25 tet raethyl es ter) rabbi t de rmal
dog oral 1090 dog - 0.37 o ral
Thi ome to n rat 100-125 rat - 0 .25
chicken oral 15 man - 0.033 de rmal 1000
rat dog - 0.35
rabbit dermal 107 cat o ral 36
Dimcthoat t.' ra t oral IS0-336 ra t - 0.05-0.4 316-650
Trichlorfon rat ora l rat - 2.5
chickt:-n oral 37 cat - 0.5
chicken ora l 75-110 dog - 1.25
dog - 1.7
rabbit denna! 5000
man - 0.04
dog oral 420
ErN [phos phonothioic acid, rat ora l S-26 horse o ra! 100
pheny1-0-ot hyl-O-(p-nitro- dog ora l 20
phe nyl) ester I rabbit dermal 30
d uck ora l

· See refcnmct'S 1-5

able assay procedures. From ex peri e nce in ticid es: pharmaco logy. Prog . Med. C hem . containing dichlorvos. Ve t. Rec. 83:
our labora tory, howe ver, we recommend 8:1 -37. 538-541. ,
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7. Na toff, L L. 1971. O rgano ph osphoru s pes- . Studi es o n th e safety of plastic dog d ollars COlltill ued 011 Page 4

OP poisoning TABLE II
Frolll Page 3 Normal blood cholinesterase values for different animal species using
different modifications of Michel's electro metric method *
1976. Influ e nce of dieta ry protein o n th e SPECIES ESTERASE VALUE REFER ENCE
e ffect of co um aphos an d triflup roma zin e in
shee p . Am er. J. Ve t. Res. 37:1'143-11 "1. SHEEP EChE 0.39 :' pHlhr 32
20. Moh ammad , F.K. and St. Omer, V. 1981. PC hE 0.06 t.pHlh r 32
Unpub li s hed d ata (M.S. th esis in pre pa ra- EC h E 0.76 t.pH130 min 33
ti o n). WB . C h E 0.20 t. pHlhr 34
EC h E 0.68 t.pH I30 min 20
2'1. DuBois, K.P. 196'1. Poten ti ati o n o fth e tox ic-
PC h E 0. 16 t.pH '30 min 20
it y o f organop h os ph o ru s co mp o und s.
GOAT ECh E 0.35 t.pH lhr 32
Adv. Pes t Con t. Res. 4:117- 15 1.
PCh E 0. 16 t.pH lhr 32
22. Gaines , T.B. 1962. Poisonin g by o rga ni c WB. ChE 0. 14 t.pH ,hr 35
ph osph o ru s pes ticid es pote nti a ted by ph e- EChE 0.69 :' pH 45 min 33
no thia zin e d e ri va tives . Scien ce 138:1260- CATTLE ECh E 0.47 t.pHlhr 36
126'1. EC h E 0.65 t.pHlhr 32
23. Arte rbe rry, J. D. , Bonifac i, R. W. , Nas h , r Ch E 0.03 t.pH lhr 32
E.W. and Quinby, G.E. 1962. Po te nti a ti o n EChE 0.65 t.pH115 min 33
of ph os ph o ru s in secticid es by ph enothi - HO RSE ECh E 0. 18 t.pHlhr 32
az in e de ri va ti ves. J.A.M .A . 18: 110-1 13. PChE 0.62 t.pHlhr 32
24. Durh a m , W.F. 1967. Th e int e racti o n of EChE 0.78 t.pH 45 min 33
pes ti cides w ith oth er fac to rs. Resd. Rev. PC h E 0.66 t.pH120 min 33
19:21-103. WB .ChE 0.39 t. pHn" 35
25. Rade leff, R. D. '1970. Veterin a ry Toxico logy. PIG EChE 0.71 a. pH125 m in 33
Lea and Fe bi ge r, Phil ad e lphi a , PA pp . PC h E 0.46 t.pH lh r 33
W.B. h E 0.32 :'pH lhr 34
21 5-255 .
DOG EChE 0. 13 :' pHlhr 32
26. Sch linke, J.e. and Palme r, J.S. 1973. Co m-
PC hE 0.'16 t.pH lh r 32
bined effects o f ph enothiaz ine and o rga no- EC hE 0.63 6 pH!45 min 33
ph osp ho ru s in secticid es in ca ttl e. JAVMA PChE 0.67 <lpH I30 min 33
163:756-758. CAT EChE 0.10 t. pHlhr 32
27. Mal o ne, J.e. 1962. Tox icit y of croxo n, ph e- I'C hE 0.56 t.pHlhr 32
nothi azine and coum aph os ph e noth iaz in e. EC h E 0.'13 t.pH13 hr 37
Res. Vet. Sci. 3:'18-33. MA N EC hE 0.75 t.pH lhr 38
28. Holm stedt , B. 197'1. Distributio n a nd de - PC h E 0.70 t.pHlhr 38
te rmin ati o n of cholin es tera ses in mam -
11lals . Bu ll. WHO. 44 :99- 107. · Co nsult the ori gina l rderences for procedural detail s of th e modifi ca tion s o f Mi ch el's electrom etri c m eth od .
