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 We use Past Continuous Tense to talk about actions that were in progress in the past.
I was sleeping at ten o’clock.

 We use it to talk about two actions that were in progress at the same time.
I was reading a book while she was sleeping.

 We also use it to talk about actions that were in progress and interrupted by another action in the
When he called me, I was cooking.

A) Choose the correct answer.

When-While I was making a cake, my husband was washing the dishes.

Mike was sleeping when-while I opened the door.

When-While I was swimming my friends were playing volleyball.

When-While Alan phoned me, I was having a shower.

My mother was drinking tea when-while I came home.

Our teacher was writing something on the board when-while somebody knocked at the door.

What were you doing when-while I phoned you?

When-While I saw her, she was having dinner with her boyfriend.

I wasn’t waiting for her when-while she came in.

We were ice-skating when-while Serkan broke his

B) Fill in the blanks with “WHEN” or “WHILE”.

I was doing my homework _________________________ my parents were watching TV.

_________________________ I broke the vase I felt very sorry.

John was waiting for somebody ______________________________ I saw him.

We were having breakfast _____________________________ the school bus came.

_______________________________ my father was cutting the trees my mother was cooking.

I washed my face __________________________ my brother was brushing his teeth.

___________________________________ Tina was knitting her grandchildren were watching TV.

What were they doing _____________________________________ you called them

C) Fill in the blanks with the verbs given.

Oktav _______________________ (do) his homework when we ____________________ (call) him

to go out.

We ______________________ (not-clean) the house when somebody ____________________

(knock) at the door.

The gardener ______________________ (pick) up the flowers when we _______________ (call)

him to come in.

What _____________you ________________ (do) when you _________________ (hear) she was

He ___________________________ (not-play) computer games while we ____________________

(do) our homework.

_________ you ___________________ (wash) your hair when I ____________________ (call) you
last night.

I __________________________ (tidy) my room when I ___________________ (find) my wallet.

What ___________ May _________________ (do) while you _______________ (sing) a song.

We ____________________________ (not-wait) for the bus when it _______________ (come).

Sue and Vicky ________________________ (draw) pictures when the teacher _________________
(warn) them.

When I _______________ (lose) my keys I ______________________________ (do) shopping.

When I _________________ (meet) my friends they _________________________ (drink) coffee.

Ben _______________________________ (feed) the dog when it _______________ (bite) him.

D) Rewrite the sentences with “WHEN” or “WHILE”.

I was combing my hair. My sister came in.

(When) __________________________________________________________________________
(While) __________________________________________________________________________

Michael painted the fences. John was planting some trees.

(When) __________________________________________________________________________
(While) __________________________________________________________________________

Tom was playing snowball. We saw him.

(When) __________________________________________________________________________
(While) __________________________________________________________________________

My mother was having a rest. We came home.

(When) __________________________________________________________________________
(While) __________________________________________________________________________

I was having an exam. The headmaster opened the door.

(When) __________________________________________________________________________
(While) __________________________________________________________________________

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