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雅思写作话题词汇 (加强版)

l 教育

- 能力提升

develop/ cultivate/ foster/ sharpen … skills

have access to encyclopedic knowledge
critical/ analytical thinking
literacy and numeracy
time/ money management
appreciation of beauty
group awareness and team spirit
well-rounded/ multifaceted talents
get well-paid/ decent jobs
job prospect

- 教学形式

rote learning
boarding school/ day school
instant feedback/ response
intellectual development
exploit potential
inspire/ spark imagination
kindle and pique interest in other subjects
lifelong learning

- 教学内容

major/ minor in biology

optional/ compulsory courses
extra-curricular activities

alleviate the pressure of study

fall into daily routine
establish a platform
a facilitator in extension of social networks
take full advantage of the limited time
professional/ generalist/ specialist/ elite
apply theory to practice
equip oneself with knowledge
future career path
fierce/ rat working conditions/ competition

be confused about personal prospects

according to interest/ characteristics/ strengths
be tailored to their needs

- 教育成长

during one’s formative years

be expelled from school
take drugs/ gamble
evil peer
be the victim of bullying
aggressive and impolite behaviors
anti-social behavior
weak competence of self-control
self-esteem/ self-confidence
sound judgement/ distinguish between right and wrong
attention disorder
rebellious/ obedient

set rules and regulations

well-behaved individuals
be given a detention
excessive and strict discipline
provoke rebellious behaviours
sufficient freedom and space

l 社会政府

government/ local authorities/ legislation body

tax revenue
jeopardize … interest
stimulate local economy
lay down regulations to do
impose or levy taxes on sth.

- 老年人

life expectancy
aging society
the boom in births


- 男女

domestic chores
be entitled to maternity/ paternity leave
feminist/ feminism
male chauvinist/ chauvinism
sexual discrimination/ equality
gender role
weaker sex

- 健康

physical conditions/ fitness

psychological conditions/ health
improve stamina
boost immune system
active/ sedentary lifestyle
the guarantee of virtually all human activities
the basic human need
hierarchy of human needs (food, health, and shelter are among the basic)
myopia/ eye strain
respiratory disease

- 城市乡村

enjoy the hectic/ accelerating pace of life

get caught up in the rat race
prefer the anonymity of life in big city
be drawn by the lure of the big city
resist the lure of sth.
enjoy the vibrant nightlife
infrastructures/ amenities
downshift to a less stressful life
picturesque country
foster a strong sense of community
boost/ bolster/ stimulate economy
absorb investment

- 工作

create jobs/vacancies
company/ firm/ enterprise/ corporation
labour market disequilibrium

considerable working pressure

longer working hours
pursue higher academic qualifications
pursue quick success/ instant gratification
work freelance/ self-employed worker
juggle work with their family commitment
adverse working conditions
combat unemployment

- 旅行

promote ecotourism
the relentless march of tourism
mitigate the effect of tourism on …
buy tacky souvenirs
value conflict
deepen mutual understanding
integrate into local community

- 投资

non-profit driven
avoid pursuing profits than truth
prevent ethical problems
mobilize and centralize national experts/ scholars
allocate/ distribute/ assign stable money/ funds/ capital

- 消费主义

sufficient/ adequate supply of goods

lavish/ luxurious/ extravagant/ frugal/ thrifty lifestyles
consumption encouraging policy
alter spending habits and notions
frugality/ thrift is not valued
personal vanity
wide gap between rich and poor

l 科技媒体

- 新闻

informative/ valuable/ reliable/ trustworthy messages

current affairs
weather forecast
traffic situations
freedom of speech

spread panic
political purpose
media coverage
damage … reputation
code of ethics
unscrupulous reporter/ journalist
the veracity of reports
fabricate scandals/ rumors
distort the truth
media portrayal of
violent and pornographic scenes/
impose stricter censorship on …

- 广告

attract/ appeal to consumers

business and media platforms
publicity campaign
yield/ generate profits
bolster economy
manipulate purchasing behaviors
over consumption
resist the temptation of …
overstating promotion and celebrity effect
transmit improper values
lose individuality
mislead children
unhealthy diet
grammatical and spelling errors

l 文化

- 老建筑/小语种

create ample room to accommodate overpopulation

compact and high-rise constructions
render them redundant
hinder the efficiency of communication
remove language barriers

a record for specific historic events and figures


valuable culture heritage

irreparable loss
cultural identity for minority group
feel frustrated and marginalized
ethnological catastrophe
ethnic minorities
social instability
disorientation of life
an ideal place for patriotism education
national unity

- 经济全球化

cultural integration/ assimilation/exchange/ transmission/ diversity

cultural conflict/ shock/ invasion
be biased against
transmit national culture
grow in/ gain in global popularity
lose the sense of national identity
global economic
absorb foreign capital
flow of capital and goods
foreign capital inflow
more availability and wider selection of goods for consumers
effective configuration of resources
monopoly/ monopolize market
multinational/ transnational corporations/ enterprises
narrow/ widen the gap between rich and poor

- 艺术文化

aesthetic value
understanding of art and aesthetics
improve quality of live
satisfy spiritual need
relieve pressure

l 环境

regulate/ control/ address

spoil/ contaminate/ degrade
ecosystem/ ecological balance
promote sustainable development
preserve biodiversity
environmental deterioration

raise awareness of
deplete/ exploit natural resources
renewable/ alternative resources and energy
reduce dependence on fossil fuels
sewage discharge/ emission
degradation of water/ land and vegetation
plastic, package, toxic metal
greenhouse gas emissions
global warming
offset carbon dioxide emissions
natural habitats
arable land
chemical substance

laboratory animal
medical ethics
remedy for diseases
rare/ extinct/ endangered species
poisonous/ irretrievable side effect
torture animals

genetic modified foods/ organisms

alleviate food shortage/ famine
mass crop yield
herbicides/ pesticides
be full of additives/ chemical preservatives/ artificial sweeteners

l 犯罪

law breaker/ offender/ criminals

appropriate manners/ etiquette
law-abiding citizens
moral/ ethics codes
undermine the social stability
protect the public security
erotic/ pornographic scenes
propel a person toward a life of crime
co-exist/ be not mutually exclusive
inherited/ achieved
internal/ external factors

- 法律颁布

legislative body/ parliament/ congress/ local authorities


promulgate/ enact/ pass a law

legislate against over-time work
issue/ propose regulation
uphold the law

- 犯罪处理

punishment/ penalty/ sanction/ sentence

imprison/ incarcerate/ imprisonment/ incarceration
deter/ crack down criminals
vocational/ systematic training
community service
death penalty
run an Internet scam
illiteracy rate/ literacy rate
go astray

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