ECh E = ery throcy tt' ch olin este ra Sl:'; pe hE = pla sma ch olin estera se
29. Purshotta m, T. a nd Kavees h wa r, U. 1979.
Effect o f di e t o n di chl orovinyl dimethy l W .B.ChE = wh ole blood c h o 1in es t e rasl..~
ph os ph a te tox icity in rats . Aviat. Space
Environ . Med. 50:581-584 Pest. Abstr. 1979, measure bloo d cholinestera se activ ity in Erythrocyte cholin es terase ac tivity o f d o-
12:633. d o mesti ca ted a nimal s. Am . J. Vet. Res. mes ti c a nd laboratory a nimals: norma l lev-
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31. Aldri ch , F. D. 1069. Cho lin es terase assays: C lin. Toxico!. 13:557-566. cell a nd plas ma cholin es tera se acti vity. J.
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32. Kru ckenberg, S.M. a nd Vestweber, J.G.E . of th e w hole blood of th e horse and Angora Bioge ni c Am in es and Their Rela ted En-
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Minority students look

at veterinary careers
TIII'I'e 51. LOllis-area IIig ll scllool silideilis
salllpl ed l 'eterillary lII edici ll e as a poss il>le
career tllis Sllllllll er wllile l' isitillg Ille Collese.
Wylda D. Carey, Pall zita BrowlI alld Tlloillas
D. Crallliary spell I s<'"eral days ill caell /an' lo/
til l' Vc tt'l'illary Tcacllillg H ospilal as part (1/ till'
College's lIIill ority s/lidelli prosra lll . Fli llded
Illrollg ll 111 1' Rocke/ella FOlilldalioll alld H mp-
ard Ullil't'I'sity, tile p rvsra lll is desig ll ed 10
acqllailll 51II dell Is w illi "ia /1le career oplioll s ill
IIeallll Sch' llces. Here, tile Irio wale/l es Or.
Cecil MO(l re cOlldllcl all el/e naIllillatioll. Tllis
is til l' Illird year 111 1' Coilege lias operated ils
IIlillorily silldr lli prog ralll.
Don Conno r photo

11ifler1( Jeed , RIISS lilIl kllap1(leed, '; /l/arlweed alld pOke1(l('ed are ';0/1/1' of Ihe 10Xlc weeds Ihal adol'll Ih,. Collcsc's P015011 0115 plnlll
sa rd,,". 'vVh ife slIakaool is plall fed IIl1da ti l,' II ,'" Oil IS/(l" Ih" sa I d"l1 1'101 Don Co nnor p hoto,

From a weed patch comes th e seeds of knowledge of plant toxicology.
Cil n ' Os\\'eikr ,l nd Mer! Rili s bL'ck il rL' S ud il n g r<lss, fesc u e , il lfil lfil il nd iri s. bei n g edilL'd , we re prl'pil red by Dr. Arth ur
n o t yo u r l\' pi C,l l gilrLiL' ner s. T h e co lk'c ti o n of \\,l'L'd s, g rilsscs il nd Cilse , e lll e ritu s professo r of Illed ic in e il nd
Whik IllO St ba ck\'ilrd brlllL'r,.; \\"l're ornalllental p la nts POSl'S sl' riou s h l'il lth s u rge ry, a nd Penny Ke lso, il fourt h -yeilr
c urs ing thL' bUill per ' WL'L'd c rllp of lilSt h ,l/'ilrds to Ii1r gl' a nd s lll il ll il nilllili s. Some vl'terin ilrv s tudent. Dr. Case il lso h as co l-
SUIllIll L' r, thL'sL' t\\'o \'ete rin il ri ,l n s \\'ere ilre kth il l. A ll s hould bL' bllli liil r s ig ht s to k c lL'd pr~'ss,'d s p l'c illlen s of to xic p lil nts,
nurturin g ,1 pillllpered piltch of 30 poi so n- vl' tcri 11(1 riJ n s. for u se out-of-seilson. T he s li,k- tap" les -
o u s p lilnts ne,l r thL' C o lkgLo'S VL'teri n,l ry Dr. Os\\'eik' r, il profL'SS(lr of VL'lninilr y sons a nd pressed pl a nts s hould be aVil il-
Medicil l Diilg lllls tic Lilboriltorv. pilthology, ,l nd D r. Rili s bl'ck, il rl'sident in a ble in till' College's VL'te ril) 'l ry Ml'dicil l
" ThesL' ilrL' p lil nt s thilt il re illlp"rt,lnt tll tox ictl log\', dL's ig ned the g<l rdl' n with four Librilry b y the wintL' r se me s ter.
