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3.1 Singly Reinforced Rectangular Sections

Consider the stress & strain distribution for a

rectangular cross section of singly reinforced concrete
beam shown below.
c f cd = 0.85f ck/c f cd

x C 0.8x C
D d
As s A sf s A sf s
b Simplified Stress
Cross section Strain Stress Distribution (EBCS-2)

Figure 3.1 Flexural Stress distribution in singly reinforced rectangular RC beam

In accordance with LSD method, at ULS of collapse:-

 εc approaches εcu = 0.0035
f yd
 The reinforcing steel shall yield first (  yd  Es )

 Ductility is ensured by means of under
 At balanced failure simultaneous failure of the two
materials (Concrete & Steel) occurs.
Let x b be the depth to the NA at balanced failure. From
the strain relation,
xb d  xb  cu * d
 cu

 yd  xb 
 cu   yd

 If x < x b  Steel yields first

 If x > x b  Crushing of concrete takes place
 FH = 0  Ts = CC  As fyd = 0.8 xb b fcd
Substituting for xb and simplifying,
0.8 *  cu f
b 
 cu   yd
* cd
f yd (a steel ratio for balanced

However, for ductility purpose the steel ratio ρ may
range b/n 0.75 ρb to 0.9 ρb, and in some cases as low as
0.5 ρ b in ACI code, but in EBCS-2 ductility is ensured
by keeping kx max = 0.448 for 0% redistribution or even
less for redistribution > 0% .

Rewriting the force equilibrium
byfcd = As fyd  b * 0.8x fcd = ρbd fyd

 Mc = 0  Md = As fyd (d - 0.4x)
Substituting the value of x and simplifying
Md = 0.8 bd2 fcd kx (1-0.4 kx)
When the above equation is solved for kx ,

where c 1 = 2.5 , c2 = 0.32fcd , kx max =

0.448 for 0% redistribution.
The section capacity for single reinforcement case may
be computed from  Mt = 0, when kx > kx max
 Mu = 0.8bx fcd (d-0.4x)
x = kx max d
= 0.8bd2 fcd kx max (1 -0.4 kx max)
If kx < kmax  0.8bd2 fcd kx(1 -0.4 kx )

Example 3.1.1

A simply supported beam spans 8m and is subjected to
a LL = 30 kN/m in addition to self weight. Materials C-
25, S-300, class I are used. If b = 250mm, determine the
depth required to satisfy singly reinforced section at
mid-span and the corresponding flexural

Depth for deflection:

Say D = 400mm
Load on beams: Dead load, gk = 0.4*0.25*25 = 2.5
Live load, qk = = 30 kN/m
Design load, d = 1.3DL + 1.6LL
= 1.3*2.5 + 1.6*30 = 51.25
Design constants:

C1 = 2.5 , C2 = 0.32fcd = 3.616 Mpa
Check depth: Md = 0.8bd2fcdkx(1 – 0.4kx)
kx = kxmax = 0.448 for 0% redistribution.

Revise using D = 800mm

pd = 51.25 + 1.3(0.8 – 0.4)*0.25*25 = 54.5 kN/m

 D = 724.3 + 60 = 784.3mm < 800mm 
 Use d = 800 - 60 = 740mm

= 0.424 < 0.448  Ok!

 As = bd = 0.015 * 250 * 740 = 2728 mm2
# 20 = = 8.7  use 920 in two rows.

1st row , d1’ = 25+6+10 = 41mm

d=740mm 2nd row , d2’ = 25+6+20+10+10 = 81mm

d’ =
d’ 58.8mm<60mmsafe!

Example 3.1.2 (analysis of singly reinf.rect.beam)

A tensile reinforced beam has b = 250mm and d =
500mm to the center of bars. If fy = 400MPa and C-30,
find the design flexural strength Md for (a) As = 224
bars (b) As = 432 bars.
Design strength of materials assuming class I work.
C-30 fck = = 13.6MPa.

fyk = fy = 400MPa fyd = = 348MPa

As = 2*


m=  32

250mm m

kx = m = (0.00724)(32) = 0.232 < kxmax(0.448) (steel is

Section capacity (flexural strength)
Md = 0.8bd2fcdkx(1-0.4kx)
Md = 0.8*250*5002*13.6*0.232*(1-0.4*0.232)*10-6
= 143.12kNm

d=500mm l = 32mm , s = 8mm(assumed)
d11= 32 + 8
d21= 32 + 8 + 32 + 32 +

32 45 45 32
d1 =

D  500 + 75 = 575mm

As = 4* = 3217mm2

= = 0.026

kx = m = 0.026 * 32 = 0.824 >> 0.448 (concrete is
Md = 0.8bd2fcdkxmax(1-0.4kxmax)
= 0.8*250*5002*13.6*0.448*(1-0.4*0.448)*10-6
= 250.05kNm.

