Session 1 Plenary

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Session 1 Overview: Plenary


Chair: Eugenio Cantatore Associate Chair: Piet Wambacq

Eindhoven University of Technology imec, Heverlee, Belgium
Eindhoven, The Netherlands ISSCC International Technical
ISSCC Conference Chair Program Chair

8:30 AM
The Plenary Session starts with welcoming remarks and introduction from the Conference Chair, Eugenio Cantatore, followed by the International Technical
Program Chair, Piet Wambacq, providing an overview of ISSCC 2023.
The Plenary Session will feature four distinguished keynote speakers, who are leaders or pioneers in their domain, covering together a broad spectrum of our
industry. An Awards Ceremony that recognizes major technical and professional accomplishments presented by the IEEE, Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS),
and ISSCC, will take place after the first two Plenary talks. Plenary presentations will be live streamed at the Conference and broadcast live on various platforms,
including the ISSCC YouTube Channel.
The first plenary talk “Innovation For the Next Decade of Compute Efficiency”, by Lisa Su, Chair and Chief Executive Officer at AMD, explains how to innovate
in high-performance computing, which is becoming an increasingly indispensable part of modern life. Innovation in this field is only possible with an effective,
holistic strategy to improve energy efficiency, which is described in this talk.
The second plenary talk “Shape the World with Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits, - Past, Present, and Future”, by Akira Matsuzawa, Professor Emeritus of Tokyo
Institute of Technology and CEO of Tech Idea, shows how over the past decades digitalization in many applications has taken benefit of the performance, power
and cost improvements of mixed-signal integrated circuits. Further, an outlook to emerging applications and developments of mixed-signal circuits is given.
The third plenary talk “EU Chips Act Drives Pan-European Full-Stack Innovation Partnerships”, by Jo De Boeck, Executive Vice-President and Chief Strategy
Officer at imec, gives a projection on how the European Chips Act, which targets to increase Europe’s global semiconductor production, can trigger innovation
in the entire semiconductor ecosystem ranging from chip processing to system design, impacting a broad field of application domains such as heterogeneous
cloud and distributed computing, connectivity, automotive and health.
The last plenary talk “5G Drives Exponential Increase in Processing Needs Across all Industries”, by Erik Ekudden, Senior Vice President and Chief Technology
Officer at Ericsson, explains how 5G - and its successor 6G - drives an exponential increase in the collection, processing and transport of data in and by vehicles,
industrial equipment and consumer products, which are becoming ever more intelligent and connected. The talk will address whether the semiconductor industry
is ready to tackle these challenges.
We hope that you will find these presentations informative, inspiring, and motivating. Enjoy!

8:45 AM
1.1 Innovation For the Next Decade of Compute Efficiency
Lisa Su, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, AMD, Austin, TX
Although traditional scaling has slowed over the past decade, we have made tremendous progress as an industry with new
approaches including chiplet-based architectures, domain-specific accelerators, and advanced packaging technologies which have
enabled major milestones including the first exascale supercomputers. As we look into the future, we need to accelerate the pace
of innovation to drive the next decade of advancement in high-performance computing. By far, the largest limiting factor to delivering
continued compounded growth in computation power is energy efficiency. In this paper, we highlight a holistic strategy for
accelerating innovation in energy efficiency required for next-generation high-performance computing and ultimately achieving
zettascale performance. These approaches will be built on continued innovation in process technologies, modular chiplet
architectures, and advanced packaging. Fully meeting the challenge will require new dimensions of improvement through extending
domain-specific architectures to accelerate core algorithms in combination with wide-scale deployment of AI across all aspects of
the system from transistors to software.

6 • 2023 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 978-1-6654-9016-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

ISSCC 2023 / February 20, 2023 / 8:30 AM

9:20 AM
1.2 Shape the World with Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits - Past, Present, and Future
Akira Matsuzawa, Professor Emeritus of Tokyo Institute of Technology and CEO of Tech Idea, Kawasaki, Japan
The past 50 years has been an era in which analog equipment has been replaced by digital counterparts. Audio, TV, video,
camcorder, camera, recording, wired connection, and wireless communication have been subject to digitization. The digitization
of these devices and systems was due to the technological shift from bipolar to CMOS, and to the development of logic and
memory circuits supported by scaling laws. In addition, design innovation in mixed-signal integrated circuits such as ADCs and
DACs has shown to be indispensable. This talk will look back on the digitization of equipment and the mixed-signal integrated
circuit technology that contributed to it. Further, we will look forward to future applications and developments.

9:55 AM
10:20 AM

10:40 AM
1.3 EU Chips Act Drives Pan-European Full-Stack Innovation Partnerships
Jo De Boeck, Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer, imec & KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
In every aspect of our life and society, semiconductors play a major role. The pandemic in conjunction with supply chain hiccups
and geopolitical tensions made all regions realize that they need to revisit their presence in the semiconductor value chain. The
European Commission projected the ambition of achieving a 20% share of the global semiconductor production by 2030.
Europe can leverage existing strengths such as, among others, the unique position of equipment companies and leadership
positions in 300mm semiconductor technology R&D. The Chips-for-Europe initiative will invest in pilot lines and ecosystems
for chip manufacturing, embracing leading-edge and first-of-a-kind technologies. The pilot lines will allow early exploration of
the potential impact of new technology features in advanced chip and system architectures. This will trigger increased demand
and accelerate industrial uptake of the novel technologies. This type of innovation loop is also essential for deep-tech start-ups
building their unique value proposition. The full-stack, networked model of industry collaboration is at the core of the EU Chips
Act ambition and will impact different application domains such as heterogeneous cloud and distributed computing, connectivity,
automotive, and health.
It is crucial for all this innovation potential that we, as an industry, consider that semiconductor manufacturing is resource-
intensive with respect to energy, water, chemicals, and raw materials. Design-technology co-optimization (DTCO) and
System-Technology co-optimization (STCO) methodologies can develop a framework for early sustainability assessments of
logic technologies. Finally, we urgently need to get the message across that climate, health, safety, and human connectedness
all require complex digital backbones, if we want to stand a chance of attracting the right talent.

11:15 AM
1.4 5G Drives Exponential Increase in Processing Needs Across all Industries
Erik Ekudden, Senior Vice President & Chief Technology Officer, Ericsson, Kista, Sweden
Across essentially all industrial sectors, advanced semiconductor technology is the key enabler for innovations in customer
offerings and internal efficiencies. The increase in the value of data and the related push for AI are examples of forces that
increase the demand for compute power, which translates to more complex and powerful silicon. Moore’s Law, supported by
rapidly evolving semiconductor technology and ever more advanced building practices and assembly technologies, has met the
need for decades.
But what is driving 5G today? If we look at the processing requirements, it is the digital front-end, physical layer processing,
and beam forming. Back in 2010, LTE/4G was a 20MHz carrier with two receive and two transmit branches, and there was a
transmission time interval of one millisecond. Fast forward to where we are today on 5G with massive MIMO, we typically have
100MHz carrier bandwidth. That is a factor of five increase. We have 64 transmitter and 64 receiver radios, which is an increase
by a factor of 32, and the transmission time is down to 0.5 milliseconds. In other words, there is only half the time to do 160
times more processing. This is driving an exponential increase in processing needs across the telecom business today, and will
continue to do so as we race towards 6G. This talk will address whether the semiconductor industry is ready to tackle these

11:50 AM
11:55 AM


ISSCC 2023 / SESSION 1 / PLENARY / 1.1
1.1 Innovation For the Next Decade of Compute Efficiency drives higher power consumption and requires significant improvements beyond where
the industry is at today with bandwidth density. As shown in Figure 1.1.9, there is a
Lisa Su1, Sam Naffziger2 continuum of linear and areal bandwidth density across classes of packaging approaches
AMD, Austin, TX1 used to connect chiplets. The industry is moving toward more advanced 2D and 2.5D
AMD, Fort Collins, CO2 interconnects to enable smaller, lower power interfaces, but we will need to begin
adopting 3D construction more broadly in the future. As demonstrated by AMD with 3D
1.1 Introduction V-Cache [12] technology that stacks SRAM on top of a processor die, 3D stacking can
With high-performance computing becoming an increasingly essential part of modern enable chiplet modularity across very high bandwidth internal interfaces with very low
life, efficiently delivering improvements in compute performance is the defining challenge overhead. To enable broader adoption of 3D construction in the future, significant
for our industry. The rapid growth in the number of connected devices is creating orders- innovation is needed including dealing with the inevitable thermal challenges of increased
of-magnitude more data, requiring greater levels of compute to generate actionable power density from stacking [13] and supporting the test requirements for known good
insights for personal use and businesses. At the same time, supercomputers have die (KGD) [14].
become critical to enable research breakthroughs in fields including climate change,
renewable energy development, infectious disease research, complex life science 3. Improving the Efficiency of Memory
modeling, and much more. Another important area of innovation is improving the energy efficiency of moving data
between the processor and memory. The amount of energy consumed by moving data
between processor and memory is very much a function of both the type of memory and
Over the past two decades the industry has consistently doubled performance every 2
how the memory is connected to the processor. Figure 1.1.10 shows the current state
to 2.5 years through continued innovation, even as Moore’s Law has slowed down
of the art in memory bandwidth and energy efficiency. DDR5 is the workhorse memory
(Figures 1.1.1 and 1.1.2). These increases in compute capability were realized through
interface in modern servers [15]. In recent years, high bandwidth memory (HBM) has
architectural innovation, process technology gains, larger die sizes, and higher power
become the memory of choice for the highest performance compute segments such as
consumption [1]. It is now clear that energy consumption is the primary limiting factor
GPU accelerators. HBM utilizes advanced packaging to deliver much higher bandwidth
in maintaining the historical rate of performance improvements. To continue
and 3 to 4 times lower energy per bit than DDR5 [16]. The use of 3D stacking directly
improvements in energy efficiency, there are three key pillars where innovation is
on the compute die results in even higher bandwidth and lower energy per bit. AMD has
required: advances in the energy of the compute operations themselves (energy-per-
already demonstrated the benefits of this approach with our stacked SRAM V-cache
operation), advances in the energy required to access and store data in memory
technology deployed for server and desktop products [12]. Extending this capability to
(energy-per-memory bit), and advances in the energy required to communicate the
stacking of DRAM and potentially alternative DRAM-density memory technologies can
results externally (energy-per-communication bit). In recent years, we have seen that
enable another order-of-magnitude reduction in data movement energy relative to HBM.
performance-per-watt improvements across the computing landscape have slowed down
Another promising approach for addressing the memory efficiency challenge is to embed
because it has become increasingly harder to scale the energy required across these
special purpose compute data paths directly in the memory itself [17][18], also known
three pillars (Figures 1.1.3 and 1.1.4).
as Processing In Memory (PIM). The energy required to fetch a single bit from memory
is on the same order as the energy required to perform an entire 64b floating point
The enormity of this energy efficiency challenge is highlighted in supercomputing. As
operation, so if there is limited reuse of the data retrieved from memory it can be much
Figure 1.1.5 shows, supercomputing trends have led the industry in performance and more efficient to just perform the operation in the memory itself. Determining the right
energy efficiency over the past two decades. However, although the rate of improvement set of operations that are candidates for this approach and crafting the software to exploit
of performance has been relatively constant, doubling every 1.2 years, the rate of them is non-trivial, but with up to an 85% savings in data movement energy this is a
improvement in efficiency is less than half that of the rate of performance increase [6]. promising technology for optimization in future systems.
We have recently delivered the first supercomputer, delivering over an exaflop of
performance, which is a major milestone [23]. As an industry, we are now setting our 4. Improving the Efficiency of IO
ambitions on the technology required to achieve zettascale computing. Assuming the Improving the energy efficiency of communication between the processor and the outside
historical rate and pace of advances in performance and efficiency are maintained over world including the network, a display, or output device is also critical. While the
the next decade, we could achieve a zettaflop of computing in ~10 years — but it would increases in bit rates and the efficiency of external IO has been making impressive gains
require a half a Gigawatt of electricity, the equivalent output of half a nuclear power plant over the years (Figure 1.1.11), when accounting for the lower loss (shorter, more
(Figure 1.1.6). This is clearly not a viable solution! expensive) channels required to achieve those improvements, the results show much
more modest gains if not a flattening. This is problematic since system designs require
In order for our industry to deliver progress over the coming decade that matches or increasing numbers of compute, memory and storage devices tightly coupled for the
exceeds the advances of the past decade, we must embark on new vectors of physical system scale computation of the future.
design, architectural innovation, and algorithmic improvements which prioritize energy
efficiency. As copper connections become impractical, we will need to exploit optical interconnects
for system scale. To enable energy efficient use of those optical links, we will need to
In addition to continuing to leverage Moore’s Law to deliver advanced process nodes, exploit more efficient advanced packaging and 3D stacked communication channels
the importance of new package technologies including further innovation around chiplets, (Figure 1.1.12) coupled with optical interfaces. This requires innovations along two
as well as new processor architectures and techniques to bring memory closer to parallel paths: co-packaged optics for long reach communication and advanced
compute are critical. We must also reduce communications overhead by innovating in packaging with chiplet architecture for system-in-package heterogeneous computation.
system design and more efficient on-package and off-package communication. It is also With UCIe as a new industry standard chiplet interface [20], an ecosystem can be enabled
critical that we aggressive apply artificial intelligence throughout every aspect of the such as shown in Figure 1.1.13 with the modular accelerator IP tightly coupled with
design and system. memory and general-purpose compute at minimum data movement power. For long
reach off-package communication, the future is optical, leveraging industry standard
2. Process and Packaging Technology Advances Remain Essential protocols such as CXL [21] to support an ecosystem of power efficient, system scale
Silicon process improvements will always be a key component of compute efficiency architectures. These optical links can be built on capabilities such as work presented in
gains, as the energy per operation for logic gates continues to improve and provide this conference [22] which demonstrates a 2.5pJ/bit end-to-end efficiency, tightly
critical efficiency gains as shown in Figure 1.1.7 [8][9]. However, we have seen density integrated on-package to enable the system architectures of the future.
improvements slow down after the 7nm node and energy efficiency flatten at the 5nm
node. In addition, the increasing process complexity of advanced nodes has led to the 5. Accelerators and AI
cost per mm2 growing significantly with each successive process generation (Figure General purpose computation has been the backbone of compute infrastructure for
1.1.8). As shown in the figure, larger die are more impacted by the increasing cost trend. decades, but accelerators are becoming increasingly important. GPU accelerators have
Thus, it is increasingly attractive to use modular chiplet architectures where the most- been very effective in delivering significant improvements in compute efficiency. For
advanced nodes are only used for the most compute-heavy IP which get the most gains example, the AMD Instinct MI250 accelerator is the compute engine in the leading
from using the latest technology, and less advanced nodes are used for the IO and other exascale Frontier supercomputer [23]. In this case, an exaflop of compute was achieved
functions that do not benefit as much from the most-advanced node [10][11]. within a 21MW power budget delivering 2.5× the performance of the previous leading
supercomputer at 3.5× the power efficiency. This performance was achieved using a
To continue advancing chiplet architectures over the next decade, innovation around the highly parallel and efficient GPU architecture, and the implementation of special purpose
die-to-die interconnect is critical. The aggregate bandwidths required between chiplets matrix multiply primitives to more efficiently perform the GEMM operations used in
continues to increase with each generation as performance requirements scale. This Linpack and many HPC algorithms. This approximately halves the energy per 64b

8 • 2023 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 978-1-6654-9016-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