Mi ssouri ," Dr. OS \\'L' ikr Sil \" S. "OIlL' of th L' u ses in mind . " Dr. Casl' h ilS been il big h l' lp ," S,l )'S D r.
bi gges t prublelll s vL' lL'rinar~J s tudent s h il\"L' As il tl'ilc hi ng too l, it introducL's vl' kri- OSlI'ei le r. " Most of the pli1nts in the gil r-
is idL'ntify in g p" isun"us piilnh. S ll , \\'Lo're n,lr), s tud en ts ttl p l ~n t t O~ i Cll l ogv. For d e n \\'ere e ith e r found b\' hilll , or he tD ld
Illilkin g till' p l,l nts e<l s il v <l\',l il il bk, for thelll g ril duiltl' s tud l'nts , it provides the oppor- u s \\'here to find thelll .'"
tu st ud v." . tunit v to s tud y puisllnllu s pl il nts in dd ,l il ,
T Ill' g <l1"dL' n is ,1 SL' lf-k'ilrni n g CL'ntL'r fo r ,lnd in one pl 'lCe. T Ill' gil rdl' n <l ls o hil S bl'L'n T h erl' il rL' p lil n s to enli1 rgl' th e gil rden.
s tudent s , \'L'terin <lr i,lnS ,lnd ci iL' nls. Tll- " Right no ll', \\'e h ilvl' ll111 s tl\, \\' ild toxic
u Sl'd in (tlntinu in g l'duci1tion co urSl'S ,
g L'tllL'r \\'ith SiA s lid L' - t<lPL' k SSllll S ,l nd <l s L't pli1nts," Dr. OS \\'ei le r sal's. " VVe ' d li ke t"
p<lrtic u l,lrlv thll se lln lil rgl' ilnim,ll di ilg-
of pressL' d pl'lnt spec im L'ns , it tl L's he s llUt ildd cOllllllon grilssl's il'nd for ilges , il nd
th e s in gil' thrl' L'- hllur to xiCll lllg v courSL' Fo r li\'l'StllCk (1\\' nl' rs, t ill' g,lrden ma y s Ollle of till' poi sonou s OrilillllL'nt,ll pli1nt s
of'fL'rL'd tll \·L'tl'ri n <l1" v s tudl'nt s . th il t s lll il ll -iln illl il l pr,lctiti'lIl L' rs h,we to
prO\'l' to be iln in V,l lu<lb le <l id in di,lgnllsi s
A n in vl' nt o rv "f ;I'L'l'ds g rt1\\'ing in till' dl'il l \\'it h ." H e \\'lluld likl' to end up wit h
ilnd llL' rd Ill,ln,l ge ml'nt .
gilrd e n rl'<ld s li ke' <l li s t of horti c ultur,ll " The f,lrnlL'r II' h" C'lIlll'S tll thl' Di'lgnos-
:=;0 to 7:; plilnts.
h o rro rs: p" is" n hL' lll lock , w,lte r 1lL'lll lllCk ti c Lilbtlr,l tllry \\'ith ,In <1n im ,l l probkm EVL' ntuil ll y, ,1 direc tory wi ll bl' s d up to
jiIll Sllll\\'l'l'd , b l,lCk ni g ht s hadL' , buff,l l,' kn,1\\'s hL' h ,l5 S,lIll l' 1\"L'e d s ," Dr. OS\\'l' ik'r a ug lll e nt till' lill1t' ls on L'ilc h pl ,lIlt, dL'l il il-
burr, hllr sl' nL'lt le, br,lC kl' n fl' rn , dogb,lnl' , S,1\'S . " But Ill' Ill ,1\' n u t kno\\' \\' h ,l t thev in g specifics ,111 eilc h p lil nt il nd thl' dillll 'lg L'
I,l rks pur, milk\\'l'l'd , pi g\\'l'l' d , st,H-uf- 'l r~'. H l' Cil n come ;'Ut llL'rl' <1 nd t,lke il IO, ,'k it (\111 G HI SL'.
Bdh k'llL' III , \\'hilL' s n,lker llll t , p"ke'\\'l'l'd , to identifl' tho sl' he dOl's n' t knlll l'. " " St ud e n tS- il nd vL' teri n,l ri il nS- Sh (llt Id
1,1 mbsquolrlL'r, bU Cke'V L', c h"kl'cllL'r rv, but - T h e C,;lkglo'S p"i s" nuus f1 1<1n t c urri c u - kno\\' t h l' p lil nts th il t iln illl il is eil t," Dr.
lL'rcup , S t. J(l hn 's \;'ort , bel'fs tl',lk' pl,l nt , lu m soo n \\'ill bl' e nh il n cL'li by s li d,'-tilpe OS I\"L' ikr Sil l'S. " T hi s is il co nvL' ni e nt wal'
s m<lrt\\'l'l'd, b it lL'rll'l'l' d , C,l s tllr bl',l n , Ill,l\'- Il'SS I.)I1 ~ on l ',lC h ~L'(l Stl I 1S plilnt-s ilnd thO SL' to g L'l ilc nl ~~ SO llll' vL'ry u seful k ll o\\" -
'lppk" Russ ia n k n,l p\\'eL'd , )o hn sll n g r,l;';, tOAic t" Slll ,ll i ,lni lll 'l is. The "'SS'"1S , n o\\' e dgl'."