Exercise 3.1.1
A singly reinforced rectangular beam made using
concrete of grade C-30 and steel of grade S-400 has
width b = 500mm and gross depth D = 600mm.
Determine the capacity of the section for flexure if the
tensile steel area is As = 5 30.

Exercise 3.1.2
A rectangular singly reinforced beam is to be designed
for dead load of 7.3 kN/m plus self weight and live load
of 17.5kN/m , with a 6.7m simple span material
strengths will be S-400 and C-25 for steel and concrete
respectively. The total beam depth must not exceed

600mm. calculate the required beam width and tensile
steel requirement.

Procedure in design.
- Assume b&d ( use deflection requirement )
D = d + cover + s +  (s = dia.of stirrup)
(l = dia. of long bars)
- with this D, find dead load and together with live load
determine Mmax.
- Find constants kxmax , m
-Find R (R = 0.8fcdkxmax(1-0.4kxmax))  d = , hence

new D = d + cover + s + 
- If new D is greater than the first D, use D slightly
larger than new D to find the dead load. Together with
live load determine Mnew.

- Find dnew =  Dnew = dnew + cover +s +

- If Dnew  Dold  D = Dold otherwise repeat your cycle.

- For Dnew  Dold , d = Dold-cover -s - 

3.2 Doubly Reinforced Rectangular Sections

If the depth of an RC beam is limited due to

architectural or other reasons the section may not have
sufficient compressive area of concrete to resist the
moment induced in it. In such cases the capacity of the
section can be increased by placing steel in the
compression zone to carry the additional compressive

Figure 3.2.1 Flexural Stress distribution in doubly reinforced rectangular RC beam

Assume that As1 & As2 are stressed to fyd.
Md = Mdc+ Mdsc
Where Muc is the BM carried by the concrete and
partial area of tensile steal.
Mdc = 0.8bd2 fcd k1 (1-0.4 k1)
In which k1 = kx max , the maximum steel ratio
corresponding to single reinforcement section in case
of design and

for the case of

Mdsc is the BM carried by compressive steel and the
corresponding tensile steel.
Mdsc = fyd (d-dc’)
The yielding of the compressive steel may be checked
from the strain relation as

Example 3.2.1 (Design of doubly reinf.rect.beam)

Solve example 3.1, when the depth D is 650mm and
b = 300mm

pd = 1.6LL + 1.3DL = 1.6*30 + 1.3* 0.65 * 0.3 * 25
= 54.3375 kN/m.

Section capacity
Mdc = 0.8bd2fcdkxmax(1-0.4kxmax)
kxmax = 0.448
Assume d1 = 60mm  d = 650-60 = 590mm.
Mdc = 0.8*300*5902*11.3*0.448(1-0.4*0.448)
= 347.14kNm < 437.70  the section has to be
doubly reinforced.
As1 =
Mdsc = Mdmax –Mdc = 434.70 - 347.14 = 87.56kNm.

As2 =

As = As1 + As2 = 2755 + 610 = 3365mm2

#  20 = = 10.72  use 1120 bars.

Compression bars:
Xmax = Kxmax d = 0.448*590 = 264.32mm.

sc =

sc = 0.00297  0.0030

yd =

Since sc> yd  compression bars have yielded.

fs1 = fyd As1 = As2 = 610mm2
# 20 =
20 comp. bars

6 stirrup
650mm 6 * 41  5 * 81
d'   59.2mm  60mm
20 tens. bars 11
 Safe and economical


Example 3.2.2
A rectangular concrete beam measures 300mm wide
and has an effective depth of 450mm. compression steel
consisting of two 24 is located 50mm from the
compression face of the beam. If C-30 and S-400 are
used, what is the design moment capacity of the beam
for the following alternative tensile steel areas?

