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Reading Comprehension:

Passage 1:

Scientists have been studying the effects of music on the brain for many years. In a recent
study, researchers found that listening to music can have a positive impact on memory and
cognitive function. The study involved a group of elderly adults who listened to classical music
for one hour a day for a month. The results showed that their memory and cognitive function
improved significantly.

1. What have scientists been studying for many years?

A. The effects of music on the brain

B. The effects of exercise on the brain
C. The effects of reading on the brain
D. The effects of television on the brain

2. What did researchers find in a recent study?

A. Listening to music can have a positive impact on memory and cognitive function.
B. Listening to music can have a negative impact on memory and cognitive function.
C. Listening to music has no impact on memory and cognitive function.
D. Listening to music can improve physical health.

3. Who participated in the study?

A. A group of children
B. A group of teenagers
C. A group of elderly adults
D. A group of professional musicians

4. What was the duration of the study?

A. One week
B. One month
C. One year
D. Five years

5. What were the results of the study?

A. The participants' memory and cognitive function improved significantly.

B. The participants' memory and cognitive function did not improve.
C. The participants' physical health improved significantly.
D. The participants' physical health did not improve.

Passage 2:

The concept of free will has been debated for centuries by philosophers and theologians alike.
Free will is the ability to choose one's actions, thoughts, and beliefs without external coercion or
influence. Some argue that free will is an illusion, as every decision we make is ultimately
determined by our genetics, upbringing, and environment. Others believe that free will is a
fundamental aspect of human nature and necessary for moral responsibility.

The deterministic view of free will posits that all events, including human decisions, are
ultimately determined by preceding causes. This view challenges the traditional notion of free
will, which suggests that individuals are able to make choices that are not predetermined.
Supporters of determinism argue that free will cannot exist in a universe that is governed by
strict cause-and-effect relationships.

Despite these arguments, many people continue to hold a belief in free will. They argue that
while genetics, upbringing, and environment may influence our decisions, we still have the
ability to choose our actions and thoughts in meaningful ways. This view of free will suggests
that individuals have a degree of control over their lives and are responsible for their actions.

Overall, the debate over free will is unlikely to be resolved anytime soon. The concept remains
a fundamental aspect of human existence, shaping our beliefs about morality, responsibility,
and the nature of the universe itself.


6. What is free will?

A. The ability to choose one's actions without external coercion or influence.

B. The ability to control other people's actions.
C. The ability to see into the future.
D. The ability to influence external factors.

7. How has the concept of free will been debated?

A. For centuries by biologists and zoologists.

B. For centuries by physicists and chemists.
C. For decades by philosophers and theologians.
D. For centuries by mathematicians and engineers.
8. What is the deterministic view of free will?

A. All events, including human decisions, are ultimately determined by preceding causes.
B. Individuals are able to make choices that are not predetermined.
C. Genetics, upbringing, and environment have no influence on our decisions.
D. Free will exists in a universe that is governed by strict cause-and-effect relationships.

9. What is the traditional notion of free will?

A. Individuals are able to make choices that are not predetermined.

B. All events, including human decisions, are ultimately determined by preceding causes.
C. Genetics, upbringing, and environment have no influence on our decisions.
D. Free will exists in a universe that is governed by strict cause-and-effect relationships.

10. What do supporters of free will argue?

A. Individuals still have the ability to choose their actions and thoughts in meaningful ways.
B. Free will cannot exist in a universe that is governed by strict cause-and-effect relationships.
C. Genetics, upbringing, and environment completely determine our decisions.
D. Free will is an illusion and doesn't exist.

Error Analysis:

11. Which one is the correct one?

A. I have been living in New York for five years.

B. I have been lived in New York for five years.
C. I have been living in New York since 2016 ago.
D. I have been living in New York for five years ago.

12. Which one is the correct one?

A. My boss gave me some advice on how to improve my work.

B. My boss gave me some advices on how to improve my works.
C. My boss gave me some advice on how to improving my work.
D. My boss gave me some advices of how to improving my work

13. Which one is the correct one?

A. She is studying law and wants to become a lawyer after graduating.
B. She is studying law and want to become a lawyer after graduation.
C. She is studied law and wants to become a lawyer after graduation.
D. She studies law and wants to become a lawyer after graduating.