EndOtnetritis in the tnare
Although difficult to be infected w ith no di sch a rge prese nt in
th e cervix o r vag in a .
con ta mina ted . Some mares m ay have co n-
sid e ra bl e his tologic ev ide n ce o f infla mma -
diagnose, infections have Postm o rte m s tudi es h ave s h ow n th a t th e tio n eve n th o ug h no o rga ni s m s a re recov -
vul va, vestibul e, vagina, a nd cervi x a re e red fr o m th e u te ru s. S u ch ma res may
been linked to ri ch e r so urces o f o rgani s ms th a n th e ute r- h ave elimina ted th e infecti o n fr o m th e
infertili ty. u s . Tha t is, fewer o rga nis m s a re likely to ute ru s, altho u g h th e his to logic infla mma-
be recovered if th e culture samp le is ta ke n ti o n has no t s ubsided ye t. It is also p ossi-
fr o m d ee p with in th e re produ cti ve trac t. bl e th a t o rga nis m s a re ca u sin g th e in-
Ta n; L. Blnll clw rd , D. V. M . But infecti o n in th e ute ru s (e nd o me triti s) fl a mmati o n , but th e culture tec hniqu e is
Vt'lr'rillnry M.:d icill c nlld SlI rscry is m o re like ly to res ult in infe rt ility th a n no t ca pable o f recove rin g th e m.
Bac te rial infectio n o f th e re produ cti ve infecti o n e lsewh e re, s uch as cerv icitis o r
tra ct is a ca u se o f infe rtility in th e ma re . vag initi s . The seve ri ty of hi s to logic infla mma ti o n
Vari o us o rga ni s ms have bee n cultured Take ca re w h e n re tri evin g cultures fo r prese nt in th e e nd o me tri a l bi o psy ca n be
fr o m th e re produ cti ve trac t o f th e ma re, infe rtilit y tes ts. Co nta min a ti o n o f th e used to estima te th e ty pe a nd dura ti o n of
but th e associati o n be twee n infe rtility and swa b be fo re, durin g, a nd a ft e r p assage th e ra py need ed . For exa mple, inflamma -
o rga nis ms cultured fr om th e re is uncl ear. thro u gh th e re produ cti ve trac t res ults in ti o n occ urrin g d ee p w ithin th e e nd o me -
Recove ry of o rga nis ms d oes no t necessar- e rr o neo us res ults. Swabs e ncased in can- trium is mo re diffi cult to trea t s uccess full y
il y indica te disease . Fo r exa mple, bac te ri a nula s w ith a n occlu sio n (gela tin ca ps ul e, a nd requires a lo nger dura ti o n o f th e ra py
ca n be recovered fr om th e re producti ve plas ti c ca p , e tc. ) o n th e e nd w ill limit th e th a n d oes a mo re s upe rfi cia l infl a mma-
trac t o f m o re th a n 80 pe rce nt of m a res conta min a nts recove red if th e s wa b is no t ti o n . Bi o psies ta ke n two to fo ur wee ks
durin g th e firs t 30 days p ostpa rtum. No r- ex p osed un til it is placed in th e ute ru s, bu t fo llo win g trea tm e nt ca n be used to d e te r-
mal mares also ra pidly elimin a te patho- eve n thi s m e th o d is no t foolproo f. Erro rs min e s uccess o r failure of th e ra py.
ge ni c o rga ni s m s foll owin g ex p e rim e nta l also occur if tra ns p o rt of th e swa b to th e In s umm a ry, a th o ro ug h ph ysica l exa m-
in oc ul a ti o n o f th e ute ru s . Barre n mares, labo ra to ry is slo ppy. S wa bs left in nutri e nt in a ti o n o f th e re pro du cti ve trac t a lways
h o weve r, ta ke lo nge r to elimin a te a n ex - broth fo r mo re th a n a few h o urs w ill s ho uld be p e r fo rm ed o n m a res with a
pe rim e ntal infec ti o n . e n co ur age a n ove rg row th o f co nta mi- his to ry of infe rti lit y. Scrupul o us a tte nti o n
If infe rtility is s us p ected , a co mple te na nts . Dri ed- o ut swa bs g ive no-g row th s ho uld be paid to culture tec hniqu es used
ph ys ica l exa min a ti o n s h o uld b e p e r- cultures . Pac kag in g th e swa b tra n s p o rt in to recover o rga ni s m s fr o m th e ute ru s. An
fo rm ed to chec k fo r sign s o f infec ti o n a nd a cool, d a rk place h elps preve nt co nta mi - e nd o me tri al b io psy is a va lu a bl e aid in
elimina te o th e r ca u ses o f ba rre nn ess. Ab- na ti o n. di ag nosis o f e nd o me triti s a nd in d ete r-
n o rm alities o r cha nges may sig nify th e End o m e tri al bi o p sy is a useful too l fo r mining pro pe r th e ra py.