(a) As = 330 in one layer, (b) As 430 in two layer, (c)
As = 630 in two layers? (Note check for yielding of
compression steel in each case)

Design strengths and constants.
C-30  fck =

S-400  fyk = 400MPa  fyd =


dc’ = 50mm 24 comp. bars

6 stirrup
d = 450mm As = 3*707 mm2 = 2121mm2
As’ = 2*452 mm2 = 904mm2
30 tens. bars


k1 =

k1 =

Mdc = 0.8bd2fcdk1(1-0.4k1)

= 0.8*300*4502*13.6*0.288(1-
= 168.43kNm.
Check yielding of compression reinforcement:
xmax = kxmaxd = 0.448*450 = 201.6mm

sc =

yd = comp. steel has yielded.

Mdsc = As1fyd(d-d
= 904*348*(450-50)*10-6
= 125.84kNm.
Moment capacity: Md = 168.43 + 125.84 =

Alternative method using design tables (singly

reinforced Sections)


Md = 0.8bd2fcd ρm(1-0.4 ρm)

Md Md 1
 As   *
∑Mc = 0 f yd (d  0.4 x) d x
f yd (1  0.4 )



1. Evaluate

2. Enter the general design Table No.1a using km and

concrete grade.
3. Read ks from the same Table corresponding to
steel grade and km.
4. Evaluate

Note: - In all cases

- Md is in KN-m
-b “ “ m
-d “ “ m

Cover to Reinforcements

 The concrete cover is the distance between the

outermost surface of reinforcement (usually
stirrups) and the nearest concrete surface.
 The thickness of cover required depends both upon
the exposure conditions and on the concrete quality.
 To transmit bond forces safely, and to ensure
adequate compaction, the concrete cover should
never be less than:
(a)  or n ( 40mm), or
(b) ( + 5mm) or (n + 5mm) if dg > 32mm
Where  = the diameter of the bar.
n = the equivalent diameter for a
dg = the largest nominal aggregate

Minimum cover

Type of
Mild Moderate Sever
Min. cover
15 25 50

Durability and control of crack width is related with

finishing and provision of adequate cover to
reinforcement. Nominal cover for structural elements
located in the interior of the building with dry
environment and mild condition is 15 mm, example
slab; humid environment with moderate exposure is 25
mm, example beam; severe environment is 50 mm,
example footing.

Spacing of Reinforcements
 The clear horizontal and vertical distance between
bars shall be at least equal to the largest of the
following values.
(a) 20 mm

(b) The diameter of the largest bar or effective
diameter of the bundle
(c) The maximum size of the aggregate dg plus
 Where bars are positioned in separate horizontal
layers, the bars in each layer should be located
vertically above each other and the space between
the resulting columns of the bars should permit the
passage of an internal vibrator.

Effective Span Length

 The effective span of a simply supported member
shall be taken as the lower of the following two
(a) The distance between the center line of
(b) The clear distance between the faces of supports
plus the effective depth.

 The effective span of a continuous element shall
normally be taken as the distance between the
center lines of the supports.
 For a cantilever, the effective span is taken to be its
length, measured from.
(a) The face of the supports, for an isolated, fixed
ended cantilever.
(b) The center line of the support for a cantilever
which forms the end of a continuous beam.

Effective Depth for deflection requirement

Deflection limits are assumed to be satisfied when

the minimum effective depth for a particular
member is

where fyk is equal to character strength of

reinforcement, Le is the effective span (the shorter
span in case of two way slab), is constant, a function
of restraints given below).

Table – values of

Member Simpl End Interior cantilev

e span span er
Beams 20 24 28 10
Span ratio 25 30 35 12
Span ratio 35 40 45 10
* For intermediate values – interpolation.

Preliminary Sizing of Beam Sections

Ideal values of span effective depth ratios,
recommended in the ISE manual for the preliminary
sizing of reinforced concrete beams are given in table
Support Simple End
Cantilever Continuous
conditions Support spans
manual 6 12 15 13.5



Reinforced concrete floors or roofs are monolithic and

hence, a part of the slab will act with the upper part of
the beam to resist longitudinal compression. The
resulting beam cross-section is, then, T-shaped
(inverted L), rather than rectangular with the slab
forming the beam flange where as part of the beam
projecting below the slab forms the web or stem.


Fig. 3.3.1

The T-sections provide a large concrete cross-sectional
area of the flange to resist the compressive force.
Hence, T-sections are very advantageous in simply
supported spans to resist large positive bending
moment, where as the inverted T-sections have the
added advantage in cantilever beam to resist negative

As the longitudinal compressive stress varies across the

flange width of same level, it is convenient in design to
make use of an effective flange width (may be smaller
than the actual width) which is considered to be
uniformly stressed.
Effective flange width (according to EBCS 2, 1995)
For interior beams T-sections

For edge beams inverted L- sections

where le – is the effective span length & bw is the width
of the web.

