Your Guide To Getting Lost in Boston

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your guide

to getting lost
in boston
Ever feel the need to lose yourself for
awhile? Follow this will lead you
in exploring and interacting with the city
of Boston. This interaction will change
every time depending on several variables.

Go to page 3 to begin.

Find the nearest
T station.

If it is the orange line go to page 5

If it is the red line go to page 7
If it is the green line go to page 9
If it is the blue line go to page 11

What’s the
weather like?

If it is clear go to page 13
If it is cloudy go to page 15

What’s the
weather like?

If it is clear go to page 13
If it is cloudy go to page 15

What’s the
weather like?

If it is clear go to page 13
If it is cloudy go to page 15

What’s the
weather like?

If it is clear go to page 13
If it is cloudy go to page 15

How many hours since
you last ate?

Take the T that many stops inbound,

then go to page 17
(for example if you last ate four hours ago
take the T four stops inbound, or as far as
you can go)

How many hours since
you last ate?

Take the T that many stops outbound,

then go to page 17
(for example if you last ate four hours
ago take the T four stops outbound, or
as far as you can go)

How many hours since
you last showered?

If it has been under five go to page 19

If it has been over five go to page 21

Walk four blocks.

Then go to page 23

Walk six blocks.

Then go to page 25

How are you feeling?

If you are sad go to page 27

If you are happy go to page 29
If you are content go to page 31

What was your last

If it was breakfast go to page 29

If it was lunch go to page 31
If it was dinner go to page 27

Find the nearest place
to sit down.

Take in your surroundings for five to ten

minutes then go to page 35

Find the nearest
traffic light.

If it is red go to page 27
If it is yellow go to page 33
If it is green go to page 35

Find the next person
that is wearing white.

Watch which direction they go,

wait two minutes, then walk in that
direction for two minutes

Then go to page 27

Find the next person
that is wearing a hat.

Watch which direction they go, wait two

minutes, then walk in that direction for
two minutes

Then go to page 27

What is this area like?

If it is crowded go to page 37
If there are some people go to page 39
If it is very empty go to page 41

Look for a
couple holding hands.

If you find one in ten minutes go to page 43

If you can’t go to page 45

Look for a
public worker

If you find one in ten minutes go to page 43

If you can’t go to page 45

Look for a building
number that ends in 9

If you find one in ten minutes go to page 43

If you can’t go to page 45

What color are
your pants?

If that color is in column 1 go to page 47

If that color is in column 2 go to page 49

What color is
your shirt?

If that color is in column 1 go to page 47

If that color is in column 2 go to page 49

Find the nearest shop

Browse for a period of time and then go

to page 51

Find the nearest piece
of nature

Appreciate it for a period of time and

then go to page 51

You are “here”

Explore this area of Boston so you’re not

lost anymore!

Design and Content By:
Sara Abad + Kate Drago

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