prese nce o f bac te ri a . Poo r co n fo rma ti o n o f eva lu a tin g ute rin e infec ti o n , es p ecia ll y Equine e n do me tri al bi o p sy s pecim e ns
th e vul va increases th e likelih ood o f infec- wh e n u sed in conjun cti o n with ph ys ica l s h o uld be pl ace d in a co nta in e r o f Bo uin's
ti o n . In th e ute ru s, a me tritis o ft e n lea d s to exa min a ti o n a nd ute rin e swab culture. o r fo rm a lin soluti o n a nd se nt as soo n as
pa lpa ble cha n ges w hile a n e nd om e triti s Wh e n o rga ni s ms are recove red fr o m th e possible to a la bora to ry. S pecim e ns ca n be
d oes no t. S pec ulum exa minati o n m ay ut e ru s a nd infl a mm a to ry c h a nges ar e se nt to Dr. Te rry Bl a ncha rd , Th e ri ogenol-
revea l th e prese nce o f a di scha rge, indi ca t- present in th e bio p sy, a n e nd o m e triti s ogy Secti o n o f th e Ve te rin a ry Teac hin g
ing a possible infecti o n. Som e tim es, how - probabl y is prese nt. Wh e n o rga nis m s a re Hos pital, o r to th e Ve te rin a ry Medi cal
eve r, a vag in al o r a cervica l disch a rge may recovered fr o m th e ute ru s a nd no hi s to- Diag nos ti c La bora to ry, Coll ege o f Ve te ri-
be prese nt w ith o ut in vo lve me nt of th e logic ev id e nce of infla mma ti o n is present na ry Medi cin e, Uni ve rsity o f Mi sso uri ,
ute ru s. I t is a Iso possibl e fo r th e ute ru s to in th e bi o p sy, th e swa b may have been Columbia, Mo . 65211 .

In s titutes of Hea lth fe ll ow hip. He re- 1976-77, a nd Di s tin g ui s he d Lea d e rs in

Dr. Selby dies ceived hi s B.S. a nd D.V.M . d eg rees
from Colorado State University in ]959
Health Ca re in '1978 . He ha s been
hon o red by the American Board of
Dr. Ll oyd Arthur Selby di ed August a nd 196 1.. In 1964, h e receive d a Master Vete rin a ry Public Hea lth a nd is li s ted in
19 in Col umbi a, Mo., aft er a lo ng bout of Publi c Hea lth d eg ree from Tulane th e Dictionary of Inte rn a ti o na l Bibliog-
with ca ncer. He was 45 yea rs old . University School o f Medicine. H e ra ph y. In 1979, h e received the Teach er
A University of Mi s- ea rn ed hi s Doctor of Publi c Hea lth d e- of th e Year Awa rd from th e American
so u ri pr ofesso r, Dr. gree fr o m Tula ne in 1967. He se rved as Association of Food H yg ie ne Veteri-
Selby taught mi cro bi- a n assistant veterinary office r in th e nari a ns.
ology in the Coll ege of U.S. Public Hea lth Se rvice fro m 196 1- He is s urv ived by hi s wife, Ja n,
Veterinary Medicine 63. w ho m h e ma rried in 1963, a nd five
a nd family a nd com- Dr. Selby rece ived num e ro us honors childre n , Mary, Ka thl een , Eli za beth ,
munit v m ed ici n e in and awa rd s durin g hi s ca ree r. This Teresa a nd Jose ph.
the Sch oo l of Medi- s umm e r, he received a n ho no ra ry di- A sch ola rs h ip fund h as been esta b-
cin e. A nationally pl o ma from th e Amer ica n Ve teri na ry li s h ed in Dr. Selby's na me at the Col-
known e pid e mio logis t, he wa , co nsid- Epid e mi ology Society fo r hi s o utsta nd - lege. C h ecks m ade out to th e Univer-
e red o n e of the foremost ex p e rts o n in g co ntributi o ns to ve te rin a ry public sity of Mi sso uri a nd designated for the
birth d efects of a nimals a nd children hea lth. He was named to American Ll oyd Selby Me mori a l Sch o la rs hip
from e nviro nme ntal factors. Me n of Science in 1969, Who's Wh o in Fund may be se nt to Assistant Dea n
A nat ive o f De nve r, Colo., Dr. Selby th e Midwes t in 1970, Me n o f Achieve- Ke nn e th Niemeyer a t th e Coll ege o f
ca me to the Coll ege in 1967 from Tulane me nt in 1973, Who's Who in th e United Veterinary Medicine, Co lumbia, Mo.
University where he h eld a ational States in 1975, otable Americans of 65211.

Faculty update-----
D r. Arthur Case d eg ree from th e College in Ma y. H e a lso 1975-76 ed itio n of Who's Who In Ameri-
Dr. A rthur A. Case, e me ritu s professor ho ld s an A.M. and Ph.D. in Fre nch from can Colleges an d Universities.
of ve te rin a ry med icine and s urge ry, re- Harvard University and an A.B. in French
tired August 31 after 34 yea rs at the from Washington University in St. Louis.