ISSCC 2023 / February 20, 2023 / 8:45 AM
floating-point operation relative to legacy general-purpose floating-point operations, Acknowledgement:
enabling software algorithms that properly exploit these primitives to deliver much In addition to the global AMD engineering teams responsible for enabling the innovative 1
higher compute efficiency. solutions that lay the foundation for the next generation of high-performance and
adaptive computing, the authors would also like to acknowledge the contributions of
This improvement is only the beginning. We have seen accelerators applied to
Larry Bair, Tom Burd, Eric Dellinger, Nuwan Jayasena, Yohan Frans, Phil-James Roxby,
smartphones and PCs for many years, with significant energy savings for operations
Mike Schulte, and Laurent White.
like video encode and decode, display drivers, and image processing. These gains are
achieved through mapping the algorithm directly to hardware, eliminating the overhead
of general-purpose CPUs to support software programmability, and adapting the References:
precision of the operations to the algorithmic requirements. General-purpose [1] Su, Lisa T et al, “Multi-chip technologies to unleash computing performance gains
computation uses the IEEE floating point standard which provides plenty of precision over the next decade”, IEDM 2017.
and has a wealth of software libraries to utilize it. However, the energy cost can be [2] Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation, “Published SPEC Benchmark
high as shown in Figure 1.1.14 where reduced precision and domain-specific formats Results”, Available:
can generate more than an order-of-magnitude more floating-point operations per [3] K. Rupp, “50 Years of Microprocessor Trend Data”, Available:
Joule. This approach is most evident in the machine learning training and inference
space where the race to reduced precision is driving new formats such as brain-float [4] Wikipedia, “List of Nvidia graphics processing units”, Available:
16 (BF16) [24] and FP8 [25], yielding lower computation and data movement costs.
[5] Wikipedia, “List of AMD graphics processing units”, Available:
While these optimal-precision formats have been used in the AI application domain,
the ability to exploit these in the highly precise legacy scientific computing domain has
been less obvious until recently when research into AI surrogate models for HPC [6], “Top #1 Systems”, Available:
acceleration started to take off [26]. systems/
[7] U.S. Dept. of Energy, “How Much Power Does A Nuclear Reactor Produce?”,
The approach replaces some of the expensive and inefficient physics-based code with Available:
AI-based surrogate models [27]. Practical HPC+AI applications combine both trained nuclear-reactor-produce
AI approximations for the physics calculations with a final phase of pure physics code [8] M. Liu, “Unleashing the Future of Innovation”, ISSCC 2021.
to achieve the accurate result. An analogy can be made from travel as illustrated in [9] I. Kang, “The Art of Scaling: Distributed and Connected to Sustain the Golden Age
Figure 1.1.15, where driving from the Austin AMD office to San Francisco is like legacy of Computation”, ISSCC 2022
physics calculations, consuming a lot of time but getting exactly from point A to point [10] N. Beck, et. al., “’Zeppelin’: An SoC for Multichip Architectures”, ISSCC 2018.
B. The AI-based approach zooms to a result that is close to correct (the airport), and
[11] S. Naffziger, “AMD Chiplet Architecture for High-Performance Server and Desktop
then leverages physics code (driving) to get to the exact destination.
Products”, ISSCC 2020.
The current methodology involves running the legacy physics-based calculations on [12] J. Wuu, et. al., “3D V-Cache: The Implementation of a Hybrid-Bonded 64MB
the initial phases of the simulation, which sources data used to train an AI inference Stacked Cache for a 7nm x86-64 CPU”, ISSCC 2022.
network. The dramatic accelerations in AI training performance (Figure 1.1.16) mean [13] Salvi and Jain, “A Review of Recent Research on Heat Transfer in Three-
that if we can leverage those gains for physics calculations, then this typically lengthy Dimensional Integrated Circuits (3-D ICs)”, IEEE Transactions on Components,
calculation sequence can be greatly accelerated. Physics calculations can be used to Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (Volume: 11, Issue: 5, May 2021).
train a network which then enables the inference network, which runs 100s of times [14] J. Rearick, “Tackling the test challenges of the chiplet revolution”, ITC 2021.
faster than actual physics calculations, to converge close to the final solution. This [15] B. Nitin et al., “DDR5 design challenges,” 2018 IEEE 22nd Workshop on Signal
process is then repeated to get to the required accuracy (Figure 1.1.17). Researchers and Power Integrity (SPI), 2018, pp. 1-4.
are still in the early stages of optimizing these flows across more workloads, however [16] C. Lee, et. al., “An Overview of the Development of a GPU with Integrated HBM on
with an optimized platform with both parallel AI and HPC compute capability, it is Silicon Interposer”, 2016 IEEE 66th Electronic Components and Technology Conference
expected that solutions to these sorts of simulations can be reached in ½ to ⅓ the time
(ECTC), 2016, pp. 1439-1444.
with the same amount of total hardware capability and power usage [27].
[17] M. Lanuzza, et. al., “Cost-effective low-power processor-in-memory-based
6. The Virtuous Cycle of Using AI Compute to Improve Compute Efficiency reconfigurable datapath for multimedia applications,” ISLPED ‘05. Proceedings of the
The efficiency of AI computation has been improving at more than 10× the rate of 2005 International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, 2005, pp. 161-
traditional CPU computation as shown in Figure 1.1.16. AI is also being applied to great 166.
benefit to improve the efficiency of the processor design itself. EDA tools have started [18] S. Srikanth, et. al., “The Superstrider Architecture: Integrating Logic and Memory
to incorporate AI-driven approaches to Design Space Optimization (DSO) to drive Towards Non-Von Neumann Computing,” 2017 IEEE International Conference on
improvements in processor PPA. In an initial study, using the flow [28], we Rebooting Computing (ICRC), 2017, pp. 1-8.
have seen meaningful improvements in the result over the best tuned and optimized [19] S. Mirabbasi, L.C. Fujino, K.C. Smith, “Through the Looking Glass—The 2022
designs produced by the most experienced design engineers. The AI-driven approach Edition: Trends in solid-state circuits from ISSCC,” in IEEE Solid-State Circuits
currently searches the state space from synthesis to physical layout. As the AI Magazine, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 54-72, winter 2022.
methodology pushes further upstream into logic refactoring, re-pipelining, and other [20] UCIe Consortium, “UCIe 1.0 Specification”, Available:
micro-architectural changes, the improvements are expected to grow dramatically.
And not only can AI benefit EDA tools and silicon implementation, but it has shown [21] CXL Consortium, “CXL 3.0 Specification”, Available:
excellent results in finding optimizations for low level library gates in ways that exceed
human capability [8]. These are a few examples of how applying the accelerating gains [22] M. Raj, et. al., “A 0.96pJ/b 7x50Gb/s-per-Fiber WDM Receiver with Stacked 7nm
in AI to traditional compute and design problems will enable a resurgence in compute CMOS and 45nm Silicon Photonic Dies”, ISSCC 2023.
efficiency that is only beginning to be tapped. As AI capabilities become more pervasive, [23] ORNL, “Frontier User Guide”, Available:
the opportunities are boundless.
[24] S. Wang, P. Kanwar, “BFloat16: The Secret to High Performance on Cloud TPUs”,
7. Conclusion Google Cloud Blog, August 2019, Available:
Our industry is at an inflection point – where energy efficiency is the single most
important driver of future improvements in compute. Innovations at every level
[25] N. Wang, et. al., “Training Deep Neural Networks with 8-bit Floating Point
including silicon, packaging, design, architecture, software, and algorithms are required
Numbers,” 32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2018.
for us to continue our rate and pace of compute deployment over the next decade. In
addition to focusing on the three main components of compute energy efficiency: the [26] P. Schwaller, et. al., “Molecular Transformer: A Model for Uncertainty-Calibrated
efficiency of compute operations themselves, memory access energy, and Chemical Reaction Prediction,” ACS Central Science, vol. 5, pp. 1572-1583, 2019.
communication energy – the richest new opportunity to reach our efficiency goals [27] J. Yin, et. al., “Strategies for Integrating Deep Learning Surrogate Models with
involves exploiting AI computation in new and disruptive ways. Only by fully exploiting HPC Simulation Applications.”, 2022 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed
all of these approaches to the fullest extent will we have a pathway to zettascale Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), 2022, pp. 1-10.
application-level performance within a 100MW envelope (Figure 1.1.18). [28] A. de Geus, “Catalyzing the Impossible”, ISSCC 2022.


ISSCC 2023 / SESSION 1 / PLENARY / 1.1

Server 2P SpecIntRate Over Time GPU Single Precision FLOPs Over Time
100X 100,000 GF

ears 2.2
.4 y ery
ery 2 e ev
ev 10,000 GF anc
nce form
rma Per
Perfo 2X
10X 2X

1,000 GF

1X 100 GF
Mar-09 Apr-10 May-11 Jun-12 Jul-13 Aug-14 Sep-15 Oct-16 Dec-17 Jan-19 Feb-20 Mar-21 Apr-22 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025

Doubling every 2.4 years SpecIntRate

Figure 1.1.2: Trend in single precision (FP32) floating point operations for top-end industry
Figure 1.1.1: Trend in mainstream x86 2P server SpecIntRate scores over time [2]. GPUs over time [4][5].

Server Perf/Watt GPU Single Precision FLOPs/Watt

100 1,000 GF

100 GF


10 GF

1 GF
1 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025
2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024

Figure 1.1.3: The same mainstream 2P x86 server SpecIntRate performance trend as Figure
1.1.1, but divided by TDP [2][3]. Figure 1.1.4: The same GPU FP32 FLOP rate trend as Figure 1.1.2, but divided by TDP [4][5].

Top Supercomputer System GFLOPs Green500 Supercomputer GFLOPs//W

10,000,000,000,000 10,000
Zettascale uclear
Zettascalle = 500MW Power Plant
100,000,000,000 At 2140 GF/WWaatt  1GW
10,000,000,000 pro
Exascale trend 1,000
Ind tio
100,000,000 jec
10,000,000 rend
nd 100 Exascale = 2
21MW ust
1,000,000 tre Ind
ent At 52 GF/W
F Wa
ry a
10,000 ust nt
1,000 eve
10 achi
2X Performance every 1.2 years ry
Ind 2X Efficien
ncy every 2.2 y
3.2 GF/W
F att
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 1
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

Figure 1.1.5: Trend in High Performance Linpack Flops of top performing super-computers on Figure 1.1.6: Trend in power efficiency of top performing super-computers on list list [6]. [6].

• 2023 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 978-1-6654-9016-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

ISSCC 2023 / February 20, 2023 / 8:45 AM

Technology Trends for Logic
Cost Per Yielded mm2 for a 350mm2, 250mm2, 100mm2 Die

2nm 16


16/14nm 8





28nm 20nm 14/16nm 7nm 5nm 3nm

350mm2 Die 250mm2 Die 100mm2 Die

Figure 1.1.7: Logic density and Iso-frequency energy per operation of mid-Vt device by Figure 1.1.8: Estimated cost (at maturity) for yielded die of 3 different sizes versus process
technology node (AMD internal analysis). node (AMD internal estimates).

Packaging Interconnect Density Address

sing Memory BW and Data Movement Power

DRAM layers
Memory layers




C mpute

Silicon Interposer



Integration Enable
es Higher Bandwidth at Lower Power

 2 5D
2. b ps
D Micro-bum
DIMMS 3D Hybrid Bond
pj/bit ~12 ~3.5 ~0.2

 Image source: https:////
/wiki/File:SDRAM-Modul.jpg, Creative Commons 4.0.


Figure 1.1.10: Data movement energy for different integration methods, from traditional on-
Figure 1.1.9: Linear and areal bandwidth density for classes of packaging technology. board DIMMs to High Bandwidth Memory to 3D stacked.

Energy Efficiency of IO Interconnect Relative Bits/Joule

FOM = Power[mW]/(DataRate[Gbps]*
Power Efficiency vs. Year Channel Loss at Nyquist[dB])
1,000 100.00

Power Efficiency [mW/Gbps]

FOM [pJ/bit/dB]


0.10 20.0X

1 0.01
2005 2008 2011 2014 2017 2020 2023 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Year Channel Loss at Nyquist [dB] 0.0X
off-package copper off-package optical on-package advanced packaging 3D stacked

Figure 1.1.11: Interconnect power efficiency has improved consistently, but much of that is Figure 1.1.12: Reduced energy per bit from advanced packaging and integration will be critical
from reduced channel loss which is reaching the limits of improvement [19]. for efficiency gains.


ISSCC 2023 / SESSION 1 / PLENARY / 1.1

Future Sysstem-in-Package Arch

c itecture Selected Floating Point Formats and Associated Energy Efficiency

Exponent Type
Ty Mantissa

FP64 52
Optics FP32 23
High-speed Standardized 25.0x
Chip-to-Chip Interface (UCle)
TF32 10 20.0x
Heterogeneous FP16 10 15.0x
Compute cores
BF 16 7 10.0x
Domain Specific Advanced
Accelerators 2D/2.5D
/2 5D/3D BF 8 2 5.0x
FP8 3 0.0x
FP64 FP32 BF16 FP8

Figure 1.1.13: Highly efficient, tightly coupled system-in-package architecture concept built Figure 1.1.14: Bits allocated to exponent and mantissa for various floating point formats and
around UCIe, domain-specific accelerators and memory integration with optical IO. the associated energy efficiency of computing a result.

AI Surrogate Physics Model Analogy AI vs. General Purpose Compute Gains

San Francisco 

3.5 hours

26 hours


AMD Office


Figure 1.1.15: Similar to driving (legacy physics calculations) vs. flying (AI accelerated
physics) to the same destination, AI surrogate models leverage physics-trained models for Figure 1.1.16: Gains in lower precision AI-specific floating point operations vs. gains in
fast approximation. traditional, general purpose computation over time [2][3][4][5].

Potential Performance Gains from AI Accelerated HPC The Pathway to Zettascale Efficiency

Wall Time

Baseline Workflow

Time Gain

Workflow  "

Physics-based simulation 
AI-based surrogate training
AI-based surrogate inference


Figure 1.1.17: Potential improvements in run time for physics calculations by leveraging AI Figure 1.1.18: Efficiency gains must outstrip those of the last decade in order for a zettascale-
surrogate approaches. capable system to fit within a reasonable power level.