There are three distribution type of flexural behavior

of T-sections.
 When the T-section is subjected to –ve BM, and
tension is produced on the flange portion, it is
treated as a rectangular section with b = bw.
 When the T-section is subjected to +ve bending
moment and the equivalent compressive stress block
lies within the flange as shown below (y < h f), the
section can be analysed as rectangular with effective
width be.
 This case is a case of under reinforced condition or
large flange thickness, which can be confirmed first
by computing  (with b = be,  = As/(bed)) using
relation established for rectangular beams and
evaluate the NA depth, x = md. Compare y = 0.8x
with hf.

 When y > hf, the section acts as T-beam and hence
analysis accounting the T-geometry becomes
essential which is shown in the figure below.

be c f cd

hf 0.8x
x Cc

d' Ts

Cross section Strain Stress

Cross-section Design and Analysis


- Assuming b = be compute

and x = kx d
i) If y = 0.8x < hf , section is rectangular as
 As =

ii) If y > hf  T beam analysis is required.

As = ASf + Asw = + ρwbwd in which,

Mdf = (be-bw)hf fcd zf

Mdw = Md – Mdf
Asw = rw*bd

iii) When the flange is on the tension side, then the

cross- section is designed as if it were rectangular
with b = bw


, X = ρmd

i) If y = 0.8X<= hf  the section is analyzed as
rectangular with b = be.
Md = 0.8bed2fcd ρm (1-0.4 ρm)
ii) If y = 0.8X> hf  the section is analyzed as T-
Muf = (be-bw)hf fcd zf
ASf =
Asw = As - ASf
ρw =
Muw = 0.8bwd2fcd ρwm(1-0.4ρwm)
Mu = Muf +Muw

Example 4.1
The simply supported parallel T-beams sustain floor
system which span 7m and subjected to a total design
BM of 500kNm. The beams are spaced at 2000mm on
centerline. The other beam dimensions are h f = 800mm,

bw = 400mm, D = 400mm. Materials, fck = 20MPa; steel,
fyk = 300MPa and class I work. Determine the tensile
steel area required at mid-span of and interior beam.

A A fcd = 11.3Mpa
7m fyd = 260.87Mpa
M = 28.78
C1 = 2.5
C2 = 0.32fcd = 3.616MPa
2m 2m 2m



Section A-A

Check depth for deflection

Beam, d  (0.4 + 0.6*
Le = 7000
a = 20
d (0.4 + 0.6 * = 297.5mm
D  297.5 + 75 = 372.5mm <
For +ve BM flange is on compression side

 be = 1800mm
Since the BM is very large, assume two layers of 26
d1 = 26+8+26+13 = 73mm  75mm.
d = D-d’ = 400-75 = 325mm
Check T-beam (assuming b = be)

Kx = 0.5

= 0.5

= 0.336 < kxmax.

X = kxd = 0.336*325 = 109.23mm > hf
Mdf = (be-bw)hf fcd (d-hf/2)
= (1800-400)*80*11.3*(325-
= 360.70kNm.

Asf =

kw = Mdw = Md-


= 500-360.7

= 139.3kNm

Kw = = 0.443<0.448

(singly reinforced)
Asw =
As = Asf + Asw = 4852 + 2003 =

#26 = 12.93 say 13.
Use 13 26 bars in two layers.



400mm 1326


Example 4.2
For the T-section singly reinforced with high strength
steel (fy = 460 MPa) calculate the design moment
capacity of the section.
Assume the grade of concrete as c-30.



400mm 1224




Analysis: fyk = 460MPa  fyd = = 400MPa
C-30  fcd = 13.6MPa.

m= = 36.76
d = 120 + 400 = 520mm.
be = 1200mm
As = 12*452 = 5424mm2
 = = 0.008694.

