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By:Ella Garrison 5/16/18 - 5/?

/18 Historical Fiction


Ffff =British
Ffff =Americans

The Battle of Yorktown

Chapter One
British-General Cornwallis

It was Sept 28, 1781 and it was hot, and being inside these uniforms made it even hotter.

The place was dry and deserted and there were very few people. I was told to lead some raids in

American towns, and afterwards I decided to settle down the troops in Yorktown. As we settled

down and tried to get some rest little did we know that we were about to be caught in an ambush.

We got ready because we saw them coming toward us with their muskets. I told my troops to get

in formation and they did. As we fought I started to realize that we weren’t going to win this fight

but I pushed that thought out of my head. After a while the thought came back and I knew this

time there was no way I could push the thought out of my head. Because my troops were tired

and they were in torn uniforms and some had cuts and bruises on every arm and leg from the

raids. Also we were running low on resources and food. Than another thought entered my head

what if thats why the Americans attacked? Because they knew that we were tired and in need of

rest and that we were running low on supplies. I knew that if we were to lose and surrender that

we would lose the whole revolutionary war and that would not be good.

As we fought the more tired the troops became and the more chance we had of losing this

battle. As I was in my tent I asked my second in command General Charles O’Hara the best way

to win this battle. He said “sir the troops are tired and in need of rest and we have little supplies

I don’t think we are going to win this Battle.” What! I yelled I knew the troops were tired but

how could we not win our backup should come so then we will win once our backup arrives. As
we fought I kept expecting our backup to arrive...but they never did. After awhile I went back

outside and saw one of my troops die just like that. Then I saw another troop drop to the dusty

ground bleeding I ran outside to help him. Before I got there somebody shot him in the head so I

went back inside my tent. Then I went outside again and I saw the bright sun rising and my

soldiers dying and being shot, And I saw my soldiers dying everywhere it was horrible. I looked

around and then I saw another soldier drop to the ground he was alive. I rushed to help him I

dragged him close to my tent, but before I could get him inside he died.

As my troops kept dying I started to worry. But I quickly stopped worrying because I had a

job and my job was to help them so I told them to aim for their heads. Then after awhile my

troops started dying again. The longer we fought the more I came into realization that we were

going to lose. I went back inside my tent and asked again what is the best way to win this battle.

”sir the troops are”I don’t want to hear it! I yelled.

It was 1781 october 19th when we surrendered and this is how it happened.I knew that my

second in command didn’t have any ideas so I asked him something else. do we have a white

flag? ”yes sir we do but we shouldn’t surrender.” I don’t care!I screamed at him. We have no

choice we are close to running out of supplies we have troops that are tired and battered. We

also have troops that are dying and being shot so we need to surrender if we are going to live to

see tomorrow. Now bring me the flag. ”yes sir” he mumbled. Once he came back with the flag I

walked out of my tent, and I asked one of my troops to march down the field with the white flag.

As he did that I told my second in command to give my sword to the Americans General telling

him I was too ill to do it myself. Even though I was embarrassed not ill I didn’t what anybody to

know that. After I surrendered the Americans gained their independence from Great Britain.

Chapter Two
The End!
Americans-General Washington

It was Sept 28, 1781 when it happened it was the end of a cold blooded war. I am happy to

say this is the way America came to life, and it all started a little bit like this. I had been sitting in

my office when a troop came in and said “sir we have news that a british army is settling in near

yorktown.” Thank you I told the troop. This would be the perfect time to ambush them I thought.

As I got my troops ready for the ambush I asked Marquis de Lafayette the french leader to lead a

small group to stop their backup. As he did that I marched my troops down to Yorktown were we

cornered them.

As we fought I thought that we were going to win this battle because the british troops were

tired, and running low on supplies so I knew that we had to win this battle. I looked at my troops

and they were confident and strong young men. As I was watching I saw one of my men drop

dead to the ground he had a puddle of blood around him. His uniform was now torn and bloody.

I looked at him with a mix of sadness and anger. I looked at the british side they were torn and

bloody and they were dropping like dead birds raining from the sky. But more british troops kept

coming. The British troops didn’t stop and they were they were older so they were stronger and

then I saw a british soldier shoot one of my men in the stomach he was alive but in pain one of

my men bent down to help him but was shot in the head. Then the one on the ground was also

shot in the head. So after awhile I went into my tent and started to worry .Though it was because

the british weren’t surrendering, and it was not the fact that I just saw three of my soldiers get

shot and killed. I also was worrying because I thought we were going to lose so after a while I

stopped worrying. Then I went back out there, and told my troops that the british are weak, and

we can easily defeat them, and to shoot to kill.

The End!
They started taking down more and more troops and I thought that this was perfect they

had less and less troops and soon they would surrender.But they didn’t surrender instead they

started aiming for the heads and my troops started to die all over again. I was so worried that

went out there myself and started shooting people. After awhile the british were down by about

700, and I thought that we would win. So I pushed my troops so hard that every bullet they fired

killed a british troop.

It was 1781 0ctober 19th when they surrendered and it was a joyful day me and my troops

and it happened like this. After a while a troop came running in and said “sir a british troop is

marching toward us with a worn out white flag and right behind him is the british second in

command leader General Charles O’Hara holding a sword. Yes! I cried happily we had won. I

was so happy that I almost cried. As I went outside General Charles O’Hara knelt down and said

“I am here to give you General Cornwallis’s sword and that he is too ill to give it to you

himself.” Thank you I replied and I asked my second in command to take it. I was so happy we

had won and all because they decided to rest in a place to easy to ambush. After that we went to

Great Britain, and we gained our independence as did they.

The End!

The End!

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