12 • 2023 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 978-1-6654-9016-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

ISSCC 2023 / SESSION 1 / PLENARY / 1.2 ISSCC 2023 / February 20, 2023 / 9:20 AM
1.2 Shape the World with Mixed-Signal Integrated sensitivity to timing jitter and modulation of the time axis is high, and an expensive
Circuits - Past, Present, and Future low-jitter oscillator is required. For this purpose, one could use multiple voltage values, 1
but in that case, an extremely small mismatch between elements is necessary. For this
purpose, it is necessary to make the voltage-step multivalued, but in that case, an
Akira Matsuzawa extremely small mismatch of the element is necessary. Therefore, as shown in Figure
1.2.4, the Data Weighted Averaging (DWA) method was proposed, which was based
Professor Emeritus of Tokyo Institute of Technology and CEO of Tech Idea on uniformly selecting the constituent elements to be rotated [6]. The audio DAC of [7]
Kawasaki, Japan based on this method, using 5 values, has a dynamic range of 100 dB, which is about
12dB higher than that of the 1-bit DAC at the same clock jitter. In the design of [8]
1. Introduction shown in Figure 1.2.4, in addition to the 5-bit switched-capacitor (SC) DAC, an SC filter
The last 50 years has been an era where analog equipment has been replaced by digital is provided to attenuate unnecessary out-of-band high-frequency components, which
devices. LP records have been replaced by Compact Discs, NTSC and PAL TV systems also improves immunity to clock jitter. This design has an extremely high dynamic
have been replaced by digital TVs, VHS video recorders have been replaced by DVD range of 120dB and this kind of audio DAC still supports today’s network audio.
recorders, film cameras have been replaced by digital cameras, and analog wireless
communications have been replaced by digital wireless communications. Magnetic 3. Digital TV
recording, optical recording, and signal processing circuitry for wired and wireless The main purpose of TV digitization is to improve resolution. It is necessary to transmit
networks were replaced from analog to digital. The digitization of these devices and images with about twice the number of scanning lines and about four times the number
systems was due to the technological shift from bipolar to CMOS and the development of pixels. However, since the signal band is almost equal to the one used for analog TV
of logic and memory circuits supported by scaling laws, but analog-digital mixed broadcasting, image compression technology is required. Developments started already
integrated circuit technology such as ADCs and DACs was indispensable. Therefore, in the second half of the seventies, but the digital TV broadcasting started in the 2000s,
this talk looks back on the digitization of equipment and the mixed signal integrated more than 20 years later. The technology was changed from the MUSE method [9],
circuit technology that contributed to it and discuss future developments. based on signal band compression using the subsampling technique shown in Figure
1.2.5, to the current approach based on MPEG image compression.
2. Digital Audio
The first consumer digital electronic device was the Compact Disc (CD). CD which In the second half of the seventies, ADC integration was not yet advanced. Only an 8-
reproduces music by reading digital data using a semiconductor laser, became very bit ADC for video was developed by TRW using bipolar technology, but 10-bit ADC
popular after its release in 1983. In 1987, it surpassed the share of LP records, and LP boards using hybrid ICs were still used by ADI as shown in Figure 1.2.6. There was not
records quickly became obsolete. The CD uses a simple signal processing using the yet a monolithic video-rate 10-bit ADC. In addition, the price was 3,500 dollars and the
Cross-Interleave Reed-Solomon Error-Correction Code (CIRC) to prevent burst errors power consumption was 20 W, so these boards were not suitable for commercial use.
caused by fingerprints. Music playback requires a DAC with 16-bit resolution and 20kHz
bandwidth. Figure 1.2.1 shows the circuit and chip photo of the early popular audio We started developing video-rate ADCs at Panasonic: in 1981 we developed an 8-bit
DAC [1]. 20V Bipolar technology was used and the nichrome thin film resistance was video-rate ADC [10] and in 1982 a 10-bit ADC, see Figure 1.2.6 [11]. At that time, CMOS
trimmed by laser to ensure 16-bit accuracy. High-speed and highly accurate laser IC technology required for S/H circuits was not yet available, so a flash ADC was used,
trimming was realized by combining coarse trimming that cuts the film at perpendicular requiring many comparators. The mismatch voltage of the transistors constituting a
angles, and fine trimming that cuts in parallel to the current flowing through the resistor. 10-bit flash ADC comparator is required to be about 0.1mV sigma. This accuracy could
Since then, hybrid ICs using module technology have been replaced by the monolithic be achieved by using a high-precision bipolar transistor developed for VHS video
integrated circuit. The chip has been recognized as the world’s first 16-bit monolithic recorders. This 10-bit ADC was used for digital video switchers and HDTV broadcasting
IC for digital audio and is recognized by the IEEE as one of its milestones. equipment at the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games. In addition, HDTV requires A/D
conversion of a wideband video signal of about 25MHz from the camera, which requires
Currently, audio DACs mostly use the ΔΣ architecture. The ΔΣ modulation technology a conversion rate of 75MS/s or more, but at that time such a high-speed ADC did not
[2] was invented during the research on PCM communication. ΔΣ modulator places exist. In 1984, we developed an 8-bit 120MS/s Flash ADC using bipolar transistors [12].
integrators in front of the quantizer and applies negative feedback to the input signal, For higher speeds and lower power consumption, trench-isolation bipolar technology
as shown in Figure 1.2.2. This gives the output Y as shown in equation (1) for input X was used. In line with the high-definition test broadcast in 1989, a home HDTV receiver
and quantization voltage Vq, where L is the order of the integrators. was developed by Japanese companies that shared the necessary integrated circuits,
as shown in Figure 1.2.5. We were in charge of developing an ADC using BiCMOS
technology [13]. BiCMOS technology made it possible to use S/H circuits, and a two-
Therefore, the noise power Pn is given in step parallel type was used in which the number of elements could be significantly
reduced. In principle, with a resolution of 10-bits, it is possible to reduce the number
(2) of comparators from 1024 to 64. A major problem is that a large conversion error
occurs when the conversion range between the upper conversion and the lower
conversion does not match. Therefore, we developed an interpolation method as shown
where OSR is the oversampling ratio. Figure 1.2.2 shows the frequency spectrum of in Figure 1.2.7. The differential outputs of the two differential amplifiers selected for
the quantization noise in the first- and second-order integrators. The quantization noise the upper conversion are connected by a series of resistors and the voltages between
is suppressed in the lower frequency range. Therefore, if the order of the integrators is taps are compared for the lower conversion. A smooth A/D conversion that flexibly
increased, the noise can be effectively suppressed. However, there is a problem related deals with voltage mismatches was realized. In 1994, we developed a 10-bit 300MS/s
to instability such as oscillation due to the increased order of the integrators. ADC [14] realized by introducing the interpolation technology to flash ADCs. It was
used for optical fiber transmission of HDTV signals.
The architecture proposed as a solution to this problem is shown in Figure 1.2.2. In
the ΔΣ modulation method named MASH [3], the first order ΔΣ modulator is connected Later, digital TV made a transition to image compression technology based on MPEG
in cascade, and added value via the digital differentiator is the output. As a result, it using computer vision and it has been used to the present day. Although the ADC for
becomes the same transfer function shown in equation (1), but absolute stability is video systems using bipolar and BiCMOS technology developed in the eighties is not
guaranteed because there is only a first-order integrator in the negative feedback loop. used anymore in today’s digital TV, it supported the early development stage of digital
This method was first announced as an analog-to-digital converter in 1987 [3] and then TV systems.
as a digital-to-analog converter in 1989 [4]. However, the ΔΣ modulator of this
architecture has a limited SNR because if there is a mismatch in the transfer function 4. Handy Camera Recorders
of each cascaded first order ΔΣ modulator, the quantization noise is not completely Handheld camcorders, which record and playback video images on a magnetic tape,
canceled. Therefore, it is difficult to say that this approach is suitable for an ADC, but became popular before digital cameras. There was a certain demand in Japan for child
in the case of a DAC, mismatches do not occur, so this approach was used as a DAC births, graduation ceremonies, sports days, family trips, and so on.
for digital audio [5].
The first hit was the TR55, released by SONY in 1989. It used 8 mm size cassette
Initially, as shown in Figure 1.2.3 (a), a binary output using pulse-width modulation videotapes. In response to this, in 1990, Panasonic released the NV-S1 handheld
was used in the same way as in a logic circuit. Therefore, it is easy to integrate in CMOS camcorder using digital signal processing. The successor model and signal processing
and as such the semiconductor technology for DACs for audio has moved to CMOS, block diagram are shown in Figure 1.2.8. Although it is easier to realize automatic white
making it possible to reduce costs. The second half of the eighties was also a tailwind balance and automatic focus functions by using digital signal processing, the biggest
by the progress of CMOS IC technology. However, in the case of binary values, motivation for using digital signal processing was image stabilization.


ISSCC 2023 / SESSION 1 / PLENARY / 1.2
Handheld camcorders are required to be small and lightweight, which means that they conversion stage progresses, finer folding characteristics are obtained. For this reason,
are prone to camera shakes having a strong impact on image quality. Therefore, as shown to increase the resolution by one bit, it is basically necessary to add a conversion stage,
in Figure 1.2.8, the image is stored once in the frame memory and motion vectors are so there is a good scalability of resolution compared to the two-step parallel ADC, and it
detected [15]. At this time, it is necessary to judge whether there is a movement by the is not so difficult to develop a high-resolution ADC. However, the biggest problem is that
subject or a hand. Therefore, several observation regions are used. If the correlation of the linearity deteriorates because the signal voltage jumps out of the conversion range
movement in each observation region is small, it is judged to be a movement produced caused by the offset voltage of the comparator as shown in Figure 1.2.12. The
by the subject. On the other hand, when the correlation is high, it is judged to be a fundamental solution to this problem is a redundant conversion architecture [21] shown
movement by a hand. It also determines whether it is due to a hand or not by the period in Figure 1.2.12. By placing the fold return point sufficiently inside the conversion range,
of the motion vector. Image compensation to the camera shake is made by controlling linearity is not affected by the offset voltage of the comparator. Hence, a high accuracy
the read address of the memory for images using the motion vector. is possible, and as a result, the use of pipelined ADCs has spread rapidly.

Also, low power consumption is extremely important for portable devices, and it is An important technique in this aspect is the development of gain boosting, see Figure
necessary to extend battery life and reduce temperature rise when downsizing. A 10-bit 1.2.13, to realize high op amp gains. The required gain G of the OP amplifier is related
video-rate ADC was required for the imaging signal, but at that time the power to the resolution N as
consumption was larger than 200mW. In addition, CMOS is necessary for cost reduction
and downsizing, but CMOS ADCs were not necessarily low-power at that time. In 1993, G (dB ) > 6N +10 (3)
we developed a 10-bit 20MS/s 30mW CMOS ADC with a power dissipation that was 8
times smaller compared to the state of the art of that moment [16].
Assuming a resolution of 14 bits, a gain of 94 dB or more is required. A high-speed
single-stage configuration is desirable, but its gain is about 50 dB and does not reach
The comparator used in this design is the chopper-inverter proposed by Dingwall [17]
the target. A gain of 100 dB or more can be achieved in a single stage by boosting the
shown in Figure 1.2.9, composed of CMOS-friendly elements and circuits such as an
gain with an amplifier in the cascode circuit [22]. This technique has improved the
inverter, a switch, and a capacitance. The capacitors absorb and cancel the device
performance of pipelined ADCs and became widely used at conversion frequencies of
mismatches, and also realize a S/H function. With these elements a two-step parallel
several hundred MHz with a resolution of about 12 to 16 bits. Development was also
type ADC can be configured. In addition to suppressing the deterioration of accuracy
boosted by CMOS scaling during the period of widespread use, by the speed
due to the miniaturization of the elements, the area of the circuit itself can be reduced
improvement of op amps, and by the availability of high-precision MIM capacitors.
because the circuit is simple. As a result, the parasitic capacitance and power
consumption can be reduced. However, the accuracy was about 8 bit and further
It is first important to note that a CMOS image sensor does not perform a direct reading
ingenuity was required. Figure 1.2.9 shows the upper and lower comparator circuits. In
of the photocurrent of the photodiode, but it reads a voltage at the output of source
the lower comparator, the output of the first stage inverter was first combined in 4 units
follower [23]. Indeed, the charge generated by the photodiode is accumulated in the
by capacitances, and the output of the inverter of the next stage was combined by
depletion layer and transferred to the floating capacitance by the “charge transfer gate”
capacitances in 2 units. By performing interpolation using capacitances in this way, the
TX, as shown in Figure 1.2.14 [24]. The charge is converted to a voltage and read out as
mismatch can be effectively suppressed to 1/4, so that 10-bit resolution can be achieved.
a voltage via the source follower SF. At this time, the reset level is read first, the signal
Furthermore, since the gray inverter can be removed, it was possible to further reduce
the power consumption. Figure 1.2.9 shows the state of the art in energy consumption level is read next, and the CDS operation is performed so that kT/C noise can be canceled.
of 10-bit video-rate ADCs around the nineties. Although at that time a CMOS ADC was Therefore, a small capacitance can be used for high sensitivity. Initially, the pixel signal
not necessarily lower power compared to a bipolar ADC, the energy consumption of this was read out in the analog domain, but as with the CCD, high-speed reading was required
CMOS ADC is 1/8 compared to the other ADCs. A distinguished low energy consumption as the number of pixels increased. This problem was solved by incorporating a parallel
has been attained. read ADC in each column of the pixel matrix as shown in Figure 1.2.14. The initial
proposal used a SAR ADC [25], but nowadays integral ADCs using a TDC (Time to Digital
Later, almost all ADCs used CMOS technology, which benefited from technology scaling, Converter) and counters as shown in Figure 1.2.15 [26] are widely used. An analog-
high integration, high speed, and low power. based CDS is applied using a comparator, and then a digital-based CDS is applied to
perform the signal conversion using a ramp wave. The main reasons for its widespread
Low-power technologies for integrated circuits required for portable devices have use are that the small size of the ADC requires a simple configuration according to the
attracted attention [15] and low-power technologies have become a major technological reducing pixel pitch and monotonicity is guaranteed. Also, a resolution up to about 12
stream that has led to the realization of smartphones. bits is possible, together with a low power consumption and conversion speed according
to the specifications of the image sensor. Since column ADCs operate in parallel, they
5. Imaging do not require high-speed operation like the ADC used in conventional CCD image
In the development of solid-state image sensors, various technologies have been sensors, and they have become rapidly popular thanks to their low area, low power and
developed and image quality has been improved so much, but it seems that the stage of high speed capabilities.
practical use was reached after the development of image sensors that transfer the
accumulated charges generated in a photodiode by a CCD (Charge-Coupled Device). Additionally, recent image sensors have progressed to three-dimensional sensors by
measuring not only two-dimensional images but also distances. As shown in Figure
CCD is an amazing technology [18] that enables noiseless charge transfer by controlling 1.2.16, the measurement accuracy can be further improved by irradiating infrared light
the potential in the bulk, as shown in Figure 1.2.10. The voltage at the gate on the surface and counting the number of clocks by a TDC and using voltage information by ADC.
of the semiconductor is controlled and the charge is transferred along the potential by Figure 1.2.16 shows an ADC and TDC circuit [27] that can measure voltage information
sequentially changing the potential in the bulk. Figure 1.2.10 shows the basic and time information simultaneously using a VCO.
configuration of an image sensor using a CCD [19]. The accumulated charge in the
photodiode that is optically excited, is transferred by the vertical transfer CCD, then With the spread of smartphones and image sensors, it has become possible for
transferred to the horizontal transfer CCD, converted from charge to voltage by an individuals to communicate on a global level using both still and moving images on social
amplifier, and then converted to a digital value by an ADC outside the image sensor. The networks. By photographing 2D barcodes, it has become possible to authenticate various
correlated noise is suppressed by using CDS (Correlated Double Sampling) technology things and easily access the Internet.
[20] that sequentially transfers the reference signal and the pixel signal and takes the
difference. The signal from the CCD image sensor is an analog serial signal, and a high- 6. Recording
speed ADC with a resolution of about 12 to 14 bits is required to cope with the high ADCs have also been used in HDDs, DVDs, and other recording devices and digital
dynamic range of the image signal. CCD image sensors mainly used pipelined ADCs. transmissions. These signals are not natural signals introduced so far, but “1”, “0” digital
Pipelined ADCs are used for wireless communications, especially base stations, but the signals, and can usually be reproduced by threshold processing. However, due to the
first mass-produced application was for CCD image sensors. high density of the recording device and the high speed of the transmission device, it is
no longer possible to expect an improvement in the recording density and transmission
In a pipelined ADC, whose principle is shown in Figure 1.2.11, the input comparator speed by threshold processing.
controls a DAC according to the level of the input signal, the CMOS operational amplifier
(“OP” in Figure 1.2.11) amplifies the subtracted signal. The next stage samples the output Figure 1.2.17 shows the so-called plus signal, the succeeding minus signal, and the
signal of the previous amplifier and on the resulting signal it performs the same operation synthesized signal that is to be detected by the magnetic head. With increasing recording
as the first stage, in a pipelined manner. In this process, the input / output characteristics density it is subject to ISI (Inter Symbol Interference) which attenuates the signal strength
become folding characteristics of the output of each conversion stage, and as the and shifts the timing of the peak. To deal with this challenge, the PRML (Partial-Response