H e is a former assistant professor o f Dr. Kay Schwink
Dr. Case was instru- French a t Purdue a nd Indiana uni ve rsiti es Dr. Kay Linda Schwink has beg un a
mentill increatingthe 01- and a former teac hin g fellow at Harvard. rotatin g inte rnship in small animal med i-
lege' s Teaching Hospitill , As a s tud e nt in Columbia, Dr. Lu e than s cine w ith th e De partme nt of Ve te ri nary
where he taught almost won th e Cecil Elder Award for Veterinary Me di cine and Surgery.
every aspect of clini ca l Pathology in 1979 a nd the Loren D. Kintn e r Dr. Schwink , 24 , re -
work. Last yea r, Univer- Veterinary Dia gnos ti c Labo rato ry Award ceived h er D. V.M. from
s it y President James Ol- in 1981. H e is a m e mbe r of Phi Zeta. Iowa State Un iversity in
son presented him with 1980. SI1E' comes to the
the Col lege's Di s tinguish e d Se r vice College fr o m a private
Awa rd . Dr. John Amann practice in Marshalltown,
Retirement will be busy for Dr. Case , Dr. Jo hn Amann ha s jo in e d th e Col- Iowa.
w ho will maintain an office at the Coll ege. lege's Departm e nt of Veterinary Anat-
He still pl a ns to lecture in the Coll ege' s omy-Physiology as an ass ista nt professor. Dr. Etta Wertz
herd h ealth block, co ntinu e some of hi s He rep laces Dr. Roger ---;""',....--
exten. io n wo rk and help Associate Dean Brown, w h o re tir e d in . Dr. Etta M. Wertz ha s beg un a ro tati ng
Eme ritus Leslie Murphy with a ne\\' hi s- April. II1te rn sh lp In the s m a ll a nim a l clini c of th e
tory of the College. As he sees it, his Dr. Amann , 35, ha ils College's Department of Veterinarv Medi -
retirement wi ll be " a g raduil l winding from Pine C it \" N. Y., cin e and S urge ry. .
down of the past 35 yea rs ." w he re he had worked in a Dr. Wertz, 27, is a May
la rge-an im a l practice g radu ate of th e Colo rad o
s in ce 1978. He received State University College
D r. David Hardin his D.V.M. degree in 1976 ~ of Veterinary M ed ici ne .
Dr. David K. Hard in of Hartvill e , Mo. , from el\' York State allege of Ve te ri- She a lso h o ld s a B.S. in
has begun a residency in th e rioge no logy nary Medicine a t Co rn e ll Un iversity. H e animal scie nce fr o m Colo-
at the Coll ege. He rep laces Dr. Jen nife r aLa ho ld s M.A. and Ph . D. degrees in r a d o State. She ha s
Balke, who now is in a ant hro pology fro m Cornell and a B.A. in worked as a teachin g as -
grad u ate program in a nthrop o logy from Fordham University. s ista nt a t Colorado State, a veterinary
theriogenology. Dr. Amann a lso has worked in a mi xed- train ee for th e U. S. An imal and Pla nt
Dr. Hardin , 29, is a Uni- a ni ma I practice in H o lley, . Y. , was a H ea lth In s p ectio n Service in Je ffe rso n
versitv a lumnu s; h e me mber of the large-a nim a l clinic cre l\' at C ity as part of the brucellosis e rad icatio n
ea rn ed hi s B.S . degree in Co rn e ll , a nd was a labo rato ry assistant in program and a nim a l welfare act, a nd as a
agri culture here in 1':173 ph ys io logy CIt Co rn e ll. He s pent a year as a veterinary tec hni cia n at a n Aurora , 0 10 .,
and hi s D.V.M . in 1977. p ost- d octo ral resea rch fellow in ne uro- practice.
He has had a private prac- ana to m y at Walter Reed Army In stitute of
tice in Hartville s in ce 1977. He also has Resea rch in Washington , D. C. , and has
worked w ith veterinarians in Fayette and taught in Co rn e ll ' s a nthro pology d e part-
Dr. Lisa Williamson
Ava. m e nt. Dr. Li sa H . Willi a mso n of Sandston,
Va., re cent ly began a n diternship in
eq uin e medicine in th e College's De pa rt-
Dr. Alex Walker Dr. Catherine LaBerge me nt o f Veterinary Medi-
Dr. Alex M. Walker of Auckland , New Dr. Catherine A. LaBerge bega n a rota t- cine ilnd Surgery.
Zea land, is the College' s newest resid ent ing interns hip in the Coll ege'S s m a ll ani- Dr. Williamson, 24, is a
in s m a ll an im al surge ry. He re place. Dr. mal clini c this su mme r. 198 1 g radu ate of the Uni-
Ameliil Toomey, who fin- Dr. LaBerge, 27, co mes - -...........---. versity o f Georgia o ll ege
ished her res id e n cy in to Co lumbi a from St. of Ve te rin a ry Medicin e.
August. Paul , Minn. She received She aLo ho ld s a B.S . d e-
Dr. Walker holds a B. V. h er D. V. M. degree from g ree in biology from the
Sc. degree from Massey th e University o f Minne- U n i ve rsi ty of Georgia .