X = md = 0.00869 * 36.76 * 520 = 166mm

Y = 0.8x = 0.8*166 = 133mm> 120mm
T-section analysis is required.
Mdf = (be-bw)hf fcd Zf
Zf = d- = 520- = 410mm
Mdf = (1200-350)*120*13.6*410*10-6
= 568.75kNm.
Asf = = 3468mm2

Asw = As-Asf = 5424-3468 = 1956mm2

w = = 0.01075

kw = mw = 36.76*0.01075 = 0.395<kxmax

Mdw = 0.8 bwd2 fcd kw (1-0.4kw)
= 0.8*350*5202*13.6*0.395*(1-0.4*0.395)*10-6
= 342.51kNm.
Md = Mdf + Mdw = 568.75 + 342.51
= 911.26kNm


5.1 The ULS Design of Beams for Shear

Beams are designed for flexure and then the influences

of other actions on its capacity are assumed.

The ULS of shear is characterized by either diagonal
compression failure of concrete or failure of the web
reinforcement due to diagonal tension.

When a beam is subjected to flexure and shear, the

shear resistance in the absence of shear reinforcement
is contributed by concrete compression zone,
mechanical interlock of aggregate at the crack and
dowel action of the longitudinal reinforcement. The
contributions of the later two are difficult to quantify.

Hence, the resistance to a diagonal tension is obtained

as the sum of the resistance of the web reinforcement
and the concrete section.

In checking this resistance, the critical section for

shear is assessed a distance d from the face of face of
support in the same way as in WSD method.

5.2 Design Criteria

(i) Only normal web reinforcement

When the shear force in a section does not exceed the

shear strength of the concrete vc, only nominal web
reinforcement need be provided.

Vc = 0.25 fctd K1 K2 bwd

Where: k1 = 1+50 ≤ 2.0
k2 = 1.6 – d ≥ 1.0, d is effective depth in m.
For members where more than 50%
of the bottom reinforcement is
curtailed, k2 = 1.0.
ρ= ≤ 0.02 (bw = the minimum
width of the web)
As = the area of the tensile reinforcement
anchored beyond the intersection of

the steel and the line of possible 45 0 crack
starting from the edge of the section.

lb,net lb,net Section considered

Vsd Vsd

d 45

As As Vsd

When Vsd < Vc, the section is adequate and provide

nominal web reinforcement specified by longitudinal
spacing as:

(a) All beams except joists of ribbed slabs, shall be

provided with at least the minimum web
reinforcement given by:

Where: fyk is in MPa

Av = Pair area of stirrups

s = Spacing in mm
bw = width of web

(b)The maximum spacing smax between stirrups, in

the longitudinal direction, shall be as given below.
smax = 0.5d ≤ 300mm if Vsd ≤
smax = 0.3d ≤ 200mm if Vsd >
(c) The transverse spacing of legs of stirrups shall not
exceed d, or 800mm, which ever is the smaller.

(ii) Limiting value of ultimate shear stress

In order to prevent diagonal compression failure in the

concrete the shear resistance (VRd) of a section shall
not be less than the applied shear force at d distance
from face of support (Vsd).
Where, VRd = 0.25fcdbwd
When Vsd > VRd, the section size must be increased.

(iii) Shear reinforcement

When Vc < Vd < VRd, shear reinforcement need be
; Av = pair area of

As Av
nAvf yd

When inclined bars are used,

Where:  = the angle of inclination from the


Example 5.1

A rectangular beam, is to be designed to carry a design
shear force of Vd = 100kN. The width of the beam is
300mm and is made using concrete fck = 20MPa, class I
work. It is flexurally reinforced with 220 at top and
320 at bottom which continued uninterrupted in to the
(a) Determine the minimum required depth when pair
legged stirrups of 8 c/c 250mm are used, and
(b) Determine the spacing of stirrups required when the
gross depth of the beam is 400mm, assume f yk =
300MPa for both types of reinforcement.
(c) Determine also min d below which the usage o RC
is not possible.
Design constants
fcd = fyd =

fctd =

(a) Vd = Vc + Vs = 0.25fctd K1K2bwd +

Assume K2 = 1.0, K1 = 1+ 50 *

100 * 10
Solving d = 488mm  k2 = 1.6-0.488 = 1.112
Revising K2 = 1.112
100*103 = 0.25 * 1.03 * 1.112 * (1 +

d = 455mm, k2 = 1.155.
Revising further d = 445
 D = 445 + 45 = 490
Use 300 x 490
(b) when D = 400
 d = 400-45 = 355mm
Vc = 0.25 * 1.03 * 1.44 * 1.245 * 300 *
355 * 10-3

Use  8 c/c 180mm

(c) Design for shear
VRd = 0.25fcdbwd = 0.25 * 11.3 * 300d 

 d  118mm


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