14 • 2023 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 978-1-6654-9016-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

ISSCC 2023 / February 20, 2023 / 9:20 AM
Maximum-Likelihood) method is used [28]. PR is a waveform that is distorted by ISI As shown in Figure 1.2.22, the ADC for wireline takes advantage of the small area and
with the transfer function of H(z-1) and the original waveform can be reproduced or low energy consumption of a SAR architecture, and by arranging many ADCs with 1
recorded by applying the inverse function 1/H(z-1) of the transmission line to the interleaving operation, an ultra-fast conversion of 96GS/s is achieved [38]. Since many
waveform. There are several transmission models, such as PR4, EPR4, and E2PR4. ADCs are used, it is necessary to adjust the offset voltage, conversion gain, and
ML is a method of finding the most reliable data column based on past data sequences. sampling timing of each ADC. This has necessitated the development of both a
A Viterbi decoder is used for this. Figure 1.2.17 shows the state of Viterbi foreground calibration technology that performs these calibrations when the ADC and
decomposition. DAC are not in operation, and a background calibration technology that acts while the
ADC and DAC are in operation, using the statistical properties of the converted values.
By taking the squared average error of the judgment value D and the signal level S, we In addition, a low-jitter clock of 100fs or less is required for the conversion of ultra-
can select the data column with the least error. In Figure 1.2.17, it is “011”. To determine wideband signals. To realize high-precision A/D conversion of ultra-wideband signals,
the data column in this way, an ADC is required to detect the signal level with higher not only ultra-high-speed ADC but also a low-jitter PLL is required. In the domain of
accuracy, rather than finding “0” or “1” by threshold processing. An integrated circuit wireline communication, continuous progress in the conversion speed of ADC is
for HDD using this idea was developed in the late nineties [29] [30]. A resolution of 6 expected. So far, by responding to the quest for ever higher speeds, we have been able
bits and a sample rate of several hundred MS/s ADC is often used. to realize long-distance connections and large-capacity optical fiber networks across
continents. Internet on a global scale contributes to the realization of a society where
A similar technique was required for DVD. Figure 1.2.18 shows the digital lead channel, people around the world are instantly connected.
the pickup signal for the DVD recorder, and the reconstructed signal after digital signal
processing. Since a DVD recorder uses multi-value recording by a semiconductor laser, 8. Wireless Communication
the SNR is poor and there are many errors. Therefore, the signal is converted to a digital In wireless communication systems, analog communication has also evolved into digital
value by the ADC, and digital signal processing using digital filtering and PRML error communication. The benefits of digitization, such as OFDM, sharp digital filters, channel
correction reconstructs the error-free signals. Figure 1.2.19 shows the mixed-signal equalizers, error correction, encryption, and various controls are immeasurable. As a
SoC [31] in which the DVD system is fully integrated on a single chip. It not only result, mixed-signal circuits such as ADCs and DACs are also used. Just as with wireline
integrates analog circuitry and the PRML digital signal processing circuits, but also communication, there is a continuous demand for ever higher data rates. According to
image processors. Figure 1.2.19 shows the inside of the DVD recorder using the SoC Shannon’s theorem, this requires a wider bandwidth and a higher SNDR. In addition,
and the DVD recorder before it. Since the SoC integrated the functions of most of the in wireless communication, interference exists, and low nonlinear distortion is required
chips up to that point, a cost reduction has been achieved, together with a reliability to suppress intermodulations.
improvement, a low power consumption, and a high degree of miniaturization. Figure
1.2.20 shows the block diagram of the CMOS 7b 400MS/s Flash ADC that has been Figure 1.2.23 shows the use of ADCs in different wireless communication receiver
developed for use in a SoC [32]. MOS transistors operating in the linear region are architectures. Conventionally, ADCs take as input an analog baseband signal, as shown
provided at the source side of the differential flip-flop, and 3-bit interpolation (simplified in Figure 1.2.23(a). Here the required performance for the ADC is the most relaxed.
Pipelined and SAR ADC architectures are conventionally used here. Alternatively, a
in the figure to a 2-bit case) was achieved by weighting the gate width. Unlike
Continuous-Time (CT) ΔΣ ADC, shown in Figure 1.2.24, using a CT integrator has a
interpolation with resistors, no steady-state current is flowing. As a result, a low power
special feature for wireless systems. By making the CT integrator ΔΣ ADC shaped, it is
consumption of 50mW has been obtained, which is about 1/10 of the power
possible not only to extend the signal bandwidth, but also to reduce the burden on the
consumption of ADCs with similar performance at that time.
anti-alias filter [39]. Recently, as shown in Figure 1.2.24 and the upper half of Figure
1.2.25, the bandwidth that can be covered by CT ΔΣ ADCs has risen to about 465 MHz
PRML technology using ADCs has contributed to the increase of capacity and speed of
with a MASH architecture [40] and 800MHz with a CT pipelined architecture [41] to
HDD and DVD. In general, mixed-signal SoCs, integrating not only digital circuits but
support a wide bandwidth which is needed for the latest radio applications.
also analog circuits, ADCs and DACs, made it possible to realize an entire complex
system into a single chip, and this became a major trend in IC technology. This has led
In base stations ADCs that convert IF signals to baseband using IF sampling (see Figure
to a miniaturization of large-scale systems, which has enabled the success of
1.2.23 (b)) are commonly found. I and Q signals are then reconstructed in the digital
smartphones, also thanks to the low power consumption and low cost.
domain. This was often done using pipelined ADCs of about 1GS/s with a resolution
ranging from 12 to 16 bits [42] [43]. The newest technique is RF sampling with an ADC
7. Wireline Connections
as shown in Figure 1.2.23 (c). The mixer required for wireless systems has been omitted
For wired connections between devices, increasing the data rate is a constant challenge. and the sampling function of the ADC is used to convert the RF signal to a baseband
In the case of transmission electrical signals over wires or cables, high-frequency signal signal directly. High-speed and wideband ADCs are required, and the interleaved
attenuation is unavoidable. Therefore, the eye does not open as the transmission rate pipelined ADC shown in Figure 1.2.25 [44] has been developed for this purpose.
increases. Recently, digital technology has been used as a solution [33] [34], as shown
in Figure 1.2.21. In [33] a received signal is converted by an ultra-high-speed ADC to Another application of mixed-signal technology in wireless communication, is in
the digital domain where the frequency characteristics are compensated by a Decision beamforming. This is applied in mm-wave transceivers to boost the link budget by
Feedback Equalizer (DFE) [33]. In [34] the most reliable data series is found in the digital concentrating the beam in a specific direction, Since at mm-wave frequencies the
domain from the obtained waveforms [34] [35]. wavelength is short and the antenna is small, an antenna array can be configured as
shown in Figure 1.2.26 [45]. By shifting the phase of the signal powering these many
In long-distance optical transmission, the eye can be closed due to wavelength or antennas, the beam can be focused in any direction. For this phase control, a quadrature
chromatic dispersion (CD) and polarization mode dispersion (PMD). The bottom part modulator and a DAC are used. In this way, mixed-signal technology enables not only
of Figure 1.2.21 shows the impact of PMD and CD on a signal that is modulated with high-frequency circuits but also beam control and this has become an indispensable
polarization division multiplexing (PDM) and quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK). technology for highly directional mm-wave communication. With the development of
Since the dispersion shifts the phase of the signals on the X and Y polarizations over digital wireless communication technology, the personalization of wireless
time, the different constellation points. In the ultra-high speed DSP ASIC of [36] for communication has progressed regardless of location, and it has become possible to
coherent detection of PDM-QPSK at 100Gbit/s the phase and frequency characteristics easily communicate with anyone and anywhere via smartphones and other portable
are digitally compensated to reconstruct the normal signaling [36]. This requires an devices. It also became easy to connect between devices wirelessly using Bluetooth.
ultra-fast ADC of about 100GS/s with 6 to 8 bits, for which an interleaved SAR Wireless communications are being developed for 6G systems that can communicate
architecture is used. at extremely higher speeds. The higher data rates that 6G will accommodate, will come
with channel bandwidths of several GHz, which, in combination with a high spectral
The SAR ADC has a simple configuration consisting of a capacitive DAC (CDAC), a efficiency, will challenge ADC design to sampling rates well above 10GHz and,
comparator, and SAR logic, as shown in Figure 1.2.22. Since the comparator has a depending on the modulation scheme, an effective resolution up to 9-10 bits in mobile
circuit topology similar to a differential flipflop, no static current is flowing and it is devices, together with a low power consumption
scaling friendly: both speed and energy consumption can be improved and the occupied
area can be reduced with technology scaling. The capacitance value cannot be scaled 9. Future Progress
because it is determined by kT/C noise, but the area can be scaled using inter-wiring In the technology fields introduced so far, mixed-signal circuits such as ADCs and DACs
capacitance. In addition, a SAR ADC requires a very small capacitance and that can be will continue to be required according to the application, target performance, and
easily realized using inter-wiring capacitance. For high-resolution SAR ADCs, a low- process technology to be used, and further progress will be made. Future applications
noise comparator with offset adjustment has been developed in [37] (see Figure 1.2.22). for mixed-signal circuits are AI processors and quantum computers. Conventional
Self-clocking circuits were also developed for high-speed operation. computer technology has achieved many remarkable results and has shaped society


ISSCC 2023 / SESSION 1 / PLENARY / 1.2
by using extremely robust digital technology. However, AI processors and quantum shown in Figure 1.2.30 [60]. This is the result of the evolution of mixed-signal circuits
computing a good affinity with analog technology, but on the other hand, digital control that also profit from the scaling of logic device technology, SAR ADCs being a nice
and digital signal processing are heavily required, so mixed-signal technology is vitally example here. Still, fundamental challenges such as the performance constraint from
required. kT/C noise in ADCs need to be overcome, as today this is combatted with large
capacitances at the expense of a large conversion energy.
For example, it is said that a resolution of about 8 bits is sufficient for an AI processor.
With this level of accuracy, the calculation efficiency can be increased tens of times Finally, in the future, it will be important to develop computers such as AI processors
compared to digital by performing operations on a CDAC [46] as shown in Figure 1.2.27. and quantum computers whose operations are essentially analog, so mixed-signal
Still the energy consumption, conversion speed, and silicon area are still not satisfactory, technology is expected to develop even further.
but these are expected to improve in the future. In addition, as shown in Figure 1.2.27,
Compute-in-Memory (CIM) technology has been developed to provide analog arithmetic Acknowledgement:
functions in the memory itself [47] [48]. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. M. A. Abdel, Dr. T. Kuroda, Dr. I.
Takayanagi, Dr. Y. Oike, Dr. K. Nishimura, Dr. I. Fujimori, Dr. T. Hamasaki, Dr. K.
In quantum computers, those that use superconductivity for the qubits, require a signal Nakamura, Dr. H. Shibata, Dr. M. Sugawara, Dr. T. Saida, Dr. K. Okada, Dr. R. B.
generation and detection circuit at microwave frequencies to control the spin. An SoC Staszewski, and Dr. R. Nikandish for providing useful information in each area and for
operating at a low temperature of about 1°K or 4°K is required (see Figure 1.2.28), the useful discussions.
containing readout and control electronics that resemble a transceiver [49]. Here, the
development of comprehensive low-temperature CMOS IC technology is indispensable. References:
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[4] Y. Matsuya, K. Uchimura, A. Iwata, and T. Kaneko, “A 17-bit Oversampling D-to-A
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[55]. In either case, an amplifier is required, but since the requirement for amplifier
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[21] S. H. Lewis, H. S. Fetterman, G. F. Gross, Jr, R. Ramachandran, and T. R. [45] J. Pang, et al., “A 28-GHz CMOS Phased-Array Transceiver Based on LO Phase-
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ISSCC 2023 / SESSION 1 / PLENARY / 1.2




 =  +( )

 +  + 

   +   +








Figure 1.2.1: 16b Monolithic DAC using resistor trimming [1]. Figure 1.2.2: ΔΣ modulator and multistage noise shaping.

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! " #



% &'  ( )  * $
   +, -


% &'  ( )  +, -

Figure 1.2.3: Pulse-width modulation and voltage modulation. Figure 1.2.4: Data-Weighted Averaging and ΔΣ DAC with SC LPF.

345   "02  

 78" 98 :  "   ;7898< /


, 11 " 



    34 &

  78" 98 :  77 

, 11 " 




6  1  34 &     

Figure 1.2.5: Early-stage HDTV system; MUSE [9]. Figure 1.2.6: Board and monolithic video-rate 10b ADCs.

18 • 2023 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 978-1-6654-9016-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

ISSCC 2023 / February 20, 2023 / 9:20 AM

=  1      













  6 (  1   
0 7!










1   (  
Figure 1.2.7:Two-step flash ADC with interpolation [13]. Figure 1.2.8: Handy camera recorder using digital signal processing [15].
&     7$ 
  1  7-
# /:;   






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  7? 98


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0 1 78" &   7.  

Figure 1.2.9: 10b 20 MS/s CMOS ADC with capacitive interpolation. Figure 1.2.10: Principle of CCD and CCD image sensor.
/ 1 7"  
, $*

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 7'!"   97











Figure 1.2.11: Basic 1b pipelined ADC. Figure 1.2.12: Issue of 1b pipelined ADC and solution with 1.5b architecture.


ISSCC 2023 / SESSION 1 / PLENARY / 1.2







Figure 1.2.13: Gain boost amplifier for high gain OP-amp.[22]. Figure 1.2.14: CMOS image sensor with column ADCs.











Figure 1.2.15: Counter-base column ADC [26]. Figure 1.2.16: LiDAR system, and VCO-based ADC and TDC [27].
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Figure 1.2.17: ISI and ML method in magnetic recording. Figure 1.2.18: Digital read-channel in DVD recorder.

20 • 2023 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 978-1-6654-9016-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

ISSCC 2023 / February 20, 2023 / 9:20 AM
   1  # 0 7



  ) +  (



&%  ' 


   =  <



# % 



Figure 1.2.19: One-chip mixed signal SoC for DVD systems and it’s impact. Figure 1.2.20: 7b 400 MS/s CMOS flash ADC with gate-weighted interpolation [32].






"   &' 12


"' $ (
+,-. + 




;  1"  


 . 3    
&  -








$% '  $%$ 

Figure 1.2.21: Wireline connection with high-speed ADC. Figure 1.2.22: SAR ADC, dynamic comparator, and ultra-high-speed interleaved ADC.
0 1 " 









0 1
" 0


" /, 

Figure 1.2.23: Input signals to ADCs in wireless communication. Figure 1.2.24 : Continuous-Time ΔΣ ADC.


ISSCC 2023 / SESSION 1 / PLENARY / 1.2
 '% #


( & $!) 

5    11  


2   3,2
# $  




Figure 1.2.25: Advanced ADCs for wireless communication. Figure 1.2.26: Beamforming with digital controlled phase shifter.

*  &++!, & - %.' !0/

7=9% %% 0 /   -

& - %   .' )"/

/    $

Figure 1.2.27: Mixed signal neuron circuits. Figure 1.2.28: Cryo-CMOS circuits for quantum computing.