Universitv in ew Zea- so ta las t Jun e, a nd h e r She has worked in a Lawre ncev ille, Ga. ,
lan d . Afte r hi s grad uation B. S. in bio logy fro m the a nim a l clini c, a t a sa dd lebre d farm in
in 1978, he worked as a n Co ll ege of St. Benedict Lawrenceville a nd as pa rt of an E. coli
assoc ia te in a practice for St. John'. University in resea rch project in Ath ens, Ga. She also
one year, before o pe nin g hi s ow n practice 1976. She has worked as a ve te rinary ha s se rved an ex te rn s hip at the University
in Auckland. as ista nt fo r ve te rin a ri a ns in Minneapo li s of Pe nn sy lvania'S ew Bolto n Center.
a nd St. Clo ud , Minn ., and in hy pe rte n- Dr. Williamson is a me mbe r o f Alpha
Dr. Tod Luethans s io n resea rch at th e Unive rs ity of Minne- Lambda Delta a nd Phi Kappa Phi ho no r
so ta School of Medi cin e. Dr. LaBe rge a l a societies, th e Amer ican Veterinary Medi -
Dr. Tad N. Lu ethan s joined th e De part- se rved as a resea rch assistant in le ptos pira ca l Associa ti o n and th e A merican Associa-
ment of Ve te rinary Patho logy this s umm er researc h at St. Jo hn's University. tion of Equine Prac titi o ne rs . S he received
as a resea rch associate. She is il member of Phi Zeta a nd Delta th e UniverSity of Georgia' s 198 1 linica l
Dr. Lu e thans, 36, receive d hi s D. V.M . Epsi lon honor socie ti es, a nd is lis ted in th e Proficie ncy Award in Eq uin e Medicine.

November 4-5. Continuing [dUc,ltion
course for ZlnilllZl I contrul ufficl'rs , a t th e
Colkge ,1nd CU IUlllbi il'S CllllpUS Inn , For
furthl'r infurlllZltion on Zl il CE CUurSl'S this
Vl'Zlr, cunt,lCt till' Officl' ul Continui n g
Edu(,ltio n , W-234 VL'll' rin Zln' Ml'd icinl'
Bui ldin g , lll" c,l ll (314) HH2-7H:;~,
November 11. Cuntinuing Educ,ltiun
cuurSl' un c,lgl'd bird nlL'dicinl' ,lnd Ill,ln-
Zlgl'nlL'nt. ,I t thl' Cll lk'gl',
November 12, Vis itin g Il'L'turl'r: Dr.
Mitchl'l l Bus h un /uu lu gic,l l nlL'dici[ll' Zlnd
s urgl'n', "As pl'cts uf A[lL'sthl's i,l, rrl'vl'n-
t,l ti n' Ml'dici Ill' , Ort hupl'd ics ,1 nd
LZlPilrusCUP\'," H p,m, ,lt th l' Cu lk gl',
November 12-14. Cu ntilluing [d UCil-
tillll cu ur Sl' U[l "Ilduscup\', ,It thl' Culk gl',
November 18-19. CUlltinuing Educ,l -
Don Connor photo
tiun Cllu rSl' lln p,lr,lSitulug\', ,It till' Culk'gl',
Elephantine task
November 22. CU lltinuillg Educ,ltiull
WII<'II 7llsIIII, 1111 'lIdi,1l1 d"I,11I1I11, dr"I'I,<,d d"lId {11'I"r,' 11 Sl'I,ll'llIkr .2 (iro/S l'lTI~I/"IIIIIII(<' ill
cuurSl' lln C,lrl' ul till' rl'll,ll p ,l til'nt. ,It the
/c(ti'rs"l1 Cil[l, Or, L,n'lI KillllllT 'S i'l'I<'I"ilillry 1'lIlilll/llSY cillo'S Illllk IIdi'IIIIIIIS<' ll( 1I mn' l'l'l'l'rlllilily
Ctl ll l'gl',
I" ("lIdlld II IIl'(rlll" ,[1 ll(SiSllllli( I "'III'"rli"lIs ,
November 22. C lllltillUillg [ dUc,ltiun "illsllIl IIrrii'l'd 111 II'l' C"I/l''';l' lI'l' 11<'.1'1 dill/- ill'OII1Sl' lilT six- llIIi (/lr(IISS i('IIS IlIllrl' lillill lill'
cu urSl' Ull l'quilll' rqoruductiull , a t thl' OillSllllsli( Lli/'llmllln!'s I I .2~IIIII I'llisl (llll/li IIIII/d"' , IIl1l'lIr{IlII llrbIiS 1111 SlTi'(',! liS III<' II<'(T('I'S,[I
Cu ll egl', l\:olL' th,lt this cllursl,'s diltl' h ,lS 1IIIIIe, TI,n'( ' l'IIlIrs IlIll'r, 1I1l' illi'l'sli,";lIli(11i i(,)/S «1/111'1<'1(' IIl1d 111<' (1IIISl' '" dl'llll, i(,IL' r, 'lId ily
bl'l'll Ch,lllgl'd frum thl' lllll' in till' CE 111 'I 111 rl'1I I- ill I IISSIlS«'I'li(11I , II 1('/('S«I/'l '- likl' r<'lrlldi"l1 ,,(III<' 11(lil'd illill 11,(' S('(III1I,
c,l!c'nd,lr, 711l' IIl1illllll 's " i('II(T, (in'lIs Vl rrSlls, ti(l/lIlit'd "ills/lil'S 11(ld[1 1(1 III< ' C"I/(',..;(', TiIl'1I1111/(1/1l[1-
November 28-0ecember 2. T Ill' 27th Il/nISi"I"S,[1 dq llrllll<'l1l IIIIS r<'lllilll'd 11,(' 1'('lld, (<'I"i 'iml i '<'I"/d'm(' IIl1d It'ss ti,,' (IIrlilLT sllIdy.