14. Which one is the correct one?

A. The book, that is written by an expert, provides valuable insights into the topic.
B. The book, which written by an expert, provides valuable insights into the topic.
C. The book which is written by an expert provides valuable insights into the topic.
D. The book, which is written by an expert provides valuable insights into the topic.

15. Which one is the correct one?

A. Despite the bad weather, we still went on the hike.

B. Despite of the bad weather, we cancelled the hike.
C. Although the bad weather, we still went on the hike.
D. Despite the bad weather, we still went for a swim.

16. Which one is the correct one?

A. The movie was so boring that I almost fall asleep.

B. The movie was so bored that I almost fell asleep.
C. The movie was so boring that I almost falls asleep.
D. The movie was so boring that I almost fell asleeps.

17. Which one is the correct one?

A. The restaurant was closed due to a lick in the kitchen.

B. The restaurant was closed due to a leek in the kitchen.
C. The restaurant was closed due to a leak in the bedroom.
D. The restaurant was closed due to a leak in the bathroom.

18. Which one is the correct one?

A. My sister is taller than I.

B. My sister is taller than myself.
C. My sister is taller than mineself.
D. My sister is taller than I am.
19. Which one is the correct one?

A. I don't have any money to buy a new car.

B. I don't have no money for buying a new car.
C. I don't have any money to buying a new car.
D. I don't have no money for buy a new car.

20. Which one is the correct one?

A. The company's profits have risen dramatically in the past year.

B. The company's profits have raised dramatically in the past year.
C. The company's profits have arose dramatically in the past year.
D. The company's profits have rised dramatically in the past year.

21. Which one is the correct one?

A. John borrowed some money to me last week, but he forgot to pay me back.
B. John borrowed some money from I last week, but he forgot to pay me back.
C. John borrowed some money from me last week, but he forgot to give it back.
D. John borrowed some money from me last week, but he forgot to give me it back.

22. Which one is the correct one?

A. She asked me if I could help her with her homework.

B. She asked me if I can helping her with her homework.
C. She asked me if I will help her with her homework.
D. She asked me if I have helped her with her homework.

23. Which one is the correct one?

A. The teacher told the students to sit quietly and pay attention.
B. The teacher told the students to sit quiet and pay attentioned.
C. The teacher told the students to sit quiet and paid attention.
D. The teacher told the students to be quiet and pay attention.

24. Which one is the correct one?

A. The article provides an interesting insight in the cultural differences between Eastern and
Western societies.
B. The article provides an interesting insights into the cultural differences between Eastern and
Western societies.
C. The article provides an interesting insight into cultural differences between Eastern and
Western societies.
D. The article provides an interesting insight about the cultural differences between Eastern and
Western societies.

25. Which one is the correct one?

A. The lazy student was praised for his diligent effort on the project.
B. The careless worker made diligent mistakes in his work.
C. The diligent employee was promoted for her consistent hard work.
D. The rebellious teenager was known for her diligent behavior.

Simple Sentences:

A simple sentence is a sentence that consists of a subject and a predicate, and expresses a
complete thought. It usually contains one independent clause.

Example: She sang a song.

In this sentence, "She" is the subject, "sang a song" is the predicate, and the sentence
expresses a complete thought.

Compound Sentences:

A compound sentence is a sentence that contains two or more independent clauses, which are
joined by a coordinating conjunction (such as "and", "but", "or") or a semicolon.

Example: She sang a song, and he played the guitar.

In this sentence, "She sang a song" and "he played the guitar" are two independent clauses,
joined by the coordinating conjunction "and".

Complex Sentences:

A complex sentence is a sentence that contains one independent clause and one or more
dependent clauses. A dependent clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence.

Example: Although she was tired, she sang a song.

In this sentence, "she sang a song" is the independent clause, and "although she was tired" is
the dependent clause. The dependent clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence.

Compound-Complex Sentences:

A compound-complex sentence is a sentence that contains two or more independent clauses

and one or more dependent clauses.

Example: Although she was tired, she sang a song, and he played the guitar.

In this sentence, "although she was tired" is the dependent clause, and "she sang a song" and
"he played the guitar" are two independent clauses. The sentence is compound-complex
because it contains both compound and complex elements.

In summary,

simple sentences express a complete thought with one independent clause,

compound sentences join two or more independent clauses with coordinating conjunctions or

complex sentences contain one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses, and
compound-complex sentences contain two or more independent clauses and one or more
dependent clauses.

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