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 , # &' 02 12


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# 2 
1 2  2 

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Figure 1.2.29: Direction of ADC developments. Figure 1.2.30: Performance and progress in ADCs [60].

22 • 2023 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 978-1-6654-9016-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

ISSCC 2023 / SESSION 1 / PLENARY / AWARDS February 20, 2023 / 9:55 AM


2022 Lewis Winner Award for Outstanding Paper 2022 ISSCC Award for Outstanding Forum Presenter

“Ponte Vecchio: A Multi-Tile 3D Stacked Processor for Exascale Computing” “6G Communications: Vision and Challenges”

Wilfred Gomes1, Altug Koker2, Pat Stover3, Doug Ingerly1, Scott Siers2, Gary Xu
Srikrishnan Venkataraman4, Chris Pelto1, Tejas Shah5, Amreesh Rao2,
Samsung, Plano, TX
Frank O’Mahony1, Eric Karl1, Lance Cheney2, Iqbal Rajwani2, Hemant Jain4,
Ryan Cortez2, Arun Chandrasekhar4, Basavaraj Kanthi4, Raja Koduri6
Intel, Portland, OR, 2Intel, Folsom, CA, 3Intel, Chandler, AZ 2022 Demonstration Session Certificate of Recognition
Intel, Bengaluru, India 5Intel, Austin, TX, 6Intel, Santa Clara, CA
“BatDrone: A 9.83M-focal-points/s 7.76μs-Latency Ultrasound Imaging System
with On-Chip Per-Voxel RX Beamfocusing for 7m-Range Drone Applications”
2022 Anantha P. Chandrakasan
Distinguished-Technical-Paper Award  Liuhao Wu1, Jiaqi Guo1, Rucheng Jiang1, Yande Peng2, Han Wu1, Jiamin Li1,
Yilong Dong1, Miaolin Zhang1, Zhuoyue Li1, Kian Ann Ng3, Chne-Wuen Tsai1,
“A Single-Crystal-Oscillator-Based Clock-Management IC with 18× Start-Up Time Lian Zhang1, Longyang Lin4, Liwei Lin2, Jerald Yoo1,5
Reduction and 0.68ppm/°C Duty-Cycled Machine-Learning-Based RCO 1
National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Calibration” 2
University of California, Berkeley, CA
Digipen Institute of Technology, Singapore, Singapore
Jaehong Jung, Seunghyun Oh, Joomyoung Kim, Gihyeok Ha, Jinhyeon Lee, 4
Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China
Seungjin Kim, Euiyoung Park, Jaehoon Lee, Yelim Yoon, Seungyong Bae, 5
The N.1 Institute for Health, Singapore, Singapore
Wonkang Kim, Yong Lim, Kyungsoo Lee, Junho Huh, Jongwoo Lee,
Thomas Byunghak Cho
Samsung Electronics, Hwaseong, Korea 2022 Demonstration Session Certificate of Recognition

“A 1.41pJ/b 224Gb/s PAM-4 SerDes Receiver with 31dB Loss Compensation”

2022 Jan Van Vessem Award for Outstanding European Paper
Yoav Segal1, Amir Laufer1, Ahmad Khairi1, Yoel Krupnik1, Marco Cusmai1,
“A Second-Order Temperature-Compensated On-Chip R-RC Oscillator Achieving Itamar Levin1, Ari Gordon1, Yaniv Sabag1, Vitali Rahinski1, Gadi Ori1, Noam Familia1,
7.93ppm/°C and 3.3pJ/Hz in -40°C to 125°C Temperature Range” Stas Litski1, Tali Warshavsky1, Udi Virobnik1, Yeshayahu Horwitz1, Ajay Balankutty2,
Shiva Kiran2, Samuel Palermo3, Peng Mike Li4, Ariel Cohen1
Youngwoo Ji1,2, Jiawei Liao1, Sina Arjmandpour1,3, Alessandro Novello1, 1
Intel, Jerusalem, Israel, 2Intel, Hillsboro, OR
Jae-Yoon Sim2, Taekwang Jang1 3
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, 4Intel, San Jose, CA
ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland

Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea
Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran ISSCC 2023 Silkroad Award

“A 16.4kpixel 3.08-to-3.86THz Digital Real-time CMOS Image Sensor with 73dB

2022 Takuo Sugano Award for Outstanding Far-East Paper Dynamic Range”

“Side-Channel Attack Counteraction via Machine Learning-Targeted Power Min Liu

Compensation for Post-Silicon HW Security Patching” Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Qiang Fang , Longyang Lin , Yao Zu Wong , Hui Zhang , Massimo Alioto
1 1,2 1 1 1

National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore ISSCC 2022 Student-Research Preview (SRP) Poster Award
Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China
“Amber: a 441.2 GOPS/W 16nm Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Array-Based
SoC Accelerator for Image Processing and Computer Vision”
ISSCC 2022 Jack Kilby Award for Outstanding Student Paper
Kathleen Feng
 “A 10GS/s 8b 25fJ/c-s 2850μm2 Two-Step Time-Domain ADC Using Delay- Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Tracking Pipelined-SAR TDC with 500fs Time Step in 14nm CMOS Technology”

Juzheng Liu, Mohsen Hassanpourghadi, Mike Shuo-Wei Chen

ISSCC 2022 Student-Research Preview (SRP) Poster Award
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
“A Ka-Band Dual Circularly Polarized CMOS Phased-Array Transmitter with
Adaptive Scan Impedance Tuner and Circular Polarization Calibration”
2022 ISSCC Award for Outstanding Forum Presenter
Dongwon You
“Sensor Interface, Analog, and Mixed-Signal Circuits for Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Miniaturized IoT Devices”

Taekwang Jang

ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland




2021 Journal of Solid-State Circuits Best Paper Award 2023 IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society New Frontier Award
A 3-D-Integrated Silicon Photonic Microring-Based 112-Gb/s PAM-4 Ruonan Han
Transmitter with Nonlinear Equalization and Thermal Control
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Hao Li1, Ganesh Balamurugan1 Taehwan Kim1, Meer N. Sakib2, Ranjeet Kumar2,
Haisheng Rong2, James Jaussi1, Bryan Casper1 The IEEE SSCS New Frontier award recognizes and honors SSCS members in their early career
who are exploring innovative and visionary technical work within the field of solid-state circuits.
Intel, Hillsboro, OR, Intel, Santa Clara, CA
The award aims to pioneering developments that are at the frontiers of IC design or possess
an imminent potential to expand the field through new categories of circuit technologies,
system design, and/or emerging applications.

2022 IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Chapter Awards

SSCS Chapter of the Year 2023 IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Industry Impact Award
IEEE SSCS Switzerland Chapter Samuel Naffziger
Taekwang Jang, Chair
Advanced Micro Devices, Fort Collins, CO
Michel Bron, Vice Chair
Mathieu Coustans, Secretary
Domenico Pepe, Industry Relations Coordinator The IEEE SSCS Industry Impact Award recognizes and honors SSCS members who have had
a seminal impact and made distinctive contributions to the field of solid-state circuits and the
integrated circuits industry. The award recognizes extraordinary accomplishments in
entrepreneurship, leadership and/or technical excellence that led to significant breakthroughs
and paradigm shifts in the IC business, thereby enabling new products and services within the
SSCS Student Branch Chapter of the Year ten year period prior to the application deadline.
IEEE EDS/SSCS University of Niš Student Branch Chapter

Sandra Veljković, Chair

Vojkan Davidović, Treasurer 2023 IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
Nikola Mitrović, Secretary James D. Meindl Innovators Award
Danijel Danković, Faculty Advisor
Daniel Limbrick

IEEE SSCS University of Science and Technology North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, Greensboro, NC
of China Student Branch Chapter
The IEEE SSCS New Frontier award recognizes and honors SSCS members in their early career
Muhammad Hunain Memon, Chair who are exploring innovative and visionary technical work within the field of solid-state circuits.
Fujiang Lin, Faculty Advisor The award aims to pioneering developments that are at the frontiers of IC design or possess
an imminent potential to expand the field through new categories of circuit technologies,
system design, and/or emerging applications.
SSCS Chapter with Best Educational Program Award
IEEE SSCS University of Bordeaux Student Branch Chapter
2023 IEEE Brokaw Award for Circuit Elegance
Maxandre Fellmann, Chair
Yann Deval, Faculty Advisor Benjamin Hershberg

Intel, Hillsboro, OR
IEEE SSCS KU Leuven Student Branch Chapter
This Award was created to enhance appreciation and encourage innovation of simple, smart,
Carl D’heer, Chair and elegant circuit design. The award is presented in recognition of a unique, innovative,
Ariane De Vroede, Vice Chair simple, smart, and elegant circuit design, created during the past decade that has demonstrated
Jonas Pelgrims, Treasurer its viability.
Arnaud Van Mieghem, IEEE SB
Bram Veraverbeke, Media & Public Relations
Senne Gielen, Secretary
Berke Güngör, Member

SSCS Chapter with Best Pre-University Outreach Award

IEEE SSCS Ss. Cyril & Methodius University in Skopje
Student Branch Chapter

Stefan Momyr, Chair

24 • 2023 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 978-1-6654-9016-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

ISSCC 2023 / February 20, 2023 / 9:55 AM

IEEE Technical Field Awards


2023 IEEE Donald O. Pederson Award in Solid-State Circuits

Ingrid Verbauwhede
KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
“For pioneering contributions to energy-efficient and high-performance secure integrated circuits and systems.”

The IEEE annually recognizes outstanding contributors worldwide to the art and science of electro- and information technologies
with technical awards in 3 dozen technical specialties. The IEEE Donald O. Pederson Award for Solid-State Circuits for
outstanding contributions in the field of solid-state circuits goes to an individual or team of not more than three. The award
includes a bronze medal, certificate, and cash honorarium which are presented at the ISSCC.

2023 IEEE Fellows

Walid Y Ali-Ahmad Kenichi Okada

Apple, San Carlos, CA Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
“For leadership in development of low-cost direct-conversion “For contributions to millimeter-wave communication circuits design”
cellular RF systems”

Omer Oralkan
Jason H. Anderson North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
University of Toronto
“For contributions to micromachined ultrasonic transducers
“For contributions to high-level synthesis and low-power FPGAs” and integrated microsystems development,
for imaging, therapy, and sensing”

Keith Bowman
Qualcomm, Raleigh, NC Woogeun Rhee
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
“For contributions to variation-tolerant adaptive processor designs”
“For contributions to phase-locked circuits and systems”

Tetsuo Endoh
Sriram Vangal
Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Intel, Portland, OR
“For contributions to nonvolatile memory and spintronic logi”
“For contributions to network-on-chip architectures”

Roberto Gomez-Garcia
Marian Verhelst
University of Alcala Getafe, Madrid Spain
K.U. Leuven, Heverlee, Belgium
“For contributions to planar multi-function microwave filters”
“For contributions to energy-efficient near-sensor processing
and embedded Machine Learning Processors”
Donhee Ham
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Hua Wang
“For contributions to semiconductor electronic interfaces Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
with biological systems”
“For contributions to high-efficiency microwave
and millimeter-wave power amplifiers”
Muhammad M. Khellah
Intel, Tigard, OR
Qiangfei Xia
“For contributions to co-optimization of on-die dense memory University of Massachusetts Amherst, Winchester, MA
and fine-grain power-management circuits”
“For contributions to resistive memory arrays
and devices for in-memory computing”
Thomas Mikolajick
NaMLab, Dresden, Germany
“For contributions to nonvolatile memory”


ISSCC 2023 / SESSION 1 / PLENARY / 1.3
1.3 EU Chips Act Drives Pan-European Full-Stack Innovation changes to be made in integration technology, leading to a more mature process in line
Partnerships with future application needs that will allow building early demonstrators and help reduce
the time for introducing new products by paralleling several activities such as new
Jo De Boeck process technology, design enablement, and IC chips development. As a result, the
imec and KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium industrial uptake of the technologies will be triggered, supported by an increased
demand. This type of innovation loop is also essential for deep-tech start-ups that want
Jean-René Lèquepeys to convince their investors of their unique value proposition and get first customers to
CEA-Leti and Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France adopt it.
Christoph Kutter The concept of building up large-scale design capacities through a network of
Fraunhofer EMFT and Universität der Bundeswehr, Munich, Germany Competence Centers for integrated semiconductor technologies is a key ingredient to
1. The Impact of Semiconductors and the European Chips Act boost Europe’s competitiveness for semiconductor design innovations. The goal is to
In every aspect of our life and society, semiconductors play a major role and that impact lower the cost and the access barriers to advanced and leading-edge technologies and
is set to increase even further. The pandemic in conjunction with supply chain hiccups to enable and stimulate the exchange of design IP between academia and industry. The
and geopolitical tensions made all regions realize that they need to revisit their position latter can be achieved by creating such a ‘virtual’ design environment, which should
and potential in the semiconductor value chain. The European Commission expressed contain design tools, PDKs, and design IP repositories. The most likely vehicle to
[1] the ambition of achieving a 20% share of global semiconductor production by 2030. integrate all those elements is the cloud. Already now, one can observe a shift of design
This is roughly a ‘times four’ increase with respect to the situation today. To achieve activities into the cloud [2]. The main drivers for moving IC design to the cloud are
that, a plan is proposed that invests in research and development, promotes larger amongst others enhanced security (including IP protection for the advanced technology
incentives for manufacturing, and indicates measures for a more stable supply chain. nodes), more flexibility and scalability (such as pay-per-use for EDA tools) and more
Worldwide ambitious investments are planned for semiconductor R&D and collaboration between designers. In the end, these developments will lead to more
manufacturing. Europe should leverage its existing strengths (see Figure 1.3.1) such innovations and a vibrant design ecosystem in Europe.
as its unique position of certain materials and equipment companies ( ASML, SOITEC,
ASM-I, and so on), leadership positions in R&D on the industrial 300mm wafer standard The innovation engine described above will drive a multitude of future applications and
(imec, CEA/Leti, Fraunhofer), and existing ecosystems for chip manufacturing embracing services in fields like high-performance computing (HPC), distributed computing and
mature nodes and specialties, as well as partnerships for advanced semiconductor IoT, telecommunications, automotive and robotics, augmented and virtual reality
fabrication. The high-quality educational system and the presence of strong OEMs, such (AR/VR), smart sensors, healthcare and wearables, to name a few important ones. In
as automotive companies, are key assets to drive the demand. The openness to all these applications, the most-advanced semiconductor technologies will be combined
partnerships in all layers of the value chain and at all levels of technology maturity will with more mature nodes or derivatives for sensors, imagers, power, RF, and so on. This
be essential for success, given the very strong position of other regions in certain smart mix of semiconductor technologies adapted to specific electronic functions will
domains (EDA, leading-edge node chip manufacturing, packaging, memory). be integrated altogether thanks to advanced packaging and a 3D heterogeneous
integration toolbox.
The first pillar of the European Chips Act centers around two intertwined concepts (see
Figure 1.3.2): (1) the establishment of pilot line facilities to enable the Lab-to-Fab 2. The Need for ‘Full-Stack’ and Sustainable Innovation
transition of breakthrough semiconductor technology ideas; and (2) the build-up of large- The innovation in semiconductor technologies and design must comply with
scale design capacities for integrated semiconductor technologies. This combination will specifications and requirements from applications (see Figure 1.3.5). This means that
allow advanced demonstration and validation of circuit and system innovation. Programs there is a strong connection between the introduction of new materials and processes
for talent development and venture capital for start-ups and scale-ups are explicitly in the fab, the design options, and system architectures, the crucial and growing
present in the plans, as key factors for success. Under ‘pillar one’ the EU semiconductor middleware libraries (operating system and libraries that are supporting dynamic memory
ecosystem will benefit through access to the Chips for Europe pilot line facilities and and storage management, the parallelization of the tasks and threads over the
design capabilities. One-stop-shop interfaces will be established to perform specific increasingly complex heterogeneous multi-core platforms, and so on), the algorithms
activities such as: (i) the ‘injection’ of the most advanced technology in an innovation and final application functionality. This is a “stack” of various disciplines that requires
project; (ii) the engineering of a demonstrator at higher TRL; or (iii) the preparation of a networked model of industry collaboration (see Figure 1.3.6).
the production capacity ecosystem for swift market uptake and growth. Such activities
will be of high value to the full value chain, from materials and tool providers over IDM The sequential innovation process is outdated. There is a need to accelerate and make
and foundries to the fabless and design companies. Programs for start-up and scale- more insightful choices in the innovation by co-optimizing all layers in this full stack.
ups access will be rolled out. This means it is required to really understand how a decision or boundary condition in
one layer impacts the whole stack and the products and business (models) of the
The second pillar of the EU Chips Act focuses on increasing the capacity of manufacturing
companies involved.
and counts on financial contribution from EU member states and industry. The third
pillar is concentrating on the supply chain monitoring and potential interventions in crisis It is crucial for all this innovation potential that we, as an industry, consider that
situations. semiconductor manufacturing is resource-intensive with respect to energy, water,
chemicals, and raw materials. It generates various classes of emissions, including
The focus of this paper is on pillar one, the pilot line facilities and the associated design
greenhouse gases and has a negative environmental impact due to mineral extraction in
platform. Some pilot-line technologies have been earmarked in the plans, such as Fully-
Depleted SOI (FDSOI) 10nm, leading-edge sub-2nm technology, heterogeneous mining and recycling operations very often done in economically challenged countries.
integration, and chiplet technology, as well as quantum computing chips. A pilot line at It has become clear that we need to look at the green and the digital transformations as
the Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) allows for exploration of new device “twin challenges”: digital technologies will not only continue to create opportunities in
and circuit integration technology and early integration experiments to demonstrate basic traditional sectors but will also increasingly help to meet challenges faced on our road
architectures at an early stage as proof-of-concept on industry-grade equipment and towards a healthy planet. But at the same time, we then must make sure that the negative
within industry-relevant boundary conditions (see Figure 1.3.3). Though maturity is very impact from semiconductor manufacturing and use is minimized. Design-Technology
low still, the initial models are in place to draft a research process design kit (PDK) that Co-Optimization (DTCO) and System-Technology Co-Optimization (STCO) methodologies
allows to interface with the designers for first circuit-level impact experiments. In close and tools, building transversal knowledge from manufacturing to design to workloads,
collaboration with the industry, and for not overly complex technologies, the pilot lines provide an opportunity to develop a framework for early sustainability assessments of
can mature the technology to the stage of low volume manufacturing or technology semiconductor technologies. Life Cycle Analyses done at an early stage in the
module integration on foundry wafers (embedded memories, 3D stacking, photonics development phase are mandatory to minimize both the energy consumption and the
functionality integration and so on) that allows to explore application specific functionality environmental footprint by avoiding the use of rare or difficult-to-recycle materials. As
improvements. Such demonstrations will build the economical case for transfer to a result, “environmental scores” can be derived together with the established Power,
industry pilot production or prequalification, where further engineering will take place Performance, Area, Cost (PPAC) metrics enabling a holistic approach to account for the
for up-scaling, yield improvement, and risk production for the early adopters. environmental impact as well: PPACE [3].