,lllnu,ll nlL' L'l ill g uf till' Aml'r ic,lll Assuc i,)-
tiull ul Eq uilll' I'r,lltitilllll'rs, ~l'\\ ' Orkall~ Researchers awarded Vun W ilk'br,llld's disl',)Sl' is till' Illust
Ilil tUIl , I\:l'\\' O rl l',lIlS , '-,1 , cUlll lllun of il ll c,lllinl' illhl'l'ilL'd bkl'ding
grant for disurdl'rs, It il lsu llccurs in hUIll,lll S ,llld
December 10 . Cunti [1 u i Ilg Ld uc,ltillll
cuurSl' Ull illtl'rprL'l ,ltillll ul Llbur,ltun' von Willebrand's study s\\'ill e, C,lUSl'd by ,1 ddicil'Il CI' ill fol,l s m,l
forolL' in Il l'(l'SS,lrl' tllr Ilurmal fol,lkil't
ltlt,) , ,It till' Cu lk gl', T\\'u Cu ll ege \'l'lL'rill ,l ri ,llls h,ll'l' bl'l'll fUllctiun, VOIl W ill l'lo r,llld \ 'ictillls u s u,llh
,l\\',lrdl'd ,1 SY,620 gr,lllt flll" rl'~l'MCh illt u ,1 l'Aperil'IlCl' Zlbnu rm,ll hl'nllllTh,lgl' fru[i)
ACVIM (Cardiology) chooses hl'mufohili,l - li kl' di sl',lSl' uf d llgS, mucos,ll SUrt,lCl'S ,lnd Ill,1\' bIL'l'd tu dl',lth
Dr. C,lr\' S , JUhIl SO Il , ,lssist,lll t prull'ssll r ilflL'r injuri l's ur s urgl'n ', It h,lS bel'1l di,lg -
associate dean for president uf \ 'l'krill,lr\' f"ltlwlllg\ ', ,llld Dr Cl'c il I '. Ilosl'd ill a ",ide \',lrid\' uf dug brl'l'd s, bu t
Ill krim ;\ ssuc iak Ol',)11 A lkll I-\,lhll , Muure , ,lssist,lll t protl'ssllr ul I'l'kri 11,1 n ' is il Ill 'ljllr pJ'l)bkm fur Sc uttish krril'r s,
h,l S bl'l'll l'il'dl'd prl'silkllt III thl' A IllL'ri- lllL'dicilll' ,llld s urgl'n ', h, lp" tu dl'\'isl' OUbl'rm,l1l pin sc h ,'rs ,llld I~l' m brukl'
c,ln Cu l!c'gl' lIt Vl'll'riIlM\' Illkrn,ll Ml'di- illlfonl\'L'd di,lgllllSti( lL'sts tur C,l llilll' 1'l)1l Wl' lsh co rgis,
cin l' (CMd iul ug\'), T Ill' gt"lll[P (husl' nl'\\' \\,i1kbr,lnd 's di Sl',) Sl', T h l' prujl'ct , IUllded Be(,lUSl' th e di sl',lSl' call bl' l'r,ldic,)lL'd
ufiicl'rs ,It its 1llL'l'lillg during till' A IllL'ri- b\' t ill' Mllr ri s All im ,l l FOUlld,ltiUIl llf EIl - through seIL'dive brl'edillg , Drs, JOhllSUIl
C,lll VL'll'r i Il,lr\' \;kd ic,)1 ASSl 'ci,l tiull cu n- gic-\\'lHld, Cll lu" \\'ill bl' cO llducted ,it till' ,llld Moorl' pl'lll to impnll'l' tL-sts th,lt
I'l'n tiull in J ul~', Co ll ege, ide ntiil' I'llll W illeb r,llld cMril'rs,

[ ditur: K,) th\ ' C)stl'l'l

\ \'-2()3 \'l'tl' riIlM\' Medici ll e
Co lil'gl' ut \'L'lerl IlM \' Med ici Il l'
U lli\'l'rsit\, lI t Missu uri -Cu lulll b ia 6:;2 11

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• Supported in part by the UMC Extension Division. University of Missouri is an equal

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