The pilot-line technologies will indeed have to invest in design enablement to allow early The interplay of deep technology insight, sustainability goals and innovation at the
exploration of the potential impact of new features in advanced chip and system application and systems level is at the core of the EU Chips Act ambition. The sections
architectures (see Figure 1.3.4). Virtual prototyping will exploit experimental PDKs for below illustrate this from different application perspectives and are only indicative of the
logic, memory, and other features. Feedback from these explorations will instigate vast number of other opportunities in these and many other sectors.

26 • 2023 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 978-1-6654-9016-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

ISSCC 2023 / February 20, 2023 / 10:40 AM
3. Compute from Heterogeneous Cloud to the Extreme Edge advanced CMOS at the expense of voltage headroom in older nodes and the related
The current high-end scaling roadmap incorporates options for continued dimensional design style. 1
scaling with device and material innovations (see Figure 1.3.7) (together with suitable
context-aware interconnect schemes). The forksheet device (see Figure 1.3.8 a) has FDSOI is unmatched for cost-effective markets requiring digital and mixed-signal SoC
recently been proposed as the most promising architecture to extend the GAA integration and performance, with low power and intrinsic high robustness. FDSOI
nanosheet device generation [4], providing additional scaling and performance beyond technology is strongly positioned in the IoT market; it was “born and raised” in Europe
the 2nm technology node (down to the A7 generation). While device area reduction has and is currently scaling to the 10nm generation. In the coming years the technology
been driven by ever-tighter gate and metal pitches, further scaling is accomplished by will be further optimized for IoT and automotive applications, RF connectivity, 5G/6G
reducing the number of available intracell routing tracks (T). Nanosheet and forksheet chips, microcontrollers, smart imagers and sensors, cybersecurity applications, and
devices prove unsuitable for 4-Track (4T) standard-cell designs, while complementary wearables [7]. The next generation will be a Gate-All-Around (GAA) implementation
FET (CFET) devices (see Figure 1.3.8 b) provide a performant and cost-effective 4T where there will be a lot of common challenges with the extended device roadmap for
solution [5] starting from the A5 technology generation (see Figure 1.3.7). The materials leading-edge devices.
and process technology innovations this requires are matured in R&D pilot lines and Heterogeneous integration of different functionalities – and hence different
new integration schemes are under exploration, in close collaboration with the suppliers semiconductor technologies – is extremely important in the edge-AI domain (see Figure
of materials and equipment. When novel devices or interconnect schemes are
1.3.9). Starting from a deep understanding of the system workload, the system
demonstrated in the advanced pilot line setting, they can be translated into a ‘research
architecture can be explored making use of the most appropriate combination of diverse
PDK’, and later as a more mature PDK with more complete features, for IC designers
technology platforms. R&D on semiconductor technology, interconnect strategy,
to assess the new technology and provide early feedback to tune the technology in line
reliability, thermal management, EDA for system partitioning, and so on, in close
with future applications needs. EDA tools for providing iterative versions of a PDK in a
concertation is required.
more automatic way are necessary to fully exploit the potential of emerging
technologies. 4. Connectivity
A very close interplay of pilot line infrastructure and design platform innovation enables While data is becoming one of our most precious assets, the insatiable hunger for data
early design excursions which allow exploring the circuit and systems impact of the also drives technology and design to the extremes, both for the wireless and the wired
new options like a forksheet or CFET device architecture, 3D heterogeneous integration, part of connectivity.
new interconnect options, Back-Side Power Delivery Network (BSPDN), compute-in- Wireline transceivers are the beginning and the endpoint of each fiber-optic link: in the
memory, Voltage Gated Spin-Orbit Torque (VGSOT) MRAM, analog computing, backbone of our internet infrastructure connecting countries and cities; in the access
neuromorphic architectures, quantum technologies, RF options, and many more. The networks (hybrid coax, fiber-to-the-home); in between servers inside data centers, and
EDA tool challenges multiply as we go below 2nm because the need for STCO (with in IO interfaces for large digital SoCs.
BSPDN, thermal vias, 3D floor planning, and so on) raises the complexity level of
manufacturing reliable chips. The pilot lines and EDA community need to act as one to Scaled CMOS is in many cases both a driver for wireline as well as an enabling factor:
make an impact and timely create value downstream. This way the design community these transceivers are preferably implemented on the same CMOS chip as their digital
is enabled to create the demand for high-end systems-on-chip that will spur economic core. To cope with the ever-increasing need for capacity, baud rates are growing rapidly
growth throughout the full stack. versus the channel bandwidth: telecom applications will soon start deployment of
coherent transceivers with baud rates beyond 100Gbaud, with a doubling anticipated
The CMOS-based compute engines will be complemented by accelerators like compute-
in the next few years. Such transceivers rely on digital signal processing to overcome
in-memory, neuromorphic and quantum-based systems. Quantum computers are
bandwidth limitations and distortion of the channel and analog / opto-electronic front-
hailed as a potentially disruptive computing concept in the space of supercomputing-
ends. At baud rates beyond 100Gbaud, the DSP cores need to handle multiple Terabit/s
like applications such as advanced materials design, new drugs development,
throughput. This can only be realized within reasonable power and area requirements
computational chemistry, and cryptanalysis. The current state of the art (100s of
uncorrected quantum bits) is still many orders-of-magnitude away from theoretical using scaled CMOS. High baud-rate transceivers will therefore rely on the capabilities
requirements (millions of quantum bits operating in synchrony as a fully ‘error- of the latest CMOS nodes. Associated pilot lines and research PDKs will allow making
corrected quantum computer’ [6]). Bridging this enormous gap will require a sustained predictions regarding power, performance, and area trade-offs.
combination of brilliant ingenuity, conceptual breakthroughs, and dedicated engineering Optical transceivers are also the poster child for heterogenous integration. Photonic
work to reduce individual error rates and improve homogeneity. Given the heterogeneity integrated circuits (PICs) form a crucial part of these transceivers and can be realized
of the quantum computing technologies currently investigated worldwide on Silicon Photonic or InP platforms. Silicon Photonics offer the advantage of dense
(superconductors, photonics, cold atoms, trapped ions, qubit on semiconductor, and integration of both passive (wavelength multiplexing) and active functionality
so on) and the relative immaturity of the state-of-the-art – with no winning solutions in (modulators and detectors) in a monolithic chip with high yield and manufacturing
sight yet – this will not be a sinecure. Nevertheless, funding the research and throughput; optical amplification and lasers are not yet feasible although significant
development into more mature, stable, reproducible quantum hardware technology, research in this area is on-going. InP also allows active and passive functions in addition
and subsequently making such hardware technology widely available to the community to lasers and optical amplifiers but has less manufacturing throughput due to smaller
may help close the scaling gap from both sides. The quantum computing ecosystem is wafer sizes. With bandwidth requirements for the opto-electronic front-ends set to
to adopt a more sustainable, long-term innovation model known from the past decades
exceed 100GHz, the inclusion of novel materials such as BTO, LiNbO3, PZT, graphene
of semiconductor technology innovation, including a solid STCO approach to further
and so on will be needed. Facilitating dense integration of photonic chips or chiplets
from different material systems with large-scale CMOS SoCs while maintaining signal
Moving to the compute edge there are many other STCO requirements appearing. integrity requires advanced 2.5D and 3D heterogeneous integration technologies. These
Internet-of-Things (IoT) application end points are the interface between the digital and include through-silicon vias, fine-pitch flip-chip, micro-transfer printing, and wafer-
the physical world and therefore are creating the data overflow. There is a clear need bonding processes. While volumes are much smaller than in the consumer space, the
for sensor fusion and new on-device compute paradigms in order to transform the raw requirements of wireline transceivers will remain a driver for and adopter of these
data into useful data as soon as possible (i.e. not send them to the cloud) to drastically advanced technologies—which can then percolate to wireless and other domains.
limit power consumption. For example, new perception modalities like infrared and
hyperspectral imaging, depth sensing, time-of-flight sensors, and so on, are enabling Indeed, the need for higher data rates also in wireless drives the carrier frequencies to
rich AR/VR/XR and similarly at the actuation side, holography is being added to end- the mm-Wave spectrum, where bandwidth is available to accommodate the high data
point. These represent the next dimension in the sectors of AI and data handling. Such rates. At these mm-Wave frequencies, which will go beyond 100GHz for the most
complex applications pose a stiff challenge in dealing with highly heterogeneous data demanding high data-rate segment of 6G, the speed and power limitations of silicon
streams in combination with real-time processing with a strong need to improve the devices will necessitate the use of novel material systems and substrates, mainly for
energy efficiency of computing. power amplifiers. Four of these technologies are globally recognized to be at the core
of the next generation RF/mm-Wave front-end [8]: SiGe, FDSOI, GaN. and InP (see
The smart extreme-edge or IoT devices impose many analog and low-energy Figure 1.3.10).
functionality requirements and traditionally have been, for a combination of technical
and economic reasons, slow to adopt new semiconductor integration technologies. SiGe technology platforms enable high-performance RF Front-End thanks to extremely
New process nodes have, however, allowed the community to hugely improve the fast Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBT) and small CMOS nodes onto the same
performance of analog, RF, and mm-Wave design due to close co-design with the new die (down to 55nm like ST-B55x). It offers operating frequencies beyond 100GHz, large
technology. For instance, innovations like all-digital PLLs and digital-style transceivers bandwidth, low-noise and high-linearity potential and decent output power in the mm-
essentially emerged thanks to the high time-domain precision becoming available in Wave mid- to high-bands.


ISSCC 2023 / SESSION 1 / PLENARY / 1.3
FDSOI CMOS technology combines best-in-class electrostatic behavior and that by 2026 the demand will exceed the supply also at nodes beyond 7nm, based on
attractiveness for both digital (28nm/22nm today, 10nm tomorrow), and analog/RF/mm- the required number of SoCs and FPGA chips. As acknowledged earlier, AI and in-car
Wave integration. Cut-off frequencies fT and fmax around 300GHz have been demonstrated entertainment domains are the main computational loads and the driver for much more
for the 28nm node [9], together with high-performance passive devices. advanced digital programmable platforms, relying on automotive-specific STCO taking
in all relevant technology and design features mentioned in the compute section above.
Further, GaN is a strong contender for medium to high output power wireless applications
Node scaling is much less important for power semiconductors – such as IGBTs – than
from low-frequency bands up to mm-Wave ones, as it combines high output power with
materials and process development. It is important to note that Silicon Carbide (SiC) and
a high energy efficiency. Applications include infrastructure (base stations), and cells
Gallium Nitride (GaN) are becoming more popular for power electronics in automotive
(small cells, picocells, and access points). Various flavours of GaN implementation exist
applications, as they can handle much higher voltages than silicon. In particular, SiC
and GaN-on-Si gains traction over the more expensive GaN-on-SiC technologies.
offers higher-speed switching which is of key importance for battery management.
Finally, InP allows increasing the wireless carrier frequencies in use, much above 100GHz Power-semiconductor manufacturers are setting up specialized fabs with dedicated
as the gains are higher than with other semiconductor technologies. HBTs and High equipment parks and power processes.
Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMT) have been demonstrated with fmax above 1THz. InP
PAs operating above 100GHz combine a high efficiency with an output power that beats 6. Chips Supporting Health
silicon-based (CMOS and BiCMOS SiGe) PAs such that their use in phased-array The European medical technology market, with an estimated size of more than 140 billion
transmitters leads to significant energy savings [8]. However, to scale to volume, InP EUR in 2020 [15], is one of Europe’s most diverse and innovative sectors, as
technology should be co-integrated with Si to add processing features that will benefit demonstrated by the number of filed patents [16] (see Figure 1.3.12). Silicon technology
system performance and integration. The cost effectiveness and performance/power has a tremendous potential to help transform healthcare. Combining silicon technology
consumption trade-off will be achieved with hybrid solutions, enabled by the availability with other technologies and system innovations will significantly improve healthcare
of both single-technology components and integration technologies. Moreover, the affordability, quality, and coverage. As advanced lithography enables the fabrication of
deployment of circuits that use III-V devices to the huge volumes that are expected for silicon features with similar dimensions as biology elements such as cells, antibodies
6G can benefit from the research on integration of III-V devices on 200mm or 300mm and DNA, CMOS technology is also expected to bring plenty of additional functionality
silicon wafers. Importantly, the heterogeneous nature of wireless communication, to healthcare devices.
consisting of a 2.5D or 3D combination of antennas as well as chips from dissimilar Although the industry has already been working for many years on a shift towards digital
materials and components in the package such as transmissions lines, heat spreaders, healthcare and remote patient care, the pandemic has accelerated this significantly. This
and so on poses a challenge for EDA tools, that should be able to co-simulate this blend would not have been possible without silicon innovations in low-power, highly integrated
of different circuits and components. and connected medical devices enabling at-home diagnostics, patient monitoring, and
Three of the recommendations for the EU Chips Act that emphasize the need for the full- point-of-care solutions which have been researched and developed in recent years.
stack innovation from leading European R&D actors [10] are: (i) support the complex Similarly, a growing industry interest exists in smart, connected implantable and
co-integration of mixed technologies by putting efforts into technologies that will help ingestible devices. Due to the extreme size and power constraints, success depends even
co-integration at wafer level or in advanced packaging to maximize efficiency of individual more on CMOS technology that can integrate ultra-low-power sensing, actuation, data
chips together into a single module, including the associated digital processes; (ii) analytics and connectivity into complex SoC and SiP solutions. Advanced medical
consider the system-level architecture for RF and mm-Wave systems that will make use imaging is another area that highly depends on specialized technologies.
of advanced semiconductor technologies in a holistic approach of the best line-up of a
However, the need for silicon technology is not limited to medical devices. Rapid DNA
complete module, from antenna to digital; hardware suitable for high-frequency bands
sequencing is having a big impact on human-disease therapies and personalized
equipment is a must-have, with embedded analog and digital signal processing; (iii)
medicine. The need for reliable, fast, and easily deployable large-scale DNA sequencing
networks will have to face complex partitioning for the expected wide variety of 6G
has been made very clear by the recent pandemic. Nanopore-based sequencers [17]
deployments which includes also satellite, device-to-device and vehicle-to-vehicle
have the potential to sequence the entire human genome quickly and reliably for less
communication, with an ever-increasing focus on distributed infrastructure and
than 100 USD, which can be further accelerated by co-integration of synthetic nanopores
disaggregation. Efforts must be put in considering together the impacts of these new
with advanced-node CMOS electronics. Such an approach can produce highly
architectures on RF and mm-Wave front-ends and their associated basebands to drive
parallelized, high-throughput, miniature, and portable DNA sequencing devices. Looking
semiconductor technologies to enable the large benefits of these concepts.
further into the future, advanced genomics and proteomics have even larger scaling
5. Chips on Wheels challenges. Especially for proteomics, the required dynamic range is orders-of-magnitude
The increased dependence of the automotive sector on semiconductors has recently larger due to the abundance of interfering proteins, thus requiring extremely high-
been painfully demonstrated: in 2021 the global production of vehicles was 79.1 million, throughput solutions.
but 9.5 million were delayed [11] due to increased lead times for the embedded
semiconductor components. The electronics content per vehicle increases steadily to Similar co-integration approaches are currently used to fabricate advanced CMOS multi-
further support and drive automation, electrification, digital connectivity, in-cabin electrode arrays (MEAs) for drug discovery in the pharmaceutical industry [18]. Such
entertainment, and security. To control, monitor and manage the myriad of systems in devices can significantly increase the throughput of in-vitro pre-clinical drug trials, thus
a car, manufacturers have developed Electronic Control Units (ECUs). These ECUs reducing the development time and cost (currently up to 15 years and >2 billion USD,
comprise at least one microcontroller and some other components, such as sensors, respectively) and increasing the success rate [19]. Moreover, advanced CMOS
connectivity, and discrete power. Each ECU module will house several chips and an functionality can also address the need for personalized medicine (cell and gene
average car will probably have close to 100 individual modules [12]. Because of the mix therapies, cancer treatments or antibiotics) by enabling profiling of individuals using
of sensors, mixed-signal and computational functions, advanced nodes and mature personalized electro-physiological fingerprints and organs-on-a-chip approaches [20].
nodes co-exist and are equally important for the automotive semiconductor market. The Another area where silicon technology can make a difference is in drug and vaccine
main driver for advanced technology nodes in future cars is AI, needed for autonomous manufacturing. Biological drugs (including vaccines) require the development and
driving [13] and in-car entertainment. upscaling of biomanufacturing processes. Quality control and on-line monitoring of the
bioprocesses is one of the major cost-driving factors in the manufacturing process.
The history of cost pressure has partly driven the use of mature nodes, as until recently Improving yield and reducing cost in biomanufacturing will require innovative closed-
output from depreciated fabs could meet the needs. Moving forward, either these loop sensing solutions. MEA chip solutions can monitor cell viability, important
functions will require redesign into more advanced nodes to move along with foundry metabolites, and environmental factors in real-time, and steer the process accordingly.
volume, or dedicated investments in these mature fabs will be required. Other industries All applications mentioned above require not only ICs, but also special materials,
with significant volume scaling, such as the smartphone industry, have seen a similar advanced microfluidics, surface chemistry, and biology. This offers the opportunity to
evolution for components that were traditionally implemented in mature or more exotic set up suitable multi-disciplinary pilot lines to accelerate innovation in these areas.
nodes. This has driven significant research and development on the design side,
especially for mixed-signal components and IP. In 2021 the share of the automotive Finally, just like in other industries, various medical-technology domains will eventually
semiconductor market was 8% of the global semiconductor market and this is expected face a big data problem. This is already apparent in DNA sequencing and will only be
to grow to about 14% by 2030. In Figure 1.3.11, it is seen that the automotive more apparent in next-generation sequencing and advanced genomics and proteomics
semiconductor markets will be multiplied by a factor 3 from 2020 to 2030 [14]. It is the [21]. Also, medical imaging is an area where AI-based analysis is getting a stronger
fastest growing segment, with almost twice the growth rate of the largest current market foothold. The performance requirements of these complex digital systems are extremely
segments (wireless communication and computing/data storage). ASIC design skills are high. Moreover, for many of the envisioned deployments, limited size and bounded
being built up across the industry, including OEMs and tier-1 companies, that start energy availability will make CMOS scaling even more needed. Hence, access to advanced
designing these components. It is interesting to point out recent estimates indicating technology nodes will be essential to meet those demanding specifications.

28 • 2023 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 978-1-6654-9016-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

ISSCC 2023 / February 20, 2023 / 10:40 AM
In all healthcare-related examples mentioned above there is a clear need to connect the M. Peeters, K. Philips, P. Vandenameele, A. Van den Bosch, N. Van Helleputte, M.
specifications and boundary conditions to the technology, and validate early prototypes Verhelst (imec), C. Reita (CEA/Leti) and P. Bressler (Fraunhofer). 1
with clinicians, patients, biotech companies and labs and other stakeholders. This is
an area where the connected pilot lines and the design platforms will make a huge References:
difference. [1] EC communication COM (2022) 45 “A Chips Act for Europe”, 8 Feb 2022
7. Talent design-and-verification-2022/
To be successful in realizing the full potential of the above technology and market [3] Garcia Bardon M. et al., “DTCO including Sustainability: Power-Performance-Area-
dynamics (and many more we could not address in the frame of this paper), an Cost-Environmental score (PPACE) Analysis for Logic Technologies”, IEDM 2020
interconnected set of actions will be required on the cloud-based use of IP and tools, [4] Mertens H. et al., “Forksheet FETs with Bottom Dielectric Isolation, Self-Aligned
on building a close encounter of system and technology, on getting the required Gate Cut, and Isolation between Adjacent Source-Drain Structures”, paper 23.1 at IEDM
financial support in place, and so on. But if there is one Achilles heel of such audacious 2022; Gupta M.K. et al., “A Comprehensive Study of Nanosheet and Forksheet SRAM
plans, it is the lack of talent. There are currently over 60,000 vacancies for electronics for Beyond N5 Node,” in IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 3819-3825,
engineers in Europe [22], while all of the above ambitions require highly skilled and Aug. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TED.2021.3088392.
well-trained individuals, and a lot of them. In Europe the number of students in science [5] Schuddinck P. et al., “PPAC of sheet-based CFET configurations for 4 track design
and engineering and technically oriented curricula is too low. The efforts to train the with 16nm metal pitch”, 2022 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology & Circuits; doi:
young talent in technology and design need a ramp-up on all fronts. The 10.1109/VLSITechnologyandCir46769.2022.9830492
EUROPRACTICE [23] program that enables circuit and system design for more than [6] Martin D., “Turning a million-qubit quantum computing dream into reality”, May
600 European university departments and research institutes asserts that close to half 10, 2022,
of the research teams innovate in mature technology nodes (130nm and higher), as
can be seen in Figure 1.3.13. This figure illustrates that there is a lot of innovation power
[7] Moursy Y. et al.,” A 0.021mm2 PVT-Aware Digital-Flow-Compatible Adaptive Back-
in the mature nodes, but also that design experiments in the leading-edge nodes from
Biasing Regulator with Scalable Drivers Achieving 450% Frequency Boosting and 30%
academia are underrepresented. Also, the typical ISSCC paper distribution reflects this
Power Reduction in 22nm FDSOI Technology”, 2021 IEEE Int’l Solid-State Circuits
large presence of innovative designs in the mature nodes, which can perfectly serve
the application domains where many university groups are focusing on, such as medical
[8] Strinati E.C. et al., “The Hardware Foundation of 6G: The NEW-6G Approach,” 2022
and even RF. The lack of academic activity in the most advanced technologies can also
Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit
be explained by 1) the fact that design platforms are difficult to access and to design in
for university teams; and 2) cost issues that do not allow moving towards silicon (EuCNC/6G Summit), 2022, pp. 423-428, doi:
validation. 10.1109/EuCNC/6GSummit54941.2022.9815700.
[9] Esfeh B.K. et al., “28 nm FD SOI Technology Platform RF FoM”, 2014 SOI-3D-
Access to self-learning material, tools, and multi-project wafer shuttles, also for Subthreshold Microelectronics Technology Unified Conference (S3S), 2014, pp. 1-3,
advanced technologies, is paramount in making sure the young graduates are ready doi: 10.1109/S3S.2014.7028208.
for industry. Also, efforts are ongoing in Europe to tightly interweave formal education [10] CEA-Leti, imec and Fraunhofer, “6G leadership through European Semiconductor
with industry experience, lifelong learning and international collaboration. Having the Technology and Design Pilot Platforms” (Position Paper)
most experienced designers in the industry engage in these programs is essential. The [11] CLEPA,
pilot line infrastructures, closely networked with the many advanced university nano- million-vehicles-in-2021-highlights-urgent-need-for-eu-chips-act/
labs, can attract new generations of engineers, materials scientists and physicists, and [12] Electronic Sourcing, “How many chips are in our cars?”, 4 May 2022,
inspire them to tackle the many challenges faced when developing new semiconductor
technologies, which in turn are key to develop a myriad of novel applications. [13] Reuters, “Samsung in talks with Tesla to make next-gen self-driving chips”, 23
The attractiveness of the professions related to the semiconductor industry suffers from Sept 2021,
the invisibility of the ever-shrinking electronic systems. To motivate the young with-tesla-make-next-gen-self-driving-chips-korea-economic-daily-2021-09-23/
generations, we must actively increase the awareness that our industry is key to help [14] ASML, “EU Chips Act – Position paper”, Feb 2022,
solve the important challenges of the 21st Century. We urgently need to get the message
across that climate, health, safety, and human connectedness all require adequate digital act/
backbones, if we want to stand a chance of attracting the right talent. [15] MedTech Europe, 2020, European IVD Market Statistics Report 2020. 2020 IVD
market size data is preliminary and is based on MedTech Europe Statistics Programmes
8. Conclusions
- Fitch Solutions, 2021, Worldwide Medical Devices Market Factbook 2020
With the paramount importance of semiconductors in our everyday life in mind, the EU
[16] MedTech Europe, “The European Medical Technology in figures – 2021”,
Chips Act aims at shoring up Europe’s position in the semiconductor value chain.
Semiconductor technology is diversifying and becoming application-specific, and a
growing number of segments of the semiconductor market will thrive on a symbiosis
[17] Feng Y. et al., “Nanopore-based fourth-generation DNA sequencing technology”,
between advanced and mature technology nodes. The pilot lines and design technology
Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics. 2015 Feb;13(1):4-16.
platforms that are at the core of ‘pillar one’ in the EU Chips Act enable an acceleration
[18] Müller J. et al., “High-resolution CMOS MEA platform to study neurons at
“from the lab to the fab”. Also, a clear strategy for making the whole industry more
sustainable will need to be adopted. To be successful in the market, full-stack innovation subcellular, cellular, and network levels”. Lab Chip. 2015 Jul 7;15(13):2767-80; and
involving the intimate interplay between deep technology insight, SoC architectures and Lopez C.M. et al., “A Multimodal CMOS MEA for High-Throughput Intracellular Action
innovation at the system level is essential. This paper illustrates this through the lens Potential Measurements and Impedance Spectroscopy in Drug-Screening Applications,”
of various application domains: (i) computing is becoming increasingly heterogeneous in IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 53, no. 11, pp. 3076-3086, Nov. 2018, doi:
and STCO will allow design excursions to obtain early insights into the circuit and 10.1109/JSSC.2018.2863952.
system impact; (ii) communication systems will see profound innovations involving
co-integration of mixed-signal and RF technologies and with the advent of 6G, networks CMOS.aspx/
will face an increasingly complex partitioning, while wireline communication drives the [19] Sun D. et al., “Why 90% of clinical drug development fails and how to improve
excursions in advanced nodes and integration of photonics; (iii) today chips and the it?” Acta Pharm. Sin. B. 2022 Jul;12(7):3049-3062.
embedded software define what age the car is and the need for advanced nodes will [20] Jodat Y.A. et al., “Human-Derived Organ-on-a-Chip for Personalized Drug
grow while deep semiconductor technology insight is essential for the OEMs; (iv) Development”. Curr. Pharm. Des. 2018;24(45):5471-5486.
healthcare is one of Europe’s most diverse and innovative market segments and it is [21] Zou Y. et al., “Parallel computing for genome sequence processing”, Briefings in
being disrupted through advances in semiconductor technology and design. Bioinformatics, Volume 22, Issue 5, September 2021.
[22] EC Staff Working Document 147, “A Chips Act for Europe”, May 2022
The innovation potential envisaged by Pillar One of the European Chips Act hinges on [23]; Hoofman R. et al., “Next Europractice eXtended
several key success factors: talent, IP access, a cloud-based design environment, and Technologies and Services”, presented at Smart Systems Integration; 13th Int’l Conf.
early access to novel technology features.
and Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems, 10-11 April 2019,
The authors acknowledge the support by R. De Keersmaecker in writing the paper and [24] Subramanian S. et al., “First Monolithic Integration of 3D Complementary FET
by C. Ringoet for the illustrations. We also acknowledge the input from F. Catthoor, J. (CFET) on 300mm Wafers”, 2020 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology,
Craninckx, K. De Greve, N. Horiguchi, A. M. Jagadeesa Das, C. Mora Lopez, P. Ossieur, doi:10.1109/VLSITechnology18217.2020.9265073.


ISSCC 2023 / SESSION 1 / PLENARY / 1.3

Figure 1.3.1: Europe can build on existing strengths like the unique position of certain
materials and equipment companies (e.g., ASML, SOITEC, ASM-I, ...), leadership Figure 1.3.2: Pillar one of the EU Chips Act combines design and system integration
positions in R&D on the industrial 300mm wafer standard (imec, CEA/Leti, infrastructure and an upscaling of advanced and leading-edge semiconductor
Fraunhofer), and existing ecosystems for chip manufacturing. technology pilot lines, allowing to demonstrate new system concepts.

Figure 1.3.3: A continuum of pilot-line maturity, going from immature process

technology, research PDK and basic functionality tests to facilities in industrial Figure 1.3.4: Pilot-line technology supported by design enablement, allowing to
setting that allow for first industrial deployment and risk production. explore advanced technologies in virtual prototyping.

Figure 1.3.6: An industry-grade pilot line infrastructure at RTOs supports the

Figure 1.3.5: In full-stack innovation, the needs and requirements dictated by the networked innovation model bringing the full value chain in close contact around
future applications are translated in design and architecture challenges and inspire generic, precompetitive challenges in technology development as well as in
technology innovations. innovation tracks focused on domain-specific devices, circuits, and systems.

30 • 2023 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 978-1-6654-9016-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

ISSCC 2023 / February 20, 2023 / 10:40 AM

10 nm
23 nm
Si Si
W Si Si TSi=5nm

SiN TiAl
SiO2 HfO2











Figure 1.3.8: TEM cross-section image of an NMOS forksheet device [4] (a) with
Figure 1.3.7: The semiconductor roadmap extends along several concurrent tracks bottom dielectric isolation, after replacement metal gate processing; and (b) TEM
that allow to co-optimize the circuit and system performance, power, area, and cost cross-section images of a CFET [24]: (left) bottom PMOS FinFET and (right) top NMOS
through the technology options delivered by dimensional scaling, device and material nanosheet FET in a CFET device. PMOS and NMOS have LG = 20nm, fin pitch = 45nm
innovations. and gate pitch = 90nm.

Figure 1.3.9: Heterogeneous integration, 3-D stacking and a rapidly evolving chiplet Figure 1.3.10: A comparison of the frequency performance of the major technologies
approach allow to build complex systems-on-chip. for the mm-Wave frequencies beyond 100 GHz, the high data-rate of 6G.

Figure 1.3.11: Analysis of the growth of advanced and mature nodes of semiconductor Figure 1.3.12: Top 10 technical fields in patent applications: number of patent
chips in automotive applications. applications filed with the European Patent Office in 2020.


ISSCC 2023 / SESSION 1 / PLENARY / 1.3

Figure 1.3.13: Distribution of technology nodes for the circuits fabricated through
EUROPRACTICE by European universities and research centers (2021 data).

32 • 2023 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 978-1-6654-9016-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

ISSCC 2023 / SESSION 1 / PLENARY / 1.4 ISSCC 2023 / February 20, 2023 / 11:15 AM
1.4 5G Drives Exponential Increase in Processing Needs Across secure connection to cloud compute resources, the image of the traditional industrial
all Industries robot in the shape of a giant arm reaching from the floor loses its validity. A cloud 1
powered robot can be manufactured at a fraction of the cost of one with embedded
intelligence, it can update its software on a daily basis, and it can learn from other robots
Erik Ekudden
that do not even need to be nearby. With sensors such as vision and hearing, the robot
can become both more exact, efficient, and safe. A cloud robot however still needs
Senior Vice President & Chief Technology Officer, Ericsson, Kista, Sweden
massive compute resources, but they can be shared with others through the cloud.

1. Introduction Personal mobility is another example of an area going through a massive transition,
The extreme development of semiconductor-based compute technologies has not much fueled by advanced connectivity. Vehicles can for instance collect and process
escaped anyone but the fact that mobile communications has followed a similar video feeds for updating a real-time digital twin of a city for use by other traffic, even
trajectory may be less obvious to most. Over five generations of mobile including bicycles [4]. Real-time maps including traffic flow can be constantly updated
communications, data rates, and capacity has improved with more than six orders-of- for navigation and traffic management. Pedestrian flows can be accurately monitored
magnitude, and this trend shows no signs of weakening. Mobile communications to optimize and manage public transportation, the opportunities are endless, and the
equipment (both infrastructure and devices) is among the most complex and advanced sustainability gains considerable.
electronics produced.
All the examples above, and of course many more, rely on advanced sensors, large
Mobile infrastructure goes far beyond being a means of just communications. It is also amounts of data, and advanced computing, driving the needs for evermore powerful
a platform for continuous innovation. The smartphone revolution would not have and energy efficient semiconductors.
happened without 4G LTE, and the industrial digitalization wave is very much fueled by
5G NR, and with the network compute fabric introduced with 6G, the possibilities are
essentially endless. 3. Optimized Semiconductors for Communication Infrastructure

Modern innovation in industry, services, and consumer products is very much driven 3.1 The Semiconductor Evolution
by connectivity, data, and intelligence. This paper intends to demonstrate how the rapid Across essentially all industrial sectors, advanced semiconductor technology is a key
evolution of mobile infrastructure fuels an as dramatic increase in computational needs enabler for innovations in customer offerings and internal efficiency. The increase in
not only in wireless infrastructure but also in applications. the value of data and the related push for AI are examples of forces that further increase
the demand for compute power and storage, which translates directly into more
1.1 The Mobile Network complex and powerful semiconductors. The exponential evolution, essentially following
A mobile communication network comprises of two main domains: the core network what is known as Moore’s Law [5] has provided large and continuous improvements
(CN) and the radio access network (RAN). The core network manages things like traffic in computational performance at constantly reduced cost. At a component level the
control, billing, and the communications contexts of all connected devices, effectively evolution has however not been linear but includes several stepwise changes.
hiding the mobility to any application. The radio access network is the fabric that
connects all cell towers and manages resources such as spectrum in a highly optimized During the 1980s and 1990s, often referred to as the Megahertz era, processor
manner. The design philosophy of modern networks is to offload as much complexity performance increased mainly through an increase of clock rate. However, the
as possible from the devices, for reasons of economy of scale, and reduced device diminishing returns of this linear development pushed for new approaches and around
costs and energy consumption. the turn of the century the industry entered the Multicore era, adding more and more
processing elements to systems. With this paradigm now facing challenges in scaling
With the ever-growing traffic, cellular networks move to higher frequencies to access and even physical distances on chips, we are now entering the Architecture era with
new frequency bands with more bandwidth. Higher frequency bands have shorter range application-specific computing and algorithmic acceleration as central elements.
which calls for more advanced antenna systems and denser deployments of radio base
stations and towers. This constant increase in management systems complexity and Heterogenous integration is an important tool in the Architecture era. Putting multiple
signal processing capacity drives a drastic increase in computing needs. tiles of silicon, each optimized for purpose and functionality will provide means for
further system scaling. This technology is not new but now there are forces pushing a
2. 5G as a Driver for Compute Needs potential multi-vendor chiplet ecosystem. A promising development is the newly started
Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express [6] . Heterogenous integration opens
2.1 Connectivity and Traffic opportunities to build systems in a package by combining silicon tiles designed in
The main challenge of the mobile communications industry is the exponential growth specialized technologies. An important example is combinations of analog and advanced
in traffic. The Ericsson Mobility Report [1] tracks, correlates, and projects the evolution digital tiles in the same package.
of traffic in mobile networks. Comparing the traffic volume with a normalized compute
index it becomes obvious that the collective compute power of a mobile 3.2 Communication Infrastructure Portfolio
communications network has this same exponential development. To add further to Ericsson’s portfolio [7] is focused on all aspects of mobile communications
the challenge, the wireless industry is committed to achieving this at a fixed energy infrastructure with its radio-near parts being the most computationally intense. To keep
budget. its technology leadership, Ericsson has done highly customized silicon for these
products for decades and radio access network processing is for this reason the focus
5G enables much higher data rates, lower latency, and higher reliability than 4G and its of this paper. Figure 1.4.2, shows an overview of the Ericsson network portfolio.
predecessors, but this is achieved through more advanced concepts. The radio-near
processing needs are essentially proportional to the bandwidth and the number of 3.3 Radio-Near Processing
antennas. For 4G LTE an advanced base station has two antennas and a carrier
To optimize the utilization of the limited resource of radio spectrum, radio access
bandwidth of some 20MHz. For 5G the numbers can be 64 and 100MHz, translating to
networks use massive amounts of signal processing to amplify, filter, shape, code, and
an increase in computational needs of roughly 160 times.
decode radio signals. Figure 1.4.3 shows the typical RAN processing functions with the
Deeper into the network, compute requirements grow more proportionally to transferred connection to the core network to the left and the antenna to the right. The differences
user data. Still the increase is significant as 5G-enabled devices offer up to two orders- between the transmitted and received signals drive differences in algorithms,
of-magnitude higher peak data rates together with much lower latency. An overview of processing, and analog implementation close to the antenna.
the distribution and increase of processing in 5G can be seen in Figure 1.4.1.
3.3.1 Ericsson Silicon
2.2 Innovation and Applications Ericsson has developed highly specialized silicon for many product generations but
5G is a key enabler for taking the next step in mobile communications, for humans as significantly increased investments in recent years. Ericsson Silicon [8] is a tailor-made
well as for machines. Catering for reliable, high-speed, and low-latency access to cloud family of advanced chipsets that integrates a mix of compute and signal processing
or other networked resources forms an extremely strong platform for driving innovation elements, high-speed shared and dedicated memory, digital logic accelerators,
[2]. switching fabrics, and key security technologies for both protocol acceleration and
hardware level intrusion protection. It is a modular architecture that scales across
Cloud robotics [3] is one example of an application that is taking its first steps on the Ericsson’s entire portfolio. Ericsson Silicon enables enhanced network performance,
factory floor but has mass market, consumer driven potential. With a reliable and highly shorter time from invention to customer, and highly optimized energy efficiency.


ISSCC 2023 / SESSION 1 / PLENARY / 1.4
3.3.2 The Analog Front-End tracking. Historically Moore’s Law has enabled this increase in compute, but how will
The analog front-end contains both receive and transmit functions with very different the industry address this need when Moore’s Law is slowing down?
challenges. In the receive signal path the wanted signal may be just a few microvolts
causing requirements on dynamic range with over 100dB to achieve the needed receiver Through the many engagements with other industries, it is clear to Ericsson that it will
sensitivity. In the transmit path the output power can be hundreds of watts with extreme not stand alone facing this challenge. The products of the future are connected,
requirements on power efficiency, spectral purity, and linearity. Given these intelligent, and have sensing capabilities. Massive amounts of data will be collected,
fundamentally different challenges, co-integration using the same semiconductor processed, and transported by vehicles, industrial equipment as well as consumer
technology is not trivial, and involves trade-offs related to speed and power capabilities. products. The race for evermore intelligent and connected products happens in close
As a result, cost-efficient heterogenous integration of semiconductor technologies are symbiosis with the equally rapid development of even more performant infrastructure.
becoming a growing area of importance for the industry.
Mobile communication is becoming a critical service for society in general, supporting
Apart from the plain analog functions, the front-end subsystem is also responsible for industrial production, power generation, healthcare etc. There are multiple examples of
conversion to and from the digital domain, typically at gigahertz sample rates. Given the enhanced sustainability driven by improved connectivity, including video conferencing
frequency band fragmentation below 10GHz, the need for flexible multiband front-end to reduce travel. The demands on the communication infrastructure will continue to grow,
architectures has pushed data converters to handle sampling at radio frequency while and the industry relies on semiconductor and computational system innovations.
still meeting very stringent performance requirements. As a result, adding advanced
correction processing to the converter subsystem is needed and represents a growing References:
field of research. All in all, this has pushed the data converter development to use leading- [1] [Online]
edge CMOS technologies and is another proof point that heterogeneous integration will [2]
gain importance. access-an-overview. [Online]
3.3.3 The Digital Front-End review/articles/cloud-robotics-5g-paves-the-way-for-mass-market-automation.
The digital front-end (DFE) processes the digitalized radio signal, shaping, and filtering [Online]
it to the communication standard’s requirements. Innovative concepts such as AI- [4]
assisted pre-distortion of transmit waveforms, dynamic resolution arithmetic, and innovation/5g-advanced-driver-assistance-systems-adas. [Online]
algorithm-specific accelerators are key to reaching the very tough requirements on [5] [Online]
energy budget as well as cost. Energy is important not only because of the cost of [6] [Online]
operation but also in terms of reliability and life span. [7] [Online]
[8] [Online]
Radios are in most cases tower-mounted outdoors and passive, convection-based [9]
cooling system is far more reliable and robust than one with moving parts. In addition ran-processing. [Online]
to a harsher environment the big challenge in the DFE domain is the increasing amount
of processing driven by the increased number of antennas times increased bandwidth.

3.3.4 Custom Processor Cores

Advanced radio concepts like antenna beamforming, MIMO, and AI-assisted modulation
schemes offer significant improvements in performance but also require massive
amounts of signal processing/compute resources.

Requirements on cost, size, and energy consumption exclude the use of off-the-shelf
processor chips which has led Ericsson to develop its own massively parallel DSP
processor architecture known as the Ericsson Many-Core Architecture (EMCA) [9]. The
EMCA architecture enables massive parallel processing of signals through a large pool
of DSP cores sharing a common low latency memory and a set of specific hardware

While EMCA is optimized for radio physical layer procession like FFT, FEC coding, and
beamforming. Higher protocol layers are typically handled using more traditional
processing architectures, albeit still optimized for the purpose. Packet processing in the
user plane can be relatively efficiently implemented on network-accelerated general-
purpose processing (GPP) cores. Due to the possibility of exposure of user data, all
digital parts of Ericsson silicon are protected with advanced and hardware-based
intrusion and compromise protection systems.

Going forward, the increased user data throughput, lower latency, and more complex
control structures is the main compute challenge in this domain. Further integration of
optics may support some performance increase as the interconnect part of the
networking solutions are becoming challenging.

4. Conclusion
In a 5G mobile network, more and wider antenna signal streams combined with more
advanced algorithms have significantly increased the compute demand in the mobile
network infrastructure. Advanced ASIC design with custom processor cores and
accelerators in the latest semiconductor technology combined with advanced packaging
has been Ericsson’s very successful recipe.

With 6G on the horizon, there is no doubt that the requirements on bandwidth, reliability,
security, sustainability, and cost will continue to grow exponentially. However, looking
ahead, keeping up with Moore’s Law just gets tougher and tougher.

In Figure 1.4.4 there is a correlation between the mobile network traffic growth and the
aggregated compute demand in mobile network infrastructure. So far there is good

34 • 2023 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 978-1-6654-9016-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

3.2 Communication Infrastructure Portfolio
ISSCC 2023 / February 20, 2023 / 11:15 AM
3.2 Communication Infrastructure Portfolio




Figure 1.4.1: 5G increase in compute. 3.3 OverviewRadio-Near

Figure 1.4.2: of Ericsson’sProcessing
network portfolio.
3.3 Radio-Near Processing

Figure 1.4.4: Mobile network traffic evolution in Exabytes per month, including
projection to 2027 (line) and total processing delivered to radio access networks [+],
scaled to traffic evolution. As can be seen, the RAN processing needs increase with
Figure 1.4.3: Radio access network processing chain. the mobile network traffic.


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